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Questions tagged [haman]

A minister in the ancient Persian empire of King Ahasuerus who sought to exterminate the Jewish people. He is the primary antagonist in the book of Esther.

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Why was Mordechai Certain of רוח והצלה יעמוד if he Created the Danger?

Mordechai was sitting in the palace gate (Esther 2:21). The King had issued a general command - all servants of the king in the palace gate shall bow to Haman (Esther 3:2). Mordechai refused to bow. ...
GratefulD's user avatar
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Why in the megila when we mention Shushan early on its always with a pasach, shuSHAN but at the end it switches to a kumets, shushon [duplicate]

See in the 8th perek it's always a kumets (shuson) but in perek 1 it's always shushan. Any significance in that?
Ed Rosenberg's user avatar
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Do you have any source about the connection between אגג and גוג or גוג ומגוג?

I was listening to a shiur that made a very interesting connection between Agag, Homon and the whole Purim story. The rov didn't go as deep as I hoped he would in relation to Agag, and I was wondering ...
Elchonon Kempen's user avatar
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Did Haman actually try to rape Esther?

In the book of Esther, verse 7:8, most translations translate נָפַל as fallen, subdue, force or violate. A few actually translate it as "rape". Was this just a euphemism or could Haman have, ...
Jimmy Mac's user avatar
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What does it mean "Haman only arose to serve as a rememberance"?

In the Midrash Eicha Rabbah 3:23 it says: רַבִּי נָתָן אָמַר לֹא בָּא הָמָן אֶלָּא לְזֵכֶר יִשְׂרָאֵל What does this mean? What was Haman serving as a remembrance for?
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Why are Haman's ten sons mentioned in the megillah

The reasons given for the death of Haman's ten sons is their active role in halting the construction of the beis hamikdash (this is one of many midrashic sources) My question is why was it necessary ...
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Why didn't the Jews of Persia leave after Haman's decree?

After Haman's genocidal edict was sent out to all the people of the Persian kingdom why was there not a mass exodus of Jews to parts of the world not under the dominion of Achashveirosh and his law?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Haman and God sleeping

Is there a source for Haman claiming that God is "sleeping" during the time he wanted to commit the genocide?
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Haman's gallow came from the kodesh hakodashim

Although there are a number of sources of where Haman had found a beam 50 cubits tall to use as a gallows, some say it was a beam from the teyva, some say it was a thorny tree etc but, there is an ...
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Is Haman actually from Amalek?

From where do we know that Haman is actually descendant from Amalek? (I am looking for places besides Gemara Megillah Please be specific with sources ...
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Ten sons of Haman and the Ten Plagues

Are there any connections made between the ten sons of Haman being killed, and the ten plagues that afflicted the Egyptians? (Also accepting peoples own chidushim on this topic. Please specify if the ...
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The nature of the specific Pharoah when we left Egypt, and his relation to Amalek?

Who was the specific Pharoah of Egypt when the Jews left Egypt? And also, given "Remember what Amalek did to you along the way when you came out from Egypt, how he met you along the way and ...
DragonOfDojima's user avatar
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Did King Achashverosh really not know that Haman was planning to kill the Jewish people?

It seems from the flow of the megillah that King Achashverosh had given Haman the authority to do what he wanted. Haman approached the king with the complaint that there was "a people who were ...
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How can Rashi seemingly say that Mordechai had attended the feast of Achashverosh?

We find in a discussion in the Gemara (Megillah 12a): ״לַעֲשׂוֹת כִּרְצוֹן אִישׁ וָאִישׁ״, אָמַר רָבָא: לַעֲשׂוֹת כִּרְצוֹן מָרְדֳּכַי וְהָמָן "That they should do according to every man's [ish, ...
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How could Haman be a gilgul of Eisav?

The Arizal in Sefer HaGilgulim ch. 35 says that Haman was a gilgul (reincarnation) of Eisav. How is that possible being that Eisav had the din (status) of an Yisroel meshumad (apostate Jew Kidushin ...
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