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Internet Marketing Analysis
created by Lynn Holley III
Analysis Report For:
Financial Planning Company - Test Case 2
(800) 555-7777
Dallas, TX 75201
Comment: This is an example of an Internet Marketing Analysis Report for a b2b -
Financial Planning Company’s Website…
Site Title: “Financial Planning Company”
● Comment: on website - Site Title
Your title should be keyword rich and target keywords you
could really rank for, not just generic terms or company
name that will not help you improve your ranking in the
SERPs (search engine results pages). You can have as much
as 70 characters in your title; so, utilize it without keyword
stuffing. You are currently using exactly 23 characters.
Meta Description: N/A – not there
● Comment: Meta Description not available
This is one of the most important elements for your site. If
you don't have a description, you're only hurting yourself.
For most sites, it is best not to include the domain name
unless it is a keyword term. Google displays up to 163
characters, but most experts go for 150 or 160 to be safe.
Meta Keywords: N/A – absent, NONE
● Comment: YOUR Meta Keywords
Google engineer, Matt Cutts, revealed that Google doesn't
care to look at the meta keyword tag, but this debate still
continues even today. Thing is, although Google is the top
dog and perhaps they really don't care for the keyword meta
tag, but it is still good practice AND other search engines still
care for it, so it doesn't hurt too much to go ahead and
utilize the keyword meta tag. Try to stay within 10 keywords
per page. Aside from the recommended numbers, it's best to
go for keywords you can actually rank for, not just generic
keywords that has more than 100,000,000 results.

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An Overview of Search Engine Marketing
An Overview of Search Engine MarketingAn Overview of Search Engine Marketing
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An overview of search engine marketing prepared by Aaron Bradley for Pinny Gniwish's class at McGill University in Montreal.

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Seo checklist
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Seo checklist

This document provides a 26-point checklist for search engine optimization best practices for new websites and SEO audits. It covers technical SEO tasks like installing analytics and verifying the site in Google Search Console. It also covers on-page optimization tactics like choosing target keywords, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, including internal links. Additionally, it recommends strategies for keyword research, link building and creating content that generates links and social shares. The overall goal is to outline important SEO fundamentals to increase long-term targeted traffic.

Inbound Links: links (with "www")
and links (without "www")
● Comment: Inbound Links , one-way backlinks, & 2-way
reciprocal links
The more sites linking back to you, the better your site will
rank for particular keywords. You need relevant, high
authority, and high ranking PR sites linking back to your
website. This can be accomplished through the use of social
media sites, forums, blogs, link directories and more. We only
promote white hat SEO-SEM!
Last Google Crawl Date: Jun 12, 2014 - 07:53:21
● Comment: Last Google Crawl Date for Site recorded
The more often Google comes back to crawl your pages the
more possibilities and chances that your website pages will
rank for certain keywords. You said your site has been
completed for 2 months, but not a single page has been
indexed. This is serious trouble.
Google Indexed Pages: 13 pages total
● Comment: 13 Google Indexed Pages on SITE (visible to
You have to understand that the more content you have the
better chances of ranking you will have for multiple
keywords. It's almost like playing the lottery, except your
chances for ranking for keywords to bring you traffic has a
higher ratio.
Domain Age: 5 years 1 month 24 days (10 months,
3 days until expiration)
● Comment: Domain Age has remained active for time elapsed
since purchase date of domain
Your Domain age is an important factor in search engine
marketing. Sometimes, a site will outrank another simply
because of the age of a domain. Although this is not in your
favor always, there are still many ways of increasing traffic
and improving your ranking positions otherwise. We've had
experience in ranking on page ONE for HIGHLY competitive
keywords of well over several million results with relatively
new domains.

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Simple, Clean PPT for social media marketing and search engine optimization. You can also send it to your client for online marketing Quote Proposal just add price page in to PPT. For more update on proposal PPT follow me .. !!!

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Technical SEO: How to Perform an SEO Audit (Step by Step Guide)
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Technical SEO: How to Perform an SEO Audit (Step by Step Guide)

This document is an in depth guide on how to perform a search engine optimization audit. Contents include: 1.  Site Profile – Page 4 2.  Crawlability – Page 6 3.  HTML Status Codes – Page 8 4.  Indexability – Page 9 5.  On Page Content - Page 11 6.  Security Audit – Page 16 7.  Off Page Audit – Page 17 8.  Mobile Audit – Page 22 9.  Competitive Analysis – Page 25 10.  Glossary of Tools – Page 26 This is the same SEO audit and checklist we have used for almost 5 years. It outlasts any Google algorithm update because it checks the factors that Google really looks for. Please feel free to download and use for your own audits.

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Permanent Redirect: Not Found
● Comment: Permanent Redirect Not on Site
Without the redirect in place the Search engines may think that
both your websites are two different SITES (i.e. your website url
with “” and the other ONE that doesn't
obtain the ‘www’ before the url, “”- which you
also need). You should set up a permanent redirect that’s
technically called a 301 redirect between both these sites. Once
you do that, you will get full search engine credit for your work on
both of these websites. As of right now, your website without the
'www' has 13 indexed pages while your site WITH the 'www' has
13 indexed pages. In the same respective, your backlinks are links (with"www") and links (without"
Image Alt Tags: 22 images do not have alt tag
● Comment - Pictures without Image Alt Tags: 22
Search engines give a considerable amount of value on
images that have an alt tag. This is because images cannot be
viewed or seen by search engine crawlers, but when it is
given an alt tag, it is giving a searchable 'value'.
Google PR: Sites PR value is 2
● Comment: Sites Google PR - PageRank is a
whole number between 0 and 10
PR is an important value, but it’s definitely not the cure ALL
for ranking high on Google search pages. There are sites with
very low PR value, but still outrank other sites with higher PR
values. This is because of the power of back linking (off-page
optimization) from other high PR valued sites and proper on-
page optimization.
Google Analytics: ZERO tracking code found!
● Comment: Utilizing Google Analytics
No, your website does NOT have a visitor tracking tool. You
are losing VALUABLE information that allows you to
understand where your traffic is coming from, through what
means (if search engines, what keywords; if another site,
what site), what they are doing on your website, amount of
time spent on your website and much more depending on the
service you use. We recommend Google Analytics.

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The document provides an overview of search engine marketing (SEM). It discusses the brief history of search engines like Google and Yahoo. It then explains different SEM methods like search engine optimization (SEO), paid placement, and paid inclusion. It also discusses building search engine-friendly websites, factors that affect search engine rankings, and considerations for international SEM campaigns. Social bookmarking is introduced as a new potential source for SEM. Statistics are presented on the importance and effectiveness of SEM.

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The document discusses several simple ways to increase a website's search engine rankings, including optimizing title bars and page content with target keywords, adding meta tags, and increasing link popularity through an exchange linking campaign with other high-quality sites. It emphasizes that search engine optimization is essential for business success and directs readers to examine basic on-page elements like titles and text before seeking outside help.

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Best Top SEO Tools, SEO Process & SEO Reports

SEO – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the complete process of enhancing the quality and quantity of the website traffic and increasing the visibility of the web page. It’s trusted and tried the technique for ranking your website and getting optimized your content for SEO. There are so many tools that are used for SEO out there but here we have listed some best tools for SEO.

web designdigital marketingseo Traffic Rank: 18901290
● Comment: relevance is an online traffic ranking service (like compete.
com) that monitors over 20,000,000 websites. The closer
you are to #1, the better. Alexa also estimates how much
traffic a website receives based on country. The honest truth
is, Alexa is not an accurate service that tells people exactly
where they rank or how much traffic a site really gets.
However, it should really be taken with a grain of salt,
meaning there is a bit of truth in it. Those who think that it's
important will perceive a site to be more valuable and
authoritative, but those who don't care simply won't matter.
Mobile Optimized: Mobile website found
● Comment: Mobile Optimized Website compatibility
Yes, your website is optimized for Mobile Phones. There are
nearly 100 million mobile internet users in the United States
alone. It's more than a GREAT idea! to have your website
optimized for mobile devices including your phone. When
your website is optimized and designed with a mobile
compatibility mindset in place, your visitors/customers can
easily navigate your Site while on their mobile phone. Please
note, other remote devices are equally important for
complete-cross-compatibility adherence, too.
Website Grade: 13% standard functionality
● Comment: Website Grade Score: 13
The closer you are to 100, the better. This is an evaluation
score based on our point system, which is actually a lot
harsher than most programs. We are looking at the most
basic structures of your website, and determining if they’ve
met the minimum standards or not for high ranking
performance. Missing out on the basics of SEO can mean
catastrophic results for your ranking and traffic. Just like in
school, if you have at least a 70, you've got the basics down.
If you are not at least above 70, perhaps we can help you get
Potential keywords to rank for:
● Comment: Complete keyword research, selection and analysis
will be performed for clients only

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The website saw an increase in visitors and pageviews over the previous month. Top traffic sources were organic search, direct visits, and referrals. Most popular pages were the home, alterations, and locations pages. The report recommended adding fresh content, quick links, and a monthly newsletter to sustain traffic and increase engagement. Monitoring keywords and optimizing pages could improve bounce rates from search traffic.

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Crawling, indexing, ranking: Make the search engine crawlers and algorithms y...Crawling, indexing, ranking: Make the search engine crawlers and algorithms y...
Crawling, indexing, ranking: Make the search engine crawlers and algorithms y...

The document is a presentation about technical SEO, specifically crawling and indexing management. It discusses how to optimize crawling by focusing search engine crawlers on important URLs through techniques like robots.txt. It also discusses indexation management, including determining which URLs should be indexed for users versus SEO and using meta tags to control indexing. The presentation emphasizes managing crawling and indexing to direct search engines to focus on a website's most important content.

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Search Engine Marketing 101

This is a beginners guide to Search Marketing that covers the basics of PPC, SEO & how Google and the major search engines rank web sites. If you are interested in learning more about Wpromote PPC Management or other online services, please visit us!

● It ultimately comes down to helping people interact with
your website by leading them to engage in a conversation
with You (without you being there). This is important for a
website to convert more visitors into leads and more leads
into sales.
● Off-page optimization (an abundance of backlinking) is
going to be imperative to your growth and dominating your
market, but we will not and cannot do any kind of
marketing for your website unless we can first optimize
your web pages and prepare it for the search engines.
Conclusion continued...
● Simply explained, a highly optimized website with just a few backlinks
can outrank a poorly optimized website with a hundred backlinks,
given all else is equal.
● So for your competitors to keep up with your fully optimized website,
they'd need hundreds and thousands of upon thousands of backlinks
just to KEEP UP with you.
● With EVERYTHING said, thus far - We can further help You translate
all aspects of this Marketing Analysis Report so that your COMPANY
can increase business while - at the same time, prioritizing what you
need to do FIRST with your website presence & marketing efforts to
be even more Successful.

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SEO/SEM Report

  • 1. Internet Marketing Analysis created by Lynn Holley III ----------------------------------------------------- Analysis Report For: CUSTOMER Name Financial Planning Company - Test Case 2 (800) 555-7777 Dallas, TX 75201 Comment: This is an example of an Internet Marketing Analysis Report for a b2b - Financial Planning Company’s Website… SEM - Analysis Report
  • 2. Site Title: “Financial Planning Company” ● Comment: on website - Site Title Your title should be keyword rich and target keywords you could really rank for, not just generic terms or company name that will not help you improve your ranking in the SERPs (search engine results pages). You can have as much as 70 characters in your title; so, utilize it without keyword stuffing. You are currently using exactly 23 characters.
  • 3. Meta Description: N/A – not there ● Comment: Meta Description not available This is one of the most important elements for your site. If you don't have a description, you're only hurting yourself. For most sites, it is best not to include the domain name unless it is a keyword term. Google displays up to 163 characters, but most experts go for 150 or 160 to be safe.
  • 4. Meta Keywords: N/A – absent, NONE ● Comment: YOUR Meta Keywords Google engineer, Matt Cutts, revealed that Google doesn't care to look at the meta keyword tag, but this debate still continues even today. Thing is, although Google is the top dog and perhaps they really don't care for the keyword meta tag, but it is still good practice AND other search engines still care for it, so it doesn't hurt too much to go ahead and utilize the keyword meta tag. Try to stay within 10 keywords per page. Aside from the recommended numbers, it's best to go for keywords you can actually rank for, not just generic keywords that has more than 100,000,000 results.
  • 5. Inbound Links: links (with "www") and links (without "www") ● Comment: Inbound Links , one-way backlinks, & 2-way reciprocal links The more sites linking back to you, the better your site will rank for particular keywords. You need relevant, high authority, and high ranking PR sites linking back to your website. This can be accomplished through the use of social media sites, forums, blogs, link directories and more. We only promote white hat SEO-SEM!
  • 6. Last Google Crawl Date: Jun 12, 2014 - 07:53:21 ● Comment: Last Google Crawl Date for Site recorded The more often Google comes back to crawl your pages the more possibilities and chances that your website pages will rank for certain keywords. You said your site has been completed for 2 months, but not a single page has been indexed. This is serious trouble.
  • 7. Google Indexed Pages: 13 pages total ● Comment: 13 Google Indexed Pages on SITE (visible to Google) You have to understand that the more content you have the better chances of ranking you will have for multiple keywords. It's almost like playing the lottery, except your chances for ranking for keywords to bring you traffic has a higher ratio.
  • 8. Domain Age: 5 years 1 month 24 days (10 months, 3 days until expiration) ● Comment: Domain Age has remained active for time elapsed since purchase date of domain Your Domain age is an important factor in search engine marketing. Sometimes, a site will outrank another simply because of the age of a domain. Although this is not in your favor always, there are still many ways of increasing traffic and improving your ranking positions otherwise. We've had experience in ranking on page ONE for HIGHLY competitive keywords of well over several million results with relatively new domains.
  • 9. Permanent Redirect: Not Found ● Comment: Permanent Redirect Not on Site Without the redirect in place the Search engines may think that both your websites are two different SITES (i.e. your website url with “” and the other ONE that doesn't obtain the ‘www’ before the url, “”- which you also need). You should set up a permanent redirect that’s technically called a 301 redirect between both these sites. Once you do that, you will get full search engine credit for your work on both of these websites. As of right now, your website without the 'www' has 13 indexed pages while your site WITH the 'www' has 13 indexed pages. In the same respective, your backlinks are links (with"www") and links (without" www").
  • 10. Image Alt Tags: 22 images do not have alt tag ● Comment - Pictures without Image Alt Tags: 22 Search engines give a considerable amount of value on images that have an alt tag. This is because images cannot be viewed or seen by search engine crawlers, but when it is given an alt tag, it is giving a searchable 'value'.
  • 11. Google PR: Sites PR value is 2 ● Comment: Sites Google PR - PageRank is a whole number between 0 and 10 PR is an important value, but it’s definitely not the cure ALL for ranking high on Google search pages. There are sites with very low PR value, but still outrank other sites with higher PR values. This is because of the power of back linking (off-page optimization) from other high PR valued sites and proper on- page optimization.
  • 12. Google Analytics: ZERO tracking code found! ● Comment: Utilizing Google Analytics No, your website does NOT have a visitor tracking tool. You are losing VALUABLE information that allows you to understand where your traffic is coming from, through what means (if search engines, what keywords; if another site, what site), what they are doing on your website, amount of time spent on your website and much more depending on the service you use. We recommend Google Analytics.
  • 13. Traffic Rank: 18901290 ● Comment: relevance is an online traffic ranking service (like compete. com) that monitors over 20,000,000 websites. The closer you are to #1, the better. Alexa also estimates how much traffic a website receives based on country. The honest truth is, Alexa is not an accurate service that tells people exactly where they rank or how much traffic a site really gets. However, it should really be taken with a grain of salt, meaning there is a bit of truth in it. Those who think that it's important will perceive a site to be more valuable and authoritative, but those who don't care simply won't matter.
  • 14. Mobile Optimized: Mobile website found ● Comment: Mobile Optimized Website compatibility Yes, your website is optimized for Mobile Phones. There are nearly 100 million mobile internet users in the United States alone. It's more than a GREAT idea! to have your website optimized for mobile devices including your phone. When your website is optimized and designed with a mobile compatibility mindset in place, your visitors/customers can easily navigate your Site while on their mobile phone. Please note, other remote devices are equally important for complete-cross-compatibility adherence, too.
  • 15. Website Grade: 13% standard functionality ● Comment: Website Grade Score: 13 The closer you are to 100, the better. This is an evaluation score based on our point system, which is actually a lot harsher than most programs. We are looking at the most basic structures of your website, and determining if they’ve met the minimum standards or not for high ranking performance. Missing out on the basics of SEO can mean catastrophic results for your ranking and traffic. Just like in school, if you have at least a 70, you've got the basics down. If you are not at least above 70, perhaps we can help you get there.
  • 16. Potential keywords to rank for: ● Comment: Complete keyword research, selection and analysis will be performed for clients only
  • 17. Conclusion: ● It ultimately comes down to helping people interact with your website by leading them to engage in a conversation with You (without you being there). This is important for a website to convert more visitors into leads and more leads into sales. ● Off-page optimization (an abundance of backlinking) is going to be imperative to your growth and dominating your market, but we will not and cannot do any kind of marketing for your website unless we can first optimize your web pages and prepare it for the search engines.
  • 18. Conclusion continued... ● Simply explained, a highly optimized website with just a few backlinks can outrank a poorly optimized website with a hundred backlinks, given all else is equal. ● So for your competitors to keep up with your fully optimized website, they'd need hundreds and thousands of upon thousands of backlinks just to KEEP UP with you. ● With EVERYTHING said, thus far - We can further help You translate all aspects of this Marketing Analysis Report so that your COMPANY can increase business while - at the same time, prioritizing what you need to do FIRST with your website presence & marketing efforts to be even more Successful.