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HTML5 & the
future today
of the web
Hello. We are John
and Nathan. Here is
a bit of background
about each of us...
John Dyer

                              =                          +
 Master of Theology
Dallas Theological Seminary       Desktop OS = Windows        Mobile = iOS

Nathan Smith

  Master of Divinity
Asbury Theological Seminary         Desktop OS = Mac         Mobile = Android
What we have in common: We
are both web developers who
want to see the “Big-C” church
better utilize web technologies.

We also both    JavaScript :)

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ePub 3, HTML 5 & CSS 3 (+ Fixed-Layout)
ePub 3, HTML 5 & CSS 3 (+ Fixed-Layout)ePub 3, HTML 5 & CSS 3 (+ Fixed-Layout)
ePub 3, HTML 5 & CSS 3 (+ Fixed-Layout)

The document discusses the differences between ePub 2 and ePub 3 formats. ePub 3 includes new features such as support for HTML5, CSS3, SVG, audio and video, JavaScript, and alternative navigation documents. It also describes layout types in ePub including reflowable and fixed layout. Fixed layout does not reflow content to fit different screens and may require metadata for proper display on devices.

HTML5 Semantics, Accessibility & Forms [Carsonified HTML5 Online Conference]
HTML5 Semantics, Accessibility & Forms [Carsonified HTML5 Online Conference]HTML5 Semantics, Accessibility & Forms [Carsonified HTML5 Online Conference]
HTML5 Semantics, Accessibility & Forms [Carsonified HTML5 Online Conference]

This document discusses HTML5 semantics, accessibility, and forms. It begins with an overview of HTML5 and its new semantic elements like section, article, header, footer, nav, aside, figure, and details. It also covers new form elements and adjustments to existing elements like b, i, em, strong, small, cite, menu, and hr. The document provides examples and illustrations of how to properly use these new and updated elements to improve semantics, accessibility, and organization of content.

web standardsweb designsemantics
How to make Ajax work for you
How to make Ajax work for youHow to make Ajax work for you
How to make Ajax work for you

The document discusses Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) and how it can be used to retrieve data from a server without reloading the entire web page. It provides an overview of Ajax fundamentals including the XMLHttpRequest object, DOM manipulation, and different data transport options. It also recommends using a JavaScript library to simplify making Ajax requests instead of writing raw XMLHttpRequest code.

So, what is HTML5? It is the
newest version of HTML. But
also a phrase for everything
cool + new on the web. Not
all that’s labeled HTML5 *is*
HTML5. But that’s okay...
New Hotness!
HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript
Apple likes HTML5
Google likes HTML5

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HTML 5 & CSS 3
HTML 5 & CSS 3HTML 5 & CSS 3
HTML 5 & CSS 3

An introduction to the new features brought by HTML 5 and CSS 3. Slides from my presentation at the May 2010 Kabisa Knowledge Session.

html5web developmentcss3
HTML5 Smart Markup for Smarter Websites [FoWD NYC 2011]
HTML5 Smart Markup for Smarter Websites [FoWD NYC 2011]HTML5 Smart Markup for Smarter Websites [FoWD NYC 2011]
HTML5 Smart Markup for Smarter Websites [FoWD NYC 2011]

Everyone’s going gaga over HTML5 and the plethora of how-tos and demos available on the web are inspirational, but often leave us with more questions than answers. In this session, Aaron Gustafson will focus his attention on HTML5 as a markup language, provide you with a solid context for its enhanced semantics, and show you simple, effective ways you can put it to use on your site today.

Html 5 in a big nutshell
Html 5 in a big nutshellHtml 5 in a big nutshell
Html 5 in a big nutshell

HTML 5 is a new version of HTML that is still being developed. It aims to evolve HTML instead of reinventing it. Key features include new form elements, input types, semantic elements, APIs for offline apps, and standardized video and audio embedding. Browser support is growing but the specification may not be finalized until 2022. However, many features are already implemented and can be used today through emulation if needed.

Mozilla (Firefox) likes HTML5
Opera likes HTML5
Last (but not least) – Microsoft likes HTML5

is terse

Recommended for you

Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5

HTML5 introduces new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article> that help provide more meaning to the structure of content compared to non-semantic divisions. It allows for clearer outlines of content and separation of concerns between content, structure and presentation. While the benefits of semantic HTML5 may not be immediately visible, it can help future-proof websites and provide more accessibility for assistive technologies.

HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 1
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 1HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 1
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 1

Mobile applications are evolving to leverage HTML5 and rich web technologies. While native mobile applications currently have advantages in terms of performance and access to device features, HTML5 allows building applications that work across mobile devices and platforms using web standards. Frameworks like jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch demonstrate how to build mobile-optimized interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML5 applications have the potential for broader reach and less development effort compared to building separate native apps, though performance compromises remain versus truly native apps.

HTML5: The Next Internet Goldrush
HTML5: The Next Internet GoldrushHTML5: The Next Internet Goldrush
HTML5: The Next Internet Goldrush

This HTML5 presentation--delivered at the Society for Technical Communication (STC) in May and again in August 2011--provides a high level overview of HTML5 and discusses the impact that HTML5 will have on Technical Communication.

technical communicationstchtml5
Simplified doctype declaration

<!DOCTYPE html>

XHTML 1.0 Transitional
1.0 Transitional//EN" "
Simplified JavaScript embedding

 // Code here.

XHTML 1.0 Transitional
<script type="text/javascript">
 /* <![CDATA[ */
 // Code here.
 /* ]]> */
Simplified embedded styles

 // Code here.

XHTML 1.0 Transitional
<style type="text/css">
 // Code here.
Simplified stylesheet linking

<link rel="stylesheet" href="file.css" />

XHTML 1.0 Transitional
<link rel="stylesheet" href="file.css"
type="text/css" media="all" />

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Building mobile applications with DrupalGap
Building mobile applications with DrupalGapBuilding mobile applications with DrupalGap
Building mobile applications with DrupalGap

DrupalGap allows developers to create mobile applications that connect to Drupal websites via web services. It uses PhoneGap and Apache Cordova to package HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into native iOS and Android apps. DrupalGap inherits Drupal concepts like modules, blocks, menus, pages, and views, and it can be extended with contrib modules and custom functionality through services and plugins. Developers need knowledge of JavaScript, Drupal modules, and mobile app development to use DrupalGap.

drupalgapcordovamobile application
HTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input Validation
HTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input ValidationHTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input Validation
HTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input Validation

Todd Anglin gave a presentation on HTML5 forms and input types. He discussed the new input types available like email, url, number and date/time. He demonstrated how to use these new input types and attributes like placeholder, required and pattern. Anglin also covered customizing the browser rendered inputs using shadow DOM and styling validation states with CSS. For older browsers without native support, he recommended polyfilling the new functionality with JavaScript.

Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5

The document is a presentation on HTML5 that covers: - What HTML5 is and why to use it - New HTML5 structural elements, forms, multimedia elements, and JavaScript APIs - Demonstrations of HTML5 features like Canvas, SVG, Geolocation, Web Workers, and Web Sockets - How CSS3 enhances HTML5 with features like media queries, colors, animations and more - Strategies for implementing HTML5 into websites while maintaining compatibility

New tags
in HTML5


<aside>        <div class=”content”>

<figure>       <article>

 <img />

<figcaption>     <hgroup>

<details>        <p>


But the aforementioned tags
don’t work well in Internet
Explorer (IE8 and older).

To make IE behave, you
can use an “HTML5 shim”
JavaScript library...
... but this requires extra code and adds a bit
of fragility to your site (IE breaks w/ JS off).

The up-side is improved semantic richness. In
practicality though, there are not (yet) any
tangible SEO or accessibility gains to be had.

Given the trade-offs involved, and lack of
tangible benefit, we’d recommend continuing
to use <div> with “HTML5” class names...

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HTML5, just another presentation :)
HTML5, just another presentation :)HTML5, just another presentation :)
HTML5, just another presentation :)

I based my presention on the great "HTML5 for Web designers" by Jeremy Keith. Awesome and pragmatic book, the way I like it. Get your copy on:

Killing the Angle Bracket
Killing the Angle BracketKilling the Angle Bracket
Killing the Angle Bracket

Sooner or later we all have to work with HTML, despite its verbosity. Those of us who claim to love HTML may just be victims of Stockholm Syndrome, both praising yet secretly loathing it. Basho designer John Newman is making the trek from the swamps of Florida to show us the way. In the modern world of markup preprocessors, these alternative syntaxes allow you to write simpler, cleaner, more concise code in a shorter amount of time. Certain techniques can even allow your team members who may be less-tech-savvy to contribute content directly without forcing you to wire up a WYSIWYG style CMS. This talk explores great alternatives to plain HTML and CSS, and covers how Basho put these tools together to facilitate a painless, team-oriented approach to building sites and web apps.

jQuery UI and Plugins
jQuery UI and PluginsjQuery UI and Plugins
jQuery UI and Plugins

This document discusses jQuery UI and plugins. It provides an overview of jQuery UI classes that can be used to style elements. It also demonstrates several common jQuery UI widgets like buttons, accordions, dialogs, and tabs. The document discusses jQuery UI effects for animations and transitions. It provides tips for identifying good plugins based on aspects like their API, documentation, support, and community. Overall, the document is an introduction to using jQuery UI and evaluating jQuery plugins.

pluginsthemerollercss framework
<div class=”header”>

<div class=”nav”>

<div class=”aside”>        <div class=”content”>

<div class=”figure”>       <div class=”article”>

 <img />
                            <div class=”section”>

<div class=”figcaption”>     <div class=”hgroup”>

<div class=”details”>        <p>
 <div class=”summary”>

                            <div class=”section”>
                             <div class=”dialog”>

<div class=”footer”>
... that way, you are writing code with the
“semantics” of the new HTML5 tags, without
the headaches of worrying about legacy
browser support. Then, one great day when
IE8 no longer has significant market-share,
you can “flip the switch” so to speak.

Now that we’ve got those tags out of the
way, let’s talk about the fun parts of HTML5.
     + <svg>
Though SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
pre-dates HTML5, it is finally viable now
that IE9 supports it. This means all major
browsers will support SVG and canvas.
We won’t cover <svg> or <canvas> in
        detail during this talk, but two helpful
        JavaScript libraries are worth noting...
Raphaël (SVG) – Dmitry Baranovskiy   Processing JS (Canvas) – John Resig


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HTML 5 - Overview
HTML 5 - OverviewHTML 5 - Overview
HTML 5 - Overview

HTML 5 is the latest version of the HTML standard. It includes several new elements and features to improve structure and behavior. Some key changes include new semantic elements like <article>, <aside>, <header>, and <footer>; built-in support for audio and video; the <canvas> element for drawing graphics; and forms with new input types. HTML 5 aims to simplify HTML and separate structure and presentation, making code cleaner and pages more accessible. It is developed jointly by the WHATWG and W3C organizations.

Html5 Brown Bag
Html5 Brown BagHtml5 Brown Bag
Html5 Brown Bag

The document discusses HTML5 and its advantages over previous standards. Key points include: - Major tech companies support HTML5 as the future of the web. - HTML5 offers new forms capabilities, native multimedia, and features that are usable now like canvas, geolocation, and semantic elements. - The HTML5 doctype is simpler than previous standards. Form controls and semantic elements are introduced. - Polyfills and other techniques can provide fallback support for older browsers that do not yet support HTML5 features.

HTML5--The 30,000' View (A fast-paced overview of HTML5)
HTML5--The 30,000' View (A fast-paced overview of HTML5)HTML5--The 30,000' View (A fast-paced overview of HTML5)
HTML5--The 30,000' View (A fast-paced overview of HTML5)

A fast-paced overview of HTML5. Topics include: -What is HTML5? -History of HTML5 -WHATWG and W3C specifications -What is part of HTML5? -Using HTML5 Today -Using HTML5 in browsers that do not support it -Detecting native availability of HTML5 features

html5 communicationhtml5 web workershtml5
SVG is like construction paper. Layers retain
distinct shapes. SVG files can live without JS.

Canvas is like a whiteboard drawing. No layers.
Note: Canvas only works in the browser via JS.

Canvas demos –
New <form> elements
<input type="checkbox" />           HTML4,
<input type="file" />               XHTML
<input type="radio" />              (and HTML5)
<input type="text" />
... etc.
                    <input   type="date" />
                    <input   type="datetime" />
                    <input   type="email" />
                    <input   type="month" />
    New in          <input   type="number" />
    HTML5           <input   type="range" />
                    <input   type="tel" />
                    <input   type="time" />
                    <input   type="url" />

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HTML5 JavaScript APIs
HTML5 JavaScript APIsHTML5 JavaScript APIs
HTML5 JavaScript APIs

HTML5 is all the rage with the cool kids, and although there's a lot of focus on the new language, there's lots of interesting new JavaScript APIs both in the HTML5 spec and separated out. This presentation will take you through demos and code behind the new JavaScript APIs, and explore where these features can be used

html5 jsconf jsconfeu
HTML5 for PHP Developers - IPC
HTML5 for PHP Developers - IPCHTML5 for PHP Developers - IPC
HTML5 for PHP Developers - IPC

This document discusses HTML5 features and how they relate to PHP development. It begins by noting that HTML5 moves from documents to applications and from hacks to solutions. It then discusses how technologies like Ajax, Comet, and real-time updates have led to a change where content is less important than context and applications like Facebook and Twitter are really applications, not just pages. The document outlines several new HTML5 features like WebSockets, Web Workers, offline applications, geolocation, drag and drop, and the file API. It argues that more logic will move to the client and browsers with these features. The summary concludes that HTML5 is part of a new application framework and that PHP developers will need to learn JavaScript to

HTML5 on mobile
HTML5 on mobileHTML5 on mobile
HTML5 on mobile

왜 모바일에서 HTML5 가 중요한지, 현재 모바일 환경에서의 HTML5 지원은 어느 수준에 와있는지를 알아본다. 그리고, HTML5 를 이용한 모바일 웹 애플리케이션 개발이 어떻게 이루어지는지에 대해 소개한다.

All form elements – in Opera
Adaptive HTML5 keyboards on mobile devices

Example –

 iOS – Home screen app icon.      iOS – No browser chrome.       Android – Browser chrome
<link rel=”apple-touch-icon” />   Status bar color can be set.   always present. Caching only.

Recommended for you

Introduction to Html5
Introduction to Html5Introduction to Html5
Introduction to Html5

HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web. it is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML4 as of 1997) and as of February 2012 is still under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.). It improves interoperability and reduces development costs by making precise rules on how to handle all HTML elements, and how to recover from errors

htmlhtml5web development
HTML5 Essentials
HTML5 EssentialsHTML5 Essentials
HTML5 Essentials

The document summarizes new features in HTML5 including less header code needed, more semantic HTML tags, media tags for embedding video and audio, geolocation capabilities, the canvas element for drawing, new input types for forms, drag and drop, local storage, cross-domain messaging, web sockets, and the eventual ability to do 3D graphics with canvas. It provides examples and explanations of how to use many of these new features.

HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the WebHTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web

These are the slides from my presentation at Barcamp Bournemouth on HTML5 canvas and why I believe it is the future of graphics on the Web.

Making an HTML5 “app” is pretty easy
*.manifest lets you store files offline
PhoneGap helps HTML5 power “native” apps


Recommended for you

Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScriptBuilding Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

Michael Mullany presented about Sencha Touch HTML5 mobile web applications at Silicon Valley User Group in April 2011.

JavaScript & HTML5 - Brave New World
JavaScript & HTML5 - Brave New WorldJavaScript & HTML5 - Brave New World
JavaScript & HTML5 - Brave New World

This document provides an overview of JavaScript and HTML5 capabilities including: - Canvas element for drawing - Video element for playing video files - Geolocation API to detect user location - Local and session storage for browser data - PostMessage API for cross-window communication It discusses JavaScript language features like variables, functions, and scope and shows examples of working with the DOM, events, and extending native objects. The document is an introduction to modern web technologies enabled by JavaScript and HTML5.

課程名稱:八屏一雲時代來臨 教你HTML5六小時打通(1)
課程名稱:八屏一雲時代來臨 教你HTML5六小時打通(1)課程名稱:八屏一雲時代來臨 教你HTML5六小時打通(1)
課程名稱:八屏一雲時代來臨 教你HTML5六小時打通(1)

學習 HTML5 應用程式的第一課: 建立 UI 與學習 JavaScript。本課程由鴻海集團贊助,全程免費,深入淺出、六個小時入門 HTML5。

HTML5’s (experimental) JavaScript APIs

Desktop Features           Browser Database
– Drag and drop            – Web SQL
– Live notifications        – IndexedDB

Much Much More!             Cool! But not
– document.querySelector    (yet) ready for
– Geolocation
– localStorage                prime-time.
– Web workers
How do we make
it work reliably?
Flash was the most
reliable way to play
video on the web.

Roughly 99% of
all desktops have
Flash player.

iPhone/iPad don’t.
They do support
HTML5 <video>

H.264 = Money
Figuratively + Literally... It’s the
most widely supported format.
But licensing costs browser
makers $5 million a year.

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Evaluating Websites
Evaluating WebsitesEvaluating Websites
Evaluating Websites

Students need help learning that just because it came from Google doesn't make it factual. This is a powerpoint lesson that reviews how to evaluate a website. It is used in conjunction with live examples, Nettrekker, and a rubric activity for evaluating websites.

Web comparison
Web comparisonWeb comparison
Web comparison

This document compares Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Web 1.0 focused on basic informative content with no interactivity between providers and consumers. Web 2.0 introduced advanced technologies like wikis, blogs, and social networking that allowed users to publish their own content. Web 3.0, known as the Semantic Web, aims to help computers analyze complex questions and organize all possible answers by telling machines how to deliver huge amounts of data in a usable way. The comparison table outlines key differences such as read/write abilities, individual versus community focus, and advertising models.

Html structure
Html structureHtml structure
Html structure

The document provides code snippets for HTML tags and CSS classes used to structure pages and components. It includes HTML for page containers, headers, breadcrumbs, left widgets, and content areas. It also includes common CSS classes for styling text, positioning, spacing and more. Finally, it outlines best practices for organizing CSS/JS files and setting image paths.

H.264 support in the “Big-5”

      Internet Explorer 9             Google Chrome           Safari


                            Firefox                   Opera
Ogg = “Ugh!”
Nobody wants to re-encode
countless hours of video so
Firefox & Opera can play it.
– And have it look sub-par.

From: Google, Mozilla, Adobe.
Looks great. Is open source.
IE9 is on the fence. It doesn’t
(yet) work on mobile devices.

1 file to rule them all...
H.264 via HTML5 with a fallback
to Flash or Silverlight (playing the
same file) if the browser cannot
play H.264 natively via <video>.


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The Worst Website Ever - Case Study Lings Cars
The Worst Website Ever - Case Study Lings CarsThe Worst Website Ever - Case Study Lings Cars
The Worst Website Ever - Case Study Lings Cars

Case Study strony - wyglądającej fatalnie witryny, która mimo wszystko ma świetne usability. No i przynosi miliony funtów przychodu.

new way rocksmarcin kosedowskilings cars
Websites: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Websites: The Good, the Bad and the UglyWebsites: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Websites: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

This document summarizes Ted Hart's presentation on websites. Some key points: - Ted Hart is a CEO and author who discusses nonprofit websites and strategies. - Research shows the first 10 seconds on a webpage are critical for users to stay or leave. Websites should clearly display their name, logo, mission and provide easy access to social media and donation options. - Effective websites have photos of people, not just buildings, and eliminate scrolling by placing important content above the fold. - Websites also need to work on mobile and load quickly with large tap targets and navigation. - The presentation concludes with a call for participants to review websites and provide feedback.

CBSE Grade12, Computer Science, Sample Question Paper
CBSE Grade12, Computer Science, Sample Question PaperCBSE Grade12, Computer Science, Sample Question Paper
CBSE Grade12, Computer Science, Sample Question Paper

The document contains a sample question paper for CBSE Grade 12 Computer Science exam. It includes multiple choice, short answer and long answer questions on topics like C++ programming, object oriented concepts, data structures, databases and computer networks. Some questions ask to write C++ code for tasks like defining classes, sorting arrays, implementing stacks. Others involve evaluating C++ code snippets, answering conceptual questions, writing SQL queries and solving problems on Boolean algebra and logic circuits.

grade 12cbsecomputer science
Native <video> UI controls





CSS styled video controls –
JavaScript <video> libraries

not HTML5
but is still

Recommended for you

What is hot on the web right now - A W3C perspective
What is hot on the web right now - A W3C perspectiveWhat is hot on the web right now - A W3C perspective
What is hot on the web right now - A W3C perspective

HTTP and HTML and the Web itself enter their third decade of existence. Still, the Web continues to transform human communication, information sharing, commerce, education, and entertainment. Social networking, cloud computing, and the convergence of Web, television, video and online gaming are among the phenomena stretching the Web in exciting new directions. In this talk, Armin will present what the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), overlooking and steering the development of new Web standards is up to for the third decade of the Web. The W3C community is building an Open Web Platform that will enable the Web to grow and foster future innovation. This presentation present technology highlights of 2011 for advancing the Web platform. Focus topics of this talk will be the new HTML5 standard, the Data for Web Applications initiative which includes the next generation of RDF, and standards that allow people to create Semantic Web enabled Web Apps that have access to data from a variety of sources, including data-in-documents (RDFa) and data-from-databases (W3C's RDB2RDF).

open web platformhtml5semantic web
Magento 2 - An Intro to a Modern PHP-Based System - ZendCon 2015
Magento 2 - An Intro to a Modern PHP-Based System - ZendCon 2015Magento 2 - An Intro to a Modern PHP-Based System - ZendCon 2015
Magento 2 - An Intro to a Modern PHP-Based System - ZendCon 2015

Newly updated version of my Magento 2 intro talk - make sure to refer to this one, not the older ones! Over 200,000 companies use the Magento 1 platform to power their eCommerce needs. So when they set out to build a major new version, the Magento team had significant pressure to deliver a modern, well-designed PHP-based system. Pulling in some of the best of the PHP world through tools like Composer, phpunit and more, I believe they met that goal. In this talk, we’ll take a look at the design and architecture of Magento 2, including it’s use of dependency injections, interceptors and service contracts to provide numerous ways for developers to extend and customize the system. Presented at ZendCon 2015.

magentomagento 2magento2
Html5 structure & semantic
Html5 structure & semanticHtml5 structure & semantic
Html5 structure & semantic

This document discusses the structure and semantic elements in HTML5. It describes elements such as <section>, <header>, <article>, and <nav> that define different sections of a web page. It also covers inline elements like <mark> and <time> as well as embedded media elements <audio> and <video>. Finally, it discusses interactive elements such as <details> and <menu> and concludes with a demonstration of HTML5 structure and semantics.

CSS3 gradients
.gradient {
  background: #eee url(gradient.png) repeat-x;

    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top,
                 left bottom,
                 color-stop(0, #fff),
                 color-stop(1, #eee));

    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top center,
                 #fff 0%,
                 #eee 100%);

The first declaration works in all browsers. The second is for
Safari and Google Chrome, which both use the WebKit
rendering engine. The last is for Firefox (Mozilla prefix).

Tip: Crop gradient images from a screenshot of a CSS3
page render. Ensures visual consistency and saves work.
CSS3 box-shadow
.drop_shadow {
    -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px;

    -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px;

    box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px;

The first declaration is for Safari and Chrome. The second is
for Firefox. The third is for all browsers, which will eventually
support box-shadow without a prefix.

Currently: Opera and IE9 support it.
CSS3 border-radius
.rounded_corners {
    -webkit-border-radius: 5px;

    -moz-border-radius: 5px;

    border-radius: 5px;

The first line is for Safari and Chrome. Second is for Firefox.
The third is for all browsers, which will eventually support
border-radius without a prefix. Currently: Opera and IE9.

More border-radius code here:

Recommended for you

HTML - Structure
HTML - StructureHTML - Structure
HTML - Structure

HTML provides structure for documents using tags, elements, and attributes. It uses a basic framework of tags like <html> to contain the whole page, <head> for information about the page, <title> for the title displayed in the browser, and <body> for the visible content. Structure, order, and semantics are important to help users understand content in various media like newspapers, books, and documents. Learning HTML structure by viewing the source code of other websites is a good way to learn quickly.

HTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web Development
HTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web DevelopmentHTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web Development
HTML5: An Introduction To Next Generation Web Development

HTML5 is the next generation web development standard that improves upon HTML4 and XHTML. It focuses on features rather than syntax, and includes new elements like <article> and <section>, native audio/video support, drawing APIs, geolocation, drag and drop, web forms 2.0, and more. HTML5 aims to improve multimedia capabilities while keeping code readable by humans and machines. It is supported by all major browsers, though support for specific features may vary, and polyfills can help with backwards compatibility.

html5web 2.0audio
Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5
Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5
Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5

Familiar HTML5 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5 HTML5 Conference Miyazaki 2013 2013/02/10 ひらい さだあき @sada_h

CSS3 text-shadow
.text_shadow {
  text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 1px 1px;

Thankfully, all browsers that support text-shadow do so with
the exact same syntax: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera.

– No word from IE9 yet.
 Times + Helvetica
   have a posse
Common fonts on Windows + Mac

Times                               Palatino
Georgia                             Comic Sans
Arial -or-                          Trebuchet
Helvetica                           Verdana
Courier                             ... etc.
How can we use non-common fonts?

Flat images: It works. But hard to maintain.

sIFR: Pretty. Uses Flash. Fails on iPhone/iPad.
Can be affected by ad-blocking extensions.

Cufón: Better. Uses JavaScript + <canvas>.
But can be intensive. Best used on headlines.

@font-face: No scripting. Pure CSS. Can be
used for any text. Yet tricky to implement.

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The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5
The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5
The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5

HTML 5 may take some time to find full support in all major browsers, but you may be surprised to discover how many of HTML 5’s features are available today! HTML 5 is the next generation standard for web applications, and it promises to give plug-in based RIAs a serious challenge. In this demo heavy session, you’ll see HTML 5 in action and learn what you can do with today’s browser support for the new standard. If you’re building rich web applications and you’ve never touched HTML 5, this session is a must see.

WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb
WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWebWordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb
WordCamp Thessaloniki2011 The NextWeb

The document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its key elements and features. It begins with a definition of HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio. It then provides summaries of important HTML5 elements and features like video, audio, canvas, SVG, CSS3, DOM scripting, geolocation and more. The document concludes by discussing resources for learning more about HTML5 and considerations around using HTML5 versus apps or other technologies on mobile.

beauty of the webcss 3.0html5
Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Paul Irish’s “Bulletproof @font-face syntax”

@font-face {
  font-family: 'GentiumRegular';
  src: url('genr102_0-webfont.eot');
  src: local('☺'), url('genr102_0-webfont.woff') format
  ('woff'), url('genr102_0-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
  url('genr102_0-webfont.svg#webfontX7s0ZYjS') format('svg');

p {
  font-family: 'GentiumRegular';

File generator

Google fonts API (super easy)
Bible Web App
HTML5 + CSS3 + @font-face
Echo HTML5

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Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Apache Flex and the imperfect Web
Apache Flex and the imperfect WebApache Flex and the imperfect Web
Apache Flex and the imperfect Web

This presentation has been presented at the Flex User Group in Berlin [1] on July 5th, 2012. I basically tried to cover the current state of Apache Flex, its possible future role in 2050 and compared Apache Flex with other Web technologies. I also tried to summarise my current work at Apache Flex. Hopefully, you'll find this presentation inspiring, too ;) [1]

javafxsilverlighthtml 5
HTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers
HTML5 Intoduction for Web DevelopersHTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers
HTML5 Intoduction for Web Developers

HTML5 is a draft specification from the W3C that adds new elements like canvas, video and audio to HTML. It is not finished yet and continues to evolve. HTML5 introduces elements like article, section and aside to structure content. It also supports new media capabilities like playing video and audio natively in the browser without plugins. HTML5 is supported in Internet Explorer 9 and later, and also in other modern browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

jQuery Desktop
HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript
Echo HTML5
  HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript
Echo HTML5

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HTML5 and Joomla! 2.5 Template
HTML5 and Joomla! 2.5 TemplateHTML5 and Joomla! 2.5 Template
HTML5 and Joomla! 2.5 Template

The document summarizes information presented at the 11th Thailand Open Source Software Festival about HTML5 and building templates for Joomla!. It provides an overview of HTML5, describing it as the new standard for HTML, how it has evolved since HTML 4.01 in 1999, and how major browsers now support many of its new elements and APIs. It also discusses building Joomla! templates, including template structure, using HTML5 elements and enabling scripts, CSS3 features like @font-face, vendor prefixes, and frameworks that support HTML5. Finally, it covers key HTML5 features for mobile devices and showcasing Joomla! templates on mobile.

Angels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusive
Angels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusiveAngels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusive
Angels versus demons: balancing shiny and inclusive

The modern web developer faces a moral choice when creating sites and apps. The angel on your shoulder tells you to use standards and respect accessibility across users of AT, older browsers, mobile, etc. The devil on your other shoulder meanwhile tells you to use all the shiny, satisfy your ego, and leave user agents over two weeks old in the dust. This talk walks you through the dilemma, looking at the perils of embracing the serpent and presenting solutions that will allow you to achieve a satisfactory compromise. We know the devil has all the good albums, and we want to rock out as much as you do! But not at the expense of the Web’s greatest strengths!

shinyfallbackhtml5 progressive enhancement
Enjoying the full stack - Frontend 2010
Enjoying the full stack - Frontend 2010Enjoying the full stack - Frontend 2010
Enjoying the full stack - Frontend 2010

The final talk of the Frontend2010 conference in Oslo, Norway talking about the need to make technical advancements interesting for people outside our comfort zone and about the benefits of using all the web technologies at our disposal to built bullet-proof solutions rather than flimsy showcases of what technologies could be used for.

Social “Graph”
Cool! But who owns your data?
Lots of standards and
protocols that aren't really
being used right now.
Facebook “Like”: not open,
social, or graphic. But fun
and gives advertisers data.
Helpful tool for adding “Like” buttons

Open social data – A cautionary tale...


Recommended for you

Real solutions, no tricks
Real solutions, no tricksReal solutions, no tricks
Real solutions, no tricks

English version of a talk given at SAE Alumni Convention 2011 in Berlin, covering modern web development with HTML5 and CSS3

It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える
It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考えるIt is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える
It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える

This document provides an overview of HTML5 technologies including HTML5 markup, microdata/RDFa, WebFonts, Canvas, MediaQueries, performance optimizations like SPDY and HTTP 2.0. It discusses specifications from the W3C and implementations by companies. Tools for testing responsive design, fonts and browser compatibility are also mentioned. The document is written in Japanese and references the author's blog for code samples.

JavaScript Presentation Frameworks and Libraries
JavaScript Presentation Frameworks and LibrariesJavaScript Presentation Frameworks and Libraries
JavaScript Presentation Frameworks and Libraries

This document compares several JavaScript presentation frameworks: Reveal.js, Impress.js, Google Slides Template (GST), Deck.js, and Shower. It provides information on their features such as support for CSS transitions, browser support, extensions, and PDF export capabilities. Reveal.js and Deck.js support the most features, including CSS transitions, extensions, and PDF export, while Impress.js focuses on CSS transitions and browser support.

browser supportdeckjs
HTML5 Resources
CSS3 Resources

     John Dyer
     Nathan Smith

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Echo HTML5

  • 1. HTML5 & the future today of the web
  • 2. Hello. We are John and Nathan. Here is a bit of background about each of us...
  • 3. John Dyer = + Master of Theology Dallas Theological Seminary Desktop OS = Windows Mobile = iOS Nathan Smith =+ Master of Divinity Asbury Theological Seminary Desktop OS = Mac Mobile = Android
  • 4. What we have in common: We are both web developers who want to see the “Big-C” church better utilize web technologies. We also both JavaScript :)
  • 5. So, what is HTML5? It is the newest version of HTML. But also a phrase for everything cool + new on the web. Not all that’s labeled HTML5 *is* HTML5. But that’s okay...
  • 6. New Hotness! HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript
  • 7. Apple likes HTML5
  • 8. Google likes HTML5
  • 9. Mozilla (Firefox) likes HTML5
  • 11. Last (but not least) – Microsoft likes HTML5
  • 13. Simplified doctype declaration HTML5 <!DOCTYPE html> XHTML 1.0 Transitional <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
  • 14. Simplified JavaScript embedding HTML5 <script> // Code here. </script> XHTML 1.0 Transitional <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ // Code here. /* ]]> */ </script>
  • 15. Simplified embedded styles HTML5 <style> // Code here. </style> XHTML 1.0 Transitional <style type="text/css"> // Code here. </style>
  • 16. Simplified stylesheet linking HTML5 <link rel="stylesheet" href="file.css" /> XHTML 1.0 Transitional <link rel="stylesheet" href="file.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
  • 18. <header> <nav> <aside> <div class=”content”> <figure> <article> <img /> <section> <figcaption> <hgroup> <details> <p> etc... <summary> <section> <p> etc... <dialog> <footer>
  • 19. But the aforementioned tags don’t work well in Internet Explorer (IE8 and older). To make IE behave, you can use an “HTML5 shim” JavaScript library...
  • 20. ... but this requires extra code and adds a bit of fragility to your site (IE breaks w/ JS off). The up-side is improved semantic richness. In practicality though, there are not (yet) any tangible SEO or accessibility gains to be had. Given the trade-offs involved, and lack of tangible benefit, we’d recommend continuing to use <div> with “HTML5” class names...
  • 21. <div class=”header”> <div class=”nav”> <div class=”aside”> <div class=”content”> <div class=”figure”> <div class=”article”> <img /> <div class=”section”> <div class=”figcaption”> <div class=”hgroup”> <div class=”details”> <p> etc... <div class=”summary”> <div class=”section”> <p> etc... <div class=”dialog”> <div class=”footer”>
  • 22. ... that way, you are writing code with the “semantics” of the new HTML5 tags, without the headaches of worrying about legacy browser support. Then, one great day when IE8 no longer has significant market-share, you can “flip the switch” so to speak. Now that we’ve got those tags out of the way, let’s talk about the fun parts of HTML5.
  • 23. <canvas> + <svg> Though SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) pre-dates HTML5, it is finally viable now that IE9 supports it. This means all major browsers will support SVG and canvas.
  • 24. We won’t cover <svg> or <canvas> in detail during this talk, but two helpful JavaScript libraries are worth noting... Raphaël (SVG) – Dmitry Baranovskiy Processing JS (Canvas) – John Resig
  • 25. SVG is like construction paper. Layers retain distinct shapes. SVG files can live without JS.
  • 26. Canvas is like a whiteboard drawing. No layers. Note: Canvas only works in the browser via JS.
  • 27. Canvas demos –
  • 28. New <form> elements <select><option>... <textarea></textarea> <input type="checkbox" /> HTML4, <input type="file" /> XHTML <input type="radio" /> (and HTML5) <input type="text" /> ... etc. <input type="date" /> <input type="datetime" /> <input type="email" /> <input type="month" /> New in <input type="number" /> HTML5 <input type="range" /> <input type="tel" /> <input type="time" /> <input type="url" />
  • 29. All form elements – in Opera
  • 30. Adaptive HTML5 keyboards on mobile devices
  • 32. Example – iOS – Home screen app icon. iOS – No browser chrome. Android – Browser chrome <link rel=”apple-touch-icon” /> Status bar color can be set. always present. Caching only.
  • 33. Making an HTML5 “app” is pretty easy
  • 34. *.manifest lets you store files offline
  • 36. PhoneGap helps HTML5 power “native” apps
  • 37. HTML5’s (experimental) JavaScript APIs Desktop Features Browser Database – Drag and drop – Web SQL – Live notifications – IndexedDB Much Much More! Cool! But not – document.querySelector (yet) ready for – Geolocation – localStorage prime-time. – Web workers
  • 38. <video> How do we make it work reliably?
  • 39. Flash was the most reliable way to play video on the web. Roughly 99% of all desktops have Flash player. iPhone/iPad don’t. They do support HTML5 <video>
  • 40. H.264 = Money Figuratively + Literally... It’s the most widely supported format. But licensing costs browser makers $5 million a year.
  • 41. H.264 support in the “Big-5” YES Internet Explorer 9 Google Chrome Safari NO Firefox Opera
  • 42. Ogg = “Ugh!” Nobody wants to re-encode countless hours of video so Firefox & Opera can play it. – And have it look sub-par.
  • 43. WebM/VP8 From: Google, Mozilla, Adobe. Looks great. Is open source. IE9 is on the fence. It doesn’t (yet) work on mobile devices.
  • 44. 1 file to rule them all... H.264 via HTML5 with a fallback to Flash or Silverlight (playing the same file) if the browser cannot play H.264 natively via <video>.
  • 45. Native <video> UI controls OPERA SAFARI FIREFOX CHROME IE9
  • 46. CSS styled video controls –
  • 47. JavaScript <video> libraries – – – – –
  • 48. CSS3 not HTML5 but is still awesome
  • 49. CSS3 gradients .gradient { background: #eee url(gradient.png) repeat-x; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #fff), color-stop(1, #eee)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top center, #fff 0%, #eee 100%); } The first declaration works in all browsers. The second is for Safari and Google Chrome, which both use the WebKit rendering engine. The last is for Firefox (Mozilla prefix). Tip: Crop gradient images from a screenshot of a CSS3 page render. Ensures visual consistency and saves work.
  • 51. CSS3 box-shadow .drop_shadow { -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 2px 5px; } The first declaration is for Safari and Chrome. The second is for Firefox. The third is for all browsers, which will eventually support box-shadow without a prefix. Currently: Opera and IE9 support it.
  • 52. CSS3 border-radius .rounded_corners { -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; } The first line is for Safari and Chrome. Second is for Firefox. The third is for all browsers, which will eventually support border-radius without a prefix. Currently: Opera and IE9. More border-radius code here:
  • 53. CSS3 text-shadow .text_shadow { text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) 0 1px 1px; } Thankfully, all browsers that support text-shadow do so with the exact same syntax: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera. – No word from IE9 yet.
  • 54. @font-face Times + Helvetica have a posse
  • 55. Common fonts on Windows + Mac Times Palatino Georgia Comic Sans Arial -or- Trebuchet Helvetica Verdana Courier ... etc.
  • 56. How can we use non-common fonts? Flat images: It works. But hard to maintain. sIFR: Pretty. Uses Flash. Fails on iPhone/iPad. Can be affected by ad-blocking extensions. Cufón: Better. Uses JavaScript + <canvas>. But can be intensive. Best used on headlines. @font-face: No scripting. Pure CSS. Can be used for any text. Yet tricky to implement.
  • 57. Paul Irish’s “Bulletproof @font-face syntax”
  • 58. @font-face @font-face { font-family: 'GentiumRegular'; src: url('genr102_0-webfont.eot'); src: local('☺'), url('genr102_0-webfont.woff') format ('woff'), url('genr102_0-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), url('genr102_0-webfont.svg#webfontX7s0ZYjS') format('svg'); } p { font-family: 'GentiumRegular'; } File generator Google fonts API (super easy)
  • 59. Bible Web App HTML5 + CSS3 + @font-face
  • 61. jQuery Desktop HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript
  • 63. “Slablet” HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript
  • 65. Social “Graph” Cool! But who owns your data?
  • 66. Lots of standards and protocols that aren't really being used right now. Facebook “Like”: not open, social, or graphic. But fun and gives advertisers data.
  • 67. Helpful tool for adding “Like” buttons
  • 68. Open social data – A cautionary tale...
  • 69. HTML5 Resources – – – – – – – –
  • 70. CSS3 Resources – – – – – – – – –
  • 71. Questions? John Dyer – – Nathan Smith – –

Editor's Notes