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Modern Web Applications With HTML5
Ido Green, Developer Advocate
Modern Web Applications
Modern Applications
● Self Contained
● "Offline First"
● MV* Frameworks
● Device Aware
● #Perfmatters
● Performance! #Perfmatters
● Flaky connections (e.g. cafes, car)
● Airplane, road trip, deserted island
● Consolidates the concept of permanent application.
* We will use: Lawnchair for our demo.
Offline - Why?

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Introduction to Ionic framework
Introduction to Ionic frameworkIntroduction to Ionic framework
Introduction to Ionic framework

This document provides an overview of the Ionic Framework for developing hybrid mobile applications. It discusses the advantages of hybrid apps over native apps, including using a single codebase across platforms. It introduces Ionic as an HTML5 framework built on Angular and Cordova, containing CSS and JavaScript components for building mobile-optimized apps. It covers getting started with Ionic, the CLI, components, platform access tools, and includes examples. The goal of Ionic is to provide native-like performance for building beautiful, easy-to-maintain hybrid mobile apps.

Flutter Workshop 2021 @ ARU
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Flutter Workshop 2021 @ ARU

This document provides information about the Flutter Workshop 2021 that took place on January 25-26, 2021 at Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University. It includes links to code repositories, presentations, videos, and the Google Meet for the workshop. It also introduces the workshop instructor and provides an overview of Flutter and how to build basic apps with Flutter, integrate Firebase services, and implement various UI elements and patterns.

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Anton Sakharov: The risks you take when develop cross-platform apps using HT...
 Anton Sakharov: The risks you take when develop cross-platform apps using HT... Anton Sakharov: The risks you take when develop cross-platform apps using HT...
Anton Sakharov: The risks you take when develop cross-platform apps using HT...

Technologies like PhoneGap, Xamarin and other cross-platform frameworks may be a great choice for your project. But you should be aware of the risks you take: framework lock-in, compatibility issues, easy reverse engineering etc.

● Storing assets: AppCache
● Storing data: localStorage, IndexedDB, File API.
● Offline first:
○ Pretend that there's no internet connection
○ Implement a sync layer that works only when
Offline - How?
navigator.onLine & window.(ononline|onoffline)
Offline - Appcache
<html manifest="myapp.manifest">
#version 1.2.3
● You can use it TODAY:
● Will also be used when the user
is online.
● Allows you to define fallback
● (!) Don't cache the manifest!
Use abstractions
● Lawn Chair -
● asyncStorage -
● IndexedDBShim -
Design Web Applications

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Lo mejor y peor de React Native @ValenciaJS
Lo mejor y peor de React Native @ValenciaJSLo mejor y peor de React Native @ValenciaJS
Lo mejor y peor de React Native @ValenciaJS

Una charla sobre React Native que di el 23 de Marzo 2017 en el meetup ValenciaJS: En 2016 desarrollé durante seis meses una aplicación para React Native. En esta charla compartí todo lo que he aprendido sobre este framework, y cómo os puede servir para crear una app nativa para iOS y Android al mismo tiempo de manera rápida y ágil. Hablé sobre la parte positiva, y las cosas que aceleraron nuestro proceso de desarrollo, pero también sobre algunos inconvenientes que hay que tener en cuenta. Se trata sobre todo de problemas muy específicos de cada plataforma, poner en marcha un flujo de integración continua y facilitar un proceso sencillo de testar la app con los usuarios. React Native es una buena solución que está muy de moda pero esto no significa que hay que usarlo sin analizar bien las necesidades de tu proyecto. Presenté brevemente una alternativa (Ionic 2) y conté que ventajas tiene en comparación con React Native desde mi punto de vista.

iOS Developers Conference-iOS Automation with Cucumber, Appium and Saucelabs
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This document discusses using Appium, Cucumber, and Saucelabs for iOS automation testing. It provides an overview of Appium and how it works, requirements for iOS testing, and instructions for installing Appium and setting up a mobile app for testing. It also describes using Appium Inspector, writing Cucumber feature files and step definitions, and configuring tests to run on Saucelabs. The document concludes with a live demo of running a Cucumber and Appium test on Saucelabs.

React Native for ReactJS Devs
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React Native for ReactJS Devs

This document introduces React Native, which allows developers to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android from JavaScript. React Native uses React to construct mobile user interfaces and allows sharing of code across platforms. It renders native UI components rather than webviews, supports flexbox layout, and exposes platform APIs. Developers can build full-stack universal apps that share code between web and mobile using React Native and tools like Redux. It provides benefits like hot reloading, native performance, and the ability to add it incrementally to existing apps.

reactsoftware developmentreact-native
(Da New) Design process
A Page? An App?
● It's not pages anymore
● Design from the content out
● Your web app as a collection of
(web) components
● Less is more: Any addition has the
potential to ruin our MVP
Design A List Again?
● Don't reinvent the wheel
● Don't let "web" nor "Enterprise"
be an excuse
Design - Phones? Tablets?
● Start with the UX
○ Balsamiq, Creately,
○ Aim for common
device breakpoints
(4:3, 16:9)

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iOS Automation with Cucumber, Appium and Saucelabs
iOS Automation with Cucumber, Appium and SaucelabsiOS Automation with Cucumber, Appium and Saucelabs
iOS Automation with Cucumber, Appium and Saucelabs

This document discusses iOS automation testing using Cucumber, Appium and Saucelabs. It provides an overview of Appium and its capabilities for testing hybrid and native mobile apps. It then details the installation and setup process for Appium on Mac including prerequisites like NodeJS, Xcode and Ruby. The document demonstrates running Appium locally and on Saucelabs cloud including uploading the mobile app. It also introduces the Appium Inspector tool for recording and playing back tests. Lastly, it advertises a live demo of Cucumber, Appium and Saucelabs integration for iOS automation.

A tour of React Native
A tour of React NativeA tour of React Native
A tour of React Native

React Native is an open source framework by Facebook that enables software engineers to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. I'll talk about what React Native actually is (and what it isn't), how it works under the hood, and why it was designed like that.

Introduction to react native
Introduction to react nativeIntroduction to react native
Introduction to react native

This document introduces React Native, a framework for building mobile apps using React. It allows building Android and iOS apps with shared code. React Native uses a virtual DOM for fast rendering. Components manage state and receive data through props. Lifecycle methods handle mounting, updating, and unmounting. Setting up requires Node.js, React Native CLI, and Android Studio or Xcode. Hot reloading, Flexbox layouts, and libraries like Lottie and React Navigation make development easier.

mobile application developmentandroidreact-native
Philosophy: Adaptive Apps
● Adaptive apps
○ Custom views and templates for each form factor
○ Shared the model
● Use responsive design within the form factor
● progressive enhancement
So your app is useful on
any platform.
Building Web Applications
MV* For The Win
● Separating concerns
○ Model handles data
○ server persistence layer
○ View handles user input and
● Used to be on the server...
AngularJS - Client Side Framework
Angular.js - Let you extend HTML
vocabulary for your application.
● Data binding
● Extensible HTML
● Dependency Injection / Testable
More options:

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React Native in a nutshell
React Native in a nutshellReact Native in a nutshell
React Native in a nutshell

As presented at DevDuck #6 - JavaScript meetup for developers ( ---- Looking for a company to build your React app? - Check us out at

reactsoftwaresoftware development
Introduction to React Native
Introduction to React NativeIntroduction to React Native
Introduction to React Native

This document provides an introduction to React Native, including prerequisites, key concepts, architecture, libraries, and demos. React Native allows building mobile apps using React that work on both iOS and Android. It provides a native experience while allowing code reuse between platforms. Popular libraries that complement React Native development include React Navigation, React Redux, and NativeBase. The document demonstrates building a simple "Hello World" app and a production app with features like custom fonts and REST API integration. It discusses challenges like frequent React Native updates and debugging tools like Chrome and Reactotron.

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Creating books app with react native
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Creating books app with react native

Ali Hussein Al-Sa'o is a senior front end developer with 10 years of experience in web development. The session will cover an introduction to React and React Native, including what they are, their key characteristics, and an installation guide. It will also discuss debugging in React Native and provide an overview of coding and additional resources. React Native allows building mobile apps using only JavaScript and aims to provide a faster development cycle than alternatives like Cordova through features like live reloading and over-the-air updates.

Mobile World - RESTful World
And more...
APIs - Demo Time
Demo of 'Note Generator'
Transferable Objects Demo

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Discover Android Wear
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Discover Android Wear

Google has been in the press a lot in the past few days since announcing Android Wear, their upcoming line of Android branded smart watches. Wearables are the next big frontier for smart technology. And on March 18, 2014, Google announced its part in it — Android Wear. As the name implies, Android Wear is an Android-based initiative, using Google's mobile operating system and a dedicated software development kit to kick-start the wearables space.

Dockerising Appium : London Appium Meetup
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This document discusses dockerizing and vagrantizing Appium. It begins with an overview and then discusses visualizing the Appium installation process. It notes that installing Appium can be painful due to its dependencies. It then discusses using Docker and Docker Toolbox to provision Android Appium in containers more easily. It provides commands for pulling an Appium Docker image and running Appium in Docker containers. Finally, it briefly mentions using Vagrant and Ansible to provision Appium.

JHipster presentation by Gaetan Bloch
JHipster presentation by Gaetan BlochJHipster presentation by Gaetan Bloch
JHipster presentation by Gaetan Bloch

JHipster presentation for Worldwide Software Architecture Summit on the subject: Monolithic Full-stack Application Generation. Java Spring Boot Backend, PostgreSQL database, Angular Frontend, QA, GitHub Actions.

Device APIs WG:
● Geolocation API (Psst... support in DevTools)
● Device Orientation API (accelerometer in your DevTools)
● WebGL ( GPU )
● HTML5 Filesystem API
● Network connectivity
● Battery API
● Gamepad API
● WebRTC
● Web Audio API ( core audio )
"Device APIs"
Google Cloud Endpoints
Modern Apps and The Server Conundrum
Have to deal with a server
○ Offload Computation
○ Sharing and Collaboration
○ Logs
But who wants to run a server?
○ Spikey traffic - Scaling challenges
○ Client Server communication
○ Serialization
○ OAuth Dance
Google App Engine

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React Native custom components
React Native custom componentsReact Native custom components
React Native custom components

Jeremy Grancher discusses creating custom components for React Native. He demonstrates how to build both a custom utility component and a custom UI component that renders native views. For a utility component, you create an Objective-C or Java class that extends RCTBridgeModule and export methods. For a UI component, you create a view class, a manager class that extends RCTViewManager, and export view properties and methods. Custom components allow you to extend React Native with platform-specific functionality and provide wrappers for existing native modules.

Intro to react native
Intro to react nativeIntro to react native
Intro to react native

This document provides an overview and introduction to React Native, including: - What React Native is and the problems it solves like enabling cross-platform development using a single JavaScript codebase. - The technologies that comprise React Native like ReactJS and how it binds to native platforms. - Getting started with a basic React Native app and examples of extending it with custom modules. - An overview of the React Native component library and APIs. - Recommendations to get familiar with related technologies like JSX, Flow, and Node.js. - Thoughts on the benefits and challenges of developing with React Native.

react nativereact-nativereactjs
Modern Web Applications Utilizing HTML5 APIs
Modern Web Applications Utilizing HTML5 APIsModern Web Applications Utilizing HTML5 APIs
Modern Web Applications Utilizing HTML5 APIs

Modern web apps are rich, interactive applications. This webcast will cover new techniques for building modern web apps and how to utilize the latest HTML5 APIs to create a new class of web apps that will delight and amaze your users. In this interactive event, Ido Green, the author of Web Workers, will cover the following: * Defining the modern web app * Designing a modern web app * HTML5 Power tools/APIs * Tips & best practices

google chromehtml5google app engine
Google App Engine
Google APIs: The Discovery Document
Google APIs: Client Libraries
● Web
○ JavaScript: google-api-javascript-client
○ Node.js: google-api-nodejs-client
○ Dart: google-api-dart-client
● Mobile
○ Objective C: google-api-objectivec-client
○ Java: google-api-java-client
● Server-side
○ Ruby: google-api-ruby-client
○ Python: google-api-python-client
○ Go: google-api-go-client
○ PHP: google-api-php-client
○ .NET: google-api-dotnet-client
○ GWT: gwt-google-apis
Google APIs
<script type="text/javascript">
function init() {
gapi.client.load(‘urlshortener’, 'v1’, function() {});
<script src=""></script>

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Web Forms The Right Way
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Forms are the main 'entry barrier' to anything meaningful on the web. It might be a registration form, sign-up form or a shopping cart. In all of them, you wish to do the best in order to make your users happy with the experience. In these slides, we will cover the best practices so your forms will rock.

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Unravelling Mobile Web Performance
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Unravelling Mobile Web Performance

The Mobile Web is a complicated beast, making Mobile Web Performance a tough problem to tackle. Is an iPad on WiFi a part of the Mobile Web? How about a laptop with a 3G stick? This presentation tries to split the Mobile Web into three categories, to make it more manageable: Network, Software & Hardware. For each, it reviews the performance challenges this category entails, and offers possible solutions to those challenges. A recording of this presentation (with audio) is available here:

mobile web performance feo
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This presentation discusses methods of collaborative assessment used at Passaic County Community College to assess student writing, critical thinking, and information literacy skills across writing intensive courses, as well as to assess the courses and the overall writing program. Assessment methods include the use of rubrics to evaluate student work, surveys of students and faculty, and analysis of student ePortfolios, which collect student assignments and reflections. The goal is to improve student learning outcomes through improved course design and professional development for faculty.

Google Cloud Endpoints
Simple GET API Request
Using Data Model for Insert
@endpoints.api(name='picturesque', version='v1',
description='Photos API for Picturesque App')
class PicturesqueApi(remote.Service):
@Photo.method(path='photo', name='photo.insert')
def PhotoInsert(self, photo):
# do some validation
return photo
Insert With Drag and Drop Demo

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This document provides an overview of the topics to be covered in Unit 3: Time Out. The unit will teach how to talk about jobs and describe companies, discuss daily routines, and use the present simple tense and big numbers. Specifically, it will cover talking about one's job, employer, and place of work. It will also cover numbers and decimal numbers, with examples given. Daily routines will also be discussed.

Cap 4 gases-3662
Cap 4 gases-3662Cap 4 gases-3662
Cap 4 gases-3662

Este documento presenta varios ejercicios sobre el comportamiento de los gases ideales y la teoría cinético-molecular. Se revisan las leyes de Boyle, Charles y Avogadro, y la ecuación de estado de los gases ideales. Los ejercicios cubren temas como las propiedades de los gases individuales y las mezclas de gases, y conceptos como presión parcial, velocidad molecular y energía cinética. Se proporcionan las respuestas detalladas a cada ejercicio.

gases ideales


Update Demo
List Demo - Get Photos Baby!
var req =;
req.execute(function(data) {
data.items = data.items || [];
console.log("-- We have " + data.items.length);
Demo Time
"Smart" Client
● Network calls are expensive
● "Client" photo library
○ Lawnchair allows us to store photos' metadata
○ filer.js to store the photos
○ Application Cache
● Do not Repeat Yourself
○ Applies to code and to API calls
○ Only retrieve photos that have been updated
since the last API call

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Java Eye Architecture
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Java Eye Architecture

The document discusses JavaEye, a popular Chinese technical blog. It describes the evolution of JavaEye's architecture over time from a single server running Ruby on Rails to a more complex distributed system with front-end web servers, backend application servers, a search server, database servers, and caching. It highlights the technologies used at each stage, including Lighttpd, Memcached, and search tools like Ferret and Lucene, and how caching improved performance by reducing SQL queries.


The Lean Startup notes

Google Platform Overview (April 2014)
Google Platform Overview (April 2014)Google Platform Overview (April 2014)
Google Platform Overview (April 2014)

Many new things are available with Google's APIs and services. These slides cover the main APIs: Android, Chrome, Cloud, YouTube, Maps, Google+ and wallet. There are many more APIs and services that you can leverage. Check them on:

Chrome DevTools
What Is New?
○ Edit local projects
○ Check Devices: User agents, screen sizes, touch events etc'
○ Map source for: coffeescript, sass, dart etc'.
○ Test on your mobile device from DevTools.
○ More?
■ GDL "The Breakpoint" episodes
■ Improving Your 2013 Productivity With The Chrome DevTools
The Screen Are Smaller
● Debug
○ Remote debugging hack with
○ Chrome for Android remote debug with DevTools.
● Testing
○ Qunit to test models
○ Selenium and its mobile option Remote Web Driver
● How To
Debug With Chrome DevTools

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The document promotes an original geek lifestyle with fewer beards. It references various websites and images related to nerd culture, including Venn diagrams, Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, and toy companies. The concluding message suggests making fun of someone now could lead to being hired by them later.

Odissea per a 4 rt de la eso
Odissea per a  4 rt de la esoOdissea per a  4 rt de la eso
Odissea per a 4 rt de la eso

Resum senzill de les aventures d'Ulisses

Scale with a smile with Google Cloud Platform At DevConTLV (June 2014)
Scale with a smile with Google Cloud Platform At DevConTLV (June 2014)Scale with a smile with Google Cloud Platform At DevConTLV (June 2014)
Scale with a smile with Google Cloud Platform At DevConTLV (June 2014)

What is new and hot on Google Cloud? How can you work like a pro with some (or all) the new APIs and services... Here are some good starting points to follow.

google cloud storagegoogle drivegoogle cloud
Key Take Aways
● Build powerful applications with Google Cloud Endpoints
● HTML5 APIs are ready and getting better fast.
● AngularJS - be more productive
● Leverage Modern Browser Features:
○ Offline
○ Web RTC
○ New CSS3 artifacts
○ Web workers
Questions? THANK YOU!
Ido Green
Developer Relations

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Utilizing HTML5 APIs

  • 1. Modern Web Applications With HTML5 Ido Green, Developer Advocate
  • 3. Modern Applications ● Self Contained ● "Offline First" ● MV* Frameworks ● Device Aware ● #Perfmatters
  • 4. ● Performance! #Perfmatters ● Flaky connections (e.g. cafes, car) ● Airplane, road trip, deserted island ● Consolidates the concept of permanent application. * We will use: Lawnchair for our demo. Offline - Why?
  • 5. ● Storing assets: AppCache ● Storing data: localStorage, IndexedDB, File API. ● Offline first: ○ Pretend that there's no internet connection ○ Implement a sync layer that works only when online. Offline - How? navigator.onLine & window.(ononline|onoffline)
  • 6. Offline - Appcache <html manifest="myapp.manifest"> CACHE MANIFEST #version 1.2.3 #JS js/main.js #CSS css/bootstrap.min.css #Images img/left-back.png ● You can use it TODAY: ○ ● Will also be used when the user is online. ● Allows you to define fallback pages. ● (!) Don't cache the manifest! ●
  • 7. Use abstractions ● Lawn Chair - ● asyncStorage - ● IndexedDBShim -
  • 9. (Da New) Design process
  • 10. A Page? An App? ● It's not pages anymore ● Design from the content out ● Your web app as a collection of (web) components ● Less is more: Any addition has the potential to ruin our MVP
  • 11. Design A List Again? ● Don't reinvent the wheel ○ ○ ○ ● Don't let "web" nor "Enterprise" be an excuse
  • 12. Design - Phones? Tablets? ● Start with the UX ○ Balsamiq, Creately, MockFlow ○ Aim for common device breakpoints (4:3, 16:9)
  • 13. Philosophy: Adaptive Apps ● Adaptive apps ○ Custom views and templates for each form factor ○ Shared the model ● Use responsive design within the form factor ● progressive enhancement So your app is useful on any platform.
  • 15. MV* For The Win ● Separating concerns ○ Model handles data ○ server persistence layer ○ View handles user input and rendering ● Used to be on the server...
  • 16. AngularJS - Client Side Framework Angular.js - Let you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. ● Data binding ● Extensible HTML ● Dependency Injection / Testable More options:
  • 17. Mobile World - RESTful World Photos ● GET ● POST ● PATCH Users ● POST And more...
  • 18. APIs - Demo Time
  • 19. Demo of 'Note Generator'
  • 21. Device APIs WG: ● Geolocation API (Psst... support in DevTools) ● Device Orientation API (accelerometer in your DevTools) ● WebGL ( GPU ) ● HTML5 Filesystem API ● Network connectivity ● Battery API ● Gamepad API ● WebRTC ● Web Audio API ( core audio ) "Device APIs" ● ●
  • 23. Modern Apps and The Server Conundrum Have to deal with a server ○ Offload Computation ○ Sharing and Collaboration ○ Logs But who wants to run a server? ○ Spikey traffic - Scaling challenges ○ Client Server communication ○ Serialization ○ OAuth Dance
  • 26. Google APIs: The Discovery Document
  • 27. Google APIs: Client Libraries ● Web ○ JavaScript: google-api-javascript-client ○ Node.js: google-api-nodejs-client ○ Dart: google-api-dart-client ● Mobile ○ Objective C: google-api-objectivec-client ○ Java: google-api-java-client ● Server-side ○ Ruby: google-api-ruby-client ○ Python: google-api-python-client ○ Go: google-api-go-client ○ PHP: google-api-php-client ○ .NET: google-api-dotnet-client ○ GWT: gwt-google-apis
  • 28. Google APIs HTML <body> ... <script type="text/javascript"> function init() { gapi.client.load(‘urlshortener’, 'v1’, function() {}); } </script> <script src=""></script> </body>
  • 30. Simple GET API Request
  • 31. Using Data Model for Insert Python @endpoints.api(name='picturesque', version='v1', description='Photos API for Picturesque App') class PicturesqueApi(remote.Service): @Photo.method(path='photo', name='photo.insert') def PhotoInsert(self, photo): # do some validation photo.put() return photo
  • 32. Insert With Drag and Drop Demo Python
  • 34. List Demo - Get Photos Baby! Python var req =; req.execute(function(data) { data.items = data.items || []; console.log("-- We have " + data.items.length); addPhotos(data.items); });
  • 36. "Smart" Client ● Network calls are expensive ● "Client" photo library ○ Lawnchair allows us to store photos' metadata offline ○ filer.js to store the photos ○ Application Cache ● Do not Repeat Yourself ○ Applies to code and to API calls ○ Only retrieve photos that have been updated since the last API call
  • 38. What Is New? ○ Edit local projects ○ Check Devices: User agents, screen sizes, touch events etc' ○ Map source for: coffeescript, sass, dart etc'. ○ Test on your mobile device from DevTools. ○ More? ■ GDL "The Breakpoint" episodes ■ Improving Your 2013 Productivity With The Chrome DevTools
  • 39. The Screen Are Smaller ● Debug ○ Remote debugging hack with ○ Chrome for Android remote debug with DevTools. ● Testing ○ Qunit to test models ○ Selenium and its mobile option Remote Web Driver ● How To ○
  • 40. Debug With Chrome DevTools
  • 41. Key Take Aways ● Build powerful applications with Google Cloud Endpoints ● HTML5 APIs are ready and getting better fast. ● AngularJS - be more productive ● Leverage Modern Browser Features: ○ Offline ○ Web RTC ○ New CSS3 artifacts ○ Web workers
  • 42. Questions? THANK YOU! Ido Green Developer Relations App:: HTML5 APIs: Slides: