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Samantha Starmer
March 15, 2019
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Vice President Design - Capital One
Formerly Ralph Lauren, Razorfish, REI, Microsoft, Amazon.
I’m passionate about creating GREAT customer experiences, regardless of screen or device; online or offline.
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
By 2025, a $1,000 computer will have the processing power of the human brain; 80 billion devices will be
connected to the Internet; we will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with
a human. AND MUCH MORE…
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“AI powered by a neural network could revolutionize the way player avatars animate realistically through complicated
game environments in real time….developers are beginning to think about the possibilities of non-player characters
(NPCs) who could think and act in a more complex and human way” The Guardian

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Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems, Risks, Challenges, Competencies, ...
Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems, Risks, Challenges, Competencies, ...Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems, Risks, Challenges, Competencies, ...
Regulating Artificial Intelligence Systems, Risks, Challenges, Competencies, ...

But, as Musk’s above-quoted statement suggests, the rise of AI has so far occurred in a regulatory vacuum. With the exception of a few states’ passage of legislation regarding autonomous vehicles and drones, very few laws or regulations exist that specifically address the unique challenges raised by artificial intelligence, and virtually no courts appear to have developed standards specifically addressing who should But, as Musk’s above-quoted statement suggests, the rise of AI has so far occurred in a regulatory vacuum. With the exception of a few states’ passage of legislation regarding autonomous vehicles and drones, very few laws or regulations exist that specifically address the unique challenges raised by artificial intelligence, and virtually no courts appear to have developed standards specifically addressing who should be held legally responsible if an AI causes harm.

automatedrobotsartificial intelligence
Adaptation: Why responsive design actually begins on the server
Adaptation: Why responsive design actually begins on the serverAdaptation: Why responsive design actually begins on the server
Adaptation: Why responsive design actually begins on the server

The document discusses how responsive design begins on the server by adapting to different devices. It notes that as more devices have become capable of accessing the web, including lower-cost smartphones and basic phones, the definition of what constitutes a "smartphone" has expanded. It argues that while there is diversity in mobile devices, many lower-end devices still provide web access and basic smartphone functionality at an affordable price for many users.

responsive designweb designmobile web
The Future is Here: Why Science and Technology Change the Kind of Schools We ...
The Future is Here: Why Science and Technology Change the Kind of Schools We ...The Future is Here: Why Science and Technology Change the Kind of Schools We ...
The Future is Here: Why Science and Technology Change the Kind of Schools We ...

The document discusses emerging technologies including wearable computers, robots, and video games. It describes how robots are now fundamental to how we live, work and play. It discusses concepts like augmented reality, facial recognition, contact lenses, and how technology is transforming social institutions and personal identity. STEM fields are facilitating changes to time, space, geography, privacy and more. 3D printers may soon be able to print entire houses. Drones may deliver packages in the future.

Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“Researchers hope this A.I. system will help doctors screen more patients in a country where diabetic retinopathy is
increasingly prevalent. Nearly 70 million Indians are diabetic... all are at risk of blindness.” The New York Times
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“[With an AI tutor,] I can engage in a dialogue.
The idea that you could talk to a [virtual] advisor
that would understand different misconceptions
and arbitrary linguistics around it, that’ll
certainly come in the next decade...the beauty
of this is it could be completely free.” Bill Gates
“Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational
organization that produces “Sesame Street,”
recently announced a collaboration to use IBM
Watson's cognitive computing technology”
Sesame Workshop
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“Of the 2.5 million Americans who
served in Iraq and Afghanistan,
300,000 of them came home with
traumatic brain injury. DARPA
initiated a series of programs to help
cognitive functioning, to repair some
of this damage. And those programs
center around putting brain chips
inside the tissue of the brain. Since
the 1950s, the Pentagon has been
pursuing artificial intelligence.”
Annie Jacobson, NPR
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“The automation of
factories has already
decimated jobs in
manufacturing, and
the rise of artificial
intelligence is likely to
“With artificial
intelligence we are
summoning the
Elon Musk
"I am in the camp
that is concerned
about super
Bill Gates
“What all of us have
to do is to make sure
we are using AI in a
way that is for the
benefit of humanity,
not to the detriment
of humanity.”
Tim Cook
“The future
belongs to
ever becomes the
leader in this
sphere will
become the ruler
of the world.”
Vladimer Putun

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It's about people, not devices...
It's about people, not devices...It's about people, not devices...
It's about people, not devices...

This document discusses the diversity of mobile devices and user experiences globally. It notes that while smartphones have gained popularity in some markets, global smartphone penetration remains only around 23% and the mobile experience varies greatly depending on location, device capabilities, and network infrastructure. This diversity is likely to continue as new platforms and low-cost devices disrupt the market.

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Moving Forward with Digital Disruption: A Right Mindset
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A keynote presented at the MentorNJ In-Person Networking Event 2018 organized by LibraryLinkNJ -The New Jersey Library Cooperative, held at Monroe Township, NJ. on October 5, 2018.

digital disruptionthe fourth industrial revolutionextended reality
Smart Machines -presentation, Dec 2014
Smart Machines -presentation, Dec 2014Smart Machines -presentation, Dec 2014
Smart Machines -presentation, Dec 2014

The document discusses smart machines and related technologies. It provides definitions of smart machines from various sources and discusses how smart machines are enabled by technologies like cloud computing, big data, the internet of things, and robotics. Examples are given of different types of smart machines like movers (self-driving cars), doers (industrial robots), and sages (expert systems like IBM Watson). The growth and applications of smart machines in various industries are also summarized.

smart machinessmart things
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Text & Image: ;
“the 21st century will achieve 1,000 times the progress of the 20th century.”
Ray Kurzweil, Futurist
Tim Urban - Wait but Why
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“You've got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology - not the other way around.”
Steve Jobs
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Text and Image:
Designed for the low vision community, this research project harnesses the power of AI to describe people, text, and objects.
Leveraging AI technology to expand and help our human lives is the first area of focus we should have..
Microsoft Seeing AI

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The Evolution of Technology & Etiquette
The Evolution of Technology & EtiquetteThe Evolution of Technology & Etiquette
The Evolution of Technology & Etiquette

I created this digital flipbook about a topic that I find extremely interesting- the influence that technology has on etiquette.

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UX STRAT Europe 2019: Alex Tim
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UX STRAT Europe 2019: Alex Tim

This document provides an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) concepts and terminology. It discusses key AI topics like machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing. It also covers a brief history of AI, potential economic impacts of AI, challenges like bias, and the role of designers in ensuring AI is developed responsibly. The document aims to give an overview of AI to help readers understand this emerging field at a high level.

The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond ScreensThe Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens

We carry a screen with us at all times, yet technology is already evolving beyond the screen. We must design beyond screens to ensure we can be leaders wherever, whenever and however interactions are going. This workshop provides examples of where expertise should be leveraged beyond where many designers are currently involved and how to begin.

designuser experienceuser experience design
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“We should be asking not only what computers can do, but what computers should do.”
Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“The Orcam My Eye clips onto the arm of a pair of glasses and uses a miniature camera to process what it sees
through a bone-conduction earpiece…the devices then reads out the text or describing the objects stored in
its memory, such as credit cards or banknotes.” The American Foundation for the Blind
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“The introduction of automation technologies will be gradual, and the long-term potential for society is job creation
rather than job losses…the potential to automate non-routine tasks is likely to remain limited.”
Stockholm School of Economics, The Substitution of Labour
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Image & Text:
“Instead of thinking about AI as separate or adversarial to humans, it’s more helpful and accurate to think about
machines augmenting our collective intelligence and society”
Joi Ito, Director MIT Media Lab

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Artificial intelligence a bane or boon-pdf
Artificial intelligence  a bane or boon-pdfArtificial intelligence  a bane or boon-pdf
Artificial intelligence a bane or boon-pdf

Presently we are surrounded by various technologies. All these technologies have their own pros & cons and are evolving. Artificial Intelligence is one such future technology which is making its place & demand in this market very steadily. But the big question is, Is it a boon or a bane? Check it out here.

artificial intelligencetechnologyinformation technology
AI Tech. session, Orange Presentation
AI Tech. session, Orange PresentationAI Tech. session, Orange Presentation
AI Tech. session, Orange Presentation

Presentations from the AI conference held by EiTESAL that showcases the challenges met in the AI market in Egypt. presented by eng. Ahmed Hassaan from Orange.


Alternate Reality News is an AI-generated news website where all articles are created by computers without human editing. The goal is to bring attention to the need for algorithms that can detect misinformation spread by AI. Readers are warned not to consider the content factual due to potential biases in the machine learning models. While intended as entertainment, the site also aims to educate about issues surrounding AI and misinformation.

Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Image & Text:
“We think more jobs will completely change their activities than completely disappear. And so we’ll see more of these
collaborations between machines and people.”
Michael Chui, Partner McKinsey Global Institute
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial
intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the
technology beneficial.“
Max Tegmark, President Future of Life Institute
Unleash Live for Lifeguards
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“Instead of thinking about machine intelligence in terms of humans vs. machines, we should consider the system that
integrates humans and machines—not artificial intelligence, but extended intelligence.”
Council on Extended Intelligence (IEEE Standards Association and the MIT Media Lab)
Seeing AI
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer

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A.I. and Robots in the Workplace
A.I. and Robots in the WorkplaceA.I. and Robots in the Workplace
A.I. and Robots in the Workplace

Humans create robots and not robots create humans. Humans create robots and not robots create humans. AI and Robots in Workplace: This slide shares some of the spaces where robots are invading(replacing humans), possible job opportunities for the people who would be replaced, other that that what solutions could be for robots overtaking humans.

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Alternate Reality News is an AI-generated news website where all articles are created by computers without human editing. The goal is to bring attention to the need for algorithms that can detect misinformation spread by AI. Readers are warned not to consider the content factual due to potential biases in the machine learning models. While intended as entertainment, the site also aims to educate about issues surrounding AI-generated media.

Rise of AI
Rise of AIRise of AI
Rise of AI

The document discusses various topics related to artificial intelligence including movies and applications that feature AI technologies. It provides examples of AI assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and Alexa. It also discusses how data is used to train machine learning and deep learning algorithms to power AI applications. Common applications of AI mentioned include speech recognition, face recognition, automation, data mining and email spam filtering. The future of AI is described as an AI-driven world where humans may be augmented by AI.

aianalyticspredictive analytics
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“This is about as far as the nonhuman waiters can go at the Robot Magic Restaurant in Shanghai. After diners take
photos and videos, regular waiters step in to serve the food.”
Paul Mozur, Technology Reporter The New York Times
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“Using AI to personalize promotions can lead to a 1-2% increase in incremental sales…In advanced
manufacturing…AI can improve forecasting accuracy by 10-20%. This translates into a potential 5% reduction in
inventory costs and revenue increases of 2-3%.”
Harvard Business Review
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Text and Image:,
[LoweBot] “enables Lowe’s employees to devote their
attention to more complex, human problems, like
lending their expertise to a customer’s particular project,
perhaps a troublesome leaky roof.”
Gihad Jawhar, VP Digital Development, Lowes
"If you are running up and down the aisle and you want to
decide if we are out of Cheerios or not, a human doesn't do
that job very well, and they don't like it.”
Jeremy King, CTO Walmart

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Smart Machines Oct 2014
Smart Machines Oct 2014Smart Machines Oct 2014
Smart Machines Oct 2014

The document discusses the rise of smart machines and their potential impact. It defines smart machines as machines that can make decisions and solve problems without human intervention, using examples like robots, self-driving cars, and cognitive systems like IBM Watson. The era of smart machines is described as the most disruptive in the history of IT, with smart machines potentially automating many jobs currently performed by humans. The document outlines several categories and examples of emerging smart machines and technologies that enable their development, such as cloud computing, big data, IoT, and advances in areas like computer chips, robotics, and wearables.

smart machines
Smart machines, Strategic Technology Trend of 2015
Smart machines, Strategic Technology Trend of 2015Smart machines, Strategic Technology Trend of 2015
Smart machines, Strategic Technology Trend of 2015

The document discusses the rise of smart machines and their potential disruptive impact. It notes that smart machines, which are able to make decisions and solve problems without human intervention, will be enabled by technologies like cloud computing, big data, robotics, and the Internet of Things. Examples are given of different categories of smart machines like movers, doers, and sages. The era of smart machines is predicted to be the most disruptive in the history of IT and have significant impacts on the future of employment.

smart machines
Inteligencia Artificial.pdf
Inteligencia Artificial.pdfInteligencia Artificial.pdf
Inteligencia Artificial.pdf

This document provides an introduction to WSJ Pro Artificial Intelligence, a new offering from The Wall Street Journal that aims to help businesses understand and draw value from the rise of artificial intelligence. The summary discusses the impact of AI on businesses, how WSJ Pro AI will assess the effects of AI on different levels and issues of companies, and provides examples of the types of journalism that will be included.

inteligência artificial
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Image & Text:
"Sephora Virtual Artist is a really good example of where there was a real customer need. It can be overwhelming
coming into our stores or shopping online, but this makes it easy to help you find your favorite shade and save you
time.” Mary Beth Laughton, Executive Vice President Sephora
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Text & Image:
“Before entering restrooms in the park, visitors must now stare into a computer mounted on the wall for three seconds before
a machine dispenses a sheet of toilet paper, precisely two feet in length. If visitors require more, they are out of luck.”
Javier C. Hernández, The New York Times
Temple of Heaven Park, Beijing
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
The most-cited business benefits
corporate leaders see from AI include:
Increased productivity
But don’t forget potential human
benefits, for example:
Reduced operating costs
Improved speed to market
Increased relevancy and timing of
messaging.; true personalization.
Help provided exactly when, where how it’s
Reduction of boring tasks, allowing for
increased creativity.
What is the human’s real goal? What do they want? Why?

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Origins of the Marketing Intelligence Engine (SXSW 2015)
Origins of the Marketing Intelligence Engine (SXSW 2015)Origins of the Marketing Intelligence Engine (SXSW 2015)
Origins of the Marketing Intelligence Engine (SXSW 2015)

Marketing automation platforms save time, improve efficiency and increase productivity. They give companies an unprecedented ability to understand buyers, identify opportunities, track campaign performance and link marketing activities to business outcomes. But, they do not provide insight into the billions of bits of data being created as consumers move from screen to screen and interact online and offline with brands, and they do not recommend actions to improve performance. Humans are limited by their biases, beliefs, education, experiences, knowledge and brainpower. All of these things contribute to our finite ability to process information, build strategies and achieve performance potential. Algorithms, in contrast, have an almost infinite ability to process information. They possess the power to understand natural language queries, identify patterns and anomalies, and parse massive data sets to deliver recommendations better, faster and cheaper than people can. What inevitably comes next are marketing intelligence engines that process data and recommend actions to improve performance based on probabilities of success.

marketing automationartificial intelligencemarketing strategy
Can human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence?
Can human intelligence be replaced by  artificial intelligence?Can human intelligence be replaced by  artificial intelligence?
Can human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence?

AI has the potential to augment and enhance various aspects of human intelligence, the complete replacement of human intelligence by artificial intelligence remains a distant and ethically complex prospect. The responsible development and integration of AI should prioritize collaboration between humans and machines to harness the strengths of both.

human intelligenceartificial intelligence
Can human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence.pptx
Can human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence.pptxCan human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence.pptx
Can human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence.pptx

No, human intelligence cannot be fully replaced by artificial intelligence. While AI systems can perform specific tasks and exhibit a form of narrow intelligence, they lack the holistic understanding, creativity, emotional intelligence, and consciousness that characterize human intelligence. AI complements human capabilities and can automate certain functions, but it cannot replicate the depth and breadth of human cognition, intuition, and complex decision-making. The relationship between humans and AI is more about collaboration and augmentation rather than substitution.

top 10engineeringcollege
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“…technology—when used wisely—can enhance the patient experience, improve efficiency, promote autonomy,
personalise information and enable new value propositions. But in order to achieve this we must start with
understanding peoples’ needs and behaviours – and not just solely from the perspective of their care and treatment
program.” LiveWork
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Text: McKinsey, MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, and Carnegie Mellon via
“AI will shorten your commute… via self-driving cars that result in up to 90% fewer accidents, more efficient ride sharing
to reduce the number of cars on the road by up to 75%, and smart traffic lights that reduce wait times by 40% and overall
travel time by 26% .“ MIT Researchers
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“companies will continue to explore the power of intelligent agents to add conversational interfaces to static self-service
content. They will anticipate needs by context, preferences, and prior queries and will deliver proactive alerts, relevant
offers, or content. They will additionally become smarter over time via embedded artificial intelligence.”
Forrester Research
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“With Melody, our goal is to provide
patients with an online experience that
is close to a human conversation. We
believe this natural type of interaction
will help patients feel more comfortable
with their doctors and result in a more
beneficial patient-doctor relationship.
As Melody has more conversations, it
will also learn and keep getting
better…This is just the start of a much
larger, AI-driven transformation of the
healthcare industry.”
Baidu Research

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Artificial intelligence and machine learning: ultimate game changers
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: ultimate game changersArtificial intelligence and machine learning: ultimate game changers
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: ultimate game changers

While technological advances say they are on the brink of achieving that perfect artificial intelligence, we are not quite there yet. Fortunately for us, an AI does not need to be irreproachable, just better than a human. Take connected cars, for instance. An AI-based driver may not be mistake-proof, but it is certainly less imperfect than a human driver. This is very much the case in cybersecurity where IT experts are changing the rules of the game using Machine Learning.

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Marketing in the Machine Age: The Path to a More (Artificially) Intelligent F...
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Presented at Emarsys Evolution, Aug. 3, 2017 Consider how much time your team spends reviewing marketing analytics, generating data-driven insights and recommendations, and devising intelligent strategies. Now imagine if a machine performed the majority of those activities and a marketer's primary role was to enhance rather than create. Machines are not going to replace marketers in the near term, but artificial intelligence is accelerating us toward a more intelligently automated future. Come explore the present and future potential of artificial intelligence, and discover AI-powered technologies that can drive marketing performance and transform your career. * Understand what the disruption of other industries can teach us about the inevitable impact artificial intelligence will have on the marketing industry. * Learn about the marketing technology companies that are leading the way in advanced automation, predictive analytics and machine-generated content. * Apply new technologies and processes to make your content marketing more efficient and effective.

artificial intelligencemarketingcontent marketing
AI Presentation - Danial Shaikh
AI Presentation - Danial ShaikhAI Presentation - Danial Shaikh
AI Presentation - Danial Shaikh

Artificial intelligence involves using machines to simulate human intelligence through techniques like machine learning and deep learning. The presentation traces the origins of AI back to 1956 with the goal of giving computers abilities like reasoning, understanding language, and perceiving the world. Opportunities for AI include autonomous delivery vehicles, personalized shopping experiences using computer vision, using robots for tedious tasks, and developing new drugs. The winners in AI will be those focusing on narrow domains with vast data and those able to achieve network effects by crowdsourcing or leveraging multiple data sources.

Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
"The A.I. gives each video a score based on more than 250,000 data points, including audio, tonality and speech
patterns, the importance of which can be customized for the client's need…Unilever has improved the diversity of its
talent pool by 16 percent since partnering with HireVue.”
Kevin Parker, CEO HireVue
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer,,,,,
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
When Zora arrived at this nursing facility an hour outside Paris, a strange thing began happening: Many patients
developed an emotional attachment, treating it like a baby, holding and cooing, giving it kisses on the head.

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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

An overview of artificial intelligence from the perspective of a potential venture capital investment: what it is, its history, how it can be used, and what it could mean for the future of various industries and humanity.

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IA. Pourquoi et Comment.
IA. Pourquoi et Comment.IA. Pourquoi et Comment.
IA. Pourquoi et Comment.

This document discusses the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. It is a presentation given in April 2018 by Sylvain Carle, a partner at RealVentures, about navigating the emergence of AI. The presentation discusses how major tech companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple are heavily investing in AI through acquisitions, research labs, hiring and more. It also discusses how AI is now disrupting all sectors of society and the economy. Applied AI research is seen as crucial for the success of companies. The document outlines the current context around AI, including the difference between general and narrow AI, and how AI is changing definitions and capabilities.

aiartificial intelligencemarketing
Revolusi Industri 4.0 (ID)
Revolusi Industri 4.0 (ID)Revolusi Industri 4.0 (ID)
Revolusi Industri 4.0 (ID)

Sebuah presentasi singkat mengenai Revolusi Industri 4.0 dalam Bahasa Indonesia (ID) A brief presentation about Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Bahasa Indonesia (ID)

Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“First, robots should never harm a human being
through action or inaction. Second, they must obey
human orders. Third, they must protect themselves.
Each law cannot conflict with the other.” - Isaac
Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics
“What we’d like to see is a trusted third party, perhaps a
regulatory or supervisory body, that would have the power
to scrutinise and audit algorithms, so they could go in and
see whether the system is actually transparent and fair.”
- Research team at the Alan Turing Institute in London
and the University of Oxford
"It's a dangerous moral ground are we walking into,
making systems that are reminiscent of humanity and
then treating them in a way that is inhumane." - Illah
Nourbakhsh, Professor of Robotics at Carnegie
Mellon University “Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM
and Microsoft created a
partnership to help establish
ethical guidelines for the design
and deployment of A.I. systems.”
New York Times
“A.I. must maximize efficiencies without destroying the
dignity of people: It should preserve cultural
commitments, empowering diversity. We need broader,
deeper, and more diverse engagement of populations in
the design of these systems.”
- Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“…facial-recognition technology underpins China’s ‘sharp eyes’ program, which collects surveillance footage from
some fifty-five cities…By 2020, the system will render a score for each of its 1.4 billion citizens, based on their
observed behavior, down to how carefully they cross the street.” Tad Friend, The New Yorker
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“…white men were identified correctly 99% of the time while women with dark skin were identified incorrectly 34% of
the time…A.I. systems are shaped by the priorities and prejudices — conscious and unconscious — of the people
who design them.” Joy Buolamwini, MIT Media Lab Researcher
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“the coded gaze is a "reflection of the priorities, the preferences, and also sometimes the prejudices of those who
have the power to shape technology,” Joy Buolamwini - Algorithmic Justice League Founder

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Preparing for Distributed Commerce
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Preparing for Distributed Commerce

Presentation for Seamless Retail Middle East 2017. Focuses on how to create and execute exceptional retail customer experiences that maximize revenue, increase exposure, and drive consumer satisfaction.

retailinnovtiondesign thinking
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018

Samantha Starmer is a former VP of Global Digital Experiences who is now passionate about creating great customer experiences across channels. She discusses how retail is being disrupted by new technologies like chatbots, voice shopping, augmented reality, and concept stores without staff. However, the physical store is not dead and remains important for discovery and experiences. Store 4.0 requires focusing on five pillars: starting with the customer, staying integrated across channels, breaking out of silos, using technology wisely, and focusing on the customer experience.

retailinnovationuser experience
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013

Presentation for eTail West 2013. Includes 6 key omnichannel attributes and 6 ways to start designing for omnichannel today.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Full study:
“Not only does training an
artificial brain create biases, but
those leanings reinforce many
societal issues regarding race
and gender that plague
humanity today…The trained AI
had a habit of
associating typically caucasian-
sounding names with other
things that it considered to be
“pleasant,” rather than African-
American names. The AI also
shied away from pairing female
pronouns with mathematics, and
instead often associated them
with artistic terms.”
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
“As we invent more species of AI, we will be forced to surrender more of what is
supposedly unique about humans. We’ll spend the next decade—indeed, perhaps the
next century—in a permanent identity crisis, constantly asking ourselves what humans
are for…The greatest benefit of the arrival of artificial intelligence is that AIs will help
define humanity. We need AIs to tell us who we are.”
Kevin Kelly, Founding Executive Editor of Wired
Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer
44, @samanthastarmer

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Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel ExperiencesDesigning for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

UX Israel Studio 2013 workshop. Much of the structure and content is similar to other workshop presentations I've posted, but there are some new examples and exercises.

service designomnichanneluser experience
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012

The document discusses the future of experience design and the concept of omnichannel experiences. Omnichannel experiences integrate digital and physical touchpoints to provide seamless, interconnected experiences for customers anytime and anywhere. The future of experience design lies in creating holistic experiences across all channels that understand customer context and needs. Omnichannel experiences enhance the physical with digital and move customers through a brand's spaces and services effortlessly.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information InteractionsTaxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

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Designing AI for Humans

  • 1. DESIGNING AI for HUMANS Samantha Starmer March 15, 2019 1
  • 2. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer WHO AM I? 2 Vice President Design - Capital One Formerly Ralph Lauren, Razorfish, REI, Microsoft, Amazon. I’m passionate about creating GREAT customer experiences, regardless of screen or device; online or offline.
  • 3. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING… 3, Text:, By 2025, a $1,000 computer will have the processing power of the human brain; 80 billion devices will be connected to the Internet; we will manage 85% of the relationship with an enterprise without interacting with a human. AND MUCH MORE… 15/6/2017
  • 4. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI WILL CHANGE ENTERTAINMENT 4 Image: Text:, “AI powered by a neural network could revolutionize the way player avatars animate realistically through complicated game environments in real time….developers are beginning to think about the possibilities of non-player characters (NPCs) who could think and act in a more complex and human way” The Guardian
  • 5. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI WILL CHANGE MEDICINE 5 “Researchers hope this A.I. system will help doctors screen more patients in a country where diabetic retinopathy is increasingly prevalent. Nearly 70 million Indians are diabetic... all are at risk of blindness.” The New York Times
  • 6. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer Text: AI WILL CHANGE EDUCATION 6 “[With an AI tutor,] I can engage in a dialogue. The idea that you could talk to a [virtual] advisor that would understand different misconceptions and arbitrary linguistics around it, that’ll certainly come in the next decade...the beauty of this is it could be completely free.” Bill Gates “Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization that produces “Sesame Street,” recently announced a collaboration to use IBM Watson's cognitive computing technology” Sesame Workshop
  • 7. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI WILL CHANGE WAR 7 “Of the 2.5 million Americans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, 300,000 of them came home with traumatic brain injury. DARPA initiated a series of programs to help cognitive functioning, to repair some of this damage. And those programs center around putting brain chips inside the tissue of the brain. Since the 1950s, the Pentagon has been pursuing artificial intelligence.” Annie Jacobson, NPR Text: Image:
  • 8. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer SHOULD WE BE SCARED? 8 “The automation of factories has already decimated jobs in traditional manufacturing, and the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.” Elon Musk "I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence." Bill Gates “What all of us have to do is to make sure we are using AI in a way that is for the benefit of humanity, not to the detriment of humanity.” Tim Cook “The future belongs to artificial intelligence…who ever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” Vladimer Putun
  • 9. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer OH SH*T 9 Text & Image: ; “the 21st century will achieve 1,000 times the progress of the 20th century.” Ray Kurzweil, Futurist Tim Urban - Wait but Why
  • 10. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer NOW WHAT? 10
  • 11. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer WE MUST DESIGN AI FOR HUMANS 11 “You've got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology - not the other way around.” Steve Jobs Image: Text:
  • 12. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HELP HUMANS 12 Text and Image: Designed for the low vision community, this research project harnesses the power of AI to describe people, text, and objects. Leveraging AI technology to expand and help our human lives is the first area of focus we should have.. Microsoft Seeing AI
  • 13. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer (AND HELP AI TO HELP HUMANS!) 13 Text: “We should be asking not only what computers can do, but what computers should do.” Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft
  • 14. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer WHO CAN AI BENEFIT? 14 “The Orcam My Eye clips onto the arm of a pair of glasses and uses a miniature camera to process what it sees through a bone-conduction earpiece…the devices then reads out the text or describing the objects stored in its memory, such as credit cards or banknotes.” The American Foundation for the Blind
  • 15. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer NOT JUST AUTOMATION… 15 Image: Text: “The introduction of automation technologies will be gradual, and the long-term potential for society is job creation rather than job losses…the potential to automate non-routine tasks is likely to remain limited.” Stockholm School of Economics, The Substitution of Labour
  • 16. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer BUT AUGMENTATION 16 Image & Text: “Instead of thinking about AI as separate or adversarial to humans, it’s more helpful and accurate to think about machines augmenting our collective intelligence and society” Joi Ito, Director MIT Media Lab
  • 17. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer COLLABORATION 17 Image & Text: “We think more jobs will completely change their activities than completely disappear. And so we’ll see more of these collaborations between machines and people.” Michael Chui, Partner McKinsey Global Institute
  • 18. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AMPLIFICATION 18 Image: Text: “Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.“ Max Tegmark, President Future of Life Institute Unleash Live for Lifeguards
  • 19. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AND EXTENSION 19 Image: Text: “Instead of thinking about machine intelligence in terms of humans vs. machines, we should consider the system that integrates humans and machines—not artificial intelligence, but extended intelligence.” Council on Extended Intelligence (IEEE Standards Association and the MIT Media Lab) Seeing AI
  • 20. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW CAN WE DESIGN AI FOR HUMANS? 20
  • 22. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer 1. GO BEYOND GIMMICKS 22 “This is about as far as the nonhuman waiters can go at the Robot Magic Restaurant in Shanghai. After diners take photos and videos, regular waiters step in to serve the food.” Paul Mozur, Technology Reporter The New York Times
  • 23. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer PROVIDE VALUE FOR BUSINESS Image: Text: 23 “Using AI to personalize promotions can lead to a 1-2% increase in incremental sales…In advanced manufacturing…AI can improve forecasting accuracy by 10-20%. This translates into a potential 5% reduction in inventory costs and revenue increases of 2-3%.” Harvard Business Review
  • 24. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer PROVIDE VALUE FOR EMPLOYEES Text and Image:, 24 [LoweBot] “enables Lowe’s employees to devote their attention to more complex, human problems, like lending their expertise to a customer’s particular project, perhaps a troublesome leaky roof.” Gihad Jawhar, VP Digital Development, Lowes "If you are running up and down the aisle and you want to decide if we are out of Cheerios or not, a human doesn't do that job very well, and they don't like it.” Jeremy King, CTO Walmart
  • 25. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer PROVIDE VALUE FOR END CONSUMERS Image & Text: 25 "Sephora Virtual Artist is a really good example of where there was a real customer need. It can be overwhelming coming into our stores or shopping online, but this makes it easy to help you find your favorite shade and save you time.” Mary Beth Laughton, Executive Vice President Sephora
  • 26. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer PROVIDE VALUE FOR COMMUNITIES Text & Image: 26 “Before entering restrooms in the park, visitors must now stare into a computer mounted on the wall for three seconds before a machine dispenses a sheet of toilet paper, precisely two feet in length. If visitors require more, they are out of luck.” Javier C. Hernández, The New York Times Temple of Heaven Park, Beijing
  • 28. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW? MEASURE THE RIGHT THINGS 28 Text” 40% 28% 21% The most-cited business benefits corporate leaders see from AI include: Increased productivity But don’t forget potential human benefits, for example: Reduced operating costs Improved speed to market Increased relevancy and timing of messaging.; true personalization. Help provided exactly when, where how it’s needed. Reduction of boring tasks, allowing for increased creativity. What is the human’s real goal? What do they want? Why?
  • 29. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW? CONSIDER TECHNOLOGY AS AN ENABLER 29 “…technology—when used wisely—can enhance the patient experience, improve efficiency, promote autonomy, personalise information and enable new value propositions. But in order to achieve this we must start with understanding peoples’ needs and behaviours – and not just solely from the perspective of their care and treatment program.” LiveWork
  • 30. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer 2. FOCUS ON SERVICES 30 Image: Text: McKinsey, MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, and Carnegie Mellon via “AI will shorten your commute… via self-driving cars that result in up to 90% fewer accidents, more efficient ride sharing to reduce the number of cars on the road by up to 75%, and smart traffic lights that reduce wait times by 40% and overall travel time by 26% .“ MIT Researchers
  • 31. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI CAN IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE Text:; Image: 31 “companies will continue to explore the power of intelligent agents to add conversational interfaces to static self-service content. They will anticipate needs by context, preferences, and prior queries and will deliver proactive alerts, relevant offers, or content. They will additionally become smarter over time via embedded artificial intelligence.” Forrester Research
  • 32. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI CAN EASE INTERACTIONS Text:; Image: 32 “With Melody, our goal is to provide patients with an online experience that is close to a human conversation. We believe this natural type of interaction will help patients feel more comfortable with their doctors and result in a more beneficial patient-doctor relationship. As Melody has more conversations, it will also learn and keep getting better…This is just the start of a much larger, AI-driven transformation of the healthcare industry.” Baidu Research
  • 33. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI CAN INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY AND AVOID BIAS 33 "The A.I. gives each video a score based on more than 250,000 data points, including audio, tonality and speech patterns, the importance of which can be customized for the client's need…Unilever has improved the diversity of its talent pool by 16 percent since partnering with HireVue.” Kevin Parker, CEO HireVue
  • 34. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer,,,,, HOW? WHAT CAN IMPROVE THE DAY TO DAY? 34
  • 35. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW? CREATE A HOLISTIC STORY 35 Image:,
  • 36. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW? REMEMBER THE HUMAN CONNECTION 36 When Zora arrived at this nursing facility an hour outside Paris, a strange thing began happening: Many patients developed an emotional attachment, treating it like a baby, holding and cooing, giving it kisses on the head.
  • 37. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer 3. DON’T FORGET ETHICS 37, “First, robots should never harm a human being through action or inaction. Second, they must obey human orders. Third, they must protect themselves. Each law cannot conflict with the other.” - Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics “What we’d like to see is a trusted third party, perhaps a regulatory or supervisory body, that would have the power to scrutinise and audit algorithms, so they could go in and see whether the system is actually transparent and fair.” - Research team at the Alan Turing Institute in London and the University of Oxford "It's a dangerous moral ground are we walking into, making systems that are reminiscent of humanity and then treating them in a way that is inhumane." - Illah Nourbakhsh, Professor of Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University “Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft created a partnership to help establish ethical guidelines for the design and deployment of A.I. systems.” New York Times “A.I. must maximize efficiencies without destroying the dignity of people: It should preserve cultural commitments, empowering diversity. We need broader, deeper, and more diverse engagement of populations in the design of these systems.” - Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO
  • 38. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI WATCHES US… 38 Image: Text: “…facial-recognition technology underpins China’s ‘sharp eyes’ program, which collects surveillance footage from some fifty-five cities…By 2020, the system will render a score for each of its 1.4 billion citizens, based on their observed behavior, down to how carefully they cross the street.” Tad Friend, The New Yorker
  • 39. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer JUDGES US… 39 Image: Text: “…white men were identified correctly 99% of the time while women with dark skin were identified incorrectly 34% of the time…A.I. systems are shaped by the priorities and prejudices — conscious and unconscious — of the people who design them.” Joy Buolamwini, MIT Media Lab Researcher
  • 40. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer LEARNS FROM US 40 Image:, Text: “the coded gaze is a "reflection of the priorities, the preferences, and also sometimes the prejudices of those who have the power to shape technology,” Joy Buolamwini - Algorithmic Justice League Founder
  • 41. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW? REMEMBER IT’S OUR RESPONSIBILITY 41 Full study: Image: “Not only does training an artificial brain create biases, but those leanings reinforce many societal issues regarding race and gender that plague humanity today…The trained AI had a habit of associating typically caucasian- sounding names with other things that it considered to be “pleasant,” rather than African- American names. The AI also shied away from pairing female pronouns with mathematics, and instead often associated them with artistic terms.”
  • 42. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer HOW? BE INCLUSIVE 42
  • 43. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer AI IS US Text: 43 “As we invent more species of AI, we will be forced to surrender more of what is supposedly unique about humans. We’ll spend the next decade—indeed, perhaps the next century—in a permanent identity crisis, constantly asking ourselves what humans are for…The greatest benefit of the arrival of artificial intelligence is that AIs will help define humanity. We need AIs to tell us who we are.” Kevin Kelly, Founding Executive Editor of Wired
  • 44. Designing AI for Humans - Samantha Starmer THANK YOU 44, @samanthastarmer

Editor's Notes

  1. Everything is moving so quickly and continuing to change.
  2. Truly choose your own adventure
  3. It will change medicine. I broke my navicular bone last year. They shoot horses who break that bone. My recovery took well over a year and I will never be the runner I used to be because of a misdiagnosed xray. AI will make that a thing of the past.
  4. AI will change education. We talk about personalized education and helping people who are more visual, tactile or aural learners – what about teaching aids that can learn what types of learning are most effective for each of us at what point and with what subjects?
  5. And it will change war. UPDATE: DARPA responded to a request from Fusion that “brain-neural interfaces” have not yet been implanted in soldiers, though test devices have been implanted in the brains of volunteers already undergoing brain surgery. We’ve changed the headline to reflect that implantation of chips in soldiers’ brains has not happened yet.
  6. It’s also hard to know how we should feel about AI when big names such as these predict dire or scary results.
  7. According to many, this is what is about to happen. Oh shit is right. We think we have seen amazing increases to the speed of computing and general technology progress over the last 20 years? Many experts say we haven’t seen anything yet.
  8. Now what? What can we do to prepare?
  9. I believe it is critical, as ideally with all technology - to design and create from a human centered perspective. It is often so tempting to use technology as a bright shiny solution. But we first need to understand the problem or opportunity. As Steve Jobs said, we have to start with the customer experience and work back towards the technology.
  10. One important way to be customer centered is to focus on helping humans. For example, with AI we can help those who have sight challenges to ‘see’ and understand the world around them, including recognizing loved ones before they even speak.
  11. And remember that we need to keep training machine learning driven AI systems. An example is this Seeing AI tool that is still trying to figure out my correct age. You can download it for free from the app store and try it yourself.
  12. And the humans that we help should ideally be all consumers who could benefit from AI.
  13. This means we have to think beyond some of the most talked about potential impacts of AI. Right now there is a lot of fear that one of the first huge impacts of more readily available and advanced AI will be automation that takes away jobs. But there are a number of experts who believe that jobs will change and grow for the better.
  14. Thinking beyond automation we can come up with ways that AI can augment our human capabilities, such as this hospital robot who can deliver lunches to specific rooms so that the nurses don’t have to run around and potentially limit their ability to help their patients.
  15. AI, whether in robot or some other form, can become one of our most important collaborators. Here at a company in California, robotic painters are working alongside human workers, sanding and painting cabinets. Despite early fears from employees, the human workers have grown to embrace the "cobots" -- collaborative robots who are helping them get the job done.
  16. AI can amplify our human skills and intelligence, serve as a tool that makes us more successful and effective. There are AI platforms available today that connects surf rescue first responders with multiple live data views from drones, using video analysis to help responders better tell if the murky shape in the water is a shark or a piece of driftwood. They can detect someone who has got into difficulties while swimming.
  17. In fact, there is an increasing movement to change the name of AI to EI - not artificial intelligence but extended intelligence. This is another example from the Microsoft App Seeing AI where AI can translate handwritten text to an audio version.
  18. Now that we’ve discussed where AI might help us humans, you hopefully have a better sense of why designing human centered AI experiences is important. We’ll spend the rest of the talk about how you can do that.
  19. I’ll share 3 principles for creating AI experiences that go beyond the buzz and provide real value for the consumers of those experiences.
  20. The first is a big one, and directly ties to putting humans first vs. the technology. Go beyond gimmicks. AI is full of gimmicks right now. And gimmicks can be fun for a one off marketing stunt, but they generally aren’t customer centered. Take this example of the robot magic restaurant. The robots are really only there to enable selfies - they don’t yet have the sophistication to serve anyone food or to put the waiters out of a job.
  21. To ensure that you are going beyond a gimmick and that you aren’t trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist, start by focusing on what the value to the business or organization might be. There are lots of areas where AI can add direct bottom line value - just be sure that you map out those KPIs and then really think about what the right solution for growth will be. It may be something that is AI enabled - it may not be.
  22. Also consider value to employees. While I’ve made a little fun of robots thus far in this presentation, these two in store robots are allowing sales associates to spend more time at the customer facing work. It’s a great example of potentially more creative and valuable - therefore higher paid - work growing because AI is helping with some of the grunt work.
  23. Of course, adding value for end consumers is my personal passion. The beauty brand Sephora has done amazing innovative digital and AI work that both gets them extensive positive press AND serves customers. I believe this kind of customer facing AI innovation is currently under utilized and that there is a ton of opportunity for your organizations to think about creative ways you can leverage AI for consumers to drive revenue and increase satisfaction vs. just focusing on the value of AI for productivity or managing big data.
  24. And let’s not forget the potential for AI to provide value to citizens and communities overall. Initiative like smart cities, AI enabling legal systems to work faster are amazing opportunities. This example is good for a bit of a laugh, but actually has been generally positively received. We have all experienced the trauma of finding a restroom when in need and the toilet paper is missing.
  25. So how can we design our AI experiences to avoid gimmicks? An excellent tool to keep everyone centered and focused on the right goals is to develop experience pillars. These can be used for all of our customer experiences, or you could build off of any existing customer experience vision and strategy and create AI specific pillars. This is one general example of AI Experience Pillars that could work for a number of different types of industries and organizations - B2C or B2B. Feel free to borrow these and tailor to your own company.
  26. And then make sure you are measuring the right things. The business KPIs on the left are from a recent Forbes survey of 300-plus executives, but don’t neglect customer goals. You will be most successful if you take the time to develop specific, measurable data points that put the customer in the center, such as whether you are providing help or service exactly where, when and how it’s needed.
  27. Next, it is valuable to focus on services AI can provide to humans, vs. just thinking about the products and technology itself. AI is already providing services that can benefit our daily lives, and keeping a service mindset in the forefront is central to ensuring that your AI experiences stay customer centered and are truly adding value to your customers, whoever they may be.
  28. An obvious example of AI and customer service benefit is the chatbot. When done well, they save humans time, can provide us proactive direction and can automate tasks that we may not want to handle ourselves such as paying bills, managing our savings or look up recipes.
  29. A likely even more valuable service that chat bots can provide is easing interactions with what can be a scary and fraught with emotion conversation – health. I know I would be much more likely to tell Melody than a human doctor that I smoked a couple cigarettes last year and that I sometimes like more than a glass of wine a night.
  30. And consider AI services that can not only help our productivity, but can help ensure we are making fair decisions without bias. HireVue and similar AI interviewing software not only helps manage the initial candidate screen, but has been shown to help increase diversity in recruiting and hiring.
  31. Get up and act out your life, your needs. where could AI benefit your day to day?
  32. We can’t have a set of pillars for designing AI without talking about ethics. This is obviously a critical topic that is still very much in its infancy. I do think that at minimum, if we follow our customer centered principles, that will keep us a step ahead from an ethical standpoint. I’m very pleased that such large and innovative technology companies are actually partnering to help establish ethical guidelines.
  33. But AI technology is already starting to raise ethical concerns. With China arguably being the current leader in AI development and innovation, they are already seeing existing tools that would give many of us cause for concern. With millions of cameras and billions of lines of code, China is arguably building a high-tech authoritarian future.
  34. And AI judges us. A number of very concerning studies like the one quoted here from Joy Buolamwini from MIT show significant bias from AI systems, particular from a gender and racial perspective. GENDER SHADES When I was a college student using A.I.-powered facial detection software for a coding project, the robot I programmed couldn’t detect my dark-skinned face. I had to borrow my white roommate’s face to finish the assignment. Later, working on another project as a graduate student at the M.I.T. Media Lab, I resorted to wearing a white mask to have my presence recognized
  35. The thing is, AI learns from us. Including our potential biases and prejudices. We are the ones building AI systems, we are the ones teaching AI systems how to get better. Often our own unconscious biases can easily be designed into any design or strategy we create. Biases impacting AI systems is even more threatening, because of how the AI programs learn from us.
  36. How do we solve potential bias from being built into our human instigated creations, interactions, marketing or experiences? The best starting point is to be inclusive.
  37. AI is not a separate thing from us. In order for AI to work, we have to program it.