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Structuring your Presentation
  Samantha Starmer    @samanthastarmer

     experience, web stuff: Amazon, Microsoft
             REI – Recreational Equipment, Inc.
            lead design, IA & experience teams
             teach at University of Washington
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
4 key principles
1.   start with you
2.   learn the environment
3.   build the bones
4.   leave time to adjust
1. start with you
1. start with you
•   what is the ONE thing?
•   think about the story
•   what is your style?
•   are you scared?
what is the ONE thing?

what is the ONE thing?

• why are you speaking?
• what is your point?
• what is the ONE thing you want
  your audience to remember?

think about the story

think about the story

• beginning, middle and end
  (make sure there is an end)
• all points to your ONE thing
• how would you tell it to your
  grandma? to a child?

what is your style?

what is your style?

• formal or informal?
• deep details or inspirational?
• don’t try to be funny if it isn’t
• get feedback. lots of it.
are you scared?

are you scared?
• the more nervous you are, the
  more structure you need
• unless you are a very skilled
• in which case, you probably
  wouldn’t be in this class

2. learn the environment
2. learn the environment
•   scout the space
•   know your audience
•   build to your time limit
•   understand expectations
scout the space

scout the space
• ideal is to get on stage in
  advance, but learn what you can
• note placement of lights,
  screens, podium
• size and ‘feel’ of room should
  impact your structure

know your audience

know your audience

•   size, level of expertise
•   what do they want from you?
•   voluntary or hostage?
•   bored or interested?
•   friendly or combative?

build to your time limit

build to your time limit
• focus your topic on the time limit
• focus your scope & detail on the
  time limit
• the less time to prepare, the more
  structure you need
• experience will improve your gut

understand expectations

understand expectations

• do they expect results? or is the
  journey more relevant?
• technical or high level?
• what kind of assets/deliverables?

3. build the bones
3. build the bones
•   free your mind
•   remember the story
•   just jump in
•   make it FUN!
free your mind

free your mind

•   don’t constrain too early
•   use your creative juice makers
•   let it percolate
•   be willing to throw out initial ideas
•   which means you need twice the
    planning time you expect

just jump in

just jump in
• don’t be afraid to scribble
• paper prototype, but only if it
  works for you
• get into the tool as soon as you
  have the guts (of the structure,
  but also the nerve)

Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
remember the story

remember the story
• ah, there is a point to all this
• keep the narrative (linear or not)
  as your north star
• throw out anything extraneous
  to the story
• no matter how cool

Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
make it FUN!
make it FUN!
 • you should enjoy building the
 • you should enjoy creating the
 • you will feel a quiet ping when it
   starts to come together
4. leave time to adjust
4. leave time to adjust
•   lift your head out of the trees
•   remember the ONE thing
•   practice time is critical
•   minimum formula: 70%, 25%, 5%
lift your head out of the trees

lift your head out of the trees

• check the whole arc regularly
• don’t get too hung up on the
  exact words or pictures
• the whole is greater than the
  sum of the parts

Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
remember the ONE thing

remember the ONE thing
• when you think you have it, go
  back to the beginning
• is the ONE thing clear?
• is your narrative intact?
• does it flow? can you easily
  remember your points?

dress rehearsal is critical

dress rehearsal is critical
•   rehearse more than you want to
•   rehearse out loud
•   rehearse in presentation mode
•   rehearse with a timer
•   then CUT (if you have built the
    structure right, you should have too
    much vs. too little)

Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
minimum formula

minimum formula
• take the time allotted
• multiply by 5 for the number of
  minimum dress rehearal minutes
• multiply by 14 for the minimum number
  of building (in tool) minutes
• e.g. 20 minutes =
    100 minutes rehearsing
    ~4 ½ hours building
    untold weeks stressing 
structure is key

1. start with you      2. learn the environment
•   what is the ONE thing?   •   scout the space
•   what is the story        •   know your audience
•   what is your style?      •   build to your time limit
•   are you scared?          •   understand expectations

    3. build the bones           4. leave time to adjust
•   free your mind           •   lift your head out of the trees
•   remember the story       •   remember the ONE thing
•   just jump in             •   dress rehearsal is critical
•   make it FUN!             •   minimum formula: 70%, 25%, 5%
thank you!!
Samantha Starmer   @samanthastarmer


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Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

  • 1. Structuring your Presentation Samantha Starmer @samanthastarmer
  • 2. me experience, web stuff: Amazon, Microsoft REI – Recreational Equipment, Inc. lead design, IA & experience teams teach at University of Washington
  • 9. 4 key principles 1. start with you 2. learn the environment 3. build the bones 4. leave time to adjust
  • 11. 1. start with you • what is the ONE thing? • think about the story • what is your style? • are you scared?
  • 12. what is the ONE thing?
  • 13. what is the ONE thing? • why are you speaking? • what is your point? • what is the ONE thing you want your audience to remember?
  • 14. think about the story
  • 15. think about the story • beginning, middle and end (make sure there is an end) • all points to your ONE thing • how would you tell it to your grandma? to a child?
  • 16. what is your style? http://
  • 17. what is your style? • formal or informal? • deep details or inspirational? • don’t try to be funny if it isn’t natural • get feedback. lots of it.
  • 18. are you scared?
  • 19. are you scared? • the more nervous you are, the more structure you need • unless you are a very skilled improviser • in which case, you probably wouldn’t be in this class
  • 20. 2. learn the environment
  • 21. 2. learn the environment • scout the space • know your audience • build to your time limit • understand expectations
  • 22. scout the space
  • 23. scout the space • ideal is to get on stage in advance, but learn what you can • note placement of lights, screens, podium • size and ‘feel’ of room should impact your structure
  • 24. know your audience
  • 25. know your audience • size, level of expertise • what do they want from you? • voluntary or hostage? • bored or interested? • friendly or combative?
  • 26. build to your time limit
  • 27. build to your time limit • focus your topic on the time limit • focus your scope & detail on the time limit • the less time to prepare, the more structure you need • experience will improve your gut sense
  • 28. understand expectations
  • 29. understand expectations • do they expect results? or is the journey more relevant? • technical or high level? • what kind of assets/deliverables?
  • 30. 3. build the bones
  • 31. 3. build the bones • free your mind • remember the story • just jump in • make it FUN!
  • 32. free your mind
  • 33. free your mind • don’t constrain too early • use your creative juice makers • let it percolate • be willing to throw out initial ideas • which means you need twice the planning time you expect
  • 34. just jump in
  • 35. just jump in • don’t be afraid to scribble • paper prototype, but only if it works for you • get into the tool as soon as you have the guts (of the structure, but also the nerve)
  • 39. remember the story
  • 40. remember the story • ah, there is a point to all this • keep the narrative (linear or not) as your north star • throw out anything extraneous to the story • no matter how cool
  • 43. make it FUN! • you should enjoy building the story • you should enjoy creating the structure • you will feel a quiet ping when it starts to come together
  • 44. 4. leave time to adjust
  • 45. 4. leave time to adjust • lift your head out of the trees • remember the ONE thing • practice time is critical • minimum formula: 70%, 25%, 5%
  • 46. lift your head out of the trees
  • 47. lift your head out of the trees • check the whole arc regularly • don’t get too hung up on the exact words or pictures • the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
  • 49. remember the ONE thing
  • 50. remember the ONE thing • when you think you have it, go back to the beginning • is the ONE thing clear? • is your narrative intact? • does it flow? can you easily remember your points?
  • 51. dress rehearsal is critical
  • 52. dress rehearsal is critical • rehearse more than you want to • rehearse out loud • rehearse in presentation mode • rehearse with a timer • then CUT (if you have built the structure right, you should have too much vs. too little)
  • 54. minimum formula
  • 55. minimum formula • take the time allotted • multiply by 5 for the number of minimum dress rehearal minutes • multiply by 14 for the minimum number of building (in tool) minutes • e.g. 20 minutes = 100 minutes rehearsing ~4 ½ hours building untold weeks stressing 
  • 56. structure is key
  • 57. 1. start with you 2. learn the environment • what is the ONE thing? • scout the space • what is the story • know your audience • what is your style? • build to your time limit • are you scared? • understand expectations 3. build the bones 4. leave time to adjust • free your mind • lift your head out of the trees • remember the story • remember the ONE thing • just jump in • dress rehearsal is critical • make it FUN! • minimum formula: 70%, 25%, 5%
  • 58. thank you!! Samantha Starmer @samanthastarmer

Editor's Notes

  1. 20 minute presentationRehearse 5x (100 minutes)Build 14x (280 minutes; 4 hours, 40 minutes)I can do 15-30 seconds per slide for concept presentations that are well rehearsed. Otherwise I shoot for no more than 2 minutes per slide unless it is a demo or an academic lecture.