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z ordering in directx11

Hi recently i am trying to implement z ordering system into my directx framework. So every object will have z order property(int), and this value will have higher priority than depth checking for ...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar
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Part of the back side of a transparent object disappears

I did some blending and culling to get the image below. As you can see, it is messed up. On the right side of the image, only the front side of the mesh shows. On the left side of this image, it ...
sdfsafasas's user avatar
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Reading depth buffer result in only two values

I am attempting to add an SSAO post processing shader to my deferred rendering engine. I am running into problems with reading from the depth buffer. In the images linked below you can see the depth ...
AJ Weeks's user avatar
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Left-handed version of the reversed depth projection with infinite far plane

Let's say that I have standard left-handed WorldToView and ViewToScreen row-major matrices in the same vein as the DirectX ...
Swyter's user avatar
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Why does reverse depth buffering provide more precision? (with DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT Datatype layout)

I lately came around methods optimizing the use of the depth buffer, as the easiest solution reverse depth buffering is mentioned but I cannot wrap my head around why I would be gaining a better depth ...
user5716904's user avatar
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How to disable depth buffer in Directx11

For now i know what i must use OMSetDepthStencilState. In the beginning i must create two states and change them every time i need another. For now i have this and it doesn't work, i.e. objects ...
Yola's user avatar
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Modifying depth values in PixelShader (SharpDX)

I'm relatively new to DirectX, and am currently converting some WPF 2D graphics code that displays geo-located sonar returns. I am using SharpDX, and rendering via a D3DImage. I've got the basics ...
Matt's user avatar
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DepthStencilView and alphaBlendState

I have create a 2D game with directx11 and i want to use a depth buffer instead of a painter's algorithm to draw the sprites but i have a problem since i'm not really good with directx 3d programming. ...
Liuka's user avatar
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Changing the maxDepth of viewport

Whenever I change the maxDepth of the viewport from 1.0 to say ...
bluejamesbond's user avatar
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Creating a 2D texture array for depth view

Following my question here, I decided to create an 2D texture array for all of my depth screen texture so that I can use them for shadows for all my lights. I'm having an issue setting it up, I'm ...
Caesar's user avatar
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How to print Depth to a Texture2D and then read it in the next pass on a shader in DirectX11

I'm programming a two-pass effect in DirectX 11 (SharpDX). It's supposed to write the depth to a texture in the first pass and then use that texture to extract data on the second one in the pixel ...
c4sh's user avatar
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Accesing depth buffer from shader

I read this presentation and on 6th slide I found that is not need to use multiple render targets and depth can be taken directly from depth buffer. From which version of DirectX or OpenGL can be the ...
Vodáček's user avatar
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How do I copy the depth buffer to CPU memory in Direct3D 9?

I have code in OpenGL that uses glReadPixels to copy the depth buffer to a CPU memory buffer: ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
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Early Z-test / depth-test in DirectX 11

As a DirectX noob i'm trying to wrap my head around depth buffers and specifically how pixel shaders are called for obscured pixels. From what i understand, the rasterizer calls the pixel shader for ...
aL3891's user avatar
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Best approach to depth streaming via existing codec [closed]

I'm working on a development system (and game) intended for games set mostly in static third-person views. We produce our scenery by CG and photographic techniques. Our background art is rendered ...
Deep Thought's user avatar

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