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Connected Cars
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
William Whyte
Chief Scientist, Security Innovation
Mozilla Privacy Lab
October 20, 2016
About Security Innovation
• Software Security Experts
• 15 years research on software vulnerabilities
• Security testing methodology adopted by SAP,
Symantec, Microsoft, and McAfee
• Co-Created STRIDE and DREAD threat management methodologies
• Authors of 18 books; 10 co-authored with Microsoft
• Securing the Connected World
• Security Assessments
• Design Consulting
• Developer Training
• IoT, Mobile, Web, Automotive, Cloud
Automotive Center of Excellence
Our Connected Vehicle Credentials
• Technical author of the IEEE 1609.2 protocol
• US/EU Harmonization Task Group
• US Safety Pilot SCMS Model Deployment
• Aerolink security library – industry first
• NTRU Crypto Libraries – post quantum security
• Transportation Infrastructure Consulting
• Conformance testing
• Automotive penetration testing
• Embedded secure design consulting
• Embedded developer training
2017 Cadillac CTS
Cars are Part of the Internet of Things (IoT)
The network of physical objects or
"things" embedded with electronics,
software, sensors, and network
connectivity, collecting and
exchanging data

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Securing future connected vehicles and infrastructure
Securing future connected vehicles and infrastructureSecuring future connected vehicles and infrastructure
Securing future connected vehicles and infrastructure

Slides from a keynote I gave at AZ Infragard. Since this was a keynote, I tried to dazzle the audience by talking more about technology and portraying security only as part of the underlying architecture of cognitive autonomous systems.

autonomous systemssecurityreliability
Will future vehicles be secure?
Will future vehicles be secure?Will future vehicles be secure?
Will future vehicles be secure?

Will Future Vehicles Be Secure? There is active work within the automotive community to build security into the future connected and highly autonomous vehicles and several organizations are working on cybersecurity standards. Is it going to be enough to secure future vehicles? Join me to explore the intricacies of securing cyber-physical systems. Challenge the notion that today's tools and best practices are enough to protect connected vehicles and transportation infrastructure. Finally, discover what the industry can do to take security research to the next level and ensure a safe, secure future of transportation. In the last few years there have been increasing interest in security of modern vehicles with several high profile demonstrations of controlling breaking and steering of a vehicle remotely across large distances. A modern vehicle already consists of up to 100 ECUs and has 100 million lines of code and the complexity is only expected to increase. There have already been suggestions that we will see 300 million lines of code in a vehicle in 5 years. With the growth in complexity we will also see growth of the attack surface. Comparing to other digital or digitized industries such as datacenters, PC, mobile, Industrial Control Systems, automobiles have not yet been actively exploited, however vulnerabilities already have bene demonstrated by security researchers and when that happens such vulnerabilities quickly get weaponized opening door to consistent exploits. With the vehicles that weigh several tons and move such proposition is very scary and there is pressing need to advance security technology to prevent malicious actors from endangering human life. Learning Outcomes: Understand vehicle ECU and network architecture and challenges securing Highly Automated and Connected Vehicles Describe modern end-to-end security architecture for connected vehicles Understand evolution of the future security technologies

self-healing systemsautomotive security
Highly dependable automotive software
Highly dependable automotive softwareHighly dependable automotive software
Highly dependable automotive software

This document provides an overview of key topics in automotive software and security: 1. Cars now contain over 1 gigabyte of software code due to increasing automation, connectivity and data analytics capabilities. 2. As vehicles become more connected and automated, software complexity and security risks will continue growing substantially over the next 10-20 years. 3. Developing highly reliable and secure automotive software requires addressing challenges across computing, embedded systems, and functional safety.

automotiveautonomous systemscognitive systems
But of Course IoT is Vulnerable
Relative Complexity
F22 RaptorS-Class Mercedes
1.7 Million LoC6.5M Million LoC 100 Million LoC
787 Dreamliner
up to 100 ECUs
50 antennas, 15 frequencies
5 Networks
2 miles of cable
10+ Operating Systems
Exabyte of data per year
Connected Vehicle Market
$152 billion
$141 billion
$132 billion
$128 billion
$98 billion
Five-year Economic ValueNumber of Connected Cars
What Could Go Wrong?
• Theft
• Terrorism
• Revenge
• Mischief
• Extortion - Ransomware
• Insurance fraud
• Espionage
• Stalking
• Feature (de)activation
• Identity theft
• Counterfeiting

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Highly dependable automotive software
Highly dependable automotive softwareHighly dependable automotive software
Highly dependable automotive software

1) Autonomous vehicles require balancing supercomputing complexity, real-time performance, and functional safety. 2) Cyber-physical systems rely on four pillars: connectivity, monitoring, prediction, and self-optimization. 3) Ultra-reliable systems require qualities like self-healing, where the system can autonomously change its structure to maintain behavior despite failures.

securityreliabilityautomotive security
CRASHOVERRIDE Analysis of the Threat to Electric Grid Operations. Cyber-attac...
CRASHOVERRIDE Analysis of the Threat to Electric Grid Operations. Cyber-attac...CRASHOVERRIDE Analysis of the Threat to Electric Grid Operations. Cyber-attac...
CRASHOVERRIDE Analysis of the Threat to Electric Grid Operations. Cyber-attac...

Dragos, Inc. was notified by the Slovak anti-virus firm ESET of an ICS tailored malware on June 8th, 2017. The Dragos team was able to use this notification to find samples of the malware, identify new functionality and impact scenarios, and confirm that this was the malware employed in the December 17th, 2016 cyber-attack on the Kiev, Ukraine transmission substation which resulted in electric grid operations impact. This report serves as an industry report to inform the electric sector and security community of the potential implications of this malware and the appropriate details to have a nuanced discussion

electric grid operationscrashoverrideukraine
Functional Safety and Security process alignment
Functional Safety and Security process alignmentFunctional Safety and Security process alignment
Functional Safety and Security process alignment

This document discusses security and safety requirements for Intel systems. It describes performing threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA) along with hazard analysis and risk assessment (HARA) to define security and safety goals. Additionally, it proposes adding security mechanisms such as checking for file tampering and application trust when monitoring graphics systems to protect against threats.

sdlapplication lifecyclefunctional safety
Entry Points for Hackers
• Bluetooth
• Internet
• Wi-Fi
• Key fob
• Digital broadcasts
• Tire Pressure Monitors
• Tail light
• Diagnostic Port
• USB/SD card
• Aux input
• CAN Bus
• Other networks
• Mobile phone
The Hacker Threat
A	Sky	News	investigation	finds	that	
almost	half	the	89,000	vehicles	broken	
into	in	London	last	year	were	hacked	
Mindset Change
• Development time measured in months
• Hardware easily upgraded
• Virus and malware protection runs daily
with no end user disruption
• Easy to physically secure, single CPU
with limited external access
• Mature tools, little impact on speed
• Development time over 5 years
• Computing resources are fixed for life of
• Updating software cannot rely on
persistence of connectivity. Car must be
parked for safety.
• Hard to physically secure, multiple CPUs
all accessible via OBD2 port.
• Immature tools and slower processors
Application Security Practices
in the Automotive Industry
Agree* Disagree
My	company	makes	secure	software	a priority 54% 46%
Hackers	are	actively	targeting	automobiles 52% 20%
Automakers	know	less	about	security	than	others 39% 32%
It	is	possible	to	build	a	nearly	hack-proof	car 17% 55%
My	company	has	enough	trained	security	experts	 49% 23%
Should carmakers	be	held	liable	for	vulnerabilities 44% 49%
August	2016	survey
527	respondents
OEM									192
Suppliers		325
*	“Unsure”	responses	omitted
Very	difficult
Somewhat	difficult
Not	difficult
How	difficult	is	it	to	secure	automotive	applications	?

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The Top 20 Cyberattacks on Industrial Control Systems
The Top 20 Cyberattacks on Industrial Control SystemsThe Top 20 Cyberattacks on Industrial Control Systems
The Top 20 Cyberattacks on Industrial Control Systems

Executive Summary No industrial operation is free of risk, and different industrial enterprises may legitimately have different “appetites” for certain types of risks. Evaluating cyber risk in industrial control system (ICS) networks is difficult, considering their complex nature. For example, an evaluation can consider (explicitly or implicitly) up to hundreds of millions of branches of a complex attack tree modelling of cyberattacks interaction with cyber, physical, safety and protection equipment and processes. This paper was written to assist cyber professionals to understand and communicate the results of such risk assessments to non-technical business decision-makers. This paper proposes that cyber risk be communicated as a Design Basis Threat (DBT) line drawn through a representative “Top 20” set of cyberattacks spread across a spectrum of attack sophistication. These Top 20 attacks have been selected to represent cyber threats to industrial sites across a wide range of circumstances, consequences and sophistication. Many industrial cyber risk practitioners will find the list useful as-is, while expert practitioners may choose to adapt the list to their more detailed understanding of their own sites’ circumstances.

industrial control systemscyberattacks
Systems architecture with the functional safety/security emphasis
Systems architecture with the functional safety/security emphasisSystems architecture with the functional safety/security emphasis
Systems architecture with the functional safety/security emphasis

Systems Architecture with the Functional Safety-Security emphasis I was asked to give a talk on the unification of Functional Safety (FuSa) and Security for which I replied that two disciplines cannot be viewed separately from Systems Engineering. Instead of talking about safety/security interop, I explained how to build complex systems and how these systems fail. Only when you understand that we do not know how to build absolutely reliable systems and that eventually anything you create fails, you can understand how to add reliability and security mechanisms to your solutions. The summary of the presentation is:  Envision how your solution will be operated  Design for maintainability  Add safety concept  Add security mechanisms  Build for failure

systems architecturesystems engineeringfunctional safety
SDN Security: Two Sides of the Same Coin
SDN Security: Two Sides of the Same CoinSDN Security: Two Sides of the Same Coin
SDN Security: Two Sides of the Same Coin

When it comes to Software Defined Networking (SDN) Security there are two sides of the story. This webinar addresses both sides – what security vulnerabilities exist in modern SDN technologies and how SDN technologies can create new security protections. Also included are use cases that SDN solutions can provide and the new applications of SDN that can secure modern enterprise and data center environments. Presented by GTRI CTO, Scott Hogg, in a webinar on June 9, 2016. For more information, visit

software defined networkingit networkgtri
Organizational Alignment: What Gap?
Connected Cars: What Could Possibly Go Wrong
Challenges to Secure Automobile Software
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
Too	expensive
Adds	too	much	time
Lack	of		requirements
Lack	of	company	policy
Insufficient	resources
Pressure	to	release
Lack	of	skilled	people
“Pick	Top	3	challenges”
Who’s responsible for Security?
No	One!

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Slide Deck – Session 11 – FRSecure CISSP Mentor Program 2017
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Domain 5: Identity and Access Management - Review Access Control Methodologies, Access Control Models

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Cissp cbk final_exam-answers_v5.5
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This document contains a CISSP CBK review exam with 55 multiple choice questions covering various topics in cybersecurity. Some of the questions test knowledge of risk management, access controls, cryptography, security operations and incident response. The exam is assessing understanding of fundamental cybersecurity concepts as defined in the Common Body of Knowledge for the CISSP certification.

Cyber Security Threat Modeling
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Cyber Security Threat Modeling

This presentation provides overview about the different threat modeling approach with examples from Automotive. This presentation was given in IEEE VTS Event on 4 Sep - "Safe and Secure Automotive" Workshop

threat modelingtara
Some good news
Traffic Safety
• 32,000 US road deaths, and 3,800,000 injuries
• Fatalities and injuries = $300B/year
• Congestion = $230B/year
• Leading cause of death for ages 15-34 in US
Technology Evolution
Passive Active Proactive
A Most Promising Solution – V2X
• Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication
• Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I)
• Vehicle-to-RSE (road-side equipment)
• Vehicle-to-AMD (after-market device)
• Vehicle-to- VRU (vulnerable road user)
• New technology but 10 years in the making
• Allows cars to avoid invisible danger
• Uses short-range DSRC radio
• 10 situational messages per second/car
• Plan for mandatory adoption by 2020
• Privacy and Security are critical success

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Slide Deck – Session 12 – FRSecure CISSP Mentor Program 2017
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Slide Deck – Session 12 – FRSecure CISSP Mentor Program 2017

This document summarizes a CISSP mentor program session on security assessment and testing. It includes a 10 question quiz on topics like regression testing, fuzzing, static vs dynamic testing, and types of penetration testing. It also discusses a scenario about hiring a security firm to conduct a security assessment and penetration test of a bank's new web application. Key points covered include using a "flag" file instead of real data in a penetration test, the benefits of partial knowledge vs zero knowledge tests, and the proper response if an active compromise is discovered during a test.

information securityfrsecure llccissp
A look at current cyberattacks in Ukraine
A look at current cyberattacks in UkraineA look at current cyberattacks in Ukraine
A look at current cyberattacks in Ukraine

Kaspersky researchers have been monitoring the activity of APT actors, cybercriminals and hacktivists currently involved in the conflict in Ukraine. During this webinar, the Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) will share their findings on the most recent cyberattacks targeting Ukraine and present their observations, analysis and top findings. - The types of attacks that have been targeting Ukraine for the past few months - The results of analysis on destructive attacks and malware (HermeticWiper, etc...) - How organizations can defend themselves against cyberattacks GReAT, Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team, consists of 40 researchers based around the world that work on uncovering APTs, cyberespionage campaigns, major malware, ransomware and underground cybercriminal trends across the world.

Tools Of The Hardware Hacking Trade Final
Tools Of The Hardware Hacking Trade FinalTools Of The Hardware Hacking Trade Final
Tools Of The Hardware Hacking Trade Final

This document provides an overview of various tools that can be used for hardware hacking and analysis. It discusses tools for tasks like information gathering, device teardown, interface monitoring and analysis, and firmware extraction. Specific tools covered include oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, protocol analyzers, the Bus Pirate, USB-to-serial adapters, software defined radios, soldering equipment, device programmers, debug tools, and imaging equipment like x-rays and electron microscopes. Examples are given of how several of these tools have been used in past hardware analyses and attacks. The document concludes by encouraging the reader to set up a hardware hacking lab and collaborate with others to stay up-to-date on new tools and techniques.

Our main setting: Vehicle-to-Anything
Illustrations	from
V2X Sample Use Cases
• Intersection Movement Assist
• Emergency Brake Light notification
• Forward Collision warning
• Rain, Ice, Fog and Pothole warnings
• Do Not Pass warning
• Eco driving
• Truck platooning
V2X Executive Commentary
“The most important safety improvement in
automobiles since the seatbelt”
- Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx
“There is no safety without security”
- Jose Manuel Barrosa
Former President of the European Commission
V2V: the worries
• Security
• Will hackers be able to take
control of my car?
• Will terrorists be able to cause
mass havoc
• Privacy
• Will the government be able to
track my every move?
• Will I be issued automatic
speeding tickets everywhere?

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This document proposes an analysis contracts approach to address inter-domain vulnerabilities in cyber-physical systems. It describes analyzing a braking subsystem to determine sensor trustworthiness and secure control. Formal analysis contracts specify inputs, outputs, assumptions and guarantees for failure mode analysis, trustworthiness analysis and secure control analysis. The contracts approach aims to verify analyses are correctly executed to prevent vulnerabilities introduced offline from being exploited online. Future work includes developing richer behavioral and probabilistic contracts and validating the approach on other systems.

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No Safety Without Security
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No Safety Without Security

Ed Adams, CEO of Security Innovation joins forces with Neil Lakomiak of Underwriters Laboratories and Doug Pluta of Cisco to discuss the Internet of Things (IoT) from a safety and security perspective. From an executive panel presentation at Connected Security Expo 2016

cybersecurityciscosecurity innovation
V2X Design Imperatives
• V2X must not compromise the cybersecurity
of the vehicle
• All V2X messages must be trustworthy
• The system must protect the identity of all
users except emergency vehicles
• The world’s largest PKI infrastructure
o Over 1 Billion certificates per year
o Pseudonym Certificates to provide anonymity
o Misbehavior reporting to revoke credentials
Authenticity and privacy in tension
• Cars need to authenticate
• Safety messages are broadcast
so need to be signed
• Signing means certificates
• [deep crypto aside: or group
signatures but they’re too big]
• And if I use the same certificate
in many different places…
• You can track me!
Authenticity and privacy in tension
• Cars need to authenticate
• Safety messages are broadcast
so need to be signed
• Signing means certificates
• [deep crypto aside: or group
signatures but they’re too big]
• And if I use the same certificate
in many different places…
• You can track me!
Devices can change identifiers
from time to time, disrupting
linking by all but the most
powerful eavesdroppers
• This is enabled by issuing many
different certificates
to each device
• Of course, this means a CA could
link if it knows which certificates go
to which device

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BSides SF, February 2014: Duo's Zach Lanier (@quine) & Mark Stanislav (@markstanislav) on IoT (Internet of Things) security, announcing

network securityinternet securityinformation security
Countering Cybersecurity Risk in Today's IoT World
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Countering Cybersecurity Risk in Today's IoT World

Understanding the security implications of IoT transformation, with real world examples including the Chrysler Jeep Hack

hackingiiotinformation security
Mobile Commerce: A Security Perspective
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Mobile Commerce: A Security Perspective

The document discusses mobile commerce (m-commerce) and security perspectives. It defines m-commerce as commerce conducted on mobile devices, which is growing rapidly and expected to reach $700 billion by 2017. The document outlines the m-commerce ecosystem and various security challenges at each layer from infrastructure to applications. It emphasizes the importance of end-to-end security and compliance with the PCI security standard to help protect users and businesses in the complex mobile commerce space.

Devices can change identifiers
from time to time, disrupting
linking by all but the most
powerful eavesdroppers
• This is enabled by issuing many
different certificates
to each device
• Of course, this means a CA could
link if it knows which certificates go
to which device
• … so the (US) system “blinds” the
CA, preventing insiders as well as
outsiders from linking
Certificate issuance
• Secure Credential Management
System (SCMS – think PKI-on-
steroids) for V2V includes privacy-
preserving mechanisms
• Shuffle at RA to protect against CA
learning certificates
• Linkage authorities to allow tracing
misbehaving devices without
revealing their identity, and
revoking in a way that only allows
them to be tracked after
• Organization separation ensures
no single insider / no single
database breach can track any car
(Shuffle at the RA)
• RA receives requests from
multiple end-entity devices
• Combines requests so that PCA
doesn’t know that two individual
cert requests received at the
same time come from the same
• Tracks responses so they can
be sent to the right device
• (All this is transparent to the
end-entity – doesn’t affect
Revocation and misbehavior reporting
p(imax,jmax) p(imax,jmax)
p(imax,2) p(imax,2)p(imax, 1) p(imax, 1)plv1(imax,0) plv2(imax,0)
p(1,j) p(1,j)
Åp(1,2) p(1,2)p(1, 1) p(1, 1)plv1(1,0) plv2(1,0)
p(0,2)p(0, 1)plv1(i=0, j=0)
k1(i = 0)
p(0,2)p(0, 1)plv2(i=0,j=0)
k2(i = 0)
lv(imax, jmax)
Linkage	Seed
sequence	1
Pre-linkage	value
sequence	1
Linkage	Seed
sequence	2
Pre-linkage	value
sequence	2
Linkage	values
• Certificates contain “linkage values”
• These are generated by XORing
together two pre-linkage values from
series generated by two LAs
• Pre-linkage values are generated via a
hash from a linkage seed
• Linkage seed is itself generated via a
hash chain
• To determine if two misbehaving
messages came from the same
vehicle, need only consult one LA
• Interfaces being defined for this that
preserve privacy
• To revoke, reveal both seeds
• Allows receivers to calculate all linkage
values going forward in time, but not

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1) The document discusses decentralized applications (dApps) and compares their security to web applications. 2) dApps have some security advantages like being undestroyable and transactions being cryptographically signed. However, expectations of their security do not always match reality due to vulnerabilities. 3) The document introduces SCSVS, the Smart Contract Security Verification Standard, which provides a checklist similar to OWASP ASVS for securing dApps across the entire software development lifecycle.

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This document discusses safety considerations for next-generation autonomous vehicles and how RTI's data distribution service (DDS) middleware can help address them. DDS ensures reliable data availability in real-time across complex systems, facilitates integration of diverse components, and enables flexible deployment. Its use of a common data model simplifies safety certification processes.

Internet of Things (IoT
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What is IoT (Internet of Things) Is Canada falling behind IoT Security Issues facing IoT ISP Speed Canada Business Climate / Canada Groups / Partnerships Market Update

internet of thingsmonitoringsecurity
V2X Pilots
• Ann Arbor Safety Pilot extended to
30,000 vehicles
• New York, 10,000 vehicles testing city safety
• Tampa, better freeway management
• Wyoming, improving I80 trucking efficiency
• Many EU and Asia Pacific pilots
• All major manufacturers engaged
• Standards set but plenty of room to
innovate and add value
Government Interest
“Drivers shouldn’t have to choose
between being connected and being
Government Takes Action
The Security and Privacy in Your Car (Spy) Act
Cybersecurity Standards
• Hacking protection
• Data security
• Hacking mitigation
Privacy standards
• Transparency
• Consumer choice
• Marketing prohibition
Cyber dashboard
• A window sticker showing how well the car
protects the security and privacy of the owner.
What We’ve Learned from Traditional IT
• Importance of an educated development team and a robust SDLC
• Significance of threat modelling
• Value of automated and manual penetration testing
• Requirement for third party or “Red Team” involvement
• Hardware roots of trust (TPMs or HSMs)
• Strong encryption, preferably quantum-safe

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Hacking your Connected Car: What you need to know NOW
Hacking your Connected Car: What you need to know NOWHacking your Connected Car: What you need to know NOW
Hacking your Connected Car: What you need to know NOW

Cars these days are 90% controlled by electronics and 10% using mechanics. The average new car already contains around 20 individual processors to monitor and control various functions — everything from the transmission’s shift points to the operation of the defroster — with about 60 megabytes of software code. Many new cars are as “wired” as a home office — with onboard GPS navigation and wireless communications networks including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Internet run on Embedded OS's which run on converged Electronics to control these actions. What if modern car’s onboard electronics be “hacked” or infected by a computer virus introduced through a wireless device that might corrupt or disable or controlled by a Hacker sitting at home? The software does come with built in security but this is not enough and there is a need to offer a full Security package along with Car to guarantee Car's security. Life of people is more important than a gadget and people will pay and buy this package with a new car or upgrade to ensure that their car is not hacked by Hackers to malfunction or be used for other pervert interests.

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IoT4Devs (1)
IoT4Devs (1)IoT4Devs (1)
IoT4Devs (1)

This document discusses using JavaScript for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It describes IoT as physical objects embedded with electronics, software and sensors that can collect and exchange data. It provides examples of IoT use cases and discusses common IoT protocols, sensors, embedded software tools and platforms. It also covers topics like security, communicating with microcontrollers using Firmata and building IoT projects with Johnny-Five and Node-RED.

Securing your Cloud Environment v2
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Securing your Cloud Environment v2

Jon Noble. Jon will give a brief overview of why you should consider security as part of your CloudStack deployment, why your approach to security needs to be different than in a traditional environment, and also talk about some of the motives behind the attacks – why they attack you and what they do once they have compromised a system.

securitycloudstackcloud computing
Information Sharing & Access Center
Remaining Challenges
• PKI governance and ownership
• Equipment and infrastructure certification
• Multi-application operations
• Standardization
• Cross-border issues and harmonization of
• Autonomous Vehicle Considerations
Driver	=	Operator	=	Personal	Liability “Driver”	=	Freight	=	Product	Liability
Final Thoughts
• It is still hard to hack cars en-mass
• Useful parallels to traditional IT
• Car makers are being pro-active
• Pilot programs proving efficacy
Thank You!

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Originally presented on September 08, 2016. Watch on-demand:

Visualizing Threats: Network Visualization for Cyber Security
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How Cyberflow Analytics have used KeyLines’ network visualization functionality to develop the next generation of cyber security analytics platform – built for the scope and scale of the Internet of Things.

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Connected Cars: What Could Possibly Go Wrong

  • 1. Connected Cars What Could Possibly Go Wrong? William Whyte Chief Scientist, Security Innovation Mozilla Privacy Lab October 20, 2016
  • 2. About Security Innovation • Software Security Experts • 15 years research on software vulnerabilities • Security testing methodology adopted by SAP, Symantec, Microsoft, and McAfee • Co-Created STRIDE and DREAD threat management methodologies • Authors of 18 books; 10 co-authored with Microsoft • Securing the Connected World • Security Assessments • Design Consulting • Developer Training • IoT, Mobile, Web, Automotive, Cloud
  • 3. Automotive Center of Excellence Seattle Our Connected Vehicle Credentials • Technical author of the IEEE 1609.2 protocol • US/EU Harmonization Task Group • US Safety Pilot SCMS Model Deployment • Aerolink security library – industry first • NTRU Crypto Libraries – post quantum security • Transportation Infrastructure Consulting • Conformance testing • Automotive penetration testing • Embedded secure design consulting • Embedded developer training 2017 Cadillac CTS
  • 4. Cars are Part of the Internet of Things (IoT) The network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, collecting and exchanging data
  • 5. But of Course IoT is Vulnerable
  • 6. Relative Complexity F22 RaptorS-Class Mercedes 1.7 Million LoC6.5M Million LoC 100 Million LoC 787 Dreamliner with up to 100 ECUs 50 antennas, 15 frequencies 5 Networks 2 miles of cable 10+ Operating Systems Exabyte of data per year
  • 7. Connected Vehicle Market $152 billion $141 billion $132 billion $128 billion $98 billion Five-year Economic ValueNumber of Connected Cars
  • 8. What Could Go Wrong? • Theft • Terrorism • Revenge • Mischief • Extortion - Ransomware • Insurance fraud • Espionage • Stalking • Feature (de)activation • Identity theft • Counterfeiting
  • 9. Entry Points for Hackers External • Bluetooth • Internet • Wi-Fi • Key fob • LIDAR • Digital broadcasts • Tire Pressure Monitors • Tail light • DSRC Internal • Diagnostic Port • CD/DVD • USB/SD card • Aux input • CAN Bus • Other networks • Mobile phone
  • 11. Mindset Change • Development time measured in months • Hardware easily upgraded • Virus and malware protection runs daily with no end user disruption • Easy to physically secure, single CPU with limited external access • Mature tools, little impact on speed • Development time over 5 years • Computing resources are fixed for life of car • Updating software cannot rely on persistence of connectivity. Car must be parked for safety. • Hard to physically secure, multiple CPUs all accessible via OBD2 port. • Immature tools and slower processors
  • 12. Application Security Practices in the Automotive Industry Agree* Disagree My company makes secure software a priority 54% 46% Hackers are actively targeting automobiles 52% 20% Automakers know less about security than others 39% 32% It is possible to build a nearly hack-proof car 17% 55% My company has enough trained security experts 49% 23% Should carmakers be held liable for vulnerabilities 44% 49% August 2016 survey 527 respondents OEM 192 Suppliers 325 * “Unsure” responses omitted 35% 39% 18% 7% 1% Very difficult Difficult Somewhat difficult Not difficult Easy How difficult is it to secure automotive applications ?
  • 15. Challenges to Secure Automobile Software 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Too expensive Adds too much time Lack of requirements Lack of company policy Insufficient resources Pressure to release Lack of skilled people 2016 2015 “Pick Top 3 challenges”
  • 16. Who’s responsible for Security? 23% 17% 18% 11% 12% 19% CIO CISO Partner QA Developer No One!
  • 18. Traffic Safety • 32,000 US road deaths, and 3,800,000 injuries • Fatalities and injuries = $300B/year • Congestion = $230B/year • Leading cause of death for ages 15-34 in US Technology Evolution Passive Active Proactive
  • 19. A Most Promising Solution – V2X • Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Communication • Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) • Vehicle-to-RSE (road-side equipment) • Vehicle-to-AMD (after-market device) • Vehicle-to- VRU (vulnerable road user)
  • 20. V2X • New technology but 10 years in the making • Allows cars to avoid invisible danger • Uses short-range DSRC radio • 10 situational messages per second/car • Plan for mandatory adoption by 2020 • Privacy and Security are critical success factors
  • 21. Our main setting: Vehicle-to-Anything (V2X) Illustrations from
  • 22. V2X Sample Use Cases • Intersection Movement Assist • Emergency Brake Light notification • Forward Collision warning • Rain, Ice, Fog and Pothole warnings • Do Not Pass warning • Eco driving • Truck platooning
  • 23. V2X Executive Commentary “The most important safety improvement in automobiles since the seatbelt” - Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx “There is no safety without security” - Jose Manuel Barrosa Former President of the European Commission
  • 24. V2V: the worries • Security • Will hackers be able to take control of my car? • Will terrorists be able to cause mass havoc • Privacy • Will the government be able to track my every move? • Will I be issued automatic speeding tickets everywhere?
  • 25. V2X Design Imperatives • V2X must not compromise the cybersecurity of the vehicle • All V2X messages must be trustworthy • The system must protect the identity of all users except emergency vehicles • The world’s largest PKI infrastructure o Over 1 Billion certificates per year o Pseudonym Certificates to provide anonymity o Misbehavior reporting to revoke credentials
  • 26. Authenticity and privacy in tension • Cars need to authenticate messages • Safety messages are broadcast so need to be signed • Signing means certificates • [deep crypto aside: or group signatures but they’re too big] • And if I use the same certificate in many different places… • You can track me!
  • 27. Authenticity and privacy in tension • Cars need to authenticate messages • Safety messages are broadcast so need to be signed • Signing means certificates • [deep crypto aside: or group signatures but they’re too big] • And if I use the same certificate in many different places… • You can track me!
  • 28. Privacy Devices can change identifiers from time to time, disrupting linking by all but the most powerful eavesdroppers • This is enabled by issuing many different certificates to each device • Of course, this means a CA could link if it knows which certificates go to which device
  • 29. Privacy Devices can change identifiers from time to time, disrupting linking by all but the most powerful eavesdroppers • This is enabled by issuing many different certificates to each device • Of course, this means a CA could link if it knows which certificates go to which device • … so the (US) system “blinds” the CA, preventing insiders as well as outsiders from linking
  • 30. Certificate issuance • Secure Credential Management System (SCMS – think PKI-on- steroids) for V2V includes privacy- preserving mechanisms • Shuffle at RA to protect against CA learning certificates • Linkage authorities to allow tracing misbehaving devices without revealing their identity, and revoking in a way that only allows them to be tracked after revocation • Organization separation ensures no single insider / no single database breach can track any car
  • 31. (Shuffle at the RA) • RA receives requests from multiple end-entity devices • Combines requests so that PCA doesn’t know that two individual cert requests received at the same time come from the same vehicle • Tracks responses so they can be sent to the right device • (All this is transparent to the end-entity – doesn’t affect interfaces) 31
  • 32. Revocation and misbehavior reporting Å Å p(imax,jmax) p(imax,jmax) p(imax,2) p(imax,2)p(imax, 1) p(imax, 1)plv1(imax,0) plv2(imax,0) p(1,j) p(1,j) Åp(1,2) p(1,2)p(1, 1) p(1, 1)plv1(1,0) plv2(1,0) p(0,j) p(0,2)p(0, 1)plv1(i=0, j=0) k1(i = 0) k1(1) k1(2) k1(imax) p(0,j) p(0,2)p(0, 1)plv2(i=0,j=0) k2(i = 0) k2(1) k2(2) k2(imax) ... lv(0,0) lv(0,1) lv(0,2) lv(0,j) lv(1,j) lv(1,2)lv(1,1)lv(1,0) lv(imax, jmax) lv(imax,2)lv(imax,1)lv(imax,0) Å Å Å Å ... ... ÅÅÅ ... ÅÅÅ Linkage Seed sequence 1 Pre-linkage value sequence 1 Linkage Seed sequence 2 Pre-linkage value sequence 2 Linkage values • Certificates contain “linkage values” • These are generated by XORing together two pre-linkage values from series generated by two LAs • Pre-linkage values are generated via a hash from a linkage seed • Linkage seed is itself generated via a hash chain • To determine if two misbehaving messages came from the same vehicle, need only consult one LA • Interfaces being defined for this that preserve privacy • To revoke, reveal both seeds • Allows receivers to calculate all linkage values going forward in time, but not backwards
  • 33. V2X Pilots • Ann Arbor Safety Pilot extended to 30,000 vehicles • New York, 10,000 vehicles testing city safety • Tampa, better freeway management • Wyoming, improving I80 trucking efficiency • Many EU and Asia Pacific pilots • All major manufacturers engaged • Standards set but plenty of room to innovate and add value
  • 34. Government Interest “Drivers shouldn’t have to choose between being connected and being protected,”
  • 35. Government Takes Action The Security and Privacy in Your Car (Spy) Act Cybersecurity Standards • Hacking protection • Data security • Hacking mitigation Privacy standards • Transparency • Consumer choice • Marketing prohibition Cyber dashboard • A window sticker showing how well the car protects the security and privacy of the owner.
  • 36. What We’ve Learned from Traditional IT • Importance of an educated development team and a robust SDLC • Significance of threat modelling • Value of automated and manual penetration testing • Requirement for third party or “Red Team” involvement • Hardware roots of trust (TPMs or HSMs) • Strong encryption, preferably quantum-safe
  • 37. Information Sharing & Access Center
  • 38. Remaining Challenges • PKI governance and ownership • Equipment and infrastructure certification • Multi-application operations • Standardization • Cross-border issues and harmonization of trust • Autonomous Vehicle Considerations Driver = Operator = Personal Liability “Driver” = Freight = Product Liability
  • 39. Final Thoughts • It is still hard to hack cars en-mass • Useful parallels to traditional IT • Car makers are being pro-active • Pilot programs proving efficacy