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How to Maximize Conversions through SEO
and CRO
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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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Mark Osborne - Brighton SEO April 2019 The Seedy Underbelly of Keyword Resear...
Mark Osborne - Brighton SEO April 2019 The Seedy Underbelly of Keyword Resear...Mark Osborne - Brighton SEO April 2019 The Seedy Underbelly of Keyword Resear...
Mark Osborne - Brighton SEO April 2019 The Seedy Underbelly of Keyword Resear...

Mark Osborne's talk at Brighton SEO April 2019 The Seedy Underbelly of Keyword Research And Search Intent

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Building an SEO Exponential Growth model by closing your content gaps
Building an SEO Exponential Growth model by closing your content gapsBuilding an SEO Exponential Growth model by closing your content gaps
Building an SEO Exponential Growth model by closing your content gaps

Content Gap Analysis, Keyword Research & Content Optimization for SEO is one of the most powerful techniques to achieve continuous SEO growth. It will allow you to discover new opportunities & optimize to achieve top rankings in Google for both existing & new content. BrightonSEO April 2019.

content optimizationcontent gap analysiscontent marketing
On site optimization
On site optimizationOn site optimization
On site optimization

Every new SEO needs a good guide to start with. OnSite SEO is incredibly important for the development of a website.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
Until there’s no moving the needle further

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The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) fundamentals and strategies. It identifies the four key pillars of SEO as keywords, content, links, and site structure. Various SEO tactics are described, including optimizing titles, meta descriptions, internal linking structures, and acquiring both internal and external links through blogging, link baiting, and requesting links from other sites. The importance of the "long tail" of unbranded keywords is also emphasized.

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The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (...
The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (...The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (...
The Actionable Guide to Doing Better Semantic Keyword Research #BrightonSEO (...

1) Semantic search relies on understanding the conceptual relationships between keywords rather than exact matches, so SEOs must conduct more thorough semantic keyword research. 2) Tools like KNIME allow SEOs to automate data collection from sources like search engines and social media, analyze the data using techniques like TF-IDF and LDA to group keywords semantically, and visualize relationships to guide on-page optimization. 3) By understanding conceptual topics and how consumer language is used, SEOs can better optimize websites for searcher intent to perform well in semantic search.

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Search Engine Optimization PPT
Search Engine Optimization PPT Search Engine Optimization PPT
Search Engine Optimization PPT

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search Read all SEO Tips Shared by Matt Cutts in this PPT.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
The thing is, that sweet spot is often
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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The document discusses how SEO has evolved to focus more on content marketing. It emphasizes that effective SEO content needs to have the right target, structure, and authority. For target, content should match user intent at different stages of the customer journey. For structure, content must be accessible to both users and search engines. For authority, a website needs quality content, links, and an established brand to be trusted. The document provides tips for content creation, such as using keyword research tools and understanding user personas and conversion funnels. It also stresses the importance of site speed, calls to action, and engaging users through different types of content.

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Upsana Gautam - Advanced Search Summit Napa 2019
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Upsana Gautam - Advanced Search Summit Napa 2019

Upasna Gautam gave a presentation on semantic search. She began by discussing how search has evolved from keyword-focused to being driven by intent and context. She then defined semantic search as understanding the relationships between words and sentences to improve search accuracy. The rest of the presentation covered key aspects that enable semantic search like entity optimization, knowledge graphs, structured data, and information architecture. She also discussed optimizing content for voice search and provided tactical takeaways around semantic optimization.

How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
There are ways to make them play well
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. It discusses what SEO is, why it is important given user behavior trends, and common barriers to implementing SEO. It then outlines potential benefits of doing SEO, such as increased traffic and brand awareness. The document also covers key on-page and off-page optimization techniques, how to research competitors, and tips for developing landing pages and backlinks. Overall, the document serves as a basic guide to SEO best practices for improving search engine rankings.

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Webinar Essential Actions For Dramatic SEO Growth
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Webinar Essential Actions For Dramatic SEO Growth

This document outlines 11 essential actions for dramatic SEO growth: 1. Secure sites by switching from HTTP to HTTPS. 2. Ensure sites are fully mobile friendly by testing on mobile devices. 3. Improve accessibility by adding text equivalents for images and videos. 4. Clean up internal site structure and ensure all pages can be reached by internal links. 5. Optimize tags like title tags, meta descriptions, and headings. 6. Perform competitive keyword research using tools like and SEMRush. 7. Analyze link profiles with tools like Majestic and Ahrefs. 8. Remove duplicate content and limit URL parameters and session IDs. 9.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices for optimizing website content. It discusses techniques like including keywords in page titles, meta descriptions, headlines, and body text. It also emphasizes the importance of internal and external links for improving search engine rankings. The document provides recommendations like writing quality content, analyzing competitors, and using analytics tools to track SEO performance over time.

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SEO for developers (session 1)

Session 1 of RankAbove's SEO workshop tailored to developers. RankAbove Senior Analyst Avromi Sommers breaks down the history of SEO, on-page search, site structure, sitemaps (including those for video and news), mobile SEO, and structure for foreign language sites.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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[BrightonSEO April 2019] This talk shares the detailed methodology used to restructure a job aggregator site, which, like many large websites, had huge problems with indexability, and the rules used to direct robot crawl, taking the site from over 2.5 million URLs to just 20,000. It covers crawling and indexing issues and dive into the case study aided by flow charts to explain the full approach used to restructure the site and how to implement it.

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Are you tapping into automation for keyword research? If not, why not? When it comes to SEO, automation is awesome. For starters, it can help free up a lot of time that is normally spent on menial tasks. What’s more, it can also aid deep analysis, and even facilitate innovation. If you are still doing keyword research manually, this is a must-attend session. Paul will show you how to get started with automated keyword research, using some easy-to-use tools. You’ll see first-hand how they can help you uncover valuable insights automatically. Overall, you will walk away with an immediately actionable plan to start automating your keyword research today.

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Creative SEO
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Creative SEO

Dejan Petrovic's presentation on the SEO Summit 2016 touching base on the best way to execute SEO campaigns in a very creative manner.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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These landing pages are usually your…

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This document provides tips and strategies for optimizing content for search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses analyzing competitors, crafting semantic phrases, extracting relevant entities, using synonyms, and adding value. Specific techniques are outlined for benchmarking competitors, researching semantic phrases from LSI tools and Wikipedia, finding synonyms from Wikipedia redirects and thesauruses, mapping entities from Wikipedia and Wikimindmap, and adding value through informative, interactive content and images. The overall message is that optimizing content requires going beyond keywords to understand searcher intent and leverage related concepts, words, people and associations to improve relevance for searchers.

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Long form content
Linkable assets
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and why businesses should care about it. SEO is the process of improving a website to increase its visibility in organic search engine results. It involves optimizing elements like titles, meta descriptions, headings, internal links, and external links from other websites. Regularly updating content and focusing on relevant keywords can help rank higher in search engines over time.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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This document discusses strategies for on-site search engine optimization (SEO), focusing on both technical and content-related factors. It emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation by optimizing all elements of a website, including keywords, descriptions, titles, filenames, and alt text for images. Small optimizations across many pages can have significant long-term impact by improving rankings and traffic. Both technical elements like links and code, as well as high-quality, optimized content are important for SEO success.

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This document outlines the career progression of an individual in the fields of web design, SEO, and digital marketing. It begins with the person studying entrepreneurship in university and starting their own failed and successful web design agencies. They then worked at an SEO company and grew their own freelance SEO/web business into a mediocre and successful agency. Finally, they merged their agency with a larger digital agency. The document contrasts the roles of employees, freelancers, and business owners in these fields and notes that most professionals reach their highest level of success within 1-3 years.

How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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The 7 Biggest Trends in SEO: 2016
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Rand Fishkin's presentation covering 7 of the biggest trends in SEO in 2016 from changes in Google's handling of keywords to CTR opportunities to machine learning and more.

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Introduction to SEO Presentation
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Introduction to SEO Presentation

7thingsmedia's Founder & CEO , Chris Bishop, presented an intimate introduction into search engine optimization (SEO). Bishop took the group through the basics of how the various search engines work, how to efficiently rank in them and the key on page and off page ranking factors. Plus an Google Panda and Google Penguin update.

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People who convert to paid after visiting only
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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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Searching higher up the funnel

Consumer search behaviour is complex. You perform multiple searches on multiple devices over multiple days; where everything you see and experience, in the SERPs and beyond, influences your brand preference and purchase decisions. Traditional funnel analysis and marketing models do a poor job of measuring and managing this ecosystem. We need to re-think the way we talk about, measure and manage SEO if we want bigger budgets, integrated strategies, and to win big - and we need to move fast; some of the world's biggest companies are already beating us to it.

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Search engines are the primary source of traffic for most websites. Search engines work by using web crawlers or spiders to scan the internet, index website content, and display search results according to relevance. The top search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and Myway. Search engine optimization (SEO) involves on-page techniques like optimizing content, keywords, descriptions and page layout, as well as off-page techniques like link building through blog and article submissions, social networking, and directory submissions to improve a website's visibility in search engine results.

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Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
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Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can keep up with Google in 2017 and beyond. It discusses 5 key things marketers must do: 1) diversify traffic sources to reduce reliance on Google, 2) create a scalable link building strategy with decreasing friction, 3) use searcher intent and changing SERP features to break through Google's results, 4) evolve keyword targeting to match Google's sophistication, and 5) focus on searcher engagement which may be a new key ranking factor. The presentation explores how Google is increasingly using machine learning and user data in its algorithms.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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This is a complete training module on SEO. Learn about SEO from the basics to advanced stages using this presentation. This SEO training course will help you to keep up to speed with the most widely used digital marketing technique - Search Engine Optimization. This SEO course is published online for beginners as well as experts.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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SEO in a Two Algorithm World
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SEO in a Two Algorithm World

Google's evolution into deep learning has created a whole new kind of algorithm; one that differs substantially from the type of ranking system SEOs & marketers have become used to over the past 17 years. In this presentation, Rand explores the changes Google's made, and how it impacts the actions necessary to be successful in 2016 and beyond.



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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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A brief history of seo
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A brief history of seo

The document provides a history of the internet and search engines from the first website launched in 1991 to current developments in SEO. It discusses the early days of unstructured websites and the need for search engines like Yahoo and Google to help organize information. It then explains key on-site SEO techniques like optimizing content, meta tags, URLs, images and internal links to improve search engine rankings.

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Google Ranking by Digital Fry
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Google Ranking by Digital Fry

This document provides a quick guide to Google's ranking factors. It discusses factors at the domain, page, and site level that Google considers when ranking websites, such as domain age, keywords in page content and metadata, links and authority of linking pages/domains, mobile optimization, and user experience signals. The document outlines over 50 specific technical and qualitative elements that comprise Google's algorithm for determining search result rankings.

How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines First Things First, What Is SEO? SEO is simply any work carried out to increase the number and more importantly the quality of visitors to your website by making sure the website ranks in the search engines (Google etc.) for words and phrases related to what you are selling. If you sell car insurance then you want to be on page 1 of Google, preferably number 1, when someone types in car insurance. Simple. How Do You Start SEO? You research what words and phrases people use to buy the products and services you are selling, this is known as keyword research. The purpose of this it to make sure your pages are optimised for relevant words and phrases. It's worth noting, just because lots of people use a particular phrase doesn't mean you should optimise for it, if the competition for the phrase is tough (lots of other established sites are chasing the phrase) then you might be better chasing other less competitive phrases. OK, I Get That, What Next? Next you optimise your pages using the words and phrases you found. There are certain elements of a web page (title, meta, headers) that search engines focus on and these need to be set-up correctly. Is That It? Sadly not, because anyone can carry out keyword research and optimise their pages there are loads of well optimised pages about any given subject so Google needs a way of deciding which ones are best. It does this by measuring the number and quality of the links to your pages from pages on other websites. How Do I Do Link Building? In summary there are two approaches to link building. You can buy them, which is against Google's guidelines or earn them, our preferred method. What Do I Need to Watch For When Buying SEO? Nobody can guarantee a ranking unless they are using techniques that could get you banned from the search engines, which isn't ideal. And Finally... SEO can get your head in a spin. Like many things in life there are lots of different opinions on what works and what doesn't. Although there may be some magical formulae kicking around - doubtful - one thing is for sure, if you get your basic site structure and on page tagging right you will be on track for search engine success.

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This document provides an analysis of the SEO objectives and current state of the website. It analyzes various on-page and off-page optimization factors, technical issues, and mobile friendliness. The analysis identifies priorities like optimizing titles, headers, images, content, and fixing broken links. It also provides metrics on backlinks, domain authority, and recommendations to improve rankings, visibility, and traffic.

Landing Page Optimization
Landing Page Optimization Landing Page Optimization
Landing Page Optimization

A data-backed look at what it takes to optimize landing pages in the era of Google's core updates. How to align your landing pages to the authority your site has built.

Pricing page
Testimonials page
Features page
This is so we can make the user experience
consistent for both the original and variation

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Search engine optimisation
Search engine optimisationSearch engine optimisation
Search engine optimisation

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of improving how a website ranks in search engines. It involves optimizing aspects like keywords, links, images, and content to attract search engines. Key factors search engines consider are relevant keywords on pages, especially titles and headings, image alt text, internal linking between pages, and external links from authoritative sites. Monitoring tools like Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools help track effectiveness. While good SEO enhances relevance, bad techniques like keyword stuffing or hidden text can trick search engines and hurt rankings.

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Seo-Search engine optimisation

Presentation on Search engine Optimisation.Seo is the process of getting your site to the first page of Search engines.

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Seo Primer
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Seo Primer

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO). It explains that SEO is the process of optimizing websites and content to increase their visibility in organic search results. It discusses how search engines work by crawling websites and indexing their content. Some key factors that affect SEO rankings are identified, such as content relevance, backlinks, and technical aspects like site speed. Common SEO techniques are outlined, and the importance of SEO for marketing online is explained.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO

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How to do a SEO Site Audit

Find and fix all SEO (search engine optimization) issues with a website to increase organic traffic and Google rankings.

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Rand Fishkin: Two Algorithm World
Rand Fishkin: Two Algorithm WorldRand Fishkin: Two Algorithm World
Rand Fishkin: Two Algorithm World

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on SEO in a two algorithm world. It discusses how Google's search algorithm has evolved from primarily considering links to now using machine learning and user signals like click-through rates and engagement. It recommends that SEO professionals optimize for both algorithms by focusing on factors like filling content gaps, driving task completion, and creating content that earns loyalty and amplification rather than just links. The future of SEO involves balancing traditional on-site optimization with a new approach focused on searcher outputs and engagement.

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How to perform a technical SEO audit and ramp up your content strategy in 10 ...How to perform a technical SEO audit and ramp up your content strategy in 10 ...
How to perform a technical SEO audit and ramp up your content strategy in 10 ...

How to perform a technical SEO audit and ramp up your content strategy in 10 steps [with audit presentation template]: We often assume that search engines are far more precise and knowledgeable than they are in reality. As a result, we often unwittingly develop poor practices that prevent our sites from reaching our search goals. Catching and correcting SEO mistakes like these are what audits are for. In our time as growth-minded technical SEO consultants, we’ve run audits on a wide range of client sites in a diverse array of industries. We’ll walk you through the process in the following ten steps, elaborate on our checklist, and provide a presentation template. The tools you’ll need to run a technical SEO audit Let’s help you get ready for the work by sharpening your tools first. Technical SEO audits don’t require a prohibitively large and bleeding-edge tech stack. They require a few simple tools, some of which you likely already have (while the others aren’t likely to break the bank). Crawling For web crawling, we’re big fans of Screaming Frog. It’s ideal for raw data analysis. Other workable alternatives like DeepCrawl and the brand-new Sitebulb, offer superior visualization tools. All-purpose You’ll need a more general-purpose SEO platform as well. Semrush and Ahrefs are solid, and offer a range of automated audits and other functions to cut down on the workload. Content optimization Optionally, for a better process in page-level optimization, we’ve used and enjoyed MarketMuse, Clearscope, or Surfer. Analysis and testing You’ll also need platforms for evaluating content performance. Google Analytics in combination with Google Search Console will suffice as we focus on analytics for SEO purposes. will be your favorite for systematic testing of the growth you achieve by implementing the improvements recommended by the audit. The 10 steps of our tech SEO audit process We recommend using the steps below as your checklist. Sometimes you’ll find that a website has more issues in one area than another, and you’ll need to add steps there. But by following the below, you’ll always make sure that you cover all the important aspects of how well search engines can understand your website’s content thanks to clean structure, ease of crawling, thorough optimization, and speed.

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The document discusses the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) for content professionals. It argues that linking, navigating, and making content searchable are just as important as content creation. The content stresses that on the web, content has no value unless it is well-linked, easy to navigate to, and easy to find. The rest of the document provides an SEO checklist for editors, emphasizing elements like content quality, headlines, internal linking, images, and promotion. It advises focusing on one element of the checklist each week to improve a site's SEO.

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This is a quick presenation on why Search Engine Optimization is everyone's concern, not just the developer's

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THF offers the students a high quality learning environment of international standards. The workshops are well equipped and the courses are designed to meet industry requirements. This ensures a high degree of employability for THF graduates.

How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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This document discusses how digital marketing helped the author become a CEO at 22 years old. While the pandemic impacted businesses, digital marketing allowed the author's "Why" and "What" to remain the same by changing their "How" to adopt digital marketing and fulfillment. The author focused on search engine optimization (SEO) by applying SEO techniques to their blog, which helped it rank and gain readers. This led to their first business in SEO and growing it to a multi-million peso company with 50 employees by age 22. Their principles for success can be found in their book "CEO at 22."

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This leadership seminar was delivered for Accenture in Bonifacio Global City (BGC) for their Top ACT event. It was the first time they were doing an event such as this for their newly launched mentorship program so delivering the Agile Leadership talk for them was a very big deal for me. I mixed a little bit of tech geekiness in the deck so the sub-title is 'Decoding Leadership in Today's World'. I also tackled why leadership is important and why it's difficult at the same time. I also noted that leadership is more difficult nowadays because influencing people has become more elusive. Technology has increased our awareness and so it has also increased our skepticism. We don't put our faith in someone or something as easily as before. Influence is earned. Which means leadership is earned. And how you earn leadership stems from who you are and how authoritative you are in what you do and say. Earning influence requires a ton of hard work, intentional practice, research and diplomacy. These things do not come often to a lot of people. There are a few gems of an individual that has these and I implore people to work towards having these characteristics as it will serve them in becoming the best leaders they can be. I also talk about passion and how it is grossly misunderstood by the world at large. It does take passion to be a leader but it is the difficult side of passion that enables this. The side that takes a lot of sacrifice and (I daresay) martyrdom. Life is not about work and pay. Rather, it is about sharing your faith to others. Give what you have freely to others. How can you share and give to others if they don't want what you have? Because they don't want to be like you? The Bible says in Titus 2:7 "And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching." You have to be someone who matters to people. That takes authority which turns to influence. Leadership is impossible without the willingness to suffer for something you truly believe in. The good news is leadership can be agile! Leadership is not a long, hard development that will launch after everything has been "quality-assured." You learn, you practice - and yes you might faith sometimes and experience 'bugs' along the way, but the important thing is to 'just keep shipping.' This talk was also delivered to Fluor Philippines, in Alabang. They are a Fortune 500 company with more than 56,000 employees worldwide. They also have offices in Manila and Cebu with a combined headcount of almost 3,000 employees. They got me to talk about leadership for their Mentoring program. It was a very exciting time for them and I, in turn, was thrilled for the opportunity to speak about leadership in their event.

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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That’s because unlike site speed, the h1
element is a front-end element
People can actually see it

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How to Maximize Conversions Through SEO and CRO
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to improve conversion rates
The problem is, what converts most may not
always be what ranks best
Let’s take qeryz for example

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1) Same Landing pages
2) Duplicate content from a/b testing
3) Site speed from a/b or a/b/n testing
4) h1 tag copy

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