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Looking for source re: David HaMelech and Circus/Theater

I'm looking for a source about David HaMelech using the 'excuse' of going to the circus/theater as a rebuff to his yetzer hara querying him why he rises at midnight.
flips's user avatar
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Where does it say it’s not about the job but rather it’s the merits?

BH I heard that it's not about the Job or certain profession that you have rather it's your merits that actually bring you your parnasa if this is an accurate statement according to the Talmud what is ...
David 's user avatar
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An example of a man asked for a sign, been given the sign, then rejecting the sign, but he repents afterwards?

I wonder if there is a case in The Torah, of a man (or group of people) asking God for a miracle, then God offered the miracle, but the man rejected the sign, or accepted the sign but later will show ...
Ezra2020's user avatar
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Where can I find this text from Midrash Tanhuma?

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo discusses Jesus association with Balaam and offers the following text from the uncensored Midrash Tanhumah : “Bilaam foresaw that a man born from a woman would arise and ...
haroune zeraib's user avatar
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What is HaAshmurah HaRishona in the Mishnah

BH What is HaAshmura HaRishonah? Someone told me it is just a division in the night while someone else told me that it is referring to the Leviim guarding in the temple which ever it is does it speak ...
David 's user avatar
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Difference between aggadah in gemara and midrash

Much of the non-halachic aggadah quoted in the gemara overlaps with aggadah from the midrash such as midrash tanchuma or midrash rabbah and others. Yet there are some aggadah that are only found in ...
Yosef's user avatar
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Men's response to women's teshuka - source and explanations

I am looking for what I thought was a gemara I learned a long time ago somewhere in moed but can't find now (I am still fairly sure it is there but it might very well not be). It effectively stated ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Sandalphon and Azrael are the same archangels who gave the Torah to Moses?

I was hoping you guys could help me out with something. Recently, I heard a rabbi discussing the Kabbalah meaning of Moses receiving the Torah from Sandalphone. During the talk, the rabbi mentioned ...
Carlos's user avatar
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When is a Talmudic statement considerd aggadah?

When is a statement in the Talmud considerd aggadah (and thus not necessarily to be taken litteraly, but rather teaches us a lesson) and when is a statement in the Talmud acctually literal? (i.e that ...
Mijmij's user avatar
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Medrashim which seem to go against logic

I am giving a speech this week. I would like to include examples of Medrashim which seem implausible that it ever happened or could have ever happened. Can any of you provide examples of medrashim ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Between Sanhedrin 108b & Sanhedrin.38b

According to Sanhedrin 108b: Rav Ḥana bar Leva’ei says that Shem the Great said to Eliezer, servant of Abraham: When the four great kings of the east and the west came upon you to wage war with ...
ميخائيل مينا's user avatar
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Are there any compliations of ancient/medieval Jewish comments on Scripture?

Is there any book or website where I can look up ancient/medieval Jewish teaching on any given verse in the Tanach to see what the Talmud, Midrash, Rashi, etc. says about the verse? Something akin to ...
Niobius's user avatar
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Rabbits in the Torah

Are there are quotes about Rabbits in Tanach, Midrash, Gemara etc.. I am looking for somewhere which speaks about them.
Moz's user avatar
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From where do we get the birthplace of R Nehunia Ben Hakana?

According to Aryeh Kaplan in his introduction to the Bahir, R Nehunia Ben Hakana is from Ammaus (Emmaus). This is also indicated on the Jewish Virtual Encyclopedia and Wikipedia. None of these sources ...
JBiggs's user avatar
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Is there a mention of the 7 Mitzvot deRabanan in the Talmud or Midrash?

Is there a mention of the 7 Mitzvot deRabanan in the Talmud or Midrash? Or does this come from other, later sources?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar

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