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Questions tagged [agada-stories-legends]

Questions about the understanding and interpreting of the story-like content found in the Talmud and Midrash

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Where is there a source where shomer negia extends to non-Jews as well

BH Hi I saw an article that Shomer Negia comes from "None of you shall come near anyone of his own flesh to uncover nakedness: I am the Lord” (18:6), and “Do not come near a woman during her ...
David 's user avatar
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Two crowns, one corresponding to na'aseh, one to nishmah?

B"H It says in the Gemara (Shabbat 88a) that when the people of Yisroel said "we will do" (na'aseh) before "we will listen" (nishmah), 600,000 angels came and tied two crowns ...
Awtsmoos--עצמות's user avatar
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Every Forbidden thing has a corresponding opposite

what is the source that every forbidden thing has a corresponding opposite good in the Torah? For example, I heard correct me if I'm wrong there is a certain kosher fish that tastes like bacon ...
John's user avatar
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What were David's reasons for writing Psalms?

BH What were David's reasons for writing the Book of Psalms? Are they in chronological order to the events that happened in his life? Did he write some of the psalms as the event was happening?
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Is it true there was a sage on his death bed and said I wish I used up all my money?

BH Is it true that there was a sage on his death bed who said I wish I used up all my money?
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Hashem Cooing like a Dove

Hashem ("The Holy One blessed be He" -Chiddushei Aggadot) מְּנַהֶמֶת כְּיוֹנָה "coos like a dove" 3 times a day, lamenting the destruction of the Temple [Berachot 3a]. Oy vey, very ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is there a mitzvah not to ignore a person?

BH This probably very common sense question although what is the mitzvah that when your with a person you shouldn’t ignore them? What’s the source?
David 's user avatar
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Interpreting and accepting contemporary reports of fantastic events

Are there any contemporary sources that discuss how to approach reports or stories in circulation among the Jewish public that stretch credulity? Is it incumbent upon us to find meaning in them? I am ...
Deuteronomy's user avatar
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The kashrut of honey in Lion's belly in the parable of Samson [duplicate]

In the book of Judges, 14:18, וַיֹּאמְרוּ לוֹ אַנְשֵׁי הָעִיר בַּיּוֹם הַשְּׁבִיעִי, בְּטֶרֶם יָבֹא הַחַרְסָה, מַה-מָּתוֹק מִדְּבַשׁ, וּמֶה עַז מֵאֲרִי; וַיֹּאמֶר לָהֶם--לוּלֵא חֲרַשְׁתֶּם ...
Avi's user avatar
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Yonah and Leviathan midrash

Anyone know the source for some midrash about when Yonah is in the mouth of the fish and then they go to the Leviathan and Yonah shows him his bris and he runs away?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Is it stealing to eavesdrop? [duplicate]

According to bYoma 35b Hillel was denied entrance to a Beit Midrash which required students to pay for admission. Hillel instead climbed to the skylight and listened to the discussion for free. I ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Asking children Psukim in Tanach

I remember that chazal used to ask chidren what Pasuk the child is currently learning to know answers to certain questions. Does anybody have a source ?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Source of Story with smell from Gan Eden

I am trying to remember a talmudic Story where the Rabbi is selling parfume from Gan Eden or from a flower from Gan Eden? I think he did it to help his sons in law? What Story is this ?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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"Everything that you did, you did for your own needs." (Avodah Zara 2b) - Why do we need to know this now?

The gemara in Avodah Zara discusses the conversation between Hashem and the world, after Moshiach arrives. He invites everyone to come and get their reward for Torah. The various nations queue up and ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What does “the fetuses sang Az Yashir” midrash teach us

The Gemara in Sotah brings an opinion by Rabbi Meir that even unborn fetuses in the womb sang Az Yashir. What is the deeper explanation of this midrash? Artscroll in a note lists a bunch of ...
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