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The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
Caridy Patiño
Bartender at Yahoo! Mojito Team
Principal Engineer at Yahoo! Search
The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
The challenges of
building mobile HTML5 applications

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(2015년 상반기) HTML5 및 Hybrid app 최신 동향
(2015년 상반기) HTML5 및 Hybrid app 최신 동향(2015년 상반기) HTML5 및 Hybrid app 최신 동향
(2015년 상반기) HTML5 및 Hybrid app 최신 동향

This document summarizes the latest trends in HTML5 and hybrid apps from early 2015 to late 2015. It provides over 50 sources from news articles and blogs discussing new developments and features in browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge and platforms like WebVR, WebAssembly, Service Workers and more. Major topics covered include the shift from Flash to HTML5, HTTPS encryption, Web Audio, Pointer Events and the rise of the Physical Web.

HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy
HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy
HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy

This document discusses HTML5, mobile web, native, and hybrid mobile app development platforms. It provides an overview of each approach and compares them. Key frameworks for HTML5 development are also reviewed, including jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Considerations for choosing a platform like supporting multiple devices and iteration speed are examined. The document aims to help make sense of the different mobile development options.

appscomponent frameworkshtml5
Modev ux brian lacey presentation
Modev ux brian lacey presentationModev ux brian lacey presentation
Modev ux brian lacey presentation

This document discusses various HTML5 mobile frameworks that can be used for developing responsive mobile websites. It provides an overview of some popular frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Sencha Touch, and jQuery Mobile. It also mentions HTML5 Boilerplate and 320 and Up as good options for rapid prototyping and building responsive designs in a mobile-first way. The document highlights advantages of each framework and considerations around browser inconsistencies when targeting multiple mobile devices.


“to see the big picture”
The Web and the mobile revolution
5 ye
                                 ars a
“The Web is the most hostile software
development environment imaginable”
           - Douglas Crockford
But the future was looking bright:

- Javascript libraries getting popular
- ECMAScript 5 on the making
- Chrome Browser on the making

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Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera IndonesiaBruce Lawson Opera Indonesia
Bruce Lawson Opera Indonesia

Bruce Lawson of Opera toured Indonesian Universities discussing web standards, HTML5, CSS Media Queries and cross-device development.

web standardshtml5css
Information Architecture in Mobile
Information Architecture in MobileInformation Architecture in Mobile
Information Architecture in Mobile

The document is a presentation about information architecture for mobile applications. It discusses key concepts of information architecture including structure, organization, labeling, and navigation. It also covers user analysis techniques like creating personas and card sorting to help design intuitive information architectures for mobile. The presentation provides examples of common information architecture patterns for mobile like hub-and-spoke and tabbed views. It emphasizes the importance of analyzing user needs and testing designs with users.

W3C Widgets: Apps made with Web Standards
W3C Widgets: Apps made with Web StandardsW3C Widgets: Apps made with Web Standards
W3C Widgets: Apps made with Web Standards

W3C Widgets are applications developed with web standards that can run across different mobile platforms using the browser engine. A widget consists of an index.html file, assets, and a config.xml file packaged into a .wgt file. Widgets take advantage of HTML5 features like the Application Cache, WebSQL storage, and local storage. They can run on browser runtimes including Opera Mobile, Widgeon, Windows Mobile 6.5, Nokia Qt Web Runtime, and Apache Wookie. The W3C is working to define JavaScript APIs for contacts, calendar, media capture, and messaging to provide more capabilities to widgets.

But then few things happened:
The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
and somehow, we ended up here:

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1. Open web standards democratize the web by making it accessible to people with disabilities or without the latest hardware, and reduce reliance on any single vendor. 2. Adaptive content and responsive design allow a single website to work well on any device through techniques like CSS media queries. 3. The browser is emerging as a platform for applications through standards like HTML5, widgets, and JavaScript APIs that programmatically access device capabilities like contacts and cameras.

css 3html5media queries
Responsive Design
Responsive DesignResponsive Design
Responsive Design

Websites are all about content. People can access your content many different ways and formats with mobile devices, iPads, phones, etc. The questions are: how can we maintain control over the display of our content and keep our brand consistent? How can we try to provide the best user experience on any platform? Enter Responsive Web Design. Many experts are not leaning on one static design but on structured content that adapts to its given environment. In this talk, we are going to take a look at responsive web design techniques out there including: progressive enhancement, flexible grids, media queries, flexible images & video, & other methods of implementation.

mobile firstadaptive designweb design
New Age Applications with Kendo UI
New Age Applications with Kendo UINew Age Applications with Kendo UI
New Age Applications with Kendo UI

How do you built a new age application that considers mobile and web as first class citizens? In this presentation we learn about Kendo UI - a framework from Telerik to

@davglass’s lab
   “The Mobile Web is even worse today and
it is not going to get any better anytime soon.”
What path to choose?
Web Applications

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Tweak, Test and Debug your mobile apps, advice, tools and tips. Presented at Web Directions Code in Melbourne.

google chromesafarifirefox
I like i phone and android but know .net
I like i phone and android but know .netI like i phone and android but know .net
I like i phone and android but know .net

This document discusses mobile application development options for developing applications that can run on both iOS and Android platforms using C#. It describes tools like MonoTouch and MonoDroid that allow building native iOS and Android applications using C# and .NET. It also discusses hybrid approaches like PhoneGap that use web technologies to build applications that can be deployed to both platforms. The document considers questions around enterprise deployment, security, data sharing and management of mobile applications.

Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the EnterpriseDoing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise

Some Practices and Principles to help get enterprises on the right track building modern web applications.

“A web application is any application that uses a web
                browser as a client.”
“A web application is any application that uses a web
           browser runtime as a client.”
A mobile web application is any web application
    that implement a highly interactive UI
   specifically optimized for mobile devices.
3 types of mobile web applications
     that you can build today

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Transmission2 25.11.2009
Transmission2 25.11.2009Transmission2 25.11.2009
Transmission2 25.11.2009

The document discusses the future of web technologies, focusing on three main areas: 1. New web standards like HTML5 that provide more capabilities without plugins through elements, forms, canvas and video. CSS3 media queries also allow adaptive content for different devices. 2. Adaptive content through media queries and responsive design can make sites work across devices that vary in screen size, input, and capabilities. 3. The browser is emerging as a platform through widgets, JavaScript APIs and the browser runtime, allowing development across devices without writing for each platform natively. Standards will make the browser a ubiquitous platform.

The Mobile Platform World
The Mobile Platform WorldThe Mobile Platform World
The Mobile Platform World

This document discusses the complex mobile platform world. It describes the layers ("stack") of a mobile device as the browser, operating system, and physical device. It notes the variety of mobile browsers and operating systems that exist, including differences between browsers that are based on WebKit. The document also discusses proxy browsers and tips for setting up a diverse mobile device lab for testing purposes.

mobilismpeter-paul koch
Gregynog 2011
Gregynog 2011Gregynog 2011
Gregynog 2011

The document discusses the increasing importance and usage of mobile devices for accessing the internet. It notes that within five years, more users will connect via mobile than desktop. It examines emerging mobile technologies like HTML5 and various platforms and frameworks. It also compares web apps to native apps, noting pros and cons of each. It advocates for a "mobile first" and "progressive enhancement" approach to web development.

WebViews + Local Web App


    Native            Web

     e wr
- Part of hybrid apps
- Based on WebViews*
- HTML, JS and CSS are bundled with app
- Can work offline
- Mimic native behavior
WebViews + Remote Web App


    Native            Web

     e wr
- Part of hybrid apps
- Based on WebViews*
- HTML, JS and CSS are downloaded over HTTP
- Requires network activity
- Mimic native behavior

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Mobile Information Architecture
Mobile Information ArchitectureMobile Information Architecture
Mobile Information Architecture

The document discusses designing experiences for the mobile web. It notes that the mobile web is profoundly different than the desktop experience due to different contexts and portability. Some key decisions for mobile web design include whether to have a single or dual-site approach, how to structure navigation and content for smaller screens, and usability testing approaches. It also describes a case study of redesigning a website for mobile and some of the challenges encountered.

FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
FEDM Meetup: Introducing MojitoFEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito
FEDM Meetup: Introducing Mojito

Instead of Introducing Mojito, I want to recap on the state of the industry, and specifically on a new trending about frameworks and platforms that are trying to blur the line between server and client. Mojito, MeteorJS, DerbyJS and others are part of that group. I also want to provide more details about the motivations, challenges and the state of the Yahoo! Cocktails platform.

Future of Mobile Web Application and Web App Store
Future of Mobile Web Application and Web App StoreFuture of Mobile Web Application and Web App Store
Future of Mobile Web Application and Web App Store

What is the Future of Mobile Web Application ? Mobile Web could be the final winner of the Mobile App Race ?

open web storeweb app storeoma
Expect network craziness
Network failures need to be controlled
CSS can also fail when loading
      web-based apps
Initialization needs to be controlled

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Hybrid vs Native vs Web Apps
Hybrid vs Native vs Web AppsHybrid vs Native vs Web Apps
Hybrid vs Native vs Web Apps

An overview of difference between Hybrid Mobile Applications, Native Applications and Mobile Web Apps. List of JavaScript frameworks that we used for Hybrid Mobile Apps.

mobile webhybrid appsnative apps
Building Mobile Websites with Joomla
Building Mobile Websites with JoomlaBuilding Mobile Websites with Joomla
Building Mobile Websites with Joomla

(1) The document discusses making mobile websites, including trends in mobile technology, challenges in development, and examples of mobile sites built with content management systems like Drupal and Joomla. (2) Key challenges in mobile development include device fragmentation, usability issues like screen size and navigation, and optimizing content for smaller screens and slower connections. (3) The presentation provides examples of mobile sites built with Drupal and Joomla, and introduces new solutions like the Osmobi plugin and template to more easily build mobile sites within existing CMS platforms.

HTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do ThatHTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do That

Slides from a presentation I gave at these conferences: — Big Design — Front Porch — Thunder Plains — Web Afternoon I co-presented at Big Design with Matt Baxter.

Browser based apps

- Pure web apps
- Require a browser
- HTML, JS and CSS are downloaded over HTTP
- Inherit the freedom of the Web
- Discoverability is inherited as well
The total mess of mobile web

form factors

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Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile AppBest Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App

By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this hands-on webinar, you will: - learn the differences between native and web apps. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile web apps. - gain hands-on experience using jQuery Mobile to develop a fully functional mobile-optimized web app. - have access to a free Web server so you can continue to work/test your project live on the Web. - continue to work with Jason and Chad so you can have a mentor during and after your project.

web developmentlibrariesmobile
Mobile web application development
Mobile web application developmentMobile web application development
Mobile web application development

The document discusses developing mobile web applications. It notes that the mobile market is growing rapidly and that web apps can target many devices without requiring installation. It recommends targeting iOS and Android platforms and considering other platforms like Windows Phone. It outlines technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript that are well-supported on mobile. The document also provides resources and tools to help with mobile development and things to consider like lower screen resolution and bandwidth limitations for mobile users.

Developing for Mobile Web
Developing for Mobile WebDeveloping for Mobile Web
Developing for Mobile Web

Mobile web development is important because over 6.8 billion people in the world use mobile devices. There are currently over 3.4 billion people with mobile phones, making mobile the 7th mass media. When developing for mobile, it is best to target WebKit-based browsers like those used on Android and iOS devices to ensure compatibility with newer HTML5 features. Websites should be optimized for mobile with a responsive design or separate mobile sites at to provide the best experience for touchscreen smartphones and limited feature phones.

html5best practicemobile web
Touch screen saves us from
  those crazy form-factors
The synergy across form factors

3 ye
    ars a

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Over view of Technologies
Over view of TechnologiesOver view of Technologies
Over view of Technologies

This document provides an overview of IT and digital technologies including web development, mobile apps, software as a service (SaaS), and .NET. It discusses key topics such as: - Web development terms like HTML, CSS, APIs, and content management systems. - The differences between native mobile apps and web apps, and their respective advantages. Native apps have more features but web apps can work across devices. - An explanation of Software as a Service (SaaS) and how software is delivered as an online service. - An overview of the .NET framework for building web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps and games on Windows, Linux and Mac.

2011 08-24 mobile web app
2011 08-24  mobile web app2011 08-24  mobile web app
2011 08-24 mobile web app

This document discusses developing a mobile web application to access data from the Hydstra software database on web-enabled mobile phones. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of developing native applications versus a cross-platform web application. It recommends using the jQuery Mobile framework to build a cross-platform mobile web app that can be accessed on any mobile device with a web browser. The document also discusses tools for developing the app, such as Google Chrome and Eclipse, as well as hosting and administration requirements.

Building Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery Mobile
Building Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery MobileBuilding Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery Mobile
Building Mobile Web Apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, & jQuery Mobile

The document discusses building mobile web apps using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, and jQuery Mobile. It introduces ASP.NET MVC and its design goals of embracing the web and being extensible. jQuery Mobile is presented as a touch-optimized web framework for developing mobile web apps that work across devices. The document demonstrates building a sample mobile web app with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery Mobile that reviews restaurants. It concludes that this is a flexible full-featured framework for mobile web development. mvchtml5jquery mobile
Android 4 is set to solve
      browser fragmentation
we w
     i   ll se
Desktop + Mobile form factors
A runtime is a web engine container that can run a web
       application in a form of HTML, JS and CSS

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Mobile Web Overview
Mobile Web Overview Web Overview
Mobile Web Overview

This document provides an overview of mobile web development. It discusses trends in mobile usage, definitions of mobile web and applications, options for developing mobile content like native, web and hybrid apps. It also covers strategies for mobile websites like responsive design and considerations for mobile design like touch interfaces. Development tools, frameworks and best practices for mobile web are also mentioned.

web designresponsive designmobile web

This document discusses creating applications for Samsung bada using HTML5. There are two main options - native apps or HTML5 apps. Native apps are best if high performance graphics or device access is important, while HTML5 apps allow cross-platform support. HTML5 apps are written using web standards, zipped and run in browsers. They have cross-platform support but poorer UX and limited device access. The document also discusses deploying HTML5 apps, differences in mobile browsers, and the importance of testing apps across different browsers.

browsersmobilenative apps

Web development is evolving at a breakneck speed every passing year. New website technologies are being discovered regularly as developers explore new ways of innovation. To make it easier for you, I have analyzed the shifts across industries and created an ultimate list of some of the latest web development trends in 2022.

A mobile browser, a webview and phonegap are
            examples of runtimes
Windows 8 has 4 runtimes:

- IE Start Screen Mode (Formerly known as Metro)
- IE Desktop Mode
- WebView (within Native Windows 8 App)
- Native Windows Runtime (Windows Store apps)

Runtimes allow us to run the same web app
           in different contexts
Every runtime has its own characteristics, features and
                   security models

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Why hybrid-is-important
Why hybrid-is-importantWhy hybrid-is-important
Why hybrid-is-important

This presentation will explain, how to develop an end to end mobile application using Javascript frameworks and Other Web Technologies, from mobile to server to database and unit testing

#crosswalk#device fragmentation#css3
Hybrid Mobile App
Hybrid Mobile AppHybrid Mobile App
Hybrid Mobile App

The document discusses hybrid mobile applications. It begins by defining a mobile application and the different types, including native, web, and hybrid. It then provides an overview of hybrid apps, explaining that they are developed with web technologies but can access device capabilities like a native app. The document outlines the development process for hybrid apps, including choosing a framework like Cordova, writing the code, testing on devices, and deploying to app stores. It provides guidance on coding practices, using plugins to access device features, and deployment procedures for Android and iOS.

Hybrid mobile app
Hybrid mobile appHybrid mobile app
Hybrid mobile app

We can know about what is mobile application. Especially we can know about Hybrid Mobile Application. Hybrid mobile Application's Overview information and few thing about Native and Web mobile applications.

mobilehybrid mobile appoverview of mobile applications
Developing for a single runtime is not
longer an option for most products
Applications will tent to grow organically
by adding complexity and new logical pieces
The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
Reusing UI elements and logical pieces
        could be paramount

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Front End Development | Introduction
Front End Development | IntroductionFront End Development | Introduction
Front End Development | Introduction

This document provides an overview of front end development concepts including HTML5, JavaScript, frameworks like Angular and libraries like jQuery. It discusses HTML5 features like offline support and new elements. JavaScript evolution and MVC frameworks are explained. Development tools like Webstorm, Grunt, Bower and Sass are presented. Different platforms like desktop, mobile and frameworks are covered at a high level.

Mobile Apps Develpment - A Comparison
Mobile Apps Develpment - A ComparisonMobile Apps Develpment - A Comparison
Mobile Apps Develpment - A Comparison

There are quite a few choices for Mobile Apps Development. These slides are an attempt to compare with conclusions

mobile development approachdevelopment approachhtml5
Html5 mobile develop tools
Html5 mobile develop toolsHtml5 mobile develop tools
Html5 mobile develop tools

This document discusses HTML5 mobile development. It provides links to resources on mobile web app simulators and debuggers, as well as frameworks for building mobile web apps like jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and PhoneGap for creating hybrid mobile apps. It also discusses tools for building mobile and mobile hybrid games using technologies like Cocos2D and LimeJS.

The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
Design specs distribution per device
Reusing is the biggest problem of all
   in a mobile web application
The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife

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MiamiJS - The Future of JavaScript
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MiamiJS - The Future of JavaScript

Part presentation, part debate about the future of the language while touching base on the current state of the industry with respect to ES6/ES2015, and the possibilities of using it today in web applications and frameworks, the different options, and the things to keep in mind. Additionally, we will do a walk-through on the new features included in ES7/ES2016 draft, and those that are being discussed for ES8/ES2017.

CSP Level 2: Defensa en profundidad para aplicaciones Web
CSP Level 2: Defensa en profundidad para aplicaciones WebCSP Level 2: Defensa en profundidad para aplicaciones Web
CSP Level 2: Defensa en profundidad para aplicaciones Web

XSS continúa siendo el vector de ataque más común, y no es un secreto que la mayoría de las aplicaciones web son susceptibles a algún tipo de injection, proveyendo una puerta de acceso para atacar a cada usuario de la aplicación. También no es un secreto que la mayoría de los desarrolladores Web presta poca, o ninguna, atención a este tema, y las herramientas disponibles en el mercado para analizar el código y detectar posibles vías de inyección están basadas en análisis heurístico, lo que implica que tienen una efectividad muy limitada. A finales del 2012, W3C aceptó una propuesta para estandarizar CSP 1.0, que describe un interruptor mecánico controlado desde un servidor a un cliente para definir las políticas a seguir por la aplicación web, y declarar un conjunto de restricciones de contenido. La falla principal de CSP 1.0 consiste en su falta de flexibilidad, como por ejemplo soportar scripts en línea, una práctica muy arraigada en los desarrolladores web, y mucho dicen es una funcionalidad esencial para cualquier aplicación web. Hoy por hoy, tenemos CSP Level 2 como parte de las nuevas normativas de W3C, ya incluso disponible en algunos de los navegadores, y este promete ser mucho más efectivo y flexible a la vez. En esta presentación vamos a cubrir detalles de CSP Level 2, y algunas de las prácticas recomendadas. A la vez, queremos proveer un espacio para demostrar la efectividad de esta tecnología a través de un ejercicio de hackeo.

The rise of single-page applications
The rise of single-page applicationsThe rise of single-page applications
The rise of single-page applications

Single-page applications allow users to switch between different states without reloading the entire page. Isomorphic applications take this a step further by allowing the same application code to run on both the server and client, enabling server-side rendering for performance and SEO while retaining the benefits of a single-page app experience. The author introduces Modown, an open-source framework they developed that uses libraries and building blocks over opinions frameworks to help build isomorphic JavaScript apps that can run on both Node.js servers and in browsers.

Optimization & Adaptation
Optimization vs Adaptation
Optimization vs Adaptation
Snow Chains to adapt your vehicle

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YUIConf2013: Introducing The "Modown" Project
YUIConf2013: Introducing The "Modown" ProjectYUIConf2013: Introducing The "Modown" Project
YUIConf2013: Introducing The "Modown" Project

The Mojito team have been working very hard on a new project under the YUI umbrella with codename "Modown", and we want to tell you more about it. Building on the success of the YUI Application Framework (YAF), plus the things we learned while creating Mojito, we decided to go back to our roots by creating a set of modular and versatile building blocks rather than trying to prescribe how to write single-page applications. In this presentation, we are going to cover the motivations, the current state of the project, how you can start using it, and how to help!

FOWA2013: The rise of single page applications
FOWA2013: The rise of single page applicationsFOWA2013: The rise of single page applications
FOWA2013: The rise of single page applications

Caridy Patiño is a principal frontend engineer at Yahoo who discusses the evolution of web applications from traditional websites to single-page applications (SPAs). SPAs support multiple interactive states without reloading the page, improving performance and usability. Popular SPA frameworks today include React, AngularJS, EmberJS, and Backbone. SPAs initially render on the server for faster load times and then use the browser to handle further interactivity like a traditional desktop application.

YUIConf2012: Mojito for YUI Developers
YUIConf2012: Mojito for YUI DevelopersYUIConf2012: Mojito for YUI Developers
YUIConf2012: Mojito for YUI Developers

We use YUI on the daily basis in a form of building blocks, but when it comes to boilerplating our projects, we are on our own. Mojito provides a unique opportunity for YUI developers to speed up the development process by providing boilerplate and building capabilities for YUI projects by offering a variety of options to build traditional YUI web apps, mobile apps to deploy on devices, and Node.JS applications as well. It does it by leveraging YUI Library and YUI Tool chains to build at scale.

Optimization vs Adaptation
Optimization is about customizing the
 way your app behaves per runtime
It is about producing the right HTML, JS
           and CSS per runtime

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HTML5 summit - DevCon5 - Miami - Feb 2, 2012
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HTML5 summit - DevCon5 - Miami - Feb 2, 2012

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that allows JavaScript to be run on the server side. It has grown rapidly in popularity due to allowing developers to write code that can run on both the server and client using the same language, JavaScript. This allows for progressive enhancement, graceful degradation, and easier development. Major companies like Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook have invested heavily in Node.js due to these advantages.

Conquistando el Servidor con Node.JS
Conquistando el Servidor con Node.JSConquistando el Servidor con Node.JS
Conquistando el Servidor con Node.JS

The document discusses Node.js and how it can be used to build server-side applications using JavaScript. Some key points include: - Node.js allows for non-blocking asynchronous programming which improves performance over traditional blocking servers. - It uses a single thread event loop model that handles all I/O asynchronously, avoiding context switching. - JavaScript is the language of the web and Node.js allows using JavaScript on the server side for building real-time applications. - Node.js has an active community and growing ecosystem of packages on npm that can be easily installed and used in applications.

JS Loading strategies
JS Loading strategiesJS Loading strategies
JS Loading strategies

Faster web sites attract more users, engage them longer, and decrease the abandon rate drastically.In the quest for making a website faster, a solid loading strategy is an important vector. Dynamic injections, controlling early user interactions, parallel downloads, preloading, and iframe-loader are all well established strategies that you can use to improve performance. Knowing them is critical for success, specially for complex web applications. Things you will learn from this presentation: a) Why picking up the right loading strategy is important. b) Different strategies that you can use today. c) Different tools under the YUI umbrella that you can use today.

Adaptation is about customizing the
UI per screen size, per connection
 speed, per feature detection, etc.
Adapt per:

- Screen size
- Orientation
- Connection Speed
- Memory
- etc.
The Twitter Tale

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YUI 3 Loading Strategies - YUIConf2010
YUI 3 Loading Strategies - YUIConf2010YUI 3 Loading Strategies - YUIConf2010
YUI 3 Loading Strategies - YUIConf2010

A robust loading strategy is one of the most important pieces when you think about optimization for high traffic websites. YUI Loader is a wonderful piece of software, and learning how to leverage it is a MUST-HAVE for YUI developers. Dynamic injections, controlling early user interactions, parallel downloads, preloading asssets, and window-iframe loading strategies are some of the topics that Caridy will cover in this presentation.

Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presenceChoose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence

Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

cheap linux hosting
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 Twitter launched a new version of the web
application that explicitly required javascript



      Runtime   FE Layer   CDN   API Layer

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs ConferenceUiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

The problem?
    The app was sloooowwwww for
a lot of users, specially mobile users.
Less than a year after, Twitter re-architected
 the infrastructure to get content upfront


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           Runtime   FE Layer   CDN   API Layer
How can we create web applications
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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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The challenges of building mobile HTML5 applications - FEEC Brazil 2012 - Recife
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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

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This is a slide deck that showcases the updates in Microsoft Copilot for May 2024

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

Build mobile applications on top
of platforms designed primarily for
          mobile products
The web it’s all about control,
      your control
write once, run everywhere,
        no so easy!
Customize per runtime & context,
adapt per form factor & feature detection

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This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

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Everything that I found interesting about machines behaving intelligently during June 2024

Build for the future,
don't get locked into a platform.

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