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designing for
holistic cross
            UXI Studio
      February 20, 2013
NOTE: These are the slides from a
  workshop given for UXI Studio.

The structure and content is similar
 to other workshops I have already
  posted; there are some updated
      examples and exercises
 what is cross channel design?
 why care about cross channel design
 how to think about cross channel design
 try cross channel design
 sell cross channel design
 start cross-channel design now
(loose) agenda
   9-9:15am       introductions
   9:15-10:30am   what and why of cross channel
   10:30-11am     break
   11:00-12pm     how to think about cross channel
   12-1pm         cross channel experience tools
   1-2pm          lunch
   2-3pm          cross channel experience tools
   3-3:30pm       break
   3:30-4:30pm    cross channel experience tools
   4:30-4:45pm    how to sell and start now
   4:45-5pm       final questions and wrap up

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Workshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototyping
Workshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototypingWorkshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototyping
Workshop 11: Trendy web designs & prototyping

Workshop Trendy Web Designs & prototyping Presentado por los diseñadores: Jorge López, Laura Martínez y Toni Camí

designer toolswebsiteweb design and development
5 UX Mistakes that are killing your products
5 UX Mistakes that are killing your products5 UX Mistakes that are killing your products
5 UX Mistakes that are killing your products

Often, without realizing, we commit mistakes that as UX professionals we shouldn't do. This list is a reminder of what are common UX mistakes we should avoid in our process so we don't set up the time bomb on the product.

designdesign thinkingux
40 web design trends in 2015
40 web design trends in 201540 web design trends in 2015
40 web design trends in 2015

Parallax, responsive, card, and flat design are only a few modern Web Design trends that have taken the web by storm. I have listed 40 in this article, though I’m quite certain there’s more. So if you guys have spotted any modern trends that I’ve missed, just holla in the comments.

web developmentweb designweb design and development
a few
broadening examples encouraged

questions & input encouraged

activities and discussion


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Case Study
Case StudyCase Study
Case Study

The document outlines 5 disruptive marketing ideas for launching a new high-end laptop brand aimed at women. The ideas include: 1) An ad showing a woman disposing of old cosmetics and accessories by burning them, implying the new laptop replaces these items. 2) An ad showing inappropriate uses of laptops to emphasize the laptop is meant for productive tasks. 3) Ads implying the new laptop empowers women and marks the "end of the era of pink male laptops". 4) An ad depicting male superheroes becoming female to suggest women's future domination made possible by the new laptop. 5) Ads promoting the laptop's environmental friendliness, showing it "grown"

Adaptive enterprise primer
Adaptive enterprise primerAdaptive enterprise primer
Adaptive enterprise primer

This document provides an overview of adaptive enterprise practices and examples of companies that exemplify these practices. It lists examples like Apple's product development process, Xiaomi's speed of iteration, and Vizio's supply chain management. It also outlines tools and techniques for adapting best practices across different industry verticals, including business model canvases, lean startup methodologies, and innovation processes. Blockchain technology is highlighted as potentially transformative. The document advocates applying principles of agility, customer focus, and virtual collaboration across organizations.

business modelentrepreneurshiplean startup
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Sydney 26/03/14

1. Mobile devices have become the primary way people access media through smartphones, tablets, and other screens. Most media interactions are with mobile screens and smartphone ownership continues to rise rapidly. 2. Opportunities on mobile go beyond apps to considering how mobile usage has changed user behavior and discovering the paths users take to content across multiple devices. User research is key to understanding this. 3. Design for mobile must optimize for thumb and eyeball-only interactions, use touch targets large enough for fingers, and consider network limitations. Images should be optimized for recognition or description.

digitalmobiledigital transformation
scheduled break

but anytime…

     VP Customer Experience - Razorfish
         Director, Customer Experience - REI
                         Microsoft, Amazon
          Teach at University of Washington
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

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Seven Tips for Collaborative Success
Seven Tips for Collaborative SuccessSeven Tips for Collaborative Success
Seven Tips for Collaborative Success

Microsoft is enabling Collaborative Disruption ... there are (at least) 7 applications that everyone should have on their devices ... and they are all FREE. Every SharePoint and Office 365 deployment has immense capabilities right at their fingertips and most of it is FREE. In this session I will discuss 7 Tips that will improve anyone's ability to get more done, do more with data, and share it with the team. I'll discuss some tools that many people have never heard of or didn't realize were available across all devices - Android, iOS and Windows. I'll discuss Office Lens, SWAY, OneNote, Yammer, Outlook, Power BI and Delve and two bonus points.

onenoteoffice 365sway
Stephens brian mobile_presentation
Stephens brian mobile_presentationStephens brian mobile_presentation
Stephens brian mobile_presentation

This is a short slide show that goes throught the history of cell phone technology and how it has progressed through the mobile marketing stage into the machine it has become.

csshtml5cell phone
Pitch and launch (v. 2018-2019 eng)
Pitch and launch (v. 2018-2019 eng)Pitch and launch (v. 2018-2019 eng)
Pitch and launch (v. 2018-2019 eng)

The document provides guidance on pitching and launching a startup business. It discusses the components of an effective elevator pitch, including being concise, answering key questions about the business, and telling a compelling story. Tips are provided on public speaking, slide design, and using metrics when pitching to investors. The document also covers launch strategies, emphasizing the importance of generating buzz and having early adopters who will spread the word about the new product or service.

elevator pitchlaunchlaunch strategy
single channel experience

              B A N K

       single touchpoint available
                          diagram adapted from
multi channel experience

     B A N K

  multiple touchpoints operating independently
                             diagram adapted from
cross channel experience

       B A N K

  cross multiple touchpoints as part of same brand
                               diagram adapted from
omni channel experience

                  B A N K

customer interacts with brand anytime, anywhere – not a
                 channel within a brand
                                 diagram adapted from

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Common Mobile Design FAILS (And How To Fix Them)
Common Mobile Design FAILS (And How To Fix Them)Common Mobile Design FAILS (And How To Fix Them)
Common Mobile Design FAILS (And How To Fix Them)

Mobile engagement is notoriously tough. 22% of mobile apps are opened just once and never used again while nearly 70% of users typically churn off an app within the first month. With all the money and effort being poured into mobile, why is engagement so difficult? Learn to recognize and avoid many of the common mistakes that app developers and entrepreneurs make that turn off users, ranging from poorly thought-out product and business decisions to confusing UI patterns. Analyze both market research as well as user behavior to build a methodical, data-driven approach to better mobile app design.

MHA2018 - Validate It Before You Build It: The Experiment Canvas - Brad Swanson
MHA2018 - Validate It Before You Build It: The Experiment Canvas - Brad SwansonMHA2018 - Validate It Before You Build It: The Experiment Canvas - Brad Swanson
MHA2018 - Validate It Before You Build It: The Experiment Canvas - Brad Swanson

Validated Learning is the core of the Lean Startup philosophy and it tells us to run low-cost experiments to validate our product ideas. The Experiment Canvas is a one-page simple tool that guides you through the process from articulating the problem (the market opportunity), identifying risks & uncertainties, and selecting the most appropriate experiments to address the biggest risks. Participants will learn about a variety of techniques for running low-cost product experiments to measure gauge the market and ultimately to build the Right Thing.

Accessibility - Drupal and Javascript
Accessibility - Drupal and JavascriptAccessibility - Drupal and Javascript
Accessibility - Drupal and Javascript

As a developer here at Doghouse I have to always keep accessibility in mind, constantly reminding myself that there is no ‘average’ user and no such thing as ‘normal’.

needed progression as technology becomes ubiquitous

 single                        multi                            cross                               omni

Single touchpoint   Multiple touchpoints operating   Cross multiple touchpoints as    Customer interacts with brand
available           separately                       part of same brand               anytime, anywhere – not a
                                                                                      channel within a brand

                                                                diagram adapted from
“The omnichannel approach
 is one where physical and
    virtual channels come
     together to enable a
  seamless experience...”

   IBSG Omnichannel Study: Winning Strategies for OmniChannel Banking
but crawl, walk, run




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Read the full blog here: Connect with us through: Contact us : Facebook : Twitter : LinkedIn : Instagram : Pinterest :

webweb developmentweb design
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond ScreensThe Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens

We carry a screen with us at all times, yet technology is already evolving beyond the screen. We must design beyond screens to ensure we can be leaders wherever, whenever and however interactions are going. This workshop provides examples of where expertise should be leveraged beyond where many designers are currently involved and how to begin.

designuser experienceuser experience design
UX Design + UI Design: Injecting a brand persona!
UX Design + UI Design: Injecting a brand persona!UX Design + UI Design: Injecting a brand persona!
UX Design + UI Design: Injecting a brand persona!

It is my try to shed light on two often heard but little understood or confused acronyms and its impact on overall brand experience. The presentation originally designed to address a group of entrepreneurs who have little knowledge in design and it's technical jargons.

web designux designui design
previous cross channel experience?
 Managing 18 points of services in library
 Background of creating digital content and
  experiences across platforms.
 Designing customer experience using digital
 None
 Have some exprience
 Mobile and web, with some offline CRM
what do you hope to learn?
 Better match and coordination between virtual
  and physical services
 Choosing right channel for target audience
 Guidelines to each channel
 Basic principles and hands-on
 Examples from abroad and how to implement
  them in Israeli market and Israeli companies
 Connecting between virtual & physical
 What skills do I need? What kind of
  background is preferred?
what do you hope to learn?
 Process of customer experience and how to design
  customer experience
 Practical tools for designing cross channel
 What are the best practices of X-sell - which channels
  should we use?
 How to communicate the added value of cross
  channel upon only digital ux
 Be the 'go-to' person for ux stuff
 Is it a stand alone "job position" ?
 How to do it right!
 Everything I can
Let’s share our knowledge and
expertise – we are all learning…

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Why Mobile App Should Upgrade to UX/UI Design?
Why Mobile App Should Upgrade to UX/UI Design?Why Mobile App Should Upgrade to UX/UI Design?
Why Mobile App Should Upgrade to UX/UI Design?

Have you ever come across a mobile app that is intense and eye-catchy? It is all because of mesmerizing UX/UI design that stops you to browse that mobile app. UI and UX design plays a crucial role in mobile app development. A mobile app is nothing without these two aspects basically. AppClues Infotech is one of the best company to develop a creative & dynamic mobile app designs.

ui designux designui ux designs
What is lean ux
What is lean uxWhat is lean ux
What is lean ux

Lean UX applies lean startup principles to user experience design to help teams iteratively design products through experimentation and frequent releases of minimum viable products. It encourages UX designers to form hypotheses about new features, test them with real users through minimal efforts, learn from the results, and quickly iterate on the designs. The goal is to disrupt existing practices, fail fast and often to discover the best solutions, and continuously refine the product based on what is learned from users with each new release.

lean startup
Visitor Intent: Smart clues for understanding customer journeys
Visitor Intent: Smart clues for understanding customer journeysVisitor Intent: Smart clues for understanding customer journeys
Visitor Intent: Smart clues for understanding customer journeys

The document discusses using visitor intent to better understand customer journeys. It provides examples of how to segment visitors based on their behaviors, such as segmenting those who take immediate purchasing actions separately from extensive researchers. Segmenting based on the variety and amount of behaviors, such as those who view multiple product categories, can also help identify high value customers. Inferring visitor intent from behaviors can help optimize the customer experience and match it to their goals at different stages.

superweek 2014digital marketingcustomer journey
meet your group

a story…

july 19, 6am

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Evaluate Your Channel
Evaluate Your ChannelEvaluate Your Channel
Evaluate Your Channel

The document describes a methodology called "The Channel Compass" to evaluate and improve a company's channel management. It involves mapping out key areas like cooperation, alignment, capability and capacity across both the company's internal channel team and external partners. Representatives from different internal teams then discuss strengths, weaknesses and prioritize actions like recruiting new partners or training during a facilitated workshop. The tool provides a structured way to get alignment, identify priorities for improvement and create an action plan to drive the channel forward.

Increase healthcare social media engagement with content strategy (Geisinger ...
Increase healthcare social media engagement with content strategy (Geisinger ...Increase healthcare social media engagement with content strategy (Geisinger ...
Increase healthcare social media engagement with content strategy (Geisinger ...

Increase channel participation by 30% by implementing a content strategy. We also demonstrate Facebook engagement increase by 314%. A great presentation for a healthcare marketer who wants to improve your content strategy.

social media marketingcontent strategyhealthcare marketing
Contribution Modelling using Conversion Path Coverage
Contribution Modelling using Conversion Path CoverageContribution Modelling using Conversion Path Coverage
Contribution Modelling using Conversion Path Coverage

This document discusses contribution modelling using conversion path coverage (CPC). It addresses some of the challenges with existing CPC metrics, such as not accounting for frequency of touches. It also provides examples of how to calculate CPC, filter data, and ask specific questions about conversion paths to better understand customer journeys and attribute credit to different marketing channels.

attributionconversion pathsuperweek
it started as a good day
and then…

my car

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Embedded System-design technology
Embedded System-design technologyEmbedded System-design technology
Embedded System-design technology

The document discusses design technology for embedded systems. It covers several key topics: - There is a tradeoff between hardware and software implementation based on metrics like performance, power, size, and flexibility. Hardware and software design are now viewed together. - Improving productivity involves automation through synthesis and reuse using predesigned components like processor cores. Verification ensures designs are correct and complete. - Emulators can simulate systems faster than software simulation by mapping designs to FPGAs. This allows testing in real environments. Intellectual property cores provide predesigned processors and components for reuse.

Adaptive Path MX: Managing Experience 2012
Adaptive Path MX: Managing Experience 2012Adaptive Path MX: Managing Experience 2012
Adaptive Path MX: Managing Experience 2012

The document discusses customer journey mapping and provides an example of a customer journey map for Rail Europe. It begins with an overview of customer journey mapping, explaining that it describes how a service is experienced through different touchpoints. It then provides a sample customer journey map for Rail Europe, mapping out the stages a customer goes through from research and planning to post-travel and highlighting feelings, thoughts, and actions at each stage. The document concludes by providing guidance on how to successfully conduct customer journey mapping through principles like using evidence from qualitative research and ensuring collaboration from all stakeholders.

mxexperience mapsuser experience
Embedded Platform Architecture - I
Embedded Platform Architecture - IEmbedded Platform Architecture - I
Embedded Platform Architecture - I

The document discusses embedded system platforms and architecture. It describes key components of embedded systems including the embedded processor, memory map, interrupt controller and timers. Memory hierarchies are also discussed, including different memory technologies like SRAM, DRAM and mass storage. The system memory map defines the physical addresses of all resources from the processor's perspective. It includes the memory space covering DRAM and I/O, as well as the smaller input/output space accessed via instructions.

his car
and yes…
the cop car

proof of insurance


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Lands, Hubs, and Wienies
Lands, Hubs, and WieniesLands, Hubs, and Wienies
Lands, Hubs, and Wienies

The document discusses Walt Disney's approach to placemaking at Disneyland. It explains that Disneyland was designed with a compelling vision, coherent structure, and emphasis on creating a sense of place. The park was divided into themed lands like Main Street, U.S.A, Frontierland, and Adventureland. Each land had its own attractions, restaurants, retail, and services to immerse visitors. Disney also incorporated Kevin Lynch's urban design elements of paths, edges, districts, nodes, and landmarks to guide visitors and reinforce the themes.

information architectureweb designux
Direct Memory Access
Direct Memory AccessDirect Memory Access
Direct Memory Access

The document discusses direct memory access (DMA) and DMA-controlled I/O. It describes how DMA allows direct access to memory while temporarily disabling the microprocessor. It also explains how disk and video systems often use DMA transfers. The document focuses on the basic operation of DMA, including the HOLD and HLDA control signals. It provides details on the 8237 DMA controller, including its pin definitions and programming. It explains how the 8237 facilitates high-speed data transfers between memory and I/O devices.

CRM Best Practices For Luxury Retail
CRM Best Practices For Luxury Retail CRM Best Practices For Luxury Retail
CRM Best Practices For Luxury Retail

This document discusses best practices for customer relationship management (CRM) implementation in the luxury retail sector. It provides an overview of current CRM challenges in luxury retail, including identifying customers across disparate channels and measuring salesperson effectiveness. It then summarizes findings from reports on CRM practices in retail, including the use of loyalty programs and real-time customer data. Finally, it proposes a conceptual framework for CRM in luxury retail based on providing personalized customer experiences and generating customer insights to refine business actions.

luxury retailretail technologyfashion retail
oh crap
just don’t do it again

exchanging information
need to get car out of road

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Introduction to embedded system design
Introduction to embedded system designIntroduction to embedded system design
Introduction to embedded system design

1) Embedded systems are computer systems designed to perform dedicated functions within larger mechanical or electrical systems, often with real-time computing constraints. 2) Hardware platforms for embedded systems include microcontrollers optimized for control applications, digital signal processors for data-intensive applications, and programmable hardware or ASICs. 3) System specialization is important for embedded systems, through techniques like application-specific instruction sets, optimized memory architectures, and heterogeneous registers. This improves properties like performance, power efficiency, and predictability.

real time systemmobileembedded system
Embedded system ppt
Embedded system pptEmbedded system ppt
Embedded system ppt

This document discusses distributed embedded systems and their applications. It provides an overview of digital cameras, including image resolution, capture methods, and formats. It also discusses MP3 audio, including quality, bit rate, and operations. Embedded systems are programmed devices that control or monitor things, and are widely used in applications like digital cameras and MP3 players.

Direct Memory Access(DMA)
Direct Memory Access(DMA)Direct Memory Access(DMA)
Direct Memory Access(DMA)

Direct Memory Access (DMA) allows certain hardware subsystems to access main system memory independently of the CPU. DMA controllers temporarily borrow the address, data, and control buses from the microprocessor to transfer data directly between an I/O port and memory locations. This allows fast transfer of data to and from devices while the CPU performs other tasks, improving overall system performance. DMA transfers can occur via block transfers where the DMA controller controls the bus for an extended period, or via cycle stealing where it uses the bus for one transfer then returns control to the CPU.

computersciencecomputer architecture and organizationdma
so sad – collision repair

this is why I
have insurance
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
two hours later – ow.

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Introduction To Embedded Systems
Introduction To Embedded SystemsIntroduction To Embedded Systems
Introduction To Embedded Systems

This document provides an overview of embedded systems and trends in three paragraphs: It defines an embedded system as any electronic device that incorporates a microprocessor to perform dedicated tasks. It discusses the history of embedded systems from early military and calculator applications to today where they are ubiquitous. It lists some common applications of embedded systems like ATMs, phones, vehicles, industrial equipment, and medical devices.

embedded systemsmicroprocessorsrtos
Creating truly personal omni-channel customer experiences by Brian Solis and ...
Creating truly personal omni-channel customer experiences by Brian Solis and ...Creating truly personal omni-channel customer experiences by Brian Solis and ...
Creating truly personal omni-channel customer experiences by Brian Solis and ...

An exclusive ebook written by Brian Solis for SmartFocus. Customers are more connected and more informed than ever. Digital marketers now need an entirely fresh perspective to succeed in a world where customers and prospects experience their brand in multiple ways – online ads, websites, blogs, email, social and more. In retail, the customer journey might also include a visit to a real world store. This eBook, with exclusive video insights from Brian Solis, will explain how to build those journeys and develop an omni-channel marketing strategy by covering topics such as: What is omni-channel marketing and why is it important? How to be human and stay tech savvy and the importance of social media How email marketing is more important than ever

smartfocusbrian solisbusiness
Embedded System Presentation
Embedded System PresentationEmbedded System Presentation
Embedded System Presentation

This document discusses embedded systems. It defines an embedded system as a microprocessor-based system designed to perform dedicated functions. Embedded systems are found in devices ranging from household appliances to spacecraft. The document discusses the history of embedded systems and how they have evolved from using microprocessors to typically using microcontrollers. It also discusses the hardware and software components of embedded systems as well as common programming languages. Examples of different types of embedded systems are provided.

embedded systemsartificial intelligencemicrocontrollers
good, they have an app
can’t get in
okay, trying the website

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ppt on embedded system
ppt on embedded systemppt on embedded system
ppt on embedded system

This presentation provides an overview of embedded systems and describes a collision avoidance robot project. It introduces embedded systems and gives examples. It then describes the key components of embedded systems like processors and memory. It discusses the software used for the project. It introduces the collision avoidance robot project, describing its sensors, control unit, actuators and working. It provides code snippets to show how the robot's movement is controlled based on sensor input to avoid collisions.

Embedded System Basics
Embedded System BasicsEmbedded System Basics
Embedded System Basics

It is a presentation for the Embedded System Basics. It will be very useful for the engineering students who need to know the basics of Embedded System.

Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 WorkshopDesign for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop

Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
damn, have to talk to a human
“go to Valley Medical Center”
we can’t help

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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some key principles of cross-channel design such as providing a consistent, convenient, connected, and contextual experience across different channels over time. The document provides examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences. It concludes by outlining five methods for designing cross-channel experiences, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, sharing resources between teams, starting with small experiments, embracing challenges, and focusing on why changes are being made rather than just what is being changed.

customer experience managementuser experiencecross channel
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012

The document discusses the future of experience design and the concept of omnichannel experiences. Omnichannel experiences integrate digital and physical touchpoints to provide seamless, interconnected experiences for customers anytime and anywhere. The future of experience design lies in creating holistic experiences across all channels that understand customer context and needs. Omnichannel experiences enhance the physical with digital and move customers through a brand's spaces and services effortlessly.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Mapping ux culture
Mapping ux cultureMapping ux culture
Mapping ux culture

This is a presentation I prepared for UXMad 2013. It is pretty much the 3rd presentation in a series for 2013. It has similar themes to "The Long Tail of User Experience" and to "Dream Jobs." I covers how you build a UX culture in anengineering or software development environment.

user experienceuxdesign culture
THIS Valley Medical Center

five days
oh, that’s helpful
the paperwork begins

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Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"
Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"
Responsive Design and Development "Gotchas"

This session explores why choosing a good responsive framework, while assisting in development and ensuring a consistent look-and-feel, is just one piece of the much larger process of creating a truly engaging website or web application. Topics include why using the latest swiping motion du jour may not immediately make sense to all users, how a site's layout and content must truly be thought of as an architecture project to get the most "bang for the buck", and what problems that interactivity in the form of form entry can result in driving potential users and customers away, never to be seen again.

mobileweb designjavascript
Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...
Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...
Twin Redheaded Stepchildren of a Different Mother: The Usability of Accessibi...

This document summarizes a presentation given by Michael Fienen and Dylan Wilbanks on the topic of accessibility and usability. The presentation argues that accessibility and usability have many similarities and should be considered together from the beginning of a project. It provides recommendations for making templates, forms, and videos accessible. It also discusses testing for accessibility and strategies for getting buy-in for accessibility within an organization, emphasizing an early and iterative approach. The overall message is that accessibility should be a priority from the start of any project to create a better experience for all users.

Mobilising Digital Melbourne 21/03/2014
Mobilising Digital Melbourne 21/03/2014Mobilising Digital Melbourne 21/03/2014
Mobilising Digital Melbourne 21/03/2014

This document summarizes key points about optimizing for mobile experiences. It discusses how mobile device usage has evolved from single screens to multi-screen interactions across smartphones, tablets and other devices. It highlights that the majority of media consumption is now via mobile screens. The document also outlines important design considerations for mobile like touch targets, network performance and responsive design. It provides examples of organizations that have optimized their digital presence for mobile.

digital marketingdigitalmobile
my friend, the fax machine
a flurry of mail
from all different people
confusing mail

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Hackers guide to UX
Hackers guide to UXHackers guide to UX
Hackers guide to UX

At Startup Weekend (Fashion Technology) at WeWork in London, Danny from Cyber-Duck created a quick guide that explains how UX fits in to todays connected world and what UX's role is. The keynote focus on lean UX and also covers UX principles and tactics.

hackathonlean ux
Users First: UX Basics for Websites that Serve People (staff presentation at ...
Users First: UX Basics for Websites that Serve People (staff presentation at ...Users First: UX Basics for Websites that Serve People (staff presentation at ...
Users First: UX Basics for Websites that Serve People (staff presentation at ...

Workshop for web design, web development, and marketing staff at UC Santa Barbara on user experience (UX) basics. Introduction to UX. Emphasis on the planning through design concepts of UX. Presented 12/17/14 by Melissa Van De Werfhorst, hosted by the UCSB Web Standards Group.

uxuser experienceweb development
Supercharge your application with the best UX practices
Supercharge your application with the best UX practicesSupercharge your application with the best UX practices
Supercharge your application with the best UX practices

I've given this talk as a guest lecturer at Bogazici University Software Design Process graduate class (SWE530) in Spring 2015. This talk introduces key concepts of user experience design to software engineering graduate students and outlines the process of integrating design and engineering. Starting from ideation, it goes through all the steps including but not limited to user research, sketching, prototyping, user testing, design validation and iteration. Hand on best practices are also shared as case studies part of this presenation.

data informed designapplication designconversion
over three months later
insurance was supposed
      to pay this…
we can’t help
crap, i better pay

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inleiding tot chi
inleiding tot chiinleiding tot chi
inleiding tot chi

- The document provides an introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI) and discusses its history and principles. - HCI is concerned with designing interactive computing systems for human use, studying the relationship between users, tasks, technology, and environments. - The graphical user interface (GUI) was pioneered by researchers at Xerox PARC and SRI in the 1970s, leading to the development of early GUIs like the Apple Macintosh in 1984 and Microsoft Windows starting in 1985.

Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011

The gap between physical and digital has blurred: we use Wiis to get in shape, computers to order a pizza, or our smartphone’s GPS to find hot dates. People want to interact with products and services when they want to and how they want to – and that’s not always on the web. The future of design is everywhere the customer touches our product or service - digital or physical. User experience practitioners must move beyond the screen to designing a holistic customer experience that is seamless across channels and devices.

service designinformation architectureuser experience

The document discusses the author's journey to move faster in UX design. It emphasizes lean and agile principles like rapid prototyping, frequent customer validation through testing prototypes, and shipping ideas quickly through short iteration cycles. Combining UX, product, and development teams allows for fast collaborative idea generation, prototyping, testing, and refinement to determine what is valuable to customers.
four months later
six months later

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Working In The Now - Paris Web
Working In The Now - Paris WebWorking In The Now - Paris Web
Working In The Now - Paris Web

My presentation covering several ways how you can use nowaday's free web offers to save money and time for your company and thus securing your job.

Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008
Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008
Travailler dans le présent - Chris Heilmann - Paris Web 2008

Dans cette présentation, Chris Heilmann nous parlera des problèmes liés à l'adoption de standards du web récents, et décrira des façons de contourner ces difficultés. Un exemple simple est le manque de prise en charge native de l'audio et de la vidéo, et les problèmes des implémentations actuelles. La session illustrera concrètement comment régler des problèmes a priori sans solution en les attaquant sous un autre angle. Il s'agit essentiellement de trouver une façon pragmatique de vendre, implémenter et utiliser les standards plutôt que d'attendre que le marché adopte des technologies dont l'utilisation devrait être d'une évidence complète. Présentation originale :

Do Learn Repeat: The Startup Way of Design
Do Learn Repeat: The Startup Way of DesignDo Learn Repeat: The Startup Way of Design
Do Learn Repeat: The Startup Way of Design

This document provides links to resources about Lean UX, product design, user experience research methods, and data-informed product development. It emphasizes embracing failure as part of the design process, collaborating across teams, and experimenting to validate ideas rather than following prescribed paths to success. The links cover topics like the evolution of Behance, Lean UX principles, the hype cycle, waterfall vs agile development, design feedback, and using data to inform rather than drive decisions.

design thinkingdesignrules
thanks a bunch.
holistic cross

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Technology and UX,UI design trends for 2023
Technology and UX,UI design trends for 2023Technology and UX,UI design trends for 2023
Technology and UX,UI design trends for 2023

Trends are the natural changes in behaviours or proceedings. We like to be aware of those indicators for inspiration and guidance. At the beginning of every year we look at UX, UI trends and emerging technologies to get that guidance from.

ETUG Spring 2013 - Designing for Touch: Not Just for Mobile Anymore
ETUG Spring 2013 - Designing for Touch: Not Just for Mobile AnymoreETUG Spring 2013 - Designing for Touch: Not Just for Mobile Anymore
ETUG Spring 2013 - Designing for Touch: Not Just for Mobile Anymore

While student use of tablets and mobile phones continues to experience tremendous growth, touchscreens are destined for even broader use with the release of such products as Windows 8 and the Google Chomebook Pixel. In this session user experience consultant Paul Hibbitts shares some of his core design techniques and principles to create touch-friendly websites. Techniques such as user stories and responsive design sketching will be explored, along with touchscreen interaction design principles. In addition to discussion, participants will undertake several workshop activities. While not required, participants are encouraged to bring a touch-enabled device along with a notebook to the session.

Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information InteractionsTaxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
our lives aren’t just digital

we live our lives
 across physical
        & digital
digital & physical are colliding

Recommended for you

EIA2016Nice - David Lamas. Paper prototyping: Why, when & how?
EIA2016Nice - David Lamas. Paper prototyping: Why, when & how? EIA2016Nice - David Lamas. Paper prototyping: Why, when & how?
EIA2016Nice - David Lamas. Paper prototyping: Why, when & how?

Sketches and prototypes are early versions of ideas or concepts that are created to refine and communicate those ideas. They allow designers to test and improve concepts before developing finished designs. Prototypes in particular are meant to demonstrate how an idea might work in practice. Both sketches and prototypes are iterative processes that involve gathering feedback to further develop and refine ideas into final products.

paper prototypingprototypingsketching
Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for HumansDesigning AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

Artificial Intelligence seems to be all around us, and many organizations are feeling the pressure to implement AI solutions. But like with any technology, especially the emergent ones that get a lot of buzz, it’s critical to let your business and consumer needs lead the technology, not the other way around. I believe that it is the IA practitioners in an organization who can and should be the ones leading when AI and machine learning makes sense, which interactions it can best support, and how to architect and design those interactions so that they best support humans – whether those humans are employees, end consumers or citizens. In this talk I will ensure we all understand why we should be forefront in creating AI experiences, why they are exciting and yet challenging (and even risky) and how we can immediately get involved.

aiartificial intelligencedesign
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences - Dialogkonferansen 2018
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences  - Dialogkonferansen 2018Designing Customer Centered AI experiences  - Dialogkonferansen 2018
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences - Dialogkonferansen 2018

This presentation discusses why artificial intelligence (AI) needs to be designed from a customer centered point of view, and provides three pillars to use as a foundation for how to do so.

aidesigndesign thinking
even for luddites
ebooks with books
social, AR & curation

                                                           Artlens App


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Preparing for Distributed Commerce
Preparing for Distributed CommercePreparing for Distributed Commerce
Preparing for Distributed Commerce

Presentation for Seamless Retail Middle East 2017. Focuses on how to create and execute exceptional retail customer experiences that maximize revenue, increase exposure, and drive consumer satisfaction.

retailinnovtiondesign thinking
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018

Samantha Starmer is a former VP of Global Digital Experiences who is now passionate about creating great customer experiences across channels. She discusses how retail is being disrupted by new technologies like chatbots, voice shopping, augmented reality, and concept stores without staff. However, the physical store is not dead and remains important for discovery and experiences. Store 4.0 requires focusing on five pillars: starting with the customer, staying integrated across channels, breaking out of silos, using technology wisely, and focusing on the customer experience.

retailinnovationuser experience
Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

People centered design for Artificial Intelligence. Presentation for "AI and Machine Learning World', London Tech Week 2017.

aidesigndesign thinking
dinner information
and entertainment

digital self service for physical task
fridge alarm via social media

       Virtual Fridge Lock:

Recommended for you

Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011

The document summarizes a presentation on cross-channel design given by Jess McMullin and Samantha Starmer. The presentation covered what cross-channel design is, why organizations should care about it, how to sell the need for it within an organization, using a case study and field research experience to discover touchpoints across channels, and various tools and methods for designing cross-channel solutions such as journey mapping, touchpoint matrices, and paper prototyping.

iauxcross channel
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

The document provides guidance on designing holistic experiences by outlining strategies across four areas: expanding your mind, creating a vision, building a path, and just doing it. It suggests expanding one's mind by breaking out of silos, making new friends outside one's usual circles, getting outside of one's comfort zone, and finding comfort in discomfort. It recommends creating a vision by understanding the big picture, following a clear goal, storytelling to excite others, and leading change. It advises building a path by listening holistically, understanding executives' goals, managing stakeholders, and removing obstacles. Finally, it suggests just doing it by not waiting for permission, trying new things, using metrics, and starting small.

uxcross channeldesign
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

Samantha Starmer provides a framework for structuring presentations with 4 key principles: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style. 2) Learn the environment by understanding the audience and constraints. 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and keeping the narrative. 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She emphasizes remembering the one key thing you want the audience to take away and practicing well in advance of the presentation date.

you as an interface
mobile for remote car entry

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited   86
experiences simultaneously

some statistics

                  Source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling, 2012

Recommended for you

The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011

The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It begins by explaining that customers experience brands across multiple touchpoints and channels, both digital and physical. The key is to design experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and span across time. The document then provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design. The principles are to make experiences convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and spanning across time. The methods are to think in terms of services, share design work across teams, start by observing customer behaviors, be comfortable with ambiguity, and focus on customer needs rather than specific solutions. Finally, the document discusses various discovery and solution activities for cross-channel design, such as stakeholder interviews

xchannelservice designcross-channel
Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011
Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011
Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011

To get a seat at the strategy table, one must understand the organization's strategic goals and objectives, know how decisions are made, and think about long term changes. It is important to build relationships with allies, know potential opponents, and have important conversations before proposing new ideas. One should pick their battles wisely, help others' goals, and offer solutions, preferably with proposed solutions or already implemented solutions. It is also important to learn how executives communicate, listen more than speaking, and become comfortable discussing strategy with executives.

Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011

The document discusses the importance of designing cross-channel experiences that are convenient, consistent, connected, contextual, and span time. It provides 5 principles and 5 methods for holistic experience design across digital and physical touchpoints. The principles are to think of services, share resources openly, gain diverse perspectives, address discomfort, and focus on user needs over solutions. Methods include documenting journeys, mapping experiences, understanding backend systems, storytelling, and cross-training teams. Tools involve using experience maps, getting different perspectives, telling stories, and cross-training teams in other disciplines. The talk encourages designing for the holistic experience rather than any single channel.

iacross-channelcustomer experience
crossing devices

                   Source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling, 2012
purchases on multiple devices

second screens

                 Source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling, 2012
second screens

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Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space BetweenDon't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between

Presentation on designing for cross channel holistic customer experiences for Web 2.0 Expo, San Francisco

service designuser experienceux
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010

Samantha Starmer discusses designing for a holistic customer experience across channels. She recommends starting by using metrics to understand customer journeys, mapping experiences, and listening holistically across channels like call centers, social media, and stores. Designing for a holistic experience means coordinating brand and information consistency and optimizing each channel's capabilities. It requires leaving one's comfort zone, collaborating cross-functionally, and letting go of control so the entire organization can focus on improving the customer experience.

service designuser experiencecustomer experience
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

This document discusses how quantitative analytics can help drive information architecture (IA) decisions. It provides examples of the types of metrics that can be measured, such as traffic to different sections of a website, and how these metrics can be used to understand user behavior and improve the user experience. Quantitative data is presented as complementing, not replacing, qualitative research methods. The document advocates starting analytics efforts by clearly defining business questions and goals in order to focus measurement efforts and ensure the collected data will provide actionable insights.

information architectureuser experienceoz ia
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
(and here is our
       few and far
                         Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
entire industries are in
their customer experience
    (…health insurance, TV service, Internet
        Service providers, PC manufacturers,
wireless service providers, airlines and credit
                               card providers.)

                             2011, Forrester Research, Inc.

Recommended for you

Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

1) Holistic information architecture is about designing integrated experiences across channels, platforms, and the digital and physical worlds. 2) Information, not technology, should be the foundation to connect experiences as users transition between different touchpoints. 3) An effective information architecture provides consistent and predictable pathways of information to tie together a user's experience holistically as they engage with a brand through various channels over time.

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...

The document discusses the need for experience designers to design holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels, as well as multiple platforms. It notes that traditional boundaries are blurring as technology becomes ubiquitous and information can be accessed anywhere. The author advocates designing for the "space between" interactions by focusing on consistency of information and user journeys across channels to create a seamless overall experience. Experience design must look beyond individual websites or apps to consider all points of customer contact.

user experienceiacustomer experience
Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010
Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010
Make Stuff People Can Use - Agile Alliance 2010

The document discusses how to incorporate user experience (UX) design principles into agile development processes. It recommends conducting quick user interviews to understand user needs, creating low-fidelity prototypes to test early with users, and iterating the prototypes based on user feedback to refine the design. Conducting rapid and frequent user testing is important to iteratively improve the design and ensure it meets user needs. Adopting an agile mindset of frequent collaboration, iteration and user feedback is key for meaningful UX work.

user experienceagile
consumers cited their greatest
   frustration as when the
experience does not match the
 promise a company made to
        them up front.

               The New Realities of “Dating” in the Digital Age: Are Customers
               Really Cheating, or Are You Just Not Paying Enough Attention?

                                                        Accenture 2011 Global
                                                     Consumer Research Study
86% of consumers will
pay more for a better
 customer experience

         Customer Experience Impact Report. Oracle
only 1% of consumers feel
 their expectations for a
good customer experience
      are always met

          Customer Experience Impact Report. Oracle

Recommended for you

we usually
design for a
website, mobile
   app, email)
but users don’t

Recommended for you

users don’t
think about
do think about
    all of their
across time,
 devices and

Recommended for you

  happen by
we must design
      for cross
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
idly flipping – oh, cheap TV

Recommended for you

can I buy it locally?
gotta buy something for me
all set

Recommended for you

here we are
picking up in store…
oh god, Christmas
but I have my list!

Recommended for you

and it tells me where!
a little hard to see…
but it worked!
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

Recommended for you

not easy
cross between herding cats

and slaying dragons

5 principles
1.   convenient
2.   consistent
3.   connected
4.   contextual
5. (a) cross time

Recommended for you

my first iPhone app
even better…
easy refill


Recommended for you

no need to call
or get out of the car

          Walgreen’s drive in

shopping has many stages

Recommended for you

especially gifts
awesome, gift ideas
we often cross channels
and need consistency

Recommended for you

good, the same recommendations
here too
not so good
same item, different info



Recommended for you

and more different info


              in-store product handout
  product tag                       advertising
U.S. TV ad for big retailer
cool, it’s a collection
and they are talking about it

Recommended for you

hmm – except the website
or the mobile app
(though another ad is here…)

Recommended for you

the experience of transitions

Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

Recommended for you

Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
leafing through GQ…
hubby would look great in that
I can get the look!

Recommended for you

going to GQ/selects
here it is
and I can buy it
(plus great cross commentary)

Recommended for you

not so good
my mom
her favorite store

Recommended for you

her favorite department
no encore

Recommended for you

but they have plus sized clothes
lots of them
and they are tagged encore
mom was sad

Recommended for you

may not have a tape measure

but I have my phone!
set autoreplies while driving

© 2013 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited   180

Recommended for you

big store?

think about location services
street bump
   residents use Street Bump to record “bumps” which are
identified using the device’s accelerometer and located using
                            its GPS

not so good

Recommended for you

looked for cues
which context makes sense?
   Not sure how to cancel a class I
      registered for online. The
  cancellation policy just says what
 time frame I need to cancel in, but
    not how to do it online. Only
    suggestion is to call the store.
   Doesn't seem worth the hassle.
                    REI customer comment
(a)cross time

Recommended for you

traveling on 26 March
nightmare lines
they didn’t forget about me

Recommended for you

not so good
tests at the doctor’s office
results by mail
but not on the website?

Recommended for you

5 principles
1.   convenient
2.   consistent
3.   connected
4.   contextual
5. (a) cross time
define your story
5 minutes

think of a recent poor experience
across channels or devices (e.g.
banking, traveling, shopping)

Write or sketch the main story points
and interactions

Recommended for you

5 minutes
in your group

agree on one story. be sure to
define the beginning and end.
hint – choose one that is
straightforward, but with multiple
interactions across digital and
the person in your group
whose story you have chosen
moves to the next table…
10 minutes
interview & identify…
1. The existing story.
2. The stages of the story. Try to boil it down to no more than
   8 stages. Write down on post its.
3. The corresponding interactions. Write/sketch on post its.
4. The corresponding emotions. Write/sketch on post its.
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

Recommended for you

10 minutes
interview & identify…
1. The existing story.
2. The stages of the story. Try to boil it down to no more than
   8 stages. Write down on post its.
3. The corresponding interactions. Write/sketch on post its.
4. The corresponding emotions. Write/sketch on post its.
return to your original table
5 methods
1.   think in terms of services
2.   share the sandbox
3.   start walking
4.   find comfort in discomfort
5.   why vs. what

Recommended for you

1. Think in terms of services
   think in terms of services

oooh, shoes
cute shoes

             Fluevog on iPad
save on shipping?
Subject: Fluevog order 20110211-00072873
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 16:52:38 -0800

Hey Samantha,
We have both shoes you ordered online here at the Seattle store. If you’d like to pick them up this
weekend and save on shipping let us know otherwise they will ship out Monday.

John Fluevog Shoes
205 Pine St.
Seattle, WA 98101
phone: (206)441-1065
fax : (206)728-7955

"There are two kinds of people: those who shy away from attention, and those who wear Fluevogs." - JF

Recommended for you

visit the store? don’t mind if I do

Incremental Sale
2. share the sandbox

let others in

Recommended for you

let others design
let others play with you

           UX Mag
3. start walking

get out of your cube

Recommended for you

experience the physical
see what is needed
notice the world around you
where does digital help?

Recommended for you

4. find comfort in discomfort
you don’t have
to be an expert
from one of my employees

         “an interesting thing
   happened today – we were
  invited to help Visual Merch
   decide what shelf labels to
      use in the retail stores .”
eek – I don’t know store design


Recommended for you

my employee was smarter
      “an interesting thing happened
      today – we were invited to help
       Visual Merch decide what shelf
    labels to use in the retail stores .”

  “This is a great win for us”
5. why vs. what

buying a tent
for backyard camping?


Recommended for you

or backcountry snow?

tools and methods
10 tools
Discovery                   Solution
1.   employee research      1.   design games
2.   environment research   2.   co-design
3.   touchpoint inventory   3.   body storming
4.   service inventory      4.   business origami
5.   experience map         5.   service blueprint
 do early in project
 focus on ideation and brainstorming
 can be used with many development
 best to do in cross divisional groups
 break down the silos
 everyone has valuable perspective

Recommended for you

good ideas here
1. employee research
employee research
 front line employees
 ecosystem other employees have to
  work within
 uncover training issues
 uncover system issues
 uncover priority user needs
 get great ideas
 gain buy in

Recommended for you

mobile point-of-sale
have to carry two devices
following + notes

3 notebooks   full   of notes   look at the handwriting, seriously
turned into blog

3 notebooks   full   of notes   … which became a blog

Recommended for you

then set up diary study
organize transcripts
affinity map

Recommended for you

2. environment research
 hand in hand with employee research
 understand issues with physical
 discover experience blockers
 find cheaper resolutions than new
 also can be conceptual to understand
  organizational silos
old systems
tangled wires
low tech communications

Recommended for you

how many screens?
busy lines
convoluted org chart

the store room

Recommended for you

uniform issues
uniform and store room issues
 “It is usually in my pocket
   and gets caught on the
  ladder all the time… I’ve
 started leaving it here on
      the shelf instead”
3. service inventory


Recommended for you

service inventory
 inventory all services customer
 similar to a process map but focuses on
  the customer and their service needs
 good to build after mapping customer’s
 illuminates areas where you can surprise
  & delight (or royally screw up)
4. touchpoint inventory
touchpoint inventory
 track all ways customers interact with your
 can use both for as-is and to-be states
 excellent for corralling complex programs and
  products across channels
 great to use for mapping out needed system
 helpful for non-web/non-technology people to
  understand impacts

Recommended for you

            email         print ads
                                           direct mail

  text                                                   websites


         social media                     white papers
                        broadcast media
when a customer
comes into contact
with products or
services (the point
and place of
                      slide from Erin Hawk, REI

• meet a customer need
• are experience driven
• can span multiple channels & devices

                                 slide from Erin Hawk, REI
product information

retail store,
mobile app,
contact center

                      slide from Erin Hawk, REI

Recommended for you

touchpoint = checkout

    channels: retail store, mobile
    app, website, contact center
                                slide from Erin Hawk, REI
so why talk channels?
                Ultimately you want to recognize that
                in any interaction with a customer,
                what you’re trying to support is a

                Identifying a channel through which
 Chris Risdon
                the conversation takes place is just a
                means of understanding what
                constraints and opportunities enable
                the conversation.

touchpoint inventory

Recommended for you

10 minutes
in your group

Define the touchpoints and the
channels in the existing story.

Write or sketch them on post its.
5. experience mapping


Recommended for you

  your first
experience mapping
 customer perspective, actions and reactions
  throughout interactions
 triggers and touchpoints
 intangible and qualitative motivations,
  frustrations and meanings
 helpful for non-web/non-technology people
 can get all points of view on the table (e.g. is
  your experience my experience?)
 about the process, not just the result
many different
 ways to map

Recommended for you
hint, start simple
good collection of examples


Recommended for you

“A good experience map feels like a
catalyst, not a conclusion.”
                       -Chris Risdon, Adaptive Path
what should the
 experience be?
1. design games


Recommended for you

design games
 great with non-designers
 bar is low, nothing is wrong
 think of as more play than work
 can bring out quieter types
 new ways of thinking
gamestorming - the book

2. co-design

 sketch with project team
 draw with stakeholders
 diagram with support teams
 sticky note with customers
 less about the outcome, more about the

Recommended for you

3. body storming

body storming
 sketching not with a pencil and paper, but with
  our bodies (Dave Gray)
 physically act out possible experiences
 often used for designing services, especially
  within physical environment
 start with scenario or task, improvise the
  customer and support roles (including products
  or objects)
10 minutes
Narrow the story

1. Pick no more than 4 stages from your story.
2. Think of each stage, with its corresponding
   interactions and emotions as a scene.
3. Brainstorm ideas for the ideal story.
4. Note dialog, new interactions, new emotions.

  Hint: Think of fairy tales. Objects can talk, animals
    have emotion. Magic can happen. Nothing is

Recommended for you

20 minutes
Act it out…

1. No sitting
2. Use words, sounds, gestures
3. Make sure someone plays the customer, others
   play products, touchpoints, employees, etc.
      (e.g. the cats, the cat carrier, the website, the
             airplane, the service agent)
4. Don’t worry about being silly! The point is to free
   your brain and to experiment.
4. business origami (@jessmcmullin

business origami



Recommended for you

business origami
 3 dimensions helps envision experience
 can be easier than sketching for non-
  designers to feel creative
 great for services and experiences that
  involve crossing locations
 easy to move pieces lessen any feeling of
  commitment or making a mistake
5. service blueprint
service blueprint
   start with the desired experience – the story
   track the customer interactions
   include needed touchpoints
   define optimal channels
   determine how service components link
   determine how internal people, processes and
    systems support
Service Blueprint


Recommended for you

SCAD Service Design Project
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
what is needed
  to support a

Recommended for you

40 minutes
create your service blueprint
1.    Start with the story stages
2.    Define the new, desired experience
3.    Identify the needed touchpoints
4.    Identify the optimal channel for each touchpoint
5.    Identify needed support (people and/or systems)
     stage       stage        stage        stage        stage        stage        stage        stage
   desired      desired      desired      desired      desired      desired      desired      desired
experience   experience   experience   experience   experience   experience   experience   experience
touchpoint   touchpoint   touchpoint   touchpoint   touchpoint   touchpoint   touchpoint   touchpoint

  optimal      optimal      optimal      optimal      optimal      optimal      optimal      optimal
  channel      channel      channel      channel      channel      channel      channel      channel
  support      support      support      support      support      support      support      support
 people &     people &     people &     people &     people &     people &     people &     people &
  systems      systems      systems      systems      systems      systems      systems      systems
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

Recommended for you

Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
5 ways to sell
1. understand the executives
2. use metrics
3. start at the grassroots - but
  work towards top-down
4. watch for the bodies
5. cultivate patience
1. understand the executives
understand the executives
 what incentives are driving the
 what do they think is important?
 what language do they use?
 what style are they comfortable
  with? (blue sky? numbers?)
 make friends with assistants

Recommended for you

2. use metrics

use metrics
 get comfortable with quantitative
 find out behavior as well as attitude
  and perceptions (do they do what
  they say?)
 track measures like conversion,
  abandonment, visits
 where does experience design add
3. start at the grassroots…

…but work towards top-down


Recommended for you

start at the grassroots
 get allies at all levels
 find what resonates for each person,
  team and role
 tell the story
 generate buzz at the bottom
 work towards a direction from the
4. watch for the bodies
watch for the bodies
 others have gone before you –
  where did they misstep?
 are some terms too politically
 decide what hills you want to die on
 build on top of previous successes
3. cultivate patience


Recommended for you

cultivate patience
 understand how change is accepted (or fought)
  in the organization
 complete some tiny things before starting any
  big things
 focus on bringing people along
 prioritize your efforts
 learn to let some stuff go until a better time
5 ways to start
1. document the present
2. map the future
3. get behind the scenes
4. cross train
5. share the wealth
1. document the present

Recommended for you

not just for fun
can be notes, sketches

or photos
documenting experiences

Recommended for you

2. map the future

 from point
  A to point
      B; and
in between
think about the
customer’s whole
3. get behind the scenes


Recommended for you

are experiences supported?


and here?


Recommended for you

4. cross train

it’s amazing what you learn
5. share the wealth

everyone owns cross
 channel experience

Recommended for you


thank you!!
              samantha starmer

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Editor's Notes

  1. Door picture
  2. Door picture
  3. Door picture
  4. Door picture
  5. Door picture
  6. Door picture
  7. Door picture
  8. Image source: Zipcar mobile app
  9. Image source: State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance (
  10. Buying a tentWhy?
  11. Buying a tentWhy?
  12. Customers now use many devices to engage across multiple touchpoints.Our work will include building an inventory of touchpoints, cataloging all possible touchpoints throughout the stages of the experience.At each touchpoint, the map defines customers needs and identifies how we currently meets those needs. A good experience map helps the audience feel what it is like to experience every touchpoint.
  13. Another example of a touchpoint across channels.
  14. The map is just a tool…this isnt the end goal. The work of analyzing and improving the experience is the most important part.
  15. Door picture
  16. Buying a tentWhy?
  17. Buying a tentWhy?
  18. Buying a tentWhy?
  19. Buying a tentWhy?