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Was Deuteronomy 18:15, interpreted messianically in Judaism?

Deuteronomy 18:15 “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brethren—him you shall heed— 16 just as you desired of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of ...
Saul57's user avatar
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What does the Vav in Eliyahu represent?

There is a famous Midrash that Yaakov took a Vav from Eliyahu. This is why their names are spelled אליה & יעקוב They say it has to do with the announcements. What did he take? I.e. what כח was in ...
zunior's user avatar
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Source for the practice of messianic interpretation of calamity

I seem to recall a Rashi somewhere in Nach which explains a Pasuk as praising B’nei Yisrael, who see every calamity that befalls them as heralding Mashiach. Can anyone source this?
Yø-c Ro's user avatar
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Sandalphon and Azrael are the same archangels who gave the Torah to Moses?

I was hoping you guys could help me out with something. Recently, I heard a rabbi discussing the Kabbalah meaning of Moses receiving the Torah from Sandalphone. During the talk, the rabbi mentioned ...
Carlos's user avatar
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3 Moshiachs in Midrash Rabbah?

We all know, that besides for the main Moshiach - Moshiach Ben Dovid (from Yehudah), who will fight Hashem’s wars, gather the scattered Jews and build the Beis Hamikdosh - there is another Moshiach - ...
שלום's user avatar
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If they hadn't eaten the fruit

I recall hearing (many years ago) a medrash that said that if Adam and Chava had not eaten of the Eitz Hada'at, and made it to Shabbat, Mashiach would have come. I have been unable to find it. I was ...
rosends's user avatar
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Between Sanhedrin 108b & Sanhedrin.38b

According to Sanhedrin 108b: Rav Ḥana bar Leva’ei says that Shem the Great said to Eliezer, servant of Abraham: When the four great kings of the east and the west came upon you to wage war with ...
ميخائيل مينا's user avatar
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The claim that Midrash Genesis Rabbah 35 refers to a virgin birth of the messiah?

I found the following quote in a missionary site: They argue that the rabbies expected the messiah to be without a father,hence he will be born of a virgin!! Supporting their claims by the words of ...
capri reds's user avatar
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Why will Mashiach do what the Midrash says he will?

In the Pesikta Rabbasi 36, brought in Yalkut Shimoni on Nach 499, it says: שנו רבותינו בשעה שמלך המשיח בא עומד על גג בית המקדש והוא משמיע להם לישראל ואומר ענוים הגיע זמן גאולתכם Our Rabbi's taught, ...
Dani's user avatar
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Why does Ruth Rabbah 5:6 quote Isaiah 53:5?

It seems that most meforshim (like Rashi, Radak, Ibn Ezra, Mahari Kara, Malbim) explain Isaiah 53 as referring to Klal Yisroel (or at least the righteous remnant of Klal Yisroel) and not the Moshiach. ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Who First Knew of the Messiah

In Parashah Shemot 4:13, Moses says to G-d, "Send, I pray You, by the hand of whom You will send." On p. 77 of Rabbi M. Schneerson's book "Torah Studies" he explains that midrash (Lekach Tov) ...
ron's user avatar
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Why would the Jewish sages, in Talmud Sanhedrin 98b, link the name of the Messiah to Isaiah 53:4?

Why would the Jewish sages (who don't believe that the messiah will suffer and die), in Talmud Sanhedrin 98b, link the name of the Messiah to Isaiah 53:4, where the context talked about someone that ...
capri reds's user avatar
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Is it mention anywhere in the Midrash or other Rabbinic literature that when moshiach comes people will no longer be able to have children

Is it mention anywhere in the Midrash or the Mishna or the Talmud or the Gemara or other Rabbinic literature that when moshiach comes people will no longer be able to have children?
Mark Shanosky's user avatar
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The torah is nothing now compared to that of moshiach? What does this midrash mean?

In koheles Rabba piska 11 ois 8 It says that "The Torah we have now is hevel-nothing compared to the Torah of moshiach". Why is this Torah considered nothing? What is the Torah of moshiach mean?
menachem's user avatar
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What does 'the New Torah' in these medrashim mean?

The Yalkut Shimoni on Yishaya, remez 429, mentions how Hashem will sit and be doresh a new Torah that he will give by the hand of Moshiach. This medrash is apparently taken from the Osios diRabi ...
user6591's user avatar
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