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Developing with
Building mobile applications with HTML/JS
Ryan Stewart
         Web Developer Advocate, Adobe




Based in Seattle
Things I Like:
 Geolocation/Mapping stuff
Why PhoneGap?
The moral reason:
The web is awesome

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PhoneGap: a brief history and apologia
PhoneGap: a brief history and apologiaPhoneGap: a brief history and apologia
PhoneGap: a brief history and apologia

A presentation for HackReactor on PhoneGap, a history of the project. The slides provide backdrop to the talk, and do not contain all the material discussed.

PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps
PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged AppsPhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps
PhoneGap Day US 2013 - Chrome Packaged Apps

The document discusses building packaged Chrome apps and compares them to web apps. Packaged apps can run offline by default, access hardware capabilities, and provide a richer experience than web apps. They can also be distributed and updated through the Chrome Web Store. The document outlines the process of converting a web app into a packaged app by modifying the app structure and code to include things like a manifest file and background services.

phonegap "phonegap day" chrome google html5 mobile
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using PhonegapDroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap
DroidCon 2011: Developing HTML5 and hybrid Android apps using Phonegap

Phonegap allows developing hybrid mobile apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that can be deployed across various platforms like Android and iOS. It provides APIs to access native device functionality like contacts and sensors from webviews. The presentation demonstrated building basic and advanced Phonegap apps for Android using tools like Phonegap Build, Dojo Mobile, Sencha Touch, Maqetta, and Ripple. It promotes Phonegap for developing cross-platform mobile apps more easily than purely native or web approaches.

dojo mobilesencha touchrational team concert
The realistic reason:
     Cross platform
applications with HTML/
CSS/JS will be faster and
What is PhoneGap?
Intro to PhoneGap
Your Code

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Building mobile apps using Phonegap
Building mobile apps using PhonegapBuilding mobile apps using Phonegap
Building mobile apps using Phonegap

Phonegap allows developers to build mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It supports developing apps for platforms like iOS, Android, Blackberry and others. The presentation outlines what Phonegap is, why developers should use it, its features, the development process, and includes examples of building simple apps using the accelerometer and storage APIs. Sample apps are deployed to real devices to demonstrate the process.

Phone gap
Phone gapPhone gap
Phone gap

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It works by using a bridge that allows JavaScript access to device capabilities. Apps developed with PhoneGap are hybrid apps, with the UI logic in web technologies and device integration in native code. To develop Android apps with PhoneGap, developers set up the Cordova plugin in Eclipse, create a new Android project linking to Cordova files, and code the app using HTML, CSS, JS files that interface with device APIs through Cordova.

Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open source tool that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It wraps the web view container to give apps access to device features like geolocation and accelerometers. While documentation is still maturing and bugs may exist, PhoneGap is free, open source, and offers developers a way to create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn multiple programming languages. Sample PhoneGap apps and getting started resources are provided.

Your Code
Native Web View
Your Code
Native Web View
  Native APIs
Your Code
     Native Web View
       Native APIs
Native App - .apk, .ipa, etc
PhoneGap uses the native browser
on the device to render the HTML/

 Keep in mind that can affect the
experience. It also keeps apps nice
             and small

Recommended for you

Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It covers what PhoneGap is, its history, advantages, and how to set up a development environment for an Android PhoneGap app using Eclipse. It also provides steps to create a basic PhoneGap app that displays "Hello World!" when run on an Android device.

PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010
PhoneGap Talk @ Sencha Con 2010

PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of relying on platform-specific languages. It works by wrapping web apps in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like the camera and geolocation. PhoneGap Build provides a cloud-based service for compiling PhoneGap apps so developers don't need to install SDKs locally. The presentation covered the PhoneGap workflow, tools like PhoneGap Dev Browser and Sleight, and the roadmap for future releases.

phonegap phonegapbuild buildphonegapcom senchacon
Mobile Development with PhoneGap
Mobile Development with PhoneGapMobile Development with PhoneGap
Mobile Development with PhoneGap

You can develop native mobile applications using HTML/CSS/JS with the help of PhoneGap. I will show you how to achieve the best possibe native experience using web technologies and optimize your workflow with automation.

PhoneGap uses the
native project
format for each
Open, emulate,
and test from
within the native
Because it’s using
the native projects
it’s fully
PhoneGap provides
a JavaScript Library
that reaches out
into the native
That means
anything the
device supports is
PhoneGap is
completely open
source and is part
of the Apache

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Phonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An OverviewPhonegap - An Overview
Phonegap - An Overview

PhoneGap is a framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of platform-specific languages. It provides an API to access common device capabilities like contacts, location, and cameras. PhoneGap works by wrapping web-based apps in a native container, so they can be compiled and run as native apps on iOS, Android, and other platforms from a single codebase. This allows developers to write their app once and deploy it across platforms, rather than maintaining separate codebases for each one.

ioshtml5web service integration
Rapid Prototyping with Cordova aka Phonegap
Rapid Prototyping with Cordova aka PhonegapRapid Prototyping with Cordova aka Phonegap
Rapid Prototyping with Cordova aka Phonegap

Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Watch the live recording and demo by clicking the link on slide 40. Find out more about Cordova by joining meet up group at

mobile computingcordovamobile design
Cordova and PhoneGap Insights
Cordova and PhoneGap InsightsCordova and PhoneGap Insights
Cordova and PhoneGap Insights

This document summarizes the differences between Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova. Both PhoneGap and Cordova allow developers to build hybrid mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While PhoneGap and Cordova provide the same core APIs, there are some differences in commands, default configuration files, and available versions. Overall, PhoneGap and Cordova result in apps with the same capabilities, but Cordova provides more flexibility in customizing native code.

The entire project
is available on
Getting Started
bin/create /Developer/Sites/demoapp
  com.digitalbackcountry DemoApp
Hello World

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Flutter vs React Native Development in 2020Flutter vs React Native Development in 2020
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Everything to know about Flutter vs React Native & which one should you go for in 2020. Read a more detailed version of it here:

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BlackBerry WebWorks
BlackBerry WebWorksBlackBerry WebWorks
BlackBerry WebWorks

WebWorks allows web developers to build BlackBerry applications using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Some key capabilities include building apps with native functionality, integrating with BlackBerry services like BBM and Push, and distributing apps through the BlackBerry World app store. The process involves setting up a development environment with the WebWorks SDK, emulating apps using Ripple, and packaging and signing apps for testing on devices.

bbhtmlblackberry webworks
React native vs. ionic – which one is better and why
React native vs. ionic – which one is better and why React native vs. ionic – which one is better and why
React native vs. ionic – which one is better and why

Gmail, PayPal, Microsoft Office, and Forbes use Angular for their applications and websites. Angular provides functionality for dynamic and responsive web pages. It allows real-time updates to transaction data for PayPal and reduced loading times for Forbes' large volume of website visitors. Samsung also uses Angular for its responsive front-end sites. In less than 10 years, Angular has earned a reputation for being used by major companies due to its ability to enhance interactivity and functionality of web applications.

react native app development
Quick segue: mobile
 web apps versus
mobile applications
Very important to
keep in mind that
we’re building a
mobile app, not a
mobile web app.

Let’s look at
jQuery Mobile
You can use ANY
framework you
want, but try to
design for an app.
Diving into the
PhoneGap APIs

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Introduction to flutter
Introduction to flutter Introduction to flutter
Introduction to flutter

This document provides an introduction to developing mobile apps using Flutter. It discusses what Flutter is, its advantages over native and hybrid development. It covers the basic widgets in Flutter like Scaffold, AppBar, body and buttons. It demonstrates how to create a simple BMI calculator app as an example. Finally, it outlines the steps to learning mobile app development with Flutter, including improving architecture and adding features like camera, geolocation and APIs.

mobile application developmentflutterreact
Flutter Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka
Flutter Tutorial For Beginners | EdurekaFlutter Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka
Flutter Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

YouTube Link: ** Edureka Online Training: ** In this edureka PPT, Flutter tutorial, you will learn about google's cross-platform mobile application development framework. You will also learn to make a basic app using flutter at the end of this video. The following topics are discussed in this PPT Mobile Application Development What is Flutter? Why learn Flutter? Flutter Architecture Types of Widgets How Flutter Compiles Flutter Installation Writing Our First Flutter Application Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:

flutter tutorialflutter application tutorialflutter for beginners
Build Cross-Platform Mobile Application with PhoneGap
Build Cross-Platform Mobile Application with PhoneGapBuild Cross-Platform Mobile Application with PhoneGap
Build Cross-Platform Mobile Application with PhoneGap

This document provides an overview of building cross-platform mobile applications with PhoneGap. PhoneGap allows developers to create mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that can be deployed across various platforms. It provides APIs to access device capabilities like the camera, contacts and more. The document outlines PhoneGap's architecture, features, recipes for common tasks and how to integrate with frameworks like jQuery Mobile. It also discusses advantages like writing code once for multiple platforms, and disadvantages like lower performance compared to native apps.

mobile application development
-   Accelerometer
                    -   Camera
                    -   Capture
Out of the box,     -   Compass
                    -   Connection
PhoneGap            -   Contacts
                    -   Device
provides support    -   Events
for a number of     -
basic device APIs   -
                    -   Notification
                    -   Storage
capturePhotoEdit: function() {
     , onFail, {
                        quality: 20, allowEdit: true });

Camera API   onPhotoDataSucess: function(imageData) {
               var smallImage = document.getElementById('smallImage');

      = 'block';
               smallImage.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imageData;
             onFail: function(message) {
                alert('Failed because: ' + message);
PhoneGap API Explorer

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Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps
Building Cross-Platform Mobile AppsBuilding Cross-Platform Mobile Apps
Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

PhoneGap (aka Cordova) is a cross-platform framework for developing mobile apps using standard web development tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Join Troy Miles to learn how to create mobile apps with PhoneGap by building a simple but full-featured app during this hands-on class. Troy explores PhoneGap’s important capabilities, including GPS, camera, and audio recordings. Because JavaScript has a reputation as a somewhat difficult language, Troy teaches techniques for keeping your code robust and clean. To give your app the appropriate look and feel for the device on which it is running, the class will use the open source Chocolate Chip UI framework for testing. Troy shares ways to debug the code by running it as a web app, using browser development tools, or as a phone app, using the Chrome browser’s remote debugging features. Leave with the basics you need to start building your own cross-platform mobile apps.

PhoneGap/PhoneGap Build - Amsterdam Adobe Camp
PhoneGap/PhoneGap Build - Amsterdam Adobe CampPhoneGap/PhoneGap Build - Amsterdam Adobe Camp
PhoneGap/PhoneGap Build - Amsterdam Adobe Camp

The document discusses PhoneGap, an open source framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap packages the web app so it can be deployed and distributed as a native mobile app. Developers can write their app once and deploy it across multiple platforms. PhoneGap uses plugins to allow apps access device features like the camera or contacts. It supports building apps for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and other platforms either locally using each platform's tools or through an online build service.

Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...

A quick rampup through the learning curve of PhoneGap, by way of walking through an App Development.

chennaiphonegaptouch tour
It’s all just HTML/
JS, so you can use
your browser!
Take advantage of
Chrome Developer
tools/Firebug to
test your app’s UI.
But what about Device APIs?
Because we’re in the web view, there is no
   way to do line-by-line debugging.
Luckily we have
Weinre, which lets
us debug and
manipulate the
DOM from our PCs.
Weinre is built with
node.JS and acts as
a server and uses
the developer tools
from Chrome to
provide hooks into
the mobile app.

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Phone gap development, testing, and debugging
Phone gap development, testing, and debuggingPhone gap development, testing, and debugging
Phone gap development, testing, and debugging

This document discusses PhoneGap development, testing, and debugging. It covers: 1. PhoneGap initialization which includes adding meta tags and viewport settings to the HTML head, loading the PhoneGap JavaScript library, and registering an onDeviceReady event listener. 2. The onDeviceReady event ensures PhoneGap is fully loaded before making API calls. 3. Leveraging PhoneGap APIs like the device API and updating app content and UI using APIs. 4. Methods for testing and debugging PhoneGap apps including using emulators, simulators, Ripple emulator, Weinre, and console logging. Issues around cross-platform development are also addressed.

phone gapcross platform applications developmentmobile apps

PhoneGap is an open-source mobile development framework that allows building mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It wraps the code in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like cameras and sensors. Apps are hybrid, using web views instead of native languages. While this allows building once and deploying to multiple platforms, performance may suffer for graphically intensive apps and development time can be longer without native UI controls.

mobile development course
JQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha Touch
JQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha TouchJQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha Touch
JQuery Mobile vs Appcelerator Titanium vs Sencha Touch

During this briefing for developers and I.T. managers, you'll get an in-depth review of the three most popular javascript-based mobile application development platforms - jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Appcelerator Titanium! You'll review the development tools, hear about the developer and debugging experience, and participate in a brief code review in order to determine which framework is the most appropriate for your next mobile project! We'll demonstrate how each framework can be used to develop the same mobile app, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. Note that the full 2.5 hour video of this presentation is available at

sencha touchjquery mobileappcelerator titanium
Drop in a <script>
tag on a remote
server and Weinre
will let you use the
Developer Tools on
your apps.
Requires internet
access, so keep
that in mind.
But, a much easier way:
Extending Phonegap

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Appium solution
Appium solutionAppium solution
Appium solution

This document provides information about Appium, an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It discusses Appium's architecture and features, how to set up Appium for testing iOS and Android apps, different language clients available and requirements for writing tests in Java. The document also covers new capabilities and strategies introduced in Appium, such as TouchActions and MultiTouchActions.

automationmobile application developmentselenium
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile designDreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design

A session talk for #NAGW2012 on: Mobile app, choices Dreamweaver’s place Creating Mobile Design (actual design, not code) Other helpful Adobe tools to create HTML/CSS jQuery Mobile in DW PhoneGap Build in DW

Phone gap in android technology
Phone gap in android technologyPhone gap in android technology
Phone gap in android technology

Is a mobile development framework. It enables software programmers to build applications for mobile devices using JavaScript, HTML5. The resulting applications are hybrid, meaning that they are neither truly native nor purely web-based. And its work on multi platform.

For added
PhoneGap provides
a plug-in
Includes OS-
specific code/
libraries and the JS
to use it in
Some of the
helpful ones:
PayPal, Facebook,
Push Notification
Plug-is are one of
the areas that
show off the power
of a hybrid web/
native approach.
There are a ton of
SDKs (like
Facebook) that
provide a great
native experience.
We can use those!
Available at

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Phonegap android
Phonegap androidPhonegap android
Phonegap android

PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows developers to create mobile apps using standardized web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by including web code in a native mobile project, and using Apache Cordova to expose native device APIs to the web code through JavaScript. Cordova is the underlying platform that PhoneGap is built on top of, providing access to device functionality through JavaScript APIs. PhoneGap supports creating apps for many mobile platforms from a single codebase.


Firefox OS allows web applications to access device capabilities through standardized web APIs. This bridges the gap between native and web applications. Mozilla is proposing and approving APIs that give web apps access to features like vibration, geolocation, and more. Web apps can also work offline through caching. Developers can create hosted or packaged apps and debug them on the Firefox OS emulator or devices.

[Devoxx Morocco 2015] Apache Cordova In Action
[Devoxx Morocco 2015] Apache Cordova In Action[Devoxx Morocco 2015] Apache Cordova In Action
[Devoxx Morocco 2015] Apache Cordova In Action

Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile apps using common Web technologies (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). Apache Cordova offers a set of APIs that allow the mobile app developers to utilize mobile native functions such as (Audio, Camera, Contacts …etc) using JavaScript. jQuery mobile is one of the best mobile web application frameworks, which allows the web developers to develop neat mobile web applications. This session discusses why there is a need for Hybrid mobile development, the current challenges of mobile development, and how using Apache Cordova can help in overcoming many of these technical challenges. It also highlights the best practices of using Apache Cordova with jQuery mobile. Finally, it demonstrates a real Cordova mobile app for showing the audience the best practices of designing, developing, and deploying hybrid Android and iOS mobile apps.

androidangularjsjquery mobile
Remember that we’re on different
PhoneGap in Action
PhoneGap Apps

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PhoneGap is an open source framework that allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of platform-specific languages. It works by wrapping the HTML and JavaScript code in a thin native container on each mobile platform so the code can access native device features like the camera via plugins. Hybrid apps built with PhoneGap have advantages like reduced development costs through code reuse across platforms but also have disadvantages like potential performance issues and an inability to access all native features. The PhoneGap command-line interface and PhoneGap Build service make it easy to set up, build, and deploy PhoneGap apps to various app stores.

Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using CordovaBuilding Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova
Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using Cordova

This is the slide deck used in the "Building Cross-Platform JavaScript Apps using PhoneGap and Cordova" lecture I gave at the WDC.IL User Group in July 2014. The talk briefly shows how to get started with Cordova, discusses some of the differences between Cordova, Adobe PhoneGap and the Telerik Platform, and demonstrates using the Telerik Platform to build and LiveSync Android, iOS and Windows Phone apps. It also explains the role of plugins in building hybrid mobile apps that can utilize native APIs.

cordovatelerik platformhybrid apps
PhoneGap - Now and the Future
PhoneGap - Now and the FuturePhoneGap - Now and the Future
PhoneGap - Now and the Future

PhoneGap allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by packaging a web app into a native app that can be deployed to various mobile platforms through a common set of APIs. PhoneGap provides access to device functionality like contacts, geolocation, and cameras. It is promising because it allows developers to write code once and deploy it across platforms, reducing development costs compared to building native apps for each platform separately. The future of PhoneGap includes it becoming an open source project under Apache called Cordova, with improved plugin architecture and broader device support.
The Problem:

You’re building a cross-platform app, but
   dealing with a lot of native projects
The Solution:
   PhoneGap Build - create distribution
binaries for multiple platforms in one place
Intro to PhoneGap

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Mobile application development platform
Mobile application development platformMobile application development platform
Mobile application development platform

The document discusses and compares several popular mobile application development platforms (MADPs), including Kony App Platform, Android Studio, Apple Xcode, Appcelerator, Kinvey, Appzillon, and Microsoft's Xamarin. For each platform, it outlines their key features and capabilities, pros, and cons. The platforms vary in their support for native or cross-platform development, programming languages used, ease of use, documentation, and other factors.

Getting started with PhoneGap
Getting started with PhoneGapGetting started with PhoneGap
Getting started with PhoneGap

PhoneGap allows developers to write mobile apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It works by wrapping web apps in a native container, so they can access native device features and be distributed through app stores. Developers can build, test, and debug apps using their existing tools and browsers, then package them into native installers for iOS, Android, and other platforms using PhoneGap or platform-specific build tools. PhoneGap provides a set of device APIs that apps can use to access features like the camera, contacts, and more through plugins.

phonegap session at dev:mobile goteborg/sweden
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World RomaniaFixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania

The document summarizes key aspects of building Firefox OS to address issues with the mobile web. Firefox OS is Mozilla's attempt to make the web a first-class citizen on phones and tablets by starting with the web stack rather than trying to add the web to an existing OS. It has launched in several countries and aims to be an affordable alternative to feature phones and closed platforms. The architecture is based on Linux, Gecko, and web technologies. It provides predictable HTML5 support and addresses performance, fragmentation, security and hardware access through its design and web APIs.

Build includes git
support so you can
use git and host
projects on
PhoneGap or build
a project from
Build lets you
define individuals
as tester/developer
which changes
permissions on the
You can use Build as your testing
distribution as well by making the
      download pages public.
Will (soon) support
popular plugins so
that you can build
plugins right into
the build process.

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PhoneGap JavaScript API vs Native Components
PhoneGap JavaScript API vs Native ComponentsPhoneGap JavaScript API vs Native Components
PhoneGap JavaScript API vs Native Components

This document compares the PhoneGap JavaScript API to native plugins for accessing device functionality. The PhoneGap JavaScript API allows accessing common functions like geolocation and contacts but has limitations for complex tasks. Native plugins can be created to handle these complex tasks by developing a custom native component for each platform and creating a JavaScript API to expose the plugin functionality. The document provides steps for creating an Android plugin to copy images from assets to the SD card as an example.

HTML5 and jQuery for Flex Developers
HTML5 and jQuery for Flex DevelopersHTML5 and jQuery for Flex Developers
HTML5 and jQuery for Flex Developers

Talk at 360Flex 2011 on building Flex-like RIAs with jQuery and HTML5 and some of the good parts and pitfalls.

Getting Started with Flex and PHP
Getting Started with Flex and PHPGetting Started with Flex and PHP
Getting Started with Flex and PHP

Introduction to Flex for PHP developers with information on how to get started, what value Flex provides, and what tools to use.

Supports multiple
PhoneGap versions
so you can target a
wide range of
PhoneGap Build

 Ryan Stewart
 Web Developer Advocate, Adobe

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