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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Google Home / Mobile device
The Google Assistant —
Actions on Google —

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Construindo projetos para o Google Assistant - I/O 2019 Recap São Paulo
Construindo projetos para o Google Assistant - I/O 2019 Recap São PauloConstruindo projetos para o Google Assistant - I/O 2019 Recap São Paulo
Construindo projetos para o Google Assistant - I/O 2019 Recap São Paulo

Apresentação feita no Google Brasil sobre como iniciar com Google Assistant, Dialogflow e interfaces de conversa em geral.

iotactions on googlegoogle
Actions On Google - How? Why?
Actions On Google - How? Why?Actions On Google - How? Why?
Actions On Google - How? Why?

How to develop your actions on google? In these slides we covered the main aspects: API.AI, Voice UI, google assistant and more.

actions on googlebotsgoogle assistant
Esplorando Google Assistant e Dialogflow
Esplorando Google Assistant e DialogflowEsplorando Google Assistant e Dialogflow
Esplorando Google Assistant e Dialogflow

I'm afraid I don't have enough context to understand your full question. Could you please rephrase or provide some more details? User: Sorry, let me try again. I'm looking for a recipe for a quick soup I can make with chicken and canned tomatoes. Do you have any suggestions?

“Hey Google,
talk to...”
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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Flutter is a new cross-platform mobile app development framework created by Google. It allows building high-performance native apps for Android and iOS from a single codebase using the Dart programming language. The document discusses Flutter's advantages like reactive views without a JavaScript bridge, native performance through AOT compilation, rich customizable widgets, and hot reload capabilities. It provides a quick overview of setting up Flutter development environments and building a basic "Hello World" app. The presenter demonstrates building a simple counter app widget in both Flutter and React Native. He closes by discussing some use cases for Flutter and pointing to further reading resources.

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Aiy project, el día que le hablé a una caja
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Charla impartida en el Google Developer Extended Day Jaén al cual fui a hablar como invitado por el GDG Jaén en la cual explico como desarrollar aplicaciones para Google Assistant utilizando la plataforma Dialogflow

actions on googlegoogle assistantgoogle home
AI: Mobile Apps That Understands Your Intention When You Typed
AI: Mobile Apps That Understands Your Intention When You TypedAI: Mobile Apps That Understands Your Intention When You Typed
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With Microsoft's Cognitive Services - Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS), we can build a smart app. By following this tutorial, you should learn how to create a intelligent cross platform Mobile App that understands what is your intention. Read more @ By Marvin Heng Twitter: @hmheng Blog:

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api response }
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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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Day 5
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The document discusses using AsyncTask in Android to perform background operations and update the UI thread. It provides an example of using AsyncTask to fetch distance data from the Google Distance Matrix API in the background. Some key points: 1. AsyncTask allows performing operations in the background using doInBackground() and updating the UI using onPostExecute(). 2. The example API call is made in doInBackground() and the results are extracted from the JSON response. 3. OnPostExecute() receives the results and updates the UI by setting the distance text on button click. 4. Accessing APIs involves getting a JSONObject from the response and extracting the required values using JSON tags. 5

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Google I/O 2011, Android Honeycomb Highlights
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Google I/O 2011, Android Honeycomb Highlights

This document summarizes the key features of Honeycomb, the Android 3.0 tablet release. It discusses the tablet release, user interface improvements like fragments and the action bar, and developer tools like renderscript and animation frameworks. Representatives will be presenting on these topics and more at sessions during Google I/O and developers can find additional information on blogs and documentation after the conference.

Android Quiz App – Test Your IQ.pdf
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Android Quiz App – Test Your IQ.pdf

The document describes how to create an Android quiz app using Firebase Realtime Database. It provides steps to set up the project, design login/signup screens, retrieve questions from the database, display them to users, and calculate scores. Prerequisites include basic Java/Android knowledge, Android Studio, a Firebase project, and an Android device. The steps involve creating the project, adding Firebase libraries, designing login/signup layouts in XML, retrieving and displaying questions to users, and handling input and scores.

Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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In this workshop, you will learn how to build a SwiftUI application with Firebase. We will cover the following topics: - Data modeling for Firestore - Efficiently mapping Firestore data using Swift’s Codable protocol - Fetching data from Firestore using snapshot listeners - Connecting SwiftUI’s state management system to Firestore to implement real-time sync - Securing your user’s data using Firebase Security Rules - Signing in your users using Firebase Authentication We will be using the latest versions of Firebase and SwiftUI, making use of Combine and async/await to demonstrate how to call asynchronous APIs using modern Swift technologies. Please bring your laptop, making sure to install the latest stable version of Xcode before the workshop.

JavaScript Functions
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Functions being first-class citizens in JavaScript offers developers a tremendous amount power and flexibilty. However, what good is all this power if you don't know how to harness it? This talk will provide a thorough examination of JavaScript functions. Topics that will be covered in this talk are: * Functions are objects * Execution Context and the Scope Chain * Closures * Modifying Context * The Various Forms of Functions. Attendees will leave this talk understanding the power of JavaScript functions and the knowledge to apply new techiques that will make their JavaScript cleaner, leaner and more maintainable.

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KotlinPref is a library that provides delegation functionality for Android's SharedPreferences in Kotlin. It allows accessing SharedPreferences values via synthetic properties rather than directly calling getString, getInt etc. This reduces boilerplate and makes the code more readable. The document provides examples of how to use KotlinPref to store and retrieve values from SharedPreferences in a simpler way compared to the traditional Android approach.

software developmentandroidemandevmeetup
function simpleResponse (app) {
speech: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about ' +
'almost any number, like 42. What do you have in mind?',
displayText: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about ' +
'almost any number. What do you have in mind?'
function suggestionChips (app) {
speech: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about ' +
'almost any number like 0, 42, or 100. What number do you have ' +
'in mind?',
displayText: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about almost any ' +
'number. What number do you have in mind?'
.addSuggestions(['0', '42', '100', 'Never mind'])
function basicCard (app) {
.addSimpleResponse('Math and prime numbers it is!')
app.buildBasicCard(`42 is an even composite number. It ` +
`is composed of three distinct prime numbers multiplied together. It ` +
`has a total of eight divisors. 42 is an abundant number, because the ` +
`sum of its proper divisors 54 is greater than itself. To count from ` +
`1 to 42 would take you about twenty-one…`)
.setTitle('Math & prime numbers')
.addButton('Read more')
.setImage('', 'Image alternate text')
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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This document provides an introduction and overview of the Go programming language and how to build a backend API with Go and connect it to a React frontend. It discusses why Go was created, its core values and uses. It then covers how to install Go, write a basic Go program, and build a RESTful backend API with Gorilla Mux that can return JSON or XML. It also demonstrates connecting a React frontend application to the Go backend using Axios to fetch and display student data. The document encourages asking questions and building a real application with Go and React.

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let permission = app.SupportedPermissions.DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION;
app.askForPermission('To find bookstores near you', permission);
I'll just need to get your zip code from Google. Is that okay?
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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1. React provides the view layer and handles how the application renders and responds to user input, while Redux manages the application data and state. 2. Redux uses a central store that holds the single source of truth for the application state, and state updates are made with pure functions called reducers in response to actions. 3. This architecture provides benefits like making state changes predictable and debugging easier, while introducing more boilerplate code compared to alternatives like Angular.

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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
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DevOps and “Liquid Software” release practices are rapidly becoming the standard. But, as software shapes digital transformation, DevOps teams are feeling challenged to manage their growing influence on corporations’ success or failure. In this talk, Ido Green looks into the growing pains that most enterprises (many of them JFrog customers) face when adopting and consolidating DevOps at scale, and how these challenges are being mitigated with end-to-end platform solutions. We’ll wrap up with some DevOps best practices - from the trenches - that will help you address emerging trends that your bosses’ bosses really care about.

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“If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.” This talk is going to be based on data and the real world. No theoretical stories just data and action items on how to make your company better/faster/more secure in shipping software.

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VUI Design
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VUI Design

We are all experts at human-to-human conversation. But conversing only seems easy because it’s familiar, you’ve been doing it since you were born. The key to building a good voice interface is to not fall into the trap of simply converting a GUI into a VUI. In these slides we will cover the best practices to design our Action on Google (and any other Voice UI).

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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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The past few years, the buzz about conversational experiences and digital assistants has increased dramatically. According to a recently issued report by eMarketer, 87% of B2C marketers in the US believe that chatbots and digital assistants will play a significant role in marketing before 2021. In these slides we will cover the Google Assistant and learn why you wish to build an action for it.

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This document provides best practices for startups. It discusses the importance of having a great idea, building a product that users love through constant improvement and feedback, assembling a strong founding team, and relentless execution to gain momentum. Key aspects include focusing on a niche, gaining feedback, prioritizing product development over other activities, hiring experts when needed, setting big goals, and constantly shipping new features and versions. The overall message is on passion for the mission, building engagement through a top-quality product, and relentless effort to achieve growth.

Progressive Web Apps For Startups
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Progressive Web Apps For Startups

What are the ways that startups can leverage the benefits that progressive web apps allow these days? In this talk, I covered some of the startups best practices and how entrepreneurs can take advantage from the capabilities that PWAs give them.

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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Test your agent by entering text or voice
requests. Voice testing is available in
Chrome and Firefox browsers.

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Amp Overview #YGLF 2016
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An overview of Accelerated Mobile Pages Project. See how you can leverage this important open source project today in production and improve your sites' performance and the happiness of your users.

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const App = require('actions-on-google').DialogflowApp;
exports.yourApp = (request, response) => {
const app = new App({request, response});
console.log('Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
console.log('Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
// Fulfill action business logic
function responseHandler (app) {
// Complete your fulfillment logic and send a response
app.ask('Hello, World!');
const actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set('<Dialogflow_action_name>', responseHandler);
const app = new DialogflowApp({request: request, response: response});
const WELCOME_INTENT = 'input.welcome'; // the action name from the Dialogflow intent
const NUMBER_INTENT = 'input.number'; // the action name from the Dialogflow intent
const NUMBER_ARGUMENT = 'input.mynum'; // the action name from the Dialogflow intent
function welcomeIntent (app) {
app.ask('Welcome to action snippets! Say a number.');
function numberIntent (app) {
let number = app.getArgument(NUMBER_ARGUMENT);
app.tell('You said ' + number);
let actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(WELCOME_INTENT, welcomeIntent);
actionMap.set(NUMBER_INTENT, numberIntent);
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile PagesAMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP is coming to improve the mobile web. Big time. There are many aspect to a great user experience on sites. In order to improve the speed of the media websites on mobile and the monetization, we needed few things: 1. Fast pages. Fast to load, fast to display, saving bandwidth when possible. 2. Easy for the developers and companies to create. Only based on known and widely used technologies. 3. Mobile Friendly: they should respect a standard and thanks to this standard, pages would be automatically optimized for mobile devices 4. Embrace the open web: non-proprietary technology, open source, available to anyone to use and improve. It should not only help for search engines, but for everyone. In these slides, we will cover AMP and what it can do for you.

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From AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWAFrom AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWA

Let's focus on the Mobile Web and talk about the keys to a building a great mobile experience. From AMP (=Accelerated Mobile Pages) as a starting point up to PWA (=Progressive Web Apps). I will cover the steps through some of the key features we see as core to the modern web experience. As a bonus, we will close with new APIs that expending the web even farther.

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Google Innovation 101
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Google Innovation 101

These are the slides from my talk today at Google IL Office. It covers: 1. Google’s past, present and a bit of the future. 2. Google’s 5 principles of innovation.

Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!
if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
.addSimpleResponse(`Here's a fact for you. ${fact} Which one ` +
`do you want to hear about next, Google's history or headquarters?`)
app.buildBasicCard('Google is an amazing company.')
.addSuggestions(['History', 'Headquarters']));
} else {
app.ask(`Here's a fact for you. ${fact} Which one ` +
`do you want to hear about next, Google's history or headquarters?`);
Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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מצגת בעברית שנועדה לכוון יזמים שרוצים להתחיל לבנות משהו מרעיון בלבד. נתמקד בשלב הרעיון, בניית המוצר, הצוות ומהם הדגשים שיכולים לעזור לנו.

איך להתחיל סטארטאפ 2016
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Building a Progressive Web App
Building a  Progressive Web AppBuilding a  Progressive Web App
Building a Progressive Web App

The document discusses building progressive web apps (PWAs). PWAs are web applications that are fast, reliable and engaging like native mobile apps. The key aspects of PWAs discussed are: 1) They use technologies like service workers, web app manifests and push notifications to provide app-like capabilities and improve user experience and engagement on the web. 2) An example of Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce site, is provided which saw 3x time spent and 40% returning visitors with their PWA implementation. 3) Core features discussed that make PWAs engaging include fast loading, adding to homescreen for app-like launching, handling flaky networks well, instant reloading and

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Ok Google, ask Personal Chef for a hot soup recipe
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Ok Google, let’s talk to Personal Chef
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Create An Amazing Apps For The Google Assistant!

  • 4. Google Home / Mobile device The Google Assistant — Actions on Google —
  • 9. Assistant app { conversation api request } { conversation api response } user input app response
  • 10. “ Intent Matching — Entity Extraction — @
  • 17. function simpleResponse (app) { app.ask({ speech: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about ' + 'almost any number, like 42. What do you have in mind?', displayText: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about ' + 'almost any number. What do you have in mind?' }); }
  • 18. function suggestionChips (app) { app.ask(app.buildRichResponse() .addSimpleResponse({ speech: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about ' + 'almost any number like 0, 42, or 100. What number do you have ' + 'in mind?', displayText: 'Howdy! I can tell you fun facts about almost any ' + 'number. What number do you have in mind?' }) .addSuggestions(['0', '42', '100', 'Never mind']) ); }
  • 19. function basicCard (app) { app.ask(app.buildRichResponse() .addSimpleResponse('Math and prime numbers it is!') .addBasicCard( app.buildBasicCard(`42 is an even composite number. It ` + `is composed of three distinct prime numbers multiplied together. It ` + `has a total of eight divisors. 42 is an abundant number, because the ` + `sum of its proper divisors 54 is greater than itself. To count from ` + `1 to 42 would take you about twenty-one…`) .setTitle('Math & prime numbers') .addButton('Read more') .setImage('', 'Image alternate text') ) ); }
  • 21. let permission = app.SupportedPermissions.DEVICE_COARSE_LOCATION; app.askForPermission('To find bookstores near you', permission); I'll just need to get your zip code from Google. Is that okay?
  • 40. Test your agent by entering text or voice requests. Voice testing is available in Chrome and Firefox browsers.
  • 41. const App = require('actions-on-google').DialogflowApp; exports.yourApp = (request, response) => { const app = new App({request, response}); console.log('Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers)); console.log('Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body)); // Fulfill action business logic function responseHandler (app) { // Complete your fulfillment logic and send a response app.ask('Hello, World!'); } const actionMap = new Map(); actionMap.set('<Dialogflow_action_name>', responseHandler); app.handleRequest(actionMap); };
  • 42. const app = new DialogflowApp({request: request, response: response}); const WELCOME_INTENT = 'input.welcome'; // the action name from the Dialogflow intent const NUMBER_INTENT = 'input.number'; // the action name from the Dialogflow intent const NUMBER_ARGUMENT = 'input.mynum'; // the action name from the Dialogflow intent function welcomeIntent (app) { app.ask('Welcome to action snippets! Say a number.'); } function numberIntent (app) { let number = app.getArgument(NUMBER_ARGUMENT); app.tell('You said ' + number); } let actionMap = new Map(); actionMap.set(WELCOME_INTENT, welcomeIntent); actionMap.set(NUMBER_INTENT, numberIntent); app.handleRequest(actionMap);
  • 47. if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) { app.ask(app.buildRichResponse() .addSimpleResponse(`Here's a fact for you. ${fact} Which one ` + `do you want to hear about next, Google's history or headquarters?`) .addBasicCard( app.buildBasicCard('Google is an amazing company.') .setImage(GOOGLE_LOGO_SRC)) .addSuggestions(['History', 'Headquarters'])); } else { app.ask(`Here's a fact for you. ${fact} Which one ` + `do you want to hear about next, Google's history or headquarters?`); }
  • 53. Ok Google, ask Personal Chef for a hot soup recipe Trigger Phrase App Name Developer Specified Action Preposition Action Phrase Developer Specified Ok Google, let’s talk to Personal Chef Trigger Phrase App Name Developer Specified