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Business Development Process
Sales/Business Development Process ~ with
Internet/Interactive & Social Marketing...
■ This is an ever evolving - but simple Business Development Process. The Process is utilized while creating
business opportunities within the Interactive Media/Marketing Landscape (i.e. websites, web
applications, internet marketing, social media, ETC. ) As you will see, it’s short - but informative!
■ Also, be cognizant to the overlapping of certain content items throughout - only because several slides
have variables that may touch each other @ different times during the Process because they are ALL
intertwined & coming from the same source – a CENTERED Business Development Plan, to make it
■ Lastly, try not to get lost in the Lead Generation section – I always do! (too much, but still not enough)
The actual biz dev PROCESS starts on Slide #7, named: “The SALES Process begins with…Lead
■ Again, if not in the mood for any interference with the initial entry points from lead capture &
Lead Generation then go to slide #7 to start. ty !
Lead Generation
● Prospect & Customer-List-Management
(Where’s the Master List of contacts, and how are they tracked for follow-up?)
○ CRM Selection or already in Place
■ Open source program “of the day” or not? Solutions are there for the Enterprise, Mid-size,
etc.; depending on your Company’s specifications LIST & Criteria. Mobile management is huge! these days
for managing sales contacts & Contracts. Please understand I’m NOT endorsing any of these Solutions, but I
am reinforcing the actual NEED to Campaign, Update, TRACK & Follow-up.
■ Zoho
■ SugarCRM
■ salesforce (SFDC)
■ Microsoft Dynamics, Nimble, Salesnet, Pipeliner, Oracle-FusionCRM, Goldmine, etc.
○ Procure qualified contact list
■ InfoGroup. InfoUSA, salesforce, D&B - Hoovers, etc. (some of these Company resources are
● Contact List selection based on Companies Gross Sales Revenues & Market Segment
● 2 primary contact people per Company with correct standard info
○ Names
○ Phone
○ Email
○ website
○ Ongoing Contact List "Accumulation"
■ Website traffic & Social Media CHANNELS
■ Business Intelligence & Analytics
■ ALL quasi-normal request, call-backs, referrals, networking, seminars, Speaking
engagements, etc.
Lead Generation (2nd page - Continued)
● Strategic Marketing Campaigns
○ PPC, SEO, SEM, SMM, vSEO, vSEM, email Campaigns, pick-up the PHONE, etc.
● Warm Calls
○ Strategically set-up meetings that have significant Potential for Our niched SERVICES…
● Market Segmentation – select segments of choice & company size b4 Lead Process initiated
○ Enterprise Prospects by Market & Size ( i.e. Fortune 50, 100, 500, 1000– ETC.)
■ Always be Redefining & refining Enterprise Marketing Biz Plan to coincide with current
Company's Business Plan and "niche" SERVICES offered.
■ Redefine Sales Plan with targeted/ quota numbers to be reached every Month, Quarter
and Annually. (see Biz Development Plan)
■ Pick 3-5 hottest markets
■ Pick Top 50 list
■ Major Brands
■ Selection also based on "our" company's need for that type of
○ Mid-Size Companies by market segment
■ Selection Process by minimum to Maximum Gross Revenue
○ Smaller Companies by market segment
■ Minimum Gross Revenue (i.e. not targeting companies with less than 5mm GSR)

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A website audit report provides a comprehensive analysis of a website to identify any issues that could negatively impact search engine optimization. It examines factors like website design, structure, content, links, technical errors, and keyword targeting. This helps ensure an online marketing campaign is well-researched and customized to address any existing problems. The document promotes the benefits of a website audit, such as protection from Google algorithm updates, informed campaign preparation, and identification of competitor strengths.

Semrush Site Audit by Dan and Chris Taylors (
Semrush Site Audit by Dan and Chris Taylors ( Site Audit by Dan and Chris Taylors (
Semrush Site Audit by Dan and Chris Taylors (

Any SEO improvements start with Site Audit. Without it, you are blind and might be multiplying issues instead of doing good. Should you pay a fortune for it? Maybe, but see what you can do with a right tool and a bit of a technical knowledge. For video

seosemrushsite audit
A pound of tasty content and a pinch of seo
A pound of tasty content and a pinch of seoA pound of tasty content and a pinch of seo
A pound of tasty content and a pinch of seo

The document provides tips for writing an SEO-optimized article, including doing research on competitors, coming up with a unique title, creating an outline, writing content for humans not search engines using keywords, adding subheads, checking keyword density and grammar, optimizing images and metadata, and sharing the article on social media. The key steps outlined are to research topics, make a plan and title, write the content, edit and add links, check keywords and formatting, and share the article.

Lead Generation (3rd page - Continued)
● Networking
○ Social Media
■ SM Channels are recommended everyday for companies on how 2 utilize their effectiveness within niche
business markets for success. And rightfully so - it’s proven and done. Ironically, - it’s not a favorite choice of mine for
building ENTERPRISE level Contacts. However, SM needs to be in your bag at some level for biz EXPOSURE. So at the
same time, let us reiterate… It is necessary and highly encouraged to demonstrate SM Channels viable effectiveness for
Most ALL companies to increase communications & further increase REVENUES and Profits. “Practice What You Do,
then - the Practice makes You better at what You’ve DONE – for the next TIME.” Obviously, when your Company
exemplifies & proves Itself by example, it’s PROVEN.
● Facebooks
● Linkedin’s
● twitters
● Google +
● instagram
● Pinterest
● Connected Communities & Groups
● Associations
○ Association Integration
■ Your Company “EXPERT” for Digital Media/ Marketing within selected Trade Association ■ Association
Example: by Market segment - (MEDICAL) for “the EXPERT“ in our Company ● TMA: Texas Medical
Association - with our Medical EXPERT "Interactive Marketing“
○ Member
○ Keynote
○ Associate
○ Partnership/Preferred Partner List, etc.
● FPAdfw - Financial Planning Association Dallas Ft. Worth (2nd Association Example, etc.)
Lead Generation (4th page - Continued)
● TradeShows
○ Working Trade Show Process
■ Selecting which Market Segment in your already designated Prospect Group you will be at
their trade-show visiting their Booth, then meet & greet! to start them in the Sales Process based on their
■ Pre-Plan, then PLAN for Results to attain GOALS for specific trade show schedules.
● Partnerships & Partnership Programs
○ Partnership Agreements
■ What % discount extended to the "new Customer“ referred by Partner?
■ What % paid to the Company/Consultant referring the “new client” upon Close?
■ Referral Partner Company has choice to give % to their favorite Charity!
■ Referrals – WOM. “Thank you, we’ll reciprocate when appropriate.”
■ Finders Fee amounts?
■ Flat-out WOM (word of mouth marketing)
○ Partnership Outsourcing
■ White Labels – companies that resell our Services
● Ad Agencies
● PR Agencies
● Print Specialist Companies/Agencies
● Website Development
● e-Commerce
● IT Companies
Lead Generation (5th page -Continued)
● Partnerships & Partnership Programs (Topic Category Continued)
○ B2B Market Segment Partners
■ Preferred Partnered List, a.k.a. - PPL (i.e. Agencies)
■ Media Agencies, Ad Agencies, Boutiques, Publications, PR Companies, etc. – PPL
■ Web Design & Web Development Companies – PPL
■ eCommerce – PPL
■ IT Companies – PPL
■ Software Companies - PPL
○ Medical Software
● Practice Management
● Electronic Claims processing
○ Financial Planning Software
● Professional Money Management
● Retirement
● Retirement Strategies
● Retirement Income Solutions
● Education Planning
● Estate Conservation
● Insurance and Annuity Products
SALES Process begins with…“Lead Qualification”
● Business Analysis
○ Question and answers ?
■ Actively LISTEN and interject when appropriate
■ Immediately understanding Company’s past performance issues with poor, fair, good
RESULTS; then demonstrating proven Solutions to acquire desired OUTCOMES.
■ Knowing and Asking the right questions enables the WHOLE Process to move forward or NOT,
but when it does progress forward - the next steps provide an extremely high probability for
● Website: quick demonstration -walkthroughs ?
○ Their Website
■ On-the-fly, go over their website to point out areas for improvement.
○ Website demo/ours
■ Quickly show some right ways of doing websites & internet marketing plans with
testimonials, case studies, ROI Reports – “proven RESULTS” and MORE...

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How to Create a Sitemap | Submit a Sitemap in Google Search Console
How to Create a Sitemap | Submit a Sitemap in Google Search ConsoleHow to Create a Sitemap | Submit a Sitemap in Google Search Console
How to Create a Sitemap | Submit a Sitemap in Google Search Console

An XML Sitemap is a list of all Webpages on your website. Once you finished to a create and submit a Sitemaps, then it tells the search engine about the pages on your website, total how many pages are there, and which page is updated frequently, and which page is most important.

web designdigital mareketingsitemap
Seo types
Seo typesSeo types
Seo types

On page optimization involves techniques done on a website's own pages like keywords, meta tags, headings and internal links to boost search rankings. Off page optimization uses external links from other sites through methods like link building, social bookmarking and article submissions. Key aspects of on page optimization include title tags, meta descriptions and headings to properly convey page content to search engines.

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SEO Training Slides October 2016
SEO Training Slides October 2016SEO Training Slides October 2016
SEO Training Slides October 2016

These are the training slides from the SEO training delivered by Noisy Little Monkey at their offices in Bristol. They cover: technical, on-site, off-site, local and mobile SEO.

digital marketingeducation and trainingtraining
Preparation STEPS in working the “DEAL”
● Prepare website analysis
○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable
● Prepare website marketing analysis
○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable
● Prepare competitive analysis
○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable
● Prepare Pre--sitemap
○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable
● Prepare Pre--Project Plan
○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable
● Prepare Quote/SCOPE/Contract
○ Existing packages can be utilized to formulate customized Quotes
Presentation - conclusion...
● Presentation is Outlined/tested & ready for meeting
○ Demonstration/Present in Person or Screen-Share –
* both work; depending on each situation and abilities. While going through Presentation, this
ordered list of proof points and future deliverables helps set realistic expectations and makes a smooth
transition for – their “Company” to comprehend the EASE of GETTING started reaping increased
Features, Benefits & REVENUES.
■ Business Analysis
■ Website Marketing Analysis
■ Competitive Analysis
■ CMS demo
■ SiteMap
■ Pre--Project Plan
■ Quote/SCOPE/Contract
● Agreement Acceptance – CLOSE
sidebar comment: Every single deal is different in some way, and so are We – make it your own & have fun
doing it !!

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Digital Business Development Process 2018

  • 2. Sales/Business Development Process ~ with Internet/Interactive & Social Marketing... ■ This is an ever evolving - but simple Business Development Process. The Process is utilized while creating business opportunities within the Interactive Media/Marketing Landscape (i.e. websites, web applications, internet marketing, social media, ETC. ) As you will see, it’s short - but informative! ■ Also, be cognizant to the overlapping of certain content items throughout - only because several slides have variables that may touch each other @ different times during the Process because they are ALL intertwined & coming from the same source – a CENTERED Business Development Plan, to make it work! ■ Lastly, try not to get lost in the Lead Generation section – I always do! (too much, but still not enough) The actual biz dev PROCESS starts on Slide #7, named: “The SALES Process begins with…Lead Qualification” ■ Again, if not in the mood for any interference with the initial entry points from lead capture & Lead Generation then go to slide #7 to start. ty !
  • 3. Lead Generation ● Prospect & Customer-List-Management (Where’s the Master List of contacts, and how are they tracked for follow-up?) ○ CRM Selection or already in Place ■ Open source program “of the day” or not? Solutions are there for the Enterprise, Mid-size, etc.; depending on your Company’s specifications LIST & Criteria. Mobile management is huge! these days for managing sales contacts & Contracts. Please understand I’m NOT endorsing any of these Solutions, but I am reinforcing the actual NEED to Campaign, Update, TRACK & Follow-up. ■ Zoho ■ SugarCRM ■ salesforce (SFDC) ■ Microsoft Dynamics, Nimble, Salesnet, Pipeliner, Oracle-FusionCRM, Goldmine, etc. ○ Procure qualified contact list ■ InfoGroup. InfoUSA, salesforce, D&B - Hoovers, etc. (some of these Company resources are interrelated) ● Contact List selection based on Companies Gross Sales Revenues & Market Segment ● 2 primary contact people per Company with correct standard info ○ Names ○ Phone ○ Email ○ website ○ Ongoing Contact List "Accumulation" ■ Website traffic & Social Media CHANNELS ■ Business Intelligence & Analytics ■ ALL quasi-normal request, call-backs, referrals, networking, seminars, Speaking engagements, etc.
  • 4. Lead Generation (2nd page - Continued) ● Strategic Marketing Campaigns ○ PPC, SEO, SEM, SMM, vSEO, vSEM, email Campaigns, pick-up the PHONE, etc. ● Warm Calls ○ Strategically set-up meetings that have significant Potential for Our niched SERVICES… ● Market Segmentation – select segments of choice & company size b4 Lead Process initiated ○ Enterprise Prospects by Market & Size ( i.e. Fortune 50, 100, 500, 1000– ETC.) ■ Always be Redefining & refining Enterprise Marketing Biz Plan to coincide with current Company's Business Plan and "niche" SERVICES offered. ■ Redefine Sales Plan with targeted/ quota numbers to be reached every Month, Quarter and Annually. (see Biz Development Plan) ■ Pick 3-5 hottest markets ■ Pick Top 50 list ■ Major Brands ■ Selection also based on "our" company's need for that type of REFERENCE/Brand/Segment ○ Mid-Size Companies by market segment ■ Selection Process by minimum to Maximum Gross Revenue ○ Smaller Companies by market segment ■ Minimum Gross Revenue (i.e. not targeting companies with less than 5mm GSR)
  • 5. Lead Generation (3rd page - Continued) ● Networking ○ Social Media ■ SM Channels are recommended everyday for companies on how 2 utilize their effectiveness within niche business markets for success. And rightfully so - it’s proven and done. Ironically, - it’s not a favorite choice of mine for building ENTERPRISE level Contacts. However, SM needs to be in your bag at some level for biz EXPOSURE. So at the same time, let us reiterate… It is necessary and highly encouraged to demonstrate SM Channels viable effectiveness for Most ALL companies to increase communications & further increase REVENUES and Profits. “Practice What You Do, then - the Practice makes You better at what You’ve DONE – for the next TIME.” Obviously, when your Company exemplifies & proves Itself by example, it’s PROVEN. ● Facebooks ● Linkedin’s ● twitters ● Google + ● instagram ● Pinterest ● Connected Communities & Groups ● Associations ○ Association Integration ■ Your Company “EXPERT” for Digital Media/ Marketing within selected Trade Association ■ Association Example: by Market segment - (MEDICAL) for “the EXPERT“ in our Company ● TMA: Texas Medical Association - with our Medical EXPERT "Interactive Marketing“ ○ Member ○ Keynote ○ Associate ○ Partnership/Preferred Partner List, etc. ● FPAdfw - Financial Planning Association Dallas Ft. Worth (2nd Association Example, etc.)
  • 6. Lead Generation (4th page - Continued) ● TradeShows ○ Working Trade Show Process ■ Selecting which Market Segment in your already designated Prospect Group you will be at their trade-show visiting their Booth, then meet & greet! to start them in the Sales Process based on their NEEDS and our SOLUTIONS. ■ Pre-Plan, then PLAN for Results to attain GOALS for specific trade show schedules. ● Partnerships & Partnership Programs ○ Partnership Agreements ■ What % discount extended to the "new Customer“ referred by Partner? ■ What % paid to the Company/Consultant referring the “new client” upon Close? ■ Referral Partner Company has choice to give % to their favorite Charity! ■ Referrals – WOM. “Thank you, we’ll reciprocate when appropriate.” ■ Finders Fee amounts? ■ Flat-out WOM (word of mouth marketing) ○ Partnership Outsourcing ■ White Labels – companies that resell our Services ● Ad Agencies ● PR Agencies ● Print Specialist Companies/Agencies ● Website Development ● e-Commerce ● IT Companies
  • 7. Lead Generation (5th page -Continued) ● Partnerships & Partnership Programs (Topic Category Continued) ○ B2B Market Segment Partners ■ Preferred Partnered List, a.k.a. - PPL (i.e. Agencies) ■ Media Agencies, Ad Agencies, Boutiques, Publications, PR Companies, etc. – PPL ■ Web Design & Web Development Companies – PPL ■ eCommerce – PPL ■ IT Companies – PPL ■ Software Companies - PPL ○ Medical Software ● Practice Management ● EMR/HER ● Electronic Claims processing ○ Financial Planning Software ● Professional Money Management ● Retirement ● Retirement Strategies ● Retirement Income Solutions ● Education Planning ● Estate Conservation ● Insurance and Annuity Products
  • 8. SALES Process begins with…“Lead Qualification” ● Business Analysis ○ Question and answers ? ■ Actively LISTEN and interject when appropriate ■ Immediately understanding Company’s past performance issues with poor, fair, good RESULTS; then demonstrating proven Solutions to acquire desired OUTCOMES. ■ Knowing and Asking the right questions enables the WHOLE Process to move forward or NOT, but when it does progress forward - the next steps provide an extremely high probability for conversion-close. ● Website: quick demonstration -walkthroughs ? ○ Their Website ■ On-the-fly, go over their website to point out areas for improvement. ○ Website demo/ours ■ Quickly show some right ways of doing websites & internet marketing plans with testimonials, case studies, ROI Reports – “proven RESULTS” and MORE...
  • 9. Preparation STEPS in working the “DEAL” ● Prepare website analysis ○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable ● Prepare website marketing analysis ○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable ● Prepare competitive analysis ○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable ● Prepare Pre--sitemap ○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable ● Prepare Pre--Project Plan ○ Existing examples will be used based on market segments when applicable ● Prepare Quote/SCOPE/Contract ○ Existing packages can be utilized to formulate customized Quotes
  • 10. Presentation - conclusion... ● Presentation is Outlined/tested & ready for meeting ○ Demonstration/Present in Person or Screen-Share – * both work; depending on each situation and abilities. While going through Presentation, this ordered list of proof points and future deliverables helps set realistic expectations and makes a smooth transition for – their “Company” to comprehend the EASE of GETTING started reaping increased Features, Benefits & REVENUES. ■ Business Analysis ■ Website Marketing Analysis ■ Competitive Analysis ■ CMS demo ■ SiteMap ■ Pre--Project Plan ■ Quote/SCOPE/Contract ● Agreement Acceptance – CLOSE sidebar comment: Every single deal is different in some way, and so are We – make it your own & have fun doing it !!