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The Satan's rebellion in Rabbinic literature?

My understanding is that in most of Rabbinic literature, the Satan is viewed as simply the angel with the job of accusing mankind like in Iyov, and that the Christian notion of him as having rebelled ...
Ben G's user avatar
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Why did Gabriel interfere with Joseph’s cloak?

In Ginzberg’s Legends of the Jews, a legend is quoted which says that Joseph was eventually found not-guilty of assaulting Mrs Potiphar because, when the Egyptians examined the tear pattern on the ...
Zarka's user avatar
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If the nations' ministers are all appointed by Hashem, why is it idol worship? [closed]

I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I was pondering it today and I hope you will find it as interesting as I do. Every Rabbinic opinion I've seen, although there are plenty I haven't of ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar
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Where do I find compassionate references to the Angel of Death

The references that I find to the malach hamoves, Angel of Death, in our folklore and tale are largely filled with images of fear and trepidation . Where do I find stories depicting compassion?
chanina Yaacov's user avatar
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Do angels make requests of G-d?

Do angels make any requests of G-d besides praising and thanking Him?
Dan Weisberg's user avatar
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Does the Midrash say we have guardian angels?

The Midrash quotes Rabbi Hama on the story where Jacob wrestled an angel but, not just any ordinary angel, but the guardian of Esau. Needless to say, Maimonides, I think said it was a symbolic ...
Turk Hill's user avatar
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Can an angel perform multiple agencies?

Bereishis Rabbah 50:2 states that one angel cannot perform multiple tasks: אין מלאך אחד עושה שתי שליחות ולא שתי מלאכים עושים שליחות אחד. One angel cannot perform two agencies, nor can two ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Can Angels "fall"?

According to this answer, the Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer (among other works) references an idea that angels "fell" -- were somehow separated from their holiness and "became" human. This answer states ...
rosends's user avatar
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How could the angel of the sea disobey?

The Midrash in Bamidbar Rabbah 18:22 expounds Iyov 26:12 that when HaShem created the world, he told Rahav, the angel in charge of the ocean, to "open his mouth and swallow all the waters of Creation" ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Michoel/Gavriel Wrestling Yaakov

Although Rashi follows Chazal in identifying the angel which wrestled with Yaakov as the Sar (archangel) Shel Esav, the Yalkut Shimoni (132), Zohar Bo (51b), and the Pirkei D'Rav Elazar all identify ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why did the angels object to the Torah being given to Moshe – what did the angels think?

The well-known Gemoro Shabbos 88b reports the angels protesting against HKB”H giving the Torah to Israel. HKB”H tells Moshe to answer the angels and Moshe shows that the Torah is only applicable to ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How to understand the Medrash that Isaac's eyes were weakened by the tears of the angels?

Rashi's second interpretation of Braishis 27 (1) (based on the Medrash Rabbah 65 (10)) is that Isaac's eyes were weakened by the tears of the angels at the Akeidah. Rashi speaking about the angels ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Do angels have jealousy?

In a famous Midrash in Shab. 87a-b, the angels object to the Torah being given to humans, until Moshe proves that it is only relevant to humans because of their nature. In one example, he asks ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Why is the Evil Inclination Called a "Fool"?

Koheles (4:13), (as explained by the Midrash Rabba) describes the Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination) as "A king, old, and a fool". It explains: "...ולמה קורא אותו כסיל? שהוא מלמד לאדם דרך ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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Babies in the field Midrash

What is the source for the Midrash that says that in Egypt some babies were put into fields and saved by Malachim who looked like their fathers? Also, what is the context in which the Midrash is ...
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar

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