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Questions tagged [directx11]

DirectX 11 is the primary graphics API for Microsoft platforms including Windows, Xbox One, and Windows phone.

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Use DirectX 11 & HLSL in SDL

I saw Lazy Foo using OpenGL & GLSL in SDL, but I want to use DirectX 11 & HLSL in SDL. Is there a way to do this, and how?
M 027's user avatar
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how to pass result of Compute Shader using UAV to Target View and render it in Direct3D11?

I'm trying to get a very basic Compute Shader to write to a Texture2D and render its result to screen. so far I have written this code to bind UAV to Texture2D and pass that to my Compute Shader. but ...
NotAlfred's user avatar
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Failure on DX11Texturesavetofile for B5G6R5_UNORM format

I have a protocol to prepare with a combining shader a texture from two other textures and saving it in RGBA8_UNORM DDS format using DX11SaveTextureToFile. Works fine. It appears to me that I don't ...
philB's user avatar
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How to clear a specific color channel in a rendertargetview

I have this situation where I would like to use a R16G16 (or 32) float RTV, write on the R channel at start and update only the G channel each frame. Is it possible to clear the RTV in a way the R ...
philB's user avatar
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How to calculate elongated reflection along the perpendicalar axis of a plane

I'm adding a rain effect in my pipeline in forward mode. I'm rendering a reflection map used to mirror the scene on a "wet" ground. I have raindrops rendered as circles with an animated ...
philB's user avatar
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GLSL ported shader not working in HLSL

I have been working on an Infinity Grid shader for my engine. It was already implemented to Vulkan’s GLSL, so it worked great with OpenGL’s (4.6) GLSL. Here's a reference. This basic shader with ...
Kenny Tutorials's user avatar
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Graphics.DrawString not drawing when picturebox handle is outputsource of directX11 device

Picturebox handle is set as the outputSource of DirectX11. directX is rendering on the picturebox handle. I am also drawing text on the picturebox in paint event. But the text is not shown. If i don't ...
Quraishi sazid's user avatar
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About possibly using Depthstencil 2D array in multiplerendertarget mode

I'm rendering in forward mode my scene with its depth buffer and because I'm using animated characters I'm plannig to find a way to use multiple rendertargets to do the directional shadow pass at the ...
philB's user avatar
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Specular lighting does not appear

I'm struggling to add specular lighting on-top of diffuse lighting and not entirely sure where I'm going wrong. I've followed the instructions given in our lecture but it just doesn't seem to be ...
Skoosh's user avatar
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What is the best way to handle more bone weights than allowed in code?

I am currently attempting to incorporate animated models in my game engine, using Assimp to load the models. I can load and render the static model just fine, but when I try to enable the animation, ...
Tenebre's user avatar
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Some of the assignment operations in the directx11 compute shader are getting skipped, even though the assigned values are used later

I'm implementing an algorithm called Fast3x3 SVD on my compute shader. However, while I was debugging my compute shader in RenderDoc, I noticed some assignment operators were completely getting ...
ThisAccountIsForGameDev's user avatar
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Blitting GStreamer's decoded buffer into a Unity render texture

I'm working on a Unity native plugin that runs a gstreamer pipeline in the background, decodes it using hardware decoding, then copies the texture over to a render ...
STUDIOCRAFTapps Developpement's user avatar
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Skybox looks distorted when camera nears sides of the cube

I created a cubemap for skybox, but there were problems with displaying UV for it. when I appear in the world, everything looks fine as it should, BUT when I approach one of the sides of the cube, its ...
Roolld's user avatar
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How to use gather offsets

I have this situation where I have parts of the same scene in each 4 half squares of a rendertarget rendered with the same view projection matrices. In my deferred pipeline I would like to sample with ...
philB's user avatar
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How to use unconventional texture format

I would like to use a texture that could have more than 4 channels. I have seen a post where they use a single channel R8 texture to store string chars. I'm thinking of using something like that with ...
philB's user avatar
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