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- Sundar
•   Systems in real-time data management , on
    which our day to day activities depend :
    – Water plants
    – Gas
    – Electric grids
    – Refineries
    – Nuclear plants
    – Large manufacturing plants
    – Traffic control Systems
   Vitek boden took over the entire control system
    in Australia and released the sewage water into
    drinking water
   Slammer worm disabled the safety monitoring
    system of Ohio's Davis Besse nuclear plant for
    nearly 5 hrs in Jan 2003
   Gas pipelines in Russia was controlled by a
    hacker for 24 hrs in 1999
SCADA systems are often physically distributed over large
areas, making hysical security a challenge. Simple
vandalism is a real/well known risk: -- “[…] vandals shot
out approximately 80 individual insulators on the BPA
Cougar-Thurston 115,000 volt transmission line causing it to
go out of service at that time. The vandalism occurred near
Cougar Dam, which is approximately 25 miles east of
Eugene. BPA crews replaced the damaged insulators at an
estimated cost of $6,000. Even though no electrical service to
EWEB and Lane Electric Cooperative customers was
disrupted by the vandalism.
            Eugene Water and Electric had to purchase
additional power to serve its customers during the 13 hours
that it took to repair the damaged line.”

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Cyber Security: Differences between Industrial Control Systems and ICT Approach
Cyber Security: Differences between Industrial Control Systems and ICT ApproachCyber Security: Differences between Industrial Control Systems and ICT Approach
Cyber Security: Differences between Industrial Control Systems and ICT Approach

This document discusses the differences between industrial control systems (ICS) and information technology (IT) in terms of cyber security. ICS are used in industrial production to control systems like SCADA and DCS, while IT refers to general business computing. Key differences are that ICS have stricter availability requirements, longer lifecycles, proprietary protocols and specialized software. The document also notes that modern ICS now leverage more off-the-shelf IT components and standards, making them more interconnected and vulnerable to cyber threats like hacking. Finally, it presents ABB's approach to ICS cyber security which includes assessment, first aid services, monitoring with Industrial Defender, and lifelong maintenance through assessment and training.

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Industrial Control System Security Overview
Industrial Control System Security OverviewIndustrial Control System Security Overview
Industrial Control System Security Overview

Industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems face security threats due to outdated protocols with no encryption, long lifespans of 40 years without updates, and systems left unpatched due to maintainability concerns. The researcher worked on a European project with an Austrian electrical distributor to access a real-world testbed. Using custom plugins, they were able to launch a man-in-the-middle attack to hide an earth fault from operators by spoofing ARP packets and manipulating traffic. Signature-based detection is insufficient for ICS/SCADA systems, so anomaly detection using machine learning is being explored to identify suspicious traffic like malware or backdoors on the typically consistent and predictable ICS

securitybelfastcyber security summit
Should I Patch My ICS?
Should I Patch My ICS?Should I Patch My ICS?
Should I Patch My ICS?

The document discusses whether patching control systems is an effective security practice given the challenges of securing industrial control systems. It makes three key points: 1. Patching insecure-by-design devices provides minimal risk reduction since attackers can achieve their goals by exploiting legitimate system features rather than vulnerabilities. 2. Most industrial control systems operate within an insecure-by-design zone, so patching may not prevent attacks since attackers do not need to exploit systems to cause damage. 3. Many control system components have low impact even if compromised, so patching provides little benefit given the effort. Prioritizing patching for systems directly accessible from untrusted networks is recommended over broadly patching everything.

scada securitysans ics summitdale peterson
•   -- „A Washington man who admitted to tampering
    with more than 20 high-voltage transmission towers in
    four Western states said yesterday he was trying to
    point out the power system's vulnerabilities. "I
    intended to loosen the bolts and by doing so illustrate
    the vulnerabilities of these towers," Poulin told the
•   Poulin said in a telephone interview before his arrest
    that he considered his actions necessary to point out
    that he was able to damage the towers despite being
    "62 years old, overweight, arthritic, diabetic, half-blind
    and a cancer patient living on a minimum of 12
    medication pills a day.“‟
“Starting around 14:14, FE [FirstEnergy] control room operators lost
the alarm function that provided audible and visual indications when a
significant piece of equipment changed from an acceptable to problematic
status. Analysis of the alarm problem performed by FE after the
blackout suggests that the alarm processor essentially “stalled” while
processing an alarm event. With the software unable to complete that
alarm event and move to the next one, the alarm processor buffer
filled and eventually overflowed. After 14:14, the FE control computer
displays did not receive any further alarms, nor were any alarms being
printed or posted on the EMS‟s alarm logging facilities.
“FE operators relied heavily on the alarm processor for situational
awareness, since they did not have any other large-scale visualization tool
such as a dynamic map board. The operators would have been only
partially handicapped without the alarm processor, had they known it had
failed. However, by not knowing that they were operating without an alarm
processor, the operators did not recognize system conditions were
changing and were not receptive to information received later from MISO
and neighboring systems. The operators were unaware that in this
situation they needed to manually, and more closely, monitor and
interpret the SCADA information they were receiving.”
NERC_Final_Blackout_Report_07_13_04.pdf [emphasis added]
   Traditionally network and security folks
    have focused virtually all our attention on
    the “enterprise” side of the network,
    ignoring the parallel “hidden” half of the
    network associated with process control
    systems and embedded systems.
   Process control systems and embedded
    systems use different protocols, and no one
    ever really mentioned them. They were out
    of sight and out of mind, and managed by
    hardware guys.
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N

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Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. - 2016 Top 10 Critical Infrastructures and SCADA/ICS Cyber Security Vulnerabilities & Threats

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IT vs. OT: ICS Cyber Security in TSOs
IT vs. OT: ICS Cyber Security in TSOsIT vs. OT: ICS Cyber Security in TSOs
IT vs. OT: ICS Cyber Security in TSOs

The document discusses cyber security issues related to industrial control systems (ICS) and critical infrastructures. It notes the increasing interdependence between critical infrastructures and the potential for cyber threats to cause disruptions. The document outlines the heterogeneous nature of ICS/SCADA environments and some historical reasons they were considered secure. However, technological changes like increased connectivity now expose these systems to threats. The document advocates a "defense-in-depth" approach to secure ICS, including segregating networks, controlling remote access, and adopting security practices from frameworks. Failure to properly secure ICS could allow threats to cause availability issues, data loss or corruption, and operational disruptions impacting public safety.

cyber securityit systemot sytem
Guide scada and_industrial_control_systems_security
Guide scada and_industrial_control_systems_securityGuide scada and_industrial_control_systems_security
Guide scada and_industrial_control_systems_security

This document provides guidance for securing industrial control systems such as SCADA and DCS. It identifies threats and vulnerabilities to these systems and recommends security countermeasures. ICSs often control critical infrastructure systems and face risks due to increased network connectivity and standardized protocols. The document outlines developing a security program including assessing risks, deploying controls, and network segmentation best practices to isolate control systems from other networks.

•   Supervisory control and data acquisition is
    defined as a common process control
    application that collects data from sensors from
    the remote locations and sends them to remote
    central console for management and control.
•   Mainly used large scale distributed
    measurement and control system spread over
•   Control of complex dynamic critical
    infrastructure systems
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N
   Physical Control Measurements such as
       RTU,MTU, PLC
       Measure Voltage, Adjust Valve, flip switch
   Normally based on Windows , Linux or Unix
   Human Machine Interfaces
   Transport mediums
        Analog , serial, internet, wifi, radio etc

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Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
Cybersecurity in Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

Presented at ISACA's EuroCACS 2015 (Copenhaguen). Understand the impact of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) on the security ecosystem. Expand the knowledge on SCADA systems and how cyberattacks can have physical consequences, bridging the cyber and physical worlds.

isacacybersecuritycyber security

This document summarizes a presentation on cyber security in real-time systems. It discusses threats to industrial control systems and SCADA systems, and the differences between traditional IT and industrial control system cultures. It provides examples of attacks on industrial control systems and poor monitoring of SCADA systems. It suggests that security operations centers may provide common ground between IT and ICS. Finally, it discusses recent media reports relating to hacking of rail signaling systems and aircraft systems.

Hacker Halted 2016 - How to get into ICS security
Hacker Halted 2016 - How to get into ICS securityHacker Halted 2016 - How to get into ICS security
Hacker Halted 2016 - How to get into ICS security

This talk is about how to get into ICS security, whether you’re a control system engineer or an IT security analyst. It will cover the basic paths you can take to get involved, including some helpful resources and standards to help get you started. The ICS Security industry needs more people to help protect Critical Infrastructure!

   SCADA devices are often controlled from
    central monitoring stations (MTUs, or “master
    terminal units”).
   Historically those were Unix-based systems,
    but many contemporary MTUs are now
    Microsoft Windows based.
   “The end-of-life for Windows NT is having a
    big impact on the industry.”
   Because SCADA devices with embedded controllers tend to
    have limited computational power,
   Connected via low speed serial lines,
   SCADA protocols tend to be quite simple, with little or no
    protection against spoofing, replay attacks, or a variety of
    denial of service attacks.
   „In a demonstration at a recent security conference, [Jeff
    Dagle, a PNNL EE] hacked into his testbed system and
    tripped an electrical breaker. The breaker then signaled the
    SCADA software that it had opened. But the SCADA
    controller did not respond because it had not instructed the
    breaker to open. It was a classic denial-of-service attack. "We
    were demonstrating a weakness at the protocol level itself,"
    said Dagle.‟
   Industrial plants, and the instrumentation they include, tend
    to be long life cycle projects – ten, fifteen or twenty year
    project lives are by no means uncommon.
   by the time the facility is finally decommissioned, there‟s no
    provision for refreshing those devices the way you might
    upgrade out of date PCs in some office.
   „"Anti-virus software doesn't work on these SCADA
    systems,“ said Robert Childs, information security analyst at
    the Public Service Company of New Mexico, who spoke at
    NetSec about the challenges in working with SCADA
    vendors to get them to comply with the new rules. "Many of
    these systems are based on old Intel 8088 processors, and
    security options are limited to us.“‟
   Remote devices (RTUs and PLCs) also tend to
    be hard to upgrade : --
   The device may use an OS and application that
    was burned to ROM, and which is not
    rewritable (“upgrade” == replacing ROMs) –
   The device may be physically sealed and not
   Or be located in a difficult location, or have no
    removable media ---
   The vendor may no longer be in business, or
    may not be producing upgrades,
   Or the vendor may not be allowing upgrades

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Securing Industrial Control Systems
Securing Industrial Control SystemsSecuring Industrial Control Systems
Securing Industrial Control Systems

This slideshow was presented February 2, 2016 and developed for the Iowa Infragard team and discusses the Importance of Security Cyber-Physical Control systems, Elements of a control system, the manufacturing supply chain and consequences of cyber attacks in industrial environments. Please feel free to reach out with questions or comments.

ICS security
ICS securityICS security
ICS security

Industrial control systems (ICS) are used to control industrial processes and manufacturing equipment. They face unique security challenges compared to traditional IT systems due to their real-time operation and custom hardware and software. This document discusses several past ICS cyber attacks and identifies vulnerabilities in ICS security architecture, configuration management, patch management, and change testing. Proper ICS security requires a cross-functional team approach and careful management of the specialized ICS environment.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing in online SCADA ICS Environm...
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Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing in online SCADA ICS Environm...

This webinar will help you get more informed on PenTesting in SCADA and also best practices and methods used on risk assessment. Learning about the criticality in industry, makes you more flexible to boost the skills. Main points covered: • The SCADA ICS function in critical infrastructure industry • Risk exposure of IT vs. SCADA ICS from Cyber Security Perspective • Do's and don’ts of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing in SCADA ICS Environment Presenter: This webinar was presented by Pedro Putu Wirya, an IT and ICS Security Consultant with an extensive experience in ISMS, and PECB Certified Trainer. Link of the recorded session published on YouTube:

scada icspentesting in scadamethods used on risk assessment
   In some cases the patches require approval from
    external bodies such as FDA which might delay the
   An example from the embedded system world:
    “Health care IT professionals say medical device
    makers prohibit them from changing the systems and
    even from running anti-virus software in some cases.
    These IT administrators say manufacturers often are
    slow to supply software patch updates and routinely
    claim the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    requires approval of patch-base changes. However the
    FDA says it has no such rules…”
   Owing to need for positive access and
    control, there is a trend toward simple,
    known, and shared passwords.
   Users like to avoid situations such as: “Do
    you know the password to turn off the
    nuclear reactor before it melts down? I
    forgot mine today…”
   Very poor authentication protocols
   Legacy systems are used which have very well
    known vulnerabilities (platform dependency)
   Systems not patched regularly
   Sometimes quite a few nodes are exposed to
    external environment for debug points , that
    are used for attacks
   No standard or minimal standards of
    encryption are used in the applications
   There‟s also the sheer issue of managing
    passwords for thousands of devices –
    passwords will tend to be common across
    devices as a practical matter
   And of course those passwords aren‟t changed
    very often (if at all), even when staff
    transitions occur or years have gone by…
   And always tend to have simple and easy to
    remember passwords for authorization.

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Secure Systems Security and ISA99- IEC62443
Secure Systems Security and ISA99- IEC62443Secure Systems Security and ISA99- IEC62443
Secure Systems Security and ISA99- IEC62443

With the new Industrial Network standards like ISA-IEC62443 companies are evolving their IT and OT networks to face evolving threats. This presentation will cover industrial networking best practices, secure architectures and segregation techniques that can be used by all businesses to prevent a minor business network breach from becoming an industrial catastrophe. Topics Covered in this Seminar Include: Overview Of Cyber Threat Introduction - ISA IEC Industrial Control Security Standards An Example - Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) ISA/IEC 62443-3-2 Network Separation - An APT countermeasure The next step in APT defenses System Certification to ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Standards ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Standards Current Efforts The Future of ISA/IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Standards

Industrial Control Security USA Sacramento California Oct 13/14
Industrial Control Security USA Sacramento California Oct 13/14Industrial Control Security USA Sacramento California Oct 13/14
Industrial Control Security USA Sacramento California Oct 13/14

This document provides information about the Industrial Control Cybersecurity conference to be held on October 13-14, 2015 in Sacramento, California. The conference will address key topics such as vulnerability detection and mitigation in critical infrastructure sectors like energy, oil, gas, electric and water. It will feature presentations from industry and government leaders as well as cybersecurity experts. The goal is to enhance public-private collaboration and information sharing to improve security of national infrastructure systems.

Cyber security of power grid
Cyber security of power gridCyber security of power grid
Cyber security of power grid

This document discusses cyber security concerns regarding smart grid technology integration. It outlines how increased data sharing and connectivity between new and legacy systems introduces new cyber vulnerabilities. It then summarizes existing cyber security standards from organizations like ISO, NERC, and IEC that can provide frameworks for addressing these vulnerabilities. Finally, it notes challenges integrating new technologies with legacy systems and the need for a strategic roadmap to help guide secure technology adoption.

cyber securitypower systempower grid
   In many cases, SCADA traffic will be on just
    one port such as 502/tcp (e.g., Modbus/TCP).
   The use of a single port (or just a couple of
    ports) makes it easy to track that traffic, or to
    poke a hole in firewalls to allow that traffic to
   Also makes it easy for the bad guys to scan for
    connected devices, and it makes it impossible
    to do port-based selective filtering.
•   One false data one mess up the whole of the system
    rather than one single unit Can bring down the whole
•   The disruption could be due to natural events, such as
    hurricanes, earth quakes, and wild fires or due to man-
    made malicious events, such as physical destructions
    or electronic intrusions into infrastructure systems.
    Identifying, understanding, and analyzing such
    interdependencies among infrastructure systems pose
    significant challenges [2-4].
•   These challenges are greatly magnified by the
    geographical expanse and complexity of individual
    infrastructures and the nature of coupling among
    them. The rest of the discussion focuses on electric
    power infrastructure.
   Much of what‟s being faced in the SCADA
    world has already been hashed through and
    fixed in the enterprise IT world. Those
    solutions, where suitable, need to be “thrown
    over the wall” to SCADA networks and
    systems so SCADA folks don‟t “reinvent the
    wheel.” We need to visit with our process
    control brethren.
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N

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Practical Approaches to Securely Integrating Business and Production
Practical Approaches to Securely Integrating Business and ProductionPractical Approaches to Securely Integrating Business and Production
Practical Approaches to Securely Integrating Business and Production

Presented @ 2016 ISA Process Control & Safety Symposium, November 10, 2016 The exchange of key information between business operations, suppliers, customers, production, and ultimately the production equipment itself can provide significant financial and productivity advantages. This presentation will discuss some practical approaches to utilizing the cyber security principles from ISA/IEC 62443 in order to integrate the business and production environments. It will also present some of the different solutions for meeting a variety of scenarios, such as data historians, patching/updating, and remote maintenance.

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CyberSecurity Best Practices for the IIoT

In today’s connected world, cyber security is a topic that nobody can afford to ignore. In recent years the number and frequency of attacks on industrial devices and other critical infrastructure has risen dramatically. Recent news stories about hackers shutting down critical infrastructure have left many companies wondering if they are vulnerable to similar attacks. In this webinar we will discuss the most common security threats and unique challenges in securing industrial networks. We will introduce the current standards and share some useful resources and best practices for addressing industrial cyber security. Key Takeaways: 1. Gain perspective regarding common security threats facing industrial networks. 2. Learn about the relevant standards governing industrial cyber security. 3. Increase understanding of some best practices for securing industrial networks.

smart factoryindustry 4.0iiot
Cyber Security for SCADA
Cyber Security for SCADACyber Security for SCADA
Cyber Security for SCADA

The document discusses cyber security risks for SCADA systems used in water and wastewater treatment plants. Modern SCADA systems now use open network protocols and wireless connectivity, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. The most destructive cyber attack targeted Siemens PLCs at an Iranian nuclear facility using a infected USB drive. If a water treatment plant's SCADA system is compromised, it could lead to over or under dosing of chemicals, loss of water pressure, or disabled alarms. Mott MacDonald offers cyber security risk analyses and programs to help clients address vulnerabilities and obtain federal funding to implement solutions.

   DNP3
   TASE 2.0 / ICCP
   User
   UI (Generally known as Man Machine Interface
    - MMI)
   Master Terminal Unit (MTU)
       Interfaces remote units and collects data from them
   Remote Terminal Unit
    – Interfaces the remote sensors to the MTU
    – Communication channel
    – Such as internet (mostly clear text), BUS channels
   Mostly based on request response protocol
   Does not validate the if the person requesting
    info is genuine or not
   Just throws info when requested
   No data encryption
   So easily one could poison the BUS data or set
    the system to reset.
   Inject false data into the BUS and create a
   Modify the data coming from the RTU
   Denial of service
   Exploit Protocol anomalies
   Shut down RTU`s , MTU`s

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ANSI/ISA-99 and Intrinsically Secure Systems (May 2009)
ANSI/ISA-99 and Intrinsically Secure Systems (May 2009)ANSI/ISA-99 and Intrinsically Secure Systems (May 2009)
ANSI/ISA-99 and Intrinsically Secure Systems (May 2009)

This presentation explains the ANSI/ISA-99 and IEC 62443 standards for industrial control systems (ICS). It describes the Zone and Conduit security model and how it is used in an plant or factory. As well, the issues of security configuration errors are discussed. A case history of zone security deployment for a Safety Integrated System in a refinery is provided. For additional information see

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Evolution of protective systems in petro chem
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Evolution of protective systems in petro chem

Electrical protective or emergency shutdown systems are utilized throughout the petrochemical industry for safety and to avoid severe environmental and/or economic events. Requirements fur these critical systems are that they work every time, on demand, and do not initiate nuisance events. These requirements were difficult to achieve in most early systems but the systems have improved over the years. Emergency shutdown system design has been unregulated in the U.S., but new standards will require strict guidelines for design, application, docllmentation, and software testing and control.

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Scada slide
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Scada slide

SCADA systems are used to monitor and control equipment and processes in industries like oil/gas, water treatment, and manufacturing. They gather data in real-time from remote locations and send control commands back. SCADA has evolved through 3 generations from standalone monolithic systems to distributed systems on local networks to today's networked systems using open standards and wide area networks. Security issues need to be addressed like encrypting communications, securing devices, auditing networks, and implementing threat protection. The future of SCADA involves more sophisticated systems that can handle huge data volumes and territories with some having artificial intelligence capabilities.

   The MODBUS protocol defines a simple Protocol Data Unit (PDU) independent
    of the underlying communication layers. The mapping of MODBUS protocol on
    specific buses or networks can introduce some additional fields on the
    Application Data Unit (ADU).
   The client that initiates a MODBUS transaction builds the MODBUS Application
    Data Unit. The function code indicates to the server which kind of action to
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N
Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N

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SCADA Systems and its security!
SCADA Systems and its security!SCADA Systems and its security!
SCADA Systems and its security!

This document provides an overview of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, including basic terminology, components, architecture, communication protocols, applications, security vulnerabilities, and threats. It defines sensors, actuators, relays, PLCs, HMIs, RTUs. It describes the typical SCADA architecture with a master system collecting data from remote units via communication networks. Examples of common industrial protocols like Modbus are provided. Applications of SCADA for monitoring, control, alarm handling and data logging are outlined. Security risks from malware, insiders, hackers and terrorists exploiting vulnerabilities in old operating systems and web interfaces are summarized. The 2015 Ukraine grid cyberattack is reviewed as a case study.

scadaplcsecuring scada

This document discusses trends in threats to SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems. It notes that as SCADA systems increasingly use commercial off-the-shelf software and connect to the internet, they have become more vulnerable to cyber threats. The document outlines how SCADA systems work and components like RTUs, PLCs, and HMIs. It also discusses issues like the mistaken belief that SCADA systems are secure due to physical security or isolation from the internet. The conclusion suggests that as capabilities and opportunities for threats increase, the future operational environment will be more vulnerable if an actor emerges with the intent to cause harm.

DHS ICS Security Presentation
DHS ICS Security PresentationDHS ICS Security Presentation
DHS ICS Security Presentation

The document provides an overview of control systems security from the perspective of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It discusses critical infrastructure sectors, risk drivers like modernization and globalization, vulnerability lifecycles, findings from control system assessments, and several cyber incidents involving control systems that impacted industrial operations. The department works to improve control system security through assessments, training, partnerships with industry, and developing guidance on topics like cyber forensics and firewall deployment.

•   Describes the encapsulation of a MODBUS request or
    response when it is carried on a MODBUS TCP/IP network.

•   A dedicated header is used on TCP/IP to identify the MODBUS Application
    Data Unit, called the MBAP header (MODBUS Application Protocol header).
   These challenging problems call for inter-
    disciplinary research collaboration between
    physical as well as cyber systems researchers,
    and call for laying strong foundation for inter-
    disciplinary educational program on cyber-
    enabled critical infrastructure systems focusing
    on protection, security, resiliency, and
   Defcon 15- T335 unraveling Scada protocols
   Sandia SCADA Program - High-Security SCADA
    LDRD Final Report by Rolf Carlson
   SCADA Security And terrorism - Internet Security
   Scada Security – by Joe St Sauver (uoregon
   Video Links :
     - Open SCADA Security Project

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For a number of years, some industries have used UPSs as a matter of course in applications requiring uninterrupted process control. These include power-generation facilities, both fossil and nuclear, and petrochemical plants and refineries. Recently, other types of industrial companies (pulp and paper mills, steel mills, pharmaceutical manufacturing and cogeneration facilities) have created a need for UPSs by incorporating DCSs into their plants to control their processes. Additional control equipment, such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, energy management systems (EMSs), boiler-control and microprocessor-based instrumentation, give power protection an even more important role in industry.

upsuninterruptible power

This document provides an introduction to the Table Definition Language (TDL) and Exchange Data Language (EDL) for use by Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems deployed using ANSI C12.19 tables and ANSI C12.22 networks. It defines key terms related to AMI, time-based pricing, load control, performance metrics, auditing, and legal units of measure. The presentation also outlines the TDL and EDL documents and import/export process, and discusses benefits of registering ANSI C12.19 data models using TDL and EDL.

ansi c12.18

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems have their own constrains and specifications. These systems control many of our critical industrial infrastructures, yet they are hardly secured. The biggest problem in securing these systems is the lack of cryptography support especially that most SCADA systems work in real-time which is not compatible with most cryptography algorithms. Additionally, a SCADA network may include a huge amount of embedded devices with little computational powers which adds to the cost of any security improvement. In this paper we present a new approach that would secure SCADA communications by coding information without the need of the complex cryptography algorithms. The reconfigurable information transmitter agent (RITA) protocol that we present does not need the already installed devices to be modified nor replaced, it only needs to add costless electrical chips to these devices. This approach can also be used to secure any type of communication that respects the protocol's constraints.

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Critical Infrastructure Security Talk At Null Bangalore 13 Feb 2010 Sundar N

  • 2. Systems in real-time data management , on which our day to day activities depend : – Water plants – Gas – Electric grids – Refineries – Nuclear plants – Large manufacturing plants – Traffic control Systems
  • 3. Vitek boden took over the entire control system in Australia and released the sewage water into drinking water  Slammer worm disabled the safety monitoring system of Ohio's Davis Besse nuclear plant for nearly 5 hrs in Jan 2003  Gas pipelines in Russia was controlled by a hacker for 24 hrs in 1999
  • 4. SCADA systems are often physically distributed over large areas, making hysical security a challenge. Simple vandalism is a real/well known risk: -- “[…] vandals shot out approximately 80 individual insulators on the BPA Cougar-Thurston 115,000 volt transmission line causing it to go out of service at that time. The vandalism occurred near Cougar Dam, which is approximately 25 miles east of Eugene. BPA crews replaced the damaged insulators at an estimated cost of $6,000. Even though no electrical service to EWEB and Lane Electric Cooperative customers was disrupted by the vandalism. Eugene Water and Electric had to purchase additional power to serve its customers during the 13 hours that it took to repair the damaged line.” NewsRelease.cfm?ReleaseNo=297
  • 5. -- „A Washington man who admitted to tampering with more than 20 high-voltage transmission towers in four Western states said yesterday he was trying to point out the power system's vulnerabilities. "I intended to loosen the bolts and by doing so illustrate the vulnerabilities of these towers," Poulin told the judge. • Poulin said in a telephone interview before his arrest that he considered his actions necessary to point out that he was able to damage the towers despite being "62 years old, overweight, arthritic, diabetic, half-blind and a cancer patient living on a minimum of 12 medication pills a day.“‟ • 73_transmission20m.html
  • 6. “Starting around 14:14, FE [FirstEnergy] control room operators lost the alarm function that provided audible and visual indications when a significant piece of equipment changed from an acceptable to problematic status. Analysis of the alarm problem performed by FE after the blackout suggests that the alarm processor essentially “stalled” while processing an alarm event. With the software unable to complete that alarm event and move to the next one, the alarm processor buffer filled and eventually overflowed. After 14:14, the FE control computer displays did not receive any further alarms, nor were any alarms being printed or posted on the EMS‟s alarm logging facilities. “FE operators relied heavily on the alarm processor for situational awareness, since they did not have any other large-scale visualization tool such as a dynamic map board. The operators would have been only partially handicapped without the alarm processor, had they known it had failed. However, by not knowing that they were operating without an alarm processor, the operators did not recognize system conditions were changing and were not receptive to information received later from MISO and neighboring systems. The operators were unaware that in this situation they needed to manually, and more closely, monitor and interpret the SCADA information they were receiving.” NERC_Final_Blackout_Report_07_13_04.pdf [emphasis added]
  • 7. Traditionally network and security folks have focused virtually all our attention on the “enterprise” side of the network, ignoring the parallel “hidden” half of the network associated with process control systems and embedded systems.  Process control systems and embedded systems use different protocols, and no one ever really mentioned them. They were out of sight and out of mind, and managed by hardware guys.
  • 9. Supervisory control and data acquisition is defined as a common process control application that collects data from sensors from the remote locations and sends them to remote central console for management and control. • Mainly used large scale distributed measurement and control system spread over geographies • Control of complex dynamic critical infrastructure systems
  • 12. Physical Control Measurements such as  RTU,MTU, PLC  Measure Voltage, Adjust Valve, flip switch  Normally based on Windows , Linux or Unix  Human Machine Interfaces  Transport mediums Analog , serial, internet, wifi, radio etc
  • 13. SCADA devices are often controlled from central monitoring stations (MTUs, or “master terminal units”).  Historically those were Unix-based systems, but many contemporary MTUs are now Microsoft Windows based.  “The end-of-life for Windows NT is having a big impact on the industry.”
  • 14. Because SCADA devices with embedded controllers tend to have limited computational power,  Connected via low speed serial lines,  SCADA protocols tend to be quite simple, with little or no protection against spoofing, replay attacks, or a variety of denial of service attacks.  „In a demonstration at a recent security conference, [Jeff Dagle, a PNNL EE] hacked into his testbed system and tripped an electrical breaker. The breaker then signaled the SCADA software that it had opened. But the SCADA controller did not respond because it had not instructed the breaker to open. It was a classic denial-of-service attack. "We were demonstrating a weakness at the protocol level itself," said Dagle.‟  vs/scadavs.html
  • 15. Industrial plants, and the instrumentation they include, tend to be long life cycle projects – ten, fifteen or twenty year project lives are by no means uncommon.  by the time the facility is finally decommissioned, there‟s no provision for refreshing those devices the way you might upgrade out of date PCs in some office.  „"Anti-virus software doesn't work on these SCADA systems,“ said Robert Childs, information security analyst at the Public Service Company of New Mexico, who spoke at NetSec about the challenges in working with SCADA vendors to get them to comply with the new rules. "Many of these systems are based on old Intel 8088 processors, and security options are limited to us.“‟ ml
  • 16. Remote devices (RTUs and PLCs) also tend to be hard to upgrade : --  The device may use an OS and application that was burned to ROM, and which is not rewritable (“upgrade” == replacing ROMs) –  The device may be physically sealed and not upgradeable,  Or be located in a difficult location, or have no removable media ---  The vendor may no longer be in business, or may not be producing upgrades,  Or the vendor may not be allowing upgrades
  • 17. In some cases the patches require approval from external bodies such as FDA which might delay the upgrades.  An example from the embedded system world: “Health care IT professionals say medical device makers prohibit them from changing the systems and even from running anti-virus software in some cases. These IT administrators say manufacturers often are slow to supply software patch updates and routinely claim the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires approval of patch-base changes. However the FDA says it has no such rules…”  alpatch.html
  • 18. Owing to need for positive access and control, there is a trend toward simple, known, and shared passwords.  Users like to avoid situations such as: “Do you know the password to turn off the nuclear reactor before it melts down? I forgot mine today…” n/ISA%20July%20Event.ppt
  • 19. Very poor authentication protocols  Legacy systems are used which have very well known vulnerabilities (platform dependency)  Systems not patched regularly  Sometimes quite a few nodes are exposed to external environment for debug points , that are used for attacks  No standard or minimal standards of encryption are used in the applications
  • 20. There‟s also the sheer issue of managing passwords for thousands of devices – passwords will tend to be common across devices as a practical matter  And of course those passwords aren‟t changed very often (if at all), even when staff transitions occur or years have gone by…  And always tend to have simple and easy to remember passwords for authorization.
  • 21. In many cases, SCADA traffic will be on just one port such as 502/tcp (e.g., Modbus/TCP).  The use of a single port (or just a couple of ports) makes it easy to track that traffic, or to poke a hole in firewalls to allow that traffic to pass,  Also makes it easy for the bad guys to scan for connected devices, and it makes it impossible to do port-based selective filtering.
  • 22. One false data one mess up the whole of the system rather than one single unit Can bring down the whole system. • The disruption could be due to natural events, such as hurricanes, earth quakes, and wild fires or due to man- made malicious events, such as physical destructions or electronic intrusions into infrastructure systems. Identifying, understanding, and analyzing such interdependencies among infrastructure systems pose significant challenges [2-4]. • These challenges are greatly magnified by the geographical expanse and complexity of individual infrastructures and the nature of coupling among them. The rest of the discussion focuses on electric power infrastructure.
  • 23. Much of what‟s being faced in the SCADA world has already been hashed through and fixed in the enterprise IT world. Those solutions, where suitable, need to be “thrown over the wall” to SCADA networks and systems so SCADA folks don‟t “reinvent the wheel.” We need to visit with our process control brethren.
  • 25. DNP3  MODBUS  TASE 2.0 / ICCP
  • 26. User  UI (Generally known as Man Machine Interface - MMI)  Master Terminal Unit (MTU)  Interfaces remote units and collects data from them  Remote Terminal Unit – Interfaces the remote sensors to the MTU – Communication channel – Such as internet (mostly clear text), BUS channels
  • 27. Mostly based on request response protocol  Does not validate the if the person requesting info is genuine or not  Just throws info when requested  No data encryption  So easily one could poison the BUS data or set the system to reset.  Inject false data into the BUS and create a havoc
  • 28. Modify the data coming from the RTU  Denial of service  Exploit Protocol anomalies  Shut down RTU`s , MTU`s
  • 29. The MODBUS protocol defines a simple Protocol Data Unit (PDU) independent of the underlying communication layers. The mapping of MODBUS protocol on specific buses or networks can introduce some additional fields on the Application Data Unit (ADU).  The client that initiates a MODBUS transaction builds the MODBUS Application Data Unit. The function code indicates to the server which kind of action to perform.
  • 33. Describes the encapsulation of a MODBUS request or response when it is carried on a MODBUS TCP/IP network. • A dedicated header is used on TCP/IP to identify the MODBUS Application Data Unit, called the MBAP header (MODBUS Application Protocol header).
  • 34. These challenging problems call for inter- disciplinary research collaboration between physical as well as cyber systems researchers, and call for laying strong foundation for inter- disciplinary educational program on cyber- enabled critical infrastructure systems focusing on protection, security, resiliency, and sustainability.
  • 35. Defcon 15- T335 unraveling Scada protocols  Page  ng_Implementation_Guide_V1_0b.pdf  Sandia SCADA Program - High-Security SCADA LDRD Final Report by Rolf Carlson  SCADA Security And terrorism - Internet Security Systems  Scada Security – by Joe St Sauver (uoregon University)  MODSCAN – DEFCON 2008
  • 36. Video Links :  - Open SCADA Security Project