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ASIS&T Information Architecture Summit 2011

Beyond Digital: Designing for
     a Cross Channel Future

          Jess McMullin, the Centre for Citizen Experience
                                  Samantha Starmer, REI
                              March 30, 2011 | Denver, CO
 What is cross-channel design?
 Why should you care?
 Selling the need
 Case Study
 Field Research experience
 Discovery tools and methods
 Solution tools and methods
 How to do it
[Jess’s intro]
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011

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Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013
Best Practice For UX Deliverables - Eventhandler, London, 22 Oct 2013

TAKE THIS WORKSHOP ONLINE & GET 20% OFF WITH CODE 'SLIDESHARE' --- Slides from my 'Best practice for UX deliverables' workshop that I ran for Eventhandler in London on the 22nd of October. --- Please note that for copyright reasons & client privacy the examples in this presentation are slightly different than from the workshop. The examples included are for reference only in terms of what I talked through in the 'Good examples' section. ----- ABSTRACT Whilst the work we do is not meant to be hanged on a wall for people to admire, nor is meant to be put in a drawer and forgotten about. Just as we make the products and services we design easy to use, the UX of UX is about communicating your thinking in a way that ensures that what you've defined is easy to understand for the reader. It's about adapting the work you do to the project in question and finding the right balance of making people want to look through your work whilst not spending unnecessary time on making it pretty. Who is it for? This workshop is suitable for anyone starting out in UX, or who's worked with it for a while but is looking to improve the way they present their work. What you'll learn In this hands on workshop we'll walk through real life examples of why the UX of UX deliverables matter. We'll cover how who the reader is effects the way we should present our work, both on paper and verbally, and how to ensure that the work you do adds value. Coming out of the workshop you'll have practical examples and hands on experience with: // How to adapt and sell your UX deliverable to the reader (from clients, your team, in house and outsourced developers) // Guiding principles for creating good UX deliverables (both low and high fidelity) // Best practice for presentations, personas, user journeys, flows, sitemaps, wireframes and other documents // Simple, low effort but big impact tools for improving the visual presentation of your UX deliverables

user experience designdeliverablesinformation architecture
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some of the key challenges of designing experiences across multiple channels like websites, mobile apps, physical stores, etc. The document presents five principles for cross-channel design: providing a consistent experience, making the experience convenient across channels, ensuring transitions between channels are connected, tailoring the experience to the user's current context, and designing experiences that span time across different touchpoints. It concludes by offering five methods for approaching cross-channel design, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, collaborating across organizational boundaries, testing designs by observing user behaviors, being comfortable with ambiguity and iteration

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel WorkshopIA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop

The document describes the need for designing cross-channel experiences that are consistent, convenient, connected, contextual, and span different touchpoints and times. It discusses examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences, and outlines five principles for designing holistic experiences. Tools mentioned for mapping cross-channel experiences include stakeholder interviews, field research, touchpoint matrices, service inventories, and experience maps. The overall message is that users interact with brands through many different channels, so the design must consider the entire experience across all touchpoints.

user experience designservice designcustomer experience
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
first time at brick &
10 years in
    Waitress picture

restaurant business
cross channel design

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Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016
Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016
Storytelling For Multi-device Design - Bulgaria Web Summit, 20 Feb 2016

Slides from my talk at The Bulgaria Web Summit on 20 Feb 2016 ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use on a daily basis grows, considering each device's role at different times, situations and contexts is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design is fading. Yet our need to ensure we understand where they are in their journey, so that we can deliver the right content and interactions at the right time, and on the right device, is ever more important. In this talk Anna will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape to help ensure we create better multi-device experiences for our users and healthier bottom lines for our businesses.

The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016
Bulding Device Agnostic UX Systems - Generate London, 23 Sep 2016

Slides from my talk at Generate London on the 23 September 2016 #generateconf ABSTRACT There was a time when we did glossy page designs and those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the rise of smartphones, tablets and smartwatches, there isn’t one view of our designs any more. With further developments in technology and screens, our content could go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device-agnostic. For UX designers that means means letting content guide layouts, and moving away from designing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. In this talk Anna will walk through why device-agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

uxdesignweb design
a story…

Australian information
Sydney picture

imagined myself in
but I’m a

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Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
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Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016

Slides from my talk at UX Ireland on 10 November 2016 Abstract: From myths to trends and best practice, actual usage, engagement, design patterns and interactions - in this session, I will go through the insights behinds the stats and take a look at the reality behind mobile and what really matters when designing for multiple devices.

ux designmobile navigationmobile strategy
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016
Storytelling In Design - Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar, 12 Apr 2016

Slides from my talk at Funkas Tillgänglighetsdagar 12 April 2016 ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use on a daily basis grows, considering each device's role at different times, situations and contexts is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design is fading. Yet our need to ensure we understand where they are in their journey, so that we can deliver the right content and interactions at the right time, and on the right device, is ever more important. In this talk I will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape to help ensure we create better multi-device experiences for our users and healthier bottom lines for our businesses.

strategycontent strategystorytelling
oh crap
huh. an electronic Visa.
well, that’s pretty cool.
except I can’t
check in online
even though I bought my
   tickets and Visa online

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Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that people use different devices throughout the day, switching between them, so experiences need to be consistent across platforms. It also highlights that mobile experiences now drive a large portion of online activity and commerce. Designing for the capabilities of each device, rather than just focusing on mobile, is important to provide the best user experience on all platforms. Human: Thank you, that is a concise 3 sentence summary that captures the key points of the document.

contentmobile uxmobile
Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014
Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014
Designing around storytelling - Design + banter, 09 April 2014

1) Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used in UX design to capture users' imaginations, create emotional connections, and motivate actions. 2) Effective stories have a clear structure including setup, confrontation and resolution, as well as elements of surprise. 3) By understanding users and crafting stories around their experiences and goals, designers can guide users through a product or service in a compelling way.

storytellingstoriesuser experience design
What the numbers tell us - Dublin Web Summit, 18 Oct 2012
What the numbers tell us - Dublin Web Summit, 18 Oct 2012What the numbers tell us - Dublin Web Summit, 18 Oct 2012
What the numbers tell us - Dublin Web Summit, 18 Oct 2012

Numbers on their own don't tell us much but put into context they start develop a meaning and can help us make informed decisions, guide the design and development process as well as bring aspects to life that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to see. Using data and numbers we can create meaningful connections and something to relate to. But it can also help us build experiences that surprise and delight and go further towards achieving our objectives.

user experience designdatauser experience
damn, have to talk to a
waited in long check-in
Flight agent picture


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Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015
Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015
Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015

Slides from my talk at Reasons:London on the 20th of Feb where I talked about 10 things you need to know about mobile.

uxuser experience designstrategy
Storytelling In A Multi Device Landscape - Amuse, Budapest 30 Oct 2015
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Slides from my talk at the Amuse conference in Budapest 28 - 30 October 2015. #amuseconf ABSTRACT As the number of devices we use are increasing, considering each device's role at different times, situations and context is becoming increasingly important. Our ability to control where a user is coming from and how they get around the experiences we design are becoming less and less. But the one we can still understand is what a user wants, and needs. In this talk I will look a the principles behind storytelling in design and how they can be translated onto a multi device landscape.

designstorymobile ux
Storytelling In Design - Conversion Hotel, Texel NL, 20 Nov 2016
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Storytelling In Design - Conversion Hotel, Texel NL, 20 Nov 2016

Slides from my talk at Conversion Hotel on 20th November 2016 about how we can apply principles from traditional storytelling to our design process to help define and create better multi-device experiences.

uxmobile marketingweb design
“this won’t

but, it has official stuff
  and numbers and …
“i’m a human,
not a machine”
Flight agent picture


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This is a presentation shared by Dr. Wesley Fryer on March 12, 2014, at Church of the Resurrection in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The presentation explored what "digital footprints" are, why it's important for parents and grandparents to have regular conversations with young people about their digital footprints, how many misconceptions abound concerning teen use of social media, and what we can do to manage our digital footprints constructively.

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Slides from my talk at Breaking Borders on the 18 August. Storytelling has always played an important part in our societies throughout history. In the last few years it's gained attention as an important aspect in communicating and building engagement with a brand’s customer base. But storytelling is also an integral part of the design process. It’s a tool that not only can help us define our content and messaging, but the experience as a whole. Both across platforms and screens, and how we interact with it.

storytellingcontentuser experience design
Foundations of Business
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Foundations of Business

This document provides an overview of the key topics and concepts covered in a business foundations course, including value creation in social systems, organizational theory, economics, accounting, decision making, ethics, and governance. It lists primary and secondary reference materials for the course and provides links to a blog, wiki, and slide presentation with additional materials.

“what’s your
thank god I’m old
what about my
Sleeping at Airport


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This document discusses ethics and corporate social responsibility. It defines ethics as moral standards that determine right and wrong behavior accepted by society. Upholding ethics helps businesses maintain reputation and avoid legal issues. While some laws were broken in past corporate scandals, ethics considers what is right beyond legality. The document emphasizes that ethics start with individual actions and should be instilled as core values by leadership. It also outlines steps companies can take to improve ethics like training, codes of conduct, and oversight. Finally, it discusses that corporations have responsibilities to stakeholders like customers, employees, investors and society.

Bus 101
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Bus 101

This document provides an overview of the Introduction to Business course taught by Mahmood Karim. The course objectives are to differentiate between macroeconomics and microeconomics, identify business ownership forms, explain management levels and skills, describe human resource planning, explain the recruitment process, discuss marketing's role in exchange, and describe accounting functions. Students will complete assignments, exams, a biography, and project. Topics include foundations of business, forms of ownership, entrepreneurship, social responsibility, international business, management, human resources, marketing, and finance. Students will be graded according to a university policy and can meet with the instructor during office hours or by appointment.

Intro to Business Chapter 2
Intro to Business Chapter 2Intro to Business Chapter 2
Intro to Business Chapter 2

This document provides an overview of economic resources and systems. It defines key economic concepts like scarcity, factors of production, and different types of economic systems. The four factors of production are natural resources, human resources, capital resources, and entrepreneurial resources. Market economies rely on supply and demand to determine production and prices, while command economies involve central government planning. Most countries use a mixed economy that combines aspects of market and command systems.

“i have no idea”
Flight agent picture

“Change screens, Pillow Pillow”
               “Where’s the Pillow?”
“Didn’t they cover that in training?”
              “Backslash Backslash”
                      “Okay, tietac”
                           “Like Tie”
                 “carrot backslash”
                    “United States”
                     “Pillow Pillow”
                  “Change Screens”

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What is a business
What is a businessWhat is a business
What is a business

A business provides goods and services to customers. Goods are tangible items that are made, bought, and sold, while services are activities done for customers. Businesses require inputs like labor, equipment, raw materials, and finance to operate their transformation process that adds value and creates outputs. Businesses operate across primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary sectors. Entrepreneurs take risks to start businesses to meet customer needs and wants, creating jobs, innovation and taxes to benefit the economy. Successful entrepreneurs are passionate, visionary, energetic, resilient and results-oriented.

business structurebusinessenterprise
Forms of business organizations
Forms of business organizationsForms of business organizations
Forms of business organizations

This document discusses the three main forms of business organization: sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. It outlines the key attributes of each, including governance structure, liability, taxation treatment, ownership transferability, and more. Special purpose entities like limited partnerships and S-corporations are also introduced. The various organizational forms are determined by an owner's objectives, their dealings with outside parties, and legislative goals around certain types of businesses.

Intro business _chapter1part1
Intro business _chapter1part1Intro business _chapter1part1
Intro business _chapter1part1

This document provides an introduction to business concepts including the foundations of business and economics. It discusses how people have become dependent on trade and the transition from a barter system to a monetary system. It defines business as the exchange of goods, services, or money for mutual benefit or profit. It also discusses key business concepts like the standard of living, free enterprise, inflation, and international opportunities. The core functions of business are explained including the roles of owners, managers, employees, and consumers. Business objectives like survival, growth, social responsibilities, and profit are outlined. Finally, it introduces economic concepts as the foundation of business including resources, goods/services, and allocating resources and products.

intro business _chapter1part1

our lives are
cross channel
design for the
holistic experience
don’t design for just website

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This document summarizes Chapter 3 from the textbook "Introduction to Business 5th ed." by Jeff Madura. The chapter discusses how economic conditions like growth, inflation, interest rates, and government policy impact businesses. It covers topics such as how strong and weak economic growth can affect businesses, the types of inflation, how interest rate changes influence business expenses, expansion, and revenue, and how the government can influence economic conditions through monetary and fiscal policy. The chapter aims to help readers understand how macroeconomic factors shape business performance and decision-making.

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Introduction to business (chapter 1 - foundations of business & economics)

This Power-Point presentation is being used by the department of business administration to emphasize about the importance of business. American International University-Bangladesh.

Leaving Flatland - IA Summit Workshop 2010
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Leaving Flatland - IA Summit Workshop 2010

This document summarizes a presentation on multi-channel design given by Jess McMullin and Samantha Starmer. The presentation defines multi-channel design as designing services and systems across different customer touchpoints. It discusses why organizations should care about multi-channel design to provide a consistent customer experience across channels. The presentation provides tips on researching multiple channels, conducting field research, mapping customer journeys, developing solutions through facilitation and prototyping, and provides advice on how organizations can start implementing multi-channel design approaches.

iauxcross channel
…or physical environment

digital and physical
        are colliding
70% of US online
consumers research
products online and
    purchase them
    Forrester, Profiling The Multichannel Consumer, July 2009

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This document discusses leveraging technology to engage students in learning. It emphasizes that the goal is not just integrating technology for its own sake or "fixing" curriculum, but seeing opportunities with a fresh perspective and "lighting up learners". True engagement involves immersion, deeper understanding, better retention and successful application of knowledge. The document explores what motivates and engages learners through authentic tasks, choice, collaboration and allowing some risk-taking. While technology is not the goal, it can enhance engagement by allowing global collaboration and accessing current information.

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This document discusses leveraging technology to engage students in learning. It emphasizes that the goal is not just integrating technology for its own sake or "fixing" curriculum, but seeing opportunities with a fresh perspective and "lighting up learners". True engagement involves immersion, deeper understanding, better retention and successful application of knowledge. The document explores what motivates and engages learners through authentic tasks, choice, collaboration and allowing some risk-taking. While technology is not the goal, it can enhance engagement by allowing global collaboration and access to expertise.

Permettere al cliente di apprezzare l'approccio agile
Permettere al cliente di apprezzare l'approccio agilePermettere al cliente di apprezzare l'approccio agile
Permettere al cliente di apprezzare l'approccio agile

Presentazione del 27/09/2012 a Better Software - Firenze, Italia. Raccontata la nostra esperienza e l'approccio utilizzato per garantire la soddisfazione del cliente nel lungo termine

53% of mobile
 searches on Bing
have a local intent

                                                                   Greg Sterling
                                                             Search Engine Land
technology is
Beyond Digital - IAS Workshop 2011
       few and far
                         Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino

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Camden writing2

This document provides an agenda for a workshop on writing and thinking. It includes: - An introduction and setting the stage from 9:00-10:00am - Google account setup and play time from 10:00-10:30am - Immersive work using Google tools from 10:30-11:30am - A break from 11:30-11:50am - A question and comment period from 11:50-12:00pm - A session on authentic writing for real audiences from 12:00-12:50pm - Finishing up and completing a survey from 12:50-1:00pm The document also includes various resources and questions to

How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some key principles of cross-channel design such as providing a consistent, convenient, connected, and contextual experience across different channels over time. The document provides examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences. It concludes by outlining five methods for designing cross-channel experiences, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, sharing resources between teams, starting with small experiments, embracing challenges, and focusing on why changes are being made rather than just what is being changed.

customer experience managementuser experiencecross channel
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The document discusses the need for ubiquitous and holistic information architecture across channels to create integrated experiences for users. It notes that information is blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences, and that users expect consistency as they transition between platforms. To meet these expectations, information architecture must be designed holistically rather than by channel, and must focus on the overall user journey rather than individual touchpoints. Bridges between experiences like on-ramps and off-ramps are needed to make information architecture truly integrated.

iauxcross channel
don’t think
  don’t think
about design

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Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
Edayz09 Freebie Presentation
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The document provides a list of links to various free online tools for creating comics, recording audio, capturing screenshots, making slideshows and photostories, designing presentations, developing games and learning objects, collaborating online, editing webpages and images, converting file formats, organizing meetings, and more. The tools are intended to be helpful for students and teachers in developing projects, assessments and resources.

Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02
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Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02

The document discusses how rapid technological disruption and the democratization of knowledge through the Internet have challenged traditional models of design, business, and control over products and ideas. It argues that successful design going forward will require flexibility, simplicity, enabling user customization and experiences rather than strictly defined products, and building platforms that can evolve beyond their original contexts. Complexity and interdependence may no longer confer advantages if they limit responsiveness to constant change.

networked societyfuturecommunication
do think about
your company
time, touchpoi
        nts and
however we want
         to shop
whenever we see
     your brand

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Letting Go
Letting GoLetting Go
Letting Go

The document discusses how rapid technological disruption and the democratization of knowledge through the Internet have challenged traditional models of design, production and consumption. It notes that users can now easily adapt, improve and compete with products in ways that were previously impossible. As a result, the most successful designs going forward may be those that are simple, flexible and enable users to create their own experiences, rather than fully defining the experience themselves. Complex, tightly controlled systems may be more vulnerable to abrupt changes, so the best designs will set the stage for users but not dictate every aspect of the experience.

graphic designishraq dhaly
Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience
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Building and Evangelizing for Holistic Customer Experience

The document provides advice for building teams to design holistic experiences across all touchpoints and channels. It recommends expanding one's perspective, creating a compelling vision, clearing obstacles, and starting with small wins to iteratively improve experiences. The overall message is that experiences must be designed holistically rather than focusing on individual digital or physical elements.

iauxcross channel
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Passion Driven Leadership and how we as educators can drive instruction to prepare our students for the 21st century and beyond.

information technologygoogle mapstechnology

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Slides of the keynote of Anna Dahlström at Conversion Hotel 2016: - Storytelling in Design

ux designconversion hotel 2016#ch2016
Storytelling In Design - DXN, Nottingham, 8 Feb 2017
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Storytelling In Design - DXN, Nottingham, 8 Feb 2017

Slides from my talk about Storytelling In Design at Design Exchange Nottingham on 8 Feb 2017. ABSTRACT To every great story there's a bit of magic involved and so there is to experiences that just work and deliver the right content, interactions and nudges at the right time, and on/via the right device. Drawing on tried and tested storytelling principles from film, fiction, and music and applying them to the context of UX design, in this talk Anna shares how the increasingly complex world we’re designing for is our biggest asset and how storytelling in design can help us instil a bit of everyday magic in the work we do, for our users, and for us.

web designmultiple devicesdesigning for multiple devices
I've Got Google, Why Do I Need You?
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I've Got Google, Why Do I Need You?

My presentation at EMTACL10, read more here: Blogpost from planning the presentation:

things outside our
design cross channel
design for the
holistic experience

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Gameful Design: Creating Passionate Customers and Coworkers

The document discusses gameful design and how it can be used to create passionate customers and coworkers through intrinsic motivation. It advocates designing systems that allow users to experience competence through meaningful challenges, autonomy through meaningful choices, and relatedness through a sense of community. Rather than using extrinsic motivators like rewards that can be corrupted, the document argues for focusing on supporting users' innate psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness through gameful systems that encourage exploration, mastery, benign transgression, and mutual care. The goal is to move away from shallow extrinsic motivations and instead create truly meaningful experiences that cultivate passion.

gameful designgamification
Freak Out, Geek Out, or Seek Out: Dealing with Tech Change and Customer Engag...
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This document discusses how libraries can respond to changes in technology and customer engagement. It suggests that libraries should embrace a digital presence and focus on customer experience. Libraries need community managers, digital branch managers and other roles to engage patrons both inside and outside the library. The document provides examples of libraries interacting with patrons through social media, focus groups and visiting where patrons gather online. It emphasizes designing services around customers and improving customer journeys. Libraries should also gauge staff readiness for change and find champions to help lead transformations.

technologycustomer engagementchange
A Collaborative Celebration of You
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A Collaborative Celebration of You

A joint session with Steve Dembo at TCEA 2013 in Austin, TX. The final video is found here:

Envisioning holistic experiences
1.   Your travel here…
      Forget about the current experience
      Ignore how airline ticketing works
2.   Imagine you own a new airline
      Think about your customer’s journey
      Think about possible touchpoints
3.   Spend 5 minutes
      Ideate a better experience
      Note the highlights
Jess’s airline
cross channel design
Do some research


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Lets Get Visual Itsc
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Lets Get Visual Itsc

This document is a presentation about visual literacy and design given by Dean Shareski. It discusses exploring visual design, visual literacy, and storytelling. It suggests focusing on planning, whitespace, fonts/color, constraints, and the story. It emphasizes that images are processed 60,000 times faster than text by the brain. It also provides tips for creating effective presentations including focusing on the story, not the slides, and attributes photo credits.

The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens
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The Future of Design - Designing Beyond Screens

We carry a screen with us at all times, yet technology is already evolving beyond the screen. We must design beyond screens to ensure we can be leaders wherever, whenever and however interactions are going. This workshop provides examples of where expertise should be leveraged beyond where many designers are currently involved and how to begin.

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Designing AI for HumansDesigning AI for Humans
Designing AI for Humans

Artificial Intelligence seems to be all around us, and many organizations are feeling the pressure to implement AI solutions. But like with any technology, especially the emergent ones that get a lot of buzz, it’s critical to let your business and consumer needs lead the technology, not the other way around. I believe that it is the IA practitioners in an organization who can and should be the ones leading when AI and machine learning makes sense, which interactions it can best support, and how to architect and design those interactions so that they best support humans – whether those humans are employees, end consumers or citizens. In this talk I will ensure we all understand why we should be forefront in creating AI experiences, why they are exciting and yet challenging (and even risky) and how we can immediately get involved.

aiartificial intelligencedesign
Understand executives’ goals
Use metrics

Online vs. Offline


Soft Skills

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This presentation discusses why artificial intelligence (AI) needs to be designed from a customer centered point of view, and provides three pillars to use as a foundation for how to do so.

aidesigndesign thinking
Preparing for Distributed Commerce
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Preparing for Distributed Commerce

Presentation for Seamless Retail Middle East 2017. Focuses on how to create and execute exceptional retail customer experiences that maximize revenue, increase exposure, and drive consumer satisfaction.

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Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018
Innovation for Store 4.0- Seamless Retail Africa 2018

Samantha Starmer is a former VP of Global Digital Experiences who is now passionate about creating great customer experiences across channels. She discusses how retail is being disrupted by new technologies like chatbots, voice shopping, augmented reality, and concept stores without staff. However, the physical store is not dead and remains important for discovery and experiences. Store 4.0 requires focusing on five pillars: starting with the customer, staying integrated across channels, breaking out of silos, using technology wisely, and focusing on the customer experience.

retailinnovationuser experience

Start at the grassroots

But work towards top-down

Where are the bodies?

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Designing AI for Humans
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Designing AI for Humans

People centered design for Artificial Intelligence. Presentation for "AI and Machine Learning World', London Tech Week 2017.

aidesigndesign thinking
Designing Omnichannel Experiences - eTail West 2013
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Presentation for eTail West 2013. Includes 6 key omnichannel attributes and 6 ways to start designing for omnichannel today.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences
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Designing for Holistic Cross Channel Experiences

UX Israel Studio 2013 workshop. Much of the structure and content is similar to other workshop presentations I've posted, but there are some new examples and exercises.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Understand organizational structure
  Understand Org Structure
Don’t boil the ocean
Tell a Fairy Tale
There is a craving for
  stories that show
people what is possible

             ~Fred Collopy

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The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012
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The Future of Experience Design - MIMA 2012

The document discusses the future of experience design and the concept of omnichannel experiences. Omnichannel experiences integrate digital and physical touchpoints to provide seamless, interconnected experiences for customers anytime and anywhere. The future of experience design lies in creating holistic experiences across all channels that understand customer context and needs. Omnichannel experiences enhance the physical with digital and move customers through a brand's spaces and services effortlessly.

service designomnichanneluser experience
Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011
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Structuring your Presentation - Cranky Talk 2011

Samantha Starmer provides a framework for structuring presentations with 4 key principles: 1) Start with yourself by identifying your goal and style. 2) Learn the environment by understanding the audience and constraints. 3) Build the structure by freeing your mind and keeping the narrative. 4) Leave time to adjust through rehearsal and ensuring your main point is clear. She emphasizes remembering the one key thing you want the audience to take away and practicing well in advance of the presentation date.

Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010
Holistic Customer Experience - MX 2010

Samantha Starmer discusses designing for a holistic customer experience across channels. She recommends starting by using metrics to understand customer journeys, mapping experiences, and listening holistically across channels like call centers, social media, and stores. Designing for a holistic experience means coordinating brand and information consistency and optimizing each channel's capabilities. It requires leaving one's comfort zone, collaborating cross-functionally, and letting go of control so the entire organization can focus on improving the customer experience.

service designuser experiencecustomer experience
Case Study
@samanthastarmer   77
IA Summit Journey

Interest                                Formal/Informal gatherings
Approval                                Social
Registering                             Goodbyes
Finding Sessions                        Departure
Ongoing promos
Arrival                                 Return to real world
Registration                            Apply
Attending                               Sharing out (team, IA re-dux, block)
Sessions                                Podcasts
Connecting & Reconnecting with people

  @samanthastarmer                                                             78
@samanthastarmer   79

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Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
Quantitative Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

This document discusses how quantitative analytics can help drive information architecture (IA) decisions. It provides examples of the types of metrics that can be measured, such as traffic to different sections of a website, and how these metrics can be used to understand user behavior and improve the user experience. Quantitative data is presented as complementing, not replacing, qualitative research methods. The document advocates starting analytics efforts by clearly defining business questions and goals in order to focus measurement efforts and ensure the collected data will provide actionable insights.

information architectureuser experienceoz ia
Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010
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Holistic Information Architecture - Oz IA 2010

1) Holistic information architecture is about designing integrated experiences across channels, platforms, and the digital and physical worlds. 2) Information, not technology, should be the foundation to connect experiences as users transition between different touchpoints. 3) An effective information architecture provides consistent and predictable pathways of information to tie together a user's experience holistically as they engage with a brand through various channels over time.

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Christmas Decorations_ A Guide to Small Christmas Trees, Candle Centerpieces,...
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Transform your home into a festive wonderland this Christmas with our guide to small Christmas trees, elegant candle centerpieces, and unique wreaths for your front door. Discover the perfect small Christmas tree for limited spaces, learn how to create stunning candle centerpieces, and find the best unique wreaths for your front door to welcome guests. Embrace sustainable decorating ideas, personalize your decor, and achieve a cohesive holiday look that spreads joy throughout your home.

small christmas treecandle centerpiecesunique wreaths for front door
@samanthastarmer   81
What to look for....

• People
• Touchpoints
• Interactions
• Flow

@samanthastarmer       82
Welcome Back from the Field!

Now Lunch...
See you at 1:00
@samanthastarmer               83
@samanthastarmer   84

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TPH Global Solutions makes it easy to get your products to market, through the maze of retailer requirements and complex supply chain challenges that include missed deliveries, packaging errors, and shipping damage. From pitch to profits, TPH delivers successful retail merchandising campaigns with custom point of purchase (POP) displays and custom packaging that meet the toughest demands of retailer buyers and customers at Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Meijer, Petco, and more. If you’re an established brand needing to take the pain out of your supply chain, TPH ensures global, on-time and on-budget delivery so you can focus on making great products instead of dealing with headaches. If you’re an emerging brand needing to convert new retail opportunities, TPH will help you land and pass the test order – we know all major retailer requirements and provides you with total cost visibility, so you will negotiate with confidence and fly through the toughest approval process. With deep expertise in retailer requirements and global supply chain management, we deliver confidence for brand managers – since 1965.

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Simple Ways to Make Your Commercial Space More Energy Efficient In today's world, being energy efficient isn't just good for the planet—it's also good for your wallet. Whether you run a small shop or a large office building, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to reduce your energy consumption and save money on utility bills. Let's dive in! 1. Upgrade Your Lighting: One of the easiest ways to save energy is by switching to energy-efficient lighting options like LED bulbs. LEDs use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last much longer, so you'll save money on both energy and replacement costs in the long run. 2. Install Motion Sensors: Do you have areas in your commercial space that aren't always in use, like storage rooms or bathrooms? Consider installing motion sensors that automatically turn lights off when no one is around. This simple addition can lead to significant energy savings over time. 3. Optimize Heating and Cooling: Heating and cooling can account for a big portion of your energy bills, especially in larger commercial spaces. To save energy, make sure your HVAC system is properly maintained and consider investing in a programmable thermostat. You can also encourage employees to dress in layers to reduce the need for excessive heating or cooling. 4. Seal Leaks and Insulate: A well-insulated building is more energy efficient because it retains heat in the winter and keeps cool air in during the summer. Check for drafts around windows and doors and seal them with weather stripping or caulking. Adding insulation to walls, floors, and ceilings can also make a big difference in your energy consumption. 5. Use Energy-Efficient Equipment: When it's time to replace old appliances or equipment in your commercial space, opt for energy-efficient models. Look for the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that the product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. 6. Encourage Energy-Saving Habits: Sometimes, the simplest changes can have the biggest impact. Encourage employees to turn off lights and electronics when they're not in use, unplug chargers and other devices when they're fully charged, and use natural light whenever possible. 7. Conduct an Energy Audit: If you're serious about improving energy efficiency in your commercial space, consider hiring a professional to conduct an energy audit. They'll assess your energy usage and identify areas where you can make improvements, ultimately helping you save even more money in the long run. 8. Educate and Involve Employees: Finally, don't forget to involve your employees in your energy-saving efforts. Educate them about the importance of energy efficiency and encourage them to come up with their own ideas for saving energy in the workplace. When everyone is on board, you'll see even greater results. LED , Lights , Manufacturers in India , Efficient Lighting , Quality Products

led lightsefficient technologyled lighting
@samanthastarmer   85
@samanthastarmer   86
@samanthastarmer   87
Hello Future

@samanthastarmer   88

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@samanthastarmer   89
Adaptive Path

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BeMetals Presentation_July 2 2024 .pdf

A 21-slide overview of BeMetals for investors.

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pitch deckpresentationbusiness strategy
Maya Design

@samanthastarmer   93
Journey Mapping Exercise
                   Touch   Touch   Touch   Touch
                   point   point   point   point




@samanthastarmer                                           94
Journey Mapping Exercise
                   Step 1   Step 2    Step 3    Step 4





                   Notes    Notes    Notes     Notes

@samanthastarmer                                         95
From Insights
to Solutions
@samanthastarmer   96

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Giving up
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It’s ok. Really.
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Method and Practical



Mental Models

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Mental Models

@samanthastarmer                                                  102
Mental Models

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Company brochure

Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdfGame Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf

Hi guys! To do the first things first, I have to introduce myself and my background, and we need an explanation for the reason and incentive behind this summary presentation and the series of articles that may follow for more details. I am a game designer with a focus on economy design. After some years of working in game design, I felt the most inspiring thing for me is seeing an increase in a graph (of course, not the churn graph). The combination of this with a focus on features and their results and the needs of the game led me toward becoming a product manager. At first, I started reading about product managers' roles, responsibilities, daily routines, and most importantly, the methods they use for fulfilling their responsibilities. Initially, I tried to implement these methods in our structure, but the deeper I delved into gaming product management, the more methods I found that needed to change to achieve the best results. After some time, I realized that having knowledge of how product managers in application products operate is necessary but not sufficient to call oneself a game product manager. Of course, they invented the wheel, special thanks to them, but the fact is that we do not have a car; we have bicycles or airplanes! So, the same wheel does not work for us! In this series of articles, I want to describe how things are different when playing the role of a PM or GPM, what you need to know, and what are not our primary challenges. How to become a GPM after discussing the pros and cons of being a PM or GPM. If you are going to choose between one of them, you can stop reading this and choose PM! But if you are passionate about becoming a GPM, I suggest you read these, then take a deep breath, make your final decision, take your sword, and be ready to face dragons, without knowing how to use the sword!

#product_management #game
The AI-Powered Side Hustle Transforming Lives: A Dad's Journey to Financial S...
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The AI-Powered Side Hustle Transforming Lives: A Dad's Journey to Financial S...

Finding a balance between work, family, and personal well-being can be a daunting challenge. For Micah Johnny, a fitness instructor and father of four, this balance became even more precarious when he lost a significant contract that threatened his family's financial stability. However, through resilience and innovation, Johnny discovered a flexible, AI-powered side hustle that not only stabilized his income but also allowed him to maintain his hectic schedule. This article explores how this side hustle works, its benefits, and how others can leverage similar opportunities.

side hustle
UX Swimlanes

@samanthastarmer   105
@samanthastarmer   106
@samanthastarmer   107
Paper Prototyping for Systems Design

@samanthastarmer                       108

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In the high speed and serious universe of worldwide business, having the right administration group is fundamental for progress. International executive recruiters representatives assume an imperative part in assisting organizations with recognizing, draw in, and hold top leader ability for their worldwide development endeavors. Their profound comprehension of worldwide business sectors, broad organizations, and skill in cross-line enlistment guarantee that organizations can with certainty explore the intricacies of global employing and construct major areas of strength for a group that drives manageable development and achievement.

international executiveexecutive recruiters
Business Origami Session

@samanthastarmer           109
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Courtesy Prof. Kenta Ota, Chiba University Design Department & Design Division, Hitachi Ltd.
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Service Blueprint

@samanthastarmer                                                              124

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Service Blueprint Elements

•    Physical Evidence
•    Customer Actions
•    Onstage, Customer Facing Employee Actions
•    Backstage, Enabling Employee Actions
•    Support Processes

@samanthastarmer                                                                 125
@samanthastarmer   126
Service Blueprinting Exercise




@samanthastarmer                127

@samanthastarmer                                          128

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to start
Marketing makes

 The experience (regardless of
channel) has to deliver on those
on ramps and off ramps
Close the loop


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Make Business Case

Designing a holistic experience
means listening holistically:
•   Usual UX research, but also
•   Call center
•   Email queries and feedback
•   Live Chat transcripts
•   Social Media
•   Sentiment Analysis
•   Market Research
•   Analytics (behavior)
•   Store follows/shop alongs
Get collaborators


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Make new friends
   Marketing
•   IT, or anyone who can build stuff
•   Finance
•   Distribution Center
•   Customer Service
•   Innies with outies, outies with innies
•   Different industries

Artists, architects, museum curators, restaurant
       workers, baristas, landscapers, hotel
Don’t get overwhelmed
You can’t be everywhere at once
• Target a channel pair
• Focus on incremental progress
• Measure stuff
• Celebrate (and communicate) quick wins
• Get your ‘real’ work done
• Get allies to spread the work
Don’t be grabby


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Let go of control
• It’s okay when other people start talking about
  the customer experience
• It’s okay when other people try to improve the
  customer experience
• It’s okay if you aren’t involved in EVERYTHING
• It’s okay if you aren’t the only one making a

 Isn’t it all about the customer?

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