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Submitted	to	
in	partial	fulfilment	of	the	requirements	
for	the	degree	of	
BSc	Computer	Networks	and	Security	
As	 the	 Internets’	 users,	 devices	 and	 volumes	 of	 data	 expand	 at	 an	 ever	 increasing	 and	
exponential	rate,	the	security,	authenticity,	confidentiality	and	integrity	of	the	data	being	
exchanged	worldwide	presents	the	risk	of	data	being	stolen,	misused	or	lost.		One	form	of	
prevention	to	this	risk	of	data	breach	occurring	is	to	have	an	organisations	network	security	
audited	by	a	penetration	tester.		Penetration	testing	is	often	a	high	cost	service	which	will	
undoubtedly	start	with	a	reconnaissance	of	the	network	under	examination.		This	report	asks	
the	question;	Using	off	the	shelf	hardware,	is	it	possible	to	build	an	automated	network	
reconnaissance	 device	 and	 in	 completion	 how	 long	 can	 the	 device	 remotely	 operate	 on	
battery	power.
I hereby certify that this dissertation constitutes my own product, that where the language of
others is set forth, quotation marks so indicate, and that appropriate credit is given where I
have used the language, ideas, expressions or writings of another.
I declare that the dissertation describes original work that has not previously been presented
for the award of any other degree of any institution.
	 	 	 	 	 	 	 						DEAN	KAY	
“This dissertation contains material that is confidential and/or commercially sensitive. It is
included here on the understanding that this will not be revealed to any person not involved in
the assessment process”.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank my friends and family that have
supported me throughout my studies at the University of Bolton. I would also like thank Dr.
Robert Campbell for his support and advice as my project supervisor during the final year of

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The latest massive IoT DDoS attack from the Mirai botnet that took major websites like Twitter and Reddit offline for hours – has already gained notoriety as one of the worst DDoS strikes in history. In this webinar Manish Rai & Ty Powers of Great Bay Software will help you understand exactly how the enterprise IoT landscape is changing, and what it means for the assumptions organizations have been making in regards to safeguarding against IoT cyberattacks. You will: Gain insights into how the recent IoT-based DDoS attacks were launched How similar attacks could be launched inside enterprise networks How to safeguard against IoT device compromises How to reduce your risk, whose job is it anyway? Learn about what your peers are doing for IoT device security, relevant findings from the 2016 Great Bay Software IoT Security Survey Watch this ondemand webinar with this link:

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Table	of	Contents	
Chapter	1.		Introduction	...............................................................................................................	4	
1.1	Aim	...................................................................................................................................................	4	
1.2	Motivation	........................................................................................................................................	4	
1.3	Objectives	.........................................................................................................................................	5	
1.4	Further	Project	Enhancements	Opportunities	.................................................................................	6	
1.5	Project	Plan	......................................................................................................................................	7	
1.5.1	Original	Project	Timeline	...........................................................................................................	8	
1.6	Milestones	........................................................................................................................................	9	
Chapter	2.	Background	and	Review	of	Literature	......................................................................	10	
2.1	Related	Work	..................................................................................................................................	12	
2.2	Literature	........................................................................................................................................	12	
Chapter	3.	Methodology	............................................................................................................	13	
3.1	Hardware	........................................................................................................................................	13	
3.1.1	Microcomputer	........................................................................................................................	14	
3.1.2	Screen	and	keypad	input	.........................................................................................................	15	
3.1.3	Wireless	network	interface	......................................................................................................	15	
3.1.4	Secondary	Ethernet	interface	..................................................................................................	16	
3.1.5	Battery	pack	.............................................................................................................................	16	
3.1.6	Project	financial	cost	...............................................................................................................	17	
3.2.1	Operating	system	....................................................................................................................	17	
3.2.2	Programming	languages	.........................................................................................................	18	
3.2.3	Nmap	.......................................................................................................................................	19	
3.2.4	Reverse	AES	HTTP	Shell	............................................................................................................	19
Chapter	4.	Design	and	Implementation	.....................................................................................	20	
4.1	Hardware	construction	...................................................................................................................	20	
4.2	Software	Implementation	..............................................................................................................	21	
4.2.1	LCD	Menu	system	....................................................................................................................	22	
4.2.2	Reverse	shell	............................................................................................................................	22	
4.2.3	Port	Scan	and	Report	...............................................................................................................	23	
4.2.4	Anonymous	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	.............................................................................	24	
4.2.5	Battery	Timer	script	.................................................................................................................	26	
4.3	Problems	faced	...............................................................................................................................	27	
4.3.1	Port	Security	............................................................................................................................	27	
4.3.2	Stateful	Firewalls	.....................................................................................................................	28	
4.3.3	IDS/IPS	Systems	.......................................................................................................................	28	
4.4	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	Investigation	.................................................................................	29	
4.4.1	Battery	life	testing	...................................................................................................................	29	
4.4.1	Hardware	testing	.....................................................................................................................	30	
Chapter	5.	Results	and	Discussion	..............................................................................................	32	
5.1	Complete	battery	depletion	test	results	........................................................................................	32	
5.2	Hardware	utilisation	test	results	....................................................................................................	33	
5.3	Additional	findings	.........................................................................................................................	35	
5.3.1	Ease	of	development	...............................................................................................................	35	
5.3.2	Development	time	...................................................................................................................	36	
5.3.3	The	level	of	skills	required	to	do	the	project	............................................................................	36	
5.3.4	Risk	factors	for	organisations	..................................................................................................	36	
5.3.5	How	easy	was	it	to	find	information	on	this?	..........................................................................	37	
5.3.6	How	technically	in	depth	is	the	programming	code	................................................................	37
Chapter	6.	Conclusion	.................................................................................................................	38	
6.1	Lessons	Learned	.............................................................................................................................	38	
6.2	Future	Activity	................................................................................................................................	39	
Bibliography	and	References	......................................................................................................	40	
Appendices	.................................................................................................................................	43
Table	1.	Battery	life	results	.....................................................................................................	32	
Figure	1.	Original	Project	Timeline	...........................................................................................	8	
Figure	2.	Project	Financial	Costs	.............................................................................................	17	
Figure	3.	Diagram	of	reverse	shell	topology	(source:,	2016	)	...............	19	
Figure	4.Hardware	construction	start	....................................................................................	20	
Figure	5.	Hardware	construction	Finish	.................................................................................	21	
Figure	6.	Nmap	command	breakdown	...................................................................................	23	
Figure	7.	Port	scan	function	code	...........................................................................................	23	
Figure	8.	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	conceptual	design	..................................................	24	
Figure	9.	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	physical	design	.......................................................	24	
Figure	10.	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	script	....................................................................	25	
Figure	11.	Battery	timer	script	...............................................................................................	26	
Figure	12.	Logical	diagram	of	battery	life	test	........................................................................	30	
Figure	13.	Hardware	utilisation	test	diagram	.........................................................................	31

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Figure	14.	Bar	chart	of	battery	life	results	..............................................................................	33	
Figure	15.	Memory	cache	utilisation	......................................................................................	34	
Figure	16.	System	interrupt	information	................................................................................	35	
AES	-	Advanced	Encryption	Standard	
ACL	–	Access	Control	Lists	
BASH	-		Bourne	Again	Shell	
CPU	–	Centralised	Processing	Unit	
FTP	–	File	Transfer	Protocol	
GPIO	–	General	purpose	Input	Output	
GSM	–	Global	System	for	Mobile	communications	
HTTP	–	HyperText	Transfer	Protocol	
I/O	–	Input	/	Output	
IMAP	–	Internet	Message	Access	Protocol	
MAC	–	Media	Access	Control
Mbps	–	Megabit	per	second	
NNTP	–	Network	News	Transfer	Protocol	
RAM	–Random	Access	Memory	
SMTP	–	Simple	Mail	Transfer	Protocol	
WEP	–	Wired	Equivalent	Privacy
Chapter	1.		
1.1	Aim	
The	 aim	 of	 the	 project	 is	 to	 build	 a	 device	 using	 off	 the	 shelf	 miniaturised	 single	 board	
computing	 hardware,	 for	 the	 purpose	 of	 exploring	 possible	 automated	 reconnaissance	
attacks.		The	Device	must	be	modular	allowing	it	to	be	configured	and	utilised	dynamically,	
depending	on	the	environment	it	is	to	be	used	within	and	also	be	mobile	powered	via	a	
battery	power	pack.	It	will	also	utilise	a	physical	keypad	input	and	on	board	display	allowing	
pre-programmed	automation	to	be	triggered.	
The	 aim	 is	 to	 discover	 whether	 or	 not	 the	 project	 is	 possible	 with	 the	 use	 off	 the	 shelf	
hardware	and	also	the	length	of	time	it	can	be	being	deployed	remotely	using	only	a	battery	
1.2	Motivation	
Due	to	the	multiple	redundant	miniaturised	single	computing	devices	that	were	already	in	
personal	possession,	plus	the	keen	interest	in	the	study	of	network	security	alike.		The	project	
of	this	category	seemed	to	automatically	come	to	light,	when	the	process	of	deciding	on	a	
project	was	in	order.		Upon	review	of	literature,	it	became	apparent	that	there	had	not	been
much	academic	research	done	in	the	particular	area	of	study.		The	only	area	which	had	any	
substance,	was	that	of	the	niche	market	selling	commercially	branded	products,	though	these	
where	typically	non	physically	modular	devices	allowing	no	physical	alteration	to	the	device,	
and	of	a	high	financial	cost.		As	a	result	of	the	the	findings,	the	project	was	subsequently	
aimed	 towards	 the	 possibility	 of	 designing	 a	 low	 cost	 alternative	 to	 the	 few	 existing	
commercial	products.		Which	would	allow	features	similar	to	that	of	the	commercial	products,	
potentially	using	higher	performance	hardware	and	the	open	possibility	of	modularity.	
1.3	Objectives	
The	projects	main	objectives	were	as	follows:	
• Design	and	build	a	miniaturised	single	board	computing	device	for	the	purpose	of	
network	reconnaissance,	integrating	an	on-board	keypad	and	display	unit.				
• Compile	code	which	will	interact	with	the	on-board	keypad	and	display	unit	for	the	
purpose	of	automating	reconnaissance	attacks.		
• Test	the	successfully	compiled	automated	attacks	against	factors	such	as	battery	life.	
Target	requirements	that	where	discussed	and	agreed	upon	with	project	supervisor	are	as	
• Research	all	the	various	network	attack	vector	that	are	possible,	given	the	authors	
level	of	knowledge	surrounding	the	network	security	field.

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This document provides information for securing the wireless network of Necessary Evil, a small insurance company. Cecil Sellars proposes adjusting the wireless access point's default settings, such as changing the SSID and enabling WPA2 authentication. The project also involves physically securing the access point in a locked closet and educating employees on security best practices. Cecil researched methods used by other companies, including changing SSIDs, enabling WPA2, locking away hardware, and conducting vulnerability assessments. The project aims to protect customers' sensitive personal information by locking down the wireless network from internal and external threats.

• Run	several	tests	on	the	battery,	while	the	device	performs	a	network	reconnaissance	
under	 various	 network	 loads.	 	 Once	 tests	 are	 complete,	 run	 further	 tests	 on	 the	
hardware	utilisation	on	the	device	under	several	more	network	loads.			
• Draw	 a	 correlation	 between	 the	 network	 load	 and	 hardware	 utilisation	 when	
undergoing	a	reconnaissance	attack,	allowing	a	forward	projection	of	battery	life	on	
a	given	load.					
1.4	Further	Project	Enhancements	Opportunities		
Further	project	enhancements	opportunities	are	as	follows:	
i. Implement	an	encrypted	reverse	http	shell	for	back	door	into	target	network,	using	
the	on-board	physical	keypad	input.	
ii. implement	an	automated	port	scan	for	a	target	network	producing	a	report	for	later	
analysis,	using	the	on-board	physical	keypad	input.	
iii. Implement	an	automated	anonymous	inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	that	will	write	
the	information	to	a	local	file	for	later	analysis,	using	the	on-board	physical	keypad	
iv. Implement	 an	 automated	 wireless	 tool	 to	 crack	 the	 WEP	 security	 algorithm	 and	
deposit	the	encryption	key	to	a	local	file	for	later	use,	using	the	on-board	physical	
keypad	input.			
v. Overcome	 the	 network	 defence	 of	 switch	 port	 security,	 with	 an	 automated	 pre	
programmable	MAC	spoofing	script.
1.5	Project	Plan	
This	project	began	with	a	considerable	amount	of	time	focusing	on	the	background	research	
and	review	of	literature	surrounding	the	area	of	microcomputers	and	remote	automations.		
Although	the	literature	was	scarce,	some	of	the	concepts	that	where	being	studied	followed	
the	same	principles,	helping	provide	a	fundamental	knowledge	around	the	subject.			
Given	the	LCD	screen	and	keypad	input	relied	on	Python	libraries	for	their	interaction	with	
the	Raspberry	Pi,	a	basic	course	on	the	‘Introduction	to	Python’	was	completed	giving	the	
author	 the	 basic	 knowledge	 in	 the	 programming	 language,	 allowing	 the	 coding	 of	
automations	in	the	project.	
Additional	research	was	directed	at	software	which	could	test	the	hardware	utilisation	and	
battery	life	of	the	device	under	test	network	loads.
1.5.1	Original	Project	Timeline	
DATE:	 21
DATA	ANALYSIS	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	
FINAL	REPORT	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	
The	 original	 project	 timeline	 that	 was	 planned	 was	 very	 ambitious	 and	 in	 retrospect	 not	
realistic,	focus	on	the	length	and	complexity	of	procedures	was	not	taken	seriously	when	
determining	 the	 project	 timeline.	 	 Also,	 various	 parts	 of	 the	 project	 where	 vastly	
underestimated	in	terms	of	timescale,	therefore	delaying	the	parts	that	where	based	on	the	
successful	completion	of	the	previous	tasks.	
Additionally,	 the	 lack	 of	 technical	 knowledge	 and	 experience	 in	 various	 technologies	
throughout	the	project,	partnered	with	several	issues	concerning	the	python-modules	that	
where	a	fundamental	and	integral	part	of	the	hardware	interaction.		Delayed	the	projects	
timeline	even	further	in	key	areas	of	the	build.			
Due	these	influences,	a	revised	project	timeline	was	not	prepared.
1.6	Milestones	
	 When	the	project	was	initiated	there	was	various	milestones	set,	these	where	set	by	
the	author,	and	as	the	project	took	course	and	supervisory	meetings	where	made	to	discuss	
the	projects	progression.		The	project	was	given	additional	milestones	that	would	run	in	
conjunction	with	the	original	existing	set.	
The	milestones	that	where	set	where	as	follows:	
• Complete	free	introduction	to	Python	course	online.	
• Source	low	cost	hardware	for	device.	
• Source	free	and	open-source	software	for	device.	
• Decide	upon	the	test	environment	to	be	used.	
• Attend	regular	supervisory	meetings

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The increase in the deployment of IoT networks has improved productivity of humans and organisations. However, IoT networks are increasingly becoming platforms for launching DDoS attacks due to inherent weaker security and resource-constrained nature of IoT devices. This paper focusses on detecting DDoS attack in IoT networks by classifying incoming network packets on the transport layer as either “Suspicious” or “Benign” using unsupervised machine learning algorithms. In this work, two deep learning algorithms and two clustering algorithms were independently trained for mitigating DDoS attacks. We lay emphasis on exploitation based DDOS attacks which include TCP SYN-Flood attacks and UDP-Lag attacks. We use Mirai, BASHLITE and CICDDoS2019 dataset in training the algorithms during the experimentation phase. The accuracy score and normalized-mutual-information score are used to quantify the classification performance of the four algorithms. Our results show that the autoencoder performed overall best with the highest accuracy across all the datasets.

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This document discusses security risks associated with wireless access and mobile devices. It provides 10 steps for improving mobile security, including enforcing policies, password protection, antivirus software, encryption of files, and device lockdown. It also discusses threats like rogue wireless access, denial of service attacks, and the risks of unencrypted laptop hard drives. It recommends using mobile VPNs with encryption, authentication, and data encapsulation to secure over-the-air transmissions. Companies can also use solutions that detect and block rogue access points and wireless clients to prevent unauthorized access to networks.

Chapter	2.	
Background	and	
Review	of	Literature	
As	the	Internets’	users,	devices	and	volumes	of	data	expand	at	an	ever	increasing	and	
exponential	rate,	the	security,	authenticity,	confidentiality	and	integrity	of	the	data	being	
exchanged	worldwide	is	taken	for	granted	as	a	civil	expectation,	similar	to	that	of	a	physical	
asset	such	as	a	person's	passport	or	driving	license.		However,	recurring	news	headlines	and	
official	public	disclosures	of	personal	data	security	breaches	and	network	hacking	across	the	
world	have	proven	this	expectation	to	be	of	a	false	nature.	This	new	and	fast-moving	era	of	
technology	and	communication,	as	brought	the	demand	for	multiple	new	professions	in	order	
to	safely	secure	the	digital	data	of	users,	groups	and	corporations	alike.	One	profession	that	
has	arisen	from	this	evolution	in	the	exchange	of	digital	resources	across	society,	is	that	of	
the	network	penetration	tester.	The	responsibility	of	the	modern	day	network	penetration	
tester	is	to	embrace	the	immense	challenge	of	assessing	the	existing	cyber	security	placed	
upon	one's	local	or	wide-area	network	by	network	and	systems	administrators.		Focusing	both	
from	the	defence	of	internally	orchestrated	attacks	(incidents	originating	from	within	the	
local	network	of	which	is	under	security	audit)	and	externally	coordinated	attacks	(incidents	
initiated	 from	 outside	 the	 local	 network	 with	 the	 intention	 to	 gain	 access	 to	 the	 local	
network).		In	order	for	a	networks’	security	to	be	extensively	tested,	it	has	become	accustom
for	a	penetration-tester	to	act	in	the	manner	of	a	rogue	party.	Allowing	the	penetration-tester	
to	 think	 and	 operate	 like	 an	 attacker	 would,	 therefore	 granting	 them	 the	 necessary	
knowledge	in	the	prevention	of	potential	attacks.		Penetration-testers	will	try	a	plethora	of	
techniques	in	order	to	break	the	security	of	a	computers	network.		These	are	referred	to	as	
‘attack	vectors’	and	as	the	creative	minds	of	a	rogue	parties	devise	various	new	methods	of	
exploiting	known	and	unknown	vulnerabilities	within	a	networks	security,	so	does	the	that	of	
the	penetration-testers.		Performing	this	type	of	network	security	assessment	is	a	necessary	
step	toward	the	defence	of	the	public	and	private	data	stored	within	the	associated	network.			
In	addition	to	this	evolution	in	technological	communications	and	security	there	has	also	
been	substantial	developments	in	the	miniaturization	and	processing	power	of	computer	
hardware	 on	 the	 computer	 platform	 itself.	 	 Computers	 were	 once	 thought	 as	 big,	 bulky	
systems	and	with	the	sale	of	a	so	called	'portable	computer'	in	1975,	the	IBM	5100	weighing	
in	at	around	50	pounds,	offering	16Kilobyte	of	storage	for	a	price	tag	upward	of	$8,975	(IBM,	
2016).		It	is	clear	to	see	the	technological	advancements	made	within	the	industry,	as	one	can	
now	buy	an	inexpensive	$25	Raspberry	Pi	2	miniature	computer	the	size	of	a	credit	card	with	
a	multiple	core	processor,	a	gigabyte	of	RAM	and	expandable	storage	upwards	of	100GB+	
(Raspberry	Pi,	2016).		These	relatively	inexpensive	computing	systems	allow	people	of	all	ages	
and	backgrounds	to	explore	computing,	specifically	targeting	educational	facilities.			It	has	
also	 prompted	 many	 hobbyists	 to	 build	 a	 multitude	 of	 projects	 ranging	 from	 home	
automation	 systems	 collaborating	 a	 Raspberry	 Pi	 with	 a	 collection	 of	 sensors,	 to	 major	
projects	such	as	the	Astro-Pi,	a	Raspberry	Pi	fitted	with	various	sensors	and	that	was	set	into	
space	in	order	to	conduct	numerous	experiments	(Astro-Pi,	2016).
Taking	 the	 previous	 information	 into	 account,	 this	 prompted	 the	 question;	 using	
inexpensive	miniaturised	computing	hardware,	would	it	be	possible	to	facilitate	a	network	
reconnaissance	on	a	given	network	in	order	to	further	advance	the	security	placed	upon	it	
2.1	Related	Work	
	 As	this	is	a	new	and	seemingly	niche	area	of	research,	related	work	is	somewhat	scarce	
though	there	has	been	some	research	conducted.					Jun	Zheng	of	the	New	Mexico	Institute	
of	Mining	and	Technology	ran	a	similar	project	where	he	discovered	the	possible	attacks	
available	using	a	single-board	microcomputer	and	the	detrimental	effects	these	attacks	would	
have	on	battery	life	of	a	connected	power	source.		Zheng	used	older	and	lower	powered	
hardware	to	perform	his	tests	and	came	to	the	conclusion	that	a	small	single-board	computer	
such	 as	 the	 Raspberry	 Pi	 is	 a	 seriously	 viable	 threat	 towards	 the	 defense	 of	 an	 internal	
network,	Zheng,	J.	(2013).				
2.2	Literature	
All	the	original	literature	reviewed	for	this	project	can	be	found	in	Appendix	A	as	this	was	
completed	in	the	earlier	stages	of	the	project	timeline.		Also	a	supervisory	meeting	Log	can	
be	found	in	appendix	F.
Chapter	3.	
The	primary	question	of	this	project	was,	could	the	construction	of	a	mobile	and	networked	
microcomputer	device	fitted	with	a	LCD	screen,	keypad	input	and	automation	software,	for	
the	purpose	of	allowing	an	ordinary	person	to	conduct	network	penetration	tests	using	off	
the	shelf	IT	equipment	be	possible?	
This	 question	 followed	 with,	 should	 the	 construction	 of	 a	 mobile	 and	 networked	
microcomputer	penetration	testing	device	be	possible,	what	is	the	length	of	time	a	mobile	
attack	can	be	run	without	the	need	for	a	power	supply?		
The	following	sections	will	show	the	necessary	steps	taken	in	order	to	perform	such	a	task	
like	this.	
3.1	Hardware	
The	following	section	will	take	a	look	at	the	hardware	purchased	for	the	project,	it	will	look	
at	each	individual	component	comparing	them	to	their	market	competitors	and	provide	the	
reasoning	as	to	the	the	final	choice	which	was	made.

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3.1.1	Microcomputer	
	 Research	suggested	that	the	hardware	required	would	be	a	miniaturised	single-board	
computer	 with	 an	 adequate	 amount	 of	 processing	 power	 and	 lots	 of	 I/O	 for	 additional	
peripherals	 and	 connectivity	 tailoring	 to	 the	 intended	 modular	 design.	 	 A	 previous	 study	
which	was	similar	to	that	of	which	was	being	conducted	used	a	Raspberry	Pi	version	1	model	
B,	 this	 offered	 everything	 required	 for	 the	 project	 build	 but	 was	 an	 older	 model	 of	 the	
Raspberry	Pi	range,	luckily	the	company	had	recently	just	brought	a	new	Raspberry	Pi	version2	
model	B	to	market	which	offered	considerable	improvements	to	the	technical	specifications	
of	the	device.		Improvements	such	as	moving	from	a	700Mhz	single	core	CPU	to	a	900Mhz	
quad	core,	512MB	to	1	GB	of	RAM,	from	2x	USB	2.0	ports	to	4x	USB	ports	and	both	models	
kept	the	40	pin	GPIO	headers	for	expansion.		The	Raspberry	Pi	vesion2	hardware	is	also	very	
inexpensive	 in	 price	 and	 costs	 the	 same	 as	 the	 prior	 version,	 it	 also	 offers	 large	 online	
community	 that	 run	 a	 plethora	 of	 heterogeneous	 projects	 leaving	 vast	 amounts	 of	
information	online	to	take	study	from	should	there	be	any	problems	in	the	development.	
There	are	alternatives	to	the	Raspberry	Pi	such	as	the	Beaglebone	Black,	ODROID-C1+	and	
BananaPi,	they	are	also	around	the	same	hardware	specifications	and	price	range	but	their	
online	community	is	miniscule	in	comparison	to	that	of	the	Raspberry	Pi’s.		It	was	this	key	
factor	which	clarified	the	decision	to	use	a	Raspberry	Pi	single-board	computer	for	the	project,	
as	should	any	issues	occur	along	the	timeline	a	large	online	community	of	help	would	be	
3.1.2	Screen	and	keypad	input	
Though	 technically	 not	 required	 in	 some	 cases,	 a	 physical	 screen	 and	 keypad	 input	 was	
necessary	for	the	remote	installation	of	the	devices	on	a	target	network.		Adding	a	screen	and	
keypad	input	allows	a	penetration	tester	to	trigger	automated	attacks	directly	from	the	device	
itself	as	opposed	to	using	additional	hardware/software	to	log	into	it.		There	were	two	main	
types	of	screen	and	input,	these	where	the	basic	RGB	display	with	physical	buttons	that	can	
be	programmed	to	interact	with	software	with	the	use	of	existing	Python	libraries	or	a	touch	
screen	 unit	 allowing	 a	 desktop	 environment	 to	 be	 loaded	 and	 potentially	 use	 on	 screen	
keyboard.		Both	technologies	physically	interact	with	the	Raspberry	Pi	through	a	section	of	
the	GPIO	headers	that	are	on	the	board.	
Due	to	the	nature	of	the	project	requiring	automation	the	RGB	display	and	keypad	input	
where	 the	 more	 useful	 and	 discrete	 hardware	 choice	 allowing	 for	 the	 pre-programmed	
automation	to	be	triggered	through	the	on	board	keypad.	
3.1.3	Wireless	network	interface	
The	 open	 design	 of	 a	 Raspberry	 Pi	 allows	 the	 addition	 of	 lots	 of	 different	 hardware	
collaborations	and	with	the	integration	of	4x	USB	2.0	ports.		This	allowed	the	use	of	a	USB	
powered	 device	 wireless	 dongle.	 	 The	 review	 of	 literature	 surrounding	 network	 security	
suggested	that	the	necessity	of	a	specific	chipset	and	drivers	is	required	when	performing	
particular	 network	 penetration	 tests.	 	 These	 specific	 chipsets	 would	 allow	 the	 tester	 to	
perform	on	the	fly	packet	injection	while	monitoring	the	streams	of	wireless	frequencies	in	
the	air.
There	were	2	main	wireless	dongles	which	used	the	required	chipset,	these	where	by	brands	
TP-link	and	Alfa	network.		The	TP-Link	brand	of	wireless	dongle	offered	a	smaller	design	
allowing	more	discrete	design	and	was	chosen	for	this	reason.		
3.1.4	Secondary	Ethernet	interface	
To	allow	certain	reconnaissance	attacks	such	as	an	inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	the	need	
for	a	second	Ethernet	networking	interface	is	required,	as	the	device	alone	only	as	one	on-
board	Ethernet	connection.				An	inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	would	require	the	device	to	
sit	 on	 the	 link	 between	 two	 communicating	 networked	 devices.	 	 Fortunately,	 additional	
Ethernet	interfaces	can	be	added	to	a	Raspberry	PI	via	the	USB	ports	using	an	Ethernet	RJ45	
USB	Network	Adapter.	
As	the	existing	onboard	Ethernet	port	as	a	maximum	throughput	of	100Mbps,	there	was	no	
need	to	choose	a	higher	throughput	USB	Ethernet	network	adapter	as	network	traffic	will	
scale	to	the	lowest	speed	link,	This	narrowed	sourcing	the	hardware	to	just	100Mbps.	
3.1.5	Battery	pack	
As	the	penetration	testing	device	is	to	be	mobile,	it	will	require	a	source	of	power	in	the	form	
of	a	mobile	battery	pack.			After	Study	of	the	previous	research	completed	on	exploring	attack	
vectors	 which	 used	 a	 5,000mAh	 USB	 power	 bank,	 Zheng	 (2013).	 It	 was	 deciding	 that	 a	
20,000mAh	USB	power	bank	would	be	more	beneficial	as	there	studies	found	the	max	a	
5,000mAh	battery	could	last	running	various	attack	vectors	was	6	hours,	which	gives	little	
time	to	conduct	a	thorough	reconnaissance.
3.1.6	Project	financial	cost	
The	following	table	is	the	parts	required	for	the	project	with	a	source	of	purchase	and	price	
at	the	time	of	sale.	
Item	 Source	 Cost	
Raspberry	Pi	2	Model	B+	.	
Adafruit	RGB	Negative	16×2	LCD+Keypad	Kit	for	Raspberry	Pi.	 £25	
TP-LINK	TL-WN722N	Wireless	N150	High	Gain	USB	Adapter,	150Mbps,	
4dBi	External	Antenna,	WPS	Button.	 £8	
Anker	Astro	E6	Power	bank	-	20800	mAh.	 £30	
TP-LINK	TD-W8968	300Mbps	Wireless	N	USB	ADSL2+	Modem	Router.	 £29	
0.5M	CAT.5	UTP	Patch	Cable.	 £3	
SanDisk	Mobile	Ultra	micro	SDHC	16	GB	UHS-I	Class	10	Memory	Card	30	
MB/s.	 £8	
USB	to	10/100	Ethernet	RJ45	Network	Adapter	Converter	PC	Laptops	
Wired	Connection	USB	Male	to	RJ45	Female.	 £1.75	
Adafruit	Raspberry	Pi	B+	/	Pi	2	/	Pi	3	Case	-	Smoke	Base	 £5	
Total:	 £134.75	
3.2	Software	
The	following	section	will	take	a	look	at	the	software	used	within	the	project,	it	will	look	at	
each	 individual	 piece,	 comparing	 it	 with	 any	 alternate	 software’s	 that	 are	 available	 and	
provide	the	reasoning	as	to	the	the	final	choice	which	was	made.	
3.2.1	Operating	system	
There	are	a	number	of	open-source	Linux	based	penetration	testing	distributions,	that	are	
specifically	configured	for	the	Raspberry	Pi	as	it	uses	an	ARM	based	CPU	architecture,	these	
are	 available	 to	 download	 online	 and	 free.	 	 Distribution	 such	 as	 Kali	 Linux,	 Pwn	 Pi	 and

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This document discusses the evolution of approaches to securing SCADA systems. Early advice based on IT security principles is subtly flawed, as it fails to prevent system compromise and physical damage cannot be undone with backups. More recent approaches focus on prevention over detection and response. The key shift is recognizing SCADA systems must remain uncompromised, as restoring operations from intrusions is impossible unlike with IT systems. Overall confidence in SCADA security remains low due to outdated approaches still in use.

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El Día del Padre se originó en 1909 en Estados Unidos cuando Sonora Smart Dodd quiso homenajear a su padre viudo. En 1924, el presidente Calvin Coolidge apoyó establecer un día nacional del padre, y en 1966 el presidente Lyndon Johnson declaró el tercer domingo de junio como el Día del Padre en Estados Unidos. La mayoría de países americanos también celebran esta fecha, mientras que en España y otros países de origen católico es el 19 de marzo, festividad de San José.

Raspberry	 Pwn	 all	 offer	 a	 number	 of	 penetration	 testing	 tools	 free	 to	 install	 and	 use.		
However,	this	project	was	designed	to	be	a	modular	device,	so	it	was	decided	that	the	best	
operating	system	for	the	project	would	be	Raspbian;	an	unofficial	port	of	the	Debian	wheezy	
ARMhf	 distribution	 that	 is	 available	 download	 on	 the	 Raspberry	 Pi	 website.	 	 Raspbian	 is	
completely	compatible	with	the	Raspberry	Pi	and	is	updated	frequently,	so	there	will	be	no	
issues	regarding	compatibility.		Raspbian	also	comes	with	the	Python	programming	language	
pre-installed	and	with	Python	installed	a	program	known	as	‘Katoolin’	can	be	downloaded	
and	run.		Katoolin	offers	a	quick	and	easy	way	to	download	repositories	and	tools	from	the	
Kali	Linux	penetration	testing	distribution,	in	order	to	then	select	and	install	penetration	
testing	tools	from	its	suite.		The	tools	can	be	installed	individually	as	and	when	needed	making	
this	a	better	approach	to	having	a	bloated	system	full	of	tools	that	are	not	in	use.				
3.2.2	Programming	languages	
Has	there	have	been	over	2500	computer	languages	created	(Kinnersley	B,	2016)	the	choice	
of	which	language	to	use	in	the	project	was	cumbersome.		However,	with	the	decision	to	use	
the	Adafruit	RGB	screen	and	keypad	input,	also	came	the	need	to	use	the	pre-written	Python	
libraries	for	the	interaction	between	the	module	and	operating	system.		This	made	Python	
the	 only	 viable	 programming	 language	 available	 but	 a	 valuable	 part	 of	 the	 python	
programming	language	is	the	ability	to	run	BASH	commands	within	the	code.		This	would	be	
very	beneficial	as	the	author	had	previously	completed	an	academic	module	on	UNIX	and	
familiar	with	the	commands	available.
3.2.3	Nmap	
Nmap	is	a	free	and	open	source	network	discovery	tool	that	can	scan	a	target	network	finding	
information	in	hosts	such	as	open/closed	ports,	operating	system	versions	and	firewall	filters.		
It	is	a	commonly	used	tool	for	the	reconnaissance	of	a	network	when	performing	a	network	
penetration	test	as	the	tester	can	build	a	logical	picture	of	what	the	network	consists	off.		
Nmap	offers	the	ability	to	write	information	that	has	been	discovered	to	file	allowing	a	report	
to	be	built	and	analysed	at	a	later	date.			
3.2.4	Reverse	AES	HTTP	Shell	
A	 reverse	 shell	 is	 form	 of	 shell	 whereby	 the	 target	 system	 of	 which	 is	 required	 use	 of,	
communicates	back	to	a	remote	attacking	system.		The	remote	system	is	configured	to	listen	
on	a	specific	port	whereby	it	receives	the	connection	this	is	achieved	by	using	command	or	
code	execution	(InfosecInstitute,	2016).			
The	diagram	below	shows	the	state	of	a	reverse	shell	connection.	
Reverse	 shell	 tools	 are	 available	 from	 the	 Kali	 Linux	 repositories	 an	 can	 be	 downloaded	
through	katoolin.
Chapter	4.	Design	and	
The	following	section	will	show	the	physical	construction	of	the	miniaturised	penetration	
testing	computer	followed	by	a	look	at	the	software	that	was	implemented	on	it.	
4.1	Hardware	construction	
The	first	step	of	the	build	was	to	solder	the	RGB	display	and	keypad	kit	together	following	the	
online	instruction	set	provided	on	the	Adafruit	website.	The	following	figures	show	the	start	
and	finish	of	the	build.	
The	build	required	a	soldering	iron	as	the	the	RGB	display	and	keypad	there	in	kit	form,	a	
more	detailed	view	of	the	construction	can	be	seen	in	Appendix	B	
4.2	Software	Implementation	
The	 following	 section	 will	 explain	 how	 the	 software	 was	 implemented	 on	 the	 device	
presenting	extracts	of	code	implementations.		
To	implement	the	software,	the	Raspbian	Image	was	pre-installed	on	the	Micro	SD	cards	and	
inserted	in	the	Raspberry	Pi	as	this	was	the	operating	system	of	choice.		Following	this,	the	
necessary	 Python	 libraries	 where	 downloaded	 from	 the	 Adafruit	 website	 to	 utilise	 the	
interaction	between	pi	and	screen/keypad

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4.2.1	LCD	Menu	system	
	 As	 there	 are	 many	 hobbyists	 who	 take	 on	 the	 Raspberry	 Pi	 for	 various	 projects,	
sources	 such	 as	 GitHub	 host	 free	 open-source	 repositories	 of	 programming	 code	 for	
individuals	to	upload	and	download	from,	allowing	communities	to	collaborate	and	share	
code.		It	was	this	source	which	allowed	the	author	to	discover	a	pre-written	menu	system	that	
had	been	wrote	in	the	python	computing	language	for	the	interaction	between	the	Raspberry	
Pi	and	Adafruit	RGB	display	and	keypad	input.		On	parsing	the	code,	it	was	revealed	there	was	
a	lot	of	unnecessary	functions	that	originally	where	tailored	for	the	use	of	its	creator.		These	
where	deemed	unnecessary	and	the	code	was	adapted	to	that	of	a	basic	menu	system	with	
no	functions.		This	base	code	would	be	where	all	later	functions	would	be	called	from	and	
would	be	placed	in	as	a	script	to	be	ran	in	the	‘.bashrc’	file;	a	file	which	initiates	the	commands	
within	it	on	the	boot	of	the	device.		The	Adapted	menu	system	code	for	the	project	can	be	
found	in	Appendix	C.	
4.2.2	Reverse	shell	
The	reverse	shell	code	was	taken	from	the	penetration	testing	tools	that	are	supplied	with	
the	Kali	Linux	distribution.		It	was	installed	using	the	katoolin	application	referred	to	earlier,	
the	code	was	mildly	adapted	as	the	AES	private	key	was	changed	this	was	done	as	the	default	
is	set	for	everyone	who	wishes	to	use	the	tool	and	therefore	it	is	well	known	making	it	a	
security	risk.
4.2.3	Port	Scan	and	Report	
The	port	scan	feature	of	the	project	was	implemented	using	the	well-known	Nmap	software	
previously	mentioned.		Given	specific	flags	the	author	was	able	to	scan	a	specified	a	dress	
range	for	all	open	ports	and	operating	system	versions	of	hosts	within	a	define	network	a	
breakdown	an	extract	of	the	implemented	function	is	shown	below.	
This	 network	 port	 scanning	 feature	 can	 be	 triggered	 from	 the	 keypad	 LCD	 menu	 system	
allowing	 the	 tester	 to	 produce	 a	 report	 swiftly	 without	 the	 need	 of	 peripherals	 such	 as	
keyboard	mouse	and	monitor	adhering	to	intentionally	discrete	and	mobile	nature.	Figure	7	
below	shows	the	port	scan	function	extracted	from	the	LCD	menu	script	it	should	be	noted	
that	the	interaction	on	the	keypad	requires	the	user	to	press	the	left	switch	in	order	to	break	
loop	the	function	is	placed	in	leaving	the	area	of	the	LCD	menu	they	were	once	placed	in.	
A	 sample	 network	 port	 scan	 report	 output	 has	 been	 provided	 in	 Appendix	 D	 of	 the	
4.2.4	Anonymous	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	
The	inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	was	implemented	with	the	use	of	the	USB	RJ45	Ethernet	
adapter,	the	device	works	by	sitting	in	the	middle	of	the	communicating	and	taking	a	copy	of	
all	 the	 traffic	 that	 passively	 runs	 through	 the	 device.	 	 The	 diagram	 below	 shows	 the	
conceptual	design	followed	by	the	physical	design.	
To	allow	the	device	to	be	anonymised,	a	configurations	had	to	be	set	on	the	device	these	are	
as	follows:	
1. Disable	DHCP	daemon	from	running	denying	the	devices	interfaces	being	given	an	IP	
2. Create	bridge	and	add	interfaces	both	interfaces	to	the	bridge.	
3. Remove	the	IP	addresses	of	the	interfaces	on	the	bridge.	
4. Initiate	the	Bridge.	
5. Initiate	the	capture	of	the	the	traffic	passing	through	the	bridge	interface.	
The	script	for	the	inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	can	be	seen	below.	

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La carrera de Ciencias de la Comunicación estudia los procesos de comunicación y cómo los mensajes son diseñados para comunicar o reasegurar relaciones de poder. Los estudiantes aprenden a analizar diferentes temáticas desde una perspectiva comunicacional y desarrollan habilidades para comprender diversos puntos de vista. Los graduados cuentan con un bagaje cultural versátil que les permite desempeñarse en campos como el periodismo, la publicidad y la producción audiovisual.

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Aps  informaticaAps  informatica
Aps informatica

O documento discute a estrutura física da internet, formas de conexão, intranet, extranet, ameaças virtuais e segurança na internet. A estrutura física da internet não tem um computador central e sim uma rede de banda larga que conecta centros de informática. Ameaças como vírus, worms e bots podem infectar computadores. É importante usar a internet de forma segura para evitar riscos como acesso a conteúdo impróprio, furto de identidade e invasão de privacidade.

4.2.5	Battery	Timer	script	
The	battery	timer	was	a	simple	script	wrote	in	BASH	to	record	the	time	at	which	the	device	
powered	off.		This	was	written	for	the	testing	phase	of	the	project	as	the	USB	battery	pack	as	
no	indication	of	when	the	batteries	power	is	about	to	deplete,	meaning	a	script	would	have	
to	be	run	as	a	background	process	constantly	rewriting	the	current	time	into	a	file.		Once	a	
test	had	been	performed	the	and	battery	and	fully	depleted	the	device	would	be	powered	on	
and	the	time	would	be	read	from	the	file	in	order	to	calculate	how	long	the	battery	life	had	
lasted	during	the	test.		This	was	performed	by	deducting	the	start	time	of	the	test	by	the	finish	
time,	showing	the	number	of	hours	and	minutes	the	battery	had	lasted.		Figure	11	below	
show	the	basic	battery	timer	script.	
4.3	Problems	faced	
After	completion	of	the	build,	to	run	the	pen	testing	device	in	a	target	environment	research	
showed	 it	 had	 the	 potential	 to	 face	 various	 issues	 surrounding	 general	 network	 security	
4.3.1	Port	Security	
Organisations	 such	 as	 banks	 and	 who	 wish	 to	 be	 certified	 to	 the	 ISO27002	 information	
security	standards	must	follow	strict	regulations	on	the	access	control	they	place	on	their	
network	and	systems	(ISO/IEC	27002:2013,	2013).		They	will	apply	security	configurations	to	
their	networking	equipment	such	as	port	security	as	a	physical	defence	against	unauthorised	
access	to	the	local	network.		Port	security	is	a	technique	of	access	control	that	consists	of	
MAC	filtering	on	the	physical	ports	of	a	switch,	it	is	secured	by	allowing	or	denying	a	physical	
connection	to	the	network	based	on	the	MAC	address	of	the	connecting	device.		This	can	be	
a	 problem	 for	 the	 reconnaissance	 device,	 has	 should	 it	 want	 to	 initiate	 a	 reverse	 shell	
connection,	it	would	require	a	valid	MAC	address	from	the	filter	list	implemented	to	the	
This	problem	could	be	overcome	with	a	technique	known	as	MAC	spoofing	(D	Cardenas,	E,	
2003),	it	would	require	the	user	of	the	device	to	manually	configure	the	device	using	a	valid	
MAC	address	to	connect	to	the	network.
4.3.2	Stateful	Firewalls		
The	use	of	Stateful	Firewall	technologies	will	allow	or	deny	various	types	of	traffic	across	a	
network.		Software	such	as	IPtables	rules	or	Cisco	IOS’s	ACL	lists	can	perform	IP	filter	rules	on	
the	state	of	a	connection,	these	are	known	as	reflexive	ACL’s	or	Stateful	rules	(Cisco,	2014).		
A	common	configuration	of	the	reflexive	ACL	is	to	allow	outbound	connections	that	where	
started	within	a	network	through	the	firewall,	but	deny	any	connections	inbound	that	where	
not	started	from	within	the	network.		This	maybe	filtered	by	the	port	in	which	is	in	use	for	
example	HTTP	traffic	over	port	80	is	allowed	out	and	return,	but	not	allowed	in.		Another	
function	of	a	Stateful	firewall	is	the	ability	to	perform	deep	packet	inspection;	this	is	the	
capturing	of	packets	in	transit	for	analysis	(Solarwinds,	2014).		Deep	packet	inspection	can	
detect	 fraudulent	 packets	 that	 are	 entering	 the	 network	 under	 a	 valid	 port	 number	 but	
contain	different	protocols	to	which	that	port	number	is	associated.									
This	was	overcome	with	the	use	of	the	reverse	AES	HTTP	shell	which	can	run	across	port	80	
out	 of	 the	 network	 (a	 common	 configuration).	 	 It	 is	 also	 Encrypted	 with	 AES	 encryption	
denying	any	packet	inspection	to	be	performed.				
4.3.3	IDS/IPS	Systems	
There	is	a	possibility	an	organisation	will	use	an	IDS/IPS	system	to	monitor	and	detect	freak	
activity	on	the	network,	such	as	extremely	high	bandwidth	use	or	hosts	being	repeatedly	
pinged.	 	 An	 IDS/IPS	 is	 configured	 with	 the	 use	 of	 factors	 such	 as	 network	 traffic	 flows,	
signature	based	inspection	and	baseline	network	activity.		Once	these	rules	are	violated	the
IPS	can	dynamically	prevent	suspicious	activity	from	occurring	by	altering	firewall	rules	and	
logging	activity.	
To	prevent	detection	from	any	IDS/IPS	systems,	the	network	port	scanning	software	Nmap,	
was	given	command	flags	set	to	avoid	detection	by	fragmentation	of	packets.		However,	this	
would	not	prevent	detection	in	every	scenario.	
4.4	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capture	Investigation	
The	following	section	is	the	second	part	of	the	implementation	where	by	the	penetration	
testing	device	that	was	constructed,	was	tested	to	see	how	long	the	device	could	monitor	
traffic	using	the	Inline	Ethernet	packet	capturing	software	previously	implemented			
4.4.1	Battery	life	testing	
To	 test	 the	 network	 reconnaissance	 attack	 against	 battery	 life,	 a	 piece	 of	 software	 was	
required	to	generate	specific	levels	of	traffic	across	a	physically	connected	Ethernet	link.		
Initial	research	referred	the	author	to	a	software	known	as	iperf;	a	program	that	is	used	for	
testing	the	throughput	of	a	connection	by	sending	a	defined	amount	of	bandwidth	to	saturate	
a	physical	link.		This	software	was	used	in	the	project	in	conjunction	with	software	known	as	
tcpdump;	a	packet	analysing	application	which	is	run	from	the	Linux	command	line.		tcpdump	
itself	was	used	to	capture	the	packets	that	were	in	transit	across	the	Ethernet	link	which	is	
being	anonymously	monitored.

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Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) are applications that collect data from a system in order to automate the monitoring and controlling of its activities. Several industrial fields such as, electric utilities, water supplies and buildings' facilities have already adopted SCADA systems to increase the efficiency and reduce cost. However, the IT community is concerned about the level of security that any applied SCADA system provides. This paper concentrates on the major security threats encountered in SCADA systems. In addition, it discusses a new proposed methodology in order to increase the system security with minimal impact on efficiency. The proposed scheme provides several security services which are mutual authentication, confidentiality, data integrity and accountability.

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The	initial	testing	was	performed	in	3	stages	these	as	follows;	
1. Battery	consumption	monitoring	10Mbps	throughput	
2. Battery	consumption	monitoring	50Mbps	throughput	
3. Battery	consumption	monitoring	100Mbps	throughput	
Each	test	was	conducted	using	all	of	the	same	equipment,	with	the	only	variant	being	the	bit	
rate	transmitted.		A	logical	diagram	of	the	battery	life	test	is	shown	below.	
4.4.1	Hardware	testing	
The	final	piece	of	software	that	was	used	is	known	as	vmstat,	it	is	also	a	command	line	tool	
similar	to	tcpdump,	but	for	the	monitoring	of	a	computers	statistical	information	such	as	CPU,	
memory,	I/O,	and	swap,	this	information	can	be	printed	to	screen	or	written	to	a	file	for	
further	analysis.		vmstat	was	run	on	the	penetration	testing	device	alongside	tcpdump,	to	
identify	the	effect	on	hardware	as	the	the	iperf	software	transmitted	packets	at	incrementing	
bandwidths	of	10Mbps	till	it	reached	100Mbps,	a	Logical	diagram	of	the	test	is	shown	below
Chapter	5.	Results	
and	Discussion	
The	 following	 section	 cover	 the	 results	 collected	 from	 tests	 ran	 in	 the	 previous	 chapter,	
discussing	the	expected	results	and	then	analysing	the	data	for	further	discussion.		To	view	
the	full	a	transcript	of	all	the	results	collected	refer	to	appendix	E.	
5.1	Complete	battery	depletion	test	results	
The	theorised	expectation	of	the	tests	would	be	that,	the	higher	the	throughput	which	was	
being	transmitted	from	the	iperf	client	software	to	the	iperf	server	software	and	anonymously	
monitored	with	the	packet	capturing	application.		This	would	theoretically	be	running	more	
processes	 and	 utilising	 the	 hardware	 of	 the	 penetration	 testing	 device	 meaning	 the	 the	
battery	would	deplete	more	rapidly	as	the	device	took	more	energy	from	the	battery	cells.		
The	following	Table	and	Figure	show	the	results	of	the	battery	life	tests.	
Reconnaissance Attack Bit Rate (Mbps) Battery life (Hrs)
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 Average traffic 39.2	
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 100 28.9	
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 50 34.5	
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 10 37.9
This	theory	proved	to	be	true	as	the	results	below	show,	the	rate	at	which	throughput	of	
traffic	is	sent	directly	affects	the	speed	of	drain	on	the	battery	life.	
5.2	Hardware	utilisation	test	results	
The	Theorised	expectation	of	this	test	was	similar	to	that	of	the	battery	depletion	test,	the	
author	assumed	that	the	higher	throughput	of	data	across	the	monitored	link,	then	this	would	
directly	affect	the	hardware	utilisation	on	the	monitoring	device.	
This	theory	however	was	not	fully	correct,	the	tests	where	rather	inconclusive	towards	the	
theory	of	a	direct	link	between	link	throughput	and	hardware	utilisation.		Although	there	were	
evident	 patterns	 in	 statistics	 when	 the	 highest	 values	 of	 each	 statistic	 from	 the	 30	 data	
outputs	where	collated.		One	evident	pattern	was	that	of	the	memory	cache	utilisation	this	
can	be	seen	in	figure	15	below.	
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	Wire	
TAP	general	use
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	Wire	
TAP	at	100Mbps
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	Wire	
TAP	at	50Mbps
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	Wire	
TAP	at	10Mbps
Time	Till	Complete	Battery	Depletion	
Time	Till	Battery	Depletion	(Hours)

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Wireless data hacking, a form of hacking that can remotely gain control of a server via RF by planting spy chips or unauthorized devices directly to the server. WDSS is able to detect and defend against all RF attacks in real-time scans the entire frequency every second for anomalies.

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The potential of wireless communications, has resulted in a wide expand of wireless networks. However, the vulnerabilities and threats that wireless networks are subjectedto resulted in higher risk for unauthorized users to access the computer networks.This research evaluates the deployed Wireless Network in Jordan as well as the use of the security setting of the systems and equipment used. Caution will be taken to avoid network access as only existence of the network is sought. Wardriving involve the use of freeware tools such as NetStumbler, or Kismet, which was originally developed to be used for helping network administrators make their systems more secure. Thestudy is carried out through field evaluation of the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)in light of the use of Wardriving, and proposessome measures that can be taken to improve securityof the wireless network by the users.

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One major problem is detecting the unsuitability of traffic caused by a distributed denial of services (DDoS) attack produced by third party nodes, such as smart phones and other handheld Wi-Fi devices. During the transmission between the devices, there are rising in the number of cyber attacks on systems by using negligible packets, which lead to suspension of the services between source and destination, and can find the vulnerabilities on the network. These vulnerable issues have led to a reduction in the reliability of networks and a reduction in consumer confidence. In this paper, we will introduce a new algorithm called rout attack with detection algorithm (RAWD) to reduce the affect of any attack by checking the packet injection, and to avoid number of cyber attacks being received by the destination and transferred through a determined path or alternative path based on the problem. The proposed algorithm will forward the real time traffic to the required destination from a new alternative backup path which is computed by it before the attacked occurred. The results have showed an improvement when the attack occurred and the alternative path has used to make sure the continuity of receiving the data to the main destination without any affection.

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As	the	throughput	of	the	link	was	is	increased	by	10Mbps,	the	size	of	the	memory	cache	
increases	at	an	exponential	rate	(seen	in	red).	
One	other	area	of	interest	surrounds	the	correlation	between	the	link	throughput	and	and	
the	number	of	system	interrupts	per	second.		Figure	16	below	shows	after	a	freak	data	point	
in	the	20Mbps	test	there	is	a	stable	increase	in	the	number	of	interrupts	per	second	in	relation	
to	the	link	throughput.		
5.3	Additional	findings	
Throughout	 the	 course	 of	 the	 project,	 there	 where	 various	 other	 findings	 that	 where	
discovered	that	may	often	be	overlooked.	
5.3.1	Ease	of	development	
The	ease	of	development	on	the	project	was	relatively	easy,	as	the	author	had	most	of	the	
technical	knowledge	that	was	needed	available	to	them	through	previous	experiences	using	
1022 1052 1063 1073 1086 1094 1098 1108
20 0 29 28 29 30 30 31 31 310
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Bandwidth	(Mbps)
Min	value	taken	from	30x	1	second	interval	
system	in system	cs
the	 technologies.	 	 This	 was	 aided	 by	 the	 understanding	 the	 author	 had	 on	 subjects	 at	 a	
fundamental	level,	meaning	any	new	concepts	where	built	on	the	pre-existing	knowledge.				
5.3.2	Development	time	
The	time	to	develop	the	project	was	reasonable	and	should	more	time	be	available	to	the	
individual	the	project	may	have	been	completed	earlier	then	proposed.		This	is	also	down	to	
the	discipline	of	the	individual	for	example	the	ability	deny	themselves	from	procrastinating.	
5.3.3	The	level	of	skills	required	to	do	the	project	
The	level	of	skill	required	to	complete	the	project	is	that	of	a	first	year	university	student	and	
low	level,	it	does	however	require	a	lot	of	determination	and	a	keen	interest	in	the	field	of	
network	security.		Areas	such	as	UNIX	and	python	are	the	most	essential	part	of	the	build,	
knowing	their	fundamentals	is	the	basis	to	furthering	the	project.		
5.3.4	Risk	factors	for	organisations	
The	projects	device	presents	a	lot	of	risks	for	an	organisation	as	the	device	is	mobile	and	
proven	to	be	capable	of	performing	reconnaissance	attacks.		With	the	ability	to	remain	hidden	
and	powered	by	a	battery	for	up	to	39.2	house	under	average	users	traffic,	the	device	can	
present	a	serious	risk	towards	the	security	of	an	organisations	network.
5.3.5	How	easy	was	it	to	find	information	on	this?	
Information	on	the	subject	was	somewhat	scarce,	however	sourcing	information	on	network	
security	practices	and	browsing	community	developed	Raspberry	Pi	projects	can	provide	the	
necessary	information	towards	implementing	such	a	project.		
5.3.6	How	technically	in	depth	is	the	programming	code	
The	most	technical	code	in	the	project	was	that	of	the	LCD	menu	system,	though	this	was	not	
written	by	the	author,	only	adapted	and	used	as	a	framework.		Most	of	the	python	code	used	
in	the	project	refers	back	to	UNIX	commands	and	shell	scripts	meaning	it	does	not	require	an	
individual	at	the	level	of	a	completed	computer	science	degree	in	order	to	write	the	code	in	

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This document discusses the use of firewalls as a countermeasure against threats on wireless networks. It begins by introducing wireless networks and some of the security risks they pose. It then defines what a firewall is and explains why firewalls are necessary for protecting networks from unauthorized access. Specifically, it outlines several common types of attacks on wireless networks, including IP spoofing, denial-of-service attacks, source routed traffic, and tiny fragment attacks, that firewalls can help defend against. The objective is to demonstrate how firewalls work as a countermeasure and determine their advantages and disadvantages for securing wireless networks.

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Chapter	6.	Conclusion	
The	initial	concept	of	this	project	changed	quite	vastly	at	an	early	stage	of	the	process,	due	to	
what	was	theoretically	possible	with	over	ambitious	time	line.		This	change	however	allowed	
the	project	to	be	refined	giving	the	project	two	clear	and	concise	questions;	
1. Can	a	device	be	built	using	off	the	shelf	IT	hardware	for	the	purpose	of	exploring	
possible	automated	network	reconnaissance	attacks?	
2. If	such	a	device	was	built,	how	long	can	the	device	be	deployed	remotely	before	the	
battery	life	is	depleted?	
Both	of	these	questions	were	successfully	answered	with	the	build	of	the	device	running	code	
for	the	automation	of	network	attacks	reconnaissance	and	the	testing	of	battery	life	depletion	
against	the	device	running	such	code.		There	were	no	major	surprises	to	the	findings	which	
were	 made	 throughout	 projects	 testing,	 but	 overall	 the	 project	 gave	 clarification	 on	 the	
questions	it	answered.	
Overall	the	project	was	a	success	and	a	pleasure	to	complete.			
6.1	Lessons	Learned	
The	lessons	learned	throughout	the	course	of	this	project	were,	it	does	not	take	an	individual	
with	 the	 knowledge	 of	 computer	 science	 graduate	 to	 achieve	 the	 projects	 goals.	 	 Basic
understanding	of	the	fundamental	technologies	partnered	with	further	study	in	the	projects	
technical	areas	will	provide	the	necessary	information	required	to	complete	such	a	project.			
6.2	Future	Activity	
Possible	future	activity	furthering	the	project	would	consist	of	the	following:	
• Implement	a	GSM	shield	on	the	device	to	allow	out	of	band	communication	through	
the	3G	or	4G	cellular	network.		Once	connected	to	to	a	target	network	the	device	
would	 theoretically	 be	 able	 to	 upload	 the	 extracted	 recon	 data	 to	 the	 attacker’s	
remote	system.	Avoiding	detection	across	the	target	network.	
• Test	the	battery	life	depletion	time	when	running	wireless	network	reconnaissance	
attacks	while	also	observing	the	effect	on	hardware	utilisation.	
• Automate	a	password	cracking	application	onboard	the	RGB	display	and	input
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iec:27002:ed-2:v1:en.	[Accessed	4	May	2016].	
Kali.	2016.	Kali	on	Raspberry	Pi.	[ONLINE]	Available	at:
linux-arm-raspberry-pi.	[Accessed	2	May	2016].	
Kinnersley	B.	2016.	The	Language	List.	[ONLINE]	Available	
at:	[Accessed	2	May	2016].	
Mortensen,	C.	;	Winkelmaier,	R.	;	Zheng,	J.	(2013).	Exploring	Attack	Vectors	Facilitated	by	Miniaturized	
Computers.	Proceedings	of	the	6th	International	Conference	on	Security	of	Information	and	Networks.	
(	),	p203-209.	
Pwnpi.sourceforge.	2016.	PwnPi.	[ONLINE]	Available	at:	
[Accessed	2	May	2016].	
Ponnusamy	P.	2016.	Understanding	VMSTAT	Output	-	Explained.	[ONLINE]	Available	
[Accessed	5	May	2016].

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- Financial institutions and digital security providers are increasingly taking a military approach to defending against cyber attacks through layered defenses. This involves implementing multiple defensive layers throughout the network like firewalls, routers, intrusion detection, and antivirus software. - In virtualized and cloud environments, security managers can filter and police traffic at each virtual server to separate and isolate traffic by customer and type. This prevents attacks from impacting host systems and improves efficiency. - The use of threat intelligence databases that identify dangers on the internet in real-time combined with defensive filtering and blocking at the server level provides an additional layer of security against cyber attacks.

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This document provides an overview of network security. It discusses the history and need for network security. It describes common network attacks and authentication methods. The document outlines basic network security techniques like Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). It also discusses network security architecture and concludes that network security is an important field that requires ongoing improvement to address evolving threats.

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This seminar covers network security from its history to modern techniques. It introduces network security, the need for it due to increased internet usage, and basic concepts like authentication and common attacks. The document outlines early security protocols and why confidentiality, availability and integrity of information were important as the internet grew. It discusses how to secure a network from outside intrusion and different authentication techniques. Specific security methods like WPA, WEP and how hackers have evolved are also summarized. The advantages and challenges of network security are presented, as well as the importance of a well-designed security architecture for an organization's network.

PwnieExpress.	2016.	PWNPLUG	R3.	[Online]	Available	at:	[Accessed	07	
January	16].	
Raspberrypi.	2016.	RASPBERRY	PI	2	MODEL	B.	[ONLINE]	Available	
at:	[Accessed	22	February	16].		
Raspbian.	2016.	Raspbian.	[ONLINE]	Available	at:	
[Accessed	2	May	2016].	
RS	Components	Ltd.	2016.	Raspberry	Pi	2	Model	B.	[Online]	Available	at:	[Accessed	07	January	
SANS.	2004.	Understanding	IPS	and	IDS:	Using	IPS	and	IDS	together	for	Defense	in	Depth.	[ONLINE]	
Available	at:
ids-defense-in-depth-1381.	[Accessed	5	May	2016].	
	Shravan,	K.,	Neha,	B.	&	Pawan,	B.	2014,	"Penetration	Testing:	A	Review",	Compusoft,	vol.	3,	no.	4,	pp.	
Solarwinds.	(2014).	SolarWinds	Deep	Packet	Inspection	&	Analysis	for	Quality	of	Experience	
Monitoring.	[Online	Video].	29	July	2014.	Available	
from:	[Accessed:	5	May	2016].	
TP-Link.	2016.	150Mbps	High	Gain	Wireless	USB	Adapter	TL-WN722N.	[ONLINE]	Available	
at:	[Accessed	1	May	2016].	
Tcpdump.	2016.	TCPDump&LibPcap.	[ONLINE]	Available	at:	[Accessed	2	
May	2016].	
Venkateswaran,	D.	;	Alex,	C.	;	Jose,	K.M.	;	Sahasranamam,	S.	.	(2014).	Mobile	Phone	Controlled	Farm	
Management	Aider.	Humanitarian	Technology	Conference	(R10-HTC),	2014	IEEE	Region	10	.	p117-
Violent	Python;	a	cookbook	for	hackers,	forensic	analysts,	penetration	testers	and	security	engineers.	
2013.	Reference	and	Research	Book	News,	28(4),.
Appendix	A	–	Literature	review	
Appendix	B	–	Penetration	testing	device	build	
Appendix	C	–	LCD	menu	system	code	
Appendix	D	–	Port	Scan	Report	
Appendix	E	–	Full	transcript	of	results	collected	
Appendix	F	-	Supervisory	Meeting	Log
Investigating	Remote	and	Automated	attack	vectors	using	
a	microcomputer	from	inside	a	known	network.	
DEAN	KAY			ID:	1208626	
Prepared	for	Amanda	Dewhurst	&	Louise	Ashby	|8th	January	2016
Appendix	-	A	 2	
Table	of	Contents	

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SpriteGuard is a WiFi security solution that prevents hacker attacks on public WiFi networks. It scans the WiFi environment and detects all wireless hotspots and connected devices. If a device connects to a fraudulent hotspot, SpriteGuard stops the connection, preventing fraud. SpriteGuard also provides analytics on WiFi network performance through a virtual client that tests download speeds, ping times, and signal strength. This helps businesses ensure optimal WiFi quality. SpriteGuard is unique in that it works independently of existing WiFi infrastructure, requires no changes, and protects all devices on a network without prior knowledge. It is a cost-effective solution developed by researchers at Liverpool University to address widespread security issues with public WiFi access.

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This document summarizes information about virtual private networks (VPNs). It defines a VPN as a secure connection between devices and networks over public networks like the Internet. It describes the main types of VPNs and how they work by encrypting data and routing it through a service provider's secure servers. The document also discusses VPN security methods like firewalls and encryption. It outlines advantages like reduced costs but also disadvantages such as loss of access if the connection is down. Finally, it predicts continued growth in VPN usage and markets in the future.

Appendix	-	A	 3	
GSM	-		Global	System	for	Mobile	Communication	
OSS		-		 Open	Source	Software		
List	of	Figures	
Figure	1	PwnPlug	R3	-		source:	..................................................................	6	
Figure	2	RGB	LCD	plate	with	keypad	–	source:	..................................................	6	
Figure	 3.	 Bar	 chart	 of	 battery	 lifetime	 -	 source:	 Exploring	 attack	 vectors	 facilitated	 by	
miniaturized	computers	...................................................................................................	7	
1.	Introduction	
	 Due	to	an	ever	increasing	number	of	cyber	attacks	against	computer	systems	and	
networks	being	committed	across	the	world,	companies	and	nations	alike	are	taking	cyber	
security	as	a	primary	defence	against	existing	and	fore	coming	attacks.	
One	technique	towards	building	stronger	cyber	security	systems	is	the	hiring	of	penetration	
testers,	 in	 order	 to	 find	 security	 holes	 in	 the	 current	 computer	 and	 networks	 security	
infrastructure	 of	 an	 organisation.	 	 Penetration	 testers	 are	 known	 to	 use	 a	 plethora	 of	
techniques	known	as	‘attack	vectors’,	in	order	to	break	into	their	target	systems.		One	rather	
new	technique	is	known	as	a	penetration	testing	drop	box.		Whereby	a	computing	device	with	
penetration	testing	tools	pre-installed,	is	hidden	away	within	a	targets	physical	location	with	
potential	physical	access	to	the	target	network	via	a	nearby	Ethernet	port	or	in	wireless	range	
of	an	access	point.	
The	purpose	of	the	project	is	to	investigate	the	viability	of	using	a	microcomputer	combined	
with	keypad	input	and	display	in	order	to	run	automated	attacks	against	a	computer	network.	
Due	to	its	uniqueness	there	is	very	little	study	been	made	in	this	area	of	cyber	security,	only	
finding	 one	 main	 literature	 containing	 specific	 research	 conducted	 in	 the	 field.	 	 Broader	
research	was	made	around	the	subject	but	it	was	felt	necessary	to	use	the	main	research	
already	conducted	and	build	from	it.			
The	overall	goal	of	performing	this	research	carries	two	segments,	firstly	to	establish	whether	
or	not	the	device	is	at	all	creatable	using	consumer	grade	hardware.	
This	will	encompass	three	parts.		
• How	the	device	is	to	be	administered	
This	 is	 of	 interest	 to	 how	 the	 device	 will	 efficiently	 make	 use	 of	 its	 target	
environment,	 the	 main	 focus	 being	 the	 various	 implementations	 towards	
interaction	between	the	user	and	device.	
• The	fashion	in	which	the	device	will	interact	in	its	environment	
This	represents	how	the	device	will	interact	with	its	target	network.		Variants	
of	attack	vector	will	be	considered,	such	as	wired	or	wireless	attacks.
Appendix	-	A	 4	
• Potential	physical	forms	the	device	may	take		
This	considers	the	various	physical	forms	in	which	the	device	may	take,	earlier	
research	from	interactions	between	users	and	environments	will	shape	the	
path	in	which	this	research	is	conducted.		
Using	part	one’s	research	as	a	reference	towards	physical	design	of	the	artefact,	the	second	
segment	of	the	research	will	take	a	look	at	the	complexity	involved	towards	handling	of	the	
project,	largely	being	the	time	constraints	placed	upon	the	project	deadline	and	costs	to	build	
the	device.	
For	this	very	reason,	a	clear	and	concise	number	of	attack	vectors	are	to	be	researched	as	
there	simply	is	not	enough	time	to	study	all	variant’s.		Defining	a	set	amount	of	attack	vectors	
will	narrow	the	the	scope	of	the	research	and	allow	time	for	testing	and	data	analysis	toward	
the	end	of	the	project.			
2.	Approach	and	Methods	
	 As	stated	earlier	research	for	this	project	was	broken	into	3	parts	as	follows:		
• How	the	device	is	to	be	administered	
• The	fashion	in	which	the	device	will	interact	in	its	environment	
• Potential	physical	forms	the	device	may	take		
Research	performed	on	this	project	would	be	fundamentally	of	a	technical	nature,	thus	it	was	
segmented	in	order	to	give	a	clear	outlook	on	key	areas	of	importance	within	the	project.	
Part	one	was	to	discover	how	the	device	would	be	administered	by	a	user	and	in	order	to	
carry	out	specified	attacks,	a	literature	search	was	conducted,	via	the	use	of	a	university	
search	engine	for	online	academic	journals	and	publications.		It	is	believed	this	method	of	
research	 would	 provide	 trustworthy	 and	 valid	 information	 on	 the	 given	 subject,	 as	 the	
content	is	of	a	scholarly	nature	and	often	peer	reviewed	by	professionals	in	the	field.		
Following	this	initial	research,	it	was	considered	useful	to	determine	if	any	products	offering	
penetration	testing	tools	on	a	microcomputer	or	of	a	similar	sort,	already	pre	exist	on	the	
consumer	market.		To	no	surprise	there	was	few	products	currently	on	the	market	these	can	
be	seen	in	Appendix	A.	
Lastly,	research	was	looked	upon	to	see	if	automating	vulnerability	scans	was	a	viable	option.		
A	study	by	academics	on	the	automation	of	7	popular	vulnerability	scanners	all	being	run	on	
the	 same	 computer	 network	 consisting	 of	 28	 hosts,	 with	 a	 variety	 of	 operating	 systems,	
services	and	potential	vulnerabilities.	Was	performed	in	2011	and	drew	conclusion	that	the	
accuracy	of	such	tests	proved	invalid	(Holm,	H;	Sommestad,	T;		Almroth,	J;	Persson,	M,	2011).		
This	method	of	automation	would	not	be	used	because	of	the	validity	issues.	
Part	two	of	the	research	took	into	account	the	way	in	which	the	device	would	interact	in	its	
Research	that	had	previously	been	conducted	showed	the	possibility	of	both	interacting	with	
a	target	network	physically	or	wirelessly	(Mortensen,	C;	Winkelmaier,	R;	Zheng,	J,	2013).		This	
allowed	the	idea	to	facilitate	both	wired	and	wireless	for	attacks,	opening	a	wider	range	of	
attack	vectors	to	choose	from.			On	carrying	out	this	research	towards	the	idea	of	wireless
Appendix	-	A	 5	
and	 wired	 attacks.	 	 Further	 unintended	 research	 into	 remote	 interaction	 via	 3G	 cellular	
networks	arose.		A	study	into	system	of	cellular	controlled	farming	management	was	being	
used	with	a	GSM	shield	attached	to	a	Raspberry	Pi	microcomputer	(Venkateswaran,	D;	Alex,	
C;	Jose,	K.M;	Sahasranamam,	S,	2014).		This	gave	the	idea	to	possible	out	of	band	connectivity	
to	 the	 device	 being	 used	 in	 the	 project,	 thus	 hiding	 the	 identity	 of	 commands	 being	
communicated	to	and	from	the	device,	adding	another	layer	of	anonymity.					
Lastly,	 the	 option	 of	 using	 a	 mains	 power	 supply	 or	 battery	 powered	 supply	 as	 an	
implementation	was	also	discovered.		This	allowed	obscurity	as	the	device	would	not	need	to	
rely	 on	 a	 mains	 power	 supply	 to	 function	 and	 could	 be	 well	 hidden	 (Mortensen,	 C;	
Winkelmaier,	R;	Zheng,	J,	2013).		
The	 final	 part	 of	 the	 research	 relates	 to	 the	 physical	 form	 of	 the	 device,	 showing	 the	
requirements	intended	to	meet	below:	
• To	be	compatible	with	all	connected	hardware	on	device.	
• Mobile	for	instalment	in	target	locations.	
• Able	to	run	basic	network	connectivity	test	from	the	device	itself	locally.	
• Perform	attacks	locally	and	remotely.	
Decisions	towards	the	physical	design	will	take	into	account,	the	project	costs	and	case	study	
findings	in	order	to	achieve	a	suitable	medium.				
Research	showed	that	the	Raspberry	Pi	microcomputer	was	a	worthy	candidate	in	terms	of	
the	 cost	 of	 hardware	 and	 the	 capabilities	 of	 the	 hardware.	 	 Using	 hardware	 such	 as	 the	
Raspberry	Pi	would	allow	the	instalment	of	non	proprietary	software	(Raspberry	Pi,	2016).		
Such	as	a	specialised	operating	system	known	as	Kali	Linux,	which	provides	a	penetration	
testing	security	suite	of	250+	tools	(Kali,	2016).		It	was	evident	from	the	research	conducted	
into	exploring	attack	vectors	that	their	device	was	automatically	given	connectivity	when	
placed	in	the	network,	as	there	was	know	hardware	to	configure	the	device	on	placement.		
This	gave	the	idea	of	fitting	a	Raspberry	Pi	with	a	LCD	screen	and	keypad	input	module	in	
order	to	test	basic	network	connectivity	from	the	device	while	being	placed	on	location.								
3.	Findings	
Maintaining	to	the	segmentation	of	the	project	research	into	three	separate	areas,	
the	following	represent	the	findings	found	within	each	area.	
Currently	there	already	exists	commercial	products	that	include	microcomputers	installed	
with	penetration	testing	suites.		It	was	found	that	there	are	various	ways	to	interact	with	pen	
testing	hardware,	with	commercial	products	such	as	the	PwnPlug	R3	seen	below.
Appendix	-	A	 6	
Figure	1	PwnPlug	R3	-		source:	
Pen-testers	can	utilise	over	100+	OSS-based	penetration	testing	tools,	from	a	web	based	UI	
supplied	by	the	vendor.		With	a	price	tag	of	$1000	this	was	deemed	as	an	expensive	approach	
to	penetration	testing.		A	more	cost	effective	approach	would	be	via	the	use	of	a	raspberry	pi	
micro	computer	partnered	with	the	free	security	software	suite	Kali	Linux.			
Using	this	approach	also	allows	the	additions	of	modules	to	the	raspberry	pi	device,	allowing	
new	forms	of	interaction	between	user	and	device.		Such	as	the	RGB	LCD	screen	and	keypad	
module	made	by	Adafruit	that	can	be	seen	below.	
Figure	2	RGB	LCD	plate	with	keypad	–	source:	
This	would	allow	the	programming	of	a	basic	menu	system	to	be	written	and	a	user	could	run	
basic	network	connectivity	checks.	Before	leaving	the	device	in	its	target	location	for	later	
remote	attacks	once	connectivity	as	been	made.		
The	use	of	a	3G	cellular	hardware	is	a	possible	approach	for	out	of	band	access	to	the	remote	
device,	thus	hiding	the	identity	of	commands	being	communicated	to	and	from	the	device.		
Though	 this	 would	 be	 another	 incremental	 cost	 to	 the	 project	 but	 would	 be	 taken	 into	
account	for	any	future	projects	in	this	area.		
Another	consideration	to	be	made	when	implementing	the	hardware	is	whether	or	not	to	use	
a	power	supply	from	the	target	organisation	or	use	an	external	battery	power	supply.		The	
advantages	to	the	battery	powered	implementation	would	be	that	the	device	would	be	able	
to	be	hidden	out	of	site,	taking	the	idea	that	if	it	was	deployed	by	a	cyber	criminal	they	would	
not	want	you	knowing	it	is	there.		The	disadvantage	to	using	a	battery	powered	approach	is	
the	the	battery	life	itself.		As	it	is	put	under	strain	through	carrying	out	different	attack	vectors	
battery	life	can	deplete	overtime.		Previous	research	found	in	the	case	studies	found	battery

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network security is a complicated subject,historically only tackled by well-trained and expericenced experts

Appendix	-	A	 7	
life	to	be	an	issue	causing	some	attack	vectors	to	simply	not	be	used.		This	was	also	due	to	
the	older	and	less	performance	microcomputer	hardware.	The	Bar	chart	below	shows	the	
battery	lifetime	of	a	5,000mah	battery,	under	the	use	of	different	attack	vectors.	
Figure	3.	Bar	chart	of	battery	lifetime	-	source:	Exploring	attack	vectors	facilitated	by	miniaturized	computers	
It	can	also	be	depicted	from	the	bar	chart	above	that	wireless	attacks	are	more	consuming	on	
battery	life	as	opposed	to	attacks	using	a	wired	connection.		This	is	because	of	the	high	
powered	antenna	always	running.		
The	project	approach	will	be	of	a	similar	foundation	to	the	research	of	‘Exploring	Attack	
Vectors	 Facilitated	 by	 Miniaturized	 Computers’.	 	 Though	 as	 the	 study	 is	 3	 years	 old	 and	
technological	hardware	as	progressed.		Tests	will	be	carried	out	on	an	updated	model	of	the	
Raspberry	Pi	hardware	allowing	processing	speeds	of	up	to	6	times	faster	then	that	of	the	
previously	tested.		This	paired	with	a	20,000mah	external	battery	supply	over	the	original	
5,000mah	will	allow	attack	vectors	to	be	trialled	that	where	thought	previously	not	of	been	
able	to	run	because	of	the	slower	older	generation	hardware.		
4.	Evaluation	and	Reflection	
	 The	 nature	 of	 this	 project	 produces	 significant	 academic	 and	 technical	 challenges	
relating	to	the	understanding	and	grasp	of	the	topic,	the	implementation	cost	and	hardware	
to	test	the	different	attack	vectors.	
Using	the	unique	yet	sparse	research	found	on	the	topic	as	given	a	clearer	understanding	to	
possibilities	that	are	viable.		This	as	allowed	pre	conceptual	ideas	to	be	approved	or	disproved	
before	 any	 technical	 implementation	 as	 been	 started.	 	 Ultimately	 saving	 time,	 but	 also	
allowing	new	avenues	to	be	looked	upon	instead.
Appendix	-	A	 8	
The	methods	in	which	research	as	been	conducted	have	proved	to	be	of	a	high	standard,	
allowing	the	information	required	to	be	taken	where	needed.		Even	unintended	research	that	
occurred	proved	useful	in	the	process	of	eliminating	potential	routes	to	take	with	the	project.			
The	research	has	narrowed	the	project	idea	down	to	a	more	manageable	one,	eradicating	the	
broad	spectrum	of	ideas	into	just	a	few.		Allowing	precise	information	to	be	extracted	from	
the	project.	
5.	Bibliography	
Adafruit.	 2016.	 Adafruit	 RGB	 Negative	 16x2	 LCD+Keypad	 Kit	 for	 Raspberry	 Pi.	 [ONLINE]	 Available	 at:	[Accessed	07	January	16].	
Venkateswaran,	 D.	 ;	 Alex,	 C.	 ;	 Jose,	 K.M.	 ;	 Sahasranamam,	 S.	 .	 (2014).	 Mobile	 Phone	 Controlled	 Farm	
Management	Aider.	Humanitarian	Technology	Conference	(R10-HTC),	2014	IEEE	Region	10	.	p117-120.	
Hunt,	 A.	 2014.	 Media	 over	 Coaxial	 Alliance	 (MoCA):	 Operation	 and	 Security	 Posture.	 [Online]	 Available	 at:
Overview-and-Security-Posture-WP.pdf.	[Accessed	01	January	16].	
Holm,	H.	;	Sommestad,	T.	;		Almroth,	J.	;	Persson,	M.	(2011).	A	quantitative	evaluation	of	vulnerability	scanning.	
InformationManagement&Computer	Security.	Vol	19	(No.	4),	p231-247.		
Kali.	2016.	About	Kali	Linux.	[Online]	Available	at:	[Accessed	07	January	16].	
Mortensen,	 C.	 ;	 Winkelmaier,	 R.	 ;	 Zheng,	 J.	 (2013).	 Exploring	 Attack	 Vectors	 Facilitated	 by	 Miniaturized	
Computers.	Proceedings	of	the	6th	International	Conference	on	Security	of	Information	and	Networks.	(	),	p203-
PwnieExpress.	2016.	PWNPLUG	R3.	[Online]	Available	at:
r3penetration-testing-device/.	[Accessed	07	January	16].	
RS	 Components	 Ltd.	 2016.	 Raspberry	 Pi	 2	 Model	 B.	 [Online]	 Available	 at:	[Accessed	07	January	16].6.		
6.	Appendices	
Appendix	A
Appendix	-	A	 9	
Raspberry	Pi

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The vpnThe vpn
The vpn

Virtual private networks (VPNs) allow organizations to securely connect to a private network over a shared public infrastructure like the Internet. VPNs work by encrypting data that is sent between devices so that it can only be read by the intended recipient. This creates a secure "tunnel" to transmit data privately across a public network. VPNs provide benefits like extending a private network's reach, improving security, and reducing costs compared to traditional private leased lines. However, VPNs still face security risks such as hacking attacks, weak user authentication, client-side vulnerabilities, and virus/malware infections that could compromise the private network.


The document discusses the concept of "secure pipes", which refers to internet service providers integrating security functions directly into their network infrastructure to filter traffic before it reaches customers. This represents a paradigm shift from the traditional approach where customers were responsible for security after receiving traffic. Secure pipes involve three stages: 1) Filtering to block known bad traffic using signatures, 2) Exposing unknown malicious content through advanced analytics, and 3) Predicting future attacks by analyzing digital breadcrumbs from reconnaissance activities. The key benefits are applying security at internet speeds, gaining visibility from millions of endpoints, and allowing security teams to focus on more sophisticated threats.

Experimental analysis of intrusion detection systems using machine learning a...
Experimental analysis of intrusion detection systems using machine learning a...Experimental analysis of intrusion detection systems using machine learning a...
Experimental analysis of intrusion detection systems using machine learning a...

Since the invention of the internet for military and academic research purposes, it has evolved to meet the demands of the increasing number of users on the network, who have their scope beyond military and academics. As the scope of the network expanded maintaining its security became a matter of increasing importance. With various users and interconnections of more diversified networks, the internet needs to be maintained as securely as possible for the transmission of sensitive information to be one hundred per cent safe; several anomalies may intrude on private networks. Several research works have been released around network security and this research seeks to add to the already existing body of knowledge by expounding on these attacks, proffering efficient measures to detect network intrusions, and introducing an ensemble classifier: a combination of 3 different machine learning algorithms. An ensemble classifier is used for detecting remote to local (R2L) attacks, which showed the lowest level of accuracy when the network dataset is tested using single machine learning models but the ensemble classifier gives an overall efficiency of 99.8%.

artificial neuralensemble classifierintrusion detection system
1. #!/usr/bin/python
3. # Created by Alan Aufderheide, February 2013
4. # Modified by Dean Kay, February 2016
5. # This provides a menu driven application using the LCD Plates
6. # from Adafruit Electronics.
8. import commands
9. import subprocess
10. import os
11. import urllib
12. from string import split
13. from time import sleep, strftime, localtime
14. from datetime import datetime, timedelta
15. from xml.dom.minidom import *
16. from Adafruit_I2C import Adafruit_I2C
17. from Adafruit_MCP230xx import Adafruit_MCP230XX
18. from Adafruit_CharLCDPlate import Adafruit_CharLCDPlate
19. from ListSelector import ListSelector
21. import smbus
23. configfile = 'lcdmenu.xml'
24. # set DEBUG=1 for print debug statements
25. DEBUG = 0
29. # set to 0 if you want the LCD to stay on, 1 to turn off and on auto
30. AUTO_OFF_LCD = 0
32. # set busnum param to the correct value for your pi
33. lcd = Adafruit_CharLCDPlate(busnum = 1)
34. # in case you add custom logic to lcd to check if it is connected (useful)
35. #if lcd.connected == 0:
36. # quit()
39. lcd.backlight(lcd.OFF)
41. # commands
42. def rePortscan():
43. if DEBUG:
44. print('in rePortscan')
45. lcd.clear()
46."sudo nmap -O -sV -v --reason --open -
oX /home/pi/portScans/testmap.xml --stylesheet=nmap.xsl &",shell=True)
47. while 1:
48. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
49. break
50. sleep(0.25)
51. def ShowPubIP():
52. if DEBUG:
53. print('in ShowPublicIP')
54. publicIPUrl = urllib.urlopen("")
55. pubIP =[2].translate(None, '"')
56. lcd.clear()
57. lcd.message(pubIP)
58. while 1:
59. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
60. break
61. sleep(0.25)
63. def ShowDG():
64. if DEBUG:
65. print('in ShowIPGate')
66. lcd.clear()
67. lcd.message(commands.getoutput("sudo python /home/pi/"))
68. while 1:
69. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
70. break
71. sleep(0.25)
73. def revShell():
74. if DEBUG:
75. print('in Reverse Shell')
76. lcd.clear()
77."sudo python /home/pi/testmenu/reVSHELL/ 80 &",shell=Tru
78. while 1:
79. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
80. break
81. sleep(0.25)
83. def reWireTAP():
84. if DEBUG:
85. print('in reWireTAP')
86. lcd.clear()
87."sudo /home/pi/reTools/reWireTAP/",shell=True)
88. while 1:
89. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
90. break
91. sleep(0.25)
93. def DoQuit():
94. lcd.clear()
95. lcd.message('Are you sure?nPress Sel for Y')
96. while 1:
97. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
98. break
99. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT):
100. lcd.clear()
101. lcd.backlight(lcd.OFF)
102. quit()
103. sleep(0.25)
105. def DoShutdown():
106. lcd.clear()
107. lcd.message('Are you sure?nPress Sel for Y')
108. while 1:
109. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
110. break
111. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT):
112. lcd.clear()
113. lcd.backlight(lcd.OFF)
114. commands.getoutput("sudo shutdown -h now")
115. quit()
116. sleep(0.25)
118. def DoReboot():
119. lcd.clear()
120. lcd.message('Are you sure?nPress Sel for Y')
121. while 1:
122. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
123. break
124. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT):
125. lcd.clear()
126. lcd.backlight(lcd.OFF)
127. commands.getoutput("sudo reboot")
128. quit()
129. sleep(0.25)
131. def LcdOff():
132. global currentLcd
133. currentLcd = lcd.OFF
134. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
136. def LcdOn():
137. global currentLcd
138. currentLcd = lcd.ON
139. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
141. def LcdRed():
142. global currentLcd
143. currentLcd = lcd.RED
144. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
146. def LcdGreen():
147. global currentLcd
148. currentLcd = lcd.GREEN
149. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
151. def LcdBlue():
152. global currentLcd
153. currentLcd = lcd.BLUE
154. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
156. def LcdYellow():
157. global currentLcd
158. currentLcd = lcd.YELLOW
159. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
161. def LcdTeal():
162. global currentLcd
163. currentLcd = lcd.TEAL
164. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
166. def LcdViolet():
167. global currentLcd
168. currentLcd = lcd.VIOLET
169. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
171. def ShowDateTime():
172. if DEBUG:
173. print('in ShowDateTime')
174. lcd.clear()
175. while not(lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT)):
176. sleep(0.25)
177. lcd.home()
178. lcd.message(strftime('%a %b %d %Yn%I:%M:%S %p', localtime()))
180. def ValidateDateDigit(current, curval):
181. # do validation/wrapping
182. if current == 0: # Mm
183. if curval < 1:
184. curval = 12
185. elif curval > 12:
186. curval = 1
187. elif current == 1: #Dd
188. if curval < 1:
189. curval = 31
190. elif curval > 31:
191. curval = 1
192. elif current == 2: #Yy
193. if curval < 1950:
194. curval = 2050
195. elif curval > 2050:
196. curval = 1950
197. elif current == 3: #Hh
198. if curval < 0:
199. curval = 23
200. elif curval > 23:
201. curval = 0
202. elif current == 4: #Mm
203. if curval < 0:
204. curval = 59
205. elif curval > 59:
206. curval = 0
207. elif current == 5: #Ss
208. if curval < 0:
209. curval = 59
210. elif curval > 59:
211. curval = 0
212. return curval
214. def SetDateTime():
215. if DEBUG:
216. print('in SetDateTime')
217. # M D Y H:M:S AM/PM
218. curtime = localtime()
219. month = curtime.tm_mon
220. day = curtime.tm_mday
221. year = curtime.tm_year
222. hour = curtime.tm_hour
223. minute = curtime.tm_min
224. second = curtime.tm_sec
225. ampm = 0
226. if hour > 11:
227. hour -= 12
228. ampm = 1
229. curr = [0,0,0,1,1,1]
230. curc = [2,5,11,1,4,7]
231. curvalues = [month, day, year, hour, minute, second]
232. current = 0 # start with month, 0..14
234. lcd.clear()
235. lcd.message(strftime("%b %d, %Y n%I:%M:%S %p ", curtime))
236. lcd.blink()
237. lcd.setCursor(curc[current], curr[current])
238. sleep(0.5)
239. while 1:
240. curval = curvalues[current]
241. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.UP):
242. curval += 1
243. curvalues[current] = ValidateDateDigit(current, curval)
244. curtime = (curvalues[2], curvalues[0], curvalues[1], curvalues[3], curvalues[4]
, curvalues[5], 0, 0, 0)
245. lcd.home()
246. lcd.message(strftime("%b %d, %Y n%I:%M:%S %p ", curtime))
247. lcd.setCursor(curc[current], curr[current])
248. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.DOWN):
249. curval -= 1
250. curvalues[current] = ValidateDateDigit(current, curval)
251. curtime = (curvalues[2], curvalues[0], curvalues[1], curvalues[3], curvalues[4]
, curvalues[5], 0, 0, 0)
252. lcd.home()
253. lcd.message(strftime("%b %d, %Y n%I:%M:%S %p ", curtime))
254. lcd.setCursor(curc[current], curr[current])
255. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.RIGHT):
256. current += 1
257. if current > 5:
258. current = 5
259. lcd.setCursor(curc[current], curr[current])
260. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
261. current -= 1
262. if current < 0:
263. lcd.noBlink()
264. return
265. lcd.setCursor(curc[current], curr[current])
266. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT):
267. # set the date time in the system
268. lcd.noBlink()
269. os.system(strftime('sudo date --set="%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"', curtime))
270. break
271. sleep(0.25)
273. lcd.noBlink()
275. def ShowIPAddress():
276. if DEBUG:
277. print('in ShowIPAddress')
278. lcd.clear()
279. lcd.message(commands.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig").split("n")[1].split()[1][5:])
280. while 1:

Recommended for you


This document discusses a two-way chained packet marking technique for secure communication in wireless sensor networks. It aims to provide a scheme for detecting attacks by creating a bidirectional link between packets. Any packets found without this link information will be eliminated at network boundaries, improving security. Neighboring packets will be marked to form a chain of legitimate messages, preserving originality and mitigating attacks like jamming.

281. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
282. break
283. sleep(0.25)
285. # Get a word from the UI, a character at a time.
286. # Click select to complete input, or back out to the left to quit.
287. # Return the entered word, or None if they back out.
288. def GetWord():
289. lcd.clear()
290. lcd.blink()
291. sleep(0.75)
292. curword = list("A")
293. curposition = 0
294. while 1:
295. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.UP):
296. if (ord(curword[curposition]) < 127):
297. curword[curposition] = chr(ord(curword[curposition])+1)
298. else:
299. curword[curposition] = chr(32)
300. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.DOWN):
301. if (ord(curword[curposition]) > 32):
302. curword[curposition] = chr(ord(curword[curposition])-1)
303. else:
304. curword[curposition] = chr(127)
305. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.RIGHT):
306. if curposition < DISPLAY_COLS - 1:
307. curword.append('A')
308. curposition += 1
309. lcd.setCursor(curposition, 0)
310. sleep(0.75)
311. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
312. curposition -= 1
313. if curposition < 0:
314. lcd.noBlink()
315. return
316. lcd.setCursor(curposition, 0)
317. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT):
318. # return the word
319. sleep(0.75)
320. return ''.join(curword)
321. lcd.home()
322. lcd.message(''.join(curword))
323. lcd.setCursor(curposition, 0)
324. sleep(0.25)
326. lcd.noBlink()
328. # An example of how to get a word input from the UI, and then
329. # do something with it
330. def EnterWord():
331. if DEBUG:
332. print('in EnterWord')
333. word = GetWord()
334. lcd.clear()
335. lcd.home()
336. if word is not None:
337. lcd.message('>'+word+'<')
338. sleep(5)
340. class CommandToRun:
341. def __init__(self, myName, theCommand):
342. self.text = myName
343. self.commandToRun = theCommand
344. def Run(self):
345. self.clist = split(commands.getoutput(self.commandToRun), 'n')
346. if len(self.clist) > 0:
347. lcd.clear()
348. lcd.message(self.clist[0])
349. for i in range(1, len(self.clist)):
350. while 1:
351. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.DOWN):
352. break
353. sleep(0.25)
354. lcd.clear()
355. lcd.message(self.clist[i-1]+'n'+self.clist[i])
356. sleep(0.5)
357. while 1:
358. if lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT):
359. break
361. class Widget:
362. def __init__(self, myName, myFunction):
363. self.text = myName
364. self.function = myFunction
366. class Folder:
367. def __init__(self, myName, myParent):
368. self.text = myName
369. self.items = []
370. self.parent = myParent
372. def HandleSettings(node):
373. global lcd
374. if node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'red':
375. LcdRed()
376. elif node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'green':
377. LcdGreen()
378. elif node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'blue':
379. LcdBlue()
380. elif node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'yellow':
381. LcdYellow()
382. elif node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'teal':
383. LcdTeal()
384. elif node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'violet':
385. LcdViolet()
386. elif node.getAttribute('lcdColor').lower() == 'white':
387. LcdOn()
388. if node.getAttribute('lcdBacklight').lower() == 'on':
389. LcdOn()
390. elif node.getAttribute('lcdBacklight').lower() == 'off':
391. LcdOff()
393. def ProcessNode(currentNode, currentItem):
394. children = currentNode.childNodes
396. for child in children:
397. if isinstance(child, xml.dom.minidom.Element):
398. if child.tagName == 'settings':
399. HandleSettings(child)
400. elif child.tagName == 'folder':
401. thisFolder = Folder(child.getAttribute('text'), currentItem)
402. currentItem.items.append(thisFolder)
403. ProcessNode(child, thisFolder)
404. elif child.tagName == 'widget':
405. thisWidget = Widget(child.getAttribute('text'), child.getAttribute('functio
406. currentItem.items.append(thisWidget)
407. elif child.tagName == 'run':
408. thisCommand = CommandToRun(child.getAttribute('text'), child.firstChild.dat
409. currentItem.items.append(thisCommand)
411. class Display:
412. def __init__(self, folder):
413. self.curFolder = folder
414. self.curTopItem = 0
415. self.curSelectedItem = 0
416. def display(self):
417. if self.curTopItem > len(self.curFolder.items) - DISPLAY_ROWS:
418. self.curTopItem = len(self.curFolder.items) - DISPLAY_ROWS
419. if self.curTopItem < 0:
420. self.curTopItem = 0
421. if DEBUG:
422. print('------------------')
423. str = ''
424. for row in range(self.curTopItem, self.curTopItem+DISPLAY_ROWS):
425. if row > self.curTopItem:
426. str += 'n'
427. if row < len(self.curFolder.items):
428. if row == self.curSelectedItem:
429. cmd = '-'+self.curFolder.items[row].text
430. if len(cmd) < 16:
431. for row in range(len(cmd), 16):
432. cmd += ' '
433. if DEBUG:
434. print('|'+cmd+'|')
435. str += cmd
436. else:
437. cmd = ' '+self.curFolder.items[row].text
438. if len(cmd) < 16:
439. for row in range(len(cmd), 16):
440. cmd += ' '
441. if DEBUG:
442. print('|'+cmd+'|')
443. str += cmd
444. if DEBUG:
445. print('------------------')
446. lcd.home()
447. lcd.message(str)
449. def update(self, command):
450. global currentLcd
451. global lcdstart
452. lcd.backlight(currentLcd)
453. lcdstart =
454. if DEBUG:
455. print('do',command)
456. if command == 'u':
457. self.up()
458. elif command == 'd':
459. self.down()
460. elif command == 'r':
461. self.right()
462. elif command == 'l':
463. self.left()
464. elif command == 's':
466. def up(self):
467. if self.curSelectedItem == 0:
468. return
469. elif self.curSelectedItem > self.curTopItem:
470. self.curSelectedItem -= 1
471. else:
472. self.curTopItem -= 1
473. self.curSelectedItem -= 1
474. def down(self):
475. if self.curSelectedItem+1 == len(self.curFolder.items):
476. return
477. elif self.curSelectedItem < self.curTopItem+DISPLAY_ROWS-1:
478. self.curSelectedItem += 1
479. else:
480. self.curTopItem += 1
481. self.curSelectedItem += 1
482. def left(self):
483. if isinstance(self.curFolder.parent, Folder):
484. # find the current in the parent
485. itemno = 0
486. index = 0
487. for item in self.curFolder.parent.items:
488. if self.curFolder == item:
489. if DEBUG:
490. print('foundit')
491. index = itemno
492. else:
493. itemno += 1
494. if index < len(self.curFolder.parent.items):
495. self.curFolder = self.curFolder.parent
496. self.curTopItem = index
497. self.curSelectedItem = index
498. else:
499. self.curFolder = self.curFolder.parent
500. self.curTopItem = 0
501. self.curSelectedItem = 0
502. def right(self):
503. if isinstance(self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem], Folder):
504. self.curFolder = self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem]
505. self.curTopItem = 0
506. self.curSelectedItem = 0
507. elif isinstance(self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem], Widget):
508. if DEBUG:
509. print('eval', self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem].function)
510. eval(self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem].function+'()')
511. elif isinstance(self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem], CommandToRun):
512. self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem].Run()
514. def select(self):
515. if DEBUG:
516. print('check widget')
517. if isinstance(self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem], Widget):
518. if DEBUG:
519. print('eval', self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem].function)
520. eval(self.curFolder.items[self.curSelectedItem].function+'()')
522. # now start things up
523. uiItems = Folder('root','')
525. dom = parse(configfile) # parse an XML file by name
527. top = dom.documentElement
529. currentLcd = lcd.OFF
530. LcdOff()
531. ProcessNode(top, uiItems)
533. display = Display(uiItems)
534. display.display()
536. if DEBUG:
537. print('start while')
539. lcdstart =
540. while 1:
541. if (lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.LEFT)):
542. display.update('l')
543. display.display()
544. sleep(0.25)
546. if (lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.UP)):
547. display.update('u')
548. display.display()
549. sleep(0.25)
551. if (lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.DOWN)):
552. display.update('d')
553. display.display()
554. sleep(0.25)
556. if (lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.RIGHT)):
557. display.update('r')
558. display.display()
559. sleep(0.25)
561. if (lcd.buttonPressed(lcd.SELECT)):
562. display.update('s')

Recommended for you

563. display.display()
564. sleep(0.25)
566. if AUTO_OFF_LCD:
567. lcdtmp = lcdstart + timedelta(seconds=5)
568. if ( > lcdtmp):
569. lcd.backlight(lcd.OFF)
Full	Battery	Depletion	Test	
Reconnaissance Attack Bit Rate (Mbps) Battery life (Hrs)
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 Average traffic 39.2	
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 100 28.9	
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 50 34.5	
Inline Ethernet packet capture 	 10 37.9	
Wireless	Multichannel	
Access	Point	Packet	
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	
Wire	TAP	general	use
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	
Wire	TAP	at	100Mbps
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	
Wire	TAP	at	50Mbps
Wired	Inline	Ethernet	
Wire	TAP	at	10Mbps
Time	Till	Battery	Depletion	(Hours)
Time	Till	Battery	Depletion	(Hours)

Recommended for you

Vmstat	Output	Values	for	30	seconds	at	Bandwidth	of	10Mbps	
procs	-----------memory----------	---swap--	-----io----	-system--	------cpu-----	
	r		b			swpd			free			buff		cache			si			so				bi				bo			in			cs	us	sy	id	wa	st	
	0		0						0	812808		46348		55508				0				0				15					2		902			20		0		0	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	812732		46348		55648				0				0					0					0	5062		324		0		2	98		0		0	
	0		0						0	812516		46348		55784				0				0					0					0	5029		318		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	812360		46348		55920				0				0					0					0	5024		311		0		1	99		0		0	
	1		0						0	812236		46356		56044				0				0					0				36	5058		329		1		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	812144		46356		56192				0				0					0					0	5030		317		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	811988		46356		56324				0				0					0					0	5012		336		0		3	97		0		0	
	0		0						0	811864		46356		56460				0				0					0					0	5011		300		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	811740		46356		56592				0				0					0					0	5038		311		0		0	100		0		0	
	0		0						0	811680		46364		56724				0				0					0				16	5027		342		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	811548		46364		56872				0				0					0					0	5026		311		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	811392		46364		57008				0				0					0					0	5066		322		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	811364		46364		57144				0				0					0					0	5048		322		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	811208		46364		57284				0				0					0					0	5023		303		0		0	100		0		0	
	0		0						0	811084		46372		57408				0				0					0				16	5058		329		0		1	98		0		0	
	0		0						0	810772		46372		57552				0				0					0					0	5029		317		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	810680		46372		57692				0				0					0					0	5035		308		0		1	99		0		0	
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	0		0						0	810308		46372		57960				0				0					0					0	5038		317		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	810152		46380		58084				0				0					0				16	5042		325		0		1	99		0		0	
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	0		0						0	809968		46380		58364				0				0					0					0	5053		329		0		1	99		0		0	
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	0		2						0	809040		46392		59448				0				0					0				52	5063		345		0		1	98		1		0
Vmstat	Output	Values	for	30	seconds	at	Bandwidth	of	20Mbps	
procs	-----------memory----------	---swap--	-----io----	-system--	------cpu-----	
	r		b			swpd			free			buff		cache			si			so				bi				bo			in			cs	us	sy	id	wa	st	
	0		0						0	767356		46968	100096				0				0				11					7		988			30		0		0	99		0		0	
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	0		0						0	765328		46992	102128				0				0					0					0	5144		257		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	765204		46992	102272				0				0					0					0	5027		290		0		1	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	765048		46992	102408				0				0					0					0	5029		311		0		0	99		0		0	
	0		0						0	764956		46992	102544				0				0					0					0	5058		320		0		1	99		0		0	
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	0		0						0	763428		47016	104036				0				0					0				20	5002		340		0		2	98		0		0

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