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Conversation Design
Ido Green
Developer Advocate
@greenido +greenido
VUI Design
VUI Design
What’s the

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Ux scot voice usability testing with woz - ar and sf - june 2019
Ux scot   voice usability testing with woz - ar and sf  - june 2019Ux scot   voice usability testing with woz - ar and sf  - june 2019
Ux scot voice usability testing with woz - ar and sf - june 2019

1) The document discusses designing voice applications and testing them using the Wizard of Oz technique. It covers intents, sample dialogs, prototyping dialogue flows, and running WOZ tests to iterate on the application. 2) An example is provided of designing a hotel concierge assistant named Amy, including sample conversations for checking out times and extending checkout for a fee. Groups role-played conversations and improved the dialogue flows. 3) Tips are given for WOZ testing voice applications, such as understanding user intents, constructing sample dialogs, creating a moderator script, connecting audio responses, and collecting feedback to iteratively improve the application.

user experiencevoiceux
Chatbot and AI Design Principles
Chatbot and AI Design PrinciplesChatbot and AI Design Principles
Chatbot and AI Design Principles

This document provides guidance on designing successful chatbots and conversational AI. It discusses important considerations for understanding users, defining the problem, scoping the bot, designing conversations, and measuring success. Key points covered include establishing trust, handling unknown inputs, accessibility, and the importance of testing before going live. The overall message is that good UX design principles are needed to build bots that can engage users and successfully help them.

uxaiartificial intelligence
Are your visitors losing the will to live?
Are your visitors losing the will to live?Are your visitors losing the will to live?
Are your visitors losing the will to live?

This presentation will show you many techniques for increasing your profits by improving the user experience of your site. The slides aren't all self-explanatory. To see a video of the talk, visit

usabilityuser experienceconversion rate
Top 3 Design Tips
Create a persona.1
Persona is
● Tone
● Word and phrase choices
● Functional design
● Style
● Technique
● Voice
And based on:
● Your user population
● Their needs
● The imagery & qualities
associated with your brand
Think outside the box.

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Inclusive customer interviews make it your friday task
Inclusive customer interviews  make it your friday taskInclusive customer interviews  make it your friday task
Inclusive customer interviews make it your friday task

Customer research has been a core part of Intuit from the earliest days of the company. In the 1980’s Intuit engineers would hang out at computer stores to find people buying Quicken software and ask if they could follow them home to watch their installation process to learn about pain points and opportunities. Kurt Walecki, Intuit VP of Design, described the importance: From the very beginning, Intuit has done user research both to understand how customers are using their current products and to identify customers’ unmet needs, allowing them to introduce new products to the market to satisfy them. Every product and team at Intuit uses customer research and interviews to design and build products and new functionality. Intuit’s use of Lean Startup includesthe mantra “fall in love with the problem, not the solution” . The goal is to understand the customer’s pain points and missed opportunities first, expand on the problem, build prototypes, continually review with the customer to test solutions, and then promote it to a product feature. This customer focus ensures the product grows with useful features and doesn’t bloat with unnecessary technology.

a11yaccessibilitycustomer interview
Running a webinar - best practices
Running a webinar - best practicesRunning a webinar - best practices
Running a webinar - best practices

This document provides best practices for running effective webinars. It recommends having two people to fill roles like moderator, technical support, and chat manager. Thorough planning and testing of all technology is crucial. During the webinar, introductions and teaching participants how to use interaction tools is important. Engaging the audience with varied techniques like polls, chat, and breakout groups helps ensure participation. Honoring contributions in the chat and effectively closing out the session are also best practices.

best practicewebinars
Getting it Built
Getting it BuiltGetting it Built
Getting it Built

A primer to agile development, lean methodology, and building software with or without a technical team.

Confidential and proprietary
code code code code code
code code code code
code code “ dialog string” code
code code code
code code code code code
code “dialog string” code code
code code code code code code code
code code code
code code
code code
code code code
code “dialog string” code code code
code code
code code code
code code code code code code code code
code code code code code code code code
Confidential and proprietary
code code code code code
code code code code
code code “ dialog string” code
code code code
code code code code code
code “dialog string” code code
code code code code code code code
code code code
code code
code code
code code code
code “dialog string” code code code
code code
code code code
code code code code code code code code
code code code code code code code code
Confidential and proprietary
In conversations, there
are no “errors”.

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Usability Testing Foundation
Usability Testing FoundationUsability Testing Foundation
Usability Testing Foundation

A workshop that introduces the foundation of Usability Testing which includes tips for planning, recruiting, moderating, as well as collecting metrics using the success rates.

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Educate with articulate
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Educate with articulate

The document provides instructions for a webinar on introducing Articulate Storyline, asking participants to download certain apps before the webinar. It then outlines the learning objectives of the webinar, which are to build a basic Storyline tutorial, add interactivity features, explain timeline features, and connect Storyline to the participant's work. The document also introduces the instructors who will guide participants through Storyline demonstrations and answer questions.

Start with the problem, not with the solution!
Start with the problem, not with the solution!Start with the problem, not with the solution!
Start with the problem, not with the solution!

Presentation and workshop of Alexandra Lung and Annamaria Boheim at PRODUCTIZED conference 1st November 2018 in Lisbon.

user researchuser interviewsucd
real life
conditions {
“I don’t understand you”
When a so-called “error” occurs in a
conversation, it should be treated simply as
a new turn in the dialog, only with different
Users have intent

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Capturing Users' HeartsCapturing Users' Hearts
Capturing Users' Hearts

This document discusses the Lean UX process for building apps that users love. It emphasizes starting with user research to understand problems, rapidly prototyping solutions, and getting frequent feedback to iterate designs. The process involves creating personas, testing assumptions with users, prioritizing problems, making paper/digital prototypes, getting early feedback, and continuously improving through multiple iterations. The goal is to build something that solves the right problems in a way users enjoy.

Never show a design you haven't tested
Never show a design you haven't testedNever show a design you haven't tested
Never show a design you haven't tested

The document discusses 7 low-cost usability testing methods that can be used at different stages of a project: 1) Hit the streets, 2) Information architecture, 3) First click, 4) Live experiments, 5) Did you get it done, 6) Microtesting content, and 7) Weekly drop-in lab test. Each method is described in terms of the time and cost required to implement it. The document advocates for incorporating usability testing into project plans from the beginning and testing with actual users rather than colleagues. It provides guidance on setting up a usability testing lab and conducting regular weekly testing sessions.

user testingusability testingusability
Introduction to Deep Learning | CloudxLab
Introduction to Deep Learning | CloudxLabIntroduction to Deep Learning | CloudxLab
Introduction to Deep Learning | CloudxLab

( Machine Learning & Deep Learning Specialization Training: ) This CloudxLab Deep Learning tutorial helps you to understand Deep Learning in detail. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) What is Deep Learning 2) Deep Learning Applications 3) Artificial Neural Network 4) Deep Learning Neural Networks 5) Deep Learning Frameworks 6) AI vs Machine Learning

deep learningartificial neural networkai vs machine learning
Sample dialogs
What to include:
1. Canonical “Happy path”
2. First time experience
3. Tapered experience (Return user)
4. Repair
Journey 5: Conversation repair
for timeouts
USER Ok Google, let me talk to Number Genie.
Sure, Here's Number Genie.
NUMBER GENIE Welcome to Number Genie! I'm thinking of a
number from 0 to 100. What's your first guess?
USER (says nothing)
NUMBER GENIE I didn't hear a number.
USER (silent or muffled)
NUMBER GENIE If you're still there, what's your guess?
USER (silent)
NUMBER GENIE We can stop here. Let's play again soon.
Sample dialogs
What to include:
1. Canonical “Happy path”
2. First time experience
3. Tapered experience (Return user)
4. Repair
Journey 7: Quit game. User gives
up and ends the game
USER Hey Google, let me talk to Number Genie.
Sure, Here's Number Genie.
NUMBER GENIE Welcome to Number Genie! I'm thinking of a
number from 0 to 100. What's your first guess?
NUMBER GENIE It’s higher than 21. What’s your next guess?
USER I give up. [LOGIC: catch ending intent]
NUMBER GENIE Sure, I’ll tell you the number anyway. It was 90.
Give users credit
They know how to talk
Avoid force feeding commands.
(such as “to reply to a message,
say ‘reply’” or “to hear that again,
say ‘repeat’”.)
People hardly ever say nonsense.
They just weren’t parsed
correctly. There was a
misalignment in meaning.
They know what they want
There’s no such thing as a query with
no intent. The user wanted to do
something, even if they didn’t say so.
They want to help
Don’t create dead ends when
something doesn’t work.
If you ask for them to say something
again, they will, but rarely exactly the
same way.
Honor that they’re invested in
outcome of a repair attempt.
Confidential + Proprietary
● Error “events” ≠ users misbehaving
● Different types of error events deserve different strategies
● Users are cooperative; they initiate repair on their own
● Users have intent, whether spoken aloud or not
● It’s our job to figure out their intent, not just point out something went wrong
Things to remember

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3 Day Structure
3 Day Structure3 Day Structure
3 Day Structure

The document outlines a 3-day structure for a product design sprint. Day 1 focuses on understanding the problem through lightning talks, affinity mapping, and sketching ideas. Day 2 has teams decide on a solution through sketch presentations and storyboarding a prototype. Day 3 involves prototyping, user testing, and validating the proposed solutions through feedback. The sprint uses divergent and convergent thinking techniques to move from exploring the design space to agreeing on solutions to test.

Untangling invisible knots: UX in voice technology products
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Untangling invisible knots: UX in voice technology products

This case study on focuses on the Kroger voice action. This involved speaking about design hurdles as a designer, user pain points, how to design a voice product, as well as how to approach prototyping and usability testing.

vuivoice interfaceprototype

The document provides guidance for interviewing at Peepaal, including: - Technical skills and qualities they seek include strong learning ability, passion for technology, intelligence, willingness to work hard, and strong technical skills. - For interviews, expect technical and HR rounds. Dress professionally but casually, like non-denim pants and a collared shirt. - Coding questions will involve data structures, algorithms, and programming language fundamentals. Approach problems methodically and ask clarifying questions. - Be prepared to discuss experiences and past projects clearly during non-technical questions. Focus on what you learned rather than lengthy stories.

Use the context
Where is the user?
What are they doing?
What type of device
are they using?
What’s their intent?
Where is the user’s
frame of mind?
What happened
right before?
What’s happening next?
How is the experience
influenced over time?
What do users
know going in?
What data can you use
to enrich the experience
predictively or to cut out
unnecessary steps?
Example strategies to have ready
Rapid reprompt ● “What was that?”
● “Say that again?”
Reframe the
● “What time is this for?” → “Sorry, what time?”
● “For when?” → “What time would you like to book this for?”
Ask another way ● “If it helps, we can do this one piece a time.”
Be ready for
questions about the
● “I have your name and email from your account, so now all I need is
your phone number.”
● “You can give me the day, the time, or both.”
Be proactive ● “I could put you down for 6 for now, does that work?”
● “Do you want to finish this later?”
A VUI is inextricably linked with time
● When a user is navigating a GUI they can
skip ahead visually to the part they are
interested in, or dismiss as they go.
● With a VUI, the user can feel like a
“prisoner” of the VUI design. They must
listen with (or without) patience to each
word before they can hear the one that
follows it.
1. Avoid written language and use spoken one
2. Kick off the conversation: introduce your own brand,
provide a list of high level actions available by Action.
3. Kick off the conversation: if given the context -
example: Talk to <agent_name> about <subject_one>
avoid menu listening.
VUI best practises

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Startup Weekend - Validate Your Idea, Crash Course in User Research

This document provides guidance on conducting user research to validate a product idea. It emphasizes that qualitative user research is important to identify user behaviors, needs, and problems in order to reduce the risk of building the wrong product. It recommends understanding the problem from the user's perspective by asking "why" multiple times, conducting ethnographic research by observing users in their environment, and performing interviews without leading questions. The document also provides tips on recruiting test subjects, testing prototypes as early as possible, and tools for remote user research.

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Introduction to Lean UX Methods - General Assembly
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Introduction to Lean UX Methods - General Assembly

This document provides an introduction to Lean UX methods taught by General Assembly. It discusses key Lean UX practices like defining goals and KPIs, designing to solve user problems through collaboration, testing assumptions by gathering user feedback, and iterating based on findings. The document demonstrates these practices hands-on by having attendees split into teams to create user personas and use cases, prototype a wireframe, and conduct user testing and evaluation on their designs. Metrics like acquisitions, activation, retention, referral, and revenue are presented as important to measure based on actual user data rather than assumptions.

uxlean startuplean
How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta
How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta
How to get things done - Lessons from Yahoo, Google, Netflix and Meta

How can you make your software teams better? What are the values and processes that you wish to embrace? In these slides, we will share some stories from leading companies (e.g., Google, Meta, and Netflix), and we will see what is working for them.

4. Guide user through the conversation
a. if you expect users to ask make sure to ask a clear
b. Don’t leave mic open without a prompt
5. Keep our TTS short and clear
a. Analyse if your TTS can be split up in a logical way.
b. Ask first before giving long TTS descriptions
VUI best practises
1. Avoid data points unrelated to user query.
2. Follow natural turn taking in the conversation
a. If you ask a question leave the space for the user to answer it.
b. Avoid asking a question with a follow up sentence like: “Would you like to hear
that again? You can say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘repeat’.
3. Use conversational makers
Adding the “glue” to the conversation and making it more engaging, examples:
a. Timelines - “first”, “halfway there”, “finally”
b. Acknowledgements - “thanks”, “got it”, “alright”, “sorry, about that”
c. Positive feedback - “good job”, “nice to hear that”
VUI best practises
Recovering conversation
Step 1 Error cannot be eliminated
Step 2 Use broader explanation when re-prompting
Step 3 Don’t blame the user
Step 4 Don’t repeat prompts in error cases
Post: how-to-improve-your-conversation-design
Developer community:

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What is a blockchain? Why is cryptocurrency the future? It's a deck I was preparing for a lighting talk at ESGgo. Since I got some excellent feedback on it - I decided to open-source it :) Hopefully, you will find it valuable.

The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here
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The Future of Continuous Software Updates Is Here

DevOps and “Liquid Software” release practices are rapidly becoming the standard. But, as software shapes digital transformation, DevOps teams are feeling challenged to manage their growing influence on corporations’ success or failure. In this talk, Ido Green looks into the growing pains that most enterprises (many of them JFrog customers) face when adopting and consolidating DevOps at scale, and how these challenges are being mitigated with end-to-end platform solutions. We’ll wrap up with some DevOps best practices - from the trenches - that will help you address emerging trends that your bosses’ bosses really care about.

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This document discusses lessons learned from serving 5000 customers. It highlights that developers and maintainers directly provide support in open source communities, which helps users become contributors. It also outlines metrics for various open source programs run by JFrog, noting billions of downloads and petabytes of data transfer. The main concerns discussed are Kubernetes adoption, cloud native development, hybrid/multi-cloud environments, and security.

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Google Confidential and Proprietary
Generate TTS
Using Terminal
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VUI Design

  • 1. Conversation Design Ido Green Developer Advocate @greenido +greenido
  • 4. GUI :: VUI What’s the difference?
  • 7. Persona is conveyed through: ● Tone ● Word and phrase choices ● Functional design ● Style ● Technique ● Voice And based on: ● Your user population ● Their needs ● The imagery & qualities associated with your brand
  • 8. Think outside the box. Literally. 2
  • 9. Confidential and proprietary code code code code code code code code code code code “ dialog string” code code code code code code code code code code “dialog string” code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code “dialog string” code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code STRUCTURE + CODE
  • 10. Confidential and proprietary code code code code code code code code code code code “ dialog string” code code code code code code code code code code “dialog string” code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code “dialog string” code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code code STRUCTURE + CODE
  • 12. In conversations, there are no “errors”. 3
  • 15. When a so-called “error” occurs in a conversation, it should be treated simply as a new turn in the dialog, only with different conditions.
  • 17. Sample dialogs What to include: 1. Canonical “Happy path” 2. First time experience 3. Tapered experience (Return user) 4. Repair Journey 5: Conversation repair for timeouts USER Ok Google, let me talk to Number Genie. GOOGLE ASSISTANT Sure, Here's Number Genie. NUMBER GENIE Welcome to Number Genie! I'm thinking of a number from 0 to 100. What's your first guess? USER (says nothing) NUMBER GENIE I didn't hear a number. USER (silent or muffled) NUMBER GENIE If you're still there, what's your guess? USER (silent) NUMBER GENIE We can stop here. Let's play again soon.
  • 18. Sample dialogs What to include: 1. Canonical “Happy path” 2. First time experience 3. Tapered experience (Return user) 4. Repair Journey 7: Quit game. User gives up and ends the game USER Hey Google, let me talk to Number Genie. GOOGLE ASSISTANT Sure, Here's Number Genie. NUMBER GENIE Welcome to Number Genie! I'm thinking of a number from 0 to 100. What's your first guess? USER 21 NUMBER GENIE It’s higher than 21. What’s your next guess? USER I give up. [LOGIC: catch ending intent] NUMBER GENIE Sure, I’ll tell you the number anyway. It was 90.
  • 19. Give users credit They know how to talk Avoid force feeding commands. (such as “to reply to a message, say ‘reply’” or “to hear that again, say ‘repeat’”.) People hardly ever say nonsense. They just weren’t parsed correctly. There was a misalignment in meaning. They know what they want There’s no such thing as a query with no intent. The user wanted to do something, even if they didn’t say so. They want to help Don’t create dead ends when something doesn’t work. If you ask for them to say something again, they will, but rarely exactly the same way. Honor that they’re invested in outcome of a repair attempt.
  • 20. Confidential + Proprietary ● Error “events” ≠ users misbehaving ● Different types of error events deserve different strategies ● Users are cooperative; they initiate repair on their own ● Users have intent, whether spoken aloud or not ● It’s our job to figure out their intent, not just point out something went wrong Things to remember
  • 21. Use the context Environmental Where is the user? What are they doing? What type of device are they using? Situational What’s their intent? Where is the user’s frame of mind? Temporal What happened right before? What’s happening next? How is the experience influenced over time? Behavioral What do users know going in? What data can you use to enrich the experience predictively or to cut out unnecessary steps?
  • 22. Example strategies to have ready Rapid reprompt ● “What was that?” ● “Say that again?” Reframe the question ● “What time is this for?” → “Sorry, what time?” ● “For when?” → “What time would you like to book this for?” Ask another way ● “If it helps, we can do this one piece a time.” Be ready for questions about the question ● “I have your name and email from your account, so now all I need is your phone number.” ● “You can give me the day, the time, or both.” Be proactive ● “I could put you down for 6 for now, does that work?” ● “Do you want to finish this later?”
  • 23. A VUI is inextricably linked with time ● When a user is navigating a GUI they can skip ahead visually to the part they are interested in, or dismiss as they go. ● With a VUI, the user can feel like a “prisoner” of the VUI design. They must listen with (or without) patience to each word before they can hear the one that follows it.
  • 24. 1. Avoid written language and use spoken one 2. Kick off the conversation: introduce your own brand, provide a list of high level actions available by Action. 3. Kick off the conversation: if given the context - example: Talk to <agent_name> about <subject_one> avoid menu listening. VUI best practises Source:
  • 25. 4. Guide user through the conversation a. if you expect users to ask make sure to ask a clear question. b. Don’t leave mic open without a prompt 5. Keep our TTS short and clear a. Analyse if your TTS can be split up in a logical way. b. Ask first before giving long TTS descriptions VUI best practises Source:
  • 26. 1. Avoid data points unrelated to user query. 2. Follow natural turn taking in the conversation a. If you ask a question leave the space for the user to answer it. b. Avoid asking a question with a follow up sentence like: “Would you like to hear that again? You can say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘repeat’. 3. Use conversational makers Adding the “glue” to the conversation and making it more engaging, examples: a. Timelines - “first”, “halfway there”, “finally” b. Acknowledgements - “thanks”, “got it”, “alright”, “sorry, about that” c. Positive feedback - “good job”, “nice to hear that” VUI best practises Source:
  • 27. Recovering conversation Step 1 Error cannot be eliminated Step 2 Use broader explanation when re-prompting Step 3 Don’t blame the user Step 4 Don’t repeat prompts in error cases
  • 28. Resources Actions: Post: how-to-improve-your-conversation-design Videos: Developer community: Tools: +GreenIdo @GreenIdo
  • 29. Google Confidential and Proprietary Generate TTS Using Terminal curl " /synthesize?lang=en-us&text=actions+ on+google+rock" -o aog-rock-hack.mp3