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Questions tagged [depth-buffer]

Depth buffer stores a depth (z-coordinate) of a rendered pixel of a 3D scene. Depth buffer is used in Z-buffering (management of image depth coordinates). Because of this depth buffer is often called Z-buffer.

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How to prevent Sprite3D from clipping into nearby objects?

Gotot 4.2 Sprite3D is very useful for representing 2D objects within the gameworld. However, when billboarded (Y-billboard), 3D Sprites are prone to clipping into the floor/walls/other 3D models they ...
Noideas's user avatar
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The perspective projection change the sign of z

I have an issue, I am drawing a cube in 3d. I am using z-buffer for hidden surfaces removal. But the hidden faces are drawn (i see the inside of the cube). After some research And I found that this ...
Abdel Majid Kansoussi's user avatar
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Avoiding z-fighting when reimplementing Freescape games

I need to avoid z-fighting in exactly co-planar surfaces that are too close to the other solids. I'm re-implementing the Freescape engine in ScummVM (all my code is open-source, available here), and ...
Gustavo Grieco's user avatar
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How to pass two RenderBuffers into one RenderTexture?

I have a Unity URP project and in the Scriptable Render Pipeline, I would like to create a RenderTexture and pass the depth and color buffer of the camera object as ...
Fox1942's user avatar
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Order-independent rendering of 2D sprites

I am using OpenGL to render sprites, using an orthographic projection. Each sprite has a position: (x, y, ...
Eilan Laken's user avatar
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How to change layer depth according to player location?

I would like to change the layer depth of objects, so that the player can go behind them. Right now it looks like this when the player is behind the object: The problem is that the layer depth doesn'...
Markus's user avatar
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About possibly using Depthstencil 2D array in multiplerendertarget mode

I'm rendering in forward mode my scene with its depth buffer and because I'm using animated characters I'm plannig to find a way to use multiple rendertargets to do the directional shadow pass at the ...
philB's user avatar
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Set depth value in fragment shader

I'm making a simple 2D renderer and I want to avoid redrawing as much as possible. My Vertex layout has the 2d position and a float depth value. I want to assign a depth value to each of them after ...
FrameBuffer's user avatar
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Is it possible to activate/deactivate depth writes in geometry shader?

I'm trying to achieve rendering to multiple targets with multiple viewports. Currently it does not work possibly because I have a single depth buffer so a first write to it with a specific viewport ...
philB's user avatar
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Is it possible to extract both the color and the depth texture from one RenderTexture and use it in a Shader?

I can access the same with duplicating the cameras AND the rendertextures, but that seems like a lot of overkill of just getting the depth buffer. I don't need a very precise depth buffer, so it can ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
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Graphical issue when using a depth pre-pass

I have implemented the Z pre-pass technique into my engine, leading to a 2x performance improvement in a test scene. However, the technique darkens the objects (but not the skybox), introduces z-...
HenriV's user avatar
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How to execute early depth test

I have trouble applying early depth test in my engine, to prevent fragment shader to be (fully) executed for fragments that will be overwritten anyway, because other fragments, drawn later, will be in ...
HenriV's user avatar
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How is depth buffer written to?

As far as I know you normally can't read and write to the same render target in the same shader pass. But if I understand correctly, depth tests rely on depth writes of things being drawn in the same ...
Buretto's user avatar
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Why do I still get values from _CameraDepthTexture even if I didn't set depthTextureMode?

I forgot to write this C# code to enable depth from my camera: ...
OtakuFitness's user avatar
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Depth func LESS EQUAL not working as expected

How is it possible that a fragment is generated, passes the depth test but isn't written to the current render target? This is the pixel history I see if I capture a frame in RenderDoc: The fragment ...
leone ruggiero's user avatar
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How to modify the z depth value inside the vertex function of a surface shader?

I wrote the following surface shader. The idea is to increase the Z depth value of vertices, after projection. ...
tigrou's user avatar
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Drawback of painters algorithm:

We know that to scan convert any polygon first we need to pass any 4 tests of Painter's algorithm. Suppose I have two polygon S1 and S2, which order is S1->S2.we see that all 4 tests are failed. ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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How to get rid of intersections between terrain and road strip drawn on top?

When I draw a road as is (stencil:off, depth:on,less), the results are like this - ; Then I tried adding stencil a test for the road: ...
USSRCoder's user avatar
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Z-Fighting mitigation performance overhead

Which of following approaches will have less performance overhead(using threejs renderer)? I am currently have an issue with z-fight for distant objects, while my near/far plane is already set to most ...
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
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Is it possible to record video, depth map and 6D pose of any games?

I'm not a game developer, but a researcher working on improving video quality in various contexts. For my current problem, I need to collect videos which have both RGB data as well as depth data. ...
Nagabhushan S N's user avatar
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For drawing many layered 2D tiles, should one use the painter's algorithm, or Z-buffering?

Sorry if this question doesn't make sense, I'm still very new to WebGL / OpenGL. Basically, I'm trying to draw a tilemap similar to the one in Stardew Valley. Here's a screenshot from that game: https:...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Why does reading my depth texture in GLSL return less than one?

I've created a depth texture in OpenGL (using C#) as follows: ...
Grimelios's user avatar
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Howto use the depth buffer in DirectX 12

To make things short: I am trying to bind and use a depth buffer in D3D12, but it is not working. The depth buffer gets created and bound properly (I can see it in nsight graphics) but does only take ...
Ohjurot's user avatar
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OpenGL ES - render to texture - how to preserve original depth buffer

I render to texture and attach my own depth buffer that has texture target. However, after I finish rendering I would like to set original depth buffer back. To start rendering to texture I do: ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
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How to write depth texture and read values from it

I am new in Unity and specializing in another field. But now I have to rapidly study it for a new project. I will be very thankful if anyone explain me how to read values of the depth buffer. I wrote ...
Hillbilly Joe's user avatar
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Punching holes through a texture and making them regenerate back again in an efficient way

I'm working on a prototype where the user can use the mouse to punch holes through a texture, making this texture see-through in that area for a certain amount of time. After that time, the hole will "...
Gardener's user avatar
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Implementing W-buffering in modern GPU

I was trying to figure out how perspective projection matrix works, and somehow I ended up in this rabbit hole of depth buffer precision. It seems to be some interest in a depth buffer where the ...
lvella's user avatar
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How to always draw a child mesh in front of its parent mesh

I need to display a gizmo-like mesh at runtime, and it must be always in front of its target mesh. How can I achieve that?
Szzzzb1's user avatar
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Cheap way to soften contactpoint of character with ground

The view of my game is always semi topdown. I'm trying to make the contactpoint between characters and the floorplane more grounded without rendering hundreds of sprites. One thing that I think could ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
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How to get depth buffer from PUBG?

I have no any experience in game development, I'm doing some research on machine learning tasks and for my project I need to know how to get depth buffer. I tried to google but haven't found relevant ...
Il'ya Zhenin's user avatar
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z ordering in directx11

Hi recently i am trying to implement z ordering system into my directx framework. So every object will have z order property(int), and this value will have higher priority than depth checking for ...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar
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Part of the back side of a transparent object disappears

I did some blending and culling to get the image below. As you can see, it is messed up. On the right side of the image, only the front side of the mesh shows. On the left side of this image, it ...
sdfsafasas's user avatar
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Can't get Direct3D11 depth buffer to work

I can't get the depth buffer to work correctly. I am rendering 2 cubes in a single Draw function, and from one angle it looks great But swing the camera around to view the opposite sides, and I ...
AaronHolland's user avatar
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glReadPixels with GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT into PBO is slow

I need to read depth buffer back to cpu memory. It may be few frames old, so I use glReadPixels with a buffer bound to GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER. I use several buffers and ping-pong them. Finally, I read ...
Tomas's user avatar
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XNA 4.0 How to change GraphicsDevice Default DepthStencilState Value

I want to change one of the deafult values of my GraphicsDevice to that: GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable = true; But I know only to change it ...
Omer Eliyahu's user avatar
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World position reconstruction from depth fails when viewport size does not match window size

I'm facing very strange issue. My code for world pos reconstruction works correctly when the viewport size is equal to window size (or framebuffer size in other words). Below is the part for ...
Harry's user avatar
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How can I write an additive mesh shader that splits the RGB channels while accounting for depth?

I'm trying to create a sort of "hologram" effect. So far, what I have is an additive, three-pass shader that uses ColorMask for each pass to separate the RGB channels. The problem is that doing so ...
IanLarson's user avatar
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Why do we need a depth buffer to display a single 3D cube?

According to a Vulkan tutorial I am following, I will need to create a depth buffer in order to display a 3D cube: However, as far as I understand, depth buffers are used for the Z-buffering ...
bzm3r's user avatar
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Depth Compositing - Background Not Being Rendered

I have a pre-rendered 3D scene which I am rendering as a background image. Over this, I am rendering an invisible version of this scene only into the depth buffer, so that any other 3D object will be ...
rhughes's user avatar
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How to use depth buffer for z-level rendering in roguelikes?

Developer of the game explains how z-buffer works in Dwarf Fortress (loosely quoted): "If you clear the buffer every single frame, it kills the game. You have sort of a depth of field. You say I need ...
user68854's user avatar
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Tiled2Unity depth sorting issue with multiple layers

I have been struggling with an issue for a couple of days now trying to get depth sorting properly when using multiple layers in tiled. My tiled map is set up as follows: The sorting Layers I have ...
WraithNath's user avatar
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Where do the buffer values come from when rendering?

In the textbook I am reading, it talks about fragment tests that are performed when rendering. All of these tests involve comparing the current fragment x value (x can be alpha, color, etc.) with a ...
Ramachandra Junior's user avatar
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OpenGL ES 2.0 Shadow Mapping - depth only FBO not working due to GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMEN

I am trying to add simple shadow mapping to my friends gles 2.0 app. It is based on gles 2.0 and PowerVR SDK. The problem I encounter is that FBO is not valid due to ...
Kacper Kleczewski's user avatar
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Improving Shadow

I need to improve the shadows in my scene. At a first look they don't look too bad: They look awful when the camera gets closer to them, showing weird artifacts. I would like to know what are the ...
Blue Bug's user avatar
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Difference between linear and logarithmic z-buffer

I've searched about this topic for awhile and i couldn't find it on google. I've come across several ways to avoid z-fighting which are linear z-buffer, logarithmic z-buffer and reversed z-buffer. I ...
Greffin28's user avatar
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Drawing a grid over a terrain using a mesh - Shader Depth and Z-Buffer

What I'm trying to achieve is rendering a (huge) tile grid over a terrain. For that I'm using a generated mesh of quads, one for every tile, whose vertices Y value is the same of the terrain to "shape"...
Celtc's user avatar
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How do I write to a 16-bit depth buffer using Monogame and HLSL?

I'm working on shadow mapping. Part of the implementation involves drawing 3D models to a depth buffer with recommended 16-bit depth. To that end, I'm first creating a render target as follows: ...
Grimelios's user avatar
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Ray tracing and Z buffering in graphics

I am a high school student taking computer science as a subject, and someone who is very interested in the game development industry. I am currently writing an essay on Raytracing and Z-buffering by ...
Michael Moon's user avatar
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Reading depth buffer result in only two values

I am attempting to add an SSAO post processing shader to my deferred rendering engine. I am running into problems with reading from the depth buffer. In the images linked below you can see the depth ...
AJ Weeks's user avatar
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Unity Custom Sprite Shader: Don't write transparent pixels into Depth Buffer

For performance reasons, i have to create my own billboards to replace some geometry. I modified the standard sprite shader to Cull Back and ...
stainless's user avatar

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