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Caridy Patiño
Bartender at Yahoo! Mojito Team
Principal Frontend Engineer at Yahoo!
Yahoo! Cocktails is a mobile application development
      platform based on open web standards.
A little bit of history...
The Twitter Tale
FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
Twitter launched a new version of the web
application that explicitly required javascript



      Runtime   FE Layer   CDN   API Layer
The problem?
  The app was sloooowwwww for
some users, specially mobile users.
Less than a year after, Twitter re-architected
 the infrastructure to get content upfront
The Problem
An Event Apart

FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
few types of mobile web applications
      that you can build today
WebViews + Web App


    Native            Web

     e wr
- Part of hybrid apps
- Based on WebViews*
- HTML, JS and CSS are bundled with app
- Can work offline
- Mimic native behavior
Browser based apps

- Pure web apps
- Require a browser
- HTML, JS and CSS are downloaded over HTTP
- Inherit the freedom of the Web
- Discoverability is inherited as well
Our Solution
Javascript Everywhere
Ryan Dahl: “Introduction to NodeJS”

Yahoo! hosted a BayJax meetup dedicated to NodeJS
                    May, 2010
YAF Client/Server Demo
A Javascript MVC Framework for mobile applications,
     focused on supporting multiple runtimes and
              customizating per context
Mojito Runtimes
Javascript Runtimes
A runtime is a web engine container that can run a web
       application in a form of HTML, JS and CSS
A mobile browser, a webview and phonegap are
            examples of runtimes
Windows 8 has 4 runtimes:

- IE Start Screen Mode (Formerly known as Metro)
- IE Desktop Mode
- WebView (within Native Windows 8 App)
- Native Windows Runtime (Windows Store apps)

Runtimes allow us to run the same web app
           in different contexts
Every runtime has its own characteristics, features and
                   security models
Developing for a single runtime is not
longer an option for most products
Optimization & Adaptation
Optimization is about customizing the
way your app behaves per runtime, it is
about producing the right HTML, JS and
           CSS per runtime
Adaptation is about customizing the
UI per screen size, per connection
 speed, per feature detection, etc.
the race is just starting
A Javascript MVC Framework for mobile applications!


  MVC framework making it easy to write realtime,
collaborative applications that run in both Node.js and

“It's agnostic to how requests are routed, which templating
     language you use or even if you render your HTML
                 on the client or the server”

FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
Backbone on the Client and Server
Mojito Today
FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
// Mojito 101

$   npm install mojito@0.5.4 -g
$   mojito version
$   mojito create app demo
$   cd ./demo
$   mojito create mojit foo
$   mojito start --context ”environment:dev”
$   curl http://localhost:8666/@foo/index
// Mojito 101 (second part)

$   mojito   build html5app ./
$   mojito   jslint app . -p
$   mojito   test app . --coverage
$   mojito   docs app ./
$   mojito   info ./
$   mojito   help
Current versions:
- mojito@0.5.4
- yui@3.8.1
One last thing...

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Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Em...
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20240704 QFM023 Engineering Leadership Reading List June 2024
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