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Questions tagged [verbs]

Questions about verbs, i.e. words that express an action, occurrence, or a state of being

24 votes
4 answers

Past participle and changing endings with auxiliary verb "avere"

I have read many times that the endings of the past participle doesn't change when used in conjunction with the auxiliary verb "avere". However I am increasingly noticing that is is not the case. For ...
Groky's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Quando si deve togliere la "e" finale di un verbo all'infinito?

So che a volte si deve scrivere un verbo all'infinito senza la "e" finale. Per esempio, scrivere Cerca di calmarti per poter pensare con chiarezza invece di Cerca di calmarti per potere pensare ...
Charo's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

When does passato prossimo become passato remoto?

I have searched past questions but cannot find an answer. Now I have reached a point in my learning when I am brave enough to use more then the present tense. I am confused about the difference ...
Jim's Mum's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Can "si passivante" be constructed with null subject in certain contexts?

Consider the following exchange in which si passivante appears: A scuola, si leggono i libri? Surely a grammatical answer would be Sì, si leggono i libri. If I wanted to not mention "i libri" ...
JMC's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

"Dammi un bacio": How to construct "dammi" from "dare"?

I understand dammi probably is a combination of dare and mi, but I would like to know how to construct it. And what is the grammar phenomenon behind it so I can search about it. Also, I translated ...
jxhyc's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Complete table of Italian irregular verbs

Is there a complete list of all Italian irregular verbs? I would appreciate it in particular to find a table that includes the various subregularities, too.
shuhalo's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Baciato vs Baciata

Se devo dire che ho baciato una ragazza, cosa devo dire? L'ho baciato L'ho baciata Il primo mi sembra più corretto, perché sta per "ho baciato lei", però sento sempre dire il secondo. Quale dei due ...
Matteo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Problem using subjunctive mood in different tenses

How are these sentences translated this in Italian? I am having problem using the congiuntivo. If I had asked it later, she wouldn't have accepted it. If I had her number I would call her. If I had ...
FabioSpaghetti's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Indicative or subjunctive after "chiedere"

I understand that the subjunctive is used on a dependent clause when the subjects of the main clause and of the dependent clause are different and after verbs which express order, permission, opinion, ...
Alan Evangelista's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

PrEndere but tenEre

Could anyone refer me to a rule explaining why verbs ending with -ere have different stressed syllables? What I have understood so far is that I should look them up in the dictionary. Thank you
Logan Xav's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Using "piace" in a "how-many" question

I currently have a limited understanding of Italian grammar (I plan to take Italian when I go to college but as of right now I'm entirely self-taught [well, in a Duolingo-guided sort of way]) so I ...
Stan's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Ci andiamo a vedere un film?

In comune all'inglese, "guardare" è una forma che implica un'attenzione maggiore rispetto a "vedere". Il caso più diffuso è quello della televisione: Io sto guardando la televisione. Infatti, "...
edmz's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is 'c'è' or 'ci sono' used with "un sacco di"

Is it correct to use 'c'è' or 'ci sono' with the idiomatic 'un sacco di'? I have heard the expression 'ci sono un sacco di belle ragazze / bei ragazzi qui a Roma'. This struck me as odd that the ...
gbutters's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Present perfect: when do we need to change the gender and number of the past participle in accordance with the subject?

Example: «Siamo entrati senza la chiave». I thought the passato prossimo form for entrare was entrato and that the conjugation should have affected only essere or avere. But apparently that is not ...
jxhyc's user avatar
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Perché si dice "l'esame è andato bene" ed "è andata bene"?

Ho iniziato un tandem qualche tempo fa e la ragazza che aiuto nella pratica dell'italiano mi ha chiesto come mai si dice l'esame è andato bene ma invece è andata bene quando si parla in ...
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