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Questions tagged [verification]

Assurance of satisfiability of all the expected requirements in either software or hardware systems.

4 votes
2 answers

Circuit Testing, Verification & Certification Standards for Biomedical Devices

Please note: I would have posted this question on HealthIT.SE but they are apparently now closed for business, and I believe this site is the next most appropriate place to ask this. I believe this ...
smeeb's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Modelsim - Weird verification problem with DDR and Xilinx UNISIM

I am doing verification of VHDL component using OVM and ran into serious problems. I have found that problem is in one specific component and created environment specifically for it. It's a RGMII to ...
David Novák's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

EMC testing vs. EMI testing

What is the difference between EMC testing (Electromagnetic compatibility) and EMI testing (Electromagnetic interference)
Sean McDonnell's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Verifying a Meier Crossfeed Build

I've built a "Bass Enhanced Crossfeed" from a kit, which I believe is based on Meier's Crossfeed design. I prototyped it first on a breadboard, forgot to ground the output jack because it wasn't ...
rrauenza's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Of what real, practical use is electronics certification?

I am brand new to EE/ECE and am aware that companies such as UL offer a gammit of services such as: Circuit verification (they verify your schematic does what its supposed to do and doesn't have any ...
smeeb's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Testing paradigms for consumer electronics [closed]

I am brand new to EE/ECE (my background is software) and I am curious about how real-world electronics testing takes place. In software, there are many different types of tests that a piece of code ...
smeeb's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Error Loading Design Unresolved Reference

DUT: module ANDgate(a, b, c); input a; input b; output c; assign c = a & b; endmodule TESTBENCH: Without task ...
Dragonald Valenciano's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where should I instantiate the DUT object, in the testbench file or in the task?

I am making a testbench in Verilog where it will call different test cases from different modules: each module, one test case/task. Where should I instantiate the DUT object, in the testbench file or ...
Dragonald Valenciano's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What do the following terms mean for verification engineers?

When it comes to verification of digital circuits, what is the difference between the meaning of the following terms: What is the difference between specification and requirement? What is the ...
quantum231's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to convert Sequential circuit into a combinational circuit?

My question in general asks how to transform a sequential circuit/FSM into a combinational circuit. The reason why I'm asking is in SAT solving, we can use only combinational circuits. And so in ...
Xpleria's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Running UVM example on MODELSIM - ALTERA 10.1d

I want to compile and simulate this simple UVM example using Modelsim-Altera 10.1d tool. ...
Abhi's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What do the terms code coverage and functional coverage refer to when it comes to digital design verification

It seems that verifying a design is a more complex task than the actual design itself and takes a lot longer to carry out. We may even need to create testbench to very the original testbench that ...
quantum231's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to write testbench for digital circuits that output video/audio signal

As far as I have seen, a testbench will provide some stimulus to a DUT and the output shall be compared with expected values. This is one way to verify. Many digial circuits however, may produce more ...
quantum231's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

What is the difference between testing and verification?

Every textbook I've seen makes a big deal of the fact that testing and verification are two different concepts. Yet none of them provides a clear (or clear enough to me, at last) distinction. To ...
VHDL Addict's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Specman UVM: What is the difference between write_reg { .field == 2;}; and write_reg_fields?

I'm working with vr_ad package for e. My question is: What is the difference between 2 following macros for modifying registers (suppose ...
Halona's user avatar
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