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Questions tagged [noahidism]

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How should I pray in the afternoon and evening as a Noahide?

I know how to pray in the morning but I haven't really found anything about evening and afternoon. Since I don't have much money, I didn't want to come across a book explaining prayers for us because ...
Nesiat Waqt's user avatar
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As a Noahide, can I wear a kippah or anything else

I converted to Noahidism but my appearance screams Turkish and so I am also associated with Islam. I therefore wanted to make it clear that I am not a Muslim in some way so I was wondering if I could ...
Nesiat Waqt's user avatar
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Why did the nations reject the Torah if they were obligated regardless as bnei noach?

There's a well known midrash that HaShem went around offering the Torah to other nations prior to offering it to Israel, with the nations rejecting it for various reasons (restrictions on theft, ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Dream Catchers as a Native Noahide [closed]

I am Native, and I want to buy a dream catcher, but I'm afraid it'll be bad to have as a noahide. I don't believe it has mythical or magical stuff I just think it's pretty to have in my home. Should I ...
Nee's user avatar
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Noahide reading Psalms

Can Noahides read Psalms? I've been told that some can't be read by non-Jews. If so, which ones? I don't want to end up reading it if it wasn't meant for me to read.
Simplest's user avatar
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Can Noahides have a prayer book?

I heard somewhere that Noahides are not supposed to have a prayer book while others say it's okay. I'm not sure if having a prayer book that isn't the Jewish siddur permissible?
Simplest's user avatar
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Is it permissible for a Noahide to become transgender?

In Judaism, there seem to be several prohibitions regarding transgenderism: The removal of genital organs is forbidden on the basis of the prohibition against "anything which is mauled, crushed, ...
setszu's user avatar
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Are B'nei Noach prohibited from learning Torah? Why/why not? [duplicate]

I am compelled to ask this because from personal observation, more and more Noahides are studying the Torah WITH the supervision of some Orthodox and non-Orthodox rabbis, although it is also the case ...
ddas91600's user avatar
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Ger Toshav and Chukot hagoyim

If somebody is a Ger Toshav (so an observant noahide who accepts and follows the 7 mitzvot, and gets recognized as such by a Beit din), is there any obligation on them within Chukot Hagoyim (...
Kirk's user avatar
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If I don't think that someone would leave Christianity, is it recommended to guide them to more monotheistic/non-Trinitarian Christianity? [closed]

Let's say as a hypothetical: I'm in an argument with a typical trinitarian Christian and they are absolutely stubborn. I can show them all the proofs of the incoherence of the topic of trinity and ...
setszu's user avatar
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In a mixed marriage is the Issur also on the Non-Jew?

As far as I know I have not seen in the 7 laws of Bnei Noach that they have "Lifnei Iver" Now of course a Jew cannot marry a Non-Jew. But is the Non-Jew in question also considered a Rasha? ...
zunior's user avatar
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Is there a difference between Chassidei and Tzadikei Umot HaOlam in goyim? [duplicate]

I have seen the Rambam Zt"l explain in Mishneh Torah Melakhim uMilchamot 8:11 that in order for one who is not Jewish to be considered as "Pious" (Chassidim) they have to abide by the ...
Eliyahu Al-Hazzan's user avatar
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Do Noahides have to accept the minhag/local custom of a particular Jewish community if they join their synagogue and move in there?

Generally, we know that if a Jew were to move into a new Jewish community, they would take on the local customs of the community as told. I am curious as to whether Noahides have the same obligation, ...
setszu's user avatar
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What Mitzvot Can A Non-Jew Not Keep? [duplicate]

What commandments, including any minhagim and the like, are Non-Jews ABSOLUTELY forbidden from keeping (in its entirety)? A famous one is the prohibition of keeping Shabbat, EVEN for a a Non-Jew that ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Is a pre-convert considered a Noahide?

If a non-Jew [ex-Muslim] is working with the Beit Din for an Orthodox Conversion to Judaism, is he still considered to be a Noahide as he does not yet have a status of being Jewish?
Sujin's user avatar
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