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Who carried the aron which traveled in front of the camp?

Rashi describes how the aron (which contained the broken pieces of the first luchos and which was taken out with the Jewish army in times of battle) would travel in front of the camp in the desert. ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Do we see anywhere that Og actually was a slave to Noach?

It says in Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 23 that Og swore to be Noach and his descendant's slave forever. וימח את כל היקום אשר על פני האדמה חוץ מנח וכל אשר אתו בתבה שנאמר וישאר אך נח ואשר אתו בתבה וחוץ מעוג ...
Learnmore's user avatar
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List of Seforim that Collect Midrashim on the Parsha

I'm looking for a list of seforim that collect midrashim on the Parsha. In particular, I am looking for a sefer or seforim that can help me see what happens between the lines of the pesukim according ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Did Yakov ever find out the truth about the sale of Yosef?

Curious why the Torah never mentions anything about Yaakov inquiring as to what actually happened to Joseph and how he got to Egypt. Is there any scriptural basis to suggest he became aware of the ...
Stormbytes's user avatar
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Who said that little Tzfardeaim jumped out of the big one's mouth?

Who said that little Tzfardeaim jumped out of the big one's mouth? As far as I can tell, the gemara in Sanhedrin, as well as all of the mainstream medrashim, use a lashon of וישרצו, which, as Rashi ...
Uber_Chacham's user avatar
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When did Bliha and Zilpah die?

I heard that Seder Olam Rabbah writes that both Rachel and Leah had already passed away by the time of twenty two years after Yaakov married them. We wanted to know if there are any sources when Bilha ...
Ari's user avatar
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What was Rachel expecting to be her fate when she let Leah marry Yaakov?

From what I understand from The Midrash Says, Rachel knew she was in-line to marry Yaakov, and Leah was supposed to marry Esav. And that's why Leah cried a lot. When Rachel allowed Leah to marry ...
Ari's user avatar
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Who killed Nimrod?

I used to think that Esav killed Nimrod and took the special garment that was originally Adam Harishon's. (Is this a Midrash?) But now I'm wondering if Avraham Avinu and Eliezer killed Nimrod during ...
Ari's user avatar
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Expressing benefit in the Pentateuch

Regarding the prohibition of deriving benefit from a murderous animal (shor haniskal), the gemara (e.g. Bava Kamma 41a) suggests (in an initial interpretation) that, from the fact that the Torah uses ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Why are Talmudical hermeneutics necessary to understand Torah Law? [duplicate]

Most books are written in such a way that everything that the author wants to communicate is spelled out clearly. The Torah is not such a book. Talmudical hermeneutics (for instance, the 13 rules of ...
Craig Feinstein's user avatar
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Implication of uncertain letters in the Torah

I learned that there are a number of uncertain letters in the written Torah This article lists 12 (counts vary). (1) Bereishit 4:13 "Mineso" (E&T w/o Vav) (2) Bereishit 7:11 "Ma'ayanos (E&...
Daniel's user avatar
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Any more 'daughters of God'?

As far as I have been able to ascertain, there were only two individuals explicitly referred to as a "daughter of God" or had God refer to them as "My daughter": Batya/Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh,...
Meir Illumination's user avatar
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Why didn't the Ten Martyrs answer differently?

Without arguing either the historicity or the historical accuracy of the midrash of Eleh Ezkerah, the 10 Martyrs, I am wondering about the details of the story as told. According to the version on ...
rosends's user avatar
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Was the world created for the sake of Bikkurim or Torah?

I was reading Let There Be Rain and on page 8 it says the following: "The world was created for the sake of the mitzvah of bikkurim,..." (Shemos 34:26) Yet the Tikkunei Zohar [78b] and Bereishis ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Locating a copy of Sifra (Torat Kohanim)

Now that we are starting Sefer Vayikra, this seems like an opportune time to ask a question that has been bugging me for years! Where can I find a good copy of Sifra (aka "Torat Kohanim")? A ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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