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Passato prossimo "continuo" in italiano

C'è un equivalente al "present perfect continuous" e al "past perfect continuous" dell'inglese? Le traduzioni: I have been training a lot. --> Sono stato allenando molto. I ...
tac's user avatar
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Il sostantivo "manufatto" è il participio passato di un verbo irregolare?

Se la risposta fosse affermativa, vorrebbe dire che potrei utilizzarlo così, Questo strumento è stato sapientemente manufatto. che mi sembrerebbe una traduzione quanto più vicina all'inglese ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Translating the sentence from the opera libretto - Norma

I am trying to understand the libretto of the opera Norma by Felice Romani (music by Vincenzo Bellini). Norma is the Celtic / Gallic high priestess, who has had a love affair and 2 children with the ...
Biologist's user avatar
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Future Perfect in Italian

I need to translate this sentence to Italian The year 1300 was to see an increased sale in coffee. I did some research (I am not an expert). The tense seems to be future perfect, and the Italian ...
DottoreM's user avatar
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Italian verb for "to hash" in computer

I'm looking for a single verb that translates to hash in the context of computers. Eg. Passwords in the database are hashed with SHA256 that translated is something like Le password nel ...
dg3's user avatar
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Come tradurre "present perfect continuous" dall'inglese?

È abbastanza facile tradurre "I learned to play the piano." = "Ho imparato a suonare il piano." In oltre "I was learning to play the piano." = "Imparavo a suonare il piano." Però come tradurre "...
TrivialCase's user avatar
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What does "v'ha" mean?

In Felice Romani's libretto Il Pirata, there is a line that I'm having trouble translating / understanding. V'ha un Nume protettor Della sventura. I showed this to my native-Italian aunt (who admits ...
Marco's user avatar
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"Andare" + present gerund in ~1740's Italian?

Italian newbie here, so forgive me if this is a simple question. I've got an Italian book review of something by Voltaire, written about 1740. Here's a brief part of it: Egli in 25 capitoli va ...
twoblackboxes's user avatar
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Rendere in italiano `scunire` i panni

Qual è l'italiano per scunire i panni (appendere i panni in terrazzo finché sgocciolano poi magari portarli in lavanderia al chiuso). Scunire proviene da un dialetto emiliano e da chissà quanti altri ...
473183469's user avatar
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Using "piace" in a "how-many" question

I currently have a limited understanding of Italian grammar (I plan to take Italian when I go to college but as of right now I'm entirely self-taught [well, in a Duolingo-guided sort of way]) so I ...
Stan's user avatar
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Why is this sentence wrong?

In a translation exercise, I was asked to translate She went to see the doctor in Italian. I answered sei andata dal dottore; however, it was marked wrong. The correct answer appears to be lei ...
jxhyc's user avatar
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Should I use the preposition before the infinitive verb form?

I am a bit confused about using the infinitive of verbs. For example: He used a map to find the village. Should I translate this as Ha usato una mappa trovare il villaggio. OR Ha usato una ...
Jim's Mum's user avatar
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How do we say, "issue a new identity card" in Italian?

I lost my identity card a few days ago and need to have a new one issued. What is the Italian verb for "issue" in this case?
Vic's user avatar
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Is ‘cosare’ equivalent to the generic use of ‘do’ in English?

I'm a little bit ahead of my Italian lessons, but I hear people using forms of cosare, but don't fully understand it. I'm trying to figure out what it means in English (or even Spanish, although ...
Giambattista's user avatar