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Questions tagged [avot-patriarch-fathers]

Generally refers to Avraham (Abraham), Yitzchak (Isaac), and Yaakov (Jacob); the three patriarchs of the Jewish People.

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All 3 forefathers called "Yisroel"?

B"H I heard that there's a midrash that says that all 3 of the forefathers, Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov were all called Yisroel. Is this true? If so where is it found?
Core of reality's user avatar
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Connection between Yitro and Malchizedek?

I remember reading somewhere a comparison between Yitro and Malchizedek. Saying they were both Goyish Kohanim who where with אברהם ומשה. Are there any sources that associate these two figures? What ...
zunior's user avatar
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Need the "how" steps to ask legitimate non-judgemental regarding issues needing resolution to inspire peaceful negotiation

Children are expected to ask questions. Jewish people are supposed to answer those who ask regardless of their knowledge/upbringing - i.e., the four sons represented in the Haggadah. In order to ...
A Lehodia's user avatar
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Theodical arguments from Bereshit Rabbah 69:5 - why are they rarely if ever used?

According to Bereshit Rabbah 69:5, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaacov prayed for aging, suffering and sickness, and before this, these conditions did not exist in the human experience. The reasons are given ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Esav - Patriarch of Nations?

I was listening to HaRav Mendel Kessin shlita and he brought the idea that Esav is a failed Av/Patriarch of the Jewish people. My question is, is there a concept that he is considered to be in some ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What does the Vav in Eliyahu represent?

There is a famous Midrash that Yaakov took a Vav from Eliyahu. This is why their names are spelled אליה & יעקוב They say it has to do with the announcements. What did he take? I.e. what כח was in ...
zunior's user avatar
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Should we follow the outdated traditions of our forefathers? [closed]

How do we determine which traditions of our ancestors to uphold? For instance, the act of Yaakov kissing Rachel before marriage or women playing drums are practices from the past that definitely don't ...
Truth seeker 's user avatar
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It would almost seem as though Hashem was tricking Ya'akov into going down to Egypt?

וַיֹּ֕אמֶר אָנֹכִ֥י הָאֵ֖ל אֱלֹהֵ֣י אָבִ֑יךָ אַל־תִּירָא֙ מֵרְדָ֣ה מִצְרַ֔יְמָה כִּֽי־לְג֥וֹי גָּד֖וֹל אֲשִֽׂימְךָ֥ שָֽׁם׃ “I am God, the God of your father’s [house]. Fear not to go down to Egypt, ...
zunior's user avatar
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Why was Yaakov always fearful?

He may have just had a lot going on to be afraid about however almost every time we encounter Yaakov he is either nervous or concerned that something bad may happen. By the berachos with getting ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Was Yaakov's kidushin to Leah valid?

It says in Masechet Bava Batra 123a: אָמַר לָהּ מִינַּסְבַתְּ לִי אָמְרָה לֵיהּ אִין מִיהוּ אַבָא רַמָאָה הוּא וְְלאֹ יָכְלַתְּ לֵיהּ אָמַר לָהּ מַאי רַמָּאוּתֵיהּ אֲמָרָהּ לֵיהּ אִית לִי אַחְתָּא ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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Maharal on lentils

Rashi says that Jacob made lentils for Esau as they are round like a wheel as this day was the day Abraham died and aveilut is the wheel(galgal) of the world. The Maharal from Prague comments that ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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70 Souls of Jacob

In Bereshit 46 the Torah tells us that there were 70 descendents of Jacob who came to Egypt with him (excluding the wifes) 33 descendants through Leah 16 through Zilpa 14 throgh Rahel 7 through Bilah ...
Vyacheslav Yosef Dobrovych's user avatar
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Was Jacob shomer negiah? [duplicate]

Tradition says that couples may not touch before marriage. One who follows that is called shomer negiah. Yet when Jacob met Rachel he kissed her: וַיִּשַּׁ֥ק יַעֲקֹ֖ב לְרָחֵ֑ל וַיִּשָּׂ֥א אֶת־קֹל֖וֹ ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Did early biblical figures like Isaac abstain from intimate relations until marriage?

In biblical accounts, several figures, such as Isaac, are noted to have married at a relatively older age compared to today's standards. Isaac, for instance, married at the age of 40. Given the ...
naarter's user avatar
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Biological sample from the ancient dead

Is there any halachic justification, or permission, to take a biological sample from a dead person in an ancient site? For example, in Israel there are many archeological digs which sometimes result ...
bondonk's user avatar
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