Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Children of Chaos – In May 1994, the 59th issue of DC Comics' 1989 series of Star Trek: The Next Generation comics. The issue consisted of a 24 page story, as written by Michael Jan Friedman. The art was by Deryl Skelton, with Margaret Clark credited as editor.



The Stargazer travels to Chalna for negotiations with what passes for their semblance of government. The Federation is maintaining a temporary scientific outpost on the planet Ynathaia, which the Chalnoth claim lies within their space. Though Picard promises that the outpost will leave as soon as they have concluded their survey, the more vocal officials demand its immediate removal. Picard accepts a trial by combat, with the prospect of war hanging in the balance. Choosing an Aldebaran sling as the weapon, he ultimately defeats his impressive opponent, winning the Federation colony time to complete their mission and peacefully withdraw.

"Present Day" entry for this article is incomplete

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Antocch • Gilaad Ben Zoma • Beverly Crusher • Jack Crusher • Data • Geordi La Forge • Pathox • Jean-Luc Picard • William Riker • Rory • Tabler • Lisa Takamura • Takamura • Deanna Troi • Worf • unnamed Chalnoth • USS Enterprise-D personnel (unnamed USS Enterprise-D personnel) • USS Stargazer personnel (unnamed USS Stargazer personnel)
Referenced only
David • Goliath

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Aquitaine • Blade • Bludgeoner (Chalnoth starships) • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class explorer) • USS Stargazer (Constellation-class exploratory cruiser)


Shipboard locales[]

USS Enterprise-D
bridge • quarters (Nakamura's) • transporter room
USS Stargazer

Stars and star systems[]

Beta Scoraata • Kaus Borealis

Planets and planetoids[]

Beta Scoraata II • Kaus Borealis V (Chalna) • Ynathaia

Races and cultures[]

android • Betazoid • Chalnoth • Human • Klingon

States and organizations[]

Federation • Starfleet (command division • operations division • sciences division)

Ranks and titles[]

captain • chief engineer • chief medical officer • commander • commanding officer • counselor • first officer • flight controller • lieutenant • lieutenant commander • operations manager • science officer • second officer • security chief • security

Technology and weapons[]

Aldebaranian sling • impulse engine • starship

Other references[]

alien • colony • communications • coordinates • diplomacy • energy • humanoid • lifeform • matter • orbit • planet • rank • space • stardate • Starfleet uniform • star • star system • Trygdala storm • uniform • weapon


2370 (stardate 47763.7)


Related stories[]


  • The Stargazer is shown with the registry "NCC-7100", even though onscreen it appeared registered as "NCC-2893". NCC-7100 was the registry of a starship model of a Constellation-class ship seen in Picard's ready room.

Uniform background[]

Jack Crusher

Jack Crusher.



previous comic:
#58: Bodies of Evidence
Star Trek: The Next Generation
(DC Comics, series two)
next comic:
#60: Mother of Madness

External link[]
