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XNA 4.0 How to change GraphicsDevice Default DepthStencilState Value

I want to change one of the deafult values of my GraphicsDevice to that: GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable = true; But I know only to change it ...
Omer Eliyahu's user avatar
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Wrong distance in Depth-buffer

I am currently trying to get the Depth Buffer as a texture to use it for edge detection algorithms. Since XNA4 does not allow direct access to the Depth Buffer as texture i have to render it into a ...
prydain's user avatar
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XNA DepthBias increases performance even when EarlyZ is turned off. Why?

My 3d scene consists of three main polygons: The first and the second polygons overlap each other (have the same World matrix and use the same geometry), the third one is perpendicular to the first ...
cubrman's user avatar
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Drawing sprites messes up my model in XNA4

I have a model which draws correctly in XNA4. However if I try to add a background image (or any sprite), the rendering of my model is messed up. There are two problems with the rendering model is ...
Ken's user avatar
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Why distant objects are being drawn in front of close objects?

I am rendering two cubes in the space using XNA 4.0 and the layering of objects only works from certain angles. Here is what I see from the front angle (everything ok) Here is what I see from behind ...
Oscar Foley's user avatar
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How to render depthmap image in 3d?

I'm new to game development and XNA. I have this depthmap image and I want to render it in 3D, how do I do it, any tutorial or blog post would be helpful.
Prashant Cholachagudda's user avatar
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When does depth testing happen?

I'm working with 2D sprites - and I want to do 3D style depth testing with them. When writing a pixel shader for them, I get access to the semantic DEPTH0. Would writing to this value help? It seems ...
Utkarsh Sinha's user avatar
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Depth Buffer not working in XNA?

I'm stumped. I have been fighting this for about 2 hours now. Here are the interesting parts of my code: ...
John Gietzen's user avatar