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Why does reading my depth texture in GLSL return less than one?

I've created a depth texture in OpenGL (using C#) as follows: ...
Grimelios's user avatar
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Difference between linear and logarithmic z-buffer

I've searched about this topic for awhile and i couldn't find it on google. I've come across several ways to avoid z-fighting which are linear z-buffer, logarithmic z-buffer and reversed z-buffer. I ...
Greffin28's user avatar
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OpenGL: strange thing with depth and text rendering

TL;DR I render a scene with M,V,P matrices as always. Than I render something (in this case - text) without any matrices and using separate shaders pair on coordinates with Z = -1. Somehow it's ...
Aleksander Alekseev's user avatar
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Raymarching on a Hi-Z buffer in GLSL

So I'm trying to implement Screen Space Reflections using a Hierarchical z-Buffer in GLSL. I'm following the approach from GPU Gems 5 and the Frostbite presentation linked here ("Stochastic Screen-...
tobspr's user avatar
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Strange depth map projection

I'm trying to implement depth-only SSAO and for that, I render a depth map into a texture and pass it to my SSAO shader which then uses it. The problem is that when I try to output the depth map ...
CpCd0y's user avatar
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Getting the real fragment depth in GLSL

I am trying to write a simple GLSL shader that just renders the real (not normalized) depth of a fragment as a floating point value. So far, I've figured out how to get the depth of a vertex, and ...
mklingen's user avatar
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GLSL light coloring blocked surfaces

I have created a very simple lighting shader. It currently only supports point lights, but it lights up surfaces that are completely blocked from the light. I know why, but I want to know how I can ...
Justin's user avatar
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Forcing early-z with raytracing

I'm working on a GLSL raytracer, and I need to be able to edit gl_FragDepth in the FS. However, doing so disables early-z culling. The scene is rendered front-to-back and the FS can only push points ...
Kevin Howe's user avatar
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Can I use the default depth buffer when drawing to FBO?

How to attach default depth buffer to FBO? How to use depth renderbuffer buffer attached to FBO (after drawing to it) as a default depth buffer? Basically I want to use the same depth buffer for both ...
JBeurer's user avatar
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Renderbuffer to GLSL shader?

I have a software that performs volume rendering through a raycasting approach. The actual raycasting shader writes the raycasted volume depth into a framebuffer object, through gl_FragDepth, that I ...
Dan's user avatar
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computing gl_FragDepth

I am trying to draw spheres using a billboard, so I have a normal map with a z component that I am sampling in my fragment shader. I just need to add this z component to the depth of my fragment to ...
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