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Don’t Become a Digital DinosaurDesign for the Space Between@samanthastarmer
meUX & IA related work for places like Amazon, MicrosoftREI – Create and lead IA, UX, IxDteams (after about 5 other titles)Teach at University of Washington
Me.  lonely

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Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information InteractionsTaxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel WorkshopIA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop

The document describes the need for designing cross-channel experiences that are consistent, convenient, connected, contextual, and span different touchpoints and times. It discusses examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences, and outlines five principles for designing holistic experiences. Tools mentioned for mapping cross-channel experiences include stakeholder interviews, field research, touchpoint matrices, service inventories, and experience maps. The overall message is that users interact with brands through many different channels, so the design must consider the entire experience across all touchpoints.

user experience designservice designcustomer experience
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some of the key challenges of designing experiences across multiple channels like websites, mobile apps, physical stores, etc. The document presents five principles for cross-channel design: providing a consistent experience, making the experience convenient across channels, ensuring transitions between channels are connected, tailoring the experience to the user's current context, and designing experiences that span time across different touchpoints. It concludes by offering five methods for approaching cross-channel design, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, collaborating across organizational boundaries, testing designs by observing user behaviors, being comfortable with ambiguity and iteration

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
a story…
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
Palm Springs!

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Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010

The document discusses the need for ubiquitous and holistic information architecture across channels to create integrated experiences for users. It notes that information is blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences, and that users expect consistency as they transition between platforms. To meet these expectations, information architecture must be designed holistically rather than by channel, and must focus on the overall user journey rather than individual touchpoints. Bridges between experiences like on-ramps and off-ramps are needed to make information architecture truly integrated.

iauxcross channel
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016

Slides from my talk at UX Ireland on 10 November 2016 Abstract: From myths to trends and best practice, actual usage, engagement, design patterns and interactions - in this session, I will go through the insights behinds the stats and take a look at the reality behind mobile and what really matters when designing for multiple devices.

ux designmobile navigationmobile strategy
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016

Slides from my talk at Generate London on the 23 September 2016 #generateconf ABSTRACT There was a time when we did glossy page designs and those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the rise of smartphones, tablets and smartwatches, there isn’t one view of our designs any more. With further developments in technology and screens, our content could go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device-agnostic. For UX designers that means means letting content guide layouts, and moving away from designing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. In this talk Anna will walk through why device-agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

uxdesignweb design
resort hotel!!
I am lucky

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Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016

Slides from my talk at Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar 12 April 2016 ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use on a daily basis grows, considering each device's role at different times, situations and contexts is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design is fading. Yet our need to ensure we understand where they are in their journey, so that we can deliver the right content and interactions at the right time, and on the right device, is ever more important. In this talk I will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape to help ensure we create better multi-device experiences for our users and healthier bottom lines for our businesses.

strategycontent strategystorytelling
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011

The document summarizes a presentation on cross-channel design given by Jess McMullin and Samantha Starmer. The presentation covered what cross-channel design is, why organizations should care about it, how to sell the need for it within an organization, using a case study and field research experience to discover touchpoints across channels, and various tools and methods for designing cross-channel solutions such as journey mapping, touchpoint matrices, and paper prototyping.

iauxcross channel
Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014
Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014
Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014

1) Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used in UX design to capture users' imaginations, create emotional connections, and motivate actions. 2) Effective stories have a clear structure including setup, confrontation and resolution, as well as elements of surprise. 3) By understanding users and crafting stories around their experiences and goals, designers can guide users through a product or service in a compelling way.

storytellingstoriesuser experience design
foliage…lots of foliage
like The Secret Garden!
I was tired

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Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015
Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015
Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015

Slides from my talk at the Amuse conference in Budapest 28 - 30 October 2015. #amuseconf ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use are increasing, considering each device's role at different times, situations and context is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design are becoming less and less. But the one we can still understand is what a user wants, and needs. In this talk I will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape.

designstorymobile ux
Storytelling In Design - Conversion Hotel, Texel NL, 20 Nov 2016
Storytelling In Design - Conversion Hotel, Texel NL, 20 Nov 2016Storytelling In Design - Conversion Hotel, Texel NL, 20 Nov 2016
Storytelling In Design - Conversion Hotel, Texel NL, 20 Nov 2016

Slides from my talk at Conversion Hotel on 20th November 2016 about how we can apply principles from traditional storytelling to our design process to help define and create better multi-device experiences.

uxmobile marketingweb design
Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)
Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)
Managing Digital Footprints - for grandparents (March 2014)

This is a presentation shared by Dr. Wesley Fryer on March 12, 2014, at Church of the Resurrection in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The presentation explored what "digital footprints" are, why it's important for parents and grandparents to have regular conversations with young people about their digital footprints, how many misconceptions abound concerning teen use of social media, and what we can do to manage our digital footprints constructively.

I needed an adult beverage$80 wine!!!
but I’m cheap…
…and car-less
I have to get out of a 13 acre resort

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The Creativity Imperative - Prototypes, Process, and Play 2015
The Creativity Imperative - Prototypes, Process, and Play 2015The Creativity Imperative - Prototypes, Process, and Play 2015
The Creativity Imperative - Prototypes, Process, and Play 2015

Success for companies is now dependent upon creativity and innovation, both hailed as the most important contributors to the growth of the economy. These days, these skills are not just a good idea, but are imperative. Unfortunately, most don't know where to start in order to structure an environment where creativity and innovation can thrive. Good news: laying the foundation for inspiring creativity and enhancing innovation is easier than you think. Discover the four directives to follow that will help to enhance engagement, reignite passion, and amp up meaningful contribution, and enable you, your team, and your company to develop fantastic products and services.

creative blockscommunicationpppconf
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - UX Australia
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - UX AustraliaCo-Create: Creating Better Together - UX Australia
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - UX Australia

Despite the prevalent mythology of the lone creative genius, many of the most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a group and the blending of everyone’s ideas and concepts. How can we best leverage this collective wisdom to generate creative synergy and co-create? Let’s look at the process of recognizing and removing our personal creative blocks, connecting and communicating with others, combining ideas using play, and constructing a collaborative environment to discover effective methods for tapping into a group’s creative brilliance. Through these steps, you’ll learn to capitalize on the super-linearity of creativity to embrace and leverage diversity to create better together.

denise jacobsinner criticuxaustralia2016
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - UX Lisbon
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - UX LisbonCo-Create: Creating Better Together - UX Lisbon
Co-Create: Creating Better Together - UX Lisbon

Despite the prevalent mythology of the lone creative genius, many of the most innovative contributions spring from the creative chemistry of a group and the blending of everyone’s ideas and concepts. How can we best leverage this collective wisdom to generate creative synergy and co-create? Let’s look at the process of recognizing and removing our personal creative blocks, connecting and communicating with others, combining ideas using play, and constructing a collaborative environment to discover effective methods for tapping into a group’s creative brilliance. Through these steps, you’ll learn to capitalize on the super-linearity of creativity to embrace and leverage diversity to create better together.

active listeninguxlx2016collaboration
so, with a crappy map
 and a tip,
I finally find my way out
and escape to the real world

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Designing Around Storytelling - Breaking Borders, Reading 18 August 2015
Designing Around Storytelling - Breaking Borders, Reading 18 August 2015Designing Around Storytelling - Breaking Borders, Reading 18 August 2015
Designing Around Storytelling - Breaking Borders, Reading 18 August 2015

Slides from my talk at Breaking Borders on the 18 August. Storytelling has always played an important part in our societies throughout history. In the last few years it's gained attention as an important aspect in communicating and building engagement with a brand’s customer base. But storytelling is also an integral part of the design process. It’s a tool that not only can help us define our content and messaging, but the experience as a whole. Both across platforms and screens, and how we interact with it.

storytellingcontentuser experience design
Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience
Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer ExperienceBuilding and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience
Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience

The document provides advice for building teams to design holistic experiences across all touchpoints and channels. It recommends expanding one's perspective, creating a compelling vision, clearing obstacles, and starting with small wins to iteratively improve experiences. The overall message is that experiences must be designed holistically rather than focusing on individual digital or physical elements.

iauxcross channel
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

1) Holistic information architecture is about designing integrated experiences across channels, platforms, and the digital and physical worlds. 2) Information, not technology, should be the foundation to connect experiences as users transition between different touchpoints. 3) An effective information architecture provides consistent and predictable pathways of information to tie together a user's experience holistically as they engage with a brand through various channels over time.

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
but now it is dark
and the lovely, secret foliage
with all of the nooks and crannies
that I got lost in during daylight

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The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
Bridging Media
Bridging MediaBridging Media
Bridging Media

This document discusses the evolution of information architecture (IA) from 1999 to 2019 and beyond. It argues that IA must move beyond designing isolated artifacts and instead create seamless experiences that span media and contexts. The key points are that IA will become the connector between different media and contexts, users will actively produce and share content, and experiences will become cross-media and ubiquitous ecologies rather than isolated products or websites.

Digital competences in the classroom
Digital competences in the classroomDigital competences in the classroom
Digital competences in the classroom

Virtual lecture offered to the eTwinning community on March 18th 2016. Video available at

Is kinda scary
finally, thank god
now I really need a drink
At least for walking, exploring or doing anything not related to sitting by a pool and drinking

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Emerging Technologies in the Library
Emerging Technologies in the LibraryEmerging Technologies in the Library
Emerging Technologies in the Library

This document summarizes an emerging technologies presentation given by Sam Chada at the Sandusky Library. The presentation covered several topics including digital delivery of content through services like OverDrive, the growing use of tablets and smartphones in libraries, gamification of library services and collections, cloud computing services offered by some libraries, the maker movement and digital media labs, and potential future technologies like MOOCs and the Raspberry Pi. The presentation argued that libraries are embracing new technologies to remain relevant community spaces and provide more access and opportunities for patrons to transform their lives.

Don't Think Websites, think data
Don't Think Websites, think dataDon't Think Websites, think data
Don't Think Websites, think data

The notion of allowing access to your website content and data via API's and other machine readable means is well embedded in geek circles. This presentation aims to look at the non-technical reasons why these approaches are a good idea, arguing that it is time for Machine Readable Data (MRD) approaches to be better communicated to content owners, budget holders and other non-technical stakeholders.

Dontthinkwebsitesthinkdatafinal 090713100859 Phpapp02
Dontthinkwebsitesthinkdatafinal 090713100859 Phpapp02Dontthinkwebsitesthinkdatafinal 090713100859 Phpapp02
Dontthinkwebsitesthinkdatafinal 090713100859 Phpapp02

The document discusses the importance of making content machine-readable so that it can be reused and accessed in different ways. It provides 10 reasons why organizations should adopt practices that allow computer systems to access and interpret their data, such as using microformats, RSS feeds, and APIs. These practices free up content so it is no longer locked into single websites and applications, making it easier to reuse and repurpose. The document advocates a focus on content over technology and argues that embracing machine-readable data will lead to benefits like lower costs, more ways to visualize and access content, and increased traffic over time.

no sign policy
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary

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Tech on learning, literacy, & libraries
Tech on learning, literacy, & librariesTech on learning, literacy, & libraries
Tech on learning, literacy, & libraries

The document discusses how technology is shaping learning, literacy, and libraries. It explores how technology is changing the spaces, roles, and services that libraries provide. It argues that libraries must evolve to remain relevant by embracing digital networks, user participation, creativity, collaboration, community building, and changing approaches to curriculum and information literacy. Libraries are transforming from places focused on books and information to centers that empower users and build knowledge networks.

state library of victoriainformation technologygames
New Librarians: This is your time
New Librarians: This is your timeNew Librarians: This is your time
New Librarians: This is your time

A stripped down version of a presentation I gave to students in Latvia - it's a fantastic time to be shaping the profession of librarianship, so this slide-deck is about the world and the way it's changing, trends for the future, and how to make the most of being a librarian.

Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016
Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016
Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016

Slides from my talk at The Bulgaria Web Summit on 20 Feb 2016 ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use on a daily basis grows, considering each device's role at different times, situations and contexts is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design is fading. Yet our need to ensure we understand where they are in their journey, so that we can deliver the right content and interactions at the right time, and on the right device, is ever more important. In this talk Anna will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape to help ensure we create better multi-device experiences for our users and healthier bottom lines for our businesses.

Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary

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Should We Use Community EDayz09 Keynote
Should We Use Community EDayz09 KeynoteShould We Use Community EDayz09 Keynote
Should We Use Community EDayz09 Keynote

The document discusses the concept of "community" and how it relates to learning. It explores where individuals, small groups, and large networks fall on a continuum and how people's efforts can be aimed at different points on this continuum. The document also considers how facilitating roles, practices, and enabling participation across this continuum could support learning and connection.

communities onlinecommunity networks individuals e
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some key principles of cross-channel design such as providing a consistent, convenient, connected, and contextual experience across different channels over time. The document provides examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences. It concludes by outlining five methods for designing cross-channel experiences, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, sharing resources between teams, starting with small experiments, embracing challenges, and focusing on why changes are being made rather than just what is being changed.

customer experience managementuser experiencecross channel
Starting out with a VLE - what to expect
Starting out with a VLE - what to expectStarting out with a VLE - what to expect
Starting out with a VLE - what to expect

Starting out with a VLE - what to expect Presentation for the Sheffield International College, May 2012 Sarah Horrigan, Learning Technologies Manager, University of Sheffield

Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
experience only works if you stay within the Parker
a few days later…
leaving lovely hotel room

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Using Technology and Social Software to Connect with Members and Allies
Using Technology and Social Software to Connect with Members and AlliesUsing Technology and Social Software to Connect with Members and Allies
Using Technology and Social Software to Connect with Members and Allies

This presentation was given at the Out & Equal Workplace Summit in Orlando, Florida in October 2009. My co-presenter and I offered this as an introduction to social software and discussed ways it can be used to connect with the GLBT community.

social softwareglbtgay
ITSCO Keynote
ITSCO KeynoteITSCO Keynote
ITSCO Keynote

This document discusses the story of connected learning and leadership in 3 parts. It begins by introducing the concepts of transparency, collaboration, sharing and learning from others. It then discusses moving from traditional top-down leadership to supporting and encouraging learners. Finally, it emphasizes creating, communicating, and thinking critically in order to master the connected world through passion and partnerships in learning.

If you love something, set it free
If you love something, set it freeIf you love something, set it free
If you love something, set it free which we\'ll consider the benefits of making stuff (more) available as well as some of the issues around value, scarcity and scale

not the dreaded middle seat!
getting flight # via email
check in via mobile app
I don’t want flight status!

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3D-DH&VH Downunder
3D-DH&VH Downunder3D-DH&VH Downunder
3D-DH&VH Downunder

29 March 2019 Presentation on the relation of digital and virtual heritage to digital humanities, issues, some Curtin University Perth Australia

virtual heritagedigital humanitiesglamvr
Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02
Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02
Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02

The document discusses how rapid technological disruption and the democratization of knowledge through the Internet have challenged traditional models of design, business, and control over products and ideas. It argues that successful design going forward will require flexibility, simplicity, enabling user customization and experiences rather than strictly defined products, and building platforms that can evolve beyond their original contexts. Complexity and interdependence may no longer confer advantages if they limit responsiveness to constant change.

networked societyfuturecommunication
Letting Go
Letting GoLetting Go
Letting Go

The document discusses how rapid technological disruption and the democratization of knowledge through the Internet have challenged traditional models of design, production and consumption. It notes that users can now easily adapt, improve and compete with products in ways that were previously impossible. As a result, the most successful designs going forward may be those that are simple, flexible and enable users to create their own experiences, rather than fully defining the experience themselves. Complex, tightly controlled systems may be more vulnerable to abrupt changes, so the best designs will set the stage for users but not dictate every aspect of the experience.

graphic designishraq dhaly
okay, trying another way
flight not recognized
Fine.  Old school check in.

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Serious Game Workshop
Serious Game WorkshopSerious Game Workshop
Serious Game Workshop

The document discusses the relationship between virtual and real, including how simulation and virtual reality can support learning. It explores how intelligent virtual assistants and connected objects will continue to blur the lines between digital and physical. The world may one day be terraformed through algorithms to be more fully simulated and interactive.

The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond ScreensThe Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens

We carry a screen with us at all times, yet technology is already evolving beyond the screen. We must design beyond screens to ensure we can be leaders wherever, whenever and however interactions are going. This workshop provides examples of where expertise should be leveraged beyond where many designers are currently involved and how to begin.

designuser experienceuser experience design
Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for HumansDesigning AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

Artificial Intelligence seems to be all around us, and many organizations are feeling the pressure to implement AI solutions. But like with any technology, especially the emergent ones that get a lot of buzz, it’s critical to let your business and consumer needs lead the technology, not the other way around. I believe that it is the IA practitioners in an organization who can and should be the ones leading when AI and machine learning makes sense, which interactions it can best support, and how to architect and design those interactions so that they best support humans – whether those humans are employees, end consumers or citizens. In this talk I will ensure we all understand why we should be forefront in creating AI experiences, why they are exciting and yet challenging (and even risky) and how we can immediately get involved.

aiartificial intelligencedesign
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
experience only works if you stay within channel
design for the space between…

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Designing Customer Centered AI experiences - Dialogkonferansen 2018
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences  - Dialogkonferansen 2018Designing Customer Centered AI experiences  - Dialogkonferansen 2018
Designing Customer Centered AI experiences - Dialogkonferansen 2018

This presentation discusses why artificial intelligence (AI) needs to be designed from a customer centered point of view, and provides three pillars to use as a foundation for how to do so.

aidesigndesign thinking
Preparing for Distributed Commerce
Preparing for Distributed CommercePreparing for Distributed Commerce
Preparing for Distributed Commerce

Presentation for Seamless Retail Middle East 2017. Focuses on how to create and execute exceptional retail customer experiences that maximize revenue, increase exposure, and drive consumer satisfaction.

retailinnovtiondesign thinking
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018

Samantha Starmer is a former VP of Global Digital Experiences who is now passionate about creating great customer experiences across channels. She discusses how retail is being disrupted by new technologies like chatbots, voice shopping, augmented reality, and concept stores without staff. However, the physical store is not dead and remains important for discovery and experiences. Store 4.0 requires focusing on five pillars: starting with the customer, staying integrated across channels, breaking out of silos, using technology wisely, and focusing on the customer experience.

retailinnovationuser experience
don’t design for just a website
an app
or a physical environment
Even if you think you only work on your website

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Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans Designing AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

People centered design for Artificial Intelligence. Presentation for "AI and Machine Learning World', London Tech Week 2017.

aidesigndesign thinking
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013

Presentation for eTail West 2013. Includes 6 key omnichannel attributes and 6 ways to start designing for omnichannel today.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel ExperiencesDesigning for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

UX Israel Studio 2013 workshop. Much of the structure and content is similar to other workshop presentations I've posted, but there are some new examples and exercises.

service designomnichanneluser experience
we have no control
over how people hear about us
or get to us
the experience of transitions

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The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012

The document discusses the future of experience design and the concept of omnichannel experiences. Omnichannel experiences integrate digital and physical touchpoints to provide seamless, interconnected experiences for customers anytime and anywhere. The future of experience design lies in creating holistic experiences across all channels that understand customer context and needs. Omnichannel experiences enhance the physical with digital and move customers through a brand's spaces and services effortlessly.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 WorkshopDesign for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop

Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

Samantha Starmer provides a framework for structuring presentations with 4 key principles: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style. 2) Learn the environment by understanding the audience and constraints. 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and keeping the narrative. 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She emphasizes remembering the one key thing you want the audience to take away and practicing well in advance of the presentation date.

70% of US online consumers research products online and purchase them offlineForrester, Profiling The Multichannel Consumer, July 2009
 65% of visitors to an online search engine were looking for further information in relation to a product or service they saw in a television commercial or in a newspaper advertisement.Pubblicitaoffline e ricercheneimotori, 2007From ‘Information Architecture for Ubiquitous Ecologies’, Andrea Resmini and Luca Rosati
interaction design not just digital
digital and physical are colliding

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Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010

Samantha Starmer discusses designing for a holistic customer experience across channels. She recommends starting by using metrics to understand customer journeys, mapping experiences, and listening holistically across channels like call centers, social media, and stores. Designing for a holistic experience means coordinating brand and information consistency and optimizing each channel's capabilities. It requires leaving one's comfort zone, collaborating cross-functionally, and letting go of control so the entire organization can focus on improving the customer experience.

service designuser experiencecustomer experience
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

This document discusses how quantitative analytics can help drive information architecture (IA) decisions. It provides examples of the types of metrics that can be measured, such as traffic to different sections of a website, and how these metrics can be used to understand user behavior and improve the user experience. Quantitative data is presented as complementing, not replacing, qualitative research methods. The document advocates starting analytics efforts by clearly defining business questions and goals in order to focus measurement efforts and ensure the collected data will provide actionable insights.

information architectureuser experienceoz ia


technology is everywhere
internet of things
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary
Don't Be a Digital Dinosaur: Design for the Space Between - Infocamp 2010 Plenary

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JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations
JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking RevelationsJD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations
JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations

Shocking Revelations: The JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) Financial Debacle In an astonishing series of events, Finance JD Euroway Inc. and its CEO Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) find themselves embroiled in a high-stakes legal battle, accused of orchestrating a fraudulent investment scheme. The allegations, which have not yet been proven in court, detail a complex web of deceit and financial misconduct that has left investors in turmoil. A Complex Financial Web Finance JD Euroway Inc. (JDE), under the leadership of Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), has been accused of luring investors into a fraudulent scheme involving Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs). According to the plaintiffs, JDE promised extraordinary returns on investments, convincing them to deposit substantial funds into JDE-controlled accounts under false pretenses. Promises of High Returns The case details how investors were enticed by Zephir's promises of high returns and secure investments. In one instance, an investor forwarded USD $1.2 million to JDE, assured by Zephir of a guaranteed 10% monthly return. Similarly, another investor was persuaded to deposit USD $10 million in escrow for what was purported to be a lucrative investment opportunity. The Alleged Fraud The plaintiffs assert that these investments were never intended to generate returns. Instead, they claim that JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) used these funds for unauthorized purposes. Zephir is accused of providing fraudulent SWIFT receipts and false insurance documents to create an illusion of legitimacy. For example, the insurance for one investor's escrow funds was supposedly backed by Timber Creek Surety Inc., which later confirmed the insurance certificate was fraudulent. Legal Proceedings and Injunctions The gravity of the situation has led the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to issue a Mareva injunction and Norwich order, aimed at freezing the defendants' assets and uncovering the whereabouts of the misappropriated funds. Justice John Callaghan, in his endorsement, highlighted the plaintiffs' strong prima facie case of fraud and the necessity to prevent further dissipation of assets. A Tale of Unfulfilled Promises Despite repeated assurances from Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), the promised returns never materialized. Investors experienced continuous delays and excuses, with Zephir often citing issues such as pending bank confirmations and internal reviews. By May 2024, it became clear that the funds were not forthcoming, prompting the plaintiffs to take legal action.

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DevOps has emerged as a key practice that fosters collaboration between development and operations teams.

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Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 | kalyanchart.netKalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 |
Kalyan Panel Chart | 9037164122 |

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Editor's Notes

  1. But most importantly (at least to this conversation), I spent 10 years in the restaurant and bar business and waited on a LOT of customers.
  2. But I had just arrived
  3. But I had just arrived
  4. I later learned that the Parker Hotel has a ‘no sign’ policy.
  5. They made us take off our conference badges anytime we left the conference ‘sequestering’ area. They yelled at us if we walked around the property with our badges on.
  6. Door picture
  7. I later learned that the Parker Hotel has a ‘no sign’ policy.
  8. I want to look into changing my seat while I check in for my flight, and don’t want to pull out and boot up my computer. Heck, I have an iPhone, I shouldn’t have to. I get my flight number via an email confirmation of my itinerary. And the email links me to a app to check in. Sweet.
  9. But the mobile app will only let me check flight status. Arrgh.
  10. Find the US Airways site (because I always forget the URL and end up at some advertising site instead)
  11. And the flight number that I just confirmed IS NOT RECOGNIZED.
  12. WAAAAAH. I can’t check in online. I can’t change my seat.
  13. Ritz carlton
  14. BUT. When I get to the airport the next morning, no one is at the US Airways desk. Not only that, there isn’t even a self service kiosk!!! I had to hang out in the check in area for over an hour before I could check in for my flight. And by then I couldn’t change my seat.
  15. BUT. When I get to the airport the next morning, no one is at the US Airways desk. Not only that, there isn’t even a self service kiosk!!! I had to hang out in the check in area for over an hour before I could check in for my flight. And by then I couldn’t change my seat.
  16. Door picture
  17. Ritz carlton
  18. Ritz carlton
  19. Ritz carlton
  20. Ritz carlton
  21. They hear about you from print advertising
  22. From all sorts of physical messaging
  23. Regardless of how I was interacting with the Parker – whether it was making a reservation online, calling them to check something about my reservation or physically at the hotel. I was the same person, the same customer interacting with them.
  24. Door picture
  25. There are a lot of tools to help you design for a holistic customer experience.
  26. And a lot of related disciplines.
  27. Ritz carlton