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Avraham, the four Kings, and the future redemption

In parshas Lech Lecha (Bereishis 14:1-3), the Torah recounts the war of the four kings: וַיְהִ֗י בִּימֵי֙ אַמְרָפֶ֣ל מֶֽלֶךְ־שִׁנְעָ֔ר אַרְי֖וֹךְ מֶ֣לֶךְ אֶלָּסָ֑ר כְּדׇרְלָעֹ֙מֶר֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ עֵילָ֔ם ...
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Is there a Sefer that explains each 'melech' in the megilla? [duplicate]

Esther Rabba (3:10) says that any place in the megilla where it says מלך without specifying אחשוורוש afterwards, it is referring to both the mundane king - Achashverosh, and to the holy king - hashem. ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Galus: three or four?

There are different sources (Bereishis Rabbah 2:4, Shemos Rabbah 15:6, Ramban; Bereishis 15:14) that say that there were decreed four galuyos - four exiles. There are also explanations that explain ...
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Eretz Yisroel as G-ds palace

Based on this answer, I was looking for sources that describe Eretz Yisroel as the "palace of G-d". Are there any sources that describe Eretz Yisroel as such? As "Palace of the King&...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Hashem wrapped Himself in Light

Midrash Tanchuma Vayachel 6: שָׁאַל רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יְהוֹצָדָק אֶת רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָן. אָמַר לוֹ: אַתָּה בַּעַל הַגָּדָה, אֱמֹר לִי הֵיאַךְ בָּרָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אֶת ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Are there any compliations of ancient/medieval Jewish comments on Scripture?

Is there any book or website where I can look up ancient/medieval Jewish teaching on any given verse in the Tanach to see what the Talmud, Midrash, Rashi, etc. says about the verse? Something akin to ...
Niobius's user avatar
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Why isn't midrash rabbah learnt as much as other commentaries

I feel like there's more of a stress to learn other commentaries, and midrash rabbah and tanchuma are just nice things extra if you want to. I see amazing droshos in the midrash, and was wondering why ...
yosefkorn's user avatar
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Looking for a Midrash about the point that one can learn from everybody

I’m looking for (the source of) a Midrash I once heard. It was about a Talmid Chacham who didn’t let himself be lectured by others except for his own Rabbi (or the Rabbi’s). Then he had this encounter ...
Levi's user avatar
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need help finding online midrash sources about the story of exodus?

I need to find online midrash sources (in English ,and can be searched using key words ) that explain the whole or most of the story of Moses and the pharaoh... Thanx all.
ميخائيل مينا's user avatar
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Brit Avraham commentry on Yalkut Shimoni

Does anyone know if the Brit Avraham commentry on Yalkut Shimoni, Leviticus remez 137 is available online? (First published 1586.)
Zarka's user avatar
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Jewish sources for Jerome on Daniel 11:34

Jerome, in his commentary on Daniel 11:34, wrote (my translation from a Hebrew translation): "In defeat, they will receive a little help - there are among the Jews that relate this verse to ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Looking for Avot deRabbi Natan B ch 9 & 42 *in English*

I'm translating an essay from French into English, and the author references Avot deRabbi Nathan version B twice. One quote is from chapter 9. The other is cited as being from chapter 42 and ...
emmalune's user avatar
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Greeting the old

Could someone help me understand the meaning behind this saying from Midrash Tanchuma (Ki Tisa 27): המקבל פני זקן כאלו מקבל פני שכינהWhoever greets the old - it is as if they greet the Divine ...
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The 62 Years of Darius/Cyrus, and the 62 Weeks of Daniel

Has ancient or medieval Jewish tradition, spanning from the Talmud to the Shulchan Aruch, ever connected these two passages from the Book of Daniel ? Daniel 5:30-6:1  That very night, Belshazzar, the ...
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Three things being handed over Tablets, Torah and the Mitzvah?

HaShem tells Moshe (Shemot 24:12): וְאֶתְּנָה לְךָ אֶת־לֻחֹת הָאֶבֶן וְהַתּוֹרָה וְהַמִּצְוָה אֲשֶׁר כָּתַבְתִּי לְהוֹרֹתָם - And I will give thee the tables of stone, and the Torah and the ...
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