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What were David's reasons for writing Psalms?

BH What were David's reasons for writing the Book of Psalms? Are they in chronological order to the events that happened in his life? Did he write some of the psalms as the event was happening?
David 's user avatar
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Difference between aggadah in gemara and midrash

Much of the non-halachic aggadah quoted in the gemara overlaps with aggadah from the midrash such as midrash tanchuma or midrash rabbah and others. Yet there are some aggadah that are only found in ...
Yosef's user avatar
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Source for Ancient Prohibition against Writing Prayers?

This short article on the History of the Siddur claims: In ancient times, customary daily prayers were recited by heart, or a reader prayed aloud and the congregation responded to the blessings with “...
David 's user avatar
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The curse of King Darius

In sefer Ezra 6:11 it tells us that King Darius decreed that anyone who attempted to disrupt the resumed construction of the beis hamikdash would have a beam removed from their home and they would be ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Who is Matrona which asked Reb Yossi many questions?

The Medrash in last week Parsha says מטרונא שאלה את רבי יוסי בן חלפתא אמרה ליה למה יצא עשו תחלה if we search for Reb Yossi with maternya there are a number of questions which she asked. Jastrow says ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Who was/were the leaders during the Asarah Harugei Malchus?

I know that the Asarah Harugei Malchus took place over generations. Nonetheless, who is recognized as being the original antagonist? Who is the one who went to Chazal about the claim about Yosef's ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Philistines destroyed the Temple?

Posting for someone else: The Rashbam on Bereshis 22:1 brings that Hashem, in retaliation for Avraham giving 7 sheep to Avimelech, says that Avimelech's descendants will destroy 7 sanctuaries of ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Did the Jews share some of the oral Torah's teachings and stories with the gentiles before the the 7th century?

I have found out that some Christians before the 7th century knew and borrowed concepts that are not found in the Tanakh but are found in the midrash, e.g., the story of Abraham and Nimrod, the story ...
capri reds's user avatar
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To what extent did Jewish tradition of debate influence the development of Classical Liberalism in Europe? [closed]

Judaism has a long tradition of valuing debate. My sense is that it is somewhat singular in this regard. Certainly there is debate within Islam or Christianity, but if I understand correctly, Judaism ...
Diogenes Creosote's user avatar
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Any pre 7th century Jewish source, teaches that non-Jewish prophets will never be sent again?

1- were the non-Jewish prophets sent to non-Jewish nations only, and not Jews ? if the answer is Yes Does it mean there is no way a non-Jewish prophet can ever be sent to the Jews? any textual basis ...
capri reds's user avatar
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Does the Midrash show any examples of adjectives attached to Rabbi when addressing a Rabbi?

Are there any historic examples, such as in the Midrash, that show someone addressing a Rabbi with an adjective such as רַבִּי הַטּוֹב?
Perry Webb's user avatar
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Who First Knew of the Messiah

In Parashah Shemot 4:13, Moses says to G-d, "Send, I pray You, by the hand of whom You will send." On p. 77 of Rabbi M. Schneerson's book "Torah Studies" he explains that midrash (Lekach Tov) ...
ron's user avatar
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How old is מדרש ר׳ עקיבא בן יוסף אל אותיות קטנות?

I stumbled on these midrashim, I'm curious as to how old they are...
Big Mouth's user avatar
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Dead sea in the midrashim

We know that the water of the Dead Sea is very much salty, so much so that no fish exist in it. Is there any midrash or agada that speaks on the history of the Dead Sea, how it started to become ...
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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When was the Midrash Tanhuma written?

This article (Hebrew) claims that the Midrash Tanhuma was likely written after the Quran. A response in the talkbacks says that this is incorrect. Neither provide any source. Does anyone know what ...
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