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Analysis of the Threat
to Electric Grid Operations
version 2.20170613
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electic Grid Operations
Executive Summary 3
Why Are We Publishing This 3
Key Takeaways 4
Background 5
Introduction to Electric Grid Operations 6
Evolution of Tradecraft 8
Dragonfly/HAVEX 9
Ukraine Cyber Attack 2015 10
Capabilities 12
Capabilities Overview 12
Module Commonalities 13
Backdoor/RAT Module 13
Launcher Module 15
Data Wiper Module 16
IEC 104 Module 17
IEC 101 Module 21
61850 Module 21
OPC DA Module 21
Capability Conclusions 22
Implications of capability 22
Attack Option: De-energize substation 22
Attack Option: Force an Islanding event 23
Adding Amplification Attacks 24
Using OPC to create a Denial of Visibility 24
Using CVE-2015-5374 to hamper protective relays 25
Defense Recommendations 26
Analyzing the Threat to
Electric Grid Operations
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Why Are We Publishing This
Security firms must always balance a need to inform the public against empowering
adversaries with feedback on how they are being detected and analyzed. This case is
bility described in this report takes advantage of the knowledge of electric grid sys-
tems. It is not an aspect of technical vulnerability and exploitation. It cannot just be
patched or architected away although the electric grid is entirely defensible. Human
defenders leveraging an active defense such as hunting and responding internally to
the industrial control system (ICS) networks can ensure that security is maintained.
Executive Summary
Dragos, Inc. was notified by the Slovak anti-virus firm ESET of an ICS tailored mal-
ware on June 8th, 2017. The Dragos team was able to use this notification to find
samples of the malware, identify new functionality and impact scenarios, and con-
firm that this was the malware employed in the December 17th, 2016 cyber-attack
on the Kiev, Ukraine transmission substation which resulted in electric grid opera-
tions impact. This report serves as an industry report to inform the electric sector
and security community of the potential implications of this malware and the appro-
priate details to have a nuanced discussion.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Key Takeaways
• The malware self-identifies as “crash” in multiple locations thus leading to the
naming convention “CRASHOVERRIDE” for the malware framework.
• CRASHOVERRIDE is the first ever malware framework designed and deployed to
attack electric grids.
• CRASHOVERRIDE is the fourth ever piece of ICS-tailored malware (STUXNET,
BLACKENERGY 2, and HAVEX were the first three) used against targets and the
second ever to be designed and deployed for disrupting physical industrial pro-
cesses (STUXNET was the first).
• CRASHOVERRIDE is not unique to any particular vendor or configuration and
instead leverages knowledge of grid operations and network communications
to cause impact; in that way, it can be immediately re-purposed in Europe and
portions of the Middle East and Asia.
• CRASHOVERRIDE is extensible and with a small amount of tailoring such as the
can grid.
• CRASHOVERRIDE could be leveraged at multiple sites simultaneously, but the
scenario is not cataclysmic and would result in hours, potentially a few days, of
outages, not weeks or more.
• Dragos assesses with high confidence that the same malware was used in the
cyber-attack to de-energize a transmission substation on December 17, 2016,
resulting in outages for an unspecified number of customers.
• The functionality in the CRASHOVERRIDE framework serves no espionage pur-
pose and the only real feature of the malware is for attacks which would lead to
electric outages.
• CRASHOVERRIDE could be extended to other industries with additional pro-
tocol modules, but the adversaries have not demonstrated the knowledge of
other physical industrial processes to be able to make that assessment anything
other than a hypothetical at this point and protocol changes alone would be
• Dragos, Inc. tracks the adversary group behind CRASHOVERRIDE as ELECTRUM
and assesses with high confidence through confidential sources that ELECTRUM
has direct ties to the Sandworm team. Our intelligence ICS WorldView cus-
tomers have received a comprehensive report and this industry report will not
get into sensitive technical details but instead focus on information needed for
defense and impact awareness.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
On June 8th, 2017 the Slovak anti-virus firm ESET shared a subset of digital hash-
es of the malware described below and a portion of their analysis with Dragos.
The Dragos team was asked to validate ESET’s findings to news publications ESET
had contacted about the story which would be published June 12th, 2017. Dragos
would like to thank ESET for sharing the digital hashes which allowed the Dragos
team to spawn its investigation. Without control of the timeline, it was Dragos’
desire to publish a report alongside ESET’s report to capture the nuance of elec-
tric grid operations. The report also contains new discoveries, indicators, and im-
plications of the tradecraft. Also, because of the connection to the activity group
Dragos tracks as ELECTRUM, it was our decision that an independent report was
warranted. The Dragos team has been busy over the last 96 hours reproducing and
verifying ESET’s analysis, hunting for new samples of the malware and potential ad-
ditional infections, notifying appropriate companies, and informing our customers.
Importantly, Dragos also updated ICS vendors that needed to be made aware of
this capability, relevant government agencies, many national computer emergen-
cy response teams (CERTs), and key players in the electric energy community. Our
many thanks to those involved.
If you are a Dragos, Inc. customer, you will have already received the more concise
and technically in-depth intelligence report. It will be accompanied by follow-on
reports, and the Dragos team will keep you up-to-date as things evolve. It is in
Dragos’ view that the following report contains significant assessments that de-
serve a wide audience in the electric sector. Avoiding hype and fear should always
be paramount but this case-study is of immediate significance, and this is not a
singular contained event. The CRASHOVERRIDE capability is purpose built to im-
pact electric grid operations and has been created as a framework to facilitate the
impact of electric grids in other countries in the future outside the attack that took
place with it December 17th, 2016 in Ukraine. However, as always, the defense is
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Introduction to Electric Grid Operations
As with most ICS specific incidents, the most interesting components of the attack
are in how the adversary has demonstrated they understand the physical industri-
al process. Whereas vulnerabilities, exploits, and infection vectors can drive dis-
cussions in intrusion analysis of IT security threats that is not the most important
aspect of an ICS attack. To fully understand the CRASHOVERRIDE framework, its
individual capabilities, and overall impact on ICS security it is important to under-
stand certain fundamentals of electric grid operations.
Simplistically, the electric grid can be categorized into three functions: generation
of electricity at power plants, transmission from the power plants across typically
long distances at high voltage, and then stepped down to lower voltage to distribu-
tion networks to power customers. Along these long transmission and distribution
systems are substations to transform voltage levels, serve as switching stations and
feeders, and fault protection.
systems and communications. As an example, while a power plant feeds energy
into the electric grid there is no one-size-fits-all approach to power plants. There
generation, wind farm, solar farm, gas turbine power, hydroelectric and more. This
means that the electric grid must be a robust, almost living creature, which moves
and balances electricity across large regions. Electric grids use a special type of
industrial control system called a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
system to manage this process across large geographical areas. Transmission and
distribution owners have their substations in their particular geographical footprint
and control centers manage the cross-territory SCADA systems 24/7 by human op-
erators. These control centers often regularly manage the continual demand and
response of their customers, respond to faults, and plan and work with neighboring
This simplistic view of grid operations is similar around the world. There are of-
engineering, and the overall process is largely the same between nations. As an
example, these systems use SCADA and leverage systems such as remote terminal
units (RTUs) to control circuit breakers. As the breakers open and close, substations
are energized or de-energized to balance power across the grid. Some network
protocols such as IEC 104, a TCP-based protocol, and its serial protocol compan-
ion IEC 101, are often regional specific. Europe, some of Asian, and portions of
the Middle East leverage these protocols to control RTUs from the SCADA human
machine interfaces (HMIs).
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Figure 1: Simplistic Mockup of Electric Grid Operations Systems and Communications Relevant for CRASHOVERRIDE
In North America, the protocol of choice for this is the Distributed Network Proto-
col 3 (DNP3). The various protocols purposes are largely the same though: control
physical equipment through RTUs, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and
other final control elements via HMIs as a part of the larger SCADA system. Some
protocols have been adopted cross-country including IEC 61850 which is usual-
ly leveraged from an HMI to work with equipment such as digital relays and other
types of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). IEDs are purpose built microproces-
sor-based control devices and can often be found alongside power equipment
such as circuit breakers. IEDs and RTUs operate in a master/slave capacity where
the slave devices are polled and sent commands by master devices.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Substations manage the flow of power through transmission or distribution lines.
Management of energizing and de-energizing of these lines ultimately control
when and where the flow of power moves in and out of the substation. If you
“open” a breaker you are removing the path where the electricity is flowing, or
de-energizing it. If you “close” a breaker then you are energizing the line by closing
the gap and allowing the power to “flow.” This concept is similar to anyone who
may be confused on this terminology as it is opposite to how one would describe
The grid is a well-designed system, and while damage can be done, it is vital to un-
derstand that in nations around the world the electric community has designed the
system to be reliable and safe which has a natural byproduct of increased securi-
ty. In the United States as an example, reliability is reinforced with regular training
and events such as the North American grid’s GridEx where grid operators train for
events from hurricanes, to terrorist incidents, to cyber-attacks and how they will
respond to such outages. There is constantly a balance that must be understood
when referring to grid operations: yes, the systems are vulnerable and more must
be done to understand complex and multi-stage attacks, but the grid is also in a
great defensible position because of the work of so many over the years.
Evolution of Tradecraft
CRASHOVERRIDE represents an evolution in tradecraft and capabilities by ad-
versaries who wish to do harm to industrial environments. To fully appreciate the
malware it is valuable to compare it to its predecessors and the Ukraine 2015 cyber
The STUXNET malware has been written about extensively and referenced, at
times, unfortunately, in comparison to most ICS related incidents and malware. It
was the first confirmed example of ICS tailored malware leveraged against a tar-
get. The Windows portion of the code with its four zero-day exploits gained a lot
of notoriety. However, it was the malware’s payload that was specific to ICS that
was the most interesting component. The tradecraft exhibited by STUXNET was
the detailed understanding of the industrial process. In IT networks, it is important
for adversaries to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them to load malware and gain
privileges on systems.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
In ICS networks though, some of the most concerning issues are related to an
adversary’s ability to learn the physical process such as the engineering of the
systems and their components in how they work together. STUXNET’s greatest
strength was leveraging functionality in Siemens equipment to interact with nucle-
ar enrichment centrifuges through abuses of intended functionality. The purpose
of the Siemens equipment was to be able to control and change the speed of the
centrifuges. Stuxnet did this as well but with pre-programmed knowledge from the
attackers on the speeds that would cause the centrifuge to burst from their cas-
ings. ICS tailored malware leveraging knowledge of industrial processes was now a
thing. However, it was specific to Siemens equipment and unique to the Natanz fa-
cility in Iran. While tradecraft and exploits can be replicated, it was not reasonable
to re-purpose the Stuxnet capability.
control system locations, estimates put it at over 2,000 sites, with a large empha-
sis on electric power and petrochemical asset owners. The Dragonfly campaign
leveraged the HAVEX malware. There are often not many commonalities between
mentation, integration, and the physical processes required at each site. One of the
few commonalities across numerous ICS industries though is the OPC protocol.
It is designed to be the universal translator for many industrial components and is
readily accessible in an HMI or dedicated OPC server. The HAVEX malware lever-
aged legitimate functionality in the OPC protocol to map out the industrial equip-
ment and devices on an ICS network. It was a clever use of the protocol and while
the malware itself was not complex the tradecraft associated with the usage of
OPC was sophisticated. However, the Dragonfly campaign was focused entirely on
espionage. There was no physical disruption or destruction of the industrial pro-
cess. Instead, it was the type of data you would want to leverage to design attacks
in the future built for the specific targets impacted with the malware.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
The Sandworm team has targeted numerous industries ranging from western mil-
itaries, governments, research organizations, defense contractors, and industrial
sites. It was their use of the BLACKENERGY 2 malware that caught the ICS indus-
try’s attention. This ICS tailored malware contained exploits for specific types of
HMI applications including Siemens SIMATIC, GE CIMPLICITY, and Advantech We-
bAccess. BLACKENERGY 2 was a smart approach by the adversaries to target in-
ternet connected HMIs. Upon exploitation of the HMIs, the adversaries had access
to a central location in the ICS to start to learn the industrial process and gain the
graphical representation of that ICS through the HMI. The targeting of HMIs alone
is often not enough to cause physical damage, but it is an ideal target for espio-
nage and positioning in an ICS. Gaining a foothold in the network that had access
to numerous components of the ICS while maintaining command and control to
Internet locations, positioned it well for espionage.
Ukraine Cyber Attack 2015
The cyber-attack on three power companies in Ukraine on December 23rd, 2015
marked a revolutionary event for electric grid operators. It was the first known in-
stance where a cyber-attack had disrupted electric grid operations. The Sandworm
team was attributed to the attack and their use of the BLACKENERGY 3 malware.
BLACKENERGY 3 does not contain ICS components in the way that BLACKENER-
GY 2 did. Instead, the adversaries leveraged the BLACKENERGY 3 malware to gain
access to the corporate networks of the power companies and then pivot into the
SCADA networks. While in the environment the adversaries performed their recon-
naissance and eventually leveraged the grids systems against itself. They learned
the operations and used the legitimate functionality of distribution management
systems to disconnect substations from the grid leaving 225,000+ customers
without power for upwards of 6 hours until manual operations could restore pow-
er. However, due to the wiping of Windows systems through the KillDisk malware
and destruction of serial-to-Ethernet devices through malicious firmware updates,
the Ukrainian grid operators were without their SCADA environment, meaning they
lost the ability for automated control, for upwards of a year in some locations. The
most notable aspect of the attack was the adversary’s focus on learning how to
leverage the systems against themselves. Malware enabled the attack, and malware
aging the ICS against itself that resulted in the electric power disruptions, not mal-
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
The CRASHOVERRIDE malware impacted a single transmission level substation
in Ukraine on December 17th, 2016. Many elements of the attack appear to have
been more of a proof of concept than what was fully capable in the malware. The
most important thing to understand though from the evolution of tradecraft is the
codification and scalability in the malware towards what has been learned through
past attacks. The malware took an approach to understand and codify the knowl-
edge of the industrial process to disrupt operations as STUXNET did. It leveraged
the OPC protocol to help it map the environment and select its targets similar to
HAVEX. It targeted the libraries and configuration files of HMIs to understand the
environment further and leveraged HMIs to connect to Internet-connected lo-
cations when possible as BLACKENERGY 2 had done. And it took the same type
of approach to understanding grid operations and leveraging the systems against
themselves displayed in Ukraine 2015’s attack. It did all of these things with added
sophistication in each category giving the adversaries a platform to conduct at-
tacks against grid operations systems in various environments and not confined to
work only on specific vendor platforms. It marks an advancement in capability by
adversaries who intend to disrupt operations and poses a challenge for defenders
who look to patching systems as a primary defense, using anti-malware tools to
spot specific samples, and relying upon a strong perimeter or air-gapped network
as a silver-bullet solution. Adversaries are getting smarter, they are growing in their
ability to learn industrial processes and codify and scale that knowledge, and de-
fenders must also adapt.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Capabilities Overview
The CRASHOVERRIDE malware is a modular framework consisting of an initial
backdoor, a loader module, and several supporting and payload modules.
The most important items are the backdoor, which provides access to the infected
payload modules. Dragos focused our analysis on the previously mentioned items
as they are most relevant for defending grid operations.
on the targeted industrial control system. One sample was the IEC 104 protocol
module, and the other sample was the data wiper. Both samples shared common
design characteristics indicative of being part of a broader ICS attack and manip-
ulation framework. ESET was able to uncover an additional IEC 61850 and OPC
module which they have analyzed and shared with Dragos.
Below contains an overview of program execution flow and dependency.
Figure 2. CRASHOVERRIDE Module Overview Including ESET’s Discoveries
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Module Commonalities
Dragos analysts were able to determine the compile time for both modules ob-
tained as being within 12 minutes of each other just after 2:30 am on December
18th in an unknown time zone although timestamps for both samples were zeroed
out. These times falls in the same timeframe as the Ukraine events. Both mod-
ule samples exported a function named Crash that served as the main function to
begin execution. The common Crash function enables the ability to “plug and play”
additional modules.
Backdoor/RAT Module
Key Features
• Authenticates with a local proxy via the internal network established before the
backdoor installation
• After authentication opens HTTP channel to external command and control
server (C2) through internal proxy
• Receives commands via the external command and control (C2) server
• Creates a file on the local system (contents not determined)
• Overwrites an existing service to point to the backdoor so the malware persists
between reboots
Access to the ICS network flows through a backdoor module. Dragos obtained
four samples which all featured similar functionality. On execution, the malware
attempts to contact a hard-coded proxy address located within the local network.
ELECTRUM must establish the internal proxy before the installation of the back-
The malware expects to communicate to an internal proxy listening on TCP 3128.
This port is a default port associated with the Squid proxy. The beaconing contin-
ues without pause until it establishes a connection. The backdoor then sends a se-
ries of HTTP POST requests with the victim’s Windows GUID (a unique identifier set
with every Windows installation) in the HTTP body. This information authenticates
the targeted machine to the command and control (C2) server. If the C2 server
does not respond, the backdoor will exit.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
If the authentication is successful to the internal proxy, the malware attempts to per-
form an HTTP CONNECT to an external C2 server via the internal proxy. Across four
December 2016 attack on Ukraine:
A check of the TOR project’s ExoneraTOR service indicates that all of the listed IP ad-
dresses were listed as active TOR nodes during the events in Ukraine.
When performing the HTTP CONNECT, the malware attempts to identify the system
default user agent. If this cannot be determined or does not exist, then a hard-coded
default for the malware is used:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1)
The malware can be configured to beacon out periodically afterwards via a hard-coded
configuration value. The implant is designed to retrieve commands from the C2 server:
• Create a new process as logged in user
• Create a new process as specified user via CreateProcessWithLogon
• Write a file
• Copy a file
• Execute a command as logged in user
• Execute a command as specified user
• Kill the backdoor
• Stop a service
• Specify a user (log in as user) and stop a service
• Specify a user (log in as user) and start a service
• Alter an existing service to point to specified process and change to start at boot
Execution results in several artifacts left on the host. During execution, the malware
checks for the presence of a mutex value. Mutexes are program objects that name re-
sources to enable sharing with multiple program threads. In this case, CRASHOVERRIDE
checks the following:
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
The backdoor may also create and check a blank mutex name. Reviewing memo-
ry during execution and analysis of other modules in the malware indicates that 
Sessions1Windows appears multiple times, indicating that a check may be per-
The backdoor writes a file to either C:UsersPublic or C:Users<Executing User>
The contents of this file were not discovered during our analysis, and it did not
appear to be vital to the malware functionality. However, this is a good indicator of
the observed activity and may be leveraged to detect this specific sample through
host-based indicator checking.
The service manipulation process is the only persistence mechanism for the mal-
ware. When used, the adversary can select an arbitrary system service, direct it to
refer to CRASHOVERRIDE, and ensure it is loaded on system boot. If this fails, the
malware, although present on disk, will not start when the machine reboots.
When evaluating the options provided to the adversary, an important piece of
functionality associated with most remote access tools is absent: a command to
exfiltrate data. While this functionality could be created via the command execu-
tion options, one would expect this option to be explicit given options to down-
load and copy files on the host if the adversary intended to use the tool as an
all-encompassing backdoor and espionage framework. Instead, the functionality
of this tool is explicitly designed for facilitating access to the machine and execut-
ing commands on the system and cannot reasonably be confused as an espionage
platform, data stealer, or another such item.
Launcher Module
Key Features
• Loads payload modules which manipulate the ICS and cause destruction via
the wiper
• Starts itself as a service likely to hide better
• Loads the payload module(s) defined on the command line during execu-
• Launches the payload and begins either 1 or 2 hours countdown before
launching the data wiper (variant dependent)
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Within the attack sequence, the ICS payload modules and data wiper module must be
loaded by a separate loader EXE. Dragos obtained one sample of this file called the
The launcher takes three parameters on start:
On launch, the sample analyzed starts a service named defragsvc. It then loads the
module DLL via an exported function named Crash. A new thread is created at the
highest priority on the executing machine. Control then passes from the launcher to
the loaded module while the launcher waits two hours before executing the data wip-
Data Wiper Module
Key Features
• Clears all registry keys associated with system services
• Overwrites all ICS configuration files across the hard drives and all mapped net-
work drives specifically targeting ABB PCM600 configuration files in this sample
• Overwrites generic Windows files
• Renders the system unusable
Once executed, the data wiper module clears registry keys, erase files, and kill pro-
cesses running on the system. A unique characteristic of the wiper is that the main
functionality was implemented within the Crash function.
The first task of the wiper writes zeros into all of the registry keys in:
This registry tree contains initialization values for each service on the system. Removal
of these values renders a system inoperable. The next wiper task targets ICS configu-
ration files across the local hard drive and mapped network drives. The malware au-
thors included functionality to target drives lettered C-Z.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
The wiper also targets file types unique to ABB’s PCM600 product used in substa-
tion automation in addition to more general Windows files. The below table out-
lines some of the unique file extensions used by industrial control systems.
File Extension Usage
.pcmp PCM600 Project (ABB)
.pcmi PCM600 IEC File (ABB)
.pcmt PCM600 Template IED File
.CIN ABB MicroScada
.PL Programmable Logic File
.paf PLC Archive File
Table 1. File extensions targeted by the data wiper module
IEC 104 Module
Key Features
• Reads a configuration file defining the target (likely an RTU) and action to
• ‘Kills’ legitimate the master process on the victim host
• Masquerades as the new master
• Enters one of four modes:
• Sequence mode: continuously sets RTU IOAs to open
• Range mode: (1) Interrogates each RTU for valid IOAs; (2) toggles each
IOA between open and closed state
• Shift mode: unknown at this time
• Persist mode: unknown at this time/not fully implemented
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Figure 3. Protocol Transmission Types in IEC 104
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Figure 4: Execution Flow of IEC 104 Module in CRASHOVERRIDE
The CRASHOVERRIDE IEC 104 module is a complete implementation of IEC 104 to
serve in a “MASTER” role. This raw functionality creates a Swiss army knife for sub-
station automation manipulation yet also provides tailored functionality. The func-
tions exposed to the malware operator are confined by the options of the configu-
ration file. This report outlines the options analyzed today but notes that extending
and enhancing functionality is straight forward with the robust protocol implemen-
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
ondary group of developers could have been involved. Instead of the exported
crash function containing the primary execution instructions, the function parses
the config file then starts a thread containing the IEC 104 master. The configuration
File Extension Usage
target_ip NONE
target_port NONE
adsu NONE
stop_comm_service 1
change 1
silence 0
uselog 0
stop_comm_service_name <blank>
timeout 1 second
socket_timeout 15 seconds
range NONE
Table 2. IEC-104 module configuration file fields
ifications for the device must be provided by the operator in the configuration file
for the module to function. There are no observed automated means of enumerat-
ing the network and then impacting RTUs.
Once the IEC 104 master thread begins, the first action is to try to kill the commu-
nications service process which acts as the master process. Once the module stops
the communications service process, a socket opens with the target IP and desti-
nation port sending data to slave devices and receiving the resulting responses.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Depending on the mode defined within the configuration file the module may:
• Set specific values
• Enumerate IOAs on the target devices
• Continuously set the IOA to open, or
• Continuously toggle the IOA between open and closed states.
This module contains no interactive capability.
RTUs and PLCs, in simplistic terms, act on input and output. Each discrete input
and output is tied to a memory address. Depending on implementation these ad-
dresses are referred to as coils, registers, or for IEC 104: information object ad-
or Unsigned Integer values. The 104 module properly understands how to enu-
merate and discover IOAs to operate breakers.
IEC 101 Module
This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis
claims the functionality is equivalent to the IEC 104 module except with communi-
cations over serial. However, Dragos was able to confirm that the module exists.
IEC 61850 Module
This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis
claims once executed the module leverages a configuration file to identify targets
and without a configuration file it enumerates the local network to identify poten-
tial targets. It communicates with the targets to identify whether the device con-
trols a circuit breaker switch. For certain variables (no further information avail-
able) it will change their state while also generating an action log. However, Dragos
was able to confirm that this module does exist.
OPC DA Module
This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis
claims the module does not require a configuration. It enumerates all OPC servers
and their associated items looking for a subset related to ABB containing the string
ctl. It then writes 0x01 twice into the item overwriting the proper value giving the
device a primary value out of limits device status. However, Dragos was able to
confirm that this module exists.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis
claims the module sends UDP packets to port 50000 exploiting CVE-2015-5374
causing the SIPROTEC digital relay to fall into an unresponsive state. Dragos could
not validate that this module exists.
Capability Conclusions
ELECTRUM’s ability to adopt a development style described above has several im-
plications: first, developers can integrate new protocols into the overall framework
quickly. Second, ELECTRUM could easily leverage external development teams
skilled at exploiting industrial control systems. Some adversaries would likely ap-
proach capability development through a ‘two-tier’ approach: a core development
team skilled at writing the overall framework and a second team knowledgeable
about a given control system. The platform team would take the control sys-
tem modules and add logic to fit them within the platform. The IEC 104 module
demonstrates this approach.
Given the execution described with secondary threads the team authoring the
Crash function likely did not author the IEC 104 master portion of the code. Both
development teams probably worked together to decide on a log file format for
consumption by the main Crash function and executed in each of the IEC 104
module threads.
Implications of capability
This section describes legitimate CRASHOVERRIDE attack and impact scenarios.
Extensions of these and potential hypothetical scenarios were deemed indetermin-
istic and will not be addressed.
Attack Option: De-energize substation
CRASHOVERRIDE, based on prior knowledge, must have a configuration file for
targeting information of one or multiple RTUs. This configuration option allows for
several types of activities. One operation the configuration option allows is ‘se-
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
The command sequence polls the target device for the appropriate address-
es. Once it is at the subset of known addresses, it can then toggle the value. The
command then begins an infinite loop and continues to set addresses to this val-
command on their HMI the sequence loop will continue to re-open the breaker.
line(s) preventing system operators from managing the breakers and re-energize
the line(s).
dynamics, power flows, and other variables. In some circumstances, it may have no
immediate impact while in others it could put customers into an outage. It is im-
portant to note that grid operations encompass failure modes and operations can
normally compensate. That is, after all, why humans are ‘in the loop’ to monitor
and maintain the system.
breakers and will be required to send crews to the substation. If the CRASHOVER-
RIDE loop continues unabated, then the crews will likely sever communications as
both a troubleshooting and recovery action. Severing communications puts the
substation in manual operation where a physical presence is now required. This
could result in a few hours of outages
Attack Option: Force an Islanding event
Dragos is currently investigating a separate and more disruptive attack option in
CRASHOVERRIDE as described by ESET. As before, the attacker must have a config-
uration file for targeting information of one or multiple RTUs. This configuration file
now uses the range command to begin a loop that toggles the status of the break-
er between open and close continuously. The changing breaker status will invoke
automated protective operations to isolate (commonly referred to as ‘islanding’)
the substation. This is an intentional self-protective capability of grid operations.
relay scheme’s automated operations causing perturbations of some degree on the
grid as scientific principles define how the behavior interacts with frequencies and
ations. Grid operation contingencies become more critical if multiple substations
were under attack likely resulting in many small islanding events. This is assuming
coordinated targeting of multiple electric sites and could result in a few days of
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Adding Amplification Attacks
Forcing an islanding of a substation through continual breaker manipulation is sig-
nificant by itself. However, CRASHOVERRIDE has the potential to amplify this attack
Using OPC to create a Denial of Visibility
The OPC module ESET analysis suggests it can brute force values. Module OPC.
exe will send out a 0x01 status which for the target systems equates to a “Primary
Variable Out of Limits” misdirecting operators from understanding protective relay
Bit Mask Definition
0x10 More Status Available – More status information is available via
Command 48, Read Additional Status Information.
0x08 Loop Current Fixed – The Loop Current is being held at a fixed
value and is not responding to process variations.
0x04 Loop Current Saturated – The Loop Current has reached its
upper (or lower) endpoint limit and cannot increase (or decrease)
any further.
0x02 Non-Primary Variable Out of Limits – A Device variable not
mapped to the PV is beyond its operating limits.
0x01 Primary Variable Out of Limits – The PV is beyond its operating
The outcome of the action infers that various systems can either perform actions
on wrong information or report incorrect information to system operators. This
Denial of Visibility will amplify misunderstanding and confusion while system op-
erators troubleshoot the problem as their system view will show breakers closed
when they are open.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Using CVE-2015-5374 to Hamper Protective Relays
A second, and more severe, amplifying attack would be to neutralize the auto-
mated protective system by creating a Denial of Service against some or all of the
protective relays. This possibility exists in a tool ESET has claimed to have discov-
ered that implements the known CVE-2015-5374 Denial of Service condition to the
Siemens SIPROTEC relays. Siemens released a patch for this in July 2015 under Sie-
mens advisory SCA-732541. At this time it is believed that CVE-2015-5374 causes a
denial of service (DoS) of the complete relay functionality and not just the network
communications module. Dragos has independent evidence that this module ex-
ists but it cannot be confirmed.
Hampering the protective scheme by disabling the protective relays can broaden
the islanding event and, if done at scale, could trigger a larger event causing multi-
ple substations and lines “islanding” from the electric grid. Siemens SIPROTEC was
likely chosen in this attack only because that was the vendor device at the Ukraine
Kiev site attacked in December 2016. This same tactic against digital relays, albe-
it not the same exploit, could have a similar impact on grid operations. However,
require a significant investment on behalf of the adversary.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Defense Recommendations
Doing the basics is always appropriate, and it significantly helps move ICS into a
defensible position. However, they are not worth repeating here, and instead, more
tailored approaches specific to ICS security analysts trying to defend against CRA-
SHOVERRIDE and similar capabilities are presented below:
• Electric utility security teams should have a clear understanding of where
and how IEC 104 and IEC 61850 protocols are used. North American elec-
tric utilities should include DNP3 on this list in case the malware is extended
to impact U.S. systems. Look specifically for increased usage of the proto-
cols against baselines established in the environment. Also, look for systems
leveraging these protocols if they have not before and specifically try to
identify systems that are generating new network flows using these proto-
• Similarly, understand OPC implementations and identify how the protocol is
being used. It is a protocol that is pervasive across numerous sectors. Also,
CRASHOVERRIDE is the second, out of four, ICS tailored malware suite with
OPC capabilities. OPC will appear abnormal in the CRASHOVERRIDE usage
as it is being used to scan all devices on the network which would generate
• Robust backups of engineering files such as project logic, IED configura-
help reduce the impact of the wiper functionality.
• Prepare incident response plans for this attack and perform table top exer-
cises bringing in appropriate stakeholders and personnel across engineer-
ing, operations, IT, and security. The scenario should include substation
outages with the requirement to do manual operations while recovering the
SCADA environment and gathering appropriate forensics.
• The included YARA rules and other indicators of compromise can be lever-
aged to search for possible infections (IOCs). The YARA rules will provide a
higher confidence towards discovering an infection than the other IOCs and
should be searched for against Windows OT systems especially noting HMIs.
The behavioral analytics to identify the communications on the network
would provide the highest capability to detect this and similar threats.
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
While some defenses and architecture changes may have value in other situations,
the following are responses that are not appropriate for this attack:
• Transmission and distribution companies should not rely on the usage of
other protocols such as DNP3 as a protection mechanism. The complete-
ness of the CRASHOVERRIDE framework suggests there may be other un-
disclosed modules such as a DNP3 module. Also, adding this functionality
into the existing framework would not require extensive work on the part of
the adversary.
• Air gapped networks, unidirectional firewalls, anti-virus in the ICS, and other
passive defenses and architecture changes are not appropriate solutions for
this attack. No amount of security control will protect against a determined
human adversary. Human defenders are required
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
TYPE SUBTYPE IOC Description ICS Kill Chain Impact
Host Mutex Value ApiPortection9d3 Mutex value checked Stage 2: Install Recon
Host Mutex Value <Blank Value> Mutex value created Stage 2: Install Recon
Host File C:Users<Public OR Executing User>
File dropped and deleted after pro-
gram exit
Stage 2: Install Recon
Host Service Name defragsvc Name given to service start Stage 2: C2 Remote Access
Network IP Address External C2 server [DEC 2016] (likely
TOR node at time of attack)
Stage 2: C2 Remote Access
Network IP Address External C2 server [DEC 2016] (likely
TOR node at time of attack)
Stage 2: C2 Remote Access
Network IP Address External C2 server [DEC 2016] (likely
TOR node at time of attack)
Stage 2: C2 Remote Access
Network User Agent String Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Win-
dows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1)
Default user agent string used in C2
if unable to get system default user
agent string
Stage 2: C2 Remote Access
Host Command Line <Drive>:<name>.exe -ip=<IP_address>
Command line arguments used to
launch custom port scanner observed
with malware. Command line logging
required to track.
Stage 2: Develop Recon
Host Registry Key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetSer-
<path to malware>
Change in Service Image Path in the
system registry to point to malware
allowing malware to restart on system
Stage 2: Installa-
Host SHA1 File Hash F6C21F8189CED6AE150F9E-
F2E82A3A57843B587D CONNECT to Back-
Phase2: C2 Remote Access
Host SHA1 File Hash CCCCE62996D-
578B984984426A024D9B250237533 CONNECT to Back-
Phase2: C2 Remote Access
Host SHA1 File Hash 8E39ECA1E48240C01EE570631AE8F-
Backdoor/RAT Proxy + HTTP CON-
Phase2: C2 Remote Access
Host SHA1 File Hash 2CB8230281B86FA944D3043AE-
Backdoor/RAT Proxy + HTTP CON-
Phase2: C2 Remote Access
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Host SHA1 File Hash 79CA89711CDAEDB16B0CCCCFD-
Launcher for payload DLL. Takes input as
three command line parameters – work-
ing directory, module, and config file.
Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host SHA1 File Hash 94488F214B165512D2FC0438A581F-
5C9E3BD4D4C which is invoked by launcher. Functional-
ity requires config file.
Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host SHA1 File Hash 5A5FAFBC3FEC8D36FD57B075EBF-
Wiper module, wipes list of files by
extension, removes system processes,
and makes registry changes to prevent
system boot.
Stage 2: Attack Destruction
Host SHA1 File Hash B92149F046F00BB69DE329B8457D-
Wiper module, wipes list of files by
extension, removes system processes,
and makes registry changes to prevent
system boot.
Stage 2: Attack Destruction
Host SHA1 File Hash B335163E6EB854DF5E08E85026B-
Custom-built port scanner. Stage 2: Develop Recon
Host SHA1 File Hash 7FAC2EDDF22FF692E1B4E-
OPC Data Access protocol enumeration
of servers and addresses
Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host SHA1 File Hash ECF6ADF20A7137A84A1B319C-
IEC-61850 enumeration and address
Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host Filename opc.exe OPC Data Access protocol enumeration
of servers and addresses
Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host Filename 61850.exe IEC-61850 enumeration and address
Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host Filename haslo.exe Wiper module, wipes list of files by
extension, removes system processes,
and makes registry changes to prevent
system boot.
Stage 2: Attack Destruction
Host Filename 104.dll IEC-104 module Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control
Host Filename haslo.dat Wiper module Stage 2: Attack Destruction
OPC Server OPC Group Aabdul OPC DA Module Stage 2: Attack Loss of Visibility
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
Yara Rules
Also found at
import “pe”
import “hash”
rule dragos_crashoverride_exporting_dlls
description = “CRASHOVERRIDE v1 Suspicious Export”
author = “Dragos Inc”
pe.exports(“Crash”) & pe.characteristics
rule dragos_crashoverride_suspcious
description = “CRASHOVERRIDE v1 Wiper”
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s0 = “SYS_BASCON.COM” fullword nocase wide
$s1 = “.pcmp” fullword nocase wide
$s2 = “.pcmi” fullword nocase wide
$s3 = “.pcmt” fullword nocase wide
$s4 = “.cin” fullword nocase wide
pe.exports(“Crash”) and any of ($s*)
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
YARA Rules
rule dragos_crashoverride_name_search {
description = “CRASHOVERRIDE v1 Suspicious Strings and Export”
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s0 = “101.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s1 = “Crash101.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s2 = “104.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s3 = “Crash104.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s4 = “61850.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s5 = “Crash61850.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s6 = “OPCClientDemo.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s7 = “OPC” fullword nocase wide
$s8 = “CrashOPCClientDemo.dll” fullword nocase wide
$s9 = “D2MultiCommService.exe” fullword nocase wide
$s10 = “CrashD2MultiCommService.exe” fullword nocase wide
$s11 = “61850.exe” fullword nocase wide
$s12 = “OPC.exe” fullword nocase wide
$s13 = “haslo.exe” fullword nocase wide
$s14 = “haslo.dat” fullword nocase wide
any of ($s*) and pe.exports(“Crash”)
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
YARA Rules
rule dragos_crashoverride_hashes {
description = “CRASHOVERRIDE Malware Hashes”
author = “Dragos Inc”
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
YARA Rules
rule dragos_crashoverride_moduleStrings {
description = “IEC-104 Interaction Module Program Strings”
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s1 = “IEC-104 client: ip=%s; port=%s; ASDU=%u” nocase wide ascii
$s2 = “ MSTR ->> SLV” nocase wide ascii
$s3 = “ MSTR <<- SLV” nocase wide ascii
$s4 = “Unknown APDU format !!!” nocase wide ascii
$s5 = “iec104.log” nocase wide ascii
any of ($s*)
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s0 = { 68 e8 ?? ?? ?? 6a 00 e8 a3 ?? ?? ?? 8b f8 83 c4 ?8 }
$s1 = { 8a 10 3a 11 75 ?? 84 d2 74 12 }
$s2 = { 33 c0 eb ?? 1b c0 83 c8 ?? }
$s3 = { 85 c0 75 ?? 8d 95 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b cf ?? ?? }
all of them
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
YARA Rules
rule dragos_crashoverride_weirdMutex
description = “Blank mutex creation assoicated with CRASHOVERRIDE”
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s1 = { 81 ec 08 02 00 00 57 33 ff 57 57 57 ff 15 ?? ?? 40 00 a3 ?? ?? ?? 00
85 c0 }
$s2 = { 8d 85 ?? ?? ?? ff 50 57 57 6a 2e 57 ff 15 ?? ?? ?? 00 68 ?? ?? 40 00}
all of them
rule dragos_crashoverride_serviceStomper
description = “Identify service hollowing and persistence setting”
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s0 = { 33 c9 51 51 51 51 51 51 ?? ?? ?? }
$s1 = { 6a ff 6a ff 6a ff 50 ff 15 24 ?? 40 00 ff ?? ?? ff 15 20 ?? 40 00 }
all of them
CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations
YARA Rules
rule dragos_crashoverride_wiperModuleRegistry
description = “Registry Wiper functionality assoicated with CRASHOVERRIDE”
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s0 = { 8d 85 a0 ?? ?? ?? 46 50 8d 85 a0 ?? ?? ?? 68 68 0d ?? ?? 50 }
$s1 = { 6a 02 68 78 0b ?? ?? 6a 02 50 68 b4 0d ?? ?? ff b5 98 ?? ?? ?? ff 15
04 ?? ?? ?? }
$s2 = { 68 00 02 00 00 8d 85 a0 ?? ?? ?? 50 56 ff b5 9c ?? ?? ?? ff 15 00 ??
?? ?? 85 c0 }
all of them
author = “Dragos Inc”
$s0 = { 6a 00 68 80 00 00 00 6a 03 6a 00 6a 02 8b f9 68 00 00 00 40 57 ff 15
1c ?? ?? ?? 8b d8 }
$s2 = { 6a 00 50 57 56 53 ff 15 4c ?? ?? ?? 56 }
all of them

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CRASHOVERRIDE Analysis of the Threat to Electric Grid Operations. Cyber-attack on the Kiev, Ukraine Electric Grid transmission

  • 1. CRASHOVERRIDE Analysis of the Threat to Electric Grid Operations DRAGOS INC. / WWW.DRAGOS.COM version 2.20170613
  • 2. 2 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electic Grid Operations Contents Executive Summary 3 Why Are We Publishing This 3 Key Takeaways 4 Background 5 Introduction to Electric Grid Operations 6 Evolution of Tradecraft 8 STUXNET 8 Dragonfly/HAVEX 9 BLACKENERGY 2 10 Ukraine Cyber Attack 2015 10 CRASHOVERRIDE 11 Capabilities 12 Capabilities Overview 12 Module Commonalities 13 Backdoor/RAT Module 13 Launcher Module 15 Data Wiper Module 16 IEC 104 Module 17 IEC 101 Module 21 61850 Module 21 OPC DA Module 21 SIPROTECT DoS Module 22 Capability Conclusions 22 Implications of capability 22 Attack Option: De-energize substation 22 Attack Option: Force an Islanding event 23 Adding Amplification Attacks 24 Using OPC to create a Denial of Visibility 24 Using CVE-2015-5374 to hamper protective relays 25 Defense Recommendations 26 CRASHOVERRIDE Analyzing the Threat to Electric Grid Operations
  • 3. 3 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Why Are We Publishing This Security firms must always balance a need to inform the public against empowering adversaries with feedback on how they are being detected and analyzed. This case is - bility described in this report takes advantage of the knowledge of electric grid sys- tems. It is not an aspect of technical vulnerability and exploitation. It cannot just be patched or architected away although the electric grid is entirely defensible. Human defenders leveraging an active defense such as hunting and responding internally to the industrial control system (ICS) networks can ensure that security is maintained. Executive Summary Dragos, Inc. was notified by the Slovak anti-virus firm ESET of an ICS tailored mal- ware on June 8th, 2017. The Dragos team was able to use this notification to find samples of the malware, identify new functionality and impact scenarios, and con- firm that this was the malware employed in the December 17th, 2016 cyber-attack on the Kiev, Ukraine transmission substation which resulted in electric grid opera- tions impact. This report serves as an industry report to inform the electric sector and security community of the potential implications of this malware and the appro- priate details to have a nuanced discussion.
  • 4. 4 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Key Takeaways • The malware self-identifies as “crash” in multiple locations thus leading to the naming convention “CRASHOVERRIDE” for the malware framework. • CRASHOVERRIDE is the first ever malware framework designed and deployed to attack electric grids. • CRASHOVERRIDE is the fourth ever piece of ICS-tailored malware (STUXNET, BLACKENERGY 2, and HAVEX were the first three) used against targets and the second ever to be designed and deployed for disrupting physical industrial pro- cesses (STUXNET was the first). • CRASHOVERRIDE is not unique to any particular vendor or configuration and instead leverages knowledge of grid operations and network communications to cause impact; in that way, it can be immediately re-purposed in Europe and portions of the Middle East and Asia. • CRASHOVERRIDE is extensible and with a small amount of tailoring such as the - can grid. • CRASHOVERRIDE could be leveraged at multiple sites simultaneously, but the scenario is not cataclysmic and would result in hours, potentially a few days, of outages, not weeks or more. • Dragos assesses with high confidence that the same malware was used in the cyber-attack to de-energize a transmission substation on December 17, 2016, resulting in outages for an unspecified number of customers. • The functionality in the CRASHOVERRIDE framework serves no espionage pur- pose and the only real feature of the malware is for attacks which would lead to electric outages. • CRASHOVERRIDE could be extended to other industries with additional pro- tocol modules, but the adversaries have not demonstrated the knowledge of other physical industrial processes to be able to make that assessment anything other than a hypothetical at this point and protocol changes alone would be • Dragos, Inc. tracks the adversary group behind CRASHOVERRIDE as ELECTRUM and assesses with high confidence through confidential sources that ELECTRUM has direct ties to the Sandworm team. Our intelligence ICS WorldView cus- tomers have received a comprehensive report and this industry report will not get into sensitive technical details but instead focus on information needed for defense and impact awareness.
  • 5. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 5 Background On June 8th, 2017 the Slovak anti-virus firm ESET shared a subset of digital hash- es of the malware described below and a portion of their analysis with Dragos. The Dragos team was asked to validate ESET’s findings to news publications ESET had contacted about the story which would be published June 12th, 2017. Dragos would like to thank ESET for sharing the digital hashes which allowed the Dragos team to spawn its investigation. Without control of the timeline, it was Dragos’ desire to publish a report alongside ESET’s report to capture the nuance of elec- tric grid operations. The report also contains new discoveries, indicators, and im- plications of the tradecraft. Also, because of the connection to the activity group Dragos tracks as ELECTRUM, it was our decision that an independent report was warranted. The Dragos team has been busy over the last 96 hours reproducing and verifying ESET’s analysis, hunting for new samples of the malware and potential ad- ditional infections, notifying appropriate companies, and informing our customers. Importantly, Dragos also updated ICS vendors that needed to be made aware of this capability, relevant government agencies, many national computer emergen- cy response teams (CERTs), and key players in the electric energy community. Our many thanks to those involved. If you are a Dragos, Inc. customer, you will have already received the more concise and technically in-depth intelligence report. It will be accompanied by follow-on reports, and the Dragos team will keep you up-to-date as things evolve. It is in Dragos’ view that the following report contains significant assessments that de- serve a wide audience in the electric sector. Avoiding hype and fear should always be paramount but this case-study is of immediate significance, and this is not a singular contained event. The CRASHOVERRIDE capability is purpose built to im- pact electric grid operations and has been created as a framework to facilitate the impact of electric grids in other countries in the future outside the attack that took place with it December 17th, 2016 in Ukraine. However, as always, the defense is doable.
  • 6. 6 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Introduction to Electric Grid Operations As with most ICS specific incidents, the most interesting components of the attack are in how the adversary has demonstrated they understand the physical industri- al process. Whereas vulnerabilities, exploits, and infection vectors can drive dis- cussions in intrusion analysis of IT security threats that is not the most important aspect of an ICS attack. To fully understand the CRASHOVERRIDE framework, its individual capabilities, and overall impact on ICS security it is important to under- stand certain fundamentals of electric grid operations. Simplistically, the electric grid can be categorized into three functions: generation of electricity at power plants, transmission from the power plants across typically long distances at high voltage, and then stepped down to lower voltage to distribu- tion networks to power customers. Along these long transmission and distribution systems are substations to transform voltage levels, serve as switching stations and feeders, and fault protection. systems and communications. As an example, while a power plant feeds energy into the electric grid there is no one-size-fits-all approach to power plants. There generation, wind farm, solar farm, gas turbine power, hydroelectric and more. This means that the electric grid must be a robust, almost living creature, which moves and balances electricity across large regions. Electric grids use a special type of industrial control system called a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to manage this process across large geographical areas. Transmission and distribution owners have their substations in their particular geographical footprint and control centers manage the cross-territory SCADA systems 24/7 by human op- erators. These control centers often regularly manage the continual demand and response of their customers, respond to faults, and plan and work with neighboring utilities. This simplistic view of grid operations is similar around the world. There are of- engineering, and the overall process is largely the same between nations. As an example, these systems use SCADA and leverage systems such as remote terminal units (RTUs) to control circuit breakers. As the breakers open and close, substations are energized or de-energized to balance power across the grid. Some network protocols such as IEC 104, a TCP-based protocol, and its serial protocol compan- ion IEC 101, are often regional specific. Europe, some of Asian, and portions of the Middle East leverage these protocols to control RTUs from the SCADA human machine interfaces (HMIs).
  • 7. 7 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Figure 1: Simplistic Mockup of Electric Grid Operations Systems and Communications Relevant for CRASHOVERRIDE In North America, the protocol of choice for this is the Distributed Network Proto- col 3 (DNP3). The various protocols purposes are largely the same though: control physical equipment through RTUs, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and other final control elements via HMIs as a part of the larger SCADA system. Some protocols have been adopted cross-country including IEC 61850 which is usual- ly leveraged from an HMI to work with equipment such as digital relays and other types of intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). IEDs are purpose built microproces- sor-based control devices and can often be found alongside power equipment such as circuit breakers. IEDs and RTUs operate in a master/slave capacity where the slave devices are polled and sent commands by master devices.
  • 8. 8 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Substations manage the flow of power through transmission or distribution lines. Management of energizing and de-energizing of these lines ultimately control when and where the flow of power moves in and out of the substation. If you “open” a breaker you are removing the path where the electricity is flowing, or de-energizing it. If you “close” a breaker then you are energizing the line by closing the gap and allowing the power to “flow.” This concept is similar to anyone who may be confused on this terminology as it is opposite to how one would describe The grid is a well-designed system, and while damage can be done, it is vital to un- derstand that in nations around the world the electric community has designed the system to be reliable and safe which has a natural byproduct of increased securi- ty. In the United States as an example, reliability is reinforced with regular training and events such as the North American grid’s GridEx where grid operators train for events from hurricanes, to terrorist incidents, to cyber-attacks and how they will respond to such outages. There is constantly a balance that must be understood when referring to grid operations: yes, the systems are vulnerable and more must be done to understand complex and multi-stage attacks, but the grid is also in a great defensible position because of the work of so many over the years. Evolution of Tradecraft CRASHOVERRIDE represents an evolution in tradecraft and capabilities by ad- versaries who wish to do harm to industrial environments. To fully appreciate the malware it is valuable to compare it to its predecessors and the Ukraine 2015 cyber attack. STUXNET The STUXNET malware has been written about extensively and referenced, at times, unfortunately, in comparison to most ICS related incidents and malware. It was the first confirmed example of ICS tailored malware leveraged against a tar- get. The Windows portion of the code with its four zero-day exploits gained a lot of notoriety. However, it was the malware’s payload that was specific to ICS that was the most interesting component. The tradecraft exhibited by STUXNET was the detailed understanding of the industrial process. In IT networks, it is important for adversaries to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them to load malware and gain privileges on systems.
  • 9. 9 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations In ICS networks though, some of the most concerning issues are related to an adversary’s ability to learn the physical process such as the engineering of the systems and their components in how they work together. STUXNET’s greatest strength was leveraging functionality in Siemens equipment to interact with nucle- ar enrichment centrifuges through abuses of intended functionality. The purpose of the Siemens equipment was to be able to control and change the speed of the centrifuges. Stuxnet did this as well but with pre-programmed knowledge from the attackers on the speeds that would cause the centrifuge to burst from their cas- ings. ICS tailored malware leveraging knowledge of industrial processes was now a thing. However, it was specific to Siemens equipment and unique to the Natanz fa- cility in Iran. While tradecraft and exploits can be replicated, it was not reasonable to re-purpose the Stuxnet capability. Dragonfly/HAVEX control system locations, estimates put it at over 2,000 sites, with a large empha- sis on electric power and petrochemical asset owners. The Dragonfly campaign leveraged the HAVEX malware. There are often not many commonalities between - mentation, integration, and the physical processes required at each site. One of the few commonalities across numerous ICS industries though is the OPC protocol. It is designed to be the universal translator for many industrial components and is readily accessible in an HMI or dedicated OPC server. The HAVEX malware lever- aged legitimate functionality in the OPC protocol to map out the industrial equip- ment and devices on an ICS network. It was a clever use of the protocol and while the malware itself was not complex the tradecraft associated with the usage of OPC was sophisticated. However, the Dragonfly campaign was focused entirely on espionage. There was no physical disruption or destruction of the industrial pro- cess. Instead, it was the type of data you would want to leverage to design attacks in the future built for the specific targets impacted with the malware.
  • 10. 10 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations BLACKENERGY 2 The Sandworm team has targeted numerous industries ranging from western mil- itaries, governments, research organizations, defense contractors, and industrial sites. It was their use of the BLACKENERGY 2 malware that caught the ICS indus- try’s attention. This ICS tailored malware contained exploits for specific types of HMI applications including Siemens SIMATIC, GE CIMPLICITY, and Advantech We- bAccess. BLACKENERGY 2 was a smart approach by the adversaries to target in- ternet connected HMIs. Upon exploitation of the HMIs, the adversaries had access to a central location in the ICS to start to learn the industrial process and gain the graphical representation of that ICS through the HMI. The targeting of HMIs alone is often not enough to cause physical damage, but it is an ideal target for espio- nage and positioning in an ICS. Gaining a foothold in the network that had access to numerous components of the ICS while maintaining command and control to Internet locations, positioned it well for espionage. Ukraine Cyber Attack 2015 The cyber-attack on three power companies in Ukraine on December 23rd, 2015 marked a revolutionary event for electric grid operators. It was the first known in- stance where a cyber-attack had disrupted electric grid operations. The Sandworm team was attributed to the attack and their use of the BLACKENERGY 3 malware. BLACKENERGY 3 does not contain ICS components in the way that BLACKENER- GY 2 did. Instead, the adversaries leveraged the BLACKENERGY 3 malware to gain access to the corporate networks of the power companies and then pivot into the SCADA networks. While in the environment the adversaries performed their recon- naissance and eventually leveraged the grids systems against itself. They learned the operations and used the legitimate functionality of distribution management systems to disconnect substations from the grid leaving 225,000+ customers without power for upwards of 6 hours until manual operations could restore pow- er. However, due to the wiping of Windows systems through the KillDisk malware and destruction of serial-to-Ethernet devices through malicious firmware updates, the Ukrainian grid operators were without their SCADA environment, meaning they lost the ability for automated control, for upwards of a year in some locations. The most notable aspect of the attack was the adversary’s focus on learning how to leverage the systems against themselves. Malware enabled the attack, and malware - aging the ICS against itself that resulted in the electric power disruptions, not mal- ware.
  • 11. 11 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations CRASHOVERRIDE The CRASHOVERRIDE malware impacted a single transmission level substation in Ukraine on December 17th, 2016. Many elements of the attack appear to have been more of a proof of concept than what was fully capable in the malware. The most important thing to understand though from the evolution of tradecraft is the codification and scalability in the malware towards what has been learned through past attacks. The malware took an approach to understand and codify the knowl- edge of the industrial process to disrupt operations as STUXNET did. It leveraged the OPC protocol to help it map the environment and select its targets similar to HAVEX. It targeted the libraries and configuration files of HMIs to understand the environment further and leveraged HMIs to connect to Internet-connected lo- cations when possible as BLACKENERGY 2 had done. And it took the same type of approach to understanding grid operations and leveraging the systems against themselves displayed in Ukraine 2015’s attack. It did all of these things with added sophistication in each category giving the adversaries a platform to conduct at- tacks against grid operations systems in various environments and not confined to work only on specific vendor platforms. It marks an advancement in capability by adversaries who intend to disrupt operations and poses a challenge for defenders who look to patching systems as a primary defense, using anti-malware tools to spot specific samples, and relying upon a strong perimeter or air-gapped network as a silver-bullet solution. Adversaries are getting smarter, they are growing in their ability to learn industrial processes and codify and scale that knowledge, and de- fenders must also adapt.
  • 12. 12 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Capabilities Capabilities Overview The CRASHOVERRIDE malware is a modular framework consisting of an initial backdoor, a loader module, and several supporting and payload modules. The most important items are the backdoor, which provides access to the infected payload modules. Dragos focused our analysis on the previously mentioned items as they are most relevant for defending grid operations. on the targeted industrial control system. One sample was the IEC 104 protocol module, and the other sample was the data wiper. Both samples shared common design characteristics indicative of being part of a broader ICS attack and manip- ulation framework. ESET was able to uncover an additional IEC 61850 and OPC module which they have analyzed and shared with Dragos. Below contains an overview of program execution flow and dependency. Figure 2. CRASHOVERRIDE Module Overview Including ESET’s Discoveries
  • 13. 13 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Module Commonalities Dragos analysts were able to determine the compile time for both modules ob- tained as being within 12 minutes of each other just after 2:30 am on December 18th in an unknown time zone although timestamps for both samples were zeroed out. These times falls in the same timeframe as the Ukraine events. Both mod- ule samples exported a function named Crash that served as the main function to begin execution. The common Crash function enables the ability to “plug and play” additional modules. Backdoor/RAT Module Key Features • Authenticates with a local proxy via the internal network established before the backdoor installation • After authentication opens HTTP channel to external command and control server (C2) through internal proxy • Receives commands via the external command and control (C2) server • Creates a file on the local system (contents not determined) • Overwrites an existing service to point to the backdoor so the malware persists between reboots Details Access to the ICS network flows through a backdoor module. Dragos obtained four samples which all featured similar functionality. On execution, the malware attempts to contact a hard-coded proxy address located within the local network. ELECTRUM must establish the internal proxy before the installation of the back- door. The malware expects to communicate to an internal proxy listening on TCP 3128. This port is a default port associated with the Squid proxy. The beaconing contin- ues without pause until it establishes a connection. The backdoor then sends a se- ries of HTTP POST requests with the victim’s Windows GUID (a unique identifier set with every Windows installation) in the HTTP body. This information authenticates the targeted machine to the command and control (C2) server. If the C2 server does not respond, the backdoor will exit.
  • 14. 14 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations If the authentication is successful to the internal proxy, the malware attempts to per- form an HTTP CONNECT to an external C2 server via the internal proxy. Across four December 2016 attack on Ukraine: A check of the TOR project’s ExoneraTOR service indicates that all of the listed IP ad- dresses were listed as active TOR nodes during the events in Ukraine. When performing the HTTP CONNECT, the malware attempts to identify the system default user agent. If this cannot be determined or does not exist, then a hard-coded default for the malware is used: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1) The malware can be configured to beacon out periodically afterwards via a hard-coded configuration value. The implant is designed to retrieve commands from the C2 server: • Create a new process as logged in user • Create a new process as specified user via CreateProcessWithLogon • Write a file • Copy a file • Execute a command as logged in user • Execute a command as specified user • Kill the backdoor • Stop a service • Specify a user (log in as user) and stop a service • Specify a user (log in as user) and start a service • Alter an existing service to point to specified process and change to start at boot Execution results in several artifacts left on the host. During execution, the malware checks for the presence of a mutex value. Mutexes are program objects that name re- sources to enable sharing with multiple program threads. In this case, CRASHOVERRIDE checks the following: Sessions1WindowsApiPortection
  • 15. 15 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations The backdoor may also create and check a blank mutex name. Reviewing memo- ry during execution and analysis of other modules in the malware indicates that Sessions1Windows appears multiple times, indicating that a check may be per- formed. The backdoor writes a file to either C:UsersPublic or C:Users<Executing User> The contents of this file were not discovered during our analysis, and it did not appear to be vital to the malware functionality. However, this is a good indicator of the observed activity and may be leveraged to detect this specific sample through host-based indicator checking. The service manipulation process is the only persistence mechanism for the mal- ware. When used, the adversary can select an arbitrary system service, direct it to refer to CRASHOVERRIDE, and ensure it is loaded on system boot. If this fails, the malware, although present on disk, will not start when the machine reboots. When evaluating the options provided to the adversary, an important piece of functionality associated with most remote access tools is absent: a command to exfiltrate data. While this functionality could be created via the command execu- tion options, one would expect this option to be explicit given options to down- load and copy files on the host if the adversary intended to use the tool as an all-encompassing backdoor and espionage framework. Instead, the functionality of this tool is explicitly designed for facilitating access to the machine and execut- ing commands on the system and cannot reasonably be confused as an espionage platform, data stealer, or another such item. Launcher Module Key Features • Loads payload modules which manipulate the ICS and cause destruction via the wiper • Starts itself as a service likely to hide better • Loads the payload module(s) defined on the command line during execu- tion • Launches the payload and begins either 1 or 2 hours countdown before launching the data wiper (variant dependent)
  • 16. 16 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Details Within the attack sequence, the ICS payload modules and data wiper module must be loaded by a separate loader EXE. Dragos obtained one sample of this file called the Launcher. The launcher takes three parameters on start: On launch, the sample analyzed starts a service named defragsvc. It then loads the module DLL via an exported function named Crash. A new thread is created at the highest priority on the executing machine. Control then passes from the launcher to the loaded module while the launcher waits two hours before executing the data wip- er. Data Wiper Module Key Features • Clears all registry keys associated with system services • Overwrites all ICS configuration files across the hard drives and all mapped net- work drives specifically targeting ABB PCM600 configuration files in this sample • Overwrites generic Windows files • Renders the system unusable Details Once executed, the data wiper module clears registry keys, erase files, and kill pro- cesses running on the system. A unique characteristic of the wiper is that the main functionality was implemented within the Crash function. The first task of the wiper writes zeros into all of the registry keys in: SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices This registry tree contains initialization values for each service on the system. Removal of these values renders a system inoperable. The next wiper task targets ICS configu- ration files across the local hard drive and mapped network drives. The malware au- thors included functionality to target drives lettered C-Z.
  • 17. 17 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations The wiper also targets file types unique to ABB’s PCM600 product used in substa- tion automation in addition to more general Windows files. The below table out- lines some of the unique file extensions used by industrial control systems. File Extension Usage .pcmp PCM600 Project (ABB) .pcmi PCM600 IEC File (ABB) .pcmt PCM600 Template IED File .CIN ABB MicroScada .PL Programmable Logic File .paf PLC Archive File .SCL .cid .scd Table 1. File extensions targeted by the data wiper module IEC 104 Module Key Features • Reads a configuration file defining the target (likely an RTU) and action to take • ‘Kills’ legitimate the master process on the victim host • Masquerades as the new master • Enters one of four modes: • Sequence mode: continuously sets RTU IOAs to open • Range mode: (1) Interrogates each RTU for valid IOAs; (2) toggles each IOA between open and closed state • Shift mode: unknown at this time • Persist mode: unknown at this time/not fully implemented
  • 18. 18 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Figure 3. Protocol Transmission Types in IEC 104
  • 19. 19 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Figure 4: Execution Flow of IEC 104 Module in CRASHOVERRIDE Details The CRASHOVERRIDE IEC 104 module is a complete implementation of IEC 104 to serve in a “MASTER” role. This raw functionality creates a Swiss army knife for sub- station automation manipulation yet also provides tailored functionality. The func- tions exposed to the malware operator are confined by the options of the configu- ration file. This report outlines the options analyzed today but notes that extending and enhancing functionality is straight forward with the robust protocol implemen- tation.
  • 20. 20 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations - ondary group of developers could have been involved. Instead of the exported crash function containing the primary execution instructions, the function parses the config file then starts a thread containing the IEC 104 master. The configuration File Extension Usage target_ip NONE target_port NONE NONE adsu NONE stop_comm_service 1 change 1 on silence 0 uselog 0 stop_comm_service_name <blank> timeout 1 second socket_timeout 15 seconds range NONE Table 2. IEC-104 module configuration file fields - ifications for the device must be provided by the operator in the configuration file for the module to function. There are no observed automated means of enumerat- ing the network and then impacting RTUs. Once the IEC 104 master thread begins, the first action is to try to kill the commu- nications service process which acts as the master process. Once the module stops the communications service process, a socket opens with the target IP and desti- nation port sending data to slave devices and receiving the resulting responses.
  • 21. 21 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Depending on the mode defined within the configuration file the module may: • Set specific values • Enumerate IOAs on the target devices • Continuously set the IOA to open, or • Continuously toggle the IOA between open and closed states. This module contains no interactive capability. RTUs and PLCs, in simplistic terms, act on input and output. Each discrete input and output is tied to a memory address. Depending on implementation these ad- dresses are referred to as coils, registers, or for IEC 104: information object ad- or Unsigned Integer values. The 104 module properly understands how to enu- merate and discover IOAs to operate breakers. IEC 101 Module This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis claims the functionality is equivalent to the IEC 104 module except with communi- cations over serial. However, Dragos was able to confirm that the module exists. IEC 61850 Module This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis claims once executed the module leverages a configuration file to identify targets and without a configuration file it enumerates the local network to identify poten- tial targets. It communicates with the targets to identify whether the device con- trols a circuit breaker switch. For certain variables (no further information avail- able) it will change their state while also generating an action log. However, Dragos was able to confirm that this module does exist. OPC DA Module This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis claims the module does not require a configuration. It enumerates all OPC servers and their associated items looking for a subset related to ABB containing the string ctl. It then writes 0x01 twice into the item overwriting the proper value giving the device a primary value out of limits device status. However, Dragos was able to confirm that this module exists.
  • 22. 22 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations SIPROTEC DoS Module This module was unavailable to Dragos at the time of publication. ESET’s analysis claims the module sends UDP packets to port 50000 exploiting CVE-2015-5374 causing the SIPROTEC digital relay to fall into an unresponsive state. Dragos could not validate that this module exists. Capability Conclusions ELECTRUM’s ability to adopt a development style described above has several im- plications: first, developers can integrate new protocols into the overall framework quickly. Second, ELECTRUM could easily leverage external development teams skilled at exploiting industrial control systems. Some adversaries would likely ap- proach capability development through a ‘two-tier’ approach: a core development team skilled at writing the overall framework and a second team knowledgeable about a given control system. The platform team would take the control sys- tem modules and add logic to fit them within the platform. The IEC 104 module demonstrates this approach. Given the execution described with secondary threads the team authoring the Crash function likely did not author the IEC 104 master portion of the code. Both development teams probably worked together to decide on a log file format for consumption by the main Crash function and executed in each of the IEC 104 module threads. Implications of capability This section describes legitimate CRASHOVERRIDE attack and impact scenarios. Extensions of these and potential hypothetical scenarios were deemed indetermin- istic and will not be addressed. Attack Option: De-energize substation CRASHOVERRIDE, based on prior knowledge, must have a configuration file for targeting information of one or multiple RTUs. This configuration option allows for several types of activities. One operation the configuration option allows is ‘se- quence.’ .
  • 23. 23 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations The command sequence polls the target device for the appropriate address- es. Once it is at the subset of known addresses, it can then toggle the value. The command then begins an infinite loop and continues to set addresses to this val- command on their HMI the sequence loop will continue to re-open the breaker. line(s) preventing system operators from managing the breakers and re-energize the line(s). dynamics, power flows, and other variables. In some circumstances, it may have no immediate impact while in others it could put customers into an outage. It is im- portant to note that grid operations encompass failure modes and operations can normally compensate. That is, after all, why humans are ‘in the loop’ to monitor and maintain the system. breakers and will be required to send crews to the substation. If the CRASHOVER- RIDE loop continues unabated, then the crews will likely sever communications as both a troubleshooting and recovery action. Severing communications puts the substation in manual operation where a physical presence is now required. This could result in a few hours of outages Attack Option: Force an Islanding event Dragos is currently investigating a separate and more disruptive attack option in CRASHOVERRIDE as described by ESET. As before, the attacker must have a config- uration file for targeting information of one or multiple RTUs. This configuration file now uses the range command to begin a loop that toggles the status of the break- er between open and close continuously. The changing breaker status will invoke automated protective operations to isolate (commonly referred to as ‘islanding’) the substation. This is an intentional self-protective capability of grid operations. relay scheme’s automated operations causing perturbations of some degree on the grid as scientific principles define how the behavior interacts with frequencies and - ations. Grid operation contingencies become more critical if multiple substations were under attack likely resulting in many small islanding events. This is assuming coordinated targeting of multiple electric sites and could result in a few days of outages.
  • 24. 24 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Adding Amplification Attacks Forcing an islanding of a substation through continual breaker manipulation is sig- nificant by itself. However, CRASHOVERRIDE has the potential to amplify this attack Using OPC to create a Denial of Visibility The OPC module ESET analysis suggests it can brute force values. Module OPC. exe will send out a 0x01 status which for the target systems equates to a “Primary Variable Out of Limits” misdirecting operators from understanding protective relay status. Bit Mask Definition 0x10 More Status Available – More status information is available via Command 48, Read Additional Status Information. 0x08 Loop Current Fixed – The Loop Current is being held at a fixed value and is not responding to process variations. 0x04 Loop Current Saturated – The Loop Current has reached its upper (or lower) endpoint limit and cannot increase (or decrease) any further. 0x02 Non-Primary Variable Out of Limits – A Device variable not mapped to the PV is beyond its operating limits. 0x01 Primary Variable Out of Limits – The PV is beyond its operating limits. The outcome of the action infers that various systems can either perform actions on wrong information or report incorrect information to system operators. This Denial of Visibility will amplify misunderstanding and confusion while system op- erators troubleshoot the problem as their system view will show breakers closed when they are open. .
  • 25. 25 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Using CVE-2015-5374 to Hamper Protective Relays A second, and more severe, amplifying attack would be to neutralize the auto- mated protective system by creating a Denial of Service against some or all of the protective relays. This possibility exists in a tool ESET has claimed to have discov- ered that implements the known CVE-2015-5374 Denial of Service condition to the Siemens SIPROTEC relays. Siemens released a patch for this in July 2015 under Sie- mens advisory SCA-732541. At this time it is believed that CVE-2015-5374 causes a denial of service (DoS) of the complete relay functionality and not just the network communications module. Dragos has independent evidence that this module ex- ists but it cannot be confirmed. Hampering the protective scheme by disabling the protective relays can broaden the islanding event and, if done at scale, could trigger a larger event causing multi- ple substations and lines “islanding” from the electric grid. Siemens SIPROTEC was likely chosen in this attack only because that was the vendor device at the Ukraine Kiev site attacked in December 2016. This same tactic against digital relays, albe- it not the same exploit, could have a similar impact on grid operations. However, require a significant investment on behalf of the adversary.
  • 26. 26 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Defense Recommendations Doing the basics is always appropriate, and it significantly helps move ICS into a defensible position. However, they are not worth repeating here, and instead, more tailored approaches specific to ICS security analysts trying to defend against CRA- SHOVERRIDE and similar capabilities are presented below: • Electric utility security teams should have a clear understanding of where and how IEC 104 and IEC 61850 protocols are used. North American elec- tric utilities should include DNP3 on this list in case the malware is extended to impact U.S. systems. Look specifically for increased usage of the proto- cols against baselines established in the environment. Also, look for systems leveraging these protocols if they have not before and specifically try to identify systems that are generating new network flows using these proto- cols. • Similarly, understand OPC implementations and identify how the protocol is being used. It is a protocol that is pervasive across numerous sectors. Also, CRASHOVERRIDE is the second, out of four, ICS tailored malware suite with OPC capabilities. OPC will appear abnormal in the CRASHOVERRIDE usage as it is being used to scan all devices on the network which would generate • Robust backups of engineering files such as project logic, IED configura- help reduce the impact of the wiper functionality. • Prepare incident response plans for this attack and perform table top exer- cises bringing in appropriate stakeholders and personnel across engineer- ing, operations, IT, and security. The scenario should include substation outages with the requirement to do manual operations while recovering the SCADA environment and gathering appropriate forensics. • The included YARA rules and other indicators of compromise can be lever- aged to search for possible infections (IOCs). The YARA rules will provide a higher confidence towards discovering an infection than the other IOCs and should be searched for against Windows OT systems especially noting HMIs. The behavioral analytics to identify the communications on the network would provide the highest capability to detect this and similar threats.
  • 27. 27 CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations While some defenses and architecture changes may have value in other situations, the following are responses that are not appropriate for this attack: • Transmission and distribution companies should not rely on the usage of other protocols such as DNP3 as a protection mechanism. The complete- ness of the CRASHOVERRIDE framework suggests there may be other un- disclosed modules such as a DNP3 module. Also, adding this functionality into the existing framework would not require extensive work on the part of the adversary. • Air gapped networks, unidirectional firewalls, anti-virus in the ICS, and other passive defenses and architecture changes are not appropriate solutions for this attack. No amount of security control will protect against a determined human adversary. Human defenders are required
  • 28. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Indicators TYPE SUBTYPE IOC Description ICS Kill Chain Impact Host Mutex Value ApiPortection9d3 Mutex value checked Stage 2: Install Recon Host Mutex Value <Blank Value> Mutex value created Stage 2: Install Recon Host File C:Users<Public OR Executing User> imapi File dropped and deleted after pro- gram exit Stage 2: Install Recon Host Service Name defragsvc Name given to service start Stage 2: C2 Remote Access Network IP Address External C2 server [DEC 2016] (likely TOR node at time of attack) Stage 2: C2 Remote Access Network IP Address External C2 server [DEC 2016] (likely TOR node at time of attack) Stage 2: C2 Remote Access Network IP Address External C2 server [DEC 2016] (likely TOR node at time of attack) Stage 2: C2 Remote Access Network User Agent String Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Win- dows NT 5.1; InfoPath.1) Default user agent string used in C2 if unable to get system default user agent string Stage 2: C2 Remote Access Host Command Line <Drive>:<name>.exe -ip=<IP_address> -ports=<ports> Command line arguments used to launch custom port scanner observed with malware. Command line logging required to track. Stage 2: Develop Recon Host Registry Key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetSer- vices<target_service_name>ImagePath <path to malware> Change in Service Image Path in the system registry to point to malware allowing malware to restart on system reboot. Stage 2: Installa- tion Persistence Host SHA1 File Hash F6C21F8189CED6AE150F9E- F2E82A3A57843B587D CONNECT to Back- door/RAT. Phase2: C2 Remote Access Host SHA1 File Hash CCCCE62996D- 578B984984426A024D9B250237533 CONNECT to Back- door/RAT. Phase2: C2 Remote Access Host SHA1 File Hash 8E39ECA1E48240C01EE570631AE8F- 0C9A9637187 Backdoor/RAT Proxy + HTTP CON- NECT to Phase2: C2 Remote Access Host SHA1 File Hash 2CB8230281B86FA944D3043AE- 906016C8B5984D9 Backdoor/RAT Proxy + HTTP CON- NECT to Phase2: C2 Remote Access
  • 29. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations Host SHA1 File Hash 79CA89711CDAEDB16B0CCCCFD- CFBD6AA7E57120A Launcher for payload DLL. Takes input as three command line parameters – work- ing directory, module, and config file. Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host SHA1 File Hash 94488F214B165512D2FC0438A581F- 5C9E3BD4D4C which is invoked by launcher. Functional- ity requires config file. Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host SHA1 File Hash 5A5FAFBC3FEC8D36FD57B075EBF- 34119BA3BFF04 Wiper module, wipes list of files by extension, removes system processes, and makes registry changes to prevent system boot. Stage 2: Attack Destruction Host SHA1 File Hash B92149F046F00BB69DE329B8457D- 32C24726EE00 Wiper module, wipes list of files by extension, removes system processes, and makes registry changes to prevent system boot. Stage 2: Attack Destruction Host SHA1 File Hash B335163E6EB854DF5E08E85026B- 2C3518891EDA8 Custom-built port scanner. Stage 2: Develop Recon Host SHA1 File Hash 7FAC2EDDF22FF692E1B4E- 7F99910E5DBB51295E6 OPC Data Access protocol enumeration of servers and addresses Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host SHA1 File Hash ECF6ADF20A7137A84A1B319C- CAA97CB0809A8454 IEC-61850 enumeration and address manipulation Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host Filename opc.exe OPC Data Access protocol enumeration of servers and addresses Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host Filename 61850.exe IEC-61850 enumeration and address manipulation Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host Filename haslo.exe Wiper module, wipes list of files by extension, removes system processes, and makes registry changes to prevent system boot. Stage 2: Attack Destruction Host Filename 104.dll IEC-104 module Stage 2: Attack Loss of Control Host Filename haslo.dat Wiper module Stage 2: Attack Destruction OPC Server OPC Group Aabdul OPC DA Module Stage 2: Attack Loss of Visibility
  • 30. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 30 Yara Rules Also found at import “pe” import “hash” rule dragos_crashoverride_exporting_dlls { meta: description = “CRASHOVERRIDE v1 Suspicious Export” author = “Dragos Inc” condition: pe.exports(“Crash”) & pe.characteristics } rule dragos_crashoverride_suspcious { meta: description = “CRASHOVERRIDE v1 Wiper” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s0 = “SYS_BASCON.COM” fullword nocase wide $s1 = “.pcmp” fullword nocase wide $s2 = “.pcmi” fullword nocase wide $s3 = “.pcmt” fullword nocase wide $s4 = “.cin” fullword nocase wide condition: pe.exports(“Crash”) and any of ($s*) }
  • 31. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 31 YARA Rules rule dragos_crashoverride_name_search { meta: description = “CRASHOVERRIDE v1 Suspicious Strings and Export” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s0 = “101.dll” fullword nocase wide $s1 = “Crash101.dll” fullword nocase wide $s2 = “104.dll” fullword nocase wide $s3 = “Crash104.dll” fullword nocase wide $s4 = “61850.dll” fullword nocase wide $s5 = “Crash61850.dll” fullword nocase wide $s6 = “OPCClientDemo.dll” fullword nocase wide $s7 = “OPC” fullword nocase wide $s8 = “CrashOPCClientDemo.dll” fullword nocase wide $s9 = “D2MultiCommService.exe” fullword nocase wide $s10 = “CrashD2MultiCommService.exe” fullword nocase wide $s11 = “61850.exe” fullword nocase wide $s12 = “OPC.exe” fullword nocase wide $s13 = “haslo.exe” fullword nocase wide $s14 = “haslo.dat” fullword nocase wide condition: any of ($s*) and pe.exports(“Crash”) }
  • 32. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 32 YARA Rules rule dragos_crashoverride_hashes { meta: description = “CRASHOVERRIDE Malware Hashes” author = “Dragos Inc” condition: }
  • 33. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 33 YARA Rules rule dragos_crashoverride_moduleStrings { meta: description = “IEC-104 Interaction Module Program Strings” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s1 = “IEC-104 client: ip=%s; port=%s; ASDU=%u” nocase wide ascii $s2 = “ MSTR ->> SLV” nocase wide ascii $s3 = “ MSTR <<- SLV” nocase wide ascii $s4 = “Unknown APDU format !!!” nocase wide ascii $s5 = “iec104.log” nocase wide ascii condition: any of ($s*) } { meta: author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s0 = { 68 e8 ?? ?? ?? 6a 00 e8 a3 ?? ?? ?? 8b f8 83 c4 ?8 } $s1 = { 8a 10 3a 11 75 ?? 84 d2 74 12 } $s2 = { 33 c0 eb ?? 1b c0 83 c8 ?? } $s3 = { 85 c0 75 ?? 8d 95 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b cf ?? ?? } condition: all of them }
  • 34. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 34 YARA Rules rule dragos_crashoverride_weirdMutex { meta: description = “Blank mutex creation assoicated with CRASHOVERRIDE” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s1 = { 81 ec 08 02 00 00 57 33 ff 57 57 57 ff 15 ?? ?? 40 00 a3 ?? ?? ?? 00 85 c0 } $s2 = { 8d 85 ?? ?? ?? ff 50 57 57 6a 2e 57 ff 15 ?? ?? ?? 00 68 ?? ?? 40 00} condition: all of them } rule dragos_crashoverride_serviceStomper { meta: description = “Identify service hollowing and persistence setting” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s0 = { 33 c9 51 51 51 51 51 51 ?? ?? ?? } $s1 = { 6a ff 6a ff 6a ff 50 ff 15 24 ?? 40 00 ff ?? ?? ff 15 20 ?? 40 00 } condition: all of them }
  • 35. CRASHOVERRIDE: Threat to the Electric Grid Operations 35 YARA Rules rule dragos_crashoverride_wiperModuleRegistry { meta: description = “Registry Wiper functionality assoicated with CRASHOVERRIDE” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s0 = { 8d 85 a0 ?? ?? ?? 46 50 8d 85 a0 ?? ?? ?? 68 68 0d ?? ?? 50 } $s1 = { 6a 02 68 78 0b ?? ?? 6a 02 50 68 b4 0d ?? ?? ff b5 98 ?? ?? ?? ff 15 04 ?? ?? ?? } $s2 = { 68 00 02 00 00 8d 85 a0 ?? ?? ?? 50 56 ff b5 9c ?? ?? ?? ff 15 00 ?? ?? ?? 85 c0 } condition: all of them } { meta: - er” author = “Dragos Inc” strings: $s0 = { 6a 00 68 80 00 00 00 6a 03 6a 00 6a 02 8b f9 68 00 00 00 40 57 ff 15 1c ?? ?? ?? 8b d8 } $s2 = { 6a 00 50 57 56 53 ff 15 4c ?? ?? ?? 56 } condition: all of them }