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Nevi'im written before they happened

In parshas Nasso Rashi brings a medrash to explain the verse: Numbers 7:23: וּלְזֶ֣בַח הַשְּׁלָמִים֘ בָּקָ֣ר שְׁנַ֒יִם֒ אֵילִ֤ם חֲמִשָּׁה֙ עַתֻּדִ֣ים חֲמִשָּׁ֔ה כְּבָשִׂ֥ים בְּנֵֽי־שָׁנָ֖ה חֲמִשָּׁ֑ה ...
Moishe's user avatar
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The Staff of Moses

Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 40: Rabbi Levi said: That rod which was created in the twilight was delivered to the first man out of the garden of Eden. Adam delivered it to Enoch, and Enoch delivered it to ...
Gembali Noach's user avatar
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Source for the practice of messianic interpretation of calamity

I seem to recall a Rashi somewhere in Nach which explains a Pasuk as praising B’nei Yisrael, who see every calamity that befalls them as heralding Mashiach. Can anyone source this?
Yø-c Ro's user avatar
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Who carried the aron which traveled in front of the camp?

Rashi describes how the aron (which contained the broken pieces of the first luchos and which was taken out with the Jewish army in times of battle) would travel in front of the camp in the desert. ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Does Rashi say that cats are more Tzanua than dogs?

My friend says there is a Rashi that says this, but I couldn't find it.
Alter Klausner's user avatar
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דברה תורה בלשון בני אדם

There is a well-known machlokes among Tanaim if דברה תורה בלשון בני אדם. I want to know if there is a final psak on this machlokes, especially according to Rashi. Does Rashi ever say which way to ...
N.T.'s user avatar
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What happened to the male Leviathan?

According to tradition (see Rashi to bereishis 1:21), Hashem created a male and female Leviathan, but then He killed the female and salted it for the righteous. What happened to the male? Did it die ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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The twelve plagues of Rashi

The Vilna Gaon (Gra) has a quite challenging comment on Midrash Seder Olam Rabbah 3:2 that Rashi says the Makkot were twelve: I haven't found this Rashi anywhere explicitly in him Chumash peirush. ...
Eli83's user avatar
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Giving credit where credit is due [duplicate]

-The Talmud says, in two places, "He who reports a saying in the name of its author brings deliverance to the world." [Megillah 15a; Chullin 104b] -The Talmud is very careful to always attribute its ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why does Rashi specifically tell us his interpretation method on 3:8?

In Bereishis 3:8, Rashi makes the following comment about his method of interpretation: וישמעו. יֵשׁ מִדְרְשֵׁי אַגָּדָה רַבִּים וּכְבָר סִדְּרוּם רַבּוֹתֵינוּ עַל מְכוֹנָם בִּבְ"רַ וּבִשְׁאָר ...
Bochur613's user avatar
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Rashi's reason for juxtaposition of mitzvos insufficient

The Torah (Deuteronomy 22:6-11) describes 5 mitzvos consecutively, seemingly in random order (although the last three are indeed connected): Sending away the mother bird Building a fence on your roof ...
robev's user avatar
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Where is there a rabbinical discussion or a mentioned in the TaNaKH about ethnic designation to mean "white" or "white person" or non-black person?

Where is there a rabbinical discussion or a mentioned in the TaNaKH about ethnic designation to mean "white" or "white person" or non-black person? I am aware that there is an ethnic designation in ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Rashi Comment on Twins Tube with Pebbles

Rashi to Genesis 25:26 ואחרי כן יצא אחיו וגו’ צֵא וּלְמַד מִשְּׁפוֹפֶרֶת שְׁפִּיהָ קְצָרָה, תֶּן לָהּ שְׁתֵּי אֲבָנִים זוֹ אַחַר זוֹ, – הַנִּכְנֶסֶת רִאשׁוֹנָה תֵּצֵא אַחֲרוֹנָה וְהַנִּכְנֶסֶת ...
flips's user avatar
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Gen 36:24 Rashi and the Pit of Snakes and Scorpions -- really Pshat?

In Genesis Chapter 37 Joseph’s brothers consider whether to kill him. But Reuben heard, and he saved him [Joseph] from their hand[s], and he said, "Let us not deal him a deadly blow. And Reuben ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Halacha that a woman may not speak to her husband in the presence of others

I found this in the Rashi on Ki Seitzei (Deuteronomy 22:16): And the girl’s father shall say [to the elders]: [The father, but not the mother.] This teaches us that a woman is not permitted to ...
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