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The Future of
Continuous Software Updates
Is Here
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はじめての JFrog Pipelines
はじめての JFrog Pipelinesはじめての JFrog Pipelines
はじめての JFrog Pipelines

本ウェビナーでは JFrog Platform の CI/CD サービスである JFrog Pipelines の概要についてお話します。JFrog は DevSecOps の実現のために JFrog Platform という包括的なプラットフォームサービスを提供しています。JFrog Platform のウェビナー(録画・スライド)では、開発者が作成した素晴らしいソフトウェアを「いかに迅速に安全に」エンドユーザーに届けることができるか、その実現のために JFrog は「バイナリ」を中心にこのフローを再定義してきたという話をしました。 JFrog Pipelines はこのビジョンのうち DevSecOps をいかに「自動化」するかに貢献する CI/CD のプロダクトで Artifactory にアドオンする形でご利用いただけます。すでに世の中に多くある CI のツールやサービスとの違いなど、この機会に JFrog Pipelines を基礎から学んでみたい方を中心にご参加をお待ちしております。

Api gitlab: configurazione dei progetti as a service
Api gitlab: configurazione dei progetti as a serviceApi gitlab: configurazione dei progetti as a service
Api gitlab: configurazione dei progetti as a service

API Gitlab, risparmia tempo nella configurazione dei progetti. Emerasoft presenta il primo meetup in italiano su Gitlab - 30 minuti - in cui ci focalizzeremo sull'utilizzo delle API per la configurazione dei progetti Gitlab. Sabrina presenterà l'applicazione Web Gitlab raccontando la nostra esperienza nella configurazione di nuovi progetti utilizzando l'API Gitlab. Agenda: - Gitlab Intro - Funzionalità dell'ultima versione - Caso d'uso su API Gitlab (Utenti, Gruppi, Progetti) Vuoi saperne di più? Unisciti al Gitlab Meetup Milano: o scrivici all'indirizzo

gitlab italiagitlab enterprisegitlab
Open intents Open Governance
Open intents Open GovernanceOpen intents Open Governance
Open intents Open Governance

The document discusses an open governance index created by VisionMobile to evaluate the openness of various software projects including Android, Eclipse, Linux, MeeGo, Mozilla, Qt, Symbian, and WebKit. It provides the results of the index which rates how open each project is on a scale of 0-100 based on factors like access to source code, development process transparency, and community structure. For Android specifically, it finds the project scores relatively low in openness due to factors like some source code being proprietary, an intransparent contribution process, and closed decision making.

Food & Water
Transportation Energy
Social Interaction
“During the update process you will not be able
to drive the vehicle”
+50 technology partners
Hosted offering on all public clouds
Vulnerability scanning for major artifacts and container images
with package expansion
From OSS to multi-cloud
From legacy apps to Kubernetes
Any binary, any stack,
any DevOps tool
Shared visibility, governance, and control across pipelines from Git to
K8s, and everything in between
We don’t blink at xxx/min

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Enterprise Git
Enterprise GitEnterprise Git
Enterprise Git

Although Git is the world’s leading distributed version control system, the enterprise has been slow and tentative in its adoption. Concerned with security breaches, compliance violations and lack of governance, many organizations have chosen to take a "wait and see" approach. With TeamForge, Git is ready for the enterprise. TeamForge lets you realize all the benefits of Git while ensuring the security, governance and manageability your business demands. With TeamForge, you can even manage Git and Subversion together, within each individual project.

Moving towards a more efficient and flexible delivery model in automotive env...
Moving towards a more efficient and flexible delivery model in automotive env...Moving towards a more efficient and flexible delivery model in automotive env...
Moving towards a more efficient and flexible delivery model in automotive env...

Tips and lessons learnt from Codethink's experience, including mine, on delivering Linux based systems for automotive customers like OEMs, Tier 1s and consortiums. The talk was delivered at the AGL All Members Meeting in Munich, GE, Sept. 2016

open sourcedeliverylinux
10 Thesen zur professionellen Softwareentwicklung
10 Thesen zur professionellen Softwareentwicklung10 Thesen zur professionellen Softwareentwicklung
10 Thesen zur professionellen Softwareentwicklung

This document outlines 10 propositions for professional software development. It discusses how feedback cycles and a DevOps culture are essential. It also emphasizes that every IT professional must master the git pull request model. Other key points include shifting work left to earlier stages, adopting cloud-native principles, and automating as many processes as possible to reduce turnaround times and handle complexity. An open mindset is vital to adapt to a quickly changing ecosystem, and hybrid multi-cloud is considered the default approach.

softwaresoftware developmentconsulting
Streamlining the flow and supply chain of artifacts is essential to increasing release velocity and quality.
How did we go about it?
Automate &
Removing risk while
The ”Database of
Push software
packages fast and
Updating everything
Key Components to Deliver Software
Dev Ops
A Universe
of Technologies
& Standardized
In One Place
Seamlessly Released
to Everyone
Unified in
One Platform
Integrated platform to manage any delivery environment

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Journey with Cloud Native and Low-Cod...
Accelerate Your Digital Transformation  Journey with Cloud Native and Low-Cod...Accelerate Your Digital Transformation  Journey with Cloud Native and Low-Cod...
Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Journey with Cloud Native and Low-Cod...

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic will be viewed in history as a significant point in human history. In the post-pandemic world, digital transformation can no longer be delayed, and organizations need to adapt quickly, or perish, as the old ways of working no longer apply in the new normal. Low-code platforms are disrupting how application development is done today and creates a new environment for enterprises that forces business and IT collaboration. With a modern open source, no-code/low-code platform like Joget DX, organizations can rapidly build, deploy and adapt applications to cater to ever changing needs. Learn how Red Hat Marketplace makes it easy to leverage Red Hat OpenShift and Joget DX to accelerate your digital transformation journey by saving up to 60% - 70% of development time. Quickly provision and develop applications using no-code/low-code capabilities and scale them using the underlying Red Hat OpenShift platform. Learn from transformation leaders like Josh Silverman, Senior Vice President of Transformation at Versant Health (one of the leading vision payers in the USA), on how they leveraged these technologies and learn about the strategies to redefine your organization’s capabilities to succeed in the new normal.

digital transformationjogetred hat
Balaji Resume
Balaji ResumeBalaji Resume
Balaji Resume

I have Over 8+ years of experience as a DevOps Engineer. I came across an interesting position of DevOps Engineering position on your Linked post. Constantly updating my skill set, I am proficient in DevOps Tools like Git, Jenkins Pipeline Automation, AWS, Chef, Ansible, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Shell Scripting,ELK, Jfrog and Prometheus.

devops engineercloud computingkubernetes
Mulesoft Meetup Roma - Monitoring Framework & DevOps.pptx
Mulesoft Meetup Roma - Monitoring Framework & DevOps.pptxMulesoft Meetup Roma - Monitoring Framework & DevOps.pptx
Mulesoft Meetup Roma - Monitoring Framework & DevOps.pptx

The document discusses DevOps practices for MuleSoft, including continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD). It begins with an agenda that covers monitoring frameworks and DevOps fundamentals like CI/CD. For monitoring frameworks, it describes the Exchange Monitoring Framework tool and its key features. It then discusses CI/CD practices for MuleSoft, providing examples of CI/CD flows and pipelines using Anypoint Platform tools. The document concludes with a demonstration of configuring a Mule application for CI/CD using Maven and deploying to CloudHub.

#mulesoft #cloudhub2.0 #devops
By partnering with other companies within the DevOps pipeline ecosystem, we are improving the way
our customers can use JFrog solutions in their workflow.
24/7 Dedicated Support + DevOps
Acceleration Service Arm
Continuously integrate
automate & deploy
Clear security and compliance
Distribute to
production site
Control and monitor the
On Premises
& Multicloud
Store and manage
all types of
Metrics and
request tracing
Unified UI
Logging and

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Breaking silos between DevOps and SecOps with Elastic
Breaking silos between DevOps and SecOps with ElasticBreaking silos between DevOps and SecOps with Elastic
Breaking silos between DevOps and SecOps with Elastic

What is better: 99.999% uptime, continuous delivery, or a secure environment? Yeah, we had the same reaction: “Why do I need to pick one?” With Elastic, your operations and security teams can work together on a single platform, and help drive mean time to detect/resolve to zero for both operational and security issues. Hear how we are helping customers break down artificial silos between teams and use cases, and move towards a DevSecOps culture.

DevOps auf Knopfdruck!? OC|Webcast "OpenDevStack - Scaling DevOps based on Op...
DevOps auf Knopfdruck!? OC|Webcast "OpenDevStack - Scaling DevOps based on Op...DevOps auf Knopfdruck!? OC|Webcast "OpenDevStack - Scaling DevOps based on Op...
DevOps auf Knopfdruck!? OC|Webcast "OpenDevStack - Scaling DevOps based on Op...

This document discusses OpenDevStack, which is a platform that helps scale DevOps practices in enterprises using OpenShift. It provides standard tools and processes through OpenShift to help address challenges with DevOps adoption like technical complexity, quality issues, skills shortages, and lack of self-service capabilities. OpenDevStack provides features like quickstarters to easily set up new projects, integrated developer tools, automated CI/CD pipelines, and GitOps configuration to keep environments in sync with code. It aims to improve speed, quality, efficiency and knowledge sharing for software development through OpenShift and DevOps standardization.

Let's banish "it works on my machine"
Let's banish "it works on my machine"Let's banish "it works on my machine"
Let's banish "it works on my machine"

Between spending hours (or days!) making sure you can code and test locally and the difficulties of keeping remote environments up to date, sometimes we find ourselves falling back on "It works on my machine!". Getting rid of the difficulties in making new development environments and maintaining testing infrastructure is really key to banishing the dreaded phrase. In this session, we'll take you through some of the recent tools and techs that will not only make your life easier but will mean you never have to say "works on my machine" ever again.

devopsdevops toolsgithub codespaces
The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here
DevOps is about making software development and delivery
development and delivery across teams and
continuous improvement
CI & CD platform
Code Build Push Scan Test Promote Bundle Sign Distribute Deploy
Typical Software Development Workflow

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Security & Resiliency of Cloud Native Apps with Weave GitOps & Tetrate Servic...
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Security & Resiliency of Cloud Native Apps with Weave GitOps & Tetrate Servic...

Cloud-native applications are increasingly spanning across hybrid and multi-cloud environments such as on-premise data centers, in the cloud (Amazon EKS, Azure AKS, Google Cloud GKE) and at the edge. Customers need to ensure security and resiliency for their cloud-native applications while managing releases through reliable, consistent deployment and runtime policies. In this session, we’ve partnered with Tetrate to showcase how to effectively manage advanced deployments using Weave GitOps. Managing application configurations by different teams across multiple Kubernetes clusters is made possible with Weave GitOps and Tetrate Service Bridge. Using familiar Git workflows, Weave Policy-as-Code enables application engineers to quickly deliver new features safely. Join us as we demonstrate the scenarios where: - All changes to application configuration are managed through Git workflows. - GitOps provides an extra layer of security by removing the need for direct access to Kubernetes clusters. - Policy-as-Code guarantees security, resilience and coding standards compliance. - Tetrate Service Bridge provides dynamic configuration of application workloads and failover across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

Developers Driving DevOps at Scale: 5 Keys to Success
Developers Driving DevOps at Scale: 5 Keys to SuccessDevelopers Driving DevOps at Scale: 5 Keys to Success
Developers Driving DevOps at Scale: 5 Keys to Success

As DevOps adoption matures in organizations, DevOps teams are leading the charge for enabling enterprises to scale their DevOps efforts to support increasingly complex application delivery requirements. Tooling and processes that might have worked for more simple use cases often fail when applied across large-scale software delivery -- needing to support ALL teams, GEOs, point-tools, applications, processes, regulatory requirements, environments, and more. How do you improve developer productivity and release velocity, without sacrificing governance, security, and org efficiency? How do you streamline your processes and organizational alignment, without sacrificing flexibility and freedom of choice? How do you support thousands of developers, applications and pipelines - both legacy and cloud-native - without getting buried in plugins/tools/spaghetti-scripts hell? Join guest speaker Charles Betz, lead DevOps analyst at Forrester Research, and Loreli Cadapan, Sr. Director Product Management at JFrog, as they share architectural patterns, best practices and proven tips for scaling DevOps in the enterprise.

devopsdevops.comdevops webinars
Shift Left for More Secure Apps with F5 NGINX
Shift Left for More Secure Apps with F5 NGINXShift Left for More Secure Apps with F5 NGINX
Shift Left for More Secure Apps with F5 NGINX

Learn how to automate application security into your CI/CD pipeline with NGINX App Protect WAF and DoS and protect your apps from attacks.

shifting leftsecuritynginx
 STEPS are executable units that perform a specific task, such as building an application,
pushing it to Artifactory, provisioning a machine, etc
 RESOURCES contain information required to execute steps. For example, files, images, git repositories, etc
 INTEGRATIONS contain credentials to third-party tools/services, such as AWS, Slack, Github, etc
 PIPELINE is a collection of interconnected serial or parallel steps required to achieve an outcome
 RUN is an instance of pipeline execution
 Caching for packages,
steps and nodes
 Immutable Resources to
share across teams
 Built-in State to store
precious build state
 Real-time interactive
 Native Steps for common
 Standardized syntax
across all DevOps tasks
 Integrated with all JFrog
 Step Dev Kit to extend
the platform (H2 2020)
 Scales horizontally to
support 1000s of apps
 Elastic builds nodes for
hybrid & multi cloud
 1 CI/CD tool for all OS,
lang, arch & platforms
 Universal, supports all
popular tools and tech
 Centralized Secrets using
 Each build on its own
 Rich permission model
with scopes
 TTL expiration for all
The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here
The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here

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MuleSoft Meetup June 2022 - Munich, Germany
MuleSoft Meetup June 2022 - Munich, GermanyMuleSoft Meetup June 2022 - Munich, Germany
MuleSoft Meetup June 2022 - Munich, Germany

This document provides an agenda and materials for a MuleSoft Meetup event held in Munich, Germany on June 22nd, 2022. The agenda includes introductions, a presentation on Universal API Management featuring the API Catalog CLI, Flex Gateway, and API Governance, a demo, Q&A, a quiz, and networking. The presentation discusses how MuleSoft's API management solutions help organizations discover, manage, secure, and govern APIs across distributed architectures and environments.

2011 NASA Open Source Summit -
2011 NASA Open Source Summit - Forge.mil2011 NASA Open Source Summit -
2011 NASA Open Source Summit - is a collaborative software development platform that aims to overcome siloed development, reduce duplication of effort, and enable cross-program sharing of software and services. It provides application lifecycle management services and tools for collaborative development within a shared, multi-tenant environment for Department of Defense programs and partners. has grown to support over 2700 software releases from various DoD projects across different services since its initial launch in 2009.

Intro to GitOps with Weave GitOps, Flagger and Linkerd
Intro to GitOps with Weave GitOps, Flagger and LinkerdIntro to GitOps with Weave GitOps, Flagger and Linkerd
Intro to GitOps with Weave GitOps, Flagger and Linkerd

This document provides an overview of GitOps, service meshes, Linkerd, Flux, Weave GitOps and progressive delivery. It introduces the speakers and outlines the agenda which includes explanations of GitOps, service meshes, Linkerd and Weave GitOps. It then demonstrates how Weave GitOps and Linkerd can be used together for progressive delivery and provides a Q&A section at the end.

flaggerfluxcdweave gitops
The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here
The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here

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Scaling AppSec through Education
Scaling AppSec through EducationScaling AppSec through Education
Scaling AppSec through Education

Scaling AppSec through Education at DEF CON 29, AppSec Village. Presented by Grant Ongers, CTO at Secure Delivery and OWASP Global Board member.

DevOps for Highly Regulated Environments
DevOps for Highly Regulated EnvironmentsDevOps for Highly Regulated Environments
DevOps for Highly Regulated Environments

Financial institutions, medical groups, governmental organizations, automotive companies… these types of entities all have unique and sometimes difficult-to-meet regulations. You may be required to have fine-grained auditability of your SDLC or maintain specific third-party integrations. Security models may be heightened, or certain types of compliance processes maintained. So how are we supposed to “do the DevOps” when we have so many things to worry about? In this webinar, we’ll explore some ways that you can adopt DevOps best practices and even (gasp!) thrive when building your DevOps and DevSecOps pipelines in highly-regulated industries.

Alt. GDG Cloud Southlake #33: Boule & Rebala: Effective AppSec in SDLC using ...
Alt. GDG Cloud Southlake #33: Boule & Rebala: Effective AppSec in SDLC using ...Alt. GDG Cloud Southlake #33: Boule & Rebala: Effective AppSec in SDLC using ...
Alt. GDG Cloud Southlake #33: Boule & Rebala: Effective AppSec in SDLC using ...

Effective Application Security in Software Delivery lifecycle using Deployment Firewall and DBOM The modern software delivery process (or the CI/CD process) includes many tools, distributed teams, open-source code, and cloud platforms. Constant focus on speed to release software to market, along with the traditional slow and manual security checks has caused gaps in continuous security as an important piece in the software supply chain. Today organizations feel more susceptible to external and internal cyber threats due to the vast attack surface in their applications supply chain and the lack of end-to-end governance and risk management. The software team must secure its software delivery process to avoid vulnerability and security breaches. This needs to be achieved with existing tool chains and without extensive rework of the delivery processes. This talk will present strategies and techniques for providing visibility into the true risk of the existing vulnerabilities, preventing the introduction of security issues in the software, resolving vulnerabilities in production environments quickly, and capturing the deployment bill of materials (DBOM). Speakers: Bob Boule Robert Boule is a technology enthusiast with PASSION for technology and making things work along with a knack for helping others understand how things work. He comes with around 20 years of solution engineering experience in application security, software continuous delivery, and SaaS platforms. He is known for his dynamic presentations in CI/CD and application security integrated in software delivery lifecycle. Gopinath Rebala Gopinath Rebala is the CTO of OpsMx, where he has overall responsibility for the machine learning and data processing architectures for Secure Software Delivery. Gopi also has a strong connection with our customers, leading design and architecture for strategic implementations. Gopi is a frequent speaker and well-known leader in continuous delivery and integrating security into software delivery.

You Find It You Fix It
Reported You Find It You Fix It
Global Xray DB
License Repo
Web Hooks,
45.5% of the vulnerabilities in VulnDB not published by NVD/CVE in 2018 have a CVSSv2 score between 7-10

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GPCloud ( GP on PKS)
GPCloud ( GP on PKS)GPCloud ( GP on PKS)
GPCloud ( GP on PKS)

The document is a presentation about running Greenplum on Pivotal Container Service (PKS). It discusses how PKS provides an enterprise-grade Kubernetes platform using BOSH for deployment, lifecycle management, and monitoring. It then outlines use cases for running Greenplum on PKS such as flexible sizing, automated testing, and advanced security/high availability in production. Finally, it discusses the roadmap for tighter integration between Greenplum and PKS capabilities like command center, backup/restore, and ecosystem partnerships.

Pragmatic Pipeline Security
Pragmatic Pipeline SecurityPragmatic Pipeline Security
Pragmatic Pipeline Security

All organizations want to go faster and decrease friction in delivering software. The problem is that InfoSec has historically slowed this down or worse. But, with the rise of CD pipelines and new devsecops tooling, there is an opportunity to reverse this trend and move Security from being a blocker to being an enabler. This talk will discuss hallmarks of doing security in a software delivery pipeline with an emphasis on being pragmatic. At each phase of the delivery pipeline, you will be armed with philosophy, questions, and tools that will get security up-to-speed with your software delivery cadence. From DeliveryConf 2020

Indus Aviation Systems LLP
Indus Aviation Systems LLPIndus Aviation Systems LLP
Indus Aviation Systems LLP

Indus Aviation Systems provides aviation software development and mobility solutions. The document discusses Indus Aviation's confidential information policy and outlines their vision, domain focus in aviation, technology capabilities, and services offered. These include application development, product engineering, independent validation, and execution via agile, iterative or waterfall methodologies.

product engineering servicesaviationsatcom
Vulnerability Intelligence Component Matching
Indexing engine and repository
Vertical integration from IDE to production
Continuous scanning and Impact analysis
Remediation and fix versions
AnalyzerCrawler Fetch Data Global Xray DB

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Elastic Observability keynote
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Elastic Observability keynote

Elastic Observability is helping organizations drive their mean time to resolution toward zero with end-to-end visibility in a single platform. Hear about the latest features and capabilities at all layers — from ingest to insight — and get a glimpse into where we are headed.

OpenWhisk Introduction
OpenWhisk IntroductionOpenWhisk Introduction
OpenWhisk Introduction

- IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk is a cloud platform that executes code in response to events. It provides a serverless deployment and operations model that hides infrastructural and operational complexity, allowing developers to focus on coding. - OpenWhisk supports multiple programming languages and custom logic via Docker containers. It provides an open ecosystem to avoid vendor lock-in and accelerate development. - The presenter demonstrated how OpenWhisk works, its programming model of triggers, actions, and rules, and its architecture. A live demo showed executing a Slack slash command that triggered an OpenWhisk action.

How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta
How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta
How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta

How can you make your software teams better? What are the values and processes that you wish to embrace? In these slides, we will share some stories from leading companies (e.g., Google, Meta, and Netflix), and we will see what is working for them.

24/7 Dedicated Support + DevOps
Acceleration Service Arm
Continuously integrate
automate & deploy
Clear security and compliance
Distribute to
production site
Control and monitor the
On Premises
& Multicloud
Store and manage
all types of

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The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here

  • 1. The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here Jan2020
  • 2. Legal Disclaimer This presentation is strictly private and confidential and is intended only for the use of persons to whom it has specifically been given by JFrog. Without the prior written consent of JFrog, this presentation should not be disclosed to any other person, company, partnership or other entity, or reproduced in whole or in part. This presentation and the accompanying oral presentation regarding JFrog include forward-looking statements, including but not limited statements regarding our business strategy, plans and objectives for future operations, market size and growth opportunities, competitive position and technological and market trends. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, and business strategy. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the future events and trends discussed in these presentations may not occur and actual results could differ materially from our current expectations. JFrog does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements provided to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law. This presentation is for marketing purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of JFrog.
  • 5. Politics Food & Water Healthcare Transportation Energy Social Interaction EVERYTHING RUNS ON SOFTWARE
  • 7. “During the update process you will not be able to drive the vehicle” SOFTWARE UPDATES MATTER
  • 8. INTEGRATED ECOSYSTEM +50 technology partners Hosted offering on all public clouds CONTINUOUS SECURITY Vulnerability scanning for major artifacts and container images with package expansion JFROG’S UNIFIED APPROACH HYBRID AND MULTI-CLOUD From OSS to multi-cloud From legacy apps to Kubernetes RADICALLY UNIVERSAL Any binary, any stack, any DevOps tool END-TO-END PLATFORM Shared visibility, governance, and control across pipelines from Git to K8s, and everything in between SCALES TO INFINITY We don’t blink at xxx/min
  • 9. Streamlining the flow and supply chain of artifacts is essential to increasing release velocity and quality. How did we go about it? ARTIFACTS ARE THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF SOFTWARE
  • 10. CODE REPOSITORIES CI/CD SYSTEMS Automate & assembled SECURITY AND COMPLIANCE Removing risk while building PACKAGE MANAGEMENT The ”Database of DevOps” DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Push software packages fast and secure END USERS & THE EDGE Updating everything continuously Key Components to Deliver Software RUNTIME & PRODUCTION BUILD TEST RELEASE DEPLOYCODE OPERATE Dev Ops EFFICIENT & INTERGRATED DEVOPS PROCESSES
  • 11. Metadata Policies Processes Methods Secrets A Universe of Technologies Optimized & Standardized Delivered In One Place Seamlessly Released to Everyone Devices Servers Teams Customers Artifacts Security Storage Automation Distribution Unified in One Platform BRINGING ORDER TO SOFTWARE CHAOS
  • 12. THE CENTER OF THE SOFTWARE RELEASE PROCESS Integrated platform to manage any delivery environment Cloud Packages CI/CD Containers Deployment Tools/Testing
  • 13. THE ECOSYSTEM STRENGTHENING UNIVERSALITY By partnering with other companies within the DevOps pipeline ecosystem, we are improving the way our customers can use JFrog solutions in their workflow.
  • 14. 24/7 Dedicated Support + DevOps Acceleration Service Arm THE JFROG PLATFORM BUILD TEST RELEASE DEPLOY Continuously integrate automate & deploy Clear security and compliance issues Distribute to production site Control and monitor the flow On Premises & Multicloud Store and manage all types of packages
  • 16. UNIFIED INNOVATION Trusted communication Metrics and request tracing Unified UI infrastructure Unified Installation Logging and supportability
  • 18. DevOps is about making software development and delivery FRICTIONLESS
  • 19. WHAT IS JFROG PIPELINES?  STREAMLINES THE PROCESS of software development and delivery across teams and tools  PROVIDING ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS that enable continuous improvement CI & CD platform
  • 20. WHAT DOES FRICTIONLESS MEAN? Code Build Push Scan Test Promote Bundle Sign Distribute Deploy Automated Repeatable Traceable Immutable Typical Software Development Workflow THE PROCESS THE PACKAGES
  • 21. KEY CONCEPTS  STEPS are executable units that perform a specific task, such as building an application, pushing it to Artifactory, provisioning a machine, etc  RESOURCES contain information required to execute steps. For example, files, images, git repositories, etc  INTEGRATIONS contain credentials to third-party tools/services, such as AWS, Slack, Github, etc  PIPELINE is a collection of interconnected serial or parallel steps required to achieve an outcome  RUN is an instance of pipeline execution
  • 22. KEY CAPABILITIES SPEED SIMPLICITY SCALABILITY SECURITY  Caching for packages, steps and nodes  Immutable Resources to share across teams  Built-in State to store precious build state  Real-time interactive dashboards  Native Steps for common actions  Standardized syntax across all DevOps tasks  Integrated with all JFrog products  Step Dev Kit to extend the platform (H2 2020)  Scales horizontally to support 1000s of apps  Elastic builds nodes for hybrid & multi cloud  1 CI/CD tool for all OS, lang, arch & platforms  Universal, supports all popular tools and tech  Centralized Secrets using Vault  Each build on its own node  Rich permission model with scopes  TTL expiration for all builds
  • 29. THE RACE Vulnerability Introduced Vulnerability Discovered You Find It You Fix It HIGHEST SECURITY RISK Exploits Published Hacker Attack Vulnerability Introduced Vulnerability Reported You Find It You Fix It
  • 30. XRAY OVERVIEW Global Xray DB JXray External Sources AUTOMATIC ACTIONS VIOLATIONS POLICIES WATCHES METADATA COMPONENT GRAPH Security License Repo Repo Fail Build Web Hooks, Slack, Emails Prevent Downloa d Build Build Build
  • 32. VULNERABILITY INTELLIGENCE 45.5% of the vulnerabilities in VulnDB not published by NVD/CVE in 2018 have a CVSSv2 score between 7-10
  • 33. PREVENTION AND REMEDIATION Vulnerability Intelligence Component Matching Indexing engine and repository Vertical integration from IDE to production Continuous scanning and Impact analysis Remediation and fix versions
  • 34. MINIMIZING FALSE POSITIVES AnalyzerCrawler Fetch Data Global Xray DB
  • 37. 24/7 Dedicated Support + DevOps Acceleration Service Arm THE JFROG PLATFORM BUILD TEST RELEASE DEPLOY Continuously integrate automate & deploy Clear security and compliance issues Distribute to production site Control and monitor the flow On Premises & Multicloud Store and manage all types of packages

Editor's Notes

  1. Software should flow like water in the pipes to the right place at the right time. Velocity + Security.
  2. Software is eating the world
  3. It’s your competitive advantage
  4. The need to securely release software faster and seamlessly is an imperative that all organizations currently face “DevOps” has emerged as a discipline that combines software development and IT operations, and aims to Shorten the software development lifecycle and Provide more frequent delivery of high-quality software The DevOps workflow spans the lifecycle of software, from the planning, coding, building, and testing of software by developers, to the releasing, deploying, operating, and monitoring of that software by IT operators in a production environment DevOps has also shifted to include the process of managing software security, known as DevSecOp Today, many organizations utilize a combination of several, disparate tools to manage their DevOps and DevSecOps workflows
  5. You can use this quality data from the development phase (integrated with IDEs) up to the runtime.
  6. Do you wish to make sure that there aren’t any GPL in your software? Or any other license you wish to avoid?