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Building Android Using

         By – Mr.Prajyot Mainkar (@prajyotm)

            Topics            Time Duration
         Introduction            15 mins
    About PhoneGap and Libs      30 mins
       PhoneGap Demo             30 mins
About Me

                                                       C.E.O & Founder
                                                   SPM Softwares & Designers

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                                 Professional               Mentor,
                                                     Google Developer Group

                                                         Head Maven,
Head, Startup Saturday Goa   Developer Advocate,    Goa Android User Group
About Me

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Intro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGapIntro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGap

The document discusses developing mobile applications using PhoneGap, which allows creating cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap uses a native web view to render the application, while also providing access to device APIs through a JavaScript library. This allows building apps that can be deployed to various mobile platforms like iOS and Android from a single codebase. The document covers getting started, debugging techniques, extending apps through plugins, and deploying finished apps through services like PhoneGap Build.

mobile application developmentmobile phonephonegap
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific languages. It works by wrapping web apps in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like the camera and geolocation. PhoneGap Build provides a cloud-based service for compiling PhoneGap apps so developers don't need to install SDKs locally. The presentation covered the PhoneGap workflow, tools like PhoneGap Dev Browser and Sleight, and the roadmap for future releases.

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Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGapBuilding Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap
Building Native Mobile Applications with PhoneGap

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open-source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using standardized web APIs and technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows accessing native device features and distribution via app stores. The document covers what PhoneGap is, how it works, best practices for development, and resources for learning more.

  NATIVE APPLICATION                           MOBILE WEB
  App Designed Using Local Resources           Integrating app functionality
                                               APPLICATION                     with web
  and is mobile os centric                     development techniques

  Using the respective model to create cross   Writing minimal native UI and loading web
  native apps that works on all intended       services for data transmission over server
Native Apps Are PRESENT
But Hybrid Apps are The Future

                 Native App   Web App   Hybrid App
Cross Platform
Device API
What is PhoneGap?
•An Open Source Platform to
create native apps using web

•A JavaScript library/wrapper

•A Native Library for every
platform ( Multi Platform

•Compilation helper/builder

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PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps

The document discusses building packaged Chrome apps and compares them to web apps. Packaged apps can run offline by default, access hardware capabilities, and provide a richer experience than web apps. They can also be distributed and updated through the Chrome Web Store. The document outlines the process of converting a web app into a packaged app by modifying the app structure and code to include things like a manifest file and background services.

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Phonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An OverviewPhonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An Overview

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of platform-specific languages. It provides an API to access common device capabilities like contacts, location, and cameras. PhoneGap works by wrapping web-based apps in a native container, so they can be compiled and run as native apps on iOS, Android, and other platforms from a single codebase. This allows developers to write their app once and deploy it across platforms, rather than maintaining separate codebases for each one.

ioshtml5web service integration

This document discusses building native mobile applications using PhoneGap. It provides an overview of PhoneGap, including its architecture and how it allows building mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap packages the web assets and runs them within a native container, allowing access to device capabilities through JavaScript APIs. The document outlines best practices for PhoneGap development, such as using a single HTML page and offline storage, and provides links for additional PhoneGap documentation.

API’s In PhoneGap
Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap
Case Study Apps - PhoneGap
              Moby is designed by GPS and
              location-based services applications
              expert Contigo. It’s a private location-
              sharing app for the people who matter
              most to you. The mobile app, built
              using the PhoneGap framework,
              answers the question, "Where are
              you?" by sharing users' coordinates
              with family and friends. Unlike similar
              services, Moby only shares your
              location with the people you choose,
              for the length of time you want. Moby
              also acts as a personal safety app
              allowing users to request help from
              family and friends at the touch of a

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DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using PhonegapDroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap

Phonegap allows developing hybrid mobile apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that can be deployed across various platforms like Android and iOS. It provides APIs to access native device functionality like contacts and sensors from webviews. The presentation demonstrated building basic and advanced Phonegap apps for Android using tools like Phonegap Build, Dojo Mobile, Sencha Touch, Maqetta, and Ripple. It promotes Phonegap for developing cross-platform mobile apps more easily than purely native or web approaches.

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Cordova and PhoneGap Insights
Cordova and PhoneGap InsightsCordova and PhoneGap Insights
Cordova and PhoneGap Insights

This document summarizes the differences between Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova. Both PhoneGap and Cordova allow developers to build hybrid mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While PhoneGap and Cordova provide the same core APIs, there are some differences in commands, default configuration files, and available versions. Overall, PhoneGap and Cordova result in apps with the same capabilities, but Cordova provides more flexibility in customizing native code.


PhoneGap is an open-source mobile development framework that allows building mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It wraps the code in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like cameras and sensors. Apps are hybrid, using web views instead of native languages. While this allows building once and deploying to multiple platforms, performance may suffer for graphically intensive apps and development time can be longer without native UI controls.

mobile development course
              HealthTap is the best way to quickly find,
              trusted, reputable doctor answers to
              health questions anytime, anywhere for

              ✓ Get fast, free, trustworthy health
              answers on any symptom, condition,
              medication or health concern from over
              14,000 of the best U.S. doctors

              ✓ Connect with doctors by starting
              private conversations in a safe, HIPAA-
              secure environment
Titanium V/s PhoneGap
•JavaScript API that provides access to Native Functions
•Supports HTML5/CSS3
•Supports Web Standards & Re-use Across Enterprise Apps
•Supports DOM based JavaScript Libraries/Frameworks
•Supports the most platforms

•JavaScript API that provides access to Native Functions
•Compiles to Native Code
•Could provide better performance.
A Simple Hybrid Application
 •Take advantage of the strengths of PhoneGap.
 •Support multiple platforms.
 •Works Together.
 •Easy Compilation.
 •Smart Share among your network.

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Hybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile appsHybrid mobile apps
Hybrid mobile apps

This document discusses hybrid mobile apps, which are native apps that use an embedded browser to run some or all of their user interface. Hybrid apps combine the advantages of native apps like being downloaded from app stores with the advantages of web apps like being able to write code once and deploy to multiple platforms. Frameworks exist that allow hybrid apps to access native device capabilities like the camera from JavaScript. The document argues that with frameworks, hybrid apps can provide rich experiences comparable to native apps.

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PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It works by taking these files and compiling them into apps that can run across multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. Developers upload their code to the Adobe PhoneGap Build cloud service, which generates apps for different devices. This allows apps to be created more quickly and easily across platforms. While testing on Android is simple, Apple testing requires an additional development certificate.

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Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open source tool that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It wraps the web view container to give apps access to device features like geolocation and accelerometers. While documentation is still maturing and bugs may exist, PhoneGap is free, open source, and offers developers a way to create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn multiple programming languages. Sample PhoneGap apps and getting started resources are provided.

And yes!
There would be
Getting Started with Android
Step 1 : Create a New Project
Step 2 : PhoneGap Processing
In the root directory of your project, create two new directories:


•Copy cordova-2.0.0.js from your Cordova download earlier to assets/www
•Copy cordova-2.0.0.jar from your Cordova download earlier to /libs
•Copy xml folder from your Cordova download earlier to /res

•Verify that cordova-2.0.0.jar is listed in the Build Path for your project.
•Right click on the /libs folder and go to Build Paths/ > Configure Build Path.
•Then, in the Libraries tab, add cordova-2.0.0.jar to the project.
•Refresh the project

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Mobile Development with PhoneGap
Mobile Development with PhoneGapMobile Development with PhoneGap
Mobile Development with PhoneGap

You can develop native mobile applications using HTML/CSS/JS with the help of PhoneGap. I will show you how to achieve the best possibe native experience using web technologies and optimize your workflow with automation.

Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGapGetting Acquainted with PhoneGap
Getting Acquainted with PhoneGap

An overview of developing mobile applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using PhoneGap, node.js, Brackets and related tools.

Phonegap for Engineers
Phonegap for EngineersPhonegap for Engineers
Phonegap for Engineers

PhoneGap allows developers to build native mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by wrapping web content in a native container on each mobile platform, allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and other platforms. PhoneGap uses a plugin architecture that enables accessing native device APIs like the camera, contacts, and geolocation from JavaScript. It supports many mobile browsers and platforms, while providing tools for compiling, debugging, and deploying apps.

Step 2 : PhoneGap Processing
Step 3 : Class File Processing
Edit your project's main Java file found in the src folder in Eclipse:

1.Add import org.apache.cordova.*;
2.Change the class's extend from Activity to DroidGap
3.Replace the setContentView() line with super.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html");
Step 4: Android Manifest
Use the following permissions between the <uses-sdk.../>
and <application.../> tags.

Step 5 : Hello World
Create and open a new file named index.html in the
assets/www directory. Paste the following code:

                Deploy and Run the Code

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Cordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSSCordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSS
Cordova / PhoneGap, mobile apps development with HTML5/JS/CSS

Build mobile cross platform apps with HTML5, JS & CSS3 Avoiding each mobile platforms’ native development language

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2013.02.26 Intel Overview
2013.02.26 Intel Overview2013.02.26 Intel Overview
2013.02.26 Intel Overview

The document discusses using the appMobi XDK tool to create hybrid mobile apps with HTML5. It describes appMobi's mission to allow web developers to create native mobile apps using HTML5 and JavaScript. The anatomy of an appMobi app is explained as a web view containing HTML/JS code accessed by device APIs. The presentation demonstrates using the XDK to build, preview, and deploy an app to devices or the cloud for different platforms.

Mobile Day - Intel XDK & Testing
Mobile Day - Intel XDK & TestingMobile Day - Intel XDK & Testing
Mobile Day - Intel XDK & Testing

1. The document discusses tools from Intel for developing and testing Android apps, including the Intel XDK for building HTML5 apps, Intel HAXM for speeding up Android emulation, and Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers for analyzing app performance. 2. It also mentions challenges in testing like automation and fragmentation, as well as services like AWS Device Farm, Google Cloud Test Lab, and Open STF that can be used for testing. 3. The document recommends tools like JUnit, UI Automator, and the Android Testing Support Library for testing Android apps.

Extending Power of PhoneGap
Plugins in PhoneGap

Adobe® PhoneGap™ Build
supports a curated selection
of PhoneGap Plugins, to
extend the native
functionality exposed by the
PhoneGap native-app

What Tools Are Available?
Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap

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Intel XDK in Brief
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Intel XDK in Brief

The Intel XDK is a cross-platform development tool that allows developers to create hybrid mobile apps using HTML5, JavaScript, and Cordova APIs. It provides an integrated development environment with tools for designing, debugging, building apps, and deploying them to app stores. The XDK supports Cordova for hybrid development and includes pre-built app templates, plugins, and resources for profiling app performance.

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What Libraries Are Available ?
Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap
Debugging PhoneGap

    What about Device API'? using WebView, Line-by-Line
                 Debugging could be pain

Weinre lets us to debug and manipulate the DOM from our PCs

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Exploited the multi-platform compatibility of HTML5 by developing a simple HTML5 based game using Phaser game development framework and Intel XDK multi-platform HTML5 application development IDE.

Desenvolvimento de Aplicativo Multiplataforma com Intel® XDK
Desenvolvimento de Aplicativo Multiplataforma com  Intel® XDKDesenvolvimento de Aplicativo Multiplataforma com  Intel® XDK
Desenvolvimento de Aplicativo Multiplataforma com Intel® XDK

O objetivo da apresentação é mostrar como desenvolver de forma fácil e rápida aplicativos móveis híbridos com a ferramenta Intel XDK. Abordarei sobre aplicativos híbridos, framewroks de desenvolvimento mobile, sobre a ferramenta e suas funcionalidades, além da demonstração de um aplicativo.

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Pengontrol kecerahan lampu pijar menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis arduin...Pengontrol kecerahan lampu pijar menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis arduin...
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Challenges in PhoneGap
1. How safe is it to use embedded
2. HTMl5 and CSS3 support
3. Debugging and profiling
4. Performance and Memory Usage
5. Screen Sizes and Orientation
6. DPI's
7. User Interface - or just use the
   Native Look
8. Performance and Optimization
What is NOT PhoneGap ?
1. PhoneGap is NOT a UI Framework
2. PhoneGap Doesn't include a
   browser and/or a rendering engine
3. PhoneGap Doesn't compile
4. Every Platform needs its own
5. HTML5/CSS3 Compatibility
Check –

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ID Android TechTalk Series #4 : Android Development Pattern

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03 - Membangun Aplikasi Mobile Berkualitas (Herman Tolle)

Materi Membangun Aplikasi Mobile Berkualitas yang disampaikan pada acara Bimbingan Teknis Entrepreneurship Kreatif Digital (Mobile Application dan Game) 16-17 September 2016 oleh Dr. Eng. Herman Tolle yang diadakan oleh Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Bekraf) bekerjasama dengan Universitas Brawijaya Malang

startupgame developmentmobile application development
CONTACT US                        Address:
                                  SPM Softwares & Designers
                                  Zarina Towers,St.Inez,Panaji Goa


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Building Hybrid Applications using PhoneGap

  • 1. Building Android Using PhoneGap By – Mr.Prajyot Mainkar (@prajyotm)
  • 2. SO WHAT’s IN PLATE KEY TOPICS Topics Time Duration Introduction 15 mins About PhoneGap and Libs 30 mins PhoneGap Demo 30 mins
  • 3. About Me C.E.O & Founder SPM Softwares & Designers Project Management Professional Mentor, Google Developer Group Head Maven, Head, Startup Saturday Goa Developer Advocate, Goa Android User Group
  • 5. TYPES OF APPS CHOOSE WHICH SUITS NATIVE APPLICATION MOBILE WEB App Designed Using Local Resources Integrating app functionality APPLICATION with web and is mobile os centric development techniques CROSS PLATFORM DEV TOOLS NATIVE & WEB APPLICATION Using the respective model to create cross Writing minimal native UI and loading web native apps that works on all intended services for data transmission over server targets
  • 6. Native Apps Are PRESENT But Hybrid Apps are The Future Native App Web App Hybrid App Cross Platform Linkable Discoverable Device API
  • 8. •An Open Source Platform to create native apps using web technologies •A JavaScript library/wrapper •A Native Library for every platform ( Multi Platform Support) •Compilation helper/builder
  • 11. Case Study Apps - PhoneGap
  • 12. WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH PHONEGAP? Moby is designed by GPS and location-based services applications expert Contigo. It’s a private location- sharing app for the people who matter most to you. The mobile app, built using the PhoneGap framework, answers the question, "Where are you?" by sharing users' coordinates with family and friends. Unlike similar services, Moby only shares your location with the people you choose, for the length of time you want. Moby also acts as a personal safety app allowing users to request help from family and friends at the touch of a button.
  • 13. WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH PHONEGAP? HealthTap is the best way to quickly find, trusted, reputable doctor answers to health questions anytime, anywhere for free! ✓ Get fast, free, trustworthy health answers on any symptom, condition, medication or health concern from over 14,000 of the best U.S. doctors ✓ Connect with doctors by starting private conversations in a safe, HIPAA- secure environment
  • 15. •JavaScript API that provides access to Native Functions •Supports HTML5/CSS3 •Supports Web Standards & Re-use Across Enterprise Apps •Supports DOM based JavaScript Libraries/Frameworks •Supports the most platforms •JavaScript API that provides access to Native Functions •Compiles to Native Code •Could provide better performance.
  • 16. A Simple Hybrid Application •Take advantage of the strengths of PhoneGap. •Support multiple platforms. •Works Together. •Easy Compilation. •Smart Share among your network.
  • 19. Step 1 : Create a New Project
  • 20. Step 2 : PhoneGap Processing In the root directory of your project, create two new directories: 1./libs 2.assets/www •Copy cordova-2.0.0.js from your Cordova download earlier to assets/www •Copy cordova-2.0.0.jar from your Cordova download earlier to /libs •Copy xml folder from your Cordova download earlier to /res •Verify that cordova-2.0.0.jar is listed in the Build Path for your project. •Right click on the /libs folder and go to Build Paths/ > Configure Build Path. •Then, in the Libraries tab, add cordova-2.0.0.jar to the project. •Refresh the project
  • 21. Step 2 : PhoneGap Processing
  • 22. Step 3 : Class File Processing Edit your project's main Java file found in the src folder in Eclipse: 1.Add import org.apache.cordova.*; 2.Change the class's extend from Activity to DroidGap 3.Replace the setContentView() line with super.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html");
  • 23. Step 4: Android Manifest Use the following permissions between the <uses-sdk.../> and <application.../> tags. android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|keyboard|screenSize|locale"
  • 24. Step 5 : Hello World Create and open a new file named index.html in the assets/www directory. Paste the following code: Deploy and Run the Code
  • 25. Extending Power of PhoneGap
  • 26. Plugins in PhoneGap Adobe® PhoneGap™ Build supports a curated selection of PhoneGap Plugins, to extend the native functionality exposed by the PhoneGap native-app container.
  • 27. What Tools Are Available?
  • 29. What Libraries Are Available ?
  • 32. http:// What about Device API'? using WebView, Line-by-Line Debugging could be pain Weinre lets us to debug and manipulate the DOM from our PCs
  • 34. 1. How safe is it to use embedded Webview? 2. HTMl5 and CSS3 support 3. Debugging and profiling 4. Performance and Memory Usage 5. Screen Sizes and Orientation 6. DPI's 7. User Interface - or just use the Native Look 8. Performance and Optimization
  • 35. What is NOT PhoneGap ?
  • 36. 1. PhoneGap is NOT a UI Framework 2. PhoneGap Doesn't include a browser and/or a rendering engine 3. PhoneGap Doesn't compile 4. Every Platform needs its own compilation 5. HTML5/CSS3 Compatibility Check –
  • 37. GET IN TOUCH CONTACT US Address: SPM Softwares & Designers f Zarina Towers,St.Inez,Panaji Goa t Phone: +91-9822987513 Email: