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Innovation for
Samantha Starmer
6 March, 2018
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Formerly VP Global Digital Experiences,
Ralph Lauren
Also Razorfish, REI, Microsoft, Amazon
Masters degree instructor, conference chair,
writer and speaker
I’m passionate about creating GREAT
customer experiences, regardless of screen
or device; online or offline.
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 2
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“The magnitude of this disruption is unprecedented; is among a wide array of industry
sectors fighting the onslaught. In fact, the retail store of the past may well be dead...”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 3
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella concluded ‘Bots are the new apps’ and will
become the primary…channel between businesses and shoppers…Marc Zuckerberg
[said] chatbots will replace contact center agents within the next decade.”
H&M Nordstrom eBay Burberry

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The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012

The document discusses the future of experience design and the concept of omnichannel experiences. Omnichannel experiences integrate digital and physical touchpoints to provide seamless, interconnected experiences for customers anytime and anywhere. The future of experience design lies in creating holistic experiences across all channels that understand customer context and needs. Omnichannel experiences enhance the physical with digital and move customers through a brand's spaces and services effortlessly.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information InteractionsTaxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 WorkshopDesign for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop

Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“Even an 85-year-old woman can use this voice technology. That’s why there is a very
strong likelihood of this becoming the default way to shop. …it is the ultimate
convenience because there is zero interface.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“If an employee works in packaging…[they] can sense how many times they have to bend
over during their shift and provide them with a list of products that can protect their back.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 6
XOEye Technologies
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“The interactive fitting rooms help Polo connect, emotionally and digitally, with
consumers…and technology and human touch are equal elements of Polo.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 7
Ralph Lauren
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“giving [customers] a visual language to understand the scents they were smelling and
identifying complimentary fragrances for exploration. The result is an elegant shopping
experience that … is seeing 25% product lift and 16x ROI..”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 14
Jo Malone

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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some of the key challenges of designing experiences across multiple channels like websites, mobile apps, physical stores, etc. The document presents five principles for cross-channel design: providing a consistent experience, making the experience convenient across channels, ensuring transitions between channels are connected, tailoring the experience to the user's current context, and designing experiences that span time across different touchpoints. It concludes by offering five methods for approaching cross-channel design, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, collaborating across organizational boundaries, testing designs by observing user behaviors, being comfortable with ambiguity and iteration

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel WorkshopIA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop

The document describes the need for designing cross-channel experiences that are consistent, convenient, connected, contextual, and span different touchpoints and times. It discusses examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences, and outlines five principles for designing holistic experiences. Tools mentioned for mapping cross-channel experiences include stakeholder interviews, field research, touchpoint matrices, service inventories, and experience maps. The overall message is that users interact with brands through many different channels, so the design must consider the entire experience across all touchpoints.

user experience designservice designcustomer experience
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011

The document summarizes a presentation on cross-channel design given by Jess McMullin and Samantha Starmer. The presentation covered what cross-channel design is, why organizations should care about it, how to sell the need for it within an organization, using a case study and field research experience to discover touchpoints across channels, and various tools and methods for designing cross-channel solutions such as journey mapping, touchpoint matrices, and paper prototyping.

iauxcross channel
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“…buy groceries right from the door, and the intelligent part is that it can combine carts
from multiple stores…”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“Imagine a future where you can point your phone at a friend’s new outfit with their
permission, only for the app to recognise and source that outfit in your size, and give you
the option of having it sent straight to your home.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“71% of survey respondents feel that VR makes brands seem "forward-thinking and
modern…53% said they'd be more likely to purchase from a brand that uses VR than
from one that doesn’t.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 10
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“provides information in real time about products and inventory and…pushes store
promotions. It speaks several languages and…can also help with inventory management
and allow employees to communicate between stores.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 11

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Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011
Building and Evangelizing Holistic Experience Design - DMI Seattle 2011

The document provides guidance on designing holistic experiences by outlining strategies across four areas: expanding your mind, creating a vision, building a path, and just doing it. It suggests expanding one's mind by breaking out of silos, making new friends outside one's usual circles, getting outside of one's comfort zone, and finding comfort in discomfort. It recommends creating a vision by understanding the big picture, following a clear goal, storytelling to excite others, and leading change. It advises building a path by listening holistically, understanding executives' goals, managing stakeholders, and removing obstacles. Finally, it suggests just doing it by not waiting for permission, trying new things, using metrics, and starting small.

uxcross channeldesign
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

Samantha Starmer provides a framework for structuring presentations with 4 key principles: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style. 2) Learn the environment by understanding the audience and constraints. 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and keeping the narrative. 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She emphasizes remembering the one key thing you want the audience to take away and practicing well in advance of the presentation date.

The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011

The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It begins by explaining that customers experience brands across multiple touchpoints and channels, both digital and physical. The key is to design experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and span across time. The document then provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design. The principles are to make experiences convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and spanning across time. The methods are to think in terms of services, share design work across teams, start by observing customer behaviors, be comfortable with ambiguity, and focus on customer needs rather than specific solutions. Finally, the document discusses various discovery and solution activities for cross-channel design, such as stakeholder interviews

xchannelservice designcross-channel
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores, the concept store cultivates an experience
that cannot be re-created online.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 12
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“Using a combination of RFID and ultrasound…whichever products you touch and pick
up in the store are automatically sent to your app. You have effectively created your in
store wish list."
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 13
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“You enter by scanning your phones at a turnstile…inside, hundreds of cameras track
your movements, working with in-shelf weight sensors to determine which products
you’ve taken and which you’ve only looked at. Then you simply walk out the door.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 15
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 16

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Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011
Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011
Get a Seat at the Strategy Table - WebVisions 2011

To get a seat at the strategy table, one must understand the organization's strategic goals and objectives, know how decisions are made, and think about long term changes. It is important to build relationships with allies, know potential opponents, and have important conversations before proposing new ideas. One should pick their battles wisely, help others' goals, and offer solutions, preferably with proposed solutions or already implemented solutions. It is also important to learn how executives communicate, listen more than speaking, and become comfortable discussing strategy with executives.

Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011

The document discusses the importance of designing cross-channel experiences that are convenient, consistent, connected, contextual, and span time. It provides 5 principles and 5 methods for holistic experience design across digital and physical touchpoints. The principles are to think of services, share resources openly, gain diverse perspectives, address discomfort, and focus on user needs over solutions. Methods include documenting journeys, mapping experiences, understanding backend systems, storytelling, and cross-training teams. Tools involve using experience maps, getting different perspectives, telling stories, and cross-training teams in other disciplines. The talk encourages designing for the holistic experience rather than any single channel.

iacross-channelcustomer experience
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space BetweenDon't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between
Don't be a Digital Dinosaur - Design for the Space Between

Presentation on designing for cross channel holistic customer experiences for Web 2.0 Expo, San Francisco

service designuser experienceux
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“According to the latest U.S. Census data
released in August 2017, 90 percent of all retail
purchases in America were made in brick-and-
mortar locations during the last quarter.”
“The process of discovery in a physical store —
“Oh, look, here’s the perfect gift for hard-to-buy-for
Uncle Bob!” — remains unmatched online. As does
an environment in which shoppers are encouraged
to interact and enjoy the products just as they
would at home.” - PwC
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 17
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“What is the impetus for taking this step “backwards” into the 20th century? Well, these companies
have discovered that even with an (essentially) limitless online catalogue, the experience of browsing
their catalogues online doesn’t compare to the act of literally walking down the aisles of a physical
store. It is no substitute for the physical discovery process we take for granted.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 18
(Whole Foods)
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
STORE 4.0 – All of these. And more.
Sephora Levi’s
Lowe’s Burberry
“While the store of the past may be dead, retailers are already adapting to a new retail
ecosystem…a combination of physical, digital, and complementary service offerings
…The physical store is a key component of the new retail ecosystem.”
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 19
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer

Recommended for you

Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011

The gap between physical and digital has blurred: we use Wiis to get in shape, computers to order a pizza, or our smartphone’s GPS to find hot dates. People want to interact with products and services when they want to and how they want to – and that’s not always on the web. The future of design is everywhere the customer touches our product or service - digital or physical. User experience practitioners must move beyond the screen to designing a holistic customer experience that is seamless across channels and devices.

service designinformation architectureuser experience
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010

Samantha Starmer discusses designing for a holistic customer experience across channels. She recommends starting by using metrics to understand customer journeys, mapping experiences, and listening holistically across channels like call centers, social media, and stores. Designing for a holistic experience means coordinating brand and information consistency and optimizing each channel's capabilities. It requires leaving one's comfort zone, collaborating cross-functionally, and letting go of control so the entire organization can focus on improving the customer experience.

service designuser experiencecustomer experience
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

This document discusses how quantitative analytics can help drive information architecture (IA) decisions. It provides examples of the types of metrics that can be measured, such as traffic to different sections of a website, and how these metrics can be used to understand user behavior and improve the user experience. Quantitative data is presented as complementing, not replacing, qualitative research methods. The document advocates starting analytics efforts by clearly defining business questions and goals in order to focus measurement efforts and ensure the collected data will provide actionable insights.

information architectureuser experienceoz ia
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 21
These pillars will benefit you regardless of your channel,
market, country, size of business or level of digital innovation.
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
“If there's one reason we have done better
than of our peers…it is because we have
focused like a laser on customer experience.”
- Jeff Bezos
“You've got to start with the customer
experience and work back toward the
technology - not the other way around."
– Steve Jobs
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 22
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
1. START WITH THE CUSTOMER – Do Your Research*
Contextual Research
Competitive Research
Employee Research
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 23
* Not just market research!
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
1. START WITH THE CUSTOMER – Thoughts & Actions
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 24

Recommended for you

Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

1) Holistic information architecture is about designing integrated experiences across channels, platforms, and the digital and physical worlds. 2) Information, not technology, should be the foundation to connect experiences as users transition between different touchpoints. 3) An effective information architecture provides consistent and predictable pathways of information to tie together a user's experience holistically as they engage with a brand through various channels over time.

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Ple...

The document discusses the need for experience designers to design holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels, as well as multiple platforms. It notes that traditional boundaries are blurring as technology becomes ubiquitous and information can be accessed anywhere. The author advocates designing for the "space between" interactions by focusing on consistency of information and user journeys across channels to create a seamless overall experience. Experience design must look beyond individual websites or apps to consider all points of customer contact.

user experienceiacustomer experience
A List of the Top 5 E-Commerce Platforms Used in 2024
A List of the Top 5 E-Commerce Platforms Used in 2024A List of the Top 5 E-Commerce Platforms Used in 2024
A List of the Top 5 E-Commerce Platforms Used in 2024

Curious to know what are the top 5 e-commerce platforms in 2024? It's Wix, Shopify, Shift4Shop, BigCommerce, WooCommerce

Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Manchester City FC
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 25
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 26
Ralph Lauren
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
3. STAY INTEGRATED – Are all of these connected?
Business Planning Fulfillment Call Center
Technology Services Store Employees
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 27
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
3. STAY INTEGRATED – Map journeys and touchpoints
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 28

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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【澳洲堪培拉大学毕业证(uc毕业证书)成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理澳洲堪培拉大学毕业证(uc毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理澳洲堪培拉大学毕业证(uc毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理澳洲堪培拉大学毕业证(uc毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理澳洲堪培拉大学毕业证(uc毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
3. STAY INTEGRATED – Break out of your silo
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 29
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 30
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
4. USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY – Support vs Lead
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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【伦敦城市大学毕业证(city毕业证)成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理伦敦城市大学毕业证(city毕业证)【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理伦敦城市大学毕业证(city毕业证)【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理伦敦城市大学毕业证(city毕业证)【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理伦敦城市大学毕业证(city毕业证)【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Presentation on Retail Banking - An Overview
Presentation on Retail Banking - An OverviewPresentation on Retail Banking - An Overview
Presentation on Retail Banking - An Overview

PPT on Retail Banking. Introduction to Retail Banking Let's start with an introduction to retail banking. Retail banking, also known as consumer banking, involves providing financial services to individual consumers rather than businesses. It plays a crucial role in the financial system by offering services such as savings accounts, loans, and credit cards. These services help individuals manage their finances effectively and securely. History of Retail Banking Retail banking has a fascinating history. It began in ancient times with temples providing loans. During medieval times, banks like the Medici Bank emerged in Europe, offering services to both merchants and individuals. The Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries saw the establishment of modern banks, introducing products like savings accounts and personal loans. The 1960s brought about a significant change with the introduction of ATMs, which revolutionized access to banking services. In the 21st century, the digital revolution further transformed the industry, making financial services more accessible through internet and mobile banking. Key Services Offered Retail banks offer a variety of services. First, we have deposits, which include savings accounts, checking accounts, and fixed deposits. These accounts provide a secure place to store money and earn interest. Next, there are loans, including personal loans, home loans, and auto loans, which help individuals make major purchases or investments. Lastly, credit and debit cards facilitate cashless transactions and provide short-term credit for purchases. Types of Retail Banking Accounts Retail banks offer different types of accounts to meet various needs. A savings account allows customers to store their money securely while earning interest. A checking account provides easy access to funds for daily transactions. Fixed deposits offer higher interest rates for money that is locked in for a specific period. Recurring deposits allow customers to make regular monthly deposits that also earn interest. Retail Banking Channels Retail banking services are accessed through various channels. Traditional branch banking involves visiting a physical bank branch. Online banking allows customers to manage their accounts and transactions via the internet. Mobile banking uses smartphone apps for banking services on the go. ATMs, or automated teller machines, provide cash withdrawals and other services without needing to visit a branch. Benefits of Retail Banking Retail banking offers several benefits. It provides convenience, allowing customers easy access to financial services. Accessibility is another key benefit, as these services are available to a wide range of customers. Finally, retail banks offer a variety of financial products, from savings accounts to loans, to meet different financial needs. Challenges in Retail Banking Despite its benefits, retail banking faces several challenges.

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Retail Scan is a pioneer in India in 100% customized retail audits. Retail Scan has a proprietary app-based store tracking technology. Our well-trained auditors go on the field and capture the status of in-store merchandising elements like windows, assets, POSM elements, planograms, product availability on shelf, etc. through survey data and images.

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Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
4. USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY – Prototype, Test,
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Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
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Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE – Examine trouble
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Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE – Build a strategy
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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【宾州州立大学毕业证(psu毕业证)成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理宾州州立大学毕业证(psu毕业证)【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理宾州州立大学毕业证(psu毕业证)【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理宾州州立大学毕业证(psu毕业证)【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理宾州州立大学毕业证(psu毕业证)【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE – Surprise & Delight
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 37
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 38
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
THANK YOU! Please be in touch!
Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 39

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Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018

  • 1. Innovation for STORE 4.0 Samantha Starmer 6 March, 2018 1 1 Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer
  • 2. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer WHO AM I? Formerly VP Global Digital Experiences, Ralph Lauren Also Razorfish, REI, Microsoft, Amazon Masters degree instructor, conference chair, writer and speaker I’m passionate about creating GREAT customer experiences, regardless of screen or device; online or offline. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 2
  • 3. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer RETAIL IS DISRUPTED “The magnitude of this disruption is unprecedented; is among a wide array of industry sectors fighting the onslaught. In fact, the retail store of the past may well be dead...” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 3
  • 4. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer “Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella concluded ‘Bots are the new apps’ and will become the primary…channel between businesses and shoppers…Marc Zuckerberg [said] chatbots will replace contact center agents within the next decade.” 4 CHAT BOTS… H&M Nordstrom eBay Burberry
  • 5. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer VOICE SHOPPING… “Even an 85-year-old woman can use this voice technology. That’s why there is a very strong likelihood of this becoming the default way to shop. …it is the ultimate convenience because there is zero interface.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5
  • 6. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer MOTION RECOMMENDATIONS… “If an employee works in packaging…[they] can sense how many times they have to bend over during their shift and provide them with a list of products that can protect their back.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 6 XOEye Technologies XOEye Technologies
  • 7. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer INTERACTIVE MIRRORS… “The interactive fitting rooms help Polo connect, emotionally and digitally, with consumers…and technology and human touch are equal elements of Polo.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 7 Ralph Lauren
  • 8. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer INTERACTIVE SHELVING “giving [customers] a visual language to understand the scents they were smelling and identifying complimentary fragrances for exploration. The result is an elegant shopping experience that … is seeing 25% product lift and 16x ROI..” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 14 Jo Malone
  • 9. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer INTERNET OF THINGS… 9 “…buy groceries right from the door, and the intelligent part is that it can combine carts from multiple stores…” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer Samsung
  • 10. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer AUGMENTED REALITY SHOPPING… 10 “Imagine a future where you can point your phone at a friend’s new outfit with their permission, only for the app to recognise and source that outfit in your size, and give you the option of having it sent straight to your home.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer Ikea
  • 11. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer VIRTUAL REALITY SHOPPING… “71% of survey respondents feel that VR makes brands seem "forward-thinking and modern…53% said they'd be more likely to purchase from a brand that uses VR than from one that doesn’t.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 10 Dior
  • 12. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer ROBOT SHOPPING… “provides information in real time about products and inventory and…pushes store promotions. It speaks several languages and…can also help with inventory management and allow employees to communicate between stores.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 11 Lowe’s
  • 13. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer CONCEPT STORES… “Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores, the concept store cultivates an experience that cannot be re-created online.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 12 Samsung
  • 14. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer SO MUCH FANCY TECHNOLOGY… “Using a combination of RFID and ultrasound…whichever products you touch and pick up in the store are automatically sent to your app. You have effectively created your in store wish list." Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 13 Farfetch
  • 15. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer STORES WITHOUT STAFF (!) “You enter by scanning your phones at a turnstile…inside, hundreds of cameras track your movements, working with in-shelf weight sensors to determine which products you’ve taken and which you’ve only looked at. Then you simply walk out the door.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 15 Amazon
  • 16. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 16
  • 17. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer THE PHYSICAL STORE IS NOT DEAD “According to the latest U.S. Census data released in August 2017, 90 percent of all retail purchases in America were made in brick-and- mortar locations during the last quarter.” “The process of discovery in a physical store — “Oh, look, here’s the perfect gift for hard-to-buy-for Uncle Bob!” — remains unmatched online. As does an environment in which shoppers are encouraged to interact and enjoy the products just as they would at home.” - PwC Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 17
  • 18. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer IT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER “What is the impetus for taking this step “backwards” into the 20th century? Well, these companies have discovered that even with an (essentially) limitless online catalogue, the experience of browsing their catalogues online doesn’t compare to the act of literally walking down the aisles of a physical store. It is no substitute for the physical discovery process we take for granted.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 18 Amazon (Whole Foods)
  • 19. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer STORE 4.0 – All of these. And more. Sephora Levi’s Lowe’s Burberry Uniqlo “While the store of the past may be dead, retailers are already adapting to a new retail ecosystem…a combination of physical, digital, and complementary service offerings …The physical store is a key component of the new retail ecosystem.” Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 19
  • 20. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer STORE 4.0 NEEDS TO BE AN ATTITUDE, A WAY OF WORKING… NOT A TECHNOLOGY 20 SO WHAT SHOULD WE DO?
  • 21. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5 PILLARS FOR STORE 4.0 1.START WITH THE CUSTOMER 2.STAY INTEGRATED 3.BREAK OUT OF YOUR SILO 4.USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY 5.FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 21 These pillars will benefit you regardless of your channel, market, country, size of business or level of digital innovation.
  • 22. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 1. START WITH THE CUSTOMER “If there's one reason we have done better than of our peers…it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience.” - Jeff Bezos “You've got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology - not the other way around." – Steve Jobs Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 22
  • 23. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 1. START WITH THE CUSTOMER – Do Your Research* Contextual Research Competitive Research Employee Research Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 23 * Not just market research!
  • 24. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 1. START WITH THE CUSTOMER – Thoughts & Actions Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 24
  • 25. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 1. START WITH THE CUSTOMER – Co-Creation SOME EXAMPLES: LEGO Starbucks IKEA DHL Netflix Manchester City FC DEWALT Microsoft Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 25
  • 26. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 2. STAY INTEGRATED Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 26 Ralph Lauren
  • 27. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 3. STAY INTEGRATED – Are all of these connected? Business Planning Fulfillment Call Center Technology Services Store Employees Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 27
  • 28. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 3. STAY INTEGRATED – Map journeys and touchpoints Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 28
  • 29. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 3. STAY INTEGRATED – Break out of your silo Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 29
  • 30. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 4. USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 30 Nike
  • 31. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 4. USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY – Support vs Lead Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 31 Sephora
  • 32. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 4. USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY – Tell stories Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 32
  • 33. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 4. USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY – Prototype, Test, ADJUST Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 33
  • 34. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 34 PetSmart
  • 35. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE – Examine trouble spots Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 35
  • 36. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE – Build a strategy Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 36
  • 37. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5. FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE – Surprise & Delight Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 37
  • 38. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 5 PILLARS OF STORE 4.0 1.START WITH THE CUSTOMER 2.STAY INTEGRATED 3.BREAK OUT OF YOUR SILO 4.USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY 5.FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 38
  • 39. Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer THANK YOU! Please be in touch! Samantha Starmer – Store 4.0, @samanthastarmer 39

Editor's Notes

  1. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  2. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  3. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  4. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  5. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  6. We are seeing many examples (some useful, some not) of interactive shopping windows, shelves and other ways for digitally enabled touch commerce.
  7. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  8. While the ‘internet of things’ still hasn’t fully taken off in the ways futurists have proclaimed for years, products like this Samsung fridge are coming out that allow you to make purchases via the product itself. As they get smarter, they will likely predict your shopping needs and make orders for you.
  9. Augmented reality is also coming to commerce, with the ability to overlay furniture in our own homes or virtually try on an outfit. Image recognition can allow us to immediately copy our favorite fashionista’s outfit.
  10. And recently eBay helped to create a fully virtual reality commerce site. I’ve actually tried a few early versions created by others, and it made me seasick, but once we are watching movies and playing video games with our VR googles on, we may not want to leave to do our shopping.
  11. And roboticized, artificial intelligence commerce is already hear. This is an example from the Lowe’s Innovation lab of a robot sales associate live now at an Orchard Supply Hardware store in California.
  12. We need to be thinking through the full ecosystem.
  13. Hi - I’m Samantha and I’ve been in digital with a lot of retail experience since the pretty early days of Amazon. Most recently I was at Ralph Lauren. I’ve been teaching and presenting on customer experience for a long time and I’m incredibly excited about the challenges and opportunities of the Store of the Future – Store 4.0
  14. We need to be thinking through the full ecosystem.
  15. And roboticized, artificial intelligence commerce is already hear. This is an example from the Lowe’s Innovation lab of a robot sales associate live now at an Orchard Supply Hardware store in California.
  16. We need to be thinking through the full ecosystem.
  17. A number of retailers (Warby Parker, Bonobos, Casper mattresses) who started as online pure plays have now entered the physical shopping space. Physical is not dead. In fact, those of us who have focused on digital need to expand our skills and attention to the physical space.
  18. I don’t think anyone can argue that not only have the lines between digital and physical have blurred, they have pretty much full on collided. So many retailers, even some of the most ‘traditional’, are spending a lot of time and money on trying to figure out what this digital everywhere situation means for commerce.
  19. We’ll spend some time on 5 keys for building great customer experiences – all of these have been successfully used within an agile environment.
  20. First, and most important. Focus on humans!
  21. Think about what service you are trying to provide or improve with whatever technology epic or sprint you are working on. Yesterday, David Leach gave good examples of how uber and Airbnb have done this and how focusing on the services and any gaps vs. just thinking about technology has been so beneficial for those companies and others. Services are key.
  22. Think about what service you are trying to provide or improve with whatever technology epic or sprint you are working on. Yesterday, David Leach gave good examples of how uber and Airbnb have done this and how focusing on the services and any gaps vs. just thinking about technology has been so beneficial for those companies and others. Services are key.
  23. Consider trying co-creation – collaborating directly during design and solutioning with internal and/or external end customers
  24. And you look at a company like Amazon and how ubiquitous they have become. For all sorts of reasons of course, but not least because of their focus on making their services as easy as ‘one click’.
  25. Ensure that things are connected throughout your organization. is the Marketing connected? Do the call center and the store employees understand the latest campaign or promotion? Are the technology and fulfillment infrastructures set up to support?
  26. Touchpoint and journey mapping are very helpful tactics for telling stories that focus on human consumers. They are exceptionally useful for aligning various stakeholders from across a brand or business on the actual customer experience, gaps, pain points and opportunities.
  27. Touchpoint and journey mapping are very helpful tactics for telling stories that focus on human consumers. They are exceptionally useful for aligning various stakeholders from across a brand or business on the actual customer experience, gaps, pain points and opportunities.
  28. All of this requires staying flexible. Like this 97 year old yoga expert.
  29. All of this requires staying flexible. Like this 97 year old yoga expert.
  30. There are true benefits to using rough prototypes (or unfinished working code) vs. something more polished.
  31. There are true benefits to using rough prototypes (or unfinished working code) vs. something more polished.
  32. Flexible with roles, flexible with goals. Remember that even with all of these customer centered tips you might end up developing something that isn’t quite right. That’s okay! Even more reason to keep watching your customers behavior and continuously tweaking.
  33. Flexible with roles, flexible with goals. Remember that even with all of these customer centered tips you might end up developing something that isn’t quite right. That’s okay! Even more reason to keep watching your customers behavior and continuously tweaking.
  34. Flexible with roles, flexible with goals. Remember that even with all of these customer centered tips you might end up developing something that isn’t quite right. That’s okay! Even more reason to keep watching your customers behavior and continuously tweaking.
  35. Flexible with roles, flexible with goals. Remember that even with all of these customer centered tips you might end up developing something that isn’t quite right. That’s okay! Even more reason to keep watching your customers behavior and continuously tweaking.
  36. We’ll spend some time on 5 keys for building great customer experiences – all of these have been successfully used within an agile environment.