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Questions tagged [multiple-render-targets]

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About possibly using Depthstencil 2D array in multiplerendertarget mode

I'm rendering in forward mode my scene with its depth buffer and because I'm using animated characters I'm plannig to find a way to use multiple rendertargets to do the directional shadow pass at the ...
philB's user avatar
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Is it possible to activate/deactivate depth writes in geometry shader?

I'm trying to achieve rendering to multiple targets with multiple viewports. Currently it does not work possibly because I have a single depth buffer so a first write to it with a specific viewport ...
philB's user avatar
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Make Niagara System effect visible only on specific Render Target

I’m new to UE and don’t really know how to approach my problem, perhaps that’s why I couldn’t google a solution for it. So here’s what I want to achieve: I need a Niagara System effect to be only ...
user3272018's user avatar
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Screen split in different regions, each with a different scene

I am a complete beginner in Unity and, after having search for a while, I am still not sure if it is actually possible to achieve what I would like to do. My goal is to have a game where the screen is ...
Federico Tomasi's user avatar
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When should MRT (Multiple Render Targets) be used?

I had a question about exactly when I should use the MRT. This is not about rendering models, but about post processing. For example, I need to draw some cubic textures (something like skybox ...
congard's user avatar
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How can I render images to multiple windows without creating double textures in SDL2?

Simply put: What is the simplest way to render an image to two different sdl2 windows? I'm pretty new to SLD2, but I have a nice little level editor working. I then decided to move the area with edit ...
johnnie15's user avatar
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Interpolation over a network - receiving and drawing an opponent in 1v1 game

I'm a newbie Java coder and I'm creating a 1v1 game with an authoritative server and two clients. My whole network is based on UDP packets: sending positions from clients sending confirmations ...
Jacob's user avatar
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unable to render to multiple textures

I'm trying to make an example of deferred rendering. I'm trying to render to three separate textures the position, the normal and the color. Here is the setup : ...
Srinivasan's user avatar
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In My Direct2D Gui System, Is It Safe To Use A Bitmap Render Target Per Gui Element?

I am trying to implement a relatively simple GUI system for use in a few simple games. In this system, all Gui elements extend BaseControl. BaseControl has an update and draw method, as well as ...
Nkosi Dean's user avatar
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No output to screen using Multiple Render Targets and multisampling

I'm having a little trouble with XNA, but I doubt it's specific to the framework. I draw a few 3d models to 1 rendertarget with multisampling turned on, and it works fine. If I draw the same scene to ...
Peethor's user avatar
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OpenGL (lwjgl) Frame Buffer Object GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT Not Being Written To

I am currently developing a deferred renderer for my game engine and I have to output multiple textures from my shader to my GBuffer. I have been struggling with getting multiple outputs from the ...
EpicM's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why is it Important to have render targets with the same bit size?

I am currently thinking of what type of GBuffer I'll need for deferred shading, hence I tried also to document myself online about the most common ones and their format. Most of the GBuffer that I'...
cifz's user avatar
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What is "ping pong" in the context of graphics rendering?

I have to render a scene, once per light, and blend the result of the various passes. I heard and read that one way to increase performances and render targets to use would be ping pong. I'm new to ...
juan_morata's user avatar
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Multiple Render Targets, Multiple Fragment Shaders

I render a normal and a depth image of a scene. Then I want to reuse these two images to do further texture/image processing in a second fragment shader. I use a framebuffer with 3 textures attached ...
urbste's user avatar
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Need transform matrix to translate the center of the view to a custom position within the target texture

My problem is as follows: I want to use a single render target texture for drawing 16 viewports where I want to display the 16 different combinations of the marching squares algorithm with my 3D ...
Pablo Ariel's user avatar
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