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© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 1 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Computer Network Defence
Piers Wilson
Tier-3 Huntsman® - Head of Product Management
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 2 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
• Cyber attacks continue to
• Even closed networks are
• Both External and Internal
• Increasing sophistication
• Every organisation is at risk
Setting the Scene
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 3 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
The Cyber security “kill chain” concept
Cyber Kill Chain – sequential chain of events for successful attack
© Lockheed Martin
Increasing risk / cost to contain and remediate
Pre-Compromise Post-CompromiseCompromise
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 4 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Considering Attack Cycles
• Harvesting email addresses, conference
information, staff bios, Press coverage
• Coupling exploit with backdoor into a
deliverable payload
• Getting the payload to the victim via email,
web drive-by, USB
• Exploiting the vulnerability to execute codeExploitation
• Installing the malware/payload on the
• Establishing channel back to the attack
Command &
• Undertaking the automatic and attacker-
driven activity desired
Actions on
• “Thinking like an attacker”
• The likelihood of being caught & ROI ?
• What's the best way to test the attack method ?
• Enumeration of the organisation
• Identify valuable/vulnerable assets
• Establish how to get the information out
• Acceptance that defences may not be sufficient
and thus detection and diagnosis are key
• Rapid detection means less cost, more chance to mitigate,
better chance of recovery
• Dealing with both external and insider threats
• Need to consider the “indicators of compromise”
at each stage
• Anomalies detected
• Events on boundary egress points
• Critical documents / information silos
• System performance and health
• Activity levels, session lengths, traffic and flow patterns

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[Industry Intelligence Brief] Cyber Threats to the Legal and Professional Ser...[Industry Intelligence Brief] Cyber Threats to the Legal and Professional Ser...
[Industry Intelligence Brief] Cyber Threats to the Legal and Professional Ser...

Get an overview the threat groups targeting the legal and professional services industries, as well as the top 5 malware and crimewave families detected.

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Defending Against Advanced Threats-Addressing the Cyber Kill Chain_FINAL
Defending Against Advanced Threats-Addressing the Cyber Kill Chain_FINALDefending Against Advanced Threats-Addressing the Cyber Kill Chain_FINAL
Defending Against Advanced Threats-Addressing the Cyber Kill Chain_FINAL

Organizations must address the Cyber Kill Chain to defend against advanced threats. The Cyber Kill Chain describes the 7 stages of an attack - reconnaissance, weaponization, delivery, exploitation, installation, command and control, and actions on targets. Traditionally, organizations focused on prevention at the perimeter, but attackers have bypassed these defenses. To improve security, organizations should detect, deny, disrupt, and recover at each stage of the Cyber Kill Chain rather than solely focusing on prevention. This involves technologies like network monitoring, endpoint protection, and threat intelligence across all phases of an attack.

Proatively Engaged: Questions Executives Should Ask Their Security Teams
Proatively Engaged: Questions Executives Should Ask Their Security TeamsProatively Engaged: Questions Executives Should Ask Their Security Teams
Proatively Engaged: Questions Executives Should Ask Their Security Teams

Jim Aldridge from FireEye discusses what executives should ask their security teams. This is available on the FireEye Blog

mitigationbreach preventionremediation
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 5 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Leverage Threat Intelligence
Consider ‘Indicators of Compromise’
Optimise and Automate
Incident response
Agenda - Three Components
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 6 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Threat Intelligence
Integration of external
TI feeds for detection
AND analysis purposes
to aid efficient operations
Capture of static or
dynamic internal
information and
intelligence on threats
and risks
Operational incident detection
and analysis process generate
real-time, interpreted Threat
Automation and confidence in
alerting, detection and
escalation processes
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 7 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Internal & Contextual
• Import and cross-reference to (internal) state databases
• E.g. users of different types, physical/location status, risk levels, system sensitivities,
even self-created lists of systems that are the subject of incidents and investigations
• Recent use case was a list of users who are “under increased vigilance”
• Integration of vulnerability assessment tools
• Network capture to derive asset information, deduce port usage,
flow statistics in real time
• Provides understanding of likely vulnerability/threat
• Understanding of ongoing incidents and system statuses/risks
• Integrated information from specific security/capture solutions
• Active response to capture real-time alert data
• Camera images
• System configuration, process, network sessions, file system snapshot
Incident and
Asset Data
Internal Security,
Malware and
Attack Context
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 8 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
• Import of external data for use in detection, correlation and alerting
• Compromised sites, malicious URLs, phishing sources, IP reputations
• Ensure you “know what everyone else knows” – throughout the kill
chain (diagnosis and response)
• Open source and/or commercial feeds
• Mapping from IP address
to world location
• Make decisions
based on risk profiles or
known operational
External Threat Intelligence
External Threat

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The Cost of Doing Nothing: A Ransomware Backup Story
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The Cost of Doing Nothing: A Ransomware Backup Story

This on-demand webcast shows you how you shield your organization from such attacks – as well as how to respond if ransomware does penetrate your organization. Baseline Technologies’ Mike Crowley gives you the inside track on how ransomware works and how to lower your risk of ransomware attacks.


This document provides an introduction to cyber forensics. It defines key terms like forensics science, digital forensics, and cyber forensics. It also discusses cyber attack and malware trends, GDPR requirements, core principles of cyber forensics investigations, and presents an overview of the goals, actions, and scope of activities in a cyber forensics investigation. Finally, it provides a case study example of a client database leak investigation.

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Top Tactics For Endpoint Security
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Top Tactics For Endpoint Security

The document discusses the importance of endpoint security and provides an overview of various endpoint security solutions. It notes that with increased mobility and remote access, the network perimeter is no longer well-defined, making endpoint security crucial. It summarizes some key endpoint security vendors and technologies, including Cisco NAC, Microsoft NAP, and Trusted Network Connect. The document emphasizes that effective endpoint security requires a strategic approach to balance connectivity and protection.

information securityrothkenba
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 9 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Leverage Threat Intelligence
Consider ‘Indicators of Compromise’
Optimise and Automate
Incident response
Agenda - Three Components
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 10 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Activity to/from risky or strange locations
Personal sensitivities (role, seniority, access)
Patterns of traffic between IP address pairs
Session durations
Data flow volumes and directions
Activity on sensitive internal hosts
Number of files open(ed)
Number of pages or documents printed
Query/search results (numbers)
User account group membership activity
Use of media like USB/CD
Connections to cloud-based storage
Indicators of Compromise
Think how
an Insider
what they
might do,
how they
would steal
What might
be the early
signs of an
attack or
Trojan, APT,
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 11 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Monitor / learn behavioural profile
automatically to create a dynamic
baseline of system behaviour
Continuously updated as the
environment changes
Correlating with other events,
detections for any deviations from
the “normal” baseline to alert
Detecting Anomalous Behaviour
Hard in complex systems for analysts:
To know the network
To estimate thresholds
Have to constantly re-write rules
Make safe/reliable assumptions
Attack nature can be more easily
Start from the Indicator of Compromise
– or IoC - for APTs, zero-day & insider
Indicators and behaviours play a role at
different stages of the kill chain
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 12 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Leverage Threat Intelligence
Consider ‘Indicators of Compromise’
Optimise and Automate
Incident response
Agenda - Three Components

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The document discusses the concept of defense in depth (DID) as it relates to cybersecurity. DID is defined as building mutually supporting layers of defense to reduce vulnerabilities and protect against attacks. The key aspects of DID include understanding threats, seeing the full battlefield, using defensive advantages, concentrating defenses, coordinating assets, and balancing security and legal constraints. The document advocates applying DID principles through multiple overlapping controls and frameworks, rather than relying on a single compliance standard, in order to provide comprehensive security that can withstand attacks from various threat actors.

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This document discusses the cyber attack lifecycle and strategies for advanced adversaries. It describes the typical stages an adversary goes through, including reconnaissance, exploitation, delivery, installation, command and control, and actions on objectives. The adversary's goal is to accomplish their task and exfiltrate information without detection. New strategic approaches are needed to detect threats across all points, including the network edge, endpoints, mobile devices, and clouds. Security controls must innovate faster to reduce the vulnerability gap against sophisticated global attackers.

Ransomware Has Evolved And So Should Your Company
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Ransomware Has Evolved And So Should Your Company

Ransomware is typically initiated via phishing or social engineering tactics, these attacks often take advantage of human error for the successful delivery of the malware. These criminal organizations are impartial to the size of your organization. They target any company with data, and if you don't pay the ransom, your information could be posted to a public forum or sold on the Dark Web for profit. Most companies unfortunately are forced to pay due to system failure and file corruption. The scariest about these methods is that the Ransomware doesn't need to be developed by the attackers. Ransomware services can now be purchased on the DarkWeb and used at the Cybercriminal's will (RAAS). As these Ransomware attacks and services evolve, how can companies arm themselves with the right solutions to defend themselves from these evergrowing attacks? Join us in our latest webinar with Dr. Christine Izuakor (cybersecurity expert) and Jay Godse (head of product dev at Veriato).

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© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 13 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Automating Responses
Manual analysis and
Automatic response
(can be risky)
Suspicion / Detection
Making changes, turning things off,
closing sessions can help, but may
impact normal business
System, user, process, network
information is transient – needs to be
gathered at the time (later is no use)
Manual response
Making sense of the data to
understand the incident and effect
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 14 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Process efficiency:
Automating as much as possible and streamlining everything else
More than just purely “actively responding”
closing sessions, disrupting attacker, disabling user accounts...
Key use case:
Gather data/context “at the time of an alert” ...
Webcam photo, screen shot
System configuration, running processes, network sessions
... and from “just before”
i.e. caching a rolling data set (e.g. network traffic) and freezing it when an alert occurs
Only really works with real-time analysis and detection systems
You have a way to work with the dataset that is collected
Automatic Response
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 15 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
To close ...
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 16 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Remember the “kill chain” concept
Cyber Kill Chain – sequential chain of events for successful attack
© Lockheed Martin
Monitor, detect and respond throughout attack lifecycle
Pre-Compromise Post-CompromiseCompromise

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The State of Threat Detection 2019
The State of Threat Detection 2019The State of Threat Detection 2019
The State of Threat Detection 2019

The document discusses the state of threat detection in 2018 and plans for improving threat detection and hunting in 2019. Some key points: - Email still delivers most malware while file-less attacks that evade prevention are rising. Cyber attacks are the top concern for many businesses. - Only 28% of respondents felt preventive defenses were highly effective against targeted attacks. Just 21% believed post-breach detection was highly effective. - Common pain points included insufficient resources, lack of automation for incident response, and alert overload. - Threat hunting involves proactive searching across systems based on expert hypotheses, unlike typical detection techniques. Many organizations do not threat hunt due to lack of time, skills or visibility. - To

threat detectionnetworknetwork security
FireEye Use Cases — FireEye Solution Deployment Experience
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My presentation on ITBIZ/BAKOTECH event @UK Ambassador Residence win cooperation with Jason Steer, Director for Strategy, FireEye EMEA.

FireEye Advanced Threat Protection - What You Need to Know
FireEye Advanced Threat Protection - What You Need to KnowFireEye Advanced Threat Protection - What You Need to Know
FireEye Advanced Threat Protection - What You Need to Know

Like water, cybercrime moves effortlessly around obstacles. Today, security-conscious enterprises and federal governments choose FireEye™ for industry-leading protection against advanced cybercrime and targeted attacks. FireEye stops advanced malware, zero-day and targeted APT attacks. FireEye’s appliances supplement traditional and next-generation firewalls, IPS, AV, and gateways, adding integrated multi-stage protection against today’s multi-vectored Web, email, and file-based threats.

information securityadvanced malwareadvanced targeted attacks
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 17 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
What will “good” look like?
• Given that “something” has been
detected have to decide if it is
significant (with confidence)
• “Potential incident” investigated based
on the surrounding or associated
contextual data
• Maximise use of established data
sources and automation:
• Swifter “confirmed detection”
• Fewer false positives/negatives
• Single view of information across sources
• Throughout the kill chain, and as early
as possible
Earlier Understanding
/Faster Analysis
• Anticipate obvious questions for triage,
analysis, escalation process
• Predictable requests dealt with automatically
• Pre-emptive information gathering
• Leverage data available from at / before
the time of incident:
• Screen shots, systems’ configurations, file
contents, network sessions, open files ...
• Focus staff concentration on decision
making rather than manual information
© 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 18 Intelligent Security. We deliver it.
Thank you
Piers Wilson +44 (0) 7800 508517
+44 (0) 118 900 1550

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Intelligence-based computer network defence: Understanding the cyber kill chain (Royal Holloway University conference)

  • 1. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 1 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Intelligence-based Computer Network Defence Piers Wilson Tier-3 Huntsman® - Head of Product Management
  • 2. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 2 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. • Cyber attacks continue to increase • Even closed networks are vulnerable • Both External and Internal attacks • Increasing sophistication • Every organisation is at risk Setting the Scene
  • 3. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 3 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. The Cyber security “kill chain” concept Cyber Kill Chain – sequential chain of events for successful attack © Lockheed Martin Increasing risk / cost to contain and remediate Pre-Compromise Post-CompromiseCompromise
  • 4. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 4 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Considering Attack Cycles • Harvesting email addresses, conference information, staff bios, Press coverage Reconnaissance • Coupling exploit with backdoor into a deliverable payload Weaponisation • Getting the payload to the victim via email, web drive-by, USB Delivery • Exploiting the vulnerability to execute codeExploitation • Installing the malware/payload on the system Installation • Establishing channel back to the attack source Command & Control • Undertaking the automatic and attacker- driven activity desired Actions on Objectives • “Thinking like an attacker” • The likelihood of being caught & ROI ? • What's the best way to test the attack method ? • Enumeration of the organisation • Identify valuable/vulnerable assets • Establish how to get the information out • Acceptance that defences may not be sufficient and thus detection and diagnosis are key • Rapid detection means less cost, more chance to mitigate, better chance of recovery • Dealing with both external and insider threats • Need to consider the “indicators of compromise” at each stage • Anomalies detected • Events on boundary egress points • Critical documents / information silos • System performance and health • Activity levels, session lengths, traffic and flow patterns
  • 5. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 5 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Leverage Threat Intelligence Consider ‘Indicators of Compromise’ Optimise and Automate Incident response Agenda - Three Components
  • 6. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 6 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Threat Intelligence Integration of external TI feeds for detection AND analysis purposes to aid efficient operations Capture of static or dynamic internal information and intelligence on threats and risks Operational incident detection and analysis process generate real-time, interpreted Threat Intelligence Automation and confidence in alerting, detection and escalation processes
  • 7. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 7 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Internal & Contextual • Import and cross-reference to (internal) state databases • E.g. users of different types, physical/location status, risk levels, system sensitivities, even self-created lists of systems that are the subject of incidents and investigations • Recent use case was a list of users who are “under increased vigilance” • Integration of vulnerability assessment tools • Network capture to derive asset information, deduce port usage, flow statistics in real time • Provides understanding of likely vulnerability/threat • Understanding of ongoing incidents and system statuses/risks • Integrated information from specific security/capture solutions • Active response to capture real-time alert data • Camera images • System configuration, process, network sessions, file system snapshot Internal Intelligence Databases Contextual Vulnerability, Incident and Asset Data Internal Security, Malware and Attack Context
  • 8. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 8 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. • Import of external data for use in detection, correlation and alerting • Compromised sites, malicious URLs, phishing sources, IP reputations • Ensure you “know what everyone else knows” – throughout the kill chain (diagnosis and response) • Open source and/or commercial feeds • Mapping from IP address to world location • Make decisions based on risk profiles or known operational locations External Threat Intelligence External Geographic Information External Threat Intelligence Sources
  • 9. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 9 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Leverage Threat Intelligence Consider ‘Indicators of Compromise’ Optimise and Automate Incident response Agenda - Three Components
  • 10. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 10 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Activity to/from risky or strange locations Personal sensitivities (role, seniority, access) Patterns of traffic between IP address pairs Session durations Data flow volumes and directions Activity on sensitive internal hosts Number of files open(ed) Number of pages or documents printed Query/search results (numbers) User account group membership activity Use of media like USB/CD Connections to cloud-based storage Indicators of Compromise Think how an Insider might behave, what they might do, how they would steal data What might be the early signs of an external attack or Trojan, APT, spear phishing activity
  • 11. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 11 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Monitor / learn behavioural profile automatically to create a dynamic baseline of system behaviour Continuously updated as the environment changes Correlating with other events, detections for any deviations from the “normal” baseline to alert operators Detecting Anomalous Behaviour Hard in complex systems for analysts: To know the network To estimate thresholds Have to constantly re-write rules Make safe/reliable assumptions Attack nature can be more easily predictable Start from the Indicator of Compromise – or IoC - for APTs, zero-day & insider threats Indicators and behaviours play a role at different stages of the kill chain
  • 12. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 12 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Leverage Threat Intelligence Consider ‘Indicators of Compromise’ Optimise and Automate Incident response Agenda - Three Components
  • 13. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 13 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Automating Responses Manual analysis and triage Automatic response (can be risky) Suspicion / Detection Automatic information/context gathering Making changes, turning things off, closing sessions can help, but may impact normal business System, user, process, network information is transient – needs to be gathered at the time (later is no use) Manual response Making sense of the data to understand the incident and effect appropriate containment/investigation/remediatio n
  • 14. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 14 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Process efficiency: Automating as much as possible and streamlining everything else More than just purely “actively responding” closing sessions, disrupting attacker, disabling user accounts... Key use case: Gather data/context “at the time of an alert” ... Webcam photo, screen shot System configuration, running processes, network sessions ... and from “just before” i.e. caching a rolling data set (e.g. network traffic) and freezing it when an alert occurs Note: Only really works with real-time analysis and detection systems You have a way to work with the dataset that is collected Automatic Response
  • 15. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 15 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. To close ...
  • 16. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 16 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Remember the “kill chain” concept Cyber Kill Chain – sequential chain of events for successful attack © Lockheed Martin Monitor, detect and respond throughout attack lifecycle Pre-Compromise Post-CompromiseCompromise
  • 17. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 17 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. What will “good” look like? More Confident/Reliable Detection • Given that “something” has been detected have to decide if it is significant (with confidence) • “Potential incident” investigated based on the surrounding or associated contextual data • Maximise use of established data sources and automation: • Swifter “confirmed detection” • Fewer false positives/negatives • Single view of information across sources • Throughout the kill chain, and as early as possible Earlier Understanding /Faster Analysis • Anticipate obvious questions for triage, analysis, escalation process • Predictable requests dealt with automatically • Pre-emptive information gathering • Leverage data available from at / before the time of incident: • Screen shots, systems’ configurations, file contents, network sessions, open files ... • Focus staff concentration on decision making rather than manual information gathering
  • 18. © 2014 Tier-3 Pty Ltd, All rights reserved 18 Intelligent Security. We deliver it. Thank you Piers Wilson +44 (0) 7800 508517 +44 (0) 118 900 1550

Editor's Notes

  1. Foot printing Art of Gathering information Profile your intranet/extranet Determining your security posture Critical to foot printing are:- Network Domain Your Website IP Ranges Blocks Access Controls IDS SCANNING:- Ping and Port Sweeps Enumeration Probing your Network