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Get jar at momo india
Get jar at momo indiaGet jar at momo india
Get jar at momo india

GetJar is a global app distribution platform that has delivered over 8 billion app downloads since 2010. It provides developers access to its 25 million unique users across over 190 countries through its own distribution network and partnerships reaching over 75 million additional unique users. GetJar offers developers performance-based advertising tools to promote their apps and acquire new users cost-effectively, as well as analytics to optimize campaigns and monetization support through in-app ads, purchases, and other models. Several major companies like Google, Yahoo, and Zynga have successfully used GetJar's services to reach massive global audiences.

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Tune + Forrester webinar: Marketers Must Embrace the Mobile Revolution
Tune + Forrester webinar: Marketers Must Embrace the Mobile RevolutionTune + Forrester webinar: Marketers Must Embrace the Mobile Revolution
Tune + Forrester webinar: Marketers Must Embrace the Mobile Revolution

Join us as we feature a guest speaker from Forrester Research to bring you our newest webinar 'Marketers Must Embrace the Mobile Revolution.' In the webinar you'll learn: What is the mobile mind shift and why does it matter for marketers? What are the best practices in embracing the mobile marketing revolution? How should marketers leverage mobile to mature their marketing approach?

mobiledigital marketingmarketing

Your lowly tracker link can do more than you think. With a range of special parameters and settings, you can set up sophisticated and intelligent redirection, fallbacks, conditional data syncing and a whole range of other mobile marketing mechanics. We'll show you the ropes.

mobile attributionmobile marketingmobile measurement
Pay per download
Consumable and
app purchases
e-Commerce (physical
and digital goods)
% of developers
10 20 30
Revenue models among developers targeting
consumers and interested in revenues
40 50
Source: Developer Economics research by VisionMobile, April 2015≈
Value of in-app advertising market by 2017
Source: VisionMobile, App Economy Forecasts 2014–17, December 2014
brand experiences
app integration
brand experiences
AdMob ads provide engaging experiences
The largest
use AdMob
Trivia Crack
has over 150M
users globally
Google Confidential and Proprietary
Maximo Cavazzani

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All Your Burning UAC Questions AnsweredAll Your Burning UAC Questions Answered
All Your Burning UAC Questions Answered

Google recently upgraded all AdWords app install campaigns to Universal App campaigns (UAC), which presents opportunities and challenges for app marketers. In this webinar, we'll help you get more out of UAC by leveraging your own customer data and focusing on the goals that matter to your business.

Embracing mobile: How can we track customer interaction outside of the PC?
Embracing mobile: How can we track customer interaction outside of the PC?Embracing mobile: How can we track customer interaction outside of the PC?
Embracing mobile: How can we track customer interaction outside of the PC?

We all know that mobile marketing is important, but tracking and acting on the interactions and engagement with your mobile audience is still challenging. What can you do to take your mobile marketing to the next level? Read more about our partnership with Sitecore:

Decoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat Apps
Decoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat AppsDecoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat Apps
Decoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat Apps

The social networking category has exploded on the app stores with each app catering to different purposes - be it for dating, maintaining professional acquaintances, sharing posts anonymously or even just keeping for keeping different aspects of your life separate. Across the globe, developers are exploring unique monetization models which allow them to grow beyond the traditional paid downloads or subscription methods.

webinarnative advertisingad monetization
AdMob is used by publishers of all kinds
apps use AdMob to
monetize each month
Worldwide, thousands of developers
across all app categories are building
businesses with AdMob
1M +
Smart platform:
for major types of
In-app purchases
Network ads
AdMob helps you with
the major ways to
monetize your apps
AdMob is cross platform,
with plugins for
specialized app
development tools
Banner Ad Interstitial Ads

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The Evolution of Mobile Advertising - AppsFlyer Presentation at Israel Moneti...
The Evolution of Mobile Advertising - AppsFlyer Presentation at Israel Moneti...The Evolution of Mobile Advertising - AppsFlyer Presentation at Israel Moneti...
The Evolution of Mobile Advertising - AppsFlyer Presentation at Israel Moneti...

Mobile app marketing has evolved significantly from 2011-2015. In the early years (2011-2012), marketing was less targeted and focused more on downloads than ROI. From 2012-2013, AppsFlyer helped advertisers gain attribution data to optimize for cost-per-install and lifetime value. They also grew their network of ad partners from 6 to over 260. By 2014, they provided platforms for agencies, reengagement campaigns, and worked with over 700 ad networks. OneLink was introduced to simplify cross-platform linking and deferred deeplinking to improve ROI.

GetJar presentation at MoMo Mumbai
GetJar presentation at MoMo MumbaiGetJar presentation at MoMo Mumbai
GetJar presentation at MoMo Mumbai

GetJar is a global app distribution platform that has delivered over 8 billion app downloads since 2010. It provides developers tools to distribute, monetize, and analyze apps across over 190 countries and 2500 phone models through its own network and partnerships reaching over 75 million unique users. Key services include free organic downloads, paid acquisition through an auction-based pay per download program, mobile site shortcuts to reach all phones, social integration with Facebook, and analytics. Successful clients include Google, Yahoo, Zynga, and others that have achieved millions of downloads through GetJar's global reach and monetization tools.

appsmobile mondayapp store
Apps are the new Ads
Apps are the new AdsApps are the new Ads
Apps are the new Ads

This document discusses how apps have become more important than ads for engaging consumers. It notes that less than 0.09% of display ads actually lead users to the associated app. The document advocates for a "Universal App" that can be delivered across digital channels like websites, mobile apps, and social media as easily as ads. It proposes an "App Factory" platform that would allow apps to be modularly composed and streamed to users in real-time, tracking engagement across channels. This would provide a more consistent brand experience than the current "hodgepodge" of approaches across different platforms and media types.

iadrich mediamobile apps
Integrating with AdMob
The App
Request Ads
The Implementation
Xcode Project
The Resources
Example apps on GitHub
AdMob with Firebase
developer guides
API reference docs that
provide full
documentation of the
Mobile Ads SDK

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3 th mobile leadership program mobile assets

This document provides guidance on designing effective mobile websites. It discusses how most user time is spent on mobile apps rather than mobile sites. However, mobile sites still serve important purposes like introducing new users and supporting commercial tasks. The document outlines principles for mobile site design like keeping homepage navigation simple, making search visible and relevant, and breaking forms into small, manageable chunks. It emphasizes easing the consumer experience by allowing guest checkout and partial form saves.

mobile leadership program
AppsFlyer performance index российское издание appdflyer_катерина шапиро
AppsFlyer performance index российское издание appdflyer_катерина шапироAppsFlyer performance index российское издание appdflyer_катерина шапиро
AppsFlyer performance index российское издание appdflyer_катерина шапиро

AppsFlyer Performance Index, российское издание – это обзор рекламных сетей и агентств, работающих с российской аудиторией, которые показывают лучшие результаты в привлечении качественного трафика для неигровых приложений: eCommerce, путешествия, агрегированные сервисы и т.д. The AppsFlyer Performance Index, Russia Edition, is a comprehensive report on ad networks and agencies that work with Russian mobile audience and show exceptional results in acquiring quality users for non-gaming apps’ categories such as eCommerce, Travel and Utility.

utilityrussianperformance index
The Mobile Marketing Maturation Curve
The Mobile Marketing Maturation CurveThe Mobile Marketing Maturation Curve
The Mobile Marketing Maturation Curve

Forrester Research mobile analyst Melissa Parrish takes you on a guided tour of how brand marketers are going from experimentation to executing high-impact, rich media mobile marketing campaigns.

advertisinginmobimobile advertising
Interstitial Ads
Preload the interstitial
Show interstitial at natural
stopping point
Ad Events
Did my ad load?
Ad Events
Ad received Ad failed to load

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Unlock App Marketing Success With Rewarded Ads
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Unlock App Marketing Success With Rewarded Ads

Rewarded ads have evolved greatly since the early days and have now grown to be more than just incentivised traffic. It’s proven to be a successful strategy to push an app’s visibility by achieving a high app store ranking and then benefitting from the genuine installs that result from the gained visibility effect. You'll discover: - Current state of Rewarded Ads in 2017: How it has grown from being more than just incentivised traffic - Evolution of Rewarded Ads: From burst campaigns to ongoing incentivised campaigns - Volume and scale of doing rewarded ads: How to take advantage of volume and popularity of doing incent on organic - How to measure the impact of rewarded ads

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Delivered at Casual Connect Tel Aviv 2016. People spend more time on social media platforms than ever before and audiences look more to social channels for advice, discovery and entertainment. If you’re asking yourself “What is Social Influencer Marketing?” you’re missing out on a valuable way to reach highly engaged audiences and boost your marketing ROI. Learn about this effective strategy to remain competitive in the digital space, increase brand awareness and drive sales.

casual gamesitamar benedymarketing
#CMOUS Staying ahead on mobile - challenges, measurement and strategies
#CMOUS Staying ahead on mobile - challenges, measurement and strategies#CMOUS Staying ahead on mobile - challenges, measurement and strategies
#CMOUS Staying ahead on mobile - challenges, measurement and strategies

The document discusses mobile app marketing and attribution. It notes that the number of apps in the Google Play Store is over 1 million while the Apple App Store has around 1.6 million apps. Mobile ad spending reached $27 billion in 2015. The document discusses how app downloads and attribution work across different platforms and publishers. It explains why proper attribution is needed to optimize campaigns and prevent inaccurate metrics or duplicate attributions.

marketingdigital marketingcmo
Ad Events
Ad received
Ad presented
an overlay
Ad dismissed
an overlay
Ad will leave
Ad failed to load
Ad Events
Conform to GADInterstitialDelegate
Set interstitial.delegate
Implement ad event methods
App Install Interstitial Ads
Interactive Interstitial Ads

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Ecosystem overview

Overview and some tactical advice for folks looking to put out a new mobile service or product. This presentation was given at the Women 2.0 Founder Lab Mobile event. Most of the folks were already working in mobile, but hadn't necessarily run their own projects. I'm not sure it'll make sense as a standalone set of data without me talking about it. But hopefully it will.

Working with Mobile Partners by Bob Upham
Working with Mobile Partners by Bob UphamWorking with Mobile Partners by Bob Upham
Working with Mobile Partners by Bob Upham

This document discusses working with mobile partners to monetize apps. It outlines the shifting mobile landscape from carriers dominating in the early 2000s to apps now having more leverage. Most user time is spent inside apps, especially games, Facebook, and other popular apps. Partnerships allow using user data and deep links to drive more app installs and improve monetization strategies. Working with carriers and device makers requires considering user privacy, content issues, deal structures, and each partner's processes.

partnershipmobile webmobile phone
From AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWAFrom AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWA

Let's focus on the Mobile Web and talk about the keys to a building a great mobile experience. From AMP (=Accelerated Mobile Pages) as a starting point up to PWA (=Progressive Web Apps). I will cover the steps through some of the key features we see as core to the modern web experience. As a bonus, we will close with new APIs that expending the web even farther.

web developmentamppwa
Create a great user experience with native and
rewarded ads
Thank You!
AdMob iOS Developer Site
AdMob Android Developer Site
Google Mobile Ads iOS GitHub Repo
Google Mobile Ads Android GitHub Repo
Google Ads Developer Blog
Ad Formats

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Amp Overview #YGLF 2016
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An overview of Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. See how you can leverage this important open source project today in production and improve your sites' performance and the happiness of your users.

mobile webweb developmentamp
AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile PagesAMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP is coming to improve the mobile web. Big time. There are many aspect to a great user experience on sites. In order to improve the speed of the media websites on mobile and the monetization, we needed few things: 1. Fast pages. Fast to load, fast to display, saving bandwidth when possible. 2. Easy for the developers and companies to create. Only based on known and widely used technologies. 3. Mobile Friendly: they should respect a standard and thanks to this standard, pages would be automatically optimized for mobile devices 4. Embrace the open web: non-proprietary technology, open source, available to anyone to use and improve. It should not only help for search engines, but for everyone. In these slides, we will cover AMP and what it can do for you.

ampweb developmentmobile
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

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