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Questions tagged [midrash]

Exegetical interpretation, often of verses in Tanach. The term also refers to books based on these interpretations, e.g., Midrash Rabba, Midrash Tanchuma, et al.

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1 answer

Midrashim that explore the exact meaning of "tov" in Genesis 1?

It's no secret that "good," in English as well as in Hebrew, is rather polysemous: on the one hand, it can mark the degree to which a given thing satisfies its purpose or relevant ideal (as ...
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1 answer

All 3 forefathers called "Yisroel"?

B"H I heard that there's a midrash that says that all 3 of the forefathers, Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov were all called Yisroel. Is this true? If so where is it found?
1 vote
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Looking for source re: David HaMelech and Circus/Theater

I'm looking for a source about David HaMelech using the 'excuse' of going to the circus/theater as a rebuff to his yetzer hara querying him why he rises at midnight.
10 votes
3 answers

Does anyone draw a parallel between Haman selling himself to Mordechai and Esav selling the birthright to Yaakov?

There’s a famous Yalkut Shimoni (Nach 1056:18, referenced by Rashi in explaining Megillah 15a), which reads as follows: א"ר חסדא זה בא בפרוזבולי וזה בא בפרוזבוטי, פעם אחת נתן המלך ממון ושגרם בראשי ...
1 vote
1 answer

Who was/were the leaders during the Asarah Harugei Malchus?

I know that the Asarah Harugei Malchus took place over generations. Nonetheless, who is recognized as being the original antagonist? Who is the one who went to Chazal about the claim about Yosef's ...
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0 answers

Per the Midrash - how can Hashem make it rain on Shabbat

Per the midrash quoted in this answer, Hashem keeps all commandments, if so how does the midrash explain why Hashem makes it rain on Shabbat wouldn't that be a Zoreia - Sowing See Rambam Hilchot ...
4 votes
2 answers

Who carried the aron which traveled in front of the camp?

Rashi describes how the aron (which contained the broken pieces of the first luchos and which was taken out with the Jewish army in times of battle) would travel in front of the camp in the desert. ...
1 vote
1 answer

What happened during Matan Torah and when?

The Rebbe suggested that HaShem was pleased when He came to give them the Torah and saw everyone still sleeping in the early morning. Other sources indicated G-d's wrath: how dare Israelites make G-d ...
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2 answers

Uttering the name of God to kill people

According to the Midrash Tanchuma (see also see also Shemot Rabbah 1:29, Yalkut Shimoni 167 and Yalkut Reuveni: Parashat Shemot), Moshe killed the Egyptian (Exodus 2:11-12) by uttering a particularly ...
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1 answer

Haman Hanged on Branch of Eitz HaDaas?

Rav Eytan Feiner mentioned in a shiur that the tree used to hang Haman was the Eitz HaDaas, based on a Midrash. Where is this Midrash located? (I found Esther Rabba 9:2 which discusses it, but can't ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a story where the sages taught that Cain was the son of the Satan

Do the sages teach that Cain came from the union from Eve and The Satan?
5 votes
2 answers

Why did the nations reject the Torah if they were obligated regardless as bnei noach?

There's a well known midrash that HaShem went around offering the Torah to other nations prior to offering it to Israel, with the nations rejecting it for various reasons (restrictions on theft, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Galus: three or four?

There are different sources (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4, Shemos Rabbah 15:6, Ramban; Bereishis 15:14) that say that there were decreed four galuyos - four exiles. There are also explanations that explain ...
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Theodical arguments from Bereshit Rabbah 69:5 - why are they rarely if ever used?

According to Bereshit Rabbah 69:5, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaacov prayed for aging, suffering and sickness, and before this, these conditions did not exist in the human experience. The reasons are given ...
1 vote
1 answer

What were David's reasons for writing Psalms?

BH What were David's reasons for writing the Book of Psalms? Are they in chronological order to the events that happened in his life? Did he write some of the psalms as the event was happening?

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