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Questions tagged [draw-order]

For questions pertaining to the order in which sprites, tiles or other graphics are rendered.

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Order-independent rendering of 2D sprites

I am using OpenGL to render sprites, using an orthographic projection. Each sprite has a position: (x, y, ...
Eilan Laken's user avatar
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How to re-design the graphics logic behind my game to preform better?

Recently, I have been working on a small "pet-project" of mine in C using the SDL library. I have noticed that without my render-calls, my project takes up 2% of the CPU and with the render-...
Renadil's user avatar
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How to change layer depth according to player location?

I would like to change the layer depth of objects, so that the player can go behind them. Right now it looks like this when the player is behind the object: The problem is that the layer depth doesn'...
Markus's user avatar
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LibGDX Table rendering order draw calls

I'm using LibGDX Table for drawing some simple structure but I am having problem with draw calls and texture binding handling. For clarification, I have a ...
glz's user avatar
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2D Batching and correct draw order

I'm encountering a design challenge while developing my 2D C++ OpenGL engine. I'm using a batching technique for rendering my drawable objects, and I want to ensure they are drawn in the same order ...
DDD's user avatar
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Drawing Sprites and Primitives with layers in MonoGame

I'm writing my own 2D engine using MonoGame and I want to be able to draw 2D primitives (using DrawPrimitives) along with sprites using SpriteBatch. But when I draw them, the primitives are always ...
DragonSpecter's user avatar
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Draw a player in an isometric tilemap in the right order

I'm trying to create an isometric tilemap world in Godot 4 beta 4. The world is made of blocks on top of each other where for every Y level (thinking the world like if its in 3D coords) there is a ...
Crih.exe's user avatar
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What will happen if I intend to display the hidden surface after clearing the window, draw the game objects, and then display the window again?

What will happen if I intend to display the hidden surface after clearing the window, draw the game objects, and then display the window again? Am I watching the drawing process of the objects? Is ...
Đạt Phạm's user avatar
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Sorting tile unity problem [duplicate]

I have a top down Tiled map, and I would like to extract every single tile from the map and set z order layer according to the Y position they have, I have already found the way to have every single ...
Amedeo Braggio's user avatar
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Rendering between two DrawMeshInstanced() calls in Unity

I am working on a 2D shmup that requires rendering thousands of animated bullets and animated medals on screen at the same time. I use a standard pooling method to activate and deactivate these ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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How to either draw a group of tiles completely behind or completely in front of a player?

Say you're rendering a 2D top-down tile map and there are some objects in the tile map that the player should be "in front" of when below them, and "behind" when on top of them. ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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How can I render 3D objects and particle systems in front of a Screen Space - Overlay Camera?

I am using Unity 2019 with the Universal Render Pipeline. I have a canvas that is using Screen Space - Overlay render mode. I cannot change my render mode to Screen Space - Camera, because it is not ...
Evorlor's user avatar
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Make non-sprite render in front of sprite

How do I make the non-sprite (BasicSpellProjectile) render in front of the sprite (Tower 2)? Note: The camera is located at z=-10. The z positioning apparently ...
Sebastian Nielsen's user avatar
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How do I order sprites by depth in Java, when their objects are of different classes?

I'm developing a game to learn more about Java, and I've run into a problem: My character (the guy) moves, but I can not figure out how to automatically change the order of how the sprites are drawn. ...
Aubrey Champagne's user avatar
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z ordering in directx11

Hi recently i am trying to implement z ordering system into my directx framework. So every object will have z order property(int), and this value will have higher priority than depth checking for ...
KIM CHANGJUN's user avatar

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