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Source on the life of Shlomo Hamelech

There are many Gemoras, Mirashim and Mifarshim explaining what Shlomo did or did not do wrong. Can anyone recommend a Sefer, dissertation or book on the life of King Shlomo which gives perspective on ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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List of Seforim that Collect Midrashim on the Parsha

I'm looking for a list of seforim that collect midrashim on the Parsha. In particular, I am looking for a sefer or seforim that can help me see what happens between the lines of the pesukim according ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Books on understanding Midrash

Anyone know any books or websites or just commentators who delve into and actually try to figure out the deep meaning behind crazy midrashim?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Are there any compliations of ancient/medieval Jewish comments on Scripture?

Is there any book or website where I can look up ancient/medieval Jewish teaching on any given verse in the Tanach to see what the Talmud, Midrash, Rashi, etc. says about the verse? Something akin to ...
Niobius's user avatar
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Midrash Rabbah - User Friendly Edition

Can someone recommend a user friendly edition of Midrash Rabbah? To be more specific, I am looking for an edition that has - a) clear print b) user friendly layout that is good for study b) ...
Bs234570's user avatar
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need help finding online midrash sources about the story of exodus?

I need to find online midrash sources (in English ,and can be searched using key words ) that explain the whole or most of the story of Moses and the pharaoh... Thanx all.
ميخائيل مينا's user avatar
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Midrash Rabbah - Edition

The accuracy and reliability of various editions of Midrashim, especially Midrash Rabbah, is not great. I have the few available volumes by Mechon Schecter, who have been putting out critical editions ...
Bs234570's user avatar
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English Exodus Rabbah

Is anyone aware of a full text of Shemos Rabbah in English available online? Sefaria has bits and pieces, but I'd like the full thing.
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Does Midrashim exist for Neviim and Ketuvim?

I am looking for where I can find Midrashic literature on every other book of Tanakh. I own Artscroll's series of the Midrash and of course have the Megillos. If it even exists, where can I find this ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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Midrash digest in English on the Web?

Where on the Internet might it be possible to find a summary of the most important midrashim (aggadot) for each parshah in English? Something like The Midrash Says but online. Even less thorough, eg ...
SAH's user avatar
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Where can I find art that features the Midrash?

Many have the custom of keeping photos of tzadikim in their home for inspiration and focus. I have a love for the Midradsh. I'm looking for artist/art that has a generous focus on various midrashim ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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Commentaries on Sifra

Are there any good, modern commentaries on Sifra (Torat Kohanim)? I am specifically asking for modern commentaries - I have mediaeval commentaries (like that of the Raavad), but I want something more ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Rabbi Feinstein's commentary on end of parsha's simanim and numbers

In this Hanukah / Miketz drash, Rabbi Mansour mentions a Rabbi David Feinstein sefer (book) on some parshiot simanim and numbers. Specific to the reference in the drash, which book is he referring to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Sifrei on Book of Devarim

Where can I find the Sifre on the book of Devarim online in text form (as opposed to Pdf)? The commentary of the Netziv would also be appreciated.
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Locating a copy of Sifra (Torat Kohanim)

Now that we are starting Sefer Vayikra, this seems like an opportune time to ask a question that has been bugging me for years! Where can I find a good copy of Sifra (aka "Torat Kohanim")? A ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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