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building & evangelizing
holistic experience design
 Samantha Starmer        @samanthastarmer
     design and experience stuff: Amazon, Microsoft
                  REI – Recreational Equipment, Inc.
                    lead design & experience teams
                  teach at University of Washington
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Designing The Digital Experience
Designing The Digital ExperienceDesigning The Digital Experience
Designing The Digital Experience

This document discusses experience design and three paths to creating digital experiences: structural, community, and customer. The structural path focuses on site organization and usability. The community path involves creating digital spaces for conversation and participation. The customer path examines a customer's journey and looks for ways to improve and surprise customers through the digital experience. The overall goal is to connect customers and facilitate real conversation through the design of the digital experience.

Designing the Digital Experience
Designing the Digital ExperienceDesigning the Digital Experience
Designing the Digital Experience

The document discusses three paths to designing the digital experience for libraries: the structural path which focuses on planning, usability testing, and community involvement; the community path which centers around digital conversations, participation, and storytelling; and the customer path which emphasizes understanding customer journeys and improving touchpoints. It encourages libraries to listen to customers, focus on the experience as a destination, and ensure interaction is key.

digital experienceexperience
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013

TAKE THIS WORKSHOP ONLINE & GET 20% OFF WITH CODE 'SLIDESHARE' --- Slides from my 'Best practice for UX deliverables' workshop that I ran for Eventhandler in London on the 22nd of October. --- Please note that for copyright reasons & client privacy the examples in this presentation are slightly different than from the workshop. The examples included are for reference only in terms of what I talked through in the 'Good examples' section. ----- ABSTRACT Whilst the work we do is not meant to be hanged on a wall for people to admire, nor is meant to be put in a drawer and forgotten about. Just as we make the products and services we design easy to use, the UX of UX is about communicating your thinking in a way that ensures that what you've defined is easy to understand for the reader. It's about adapting the work you do to the project in question and finding the right balance of making people want to look through your work whilst not spending unnecessary time on making it pretty. Who is it for? This workshop is suitable for anyone starting out in UX, or who's worked with it for a while but is looking to improve the way they present their work. What you'll learn In this hands on workshop we'll walk through real life examples of why the UX of UX deliverables matter. We'll cover how who the reader is effects the way we should present our work, both on paper and verbally, and how to ensure that the work you do adds value. Coming out of the workshop you'll have practical examples and hands on experience with: // How to adapt and sell your UX deliverable to the reader (from clients, your team, in house and outsourced developers) // Guiding principles for creating good UX deliverables (both low and high fidelity) // Best practice for presentations, personas, user journeys, flows, sitemaps, wireframes and other documents // Simple, low effort but big impact tools for improving the visual presentation of your UX deliverables

user experience designdeliverablesinformation architecture
do you want your
  team to make a
do you want to be
       involved in
do you want to be
part of the decision
design for the
holistic experience

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Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)
Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)
Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)

This is a presentation shared by Dr. Wesley Fryer on March 12, 2014, at Church of the Resurrection in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The presentation explored what "digital footprints" are, why it's important for parents and grandparents to have regular conversations with young people about their digital footprints, how many misconceptions abound concerning teen use of social media, and what we can do to manage our digital footprints constructively.

Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016

Slides from my talk at Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar 12 April 2016 ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use on a daily basis grows, considering each device's role at different times, situations and contexts is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design is fading. Yet our need to ensure we understand where they are in their journey, so that we can deliver the right content and interactions at the right time, and on the right device, is ever more important. In this talk I will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape to help ensure we create better multi-device experiences for our users and healthier bottom lines for our businesses.

strategycontent strategystorytelling
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
digital and physical
        are colliding
70% of US online
consumers research
products online and
    purchase them
    Forrester, Profiling The Multichannel Consumer, July 2009
53% of mobile
 searches on Bing
have a local intent

                                                                   Greg Sterling
                                                             Search Engine Land
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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10 ‘Quite interesting’ things every designer should know about people
10 ‘Quite interesting’ things every designer should know about people10 ‘Quite interesting’ things every designer should know about people
10 ‘Quite interesting’ things every designer should know about people

The document discusses 10 things designers should know about how people process information. It finds that attention spans are short, around 10 minutes; people only remember 20% of information after a month; memories can be inaccurate or changed over time; limited choices can be better than too many; using stories increases understandability and memorability of information; physical products seem more real and valuable than virtual ones; and trust judgments are made within seconds based on visual cues. Overall, the document emphasizes understanding human cognitive biases and limitations to design more effective materials.

qi;ux design;
The Hunter Gatherer - Rob Toldeo - SearchLove Boston 2014
The Hunter Gatherer - Rob Toldeo - SearchLove Boston 2014The Hunter Gatherer - Rob Toldeo - SearchLove Boston 2014
The Hunter Gatherer - Rob Toldeo - SearchLove Boston 2014

This document discusses why influencers dislike email pitches and provides suggestions for more effective outreach. The key points are: 1. Influencers enjoy discovering new things themselves and sharing exclusive finds with their audience. They want to feel like hunters tracking down the next big thing. 2. Effective outreach involves finding where influencers spend time online and creating content tailored for those communities. It also means getting exclusives by subtly pitching ideas to influencers early in the process. 3. Unconventional promotion like sending physical mail, staging smart PR stunts, or creating mysteries around new projects can grab influencers' attention better than emails. The goal is planting ideas for influencers to spread without taking

Co-Create: Creating Better Together - AMA Houston Marketing Edge 2016
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - AMA Houston Marketing Edge 2016Co-Create: Creating Better Together - AMA Houston Marketing Edge 2016
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - AMA Houston Marketing Edge 2016

Despite the prevalent mythology of the lone creative genius, many of the most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a group and the blending of everyone’s ideas and concepts. How can we best leverage this collective wisdom to generate creative synergy and co-create? Let’s look at the process of recognizing and removing our personal creative blocks, connecting and communicating with others, combining ideas using play, and constructing a collaborative environment to discover effective methods for tapping into a group’s creative brilliance. Through these steps, you’ll learn to capitalize on the super-linearity of creativity to embrace and leverage diversity to create better together.

improvinner criticamahouston
       few and far
                         Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Creative Collaboration FTW! - Delight Conference 2016
Creative Collaboration FTW! -  Delight Conference 2016Creative Collaboration FTW! -  Delight Conference 2016
Creative Collaboration FTW! - Delight Conference 2016

The most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a team and the blending of everyone’s ideas and concepts. Denise and Jessie will share their story of how they came to create this presentation together, leveraging their collective wisdom and creative synergy to co-create. Their process of recognizing and removing personal creative blocks, connecting and communicating, combining ideas using play, and constructing an environment that supports collaboration reveals effective methods for tapping into collective creative brilliance. You’ll learn to capitalize on the super-linearity of creativity to create better together.

improvjessieshternshuscreative collaboration
Weaving the Social Web - Social Media Marketing with a PR twist
Weaving the Social Web - Social Media Marketing with a PR twistWeaving the Social Web - Social Media Marketing with a PR twist
Weaving the Social Web - Social Media Marketing with a PR twist

This document summarizes Ed Schipul's presentation on embracing social media tools for public relations. It discusses how PR campaigns in the past successfully used techniques like building community engagement and generating buzz to promote products. It then outlines how modern PR practitioners can apply similar strategies using new social media tools, highlighting key steps like researching audiences, developing a strategic plan, implementation and evaluation. The document provides examples of both historical and recent successful social media campaigns.

Embracing Failure
Embracing FailureEmbracing Failure
Embracing Failure

Embracing Failure is a document about why and how game company Wooga embraces failure in their development process. It discusses how Wooga uses a "hit filter" to identify promising games from a portfolio of projects, reviews ideas early, and cultivates a culture where it's okay to fail quickly. The document advocates embracing failure through a portfolio approach, making hard decisions, and viewing failures as learning opportunities rather than punishments in order to encourage risk-taking and innovation.

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
no Encore…
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Southeast Texas Museum Association Talk on Social Media
Southeast Texas Museum Association Talk on Social MediaSoutheast Texas Museum Association Talk on Social Media
Southeast Texas Museum Association Talk on Social Media

buffalo soldierssetmaed schipul
Inbound on a shoestring - Searchlove Boston
Inbound on a shoestring - Searchlove BostonInbound on a shoestring - Searchlove Boston
Inbound on a shoestring - Searchlove Boston

This document discusses low-budget marketing strategies and tactics. It provides numerous examples of companies and organizations that were able to successfully market themselves and drive results with little to no money spent. Some of the key strategies mentioned include leveraging relationships, bartering or exchanging services, creating engaging content, finding unconventional partnerships, utilizing free online tools and communities, and thinking creatively about how to gain exposure and attention through stunts or humor. The overall message is that marketing does not require a large budget if you have the right strategies, skills, assets, or willingness to invest time and effort.

Co-Create: Creating Better Together - Clarity Conference 2019
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - Clarity Conference 2019Co-Create: Creating Better Together - Clarity Conference 2019
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - Clarity Conference 2019

Despite the prevalent mythology of the lone creative genius, many of the most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a group and the blending of everyone’s ideas and concepts. How can we best leverage this collective wisdom to generate creative synergy and co-create? Let’s look at the process of recognizing and removing our personal creative blocks, connecting and communicating with others, combining ideas using play, and constructing a collaborative environment to discover effective methods for tapping into a group’s creative brilliance. Through these steps, you’ll learn to capitalize on the super-linearity of creativity to embrace and leverage diversity to create better together.

active listeningbanishyourinnercriticcollaboration
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
build your team to
     design for the
holistic experience
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
me, looking confused

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Banish Your Inner Critic - UX Munich 2015
Banish Your Inner Critic -  UX Munich 2015Banish Your Inner Critic -  UX Munich 2015
Banish Your Inner Critic - UX Munich 2015

Your inner critic is an unconscious deterrent that stands between the seeds of great ideas and the fruits of achievement, keeping you stuck by telling you you’re just faking it, that others have more talent, that you’ll never achieve the success you seek. Let's discover how to anatomize this pernicious inner force, and then learn techniques to banish this critic so that you can have the mental space and energy to let your true talents emerge -- and help you be a badass with your work.

self-criticismcreative productivitycreativity
When Life Gives You Silos (Devopsdays Amsterdam 2013)
When Life Gives You Silos (Devopsdays Amsterdam 2013)When Life Gives You Silos (Devopsdays Amsterdam 2013)
When Life Gives You Silos (Devopsdays Amsterdam 2013)

A 5-minute Ignite talk about how the Devops mindset can help to survive in organizational silo's. Short Summary: Often in large companies, everyone with the same profile is pushed into the same department. For example system guys, python guys and helpdesk people. Each with has different team leads and middle management... This is called “The Silo Effect”. This idea probably sounds good on paper but in reality, it is why companies are slow and cost ineffective. For the people inside there is no way to easily bounce ideas off someone with different skills and expertise. The problem with Silo's is that teams can get easily isolated from other teams. This results in a situation where it might become impossible to get help from other teams when problems arise and you are dependent on them. The middle managers are then often dragged into the fray and everyone starts blaming everyone. So in order to fix this, do something technical people often forget to do: stop focusing on solving the technical dilemmas and start communicating. Ask other teams how you can improve your system and realign it with their vision. So my story here is really about how to build bridges between silos. As a developer or ops person, talk about different concerns and visions.Share the responsibility of shipping an application with your systems team. It is about planting seeds that will create cooperation, respect and trust. Seeds that only grow by making compromises. It is about inspiring a change in work ethic, not forcing it. We got there by compromise and lots of strict agreements. Given our technology, we agreed to a deployment process flow and laid down the tracks to follow that path. In our case we created a Jenkins pipeline and since we build as Debian packages, we make it easy for operators to manage. So what do you do when you encounter silos? Don't put energy towards knocking them down. The management structure has been there for ages and will probably never change. Make it your playground, learn to navigate them and uncover shortcuts. Informally discuss with the people in other teams, at the coffee machine for example. In the end, it is about a gradual evolution of improving communication and collaboration, not an immediate revolution. Keep in mind IT is not centered around the systems or the tech we use, it is about the people. Finally... Real silos are often painted in the color of the sky, to make them look transparant. And this is exactly what we should do too with organizational silos. So when life gives you silos, paint them.

Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience
Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer ExperienceBuilding and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience
Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience

The document provides advice for building teams to design holistic experiences across all touchpoints and channels. It recommends expanding one's perspective, creating a compelling vision, clearing obstacles, and starting with small wins to iteratively improve experiences. The overall message is that experiences must be designed holistically rather than focusing on individual digital or physical elements.

iauxcross channel
1.   expand your mind
2.   create the vision
3.   build the path
4.   just do it
1. expand your mind
expand your mind
1. break out of silos
2. make new friends
3. get outside your box
4. find comfort in discomfort
break out of silos


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Creating Buyer Engagement
Creating Buyer EngagementCreating Buyer Engagement
Creating Buyer Engagement

This document discusses trends in how customers are accessing content and applications, and provides guidance on how to adapt sales strategies accordingly. It notes that revenue from mobile applications is growing rapidly as users access more content through apps on mobile devices. It also discusses different generational groups and their preferences around technology. The document then provides recommendations for how to understand customers' needs and guide them through the purchase decision process, including asking diagnostic questions, understanding usage profiles, focusing on benefits rather than technical details, helping customers envision potential, and providing options without overwhelming them with too many choices.

mobile handset sales accelerationbuyers journeymobile technology
Structuringyourpresentation 111120151900-phpapp01
Structuringyourpresentation 111120151900-phpapp01Structuringyourpresentation 111120151900-phpapp01
Structuringyourpresentation 111120151900-phpapp01

Samantha Starmer outlines 4 key principles for structuring an effective presentation: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style, 2) Learn the environment including audience and time limits, 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and remembering your goal, and 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She provides tips for each principle such as scouting the space, keeping a narrative, and rehearsing more than expected to create a well-structured presentation.

Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

Samantha Starmer outlines 4 key principles for structuring a presentation: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style, 2) Learn the environment by understanding the audience and constraints, 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and keeping the narrative, and 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She emphasizes remembering the "ONE thing" you want the audience to take away and providing a beginning, middle, and end like telling a story.

iauxcross channel
break out of silos

• get out of your cube!
• leave your desk!
• get out on the street!

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
make new friends

make new friends

• hang out with marketing
• learn IT speak
• what does a project manager
  care about?


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Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

Samantha Starmer provides a framework for structuring presentations with 4 key principles: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style. 2) Learn the environment by understanding the audience and constraints. 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and keeping the narrative. 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She emphasizes remembering the one key thing you want the audience to take away and practicing well in advance of the presentation date.

In It Together: Co-Creating Your Content Strategy
In It Together: Co-Creating Your Content StrategyIn It Together: Co-Creating Your Content Strategy
In It Together: Co-Creating Your Content Strategy

When I turned my web writing job into this “content strategy” thing back in 2008, I thought I’d hit the jackpot: Finally, I had the tools to solve the problems that plagued my projects. Content wasn’t left ’til last, projects weren’t delayed, concerns weren’t limited to design and development. Win, win, win. But then some terrible someone always came along to spoil my party. I’d make a style guide; the authors would stop following it. I’d work out a content model; the designer would insist on an interface it couldn’t support. I’d go through the audit results; the client would smile, nod...and go back to business as usual. I wanted to make content meaningful. Instead, I was making documents. I was making fantasies. Sometimes, I was even making enemies. I was overwhelmed, overworked, and disappointed—until I changed the way I saw my role. Instead of tying things up with a bow and delivering it to others’ doorsteps, I learned how to make the work theirs instead—to create strategy with them, not for them. In this talk, I share the ways I overhauled how I work, and how that’s led to more successful projects and more satisfying client relationships.

content strategyconfab 2014collaboration
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 WorkshopThe Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop

Cross-channel design aims to provide a seamless experience for customers across digital and physical touchpoints. The document discusses the need for designing experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, and contextual across channels over time. It provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design, including thinking in terms of services, sharing design processes, starting with small experiments, embracing discomfort, and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. Discovery activities like interviews, research, and experience mapping are recommended to understand the current customer journey. Solution techniques include mental models, storytelling, service blueprints, and touchpoint matrices to holistically design experiences across channels.

iauxcross channel
get outside your box

get outside your box

• shadow in another department
• build something physical
• design something with crayons

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The Calm Creativity (R)Evolution
The Calm Creativity (R)EvolutionThe Calm Creativity (R)Evolution
The Calm Creativity (R)Evolution

There's a movement brewing built upon leveraging the transformative power of creativity to help us work and create better so that we can produce work infused with meaning. Discover how by knowing your Why, instilling tiny habits to cultivate your creative spark, and finally, fomenting creative collaboration based on the tenets of improv and open spaces, you can take the spark of Creativity (R)Evolution and use it as the impetus to push you, your teams, and your companies to create betterness.

tiny habitsrevolutioncreativity
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011

The document discusses designing holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels. It recommends designing for the "space between" interactions by considering the full customer journey. Five principles are outlined for cross-channel design: convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and cross-time. Five methods and tools are also presented: thinking in terms of services; sharing design work; starting with observations; embracing discomfort; and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. The overall message is that customers experience brands through all touchpoints, so design must consider the integrated experience.

iauxcross channel
Conductor C3 2012
Conductor C3 2012Conductor C3 2012
Conductor C3 2012

REI faced challenges with changing landscapes, lack of visibility, being siloed and lack of agility. Their plan was to tell their story with data, visualizations and orbs using agile development, cross-functional teams, bias towards action and iterating content like product information and expert advice. They focused on soft skills like customers first, transparency and relationships. The results were a 96% increase and their next steps are agile SEO, marketing and content strategy.

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
comfort in discomfort
comfort in discomfort

 “an interesting thing happened today
– we were invited to help Visual Merch
          decide what shelf labels and
   categories to use in the retail stores
                        for backpacks.”

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Passion Driven Leadership
Passion Driven LeadershipPassion Driven Leadership
Passion Driven Leadership

Passion Driven Leadership and how we as educators can drive instruction to prepare our students for the 21st century and beyond.

information technologygoogle mapstechnology
SaaS Business_Acceleration_2.0
SaaS Business_Acceleration_2.0SaaS Business_Acceleration_2.0
SaaS Business_Acceleration_2.0

The document discusses how businesses should view ongoing changes and advances in technology as opportunities rather than threats. It emphasizes the need for businesses to anticipate future trends, rethink their business models, value propositions and go-to-market strategies. Specific opportunities mentioned include the rise of cloud/SaaS applications and the changing computing landscape driven by mobility and laptops/devices becoming more disposable. The document provides advice over 3 main sections on leveraging these shifts by finding new opportunities, targeting tomorrow's customers, and mastering the buyer's journey.

saasdigital futurevirtual world
Gamify Your Work
Gamify Your WorkGamify Your Work
Gamify Your Work

Looming deadlines, demanding clients, boring projects, and even feelings of fatigue that may signal the beginnings of burnout any of these everyday afflictions can making it tough to dredge up the energy to be psyched about your work and be amazing at what you do. These feelings can disappear if we shift our perspective to gamify work. Let's look at how we can bring gamification theories and practices to our work to spur the process of enhancing productivity and innovation to produce easily, better, more, and get the epic win.

eek – I don’t know
anything about store
you don’t have
to be an expert
2. create the vision
create the vision
1. know the big picture
2. follow the north star
3. tell a fairy tale
4. lead change

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The Impact of Technology on Dementia Care Services
The Impact of Technology on Dementia Care ServicesThe Impact of Technology on Dementia Care Services
The Impact of Technology on Dementia Care Services

Closing Remarks at the Alzheimer's Association: Houston and South East Texas 2011 Professional Conference The Impact of Technology on Dementia Care Services: Empowering Providers, Patients & Families Emerging Technology does support some very real threats and at the same time has an incredible ability to empower, encourage, and inspire when harnessed for the greater good.

professional conferencealzheimersdementia
Creativity (R)Evolution - FrontEnd Conference CH 2013
Creativity (R)Evolution -  FrontEnd Conference CH 2013Creativity (R)Evolution -  FrontEnd Conference CH 2013
Creativity (R)Evolution - FrontEnd Conference CH 2013

There's a movement brewing built upon leveraging the transformative power of creativity to help us work and create better so that we can produce work infused with meaning. Discover how by knowing your Why, instilling tiny habits to cultivate your creative spark, and finally, fomenting creative collaboration based on the tenets of improv and open spaces, you can take the spark of Creativity (R)Evolution and use it as the impetus to push you, your teams, and your companies to create betterness.

tiny habitsrevolutioncareer development
The Creativity (R)Evolution - Trondheim Developer's Conference 2014
The Creativity (R)Evolution - Trondheim Developer's Conference 2014The Creativity (R)Evolution - Trondheim Developer's Conference 2014
The Creativity (R)Evolution - Trondheim Developer's Conference 2014

1) The document is a presentation by Denise R. Jacobs given at the Trondheim Developer's Conference in Trondheim, Norway on October 27, 2014 about nurturing creativity and sparking innovation. 2) Jacobs discusses how conferences can spark new ideas but old habits often take over, and encourages focusing on tiny habits to nurture creativity on both personal and social levels. 3) She proposes that by recognizing one's own strengths and nurturing creativity both in oneself and others, it can lead to greater collaboration, innovation, and positive change that benefits all people.

tdctiny habitsimprov
know the big picture

know the big picture

• know your company strategic
• get beyond your own division
• learn how the parts play

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Innovation : Fresh Practice
Innovation : Fresh PracticeInnovation : Fresh Practice
Innovation : Fresh Practice

The document discusses innovation and provides tips for how to foster innovation. It defines innovation as "fresh practice" rather than best practice, and emphasizes that innovation involves creativity, inspiration, passion, and new combinations of ideas. The document outlines four components of innovation: strategy, implementation, profitability, and creativity. It also lists seven habits of highly innovative people, including persistence, removing self-limitations, escaping routines, finding patterns, and maintaining curiosity.

Infinite Possibilities - Giant Conference 2015
Infinite Possibilities - Giant Conference 2015Infinite Possibilities - Giant Conference 2015
Infinite Possibilities - Giant Conference 2015

Sometimes making choices in our career paths is difficult. Wouldn't it be helpful to have guidelines to help us make decisions that open up your options rather than shut them down? Discover how choosing creativity, a growth mindset, finding your Flow, and being a Maker puts you on the path of having infinite possibilities in your career, creating a clear path to a future where you can not only be awesome, but also do meaningful work.

collaborationcreating the futureoptions
A More Effective Social Media Presence: Strategic Planning and Project Manage...
A More Effective Social Media Presence: Strategic Planning and Project Manage...A More Effective Social Media Presence: Strategic Planning and Project Manage...
A More Effective Social Media Presence: Strategic Planning and Project Manage...

This document provides guidance on developing an effective social media presence for libraries. It discusses the importance of strategic planning, including assessing user needs, setting goals and directions, and creating a formal strategic plan. It also covers project management aspects like communication, requirements documentation, scheduling, and maintaining an ongoing assessment process. The overall message is that libraries should take a thoughtful, evidence-based approach to social media through strategic planning and project management.

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
follow the north star

follow the north star

• focus on the customer (user,
  citizen, visitor)
• be ‘Swiss’
• stay grounded

Trying on tent


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If You Hate Assessment You're Doing it Wrong
If You Hate Assessment You're Doing it WrongIf You Hate Assessment You're Doing it Wrong
If You Hate Assessment You're Doing it Wrong

This document discusses rethinking assessment in education. It provides perspectives from experts that assessment should focus on learning rather than teaching, and that feedback is key to reaching goals. Various strategies are proposed for assessment, including self and peer assessment, student choice in weighting, using technology, focusing on work that matters, and keeping assessment simple by asking what was learned, what students can do, and why it matters. The overall message is that assessment needs to shift from measuring outcomes to documenting learning.

The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond ScreensThe Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens

We carry a screen with us at all times, yet technology is already evolving beyond the screen. We must design beyond screens to ensure we can be leaders wherever, whenever and however interactions are going. This workshop provides examples of where expertise should be leveraged beyond where many designers are currently involved and how to begin.

designuser experienceuser experience design
Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for HumansDesigning AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

Artificial Intelligence seems to be all around us, and many organizations are feeling the pressure to implement AI solutions. But like with any technology, especially the emergent ones that get a lot of buzz, it’s critical to let your business and consumer needs lead the technology, not the other way around. I believe that it is the IA practitioners in an organization who can and should be the ones leading when AI and machine learning makes sense, which interactions it can best support, and how to architect and design those interactions so that they best support humans – whether those humans are employees, end consumers or citizens. In this talk I will ensure we all understand why we should be forefront in creating AI experiences, why they are exciting and yet challenging (and even risky) and how we can immediately get involved.

aiartificial intelligencedesign
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
tell a fairy tale
tell a fairy tale

• get people excited about the
• design your storytelling
• consider your audience
Meet Aaron

Outdoor Loyal
31, Chicago

Weekend warrior
involved in many sports,
knows a lot about gear,
and loves to research

“I push myself in work
and play and need my
gear to keep up with me”

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Designing Customer Centered AI experiences - Dialogkonferansen 2018
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences  - Dialogkonferansen 2018Designing Customer Centered AI experiences  - Dialogkonferansen 2018
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences - Dialogkonferansen 2018

This presentation discusses why artificial intelligence (AI) needs to be designed from a customer centered point of view, and provides three pillars to use as a foundation for how to do so.

aidesigndesign thinking
Preparing for Distributed Commerce
Preparing for Distributed CommercePreparing for Distributed Commerce
Preparing for Distributed Commerce

Presentation for Seamless Retail Middle East 2017. Focuses on how to create and execute exceptional retail customer experiences that maximize revenue, increase exposure, and drive consumer satisfaction.

retailinnovtiondesign thinking
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018

Samantha Starmer is a former VP of Global Digital Experiences who is now passionate about creating great customer experiences across channels. She discusses how retail is being disrupted by new technologies like chatbots, voice shopping, augmented reality, and concept stores without staff. However, the physical store is not dead and remains important for discovery and experiences. Store 4.0 requires focusing on five pillars: starting with the customer, staying integrated across channels, breaking out of silos, using technology wisely, and focusing on the customer experience.

retailinnovationuser experience
I’ll visit REI for gear suggestions for my upcoming race…
Here is my bike research list…
lead change

lead change

• model the behavior
• begin slowly
• start with your own work and


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Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

People centered design for Artificial Intelligence. Presentation for "AI and Machine Learning World', London Tech Week 2017.

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Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013

Presentation for eTail West 2013. Includes 6 key omnichannel attributes and 6 ways to start designing for omnichannel today.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
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Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

UX Israel Studio 2013 workshop. Much of the structure and content is similar to other workshop presentations I've posted, but there are some new examples and exercises.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
3. build the path

build the path
1.   listen holistically
2.   learn executives’ goals
2.   get political
3.   remove road blocks

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The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
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The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012

The document discusses the future of experience design and the concept of omnichannel experiences. Omnichannel experiences integrate digital and physical touchpoints to provide seamless, interconnected experiences for customers anytime and anywhere. The future of experience design lies in creating holistic experiences across all channels that understand customer context and needs. Omnichannel experiences enhance the physical with digital and move customers through a brand's spaces and services effortlessly.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
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Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 WorkshopDesign for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop

Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
listen holistically
listen holistically

• market research
• email, calls, customer service
• facebook, twitter, blogs
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some of the key challenges of designing experiences across multiple channels like websites, mobile apps, physical stores, etc. The document presents five principles for cross-channel design: providing a consistent experience, making the experience convenient across channels, ensuring transitions between channels are connected, tailoring the experience to the user's current context, and designing experiences that span time across different touchpoints. It concludes by offering five methods for approaching cross-channel design, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, collaborating across organizational boundaries, testing designs by observing user behaviors, being comfortable with ambiguity and iteration

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010

Samantha Starmer discusses designing for a holistic customer experience across channels. She recommends starting by using metrics to understand customer journeys, mapping experiences, and listening holistically across channels like call centers, social media, and stores. Designing for a holistic experience means coordinating brand and information consistency and optimizing each channel's capabilities. It requires leaving one's comfort zone, collaborating cross-functionally, and letting go of control so the entire organization can focus on improving the customer experience.

service designuser experiencecustomer experience
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
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Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

This document discusses how quantitative analytics can help drive information architecture (IA) decisions. It provides examples of the types of metrics that can be measured, such as traffic to different sections of a website, and how these metrics can be used to understand user behavior and improve the user experience. Quantitative data is presented as complementing, not replacing, qualitative research methods. The document advocates starting analytics efforts by clearly defining business questions and goals in order to focus measurement efforts and ensure the collected data will provide actionable insights.

information architectureuser experienceoz ia
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
learn executives’ goals
learn executives’ goals

• how are they incentivized?
• what is important to each?
• what are they trying to get done
  this year? next year?
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
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Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

1) Holistic information architecture is about designing integrated experiences across channels, platforms, and the digital and physical worlds. 2) Information, not technology, should be the foundation to connect experiences as users transition between different touchpoints. 3) An effective information architecture provides consistent and predictable pathways of information to tie together a user's experience holistically as they engage with a brand through various channels over time.

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdfGame Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf

Hi guys! To do the first things first, I have to introduce myself and my background, and we need an explanation for the reason and incentive behind this summary presentation and the series of articles that may follow for more details. I am a game designer with a focus on economy design. After some years of working in game design, I felt the most inspiring thing for me is seeing an increase in a graph (of course, not the churn graph). The combination of this with a focus on features and their results and the needs of the game led me toward becoming a product manager. At first, I started reading about product managers' roles, responsibilities, daily routines, and most importantly, the methods they use for fulfilling their responsibilities. Initially, I tried to implement these methods in our structure, but the deeper I delved into gaming product management, the more methods I found that needed to change to achieve the best results. After some time, I realized that having knowledge of how product managers in application products operate is necessary but not sufficient to call oneself a game product manager. Of course, they invented the wheel, special thanks to them, but the fact is that we do not have a car; we have bicycles or airplanes! So, the same wheel does not work for us! In this series of articles, I want to describe how things are different when playing the role of a PM or GPM, what you need to know, and what are not our primary challenges. How to become a GPM after discussing the pros and cons of being a PM or GPM. If you are going to choose between one of them, you can stop reading this and choose PM! But if you are passionate about becoming a GPM, I suggest you read these, then take a deep breath, make your final decision, take your sword, and be ready to face dragons, without knowing how to use the sword!

#product_management #game
Discover who your target audience is and reach them
Discover who your target audience is and reach themDiscover who your target audience is and reach them
Discover who your target audience is and reach them

This presentation goes through a number of elements you need to consider when going through the process of identifying your target audience in order to enable to you be able to reach them and sell to them. I go through the importance of customer profiling, along with a number of ways you can discover what they really want, and where they are.

businessstartupbusiness advice
(blurred on purpose…)
get political
get political

• manage up, down and
• pay attention
• talk the talk, walk the walk

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ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024
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ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Front Slide ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024 Next Slide What is Email Marketing? Email marketing involves promoting products or services via email to potential customers. Tools like ConvertKit enhance the effectiveness of email marketing by helping you reach your target audience and elevate your business. Next Slide What is ConvertKit? ConvertKit is a top email marketing tool, favored by content creators and small businesses. It offers features like automation, landing pages, sequencing, and broadcasting, making it ideal for generating and converting leads efficiently. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 1. Landing Pages: Easily create customizable landing pages. 2. Forms: Embed forms on your website to generate leads. 3. Automation: Automate email responses with pre-built templates. 4. Broadcasting: Send personalized emails to thousands of subscribers. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 5. Sequencing: Automate email series to convert leads into customers. 6. Integration: Integrate with platforms like affiliate sites and e-commerce. 7. Commerce: Start an e-commerce business without a website. 8. Creator Pro: Advanced features for selling high-cost products. Next Slide How ConvertKit Can Help Your Business Grow 1. Convert Casual Visitors: Turn social media followers into subscribers. 2. Build Relationships: Customize emails to build strong audience relationships. 3. Source of Earnings: Use trust to convert subscribers into sales. Next Slide Join ConvertKit Affiliate Program ConvertKit's affiliate program offers free training, premium tools, and a 30% commission for referrals. Next Slide ConvertKit Pricing Plans ConvertKit has Monthly and Yearly plans with Free, Creator, and Creator Pro tiers. Start with the free plan and upgrade as needed. Next Slide ConvertKit Alternatives 1. Mailchimp: All-in-one marketing platform. 2. GetResponse: Focus on landing pages and email lists. 3. ActiveCampaign: Advanced follow-up sequences. 4. AWeber: Building mailing lists and designing newsletters. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. Mailchimp - Automation: ConvertKit offers advanced options. - Landing Pages: ConvertKit has more templates. - Customer Support: ConvertKit offers 24/7 support in all plans. - Email Sending Limit: ConvertKit allows unlimited emails. - Migration: ConvertKit offers free migration services. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. GetResponse - Simplicity: ConvertKit is user-friendly for small businesses. - Sequencing: Easier to use in ConvertKit. - WordPress Plugin: Available in ConvertKit. - Charges: No charges for duplicate signups in ConvertKit. Next Slide Conclusion Email marketing is an excellent method to showcase your business and sell high-value products. ConvertKit is a robust tool to help you reach your target audience and start earning.

convertkitemail marketing

DevOps has emerged as a key practice that fosters collaboration between development and operations teams.

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kalyan matka | matka result
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
remove road blocks

remove road blocks

• make it easy for your team
• have the hard conversations for
• focus on clearing brush before
  they encounter it

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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4. just do it

just do it
1. don’t ask permission
2. tear it up a little
3. use metrics
4. start with small wins
don’t ask permission

don’t ask permission

• but don’t be crazy
• start with things everyone
  cares about
• think non-controversial


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TPH Global Solutions makes it easy to get your products to market, through the maze of retailer requirements and complex supply chain challenges that include missed deliveries, packaging errors, and shipping damage. From pitch to profits, TPH delivers successful retail merchandising campaigns with custom point of purchase (POP) displays and custom packaging that meet the toughest demands of retailer buyers and customers at Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Meijer, Petco, and more. If you’re an established brand needing to take the pain out of your supply chain, TPH ensures global, on-time and on-budget delivery so you can focus on making great products instead of dealing with headaches. If you’re an emerging brand needing to convert new retail opportunities, TPH will help you land and pass the test order – we know all major retailer requirements and provides you with total cost visibility, so you will negotiate with confidence and fly through the toughest approval process. With deep expertise in retailer requirements and global supply chain management, we deliver confidence for brand managers – since 1965.

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Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
tear it up a little

tear it up a little

• invite others in
• invite others out
• go way outside your brand –
  then pull back

UX Mag

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Method and Practical


Company brochure

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
use metrics

use metrics

• get comfortable with
• learn synergies between
  attitudes and behavior
• where does your team add
  measureable value?
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Finding a balance between work, family, and personal well-being can be a daunting challenge. For Micah Johnny, a fitness instructor and father of four, this balance became even more precarious when he lost a significant contract that threatened his family's financial stability. However, through resilience and innovation, Johnny discovered a flexible, AI-powered side hustle that not only stabilized his income but also allowed him to maintain his hectic schedule. This article explores how this side hustle works, its benefits, and how others can leverage similar opportunities.

side hustle

Adani Group will surpass these figures and experience a more significant increase in the price value. This will give the conglomerate’s business excellent exposure. It will also be able to recover from the struggle that the company was suffering after the Hindenburg Report Adani.

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Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
start with small wins

start with small wins

• pick one interaction
• choose one channel
• partner with one department

Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

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Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
expand your mind                  create the vision
1.   break out of silos           1.   know the big picture
2.   make new friends             2.   follow the north star
3.   get outside your box         3.   tell a fairy tale
4.   find comfort in discomfort   4.   lead change

     build the path                       just do it
1.   listen holistically          1.   don’t ask permission
2.   learn executives’ goals      2.   tear it up a little
2.   get political                3.   use metrics
3.   remove road blocks           4.   start with small wins
thank you!!
Samantha Starmer   @samanthastarmer


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Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

  • 1. building & evangelizing holistic experience design Samantha Starmer @samanthastarmer
  • 2. me design and experience stuff: Amazon, Microsoft REI – Recreational Equipment, Inc. lead design & experience teams teach at University of Washington
  • 5. do you want your team to make a difference?
  • 6. do you want to be involved in strategy?
  • 7. do you want to be part of the decision process?
  • 9. digital and physical are colliding
  • 10. 70% of US online consumers research products online and purchase them offline Forrester, Profiling The Multichannel Consumer, July 2009
  • 11. 53% of mobile searches on Bing have a local intent Greg Sterling Search Engine Land
  • 13. ‘integrated experiences are few and far between’ Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino
  • 22. build your team to design for the holistic experience
  • 25. 1. expand your mind 2. create the vision 3. build the path 4. just do it
  • 27. expand your mind 1. break out of silos 2. make new friends 3. get outside your box 4. find comfort in discomfort
  • 28. break out of silos
  • 29. break out of silos • get out of your cube! • leave your desk! • get out on the street!
  • 31. make new friends
  • 32. make new friends • hang out with marketing • learn IT speak • what does a project manager care about?
  • 35. get outside your box
  • 36. get outside your box • shadow in another department • build something physical • design something with crayons
  • 40. comfort in discomfort “an interesting thing happened today – we were invited to help Visual Merch decide what shelf labels and categories to use in the retail stores for backpacks.”
  • 41. eek – I don’t know anything about store design!
  • 42. you don’t have to be an expert
  • 43. 2. create the vision
  • 44. create the vision 1. know the big picture 2. follow the north star 3. tell a fairy tale 4. lead change
  • 45. know the big picture
  • 46. know the big picture • know your company strategic mission • get beyond your own division • learn how the parts play together
  • 50. follow the north star
  • 51. follow the north star • focus on the customer (user, citizen, visitor) • be ‘Swiss’ • stay grounded
  • 52. Trying on tent
  • 54. tell a fairy tale
  • 55. tell a fairy tale • get people excited about the possibilities • design your storytelling • consider your audience
  • 56. Meet Aaron Outdoor Loyal 31, Chicago Weekend warrior involved in many sports, knows a lot about gear, and loves to research “I push myself in work and play and need my gear to keep up with me”
  • 57. I’ll visit REI for gear suggestions for my upcoming race…
  • 58. Here is my bike research list…
  • 59. lead change
  • 60. lead change • model the behavior • begin slowly • start with your own work and team
  • 61. 232
  • 63. 3. build the path
  • 64. build the path 1. listen holistically 2. learn executives’ goals 2. get political 3. remove road blocks
  • 66. listen holistically • market research • email, calls, customer service • facebook, twitter, blogs
  • 71. learn executives’ goals • how are they incentivized? • what is important to each? • what are they trying to get done this year? next year?
  • 75. get political • manage up, down and sideways • pay attention • talk the talk, walk the walk
  • 78. remove road blocks
  • 79. remove road blocks • make it easy for your team • have the hard conversations for them • focus on clearing brush before they encounter it
  • 81. 4. just do it
  • 82. just do it 1. don’t ask permission 2. tear it up a little 3. use metrics 4. start with small wins
  • 83. don’t ask permission
  • 84. don’t ask permission • but don’t be crazy • start with things everyone cares about • think non-controversial
  • 86. tear it up a little
  • 87. tear it up a little • invite others in • invite others out • go way outside your brand – then pull back
  • 90. use metrics
  • 91. use metrics • get comfortable with quantitative • learn synergies between attitudes and behavior • where does your team add measureable value?
  • 94. start with small wins
  • 95. start with small wins • pick one interaction • choose one channel • partner with one department
  • 98. expand your mind create the vision 1. break out of silos 1. know the big picture 2. make new friends 2. follow the north star 3. get outside your box 3. tell a fairy tale 4. find comfort in discomfort 4. lead change build the path just do it 1. listen holistically 1. don’t ask permission 2. learn executives’ goals 2. tear it up a little 2. get political 3. use metrics 3. remove road blocks 4. start with small wins
  • 99. thank you!! Samantha Starmer @samanthastarmer

Editor's Notes

  1. Buying a tentWhy?
  2. Buying a tentWhy?
  3. Buying a tentWhy?
  4. Picture of calendar