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The Website Owner’s
                                        VETERAN OWNED COMPANY
1. No Keyword Research & Analysis       Rank Above Others, LLC, is a veteran-
                                        owned website development and
                                        marketing firm currently located in
2. No Competitive Research & Analysis   Texas, Philippines, Germany, Canada,
                                        Australia and many more to come.

3. Poor Off-Page Optimization           We have consulted and performed
                                        services for small business owners and
                                        even Inc. 500 companies on SEO, web
                                        design, copywriting, product launch,
4. No Content & Keyword Optimization    social media marketing, video
                                        domination, ecommerce and more.

5. Poor Design & Layout

6. No Content Management System

7. No Plan or Direction
1. No Keyword Research & Analysis
This is, above all, the MOST important element in your online marketing
presence. Without it, you could be going in blind.

By performing a keyword research and        have the most number of searches. That
thorough analysis, you can determine        keyword only had 58!
the best possible keywords to pursue, to
                                                                                         SEO & SEM SERVICES
                                            Going after keywords that is nearly          It has been said that “Search Engine
avoid, to target organically or with PPC,                                                Optimization is a marathon not a
                                            impossible to rank for is also a big waste
and be successful in ranking well for                                                    sprint“. Now, I don’t know about you,
                                            of your time and energy.                     but after seeing Paul Kibii Tergat set a
highly sought after keywords.                                                            world record in 2003 with a time of
                                                                                         2:04:55, a “marathon pace” can be
                                            Based on the same set of keywords
Going after keywords that NO ONE is                                                      very fast.
                                            mentioned earlier, which keyword do
searching for is a waste of time, effort                                                 Let’s break it down a little further.
                                            you think will be the EASIEST to rank        That’s an average pace of 2:57 per
and money. With just a little research
                                            for?                                         kilometer (20.3 km/hr) or 4:46 per mile
you can determine approximately how                                                      (12.6 MPH). That is incredibly fast for
                                                                                         such a long distance.
many people are searching for a             Yep, “dallas lawn care services”!
particular keyword phrase each month                                                     That is how we do business here at
from any country in any language.           It’s the most sought after keyword term      Rank Above Others, LLC. We want to
                                                                                         dig in hard and dig in fast. We want to
                                            by customers and yet it is the EASIEST       hold a strong and steady pace until the
So many website owners make the             keyword to rank for!                         very end. Whether it’s a marathon or a
                                                                                         sprint, it’s still a competition. Your
mistake of just guessing what their                                                      competition, regardless of your
customers are searching for and expect      Go figure!                                   business, is making more profits.

to rank for the keywords.                   If you’d like to learn more about doing      Getting first page listing in the major
                                                                                         search engines (Google, Yahoo! & MSN)
Of the keywords below, which one has        keyword research on your own, read           is more than just business – it’s pride
                                            our tutorial on how to do it:                and credibility. If you’re not at least on
the most number of searches?                                                             the 1st page, you’re treading water and
                                                                                         waiting to be eaten up. And if you’re
       Dallas lawn care                              Using Google Keyword Tool         not within the top 5 positions, you just
                                                                                         lost about 80% of all potential clients.
       Dallas lawn care services                     Keyword Research Tips Part 2
       Dallas lawn                                                                      You should be concentrating on making
                                                                                         more profits, not just more sales. We
       Lawn care dallas texas              This is not an all-inclusive approach to
                                                                                         don’t just do SEO here. We’re more
       Lawn services dallas                the keyword research we regularly            than that. We’ll analyze your business
                                                                                         inside and out (as much as you are
                                            perform, but it is enough to get you         willing to disclose) and come up with a
Here’s a hint:                              started.                                     game plan that will help you win
                                                                                         whatever competition you decide to
                                                                                         get into.
For September 2010, “Dallas lawn            Order a service from us and we will
service” had only 140 searches.             perform a thorough keyword research          If you don’t have the know-how or the
                                                                                         time to quickly get your site ranking
                                            and analysis for you.                        high in the search engines, then
#1 is “Dallas lawn care services” with
                                                                                         request a free analysis and
320 searches.                               We will explain the reasons why we           consultation. No hard-selling of
                                                                                         anything, we’ll just talk about where
                                            selected      certain    keywords      and   you are and where you want to be.
You wouldn’t have known that if you
                                            determine the best possible approach to
didn’t do the research. I bet you
                                            getting you positioned properly in the           REQUEST A FREE
probably thought “Dallas lawn” would
                                            search engines.                                  EXPERT ANALYSIS
2. No Competitive Research & Analysis                                                           CLIENT TESTIMONIAL
                                                                                                “If it’s an awesome, converting sales
“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.”                      letter you’re looking for, Kevin is your
– Sun Tzu. If you don’t know what they’re doing, you won’t know how to                          “go to” person. Whilst I was making a
out-perform and out-rank them.                                                                  few sales with my previous copy, I
                                                                                                always felt there was something
                                                                                                lacking. I knew I had a top quality
                                                                                                product, but the sales just weren’t
The title alone should already have you        - What are they doing that you’re not.           reflecting this.
buzzing with ideas as to why your
                                               - Are they using PPC?                            That all changed when I consulted
website may not be performing as well                                                           Kevin. He knew exactly where the
as you’d like.                                 - What keywords are they ranking for?            problem lay, and did a complete
                                                                                                redesign of my sales letter, and
                                                                                                perfected the copy. The result was a
Perhaps your visitors are spending more        - What sites are linking back to yours?          letter that finally achieved the sorts of
of their time (and money) with your                                                             sales I knew I could be achieving. In
                                                                                                short, I’m very satisfied with Kevin’s
                                               - How does your website compare to
competitors. If so, WHY?                                                                        service and highly recommend him.
                                               theirs? Is it better/worse?                      Thanks Kevin!”
You need to consider:
                                               These are the things you need to find            - Steve Peliari
                                                                                                (The Art of Covert Hypnosis)
- How much traffic are they getting?           out and strategize a plan to overcome it.
                                                                                                A TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS
- How much time are people spending            Learn more about competitive research
                                                                                       is a team of
on your competitors’ websites?                                                                  professional "website and conversion"
                                                                                                specialists that does more than just
                                                                                                "search engine optimization".
3. Poor Off-Page Optimization                                                                   We help companies build a strong
                                                                                                foundation, setup a TRUE marketing
This is a very broad term for search engine marketing strategies that                           plan and provide a strategy that helps
include backlinking, article marketing, social bookmarking and so on.                           increase customers and profits.

When your off-page and on-page optimization is off                   authoritative you are, the more keywords you’ll rank for and
balanced or not optimized properly, you will feel the effects        the higher you’ll climb in the search results.
by seeing very little progress in your rankings and low
                                                                     Keep in mind, “quality over quantity”.
conversions of visitors to customers.
                                                                     One of the things you can incorporate into your online
Many businesses with a website have yet to apply the many
                                                                     marketing efforts is video marketing.
marketing strategies that have been developed and
perfected over the years.                                            Video marketing is one of the most powerful methods you
                                                                     could possibly apply towards your business right now. In
A series of strategies include article submissions, blog
                                                                     February of 2008, there were 10.1 billion views of online
posting, blog commenting, forum posting, social media
                                                                     video world-wide.
bookmarking,      social    media       backlinking,   directory
submissions, profile backlinking, one-way backlinks and              It’s one of the fastest growing phenomena we’ve ever seen
many others.                                                         and you need to get in on it fast!

All of these strategies are intended to obtain search engine
                                                                     CLICK HERE to learn more!
‘credibility’ or ‘authority’. The more credible and
4. No Content & Keyword Optimization
This is also referred to as proper on-page optimization, which leads to
optimizing all pages within a website to be search engine & visitor friendly.

Our clients often wonder why they don’t        diverse estimate of keywords, but
receive visitors for keywords they are         since search engines constantly modify        CLIENT TESTIMONIAL
trying to rank for.                            their algorithms, there is no fixed limit.
                                                                                             I am in the commercial loan business
                                                                                             which has been greatly affected by the
The most common and basic problem              The ideal density of keywords largely         economy. Without question you have
was simply because the client did not          depends on the keywords. In case of a         dramatically upgraded the quality of
                                                                                             our website. This has been the major
have content specifically related to the       highly competitive keyword, it is             key to the improvement of our business
                                                                                             and survival of our company.
keyword terms they were targeting.             advisable    to   target   one     specific
And even when they did, they either            keyword for a single page. One can use        What really amazes me is that you
                                                                                             knew relatively little about my business
blasted it and sounded like a broken           more keywords in lesser important             when we first met and you were able
record or mentioned the keywords only          pages. It is ideal to put the most            to design an industry specific website of
                                                                                             the highest quality. The quality of your
1-2 times.                                     important keywords in the home page           work is reflected in the quality of the
                                               and then link to the other web pages in       customer that we are now getting
Keyword Density                                                                              from your brilliant website design.
                                               the website.
                                                                                             Previously, before you improved our
In simple terms, keyword density is the        Opinions vary as to what should be the        website, we would very rarely get
total ratio of the keywords compared to                                                      someone who qualified for our services
                                               ideal number of keywords. To speak of         from our website. Now, we are getting
the total number of words on the web           the major search engines, Google’s            a much higher percentage of people
                                                                                             who have the financial means to do a
page. For instance, if a web page has          limit on keyword density is 2% while          loan with us.
total number of 100 words and a                MSN and Yahoo offer 5% keyword                Without you, we are not sure our
keyword was used 3 times, it has a 3%          density. Ideally speaking, a website          business would have survived.
keyword density.                               may opt between 1% to 5 % keyword             Terry Painter,

The keywords appears in the meta title,        density.
                                                                                             CLIENT TESTIMONIAL
meta    description,    meta     keywords,
                                               Sales Copy                                    Kevin Lam and his team at RAO have
header text, body content, footer text,                                                      been an invaluable resource to our
                                               Part of the content optimization is           company. Since hiring Kevin, our
text links, anchor text, navigational links,
                                                                                             company has been able to implement a
footer links of a web page.                    writing     highly    persuasive      and     balanced approach to internet
                                                                                             advertising while maximizing our online
                                               informational content that addresses          marketing dollars.
What is the ideal keyword density?             the prospects’ problems, provides a           Our website has never looked better or
                                               solution and gives a means to obtain          brought our company so many quality
The concept of keyword density is very                                                       leads. I would recommend RAO to any
tricky. There is no cardinal rule as to        that solution.                                company large or small who wants to
                                                                                             increase their online presence, spend
what is the ideal figure of keywords in a      Lastly, a “call-to-action” is usually         their marketing dollars more effectively,
                                                                                             and create a professional website that
web page.                                      what’s missing from a website. Make           drives new business from the internet.

It‘s true that all search engines have         sure you have this in place.                  Jon Gallant,

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seowordpresswebsite promotion
                                                                                        There was a client that was consistently
                                                                                        making a profit of $2,500 every month
                                                                                        from 40-45 sales. We made 3 simple
                                                                                        changes (the site looked almost exactly
                                                                                        the same) and they made that profit in
                                                                                        only 4 days! We had boosted their
                                                                                        profits by 750%… with less than 20

                                                                                        As unbelievable as it is, it’s very
                                                                                        achievable for clients such as this
                                                                                        simply because of appearance. Btw, this
                                                                                        was accomplished without increasing
                                                                                        traffic whatsoever! By making those 3
5. Poor Design & Layout                                                                 simple changes, our client instantly
                                                                                        became more credible and each
                                                                                        customer ended up purchasing MORE
Your website is your store-front, do you want a secretary to greet your                 products!
customers or do you want a spokesperson to close the deal for you?
                                                                                        CLIENT TESTIMONIAL
When you walk into an office and            want to stay and look around. The           "Great working with you on the Stupid
                                                                                        Simple System; sales were through the
greeted by a secretary, you will be asked   longer they are on your website, the        roof. And now with the White Hat
who you are looking for and would offer     more likely you will have their business.   Copycat, we launched today at 12PM.
                                                                                        We will hit the 1,000 sales soon and
you to take a seat and wait.                                                            gross 45k in 12 hours - not too bad :). "
                                            There are a lot of elements to consider
A spokesperson will reach out to you        when designing a website and deciding       -Tim Bekker
with open arms and immediately try to       on a proper layout. It really depends on    Groningen, Netherlands
become your friend and tell you about       the nature of your business and what
                                                                                           >>> This client went on to make
all the great things their company does     you offer.                                     over $130,000 in under 90 hours
and how they can help you obtain all
                                            So… how’s your website looking?
the success you want.

So which one do you want?

Right, the spokesperson! And that is
how you want your website to be. You
want it to be user-friendly while giving
as much NEEDED detail as possible
without being too transparent.

You want the website to do all the
marketing legwork for you, so that
when they are ready to call, email or
come in person, all you have to do is
close the deal.

A poorly designed website causes
visitors to go away. A well laid-out and
designed website will make visitors
6. No Content Management System
Without an easy-to-use CMS, you have to pay a webmaster to manage your
website – but why, when you can easily do it yourself?

So many websites on the Internet today       way to allow individuals and companies
are outdated and need a serious              to add/move/manage content from
overhaul to keep up.                         anywhere     on their website          easily
                                                                                             PUTTING MONEY WHERE
                                             without knowing a single line of code.
Back in the early 90’s, when businesses                                                      OUR MOUTH IS
realized that having a website was           One could actually move chunks of               We are literally putting our money
                                                                                             where our mouth is by ranking on
important, they threw their sites up         content or even menu buttons by                 the first page of search engines for
merely for information purposes only.        dragging it to the desired location.            highly difficult keywords in our own
                                                                                             industry. Quite frankly, if we can’t
                                                                                             rank ourselves, we probably can’t
Unfortunately, what they’ve failed to        One could add new pages, company                rank you, right? But we are.
realize now is that people of TODAY are      updates and so on with a few clicks of a
                                                                                             If you simply want to rank high for
highly advanced and aren’t just looking      button.                                         any keyword, find another
                                                                                             marketing firm.
for information; they’re looking for
                                             This solution is achieved through the
TRUSTWORTHY SOLUTIONS... FAST!                                                               If you want to rank for keywords
                                             use of a program called WordPress. If           that matter, keywords that will
                                                                                             generate targeted and hungry
If they can’t find you, that is potential    you can use a mouse and keyboard,               prospects for your product/service,
revenue lost. If your website looks          you can use WordPress.                          then request a free analysis from us.
                                                                                             You will be thoroughly impressed
outdated and washed out, that is the                                                         with the amount of information we
                                             It is essentially a blog (or online digital     give you for free.
appearance     you     are   giving   your
                                             journal). It has been greatly accepted
products and services – washed out.                                                          Whether you want to take your
                                             and respected as one of the best                company to the next level or you
These kinds of sites have what we call       platforms to use for business since it is       simply want to make more money,
                                                                                             contact Rank Above Others today to
“static” content… aka DEAD content. It’s     so in-tuned with being optimized for the        get started right away.
hard to raise the dead, and that is why it   search engines naturally.
is harder to increase the rankings for a                                                       REQUEST A FREE
                                             It is a FACT that the more DYNAMIC                EXPERT ANALYSIS
site with static content.
                                             content you have, the more likely you
Search engines are constantly on the         will be able to rank for additional             CLIENT TESTIMONIAL
lookout for fresh and original content.      keywords.                                       RAO was very professional and
                                                                                             helped improve my website by
                                                                                             making it more search engine
Problem is, many business owners don’t       And since WordPress acts as a self-             friendly and integrating my blog
know HTML or how to effectively              optimization tool to get better and             with the updated design.

update their website content, so they        higher search engine ranking, you are           No matter what I needed to be fixed
end up with a 12-month contract of           injecting a high octane-dose of search-         or edited, they were right there with
                                                                                             me. Excellent communication with
having to pay for every little change.       engine    traffic   just   by   integrating     their team throughout the process. I
                                                                                             can’t recommend them enough.
                                             WordPress into your website.
Have no fear!
                                                                                             -Joerg Stoeffel (Music Producer)
                                             To watch a video walk-through of how            Panorama City, CA
Web technology has really come a long
                                             to use a WP blog site, CLICK HERE.
7. No Plan or Direction
If you have no plan or direction of where you are going, how will you ever reach your final destination?

Everything we’ve talked about leads you to this point. This   at around 90-95%), it is much more user-friendly and
is really a very critical error you CANNOT afford to make,    easier to understand. With a clearer understanding of
but so many people are making this mistake even after         your traffic, you will have an even clearer path to success.
having a website for 5-10 years.
                                                              So what can you gather with Google Analytics?
To plan your strategies against your enemies or even
                                                              You can determine how long someone spent on your
capture your prey, you must know where you stand and
                                                              website through a specific keyword from a specific search
monitor your progress at all times. Use visitor tracking
                                                              engine. If they are bouncing off like flies, you will have to
tools such as “Google Analytics”, which is a free traffic
                                                              determine whether it’s because the keyword generating
monitoring tool that will help you analyze your traffic.
                                                              the traffic is irrelevant to your content… or your
Tools like the Google Analytics will tell you how people      website/content is scaring them off.
landed on your website (whether they directly accessed it
                                                              You will also know how many visitors came from a specific
by knowing your URL or came by doing a search from a
                                                              keyword (or referrer – a website that sent you the visitor).
particular search engine) and see what they are doing on
                                                              You can set goals and integrate it with your Google
your website.
                                                              AdWords PPC Campaign allowing you to track the progress
If you have absolutely no clue what kind of visitors are      of your overall marketing campaign.
landing on your website and what they are doing (or not
                                                              If you haven’t already, go register for an account with
doing) on your website, you might as well not even have
                                                              Google and setup the script to begin monitoring and
one. This information is so crucial to your business, that
                                                              tracking visitors at your website. YOU NEED THIS!
without this information you are crippling your business.
                                                              Once you are able to track your progress, you will finally
Even though Google Analytics is only around 75% accurate
                                                              know where and how to reach your final destination.
(the most accurate tool is your web log, aka “webalizer”,

                                                                                        HAITI EARTHQUAKE RELIEF
                                                                                        It's been six months since a 7.0
                                                                                        earthquake struck Haiti and decimated
                                                                                        buildings and infrastructure across the
                                                                                        Over $2 billion dollars have been raised
                                                                                        since January for Haiti relief, but the
                                                                                        reconstruction will take years and
                                                                                        organizations in Haiti continue to need
                                                                                        If you haven't contributed in a few
                                                                                        weeks or months, please consider
                                                                                        making another donation through one
                                                                                        of the groups below.

                                                                                           CLICK HERE to see
                                                                                           how you can help.
Once you’ve overcome these 7 Deadly Mistakes, you                                                 MEET OUR CEO
will notice your website begin to flourish and take a life
of its own, while generating more traffic, overtaking
your competition and dominating your market.

$21,380 In Sales That Would Have Never Happened
Before I tell you about what I think about Kevin, it’s important that you know I’ve worked
                                                                                                  Kevin Lam is the original founder of
with some of the highest paid marketing consultants, ‘gurus’ and advisers. It’s pretty hard to
                                                                                         and many
get me excited about online marketing processes, especially since this is my day to day living.
                                                                                                  other online businesses.
So when I spoke to Kevin the first time, I thought I was in for the same song and dance.
                                                                                                  He began learning about Internet
However, from the first few minutes of our conversation, I knew this was going to be a
                                                                                                  marketing when he was 17 (early 2001)
valuable use of my time. Even before we agreed to work together, he spent two hours sharing
                                                                                                  and lucratively earned an income by
concepts, ideas and specific tactics for our product launch that became the backbone of our
                                                                                                  the time he was 18. At the age of 19, he
                                                                                                  had already paid off his family’s home
                                                                                                  and generated nearly $200,000 in
Once we began working together, Kevin and his team went WAY above and beyond what they            income.
agreed to, from providing thoughtful marketing direction to knocking out critical technical
pieces of our launch. Kevin was patient and explained every step of the way, training my staff
                                                                                                  After his 5-year military career, he is
on the right procedures for the tools he was implementing.
                                                                                                  now a technology and information
                                                                                                  marketing consultant. He started up
The biggest impact Kevin had was on the launch itself. At the last minute, Kevin provided an      this Dallas marketing firm in hopes of
idea that led to $21,380 in sales that would have never happened had we not used this             helping small and large companies
concept.                                                                                          improve their business and increase
                                                                                                  their revenue with proven strategies
In a world of slick marketers that promise the world and never deliver, Kevin is a refreshing     and remarkable results.
change and an absolute pleasure to work with. I’ve already begun working with him on
another product launch now, and look forward to partnering with him on more initiatives.          Kevin is more than just an Internet
Work with Kevin. You won’t be disappointed!”                                                      marketer, he is also a professional
                                                                                                  copywriter with many years of
                                                                                                  experience and knowledge who
                                                                                                  understands the inner workings of
                                                                                                  marketing to help others succeed.
                                                 REQUEST A FREE
                                                 EXPERT ANALYSIS

                                                                                                       Rank Above Others, LLC
                                                                                                             1106 North 360 Highway
                                                                                                                              Suite 204
FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS EBOOK WITH OTHERS                                                                   Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
We welcome you to share this ebook with your friends and colleagues.                                                               USA
Please keep this ebook as is and intact. No changes or modifications are                                        Office: 800-498-7134
allowed to be made without permission and consent from Kevin Lam or Rank
Above Others, LLC management.                                                                                           Rudy Tiu Bldg 3,
                                                                                                                    J.C. Aquino Avenue
This is a great reference for individuals and businesses that want to start a                              Libertad, Butuan City, 8600
website or might need a little help with their website and online marketing.                                                 Philippines
Thank you for your time.                                                                                     Office 1: +63-85342-5555
                                                                                                             Office 2: +63-85342-5556

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7 deadlymistakes: seo guidelines

  • 1. The Website Owner’s 7 DEADLY MISTAKES VETERAN OWNED COMPANY 1. No Keyword Research & Analysis Rank Above Others, LLC, is a veteran- owned website development and marketing firm currently located in 2. No Competitive Research & Analysis Texas, Philippines, Germany, Canada, Australia and many more to come. 3. Poor Off-Page Optimization We have consulted and performed services for small business owners and even Inc. 500 companies on SEO, web design, copywriting, product launch, 4. No Content & Keyword Optimization social media marketing, video domination, ecommerce and more. 5. Poor Design & Layout 6. No Content Management System 7. No Plan or Direction
  • 2. 1. No Keyword Research & Analysis This is, above all, the MOST important element in your online marketing presence. Without it, you could be going in blind. By performing a keyword research and have the most number of searches. That thorough analysis, you can determine keyword only had 58! the best possible keywords to pursue, to SEO & SEM SERVICES Going after keywords that is nearly It has been said that “Search Engine avoid, to target organically or with PPC, Optimization is a marathon not a impossible to rank for is also a big waste and be successful in ranking well for sprint“. Now, I don’t know about you, of your time and energy. but after seeing Paul Kibii Tergat set a highly sought after keywords. world record in 2003 with a time of 2:04:55, a “marathon pace” can be Based on the same set of keywords Going after keywords that NO ONE is very fast. mentioned earlier, which keyword do searching for is a waste of time, effort Let’s break it down a little further. you think will be the EASIEST to rank That’s an average pace of 2:57 per and money. With just a little research for? kilometer (20.3 km/hr) or 4:46 per mile you can determine approximately how (12.6 MPH). That is incredibly fast for such a long distance. many people are searching for a Yep, “dallas lawn care services”! particular keyword phrase each month That is how we do business here at from any country in any language. It’s the most sought after keyword term Rank Above Others, LLC. We want to dig in hard and dig in fast. We want to by customers and yet it is the EASIEST hold a strong and steady pace until the So many website owners make the keyword to rank for! very end. Whether it’s a marathon or a sprint, it’s still a competition. Your mistake of just guessing what their competition, regardless of your customers are searching for and expect Go figure! business, is making more profits. to rank for the keywords. If you’d like to learn more about doing Getting first page listing in the major search engines (Google, Yahoo! & MSN) Of the keywords below, which one has keyword research on your own, read is more than just business – it’s pride our tutorial on how to do it: and credibility. If you’re not at least on the most number of searches? the 1st page, you’re treading water and waiting to be eaten up. And if you’re  Dallas lawn care  Using Google Keyword Tool not within the top 5 positions, you just lost about 80% of all potential clients.  Dallas lawn care services  Keyword Research Tips Part 2  Dallas lawn You should be concentrating on making more profits, not just more sales. We  Lawn care dallas texas This is not an all-inclusive approach to don’t just do SEO here. We’re more  Lawn services dallas the keyword research we regularly than that. We’ll analyze your business inside and out (as much as you are perform, but it is enough to get you willing to disclose) and come up with a Here’s a hint: started. game plan that will help you win whatever competition you decide to get into. For September 2010, “Dallas lawn Order a service from us and we will service” had only 140 searches. perform a thorough keyword research If you don’t have the know-how or the time to quickly get your site ranking and analysis for you. high in the search engines, then #1 is “Dallas lawn care services” with request a free analysis and 320 searches. We will explain the reasons why we consultation. No hard-selling of anything, we’ll just talk about where selected certain keywords and you are and where you want to be. You wouldn’t have known that if you determine the best possible approach to didn’t do the research. I bet you getting you positioned properly in the REQUEST A FREE probably thought “Dallas lawn” would search engines. EXPERT ANALYSIS
  • 3. 2. No Competitive Research & Analysis CLIENT TESTIMONIAL “If it’s an awesome, converting sales “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” letter you’re looking for, Kevin is your – Sun Tzu. If you don’t know what they’re doing, you won’t know how to “go to” person. Whilst I was making a out-perform and out-rank them. few sales with my previous copy, I always felt there was something lacking. I knew I had a top quality product, but the sales just weren’t The title alone should already have you - What are they doing that you’re not. reflecting this. buzzing with ideas as to why your - Are they using PPC? That all changed when I consulted website may not be performing as well Kevin. He knew exactly where the as you’d like. - What keywords are they ranking for? problem lay, and did a complete redesign of my sales letter, and perfected the copy. The result was a Perhaps your visitors are spending more - What sites are linking back to yours? letter that finally achieved the sorts of of their time (and money) with your sales I knew I could be achieving. In short, I’m very satisfied with Kevin’s - How does your website compare to competitors. If so, WHY? service and highly recommend him. theirs? Is it better/worse? Thanks Kevin!” You need to consider: These are the things you need to find - Steve Peliari (The Art of Covert Hypnosis) - How much traffic are they getting? out and strategize a plan to overcome it. A TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS - How much time are people spending Learn more about competitive research is a team of on your competitors’ websites? professional "website and conversion" specialists that does more than just "search engine optimization". 3. Poor Off-Page Optimization We help companies build a strong foundation, setup a TRUE marketing This is a very broad term for search engine marketing strategies that plan and provide a strategy that helps include backlinking, article marketing, social bookmarking and so on. increase customers and profits. When your off-page and on-page optimization is off authoritative you are, the more keywords you’ll rank for and balanced or not optimized properly, you will feel the effects the higher you’ll climb in the search results. by seeing very little progress in your rankings and low Keep in mind, “quality over quantity”. conversions of visitors to customers. One of the things you can incorporate into your online Many businesses with a website have yet to apply the many marketing efforts is video marketing. marketing strategies that have been developed and perfected over the years. Video marketing is one of the most powerful methods you could possibly apply towards your business right now. In A series of strategies include article submissions, blog February of 2008, there were 10.1 billion views of online posting, blog commenting, forum posting, social media video world-wide. bookmarking, social media backlinking, directory submissions, profile backlinking, one-way backlinks and It’s one of the fastest growing phenomena we’ve ever seen many others. and you need to get in on it fast! All of these strategies are intended to obtain search engine CLICK HERE to learn more! ‘credibility’ or ‘authority’. The more credible and
  • 4. 4. No Content & Keyword Optimization This is also referred to as proper on-page optimization, which leads to optimizing all pages within a website to be search engine & visitor friendly. Our clients often wonder why they don’t diverse estimate of keywords, but receive visitors for keywords they are since search engines constantly modify CLIENT TESTIMONIAL trying to rank for. their algorithms, there is no fixed limit. I am in the commercial loan business which has been greatly affected by the The most common and basic problem The ideal density of keywords largely economy. Without question you have was simply because the client did not depends on the keywords. In case of a dramatically upgraded the quality of our website. This has been the major have content specifically related to the highly competitive keyword, it is key to the improvement of our business and survival of our company. keyword terms they were targeting. advisable to target one specific And even when they did, they either keyword for a single page. One can use What really amazes me is that you knew relatively little about my business blasted it and sounded like a broken more keywords in lesser important when we first met and you were able record or mentioned the keywords only pages. It is ideal to put the most to design an industry specific website of the highest quality. The quality of your 1-2 times. important keywords in the home page work is reflected in the quality of the and then link to the other web pages in customer that we are now getting Keyword Density from your brilliant website design. the website. Previously, before you improved our In simple terms, keyword density is the Opinions vary as to what should be the website, we would very rarely get total ratio of the keywords compared to someone who qualified for our services ideal number of keywords. To speak of from our website. Now, we are getting the total number of words on the web the major search engines, Google’s a much higher percentage of people who have the financial means to do a page. For instance, if a web page has limit on keyword density is 2% while loan with us. total number of 100 words and a MSN and Yahoo offer 5% keyword Without you, we are not sure our keyword was used 3 times, it has a 3% density. Ideally speaking, a website business would have survived. keyword density. may opt between 1% to 5 % keyword Terry Painter, The keywords appears in the meta title, density. CLIENT TESTIMONIAL meta description, meta keywords, Sales Copy Kevin Lam and his team at RAO have header text, body content, footer text, been an invaluable resource to our Part of the content optimization is company. Since hiring Kevin, our text links, anchor text, navigational links, company has been able to implement a footer links of a web page. writing highly persuasive and balanced approach to internet advertising while maximizing our online informational content that addresses marketing dollars. What is the ideal keyword density? the prospects’ problems, provides a Our website has never looked better or solution and gives a means to obtain brought our company so many quality The concept of keyword density is very leads. I would recommend RAO to any tricky. There is no cardinal rule as to that solution. company large or small who wants to increase their online presence, spend what is the ideal figure of keywords in a Lastly, a “call-to-action” is usually their marketing dollars more effectively, and create a professional website that web page. what’s missing from a website. Make drives new business from the internet. It‘s true that all search engines have sure you have this in place. Jon Gallant,
  • 5. GREAT CASE STUDY There was a client that was consistently making a profit of $2,500 every month from 40-45 sales. We made 3 simple changes (the site looked almost exactly the same) and they made that profit in only 4 days! We had boosted their profits by 750%… with less than 20 transactions! As unbelievable as it is, it’s very achievable for clients such as this simply because of appearance. Btw, this was accomplished without increasing traffic whatsoever! By making those 3 5. Poor Design & Layout simple changes, our client instantly became more credible and each customer ended up purchasing MORE Your website is your store-front, do you want a secretary to greet your products! customers or do you want a spokesperson to close the deal for you? CLIENT TESTIMONIAL When you walk into an office and want to stay and look around. The "Great working with you on the Stupid Simple System; sales were through the greeted by a secretary, you will be asked longer they are on your website, the roof. And now with the White Hat who you are looking for and would offer more likely you will have their business. Copycat, we launched today at 12PM. We will hit the 1,000 sales soon and you to take a seat and wait. gross 45k in 12 hours - not too bad :). " There are a lot of elements to consider A spokesperson will reach out to you when designing a website and deciding -Tim Bekker with open arms and immediately try to on a proper layout. It really depends on Groningen, Netherlands become your friend and tell you about the nature of your business and what >>> This client went on to make all the great things their company does you offer. over $130,000 in under 90 hours and how they can help you obtain all So… how’s your website looking? the success you want. So which one do you want? Right, the spokesperson! And that is how you want your website to be. You want it to be user-friendly while giving as much NEEDED detail as possible without being too transparent. You want the website to do all the marketing legwork for you, so that when they are ready to call, email or come in person, all you have to do is close the deal. A poorly designed website causes visitors to go away. A well laid-out and designed website will make visitors
  • 6. 6. No Content Management System Without an easy-to-use CMS, you have to pay a webmaster to manage your website – but why, when you can easily do it yourself? So many websites on the Internet today way to allow individuals and companies are outdated and need a serious to add/move/manage content from overhaul to keep up. anywhere on their website easily PUTTING MONEY WHERE without knowing a single line of code. Back in the early 90’s, when businesses OUR MOUTH IS realized that having a website was One could actually move chunks of We are literally putting our money where our mouth is by ranking on important, they threw their sites up content or even menu buttons by the first page of search engines for merely for information purposes only. dragging it to the desired location. highly difficult keywords in our own industry. Quite frankly, if we can’t rank ourselves, we probably can’t Unfortunately, what they’ve failed to One could add new pages, company rank you, right? But we are. realize now is that people of TODAY are updates and so on with a few clicks of a If you simply want to rank high for highly advanced and aren’t just looking button. any keyword, find another marketing firm. for information; they’re looking for This solution is achieved through the TRUSTWORTHY SOLUTIONS... FAST! If you want to rank for keywords use of a program called WordPress. If that matter, keywords that will generate targeted and hungry If they can’t find you, that is potential you can use a mouse and keyboard, prospects for your product/service, revenue lost. If your website looks you can use WordPress. then request a free analysis from us. You will be thoroughly impressed outdated and washed out, that is the with the amount of information we It is essentially a blog (or online digital give you for free. appearance you are giving your journal). It has been greatly accepted products and services – washed out. Whether you want to take your and respected as one of the best company to the next level or you These kinds of sites have what we call platforms to use for business since it is simply want to make more money, contact Rank Above Others today to “static” content… aka DEAD content. It’s so in-tuned with being optimized for the get started right away. hard to raise the dead, and that is why it search engines naturally. is harder to increase the rankings for a REQUEST A FREE It is a FACT that the more DYNAMIC EXPERT ANALYSIS site with static content. content you have, the more likely you Search engines are constantly on the will be able to rank for additional CLIENT TESTIMONIAL lookout for fresh and original content. keywords. RAO was very professional and helped improve my website by making it more search engine Problem is, many business owners don’t And since WordPress acts as a self- friendly and integrating my blog know HTML or how to effectively optimization tool to get better and with the updated design. update their website content, so they higher search engine ranking, you are No matter what I needed to be fixed end up with a 12-month contract of injecting a high octane-dose of search- or edited, they were right there with me. Excellent communication with having to pay for every little change. engine traffic just by integrating their team throughout the process. I can’t recommend them enough. WordPress into your website. Have no fear! -Joerg Stoeffel (Music Producer) To watch a video walk-through of how Panorama City, CA Web technology has really come a long to use a WP blog site, CLICK HERE.
  • 7. 7. No Plan or Direction If you have no plan or direction of where you are going, how will you ever reach your final destination? Everything we’ve talked about leads you to this point. This at around 90-95%), it is much more user-friendly and is really a very critical error you CANNOT afford to make, easier to understand. With a clearer understanding of but so many people are making this mistake even after your traffic, you will have an even clearer path to success. having a website for 5-10 years. So what can you gather with Google Analytics? To plan your strategies against your enemies or even You can determine how long someone spent on your capture your prey, you must know where you stand and website through a specific keyword from a specific search monitor your progress at all times. Use visitor tracking engine. If they are bouncing off like flies, you will have to tools such as “Google Analytics”, which is a free traffic determine whether it’s because the keyword generating monitoring tool that will help you analyze your traffic. the traffic is irrelevant to your content… or your Tools like the Google Analytics will tell you how people website/content is scaring them off. landed on your website (whether they directly accessed it You will also know how many visitors came from a specific by knowing your URL or came by doing a search from a keyword (or referrer – a website that sent you the visitor). particular search engine) and see what they are doing on You can set goals and integrate it with your Google your website. AdWords PPC Campaign allowing you to track the progress If you have absolutely no clue what kind of visitors are of your overall marketing campaign. landing on your website and what they are doing (or not If you haven’t already, go register for an account with doing) on your website, you might as well not even have Google and setup the script to begin monitoring and one. This information is so crucial to your business, that tracking visitors at your website. YOU NEED THIS! without this information you are crippling your business. Once you are able to track your progress, you will finally Even though Google Analytics is only around 75% accurate know where and how to reach your final destination. (the most accurate tool is your web log, aka “webalizer”, HAITI EARTHQUAKE RELIEF It's been six months since a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti and decimated buildings and infrastructure across the country. Over $2 billion dollars have been raised since January for Haiti relief, but the reconstruction will take years and organizations in Haiti continue to need funding. If you haven't contributed in a few weeks or months, please consider making another donation through one of the groups below. CLICK HERE to see how you can help.
  • 8. Once you’ve overcome these 7 Deadly Mistakes, you MEET OUR CEO will notice your website begin to flourish and take a life of its own, while generating more traffic, overtaking your competition and dominating your market. $21,380 In Sales That Would Have Never Happened Before I tell you about what I think about Kevin, it’s important that you know I’ve worked Kevin Lam is the original founder of with some of the highest paid marketing consultants, ‘gurus’ and advisers. It’s pretty hard to and many get me excited about online marketing processes, especially since this is my day to day living. other online businesses. So when I spoke to Kevin the first time, I thought I was in for the same song and dance. He began learning about Internet However, from the first few minutes of our conversation, I knew this was going to be a marketing when he was 17 (early 2001) valuable use of my time. Even before we agreed to work together, he spent two hours sharing and lucratively earned an income by concepts, ideas and specific tactics for our product launch that became the backbone of our the time he was 18. At the age of 19, he launch. had already paid off his family’s home and generated nearly $200,000 in Once we began working together, Kevin and his team went WAY above and beyond what they income. agreed to, from providing thoughtful marketing direction to knocking out critical technical pieces of our launch. Kevin was patient and explained every step of the way, training my staff After his 5-year military career, he is on the right procedures for the tools he was implementing. now a technology and information marketing consultant. He started up The biggest impact Kevin had was on the launch itself. At the last minute, Kevin provided an this Dallas marketing firm in hopes of idea that led to $21,380 in sales that would have never happened had we not used this helping small and large companies concept. improve their business and increase their revenue with proven strategies In a world of slick marketers that promise the world and never deliver, Kevin is a refreshing and remarkable results. change and an absolute pleasure to work with. I’ve already begun working with him on another product launch now, and look forward to partnering with him on more initiatives. Kevin is more than just an Internet Work with Kevin. You won’t be disappointed!” marketer, he is also a professional copywriter with many years of experience and knowledge who understands the inner workings of marketing to help others succeed. REQUEST A FREE EXPERT ANALYSIS Rank Above Others, LLC 1106 North 360 Highway Suite 204 FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS EBOOK WITH OTHERS Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 We welcome you to share this ebook with your friends and colleagues. USA Please keep this ebook as is and intact. No changes or modifications are Office: 800-498-7134 allowed to be made without permission and consent from Kevin Lam or Rank Above Others, LLC management. Rudy Tiu Bldg 3, J.C. Aquino Avenue This is a great reference for individuals and businesses that want to start a Libertad, Butuan City, 8600 website or might need a little help with their website and online marketing. Philippines Thank you for your time. Office 1: +63-85342-5555 Office 2: +63-85342-5556